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End Game? How do you think you will end up?

End Game? How do you think you will end up?

Not sure if we have covered this one before, but I thought it would be interesting.

I don’t really give this much thought, but a post on here made me think of this topic.

By living the life of a Jet Setting International Playboy, how do you think you will end up when you are older?

What does the 4th quarter look like?

1. Married with kids in a suburban hell hole existence? Weekends filled with malls, meals at TGI Fridays, filling up the tank on ever price increasing gasoline? (I doubt many on here want to end up this way.)

2.Drugged out and drunk banging hookers in a far flung third world country like Thailand? (not a bad option)

3.Married with 20 kids in a in a far flung third world country like Thailand? Maybe on some kind of farm with bodyguards and drug stash. (You need to go somewhere cheap to have that many kids).

4.Ageing playboy in a place like a Western European beach town with a couple of young Spanish girlfriends?

5.In an island paradise, surfing, fishing, and boozing?

6.In a 2nd tier Eastern European city, still swooping, but freezing every winter?

7.Still traveling the world?

8. In the nuthouse trying to swoop on the nurses?

9.Don’t care, I will one day walk into gun shots drunk on Prosecco from Italy.

What do you think your End Game will be?

End Game? How do you think you will end up?

A mixture of 3 and 4 but with not so many kids and spazzing out on some hapless hookers mashing them out with some tropical Viagra shyt..

Getting my salad tossed by a Cambodian while I am backshotting a ginger who is eating out a Somalian.

Positions continue to change. An Angolian is on standby..nekkid by my side playing with the natty wispy gray hairs on my chest and my beard and finger feeding me Ciallis gum drops.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

End Game? How do you think you will end up?

My end game is being 127 in a senior park in Sarasota, Florida, banging all the fresh young 55 year olds that move in.

"Alpha children wear grey. They work much harder than we do, because they're so frightfully clever. I'm awfully glad I'm a Beta, because I don't work so hard. And then we are much better than the Gammas and Deltas. Gammas are stupid. They all wear green, and Delta children wear khaki. Oh no, I don't want to play with Delta children. And Epsilons are still worse. They're too stupid to be able to read or write. Besides they wear black, which is such a beastly color. I'm so glad I'm a Beta."
--Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

End Game? How do you think you will end up?

At 42 I feel that I'm on an upswing. Im going to wait a while and sell the real estate I own and get one small waterfront condo here in FL and start working on my house in Greece that is just two rooms with no bathroom or kitchen and a floor full of dirty needles currently.

I plan to spend summers there and winters here in Fl with a sailboat to hit the Carribean and SA making my cerveza money by playing with marine electronics.

End Game? How do you think you will end up?

Seven kids from two wives from anywhere but the USA, but for the girls I'll make sure they have their US passports before a very high speed motorcycle accident not-quite rounding a sharp curve high above the Amalfi coast at about 76 years old.

End Game? How do you think you will end up?

Hello, I am a twice married, twice divorced 59 year old who has discovered the PUA community largely through Glenn Reynolds Instapundit -- Glenn's always been a fan of Roissy and his blog. And, if you don't follow Instapundit, a recurring theme with Glenn is his dismay at the increasing feminization -- and beta -ization -- of men in the culture.

I've been lurking on this forum for the past couple of weeks...and this thread gives me the perfect opportunity to chime in.

Up until I was married the first time -- I was 25 -- I loved the conquest of ladies. I don't think I ever acquired the notches some of you on here did, but I had good luck, with 3-4 hookups every year until I got married. When I got divorced -- at 30 -- we were both effectively poor, so no financial hits, just a parting of the ways.

At that point, I started going to business school in Chicago -- and boy, was that nice. Yes women were career driven, but they were so focused on work they had no time to "develop" a relationship, it was go to class, fuck, study -- rinse and repeat. Oh, a few were trying to land the next investment banker, but you could always tell which ones were trying to land a husband and a degree simultaneously.

From about 33 when I finished, until 38, when I got married, it was, as the German U-Boat captains said in the early part of the war, the "happy time." To keep the metaphor going, I was firing my torpedo more or less on a continuous basis. Waitresses, actresses, executive types, dental assistants. I loved taking the El -- I met two women on there one year who became more or less ongoing FWBs. The game was simple, look, smile, get off their stop, approach, chat, "Want to have coffee?" arrange to meet. The actress turned out to live around the corner from me, and I could call her up anytime and say, "Want to get together?" and I would go over and fire away.

Well, I got married at 38, had a kid, bought a suburban house, and settled into the life of boring domesticity. Started a couple of businesses, one failed, one did OK, which I sold. As soon as the kid got to college, divorce. This time though a bit of financial hit, but not too bad.

So, 56 out on my own again. Nice little house -- not a McMansion, but nice. And I thought I am going to be beating off until dirt nap time.

Boy, was I wrong. Even at my age there are opportunities EVERYwhere. I do the POF, OKCupid, Craigslist thing, in addition to the day game stuff...and have met dozens of women. Alas, too old for the nightclub scene, but the very upscale hotel bar scene has been productive.

Love the 40-year old married women whose husbands are either boring or simply not equipped. One told me "I love doing it with you -- we can do it sideways but he's so small he can't get it in there." One 43 year old I had a year long fling with looked like Rachel Ray and paid for everything -- hotel rooms, weekends away.

And the young ones with Daddy issues! They are the best. I see this Harvard junior every time she is home on summer vacation, or winter/spring break. "All the boys I know are just boys..." she says. Likes it a bit rough, happy to oblige.

Anyway, the game is not over when you pass 35. Now, you are not necessarily going to bang the tight skinned 25 year olds, you will have to go up in age range, but let me tell, the 40 somethings can be quite something, especially if they are doing yoga and pilates regularly.

Here are some things though I think are crucial to keep the game going, well into the 60s.

--Stay fit. I workout like a maniac -- I have done P90x twice, and am trying to do Insanity -- at 59. Gotta work out 6 days a week. No excuses.

--Stay healthy. That means see a doctor, once a year, know your cholesterol and blood pressure, get it under control. I do not use the little blue pill...and will work like hell to avoid it.

--Get a vasectomy. Yes condoms are essential, but if you don't want any more kids, why even the remotest risk?

--Stay technologically savvy. If I see a nice looking woman with an iPhone, I ask her, "What's your favorite app?" She tells me, and then asks me, and I tell her "Dragon Naturally Speaking" -- a voice recognition program where you can speak into the phone and text comes out. I say, "Just met a stimulating woman" -- (not a compliment, not a neg) -- and show her the text on the screen. A great opener.

--Stay culturally up do date. Know the top TV shows, hot bands (this for the youngsters). For the white college chicks, you need to know who Arcade Fire is, and why they are important.

--Dress well. You're older, so the American Eagle look won't cut it. I love Tommy Bahama -- elegant, projects taste, understated.

--Find a good dermatologist. I won't do plastic surgery, but face peels are very effective.

--Drive a NICE car...but not a flashy car. I could afford a Benz or a Lexus, but I like the high-end Hondas -- leather interior. An Acura would be fine. No Porsche's or, God forbid, a Vette. Reeks of the mid-life crisis.

Finally, here's the thing you have to keep in mind. While there will be occasional 8s and above, for the most part they will be the exception rather than the rule. And things aren't going to be as frequent.

But there is no reason why you can't have a reasonably active sex life with good variety.

End Game? How do you think you will end up?

Living around the world in stretches of 1-3 years a place. Go somewhere, set up shop, and bounce before it gets stale.

Hopefully no kids.

End Game? How do you think you will end up?

tenderman100: Amazing contribution. Thanks for sharing.

End Game? How do you think you will end up?

I am actually approaching a sort of end game. As mentioned in another post I am currently living in a way that allows me great freedom and simultaneously steering me towards being a family father. This is all in the plans. I can imagine that this really rubs a lot of forum members the wrong way, but know that I've been in the game 10+ years and never really had the same bitter contempt of women that I see in many people here. I've never really felt alienated or frustrated by women and I thank my lucky star that I got on to the game train as early as I did.

I'm not even planning to live the family life forever but long enough to raise a heir, this is meticulous life planning I tell you. What is so appealing that I can look away from gaming for such an extended period of time? Jealous tongues would call me a gold-digger. I'm shacking up with ex-model material heiress that is now a bank-partner in-waiting. I'm sure many would decry this as selling out my balls and being shackled but since I have yet to hear of A SINGLE PLAYER IN THE ENTIRE GAME to pull this kind of deal of I'm not sweating it.

In short - I'm talking about being set FOR LIFE.

End Game? How do you think you will end up?

tenderman100 -

Great post. From an older G's perspective.

"For the white college chicks, you need to know who Arcade Fire is, and why they are important. "

Hell, I don't even know who "Arcade Fire" is. You are way hipper than me.

Out of curiosity, where are you based? City? (I will throw out a wild guess with "I love Tommy Bahama -- elegant, projects taste, understated." Newport Beach?)

Ever thought of doing the Thailand thing? (ie #2 above)

End Game? How do you think you will end up?

Quote: (07-26-2011 04:12 PM)Vicious Wrote:  

I am actually approaching a sort of end game. As mentioned in another post I am currently living in a way that allows me great freedom and simultaneously steering me towards being a family father. This is all in the plans. I can imagine that this really rubs a lot of forum members the wrong way, but know that I've been in the game 10+ years and never really had the same bitter contempt of women that I see in many people here. I've never really felt alienated or frustrated by women and I thank my lucky star that I got on to the game train as early as I did.

I'm not even planning to live the family life forever but long enough to raise a heir, this is meticulous life planning I tell you. What is so appealing that I can look away from gaming for such an extended period of time? Jealous tongues would call me a gold-digger. I'm shacking up with ex-model material heiress that is now a bank-partner in-waiting. I'm sure many would decry this as selling out my balls and being shackled but since I have yet to hear of A SINGLE PLAYER IN THE ENTIRE GAME to pull this kind of deal of I'm not sweating it.

In short - I'm talking about being set FOR LIFE.

Good for you. I would marry for money too. (providing she's a little tolerable)

But to say you've never felt frustrated by women smells like bullshit. I think it's normal for both genders to feel frustration with the opposite sex. You might not have had as much trouble as some of us have had, but I'm sure you've had some.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

End Game? How do you think you will end up?

Tenderman100: Thanks for that; gives me hope. Just getting a divorce at 40 after 19 yrs, and good to hear the future looks good (hell, it's not looking bad even from here; feels like there's a queue forming and I haven't even started seriously looking). But seriously, that's a good outlook. Thanks for it.

As for me, dunno. Gotta say when marriage was working, that was a good life. But I'm pretty intrigued by the idea of having options like I do now, so we'll see how that floats. Wouldn't mind living out of the US after my time in England (not sure I'd stick with the UK, but I liked Europe a lot).

End Game? How do you think you will end up?

Quote: (07-26-2011 04:15 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

tenderman100 -

Great post. From an older G's perspective.

"For the white college chicks, you need to know who Arcade Fire is, and why they are important. "

Hell, I don't even know who "Arcade Fire" is. You are way hipper than me.

Out of curiosity, where are you based? City? (I will throw out a wild guess with "I love Tommy Bahama -- elegant, projects taste, understated." Newport Beach?)

Ever thought of doing the Thailand thing? (ie #2 above)

G, thanks. Actually, I live in Chicago. I have business interests here, also teach at the university level and consult. (By the way, the young 'uns love that you are a "professor" though really it is just a couple of courses a year).

Thailand? I really haven't thought about it...but again I am new to the PUA scene as a disciplined kind of effort, I have mostly been doing on line, and some approaches in person, just like I did 30 years ago.

End Game? How do you think you will end up?

Quote: (07-26-2011 06:21 PM)Stitch Wrote:  

Tenderman100: Thanks for that; gives me hope. Just getting a divorce at 40 after 19 yrs, and good to hear the future looks good (hell, it's not looking bad even from here; feels like there's a queue forming and I haven't even started seriously looking). But seriously, that's a good outlook. Thanks for it.

As for me, dunno. Gotta say when marriage was working, that was a good life. But I'm pretty intrigued by the idea of having options like I do now, so we'll see how that floats. Wouldn't mind living out of the US after my time in England (not sure I'd stick with the UK, but I liked Europe a lot).

I wish I was 40.

You can be 40 going on 70, or like me, 59 going on 40 (maybe 45).

It's all about projecting confidence, maturity, power, intelligence, charm. And as Roissy says in his 16 commandments...

Fuck her like it’s your last fuck. And hers. Fuck her so good, so hard, so wantonly, so profligately that she is left a quivering, sparking mass of shaking flesh and sex fluids. Drain her of everything, then drain her some more.

End Game? How do you think you will end up?

I've been suicidal since a young age, and sometimes I think it's a family trait. Gaming gorgeous girls into bed hasn't really suppressed thoughts of killing myself too much either.

I really like the idea of raising some kids, but I don't think I can deal with being a husband hell even a father to something.

I think I'll probably end up having a small house close to family, watch my sister's family grow, help them out. Being chased out of a house by an angry Husband at the ripe old age of 60 is going to be fun.

Somebody get it in writing, quick!

End Game? How do you think you will end up?

I'll die at 95 by the hand of a 25 y.o. jealous husband.

End Game? How do you think you will end up?

Quote: (07-26-2011 02:09 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

2.Drugged out and drunk banging hookers in a far flung third world country like Thailand? (not a bad option)

3.Married with 20 kids in a in a far flung third world country like Thailand? Maybe on some kind of farm with bodyguards and drug stash. (You need to go somewhere cheap to have that many kids).

4.Ageing playboy in a place like a Western European beach town with a couple of young Spanish girlfriends?

5.In an island paradise, surfing, fishing, and boozing?

7.Still traveling the world?

Some combination of all of these.

I plan on staying in very good shape and, fortunately for me, most men in my family have aged quite well. This should help me out a bit.

I may actually have a fairly serious impregnation fetish, to be honest, so a lot of children are likely in my future. I'm certain I'll be aiming to have them outside of the US. I'll sire as many as I can provide for. If I become wealthy enough to afford twenty children in a given place, then they'll be there.

I like escorts and I like SE Asia, so I may use that option though you can subtract the drug/alcohol bit.

I plan to keep traveling no matter what, and I may very well be on an island paradise for much of my time (I am a Jamaican, afterall). Western and Eastern Europeans will remain fair game, perhaps even as mothers to my children or wives whenever I do decide to settle down.
I'll avoid knocking up an American(in any scenario, married or not) as best I can, so scenario 1 will never come to pass.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

End Game? How do you think you will end up?

Reading my post again I realize that I'm exaggerating somewhat. Of course I've felt frustated by women at times, what I should have said was that I've never felt a need to 'get back' at women. The above post in general make my situation out to be a little more simple than it seems I admit. I think it still is needed here though as something of a counterweight to show that it is possible to make a union happen in this "scene" (at lack for a better word).

I an sure tenderman and Stitch has plenty of valuable info to add to my endeavor. Some that might even get me to reconsider some finer points.

End Game? How do you think you will end up?

Quote: (07-26-2011 11:44 PM)Vicious Wrote:  

Reading my post again I realize that I'm exaggerating somewhat. Of course I've felt frustated by women at times, what I should have said was that I've never felt a need to 'get back' at women. The above post in general make my situation out to be a little more simple than it seems I admit. I think it still is needed here though as something of a counterweight to show that it is possible to make a union happen in this "scene" (at lack for a better word).

I an sure tenderman and Stitch has plenty of valuable info to add to my endeavor. Some that might even get me to reconsider some finer points.

Hey, ya gotta do what you gotta do. If that means being taken care of by a generous sugar momma, then by all means go for it.

I LOVE women. But I have no illusions here. Virtually every woman wants a "relationship" that in some sort of ethereal sense creates some ideal connection -- physical, mental, spiritual. Everyone's heard it -- the "last first kiss" or "not a perfect man, but the perfect man for me."

It's total crap, because it has nothing to do with the reality of what happens when you sign on for monogamy. Dirty underwear. Having dinner and having nothing to say.

That's life.

Bottom line, women want to laugh, they want to feel special, they want to feel secure, and they want to have shattering orgasms. Give all those things to them -- or her -- as long as you can, or as long as you want, or until what you're doing doesn't give it to her anymore. That could last a week...or 20 years. You never know.

End Game? How do you think you will end up?

My end game is to have a nice pad in NYC, Paris (or Madrid), and La Jolla, have some nice cars (and plenty of money to spend on the gas for those cars because gas prices are probably going to shoot through the roof), have a few kids with a very grounded girl who shares certain important ideals that we can both agree on and pass forth to our offspring, and to enjoy life pursuing my professional pursuits and hobbies.

I'm going to be laying out on my parents couch, high as fuck, watching Seinfeld reruns with cheetos cheese stains on my wife beater.

Both equally likely.

End Game? How do you think you will end up?


As an idealistic guy raised on the Hollywood idea of TWOO WUV, I liked marriage. Seriously; it was a great way to live, knowing your best friend was always there, and that she felt damn good in the sack. Yeah, the sex was tepid (found her journals later where she wrote "sex is something I do because Stitch likes it", which is sorta a nice thought, but when her overall feeling about sex was "interesting, but not as addictive as, say, popcorn" it sorta says it all). And honestly, I never feel like we got to the "dirty underwear and nothing to say over dinner" stage. She just went freaking ballistic about "living in my shadow" at 18 years (I was better at things she wanted to be good at), and, I blush to admit, while she was insecure about her self-image I got out-gamed by some polyamorous dudes at a neopagan retreat some girl friend of hers convinced her to go to.

But apart from that awesome bit, marriage was a good life. I'd do it again, except... the male high wage earner, I am getting SCREWED by the legal way marriage works in the US. She made virtually no income, I invested heavily in her education so she could be a wage earner and will see none of that, yet without ANY cause she can say "eh, I'm bored" and take half of everything including my pension, plus I get to pay her the highest wage she has ever gotten for sitting on her ass and cashing my checks.

So don't fuckin' do that, 'cause it sucks.

On the other hand, you're contemplating wedding a beautiful heiress. Romantically, I'd say do it; she's beautiful, you care about her, life could be good. Think Real Hard about it, but life could be good. Financially, SHE'S the wealthy one, so crassly speaking, if it goes south you could make out pretty well. I guess I don't see the problem (but then I don't have any real experience with gaming and the married life suited me OK).

Your call, man. If you're tired of the chase and caught one you want to keep, ain't no one has the right to tell you no. Me? If I cared about her, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

End Game? How do you think you will end up?

Quote: (07-26-2011 03:43 PM)tenderman100 Wrote:  

--Drive a NICE car...but not a flashy car. I could afford a Benz or a Lexus, but I like the high-end Hondas -- leather interior. An Acura would be fine. No Porsche's or, God forbid, a Vette. Reeks of the mid-life crisis.

tenderman100, in your view, what is the source of this perception about Porsches? It is too bad that they have this portrayal in the US since I quite like them (practical, luxurious, fast-ideal in many ways), but why do you think this is? And are girls really actively repulsed by them? What if you're a younger guy in a 911 or a Cayman-same effect?


Finally, here's the thing you have to keep in mind. While there will be occasional 8s and above, for the most part they will be the exception rather than the rule. And things aren't going to be as frequent.

This can change if you travel-a man your age in Colombia(to use just one of many examples) doesn't have this problem. Age gaps are really a bigger issue for older men in the US (and perhaps the rest of the anglo-sphere to a certain extent) than just about anywhere else, I'd say.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

End Game? How do you think you will end up?

I can't say I've played my end game yet, since I'm only 35, but been married for 2 years now, with a 2 y.o. girl. Don't let anyone tell you kids are not fun. Yeah, it may not be fun if you have to babysit someone else's brat, but when it's your own it's completely different. A very enjoyable experience, watching and helping them learn, and hearing them call you Daddy.
I have yet to meet a person who does not love their own children and does not enjoy spending time with them. So I believe all of you playas here would also enjoy that - don't rob your life of the joys of fatherhood.
Of course, don't deny yourself the joys of new pussy, either. If you can combine both things, it's the best of both worlds.

End Game? How do you think you will end up?

Quote: (07-27-2011 01:36 AM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

tenderman100, in your view, what is the source of this perception about Porsches? It is too bad that they have this portrayal in the US since I quite like them (practical, luxurious, fast-ideal in many ways), but why do you think this is? And are girls really actively repulsed by them? What if you're a younger guy in a 911 or a Cayman-same effect?

Two things. First, I don't want to be thought of a potential sugar daddy and a hot car conveys that. Second, the guy who's worked on my cars for years says that Porsche's are beautiful cars until they need to be fixed, and then they become money pits. To use the wine connoisseur phrase, I am a QPR guy -- quality to price ratio. I look for value -- I buy stuff on Ebay or Overstock, work bargains any way I can (it's the businessman in me).

Quote: (07-27-2011 01:36 AM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

This can change if you travel-a man your age in Colombia(to use just one of many examples) doesn't have this problem. Age gaps are really a bigger issue for older men in the US (and perhaps the rest of the anglo-sphere to a certain extent) than just about anywhere else, I'd say.

I do need to investigate this, no question. As I said, I am new to the PUA scene.

End Game? How do you think you will end up?

This is the best thread on here in a while! I really enjoyed reading everyones posts.

Ideally, I would like my life to play out as such:
- Spend the next year thinking about getting a Vasectomy for my 30th birthday
- work at my family biz until I sell it at 40
- try to find fulfilling work or travel, depending on what the biz sells for

I would like to settle down with a nice girl that doesn't want to have children and is interested in building wealth to travel. Who knows I might rent scooters on a beach in the Med. at 45

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