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2016 DNC Convention Thread
016 DNC Convention Thread
July 25-28

With the drop of the Wikileaks emails (and seemingly more to come) and associated #BernieOrBust protests, this event could warrant several truckloads of popcorn.

Bernie is due to speak on Monday I believe, if he doesn't mention the leaks he may go down as one of the greatest cucks of all time.
016 DNC Convention Thread
With the highjacking by the SJW of the entire party this should make for the biggest cringe worthy convention in history.

On the other hand it could also be very entertaining for us [Image: banana.gif]
016 DNC Convention Thread
[Image: CoD1wwyVIAA0pNt.jpg:small]
016 DNC Convention Thread
Bernie to cuck.

Any violence that happens will be attributed, by the MSM, to Trump.
016 DNC Convention Thread
Can't wait for this middle school talent show so we can compare it with the RNC, which was filled with so much energy it resembled a small star.

Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag. We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language. And we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.
016 DNC Convention Thread
Can't wait for the single-mom's lives matter convention to start.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.
016 DNC Convention Thread
Start preparing now for Shrillary's acceptance speech.

[Image: remote_mute_button.jpg]

Take care of those titties for me.
016 DNC Convention Thread
Do you think they will hire violent protesters to attack DNC delegates and convention goers? Set themselves up as victims of "Trump's Hate" ?

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""
016 DNC Convention Thread
DNC 2016 Schedule and Speakers

AAPI Caucus

Native American Council

Black Caucus

Hispanic Caucus

Ethnic Council

Disability Council

Small Business Owners Council

Veterans and Military Families Council

Labor Council

Gavel In

Pam Livengood
Pam and her family of Keene, NH have been personally affected by the growing substance abuse epidemic and are guardians for their grandson because of their daughter’s struggle with addiction. Pam raised the issue with Hillary while participating at a round-table during the first trip to New Hampshire.

Karla & Francisca Ortiz
Karla is an American citizen from Las Vegas, NV but her parents, including her mother, Francisca, are undocumented and live in fear of deportation. Karla met Hillary Clinton in Nevada and was featured in the campaign ad, Brave.

Anastasia Somoza
Anastasia of New York, NY, along with her twin sister, was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and spastic quadriplegia when she was born and is an advocate for Americans with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Anastasia interned for Hillary Clinton in her U.S. Senate office and on the 2000 campaign for senate. Anastasia first met President Bill Clinton in 1993 at a town hall meeting for kids.

DREAMer Astrid Silva
SPEAKER: Astrid Silva

Senator Bernie Sanders
SPEAKER: Senator Bernie Sanders

First Lady Michelle Obama
SPEAKER: First Lady Michelle Obama

Gavel Out

Women’s Caucus

LGBT Caucus

Senior Council

Jewish Roundtable

Rural Council

Youth Council

Jelani Freeman
Jelani grew up in foster care in Washington, DC and is a former intern in Hillary Clinton’s Senate office. Since receiving his law degree, he has worked to bring opportunity to kids at risk.

Gavel In

Thaddeus Desmond
Similar to Hillary’s work at the Children’s Defense Fund, Thaddeus is a child advocate social worker in Philadelphia.

Dynah Haubert
Dynah, of Philadelphia, PA, is a lawyer who works for a disability rights organization and teaches those with disabilities to advocate for themselves.

Kate Burdick
Kate, originally from Philadelphia, PA, is a staff attorney at the Juvenile Law Center in Philadelphia.

Anton Moore
Anton, from Philadelphia, PA, founded and runs a nonprofit community group that strives to bring awareness and educate youth on gun violence.

Dustin Parsons
Dustin, from Little Rock, Arkansas, is currently a fifth grade teacher at an elementary school in his home state.

Students from Eagle Academy
As a senator, Hillary Clinton supported the creation of the Eagle Academy to educate at-risk youth in New York City. Eagle Academy was featured in the ad Came Through during the New York primary.

Joe Sweeney
Joe, of New York, NY, was a detective with the NYPD on September 11, 2001. When the towers were hit, he rushed down to the World Trade Center and began digging through the rubble for survivors.

Lauren Manning
Lauren was a former executive and partner at Cantor Fitzgerald. She is one of the most catastrophically wounded survivors of 9/11. Lauren battled single digit odds of survival, spending more than six months in the hospital and fought recovering through the next decade from an 82.5% total body burn. Lauren asked then Senator Hillary Clinton to support the injured and she has remained unflagging in her commitment and dedication.

Ryan Moore
Ryan, originally from South Sioux City, NE, has spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia dwarfism and has known Hillary Clinton since 1994 when his family came to Washington, DC for an event to advocate for health care reform. Brian Moore, Ryan’s father, lost his job when his employer was unwilling to cover treatment for Ryan’s health condition. Ryan has stayed in contact with Hillary ever since.

President Bill Clinton
SPEAKER: President Bill Clinton

Mothers of the Movement
SPEAKER: Mothers of the Movement

Gavel Out

AAPI Caucus

Native American Council

Black Caucus

Hispanic Caucus

Ethnic Council

Disability Council

Small Business Owners Council

Veterans and Military Families Council

Labor Council

Gavel In


Erica Smegielski
Erica’s mother Dawn was the principal of Sandy Hook Elementary and was killed while trying to protect her students. Since then, Erica has become an outspoken advocate for commonsense gun violence prevention measures. Erica was featured in the ad, My Mom.

Felicia Sanders & Polly Sheppard
Felicia and Polly are two of the three survivors of the Mother Emanuel Church shooting in Charleston, SC.

Jamie Dorff
Jamie’s husband was Patrick Dorff, an Army helicopter pilot from Minnesota who died while on a search and rescue mission in northern Iraq. As a senator, Hillary worked with Republicans and Democrats to increase the gratuity paid to family members of fallen veterans from $12,000 to $100,000.

Vice President Joe Biden
SPEAKER: Vice President Joe Biden

President Barack Obama
SPEAKER: President Barack Obama

Gavel Out

Women’s Caucus

LGBT Caucus

Jewish Roundtable

Rural Council

Senior Council

Youth Council

Gavel In

Henrietta Ivey
Henrietta is a home care worker Hillary met while campaigning in Michigan who is helping to lead the Fight for $15.

Beth Mathias
Beth works two jobs and her husband works the nightshift at a factory in Ohio. Hillary met Beth at a roundtable in Marion.

Jensen Walcott & Jake Reed
Jensen was fired from her job at a pizza restaurant in Bonner Springs, KS for asking her boss why she was paid 25 cents less than her male co-worker and friend, Jake. After Jensen and Jake’s story came to light, Hillary tweeted “Good for you, Jensen. Every woman deserves equal pay, no matter what her age. Keep up the hard work—and courage!”

Khizr Khan
Khizr Khan’s son, Humayun S. M. Khan was a University of Virginia graduate and enlisted in the U.S. Army. Khan was one of 14 American Muslims who died serving the United States in the ten years after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Clinton spoke extensively about Kahn during a speech in Minneapolis.

Chelsea Clinton
SPEAKER: Chelsea Clinton

Hillary Clinton
SPEAKER: Secretary Hillary Clinton

Gavel Out
016 DNC Convention Thread
Is there any chance that Bernie could be the nominee? I've seen a lot of BernieBros saying there's still some way that he can win the nomination once the convention starts.
016 DNC Convention Thread
Interesting new movie "Hillary's America":

‘They’ll put out their narrative, and we’ll put out our counter-narrative’

CLEVELAND – As the Democratic Party prepares for its presidential-nominating convention, Dinesh D’Souza’s “Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party” opens nationwide this weekend on 1,500 screens.

“They’ll put out their narrative, and we’ll put out our counter-narrative,” D’Souza told WND in an interview at the Republican Convention.

The Democrats’ narrative is that racism, particularly from the right and the Republican Party, keeps blacks in poverty.

But D’Souza, in the movie and a companion book of the same name, takes viewers through the history of slavery and the Jim Crow era, arguing that it’s the Democrats who need to own up to a racist past.

D’Souza said the reaction so far to the film “is tumultuous” after opening early in three theaters and screening in Cleveland July 17, a day before the Republican Convention opened.

“Hillary’s America” has the highest per screen average of just about any movie in the country, certainly of any documentary,” he said. “But we’re also beating a whole bunch of Hollywood big movies per screen.”

D’Souza said the way for the film to reach a broader audience is “for a lot of Republicans and conservatives to go see this movie.”

“If the movie is successful, it will expand out to more theaters, and that will put it in the reach. It will get people talking about it,” he said.

See D’Souza’s works at the WND Superstore, including “Hillary’s America,” “America: Imagine The World Without Her,” “2016: Obama’s America,” “God Forsaken,” “Roots of Obama’s Rage” and “What’s So Great About Christianity.”

The film begins with scenes from the San Diego halfway house where D’Souza was confined nightly in fulfillment of his 2014 sentence for pleading guilty to violations of federal campaign-finance law. Many conservatives claimed the Obama administration was exacting revenge on D’Souza for criticizing the president in “2016: Obama’s America.” Gerald R. Molen, producer of D’Souza’s two previous films, told WND in January 2015 the charges were “the equivalent of prosecuting a political dissident in the Soviet Union for jaywalking.”

Addressing the Conservative Political Action Conference, CPAC, in February, D’Souza said “Hillary’s America” could result in a life sentence.

“If that film got me eight months in the slammer, this new movie is going to earn me life in prison,” he said

“It’s time to take the gloves off.”

’Urban plantation’

At the center of D’Souza’s message in the film is the concept of “urban plantations,” the inner city.

“It’s the Democratic Party, which used to run the rural plantation, that is the party of slavery,” D’Souza told WND.

“What they did was they figured out a way to recreate the plantation. In Oakland, in Detroit, in St. Louis, in Chicago, in Dallas, and so we have these very precarious neighborhoods, very difficult places to live. Imagine being a black kid growing up in Oakland,” he said.

“The family structure is broken down. Ramshackle family dwelling. You get a meager provision of life, But there is no opportunity to get ahead,” D’Souza said.

“And that’s the way it was in the old slave plantation.”

He noted the old slave plantation had social security, and if you got sick, they called the doctor for you.

“But, on the other hand, you never got ahead,” he said.

’Boiling over’

D’Souza contends many of the recent police shootings “come out of the horrible atmosphere in which the urban plantation is boiling over.”

“So, it’s not simply a matter of who did it, and whether they are black Muslim or whether they are whether they read. It’s also a matter of the underlying conditions that are producing this,” he said.

“But I hold the Democratic Party responsible for this,” he said.

Bill Goodykoontz of the USA Today Network, nevertheless, took aim at Republicans, calling the movie “even meaner than convention speakers.”

D’Souza’s “2016: Obama’s America,” produced in 2012 was the No. 2 highest-grossing political documentary of all time. His second feature film in 2014, “America: Imagine the World Without Her,” was the No. 6 highest-grossing political documentary.

’Real America’

In academia and in media, which is largely dominated by the left, D’Souza said, racism is “everywhere to be talked about and rarely seen.”

“The strange thing about this — I find this to be particularly true with young people — they are fed an uninterrupted diet of propaganda about racism, even though none of them either experience it or practice it,” he said.

He pointed to polls that ask people what percentage of America is black. The correct figure is about 12 percent, but in surveys people say its 40 percent.

D’Souza said that’s because blacks are so dominant in the media and entertainment world.

“So, there is a picture of America out there that’s not the same as the real America,” he said.

“And remember that that information or that kind of propaganda can become reality,” he said. “People … respond as if there is, even though I think actual racism has precipitously declined.”
016 DNC Convention Thread
I hope it makes more than Ghostbusters.

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""
016 DNC Convention Thread
Celebrity guest list..about what you would expect.


The DNC will have its share of celebrities too

The Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio has been taking up a lot of attention this week, but the action will soon head to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Next week, the City of Brotherly Love will host the Democratic National Convention, where presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton will make her title official. Many celebrities, some who stumped for Clinton, are expected to be there. Following a speaker lineup made up of athletes and actors at the RNC, it is unsurprising the DNC will include buzz-worthy names as well, especially when some of them can help Clinton appeal to younger voters.

Here are just some of the famous names that plan to attend the DNC.

Debra Messing

The actress, best known for her role as Grace in “Will & Grace,” announced she is heading to Philadelphia for the DNC. Messing has previously gotten into Twitter feuds with Bernie Sanders supporters unwilling to fall in line and support Clinton.


— Debra Messing (@DebraMessing) July 20, 2016

Chloë Grace Moretz

The actress and model posted she will be speaking at the DNC on Wednesday. She’s known for her roles in “Kick-Ass” and “The Amityville Horror.” She supported Clinton through the California primaries, posting a photo of them together with donuts, urging voters to vote for Clinton.

Demi Lovato

A hit among younger voters since many of them have known her since her Disney “Camp Rock” days, Lovato is now grown up and staying active with a successful career in music. She’s known for songs including “Cool for the Summer” and “Heart Attack.” Lovato has previously campaigned with Clinton.

I'm going to @DemConvention next week in Philly!! ??

— Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) July 20, 2016


Fergie will headline a charity benefit show in Philadelphia during the convention. The Black Eyed Peas artist is known for hits like “Fergalicious.”

When you wake up & think… did this really happen? Thanks again @HillaryClinton

— Fergie (@Fergie) June 29, 2016

America Ferrera and Lena Dunham

America Ferrera, known for roles from “The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants” and “Ugly Betty,” will be speaking at the DNC alongside Lena Dunham, an actress from HBO’s “Girls,” Ferrera said in an Instagram post.

Eva Longoria

The “Desperate Housewives” actress will also be attending the DNC in Philadelphia. The TV star has spoken out to say she is a Clinton supporter because she believes she is the most qualified candidate in the running.

Can't wait to support @HillaryClinton at @DemConvention next week. Text LONGORIA to 47246 to learn why this election matters to me.

— Eva Longoria Baston (@EvaLongoria) July 20, 2016

Snoop Dogg

The rapper will be performing at a concert following the final night of the DNC, but he has been a consistent Clinton supporter. He announced his support less than a month after Clinton announced she was running for president.

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga will also be performing at a Camden, New Jersey concert across the river from the DNC. Known for her erratic fashion, she has also been a longtime Clinton supporter. The Huffington Post reported Clinton also praised Lady Gaga in the past.

Idina Menzel

The Broadway star, known for her roles in “Wicked” and “Rent” as well as providing the voice in “Let it Go” from Frozen, will be performing at women’s luncheon with Cyndi Lauper. Menzel has a history of supporting Clinton.

I wonder where Democrat company man Tim Robbins is this year.

Maybe Ben Affleck will make a guest appearance in his Batman costume and do a simulated gay bottom sex scene with a sheikh.
016 DNC Convention Thread
If Berniepersons on Reddit are any indication, then we can expect full-scale riots in Philadelphia and mass walkouts by Sanders delegates on the convention floor.

The choice of pro-TPP, pro-Wall Street, FUCKING WHITE MALE Tim Kane as Clinton's VP, coupled with the #DNCleak is essentially a massive middle finger by Clinton towards the progressive faction of the Democrats. She's basically declaring that she doesn't need to do anything special to bring them in from the cold because Trump LITERALLY HITLER.

Leftists love nothing more than ideological purity battles and the circular firing squads that entail. Recall the absolute chaos that the Sanders campaign was able to generate at the Nevada Democratic Party state convention when things didn't go their way. Already Sanders delegates are protesting being locked out of DNC Rules Committee meetings.

Remember, these are SJWs. Formenting protests and riots are the only thing that they can honestly say they're pretty good at.

It's going to be an interesting week.

016 DNC Convention Thread
If you need a snapshot of how retarded our culture has become, just consider the fact that people actually care about the political leanings of Snoop Dogg, a 40-something-year-old man who wears sunglasses indoors because he smokes weed all day.
016 DNC Convention Thread
Quote: (07-23-2016 06:36 PM)Enigma Wrote:  

If you need a snapshot of how retarded our culture has become, just consider the fact that people actually care about the political leanings of Snoop Dogg, a 40-something-year-old man who wears sunglasses indoors because he smokes weed all day.

So many awful or silly people on that list to choose from. Fergie was a known meth head and fucked half the rnb/hip hop roster back in the day. What political insights could she possibly have.
016 DNC Convention Thread
Clinton Cash - Official Movie Premiere

Uploaded on Jul 23, 2016
Clinton Cash, is a feature documentary based on the Peter Schweizer book that the New York Times hailed as “The most anticipated and feared book of a presidential cycle.”
016 DNC Convention Thread
Why aren't there any female business success stories? I would've figured she would've gotten a couple Barbara Cocoran-types. All the female speakers are celebrities or victims of some kind.
016 DNC Convention Thread
1.) 100+ Sanders Supporters File Class Action Lawsuit Against DNC for Rigging the System (June 28, 2016)

2.) Facebook just censored "Hillary's America" movie.


BREAKING: #HillarysAmerica Page Administrator Suspended From Facebook #DineshDsouza

July 23, 2016 by Charles C. Johnson

Facebook brought down the banhammer on the page administrator for Dinesh D’souza’s Hillary’s America on Saturday, two days before the Democratic National Convention begins and Hillary is finally coronated.

Journalist and producer Jeremy Oliver works as an outreach coordinator for Hillary’s America and posted links encouraging other group members to watch and review the film the night it premiered. Shortly after that, Facebook imposed a “temporary restriction” on his posting permissions.

While none of his posts have been removed from any groups, no one can share them. Oliver can’t join new groups, post in groups he belongs to, or comment on his posts until August 5 — even to groups, he’s an administrator of and belonged to for years.

When a group member asked Oliver, “How can I share this???” below his post and he tried to like or reply, a message from Facebook popped up and read: “Failed to like post. The action attempted has been deemed abusive or is otherwise disallowed. To keep from getting blocked again, please make sure you’re read and understand Facebook’s Community Standards.”

Oliver had also streamed a video of the crowd’s reactions to Hillary’s America, but it appears Facebook removed that, too.

“What just happened? Did you remove the link to the video or did Facebook?” one user asked Oliver.

“This video is no longer available,” text imposed over the video reads.

You won’t hear this stuff from the lying mainstream media. Joins at GotNews: send a tip to [email protected] or donate at

Why Oliver was “disallowed” from replying to another group member was never explained.

“Please reinstate all functions of my account immediately, or show me proof of wrongdoing,” Oliver wrote to Facebook. Facebook, of course, hasn’t replied, giving Oliver no other choice than to believe he was silenced for political reasons.

Facebook’s ban stops Oliver from doing his job and promoting D’Souza’s film. He has never faced restrictions on any material he has posted before.

GotNews and GotNews founder editor-in-chief Charles C. Johnson have both come under lengthy suspensions, and Facebook deleted the GotNews Facebook fan page without explanation, costing the organization thousands of views.
016 DNC Convention Thread
[Image: 425274ae6e.jpg]
016 DNC Convention Thread
^^ Hillary Clinton would have fit right in with the original N.W.A. with her fuck tha police stance.

She's always hated law enforcement and other men in uniform.
016 DNC Convention Thread
Quote: (07-23-2016 05:49 PM)HighSpeed_LowDrag Wrote:  

If Berniepersons on Reddit are any indication, then we can expect full-scale riots in Philadelphia and mass walkouts by Sanders delegates on the convention floor.

The choice of pro-TPP, pro-Wall Street, FUCKING WHITE MALE Tim Kane as Clinton's VP, coupled with the #DNCleak is essentially a massive middle finger by Clinton towards the progressive faction of the Democrats. She's basically declaring that she doesn't need to do anything special to bring them in from the cold because Trump LITERALLY HITLER.

Leftists love nothing more than ideological purity battles and the circular firing squads that entail. Recall the absolute chaos that the Sanders campaign was able to generate at the Nevada Democratic Party state convention when things didn't go their way. Already Sanders delegates are protesting being locked out of DNC Rules Committee meetings.

Remember, these are SJWs. Formenting protests and riots are the only thing that they can honestly say they're pretty good at.

It's going to be an interesting week.

Given how much the left respects cops, I wouldn't be surprised if Philly officers decide that 20 coffee breaks per shift is par for the course.
016 DNC Convention Thread
All is well!

016 DNC Convention Thread
^ Looks like Wasserman will take the fall for the #DNCLeaks in order to pacify the Bernouts.

However, it's too little too late at this point. If the system was fair, they'd hold re-elections for the Democratic primaries. But it's too late for that, the Dems don't want to lose momentum against Trump! Plus it will look really bad if Bernie beats Hillary in the re-elections after Bernie already endorsed Hillary.

There is no easy way out. Whoever timed the released of the #DNCLeaks was a genius seeking MAXIMUM DESTRUCTION. There is no easy path and no matter what the Dems do, they are fucked.

They will keep Hillary, and the protests are going to be very tense as a result. Not to mention the Bernouts not voting this election.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.
016 DNC Convention Thread
I like the way Bill isn't introducing Hillary on the final night; Chelsea is.

Not only does it come across as copying the RNC.

I'd imagine Bill wouldn't want to appear as being second fiddle to Hillary. [Image: lol.gif]

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