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A life change at 40 for the impossible?

A life change at 40 for the impossible?

Quote: (08-10-2015 10:27 AM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

Why don't you go take a year off traveling, seeing the world, relocating for a while in a relaxing place, doing something you love?

Or going to the most exciting markets in the world, China or Brazil and see if you can cook something up with your credentials?

^^Exactly. If you're thinking it, fuck it, do it.

You're not too old. You're only too old when you're dead. Then it doesn't really matter.

“….and we will win, and you will win, and we will keep on winning, and eventually you will say… we can’t take all of this winning, …please Mr. Trump …and I will say, NO, we will win, and we will keep on winning”.

- President Donald J. Trump

A life change at 40 for the impossible?

Before uprooting your life, which you don't seem to mind very much, I would suggest taking care of your "closing" technique first. It will help you in the long run anyway and even if you do decide to go to Germany or wherever it's not like women will self close for you. I don't think that happens unless you're ridiculously good looking, wealthy, or famous.

I don't want to come off as a dick but I don't understand the "can't close because of nice guy issues", nice guys don't like sex?? I think you should try some different things before making a life changing decision based on one isolated incident (trip to Germany). From the general vibe of the forum members and what I've read in the past, Germany is not that great as far as pussy goes. Look up Buddah, another fairly good looking, Asian guy (though he is tall) he did pretty well in Budapest(I think it was Budapest). Best of luck man, I hope you take some time, tweak your game and tell us the results before flying off to Germany.

A life change at 40 for the impossible?

Quote: (08-10-2015 01:44 PM)Feldeinsamkeit Wrote:  

Have you not thought about relocating to the UK? The women there are the cream of the crop in Europe, bar none.

Are you trolling with this comment? London literally has the ugliest girls I've ever seen. American girls are leagues better than English girls which is saying a lot.

A life change at 40 for the impossible?

I'm impressed by and jealous of your success. But there are concomitant self-restrictions that often go along with a personality that achieves like that.

Since you are spending more than you can make from your assets, it will take you some time to permanently relocate to another country unless you are going to suddenly go to 1/4-1/3 your current income. That time can be spent as others have said taking some trips to places that exist primarily as fantasy objects for you now, and also reshaping your internal worldview to allow for the idea that the conformity it took to achieve your status is now a barrier to achieving happiness.

I believe you're still thinking in a conformist way to your detriment. In particular using the phrase "age-appropriate" dating seems to me, unless you're using it sarcastically, as denying your freedom to choose a partner, as well an any given women's freedom as well. It's like an ugly feminist mine buried in your mind, leading me to believe there are other ones.

Around the age of forty, as well as seeing many/most women are completely losing their sexual attractiveness, you may also realize that while you have grown intellectually and professionally, you can't miss that women haven't grown along with you. They have much more severe limitations on their intellect. So I have had to accept that the most sexually attractive women are from now on always going to be younger and younger than me. And just about ALL women are dumber than you. You'll have to segment your social life which is a pain.

Age-appropriate?! --my black ass.
You should be comfortable saying that yourself, not being black, and not being under 35, before you decide what age women you will go after lolzlzlzl.

It takes AT LEAST a year LIVING SOMEWHERE FULL TIME to figure out the real base values of a foreign country.

I think you should respect your drive to go after white chicks in a first world place if that's what you really want. I'm from a middle class background rather than your upper-middle class, and the Third World has been a grim shock to me, despite the ease of getting sex. I imagine it would be even more distasteful for you.

A life change at 40 for the impossible?

I would stay in NY.

Don’t get me wrong. German girls are awesome… but can be extremely difficult to handle (jealousy, full of doubts, hardworking, influence from parents/clique…).

If you decide to come here, please let me know.
Good luck!

A life change at 40 for the impossible?

I would stay in NYC especially if you stay long your high beta portfolio.

I have never been to Germany.....but doubt there is a huge difference
between the 2 longer term.

Follow your gut instinct. I think it will give you the best advice.

A life change at 40 for the impossible?

Quote: (08-10-2015 01:44 PM)Feldeinsamkeit Wrote:  

Have you not thought about relocating to the UK? The women there are the cream of the crop in Europe, bar none.

[Image: TBRPXTTVaRgUo.gif]

Tell them too much, they wouldn't understand; tell them what they know, they would yawn.
They have to move up by responding to challenges, not too easy not too hard, until they paused at what they always think is the end of the road for all time instead of a momentary break in an endless upward spiral

A life change at 40 for the impossible?

Quote: (08-10-2015 10:27 AM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

Why don't you go take a year off traveling, seeing the world, relocating for a while in a relaxing place, doing something you love?
Take some time off and get some perspective before making a long term decision to permanently relocate.

Live in a few cities for a few months at a time. This will help you understand what you are really looking for in a city rather than trying to make a decision based on taking a few trips. Traveling to a place and living in that place are very different things.

Also, nobody outside of the US will care if you have a 1 year gap on your resume for traveling. It will probably make you look more well-rounded and less of a typical American.

I highly recommend reading this thread -

A life change at 40 for the impossible?

Quote: (08-10-2015 11:15 AM)Aureole Wrote:  

I have decent clothes, but no fancy watches or cars. I'm wondering if I have to start spending on those things to get the kind of women I'm seeking.

If this thought is crossing your mind, then your game still needs a lot more work.

NYC is a poosy paradise. If you aren't pulling 8's there, you won't pull them in Germany.

There are dozens of guys here in NYC who do it often. Contribute to the forum to get some rep points. After you've established yourself a bit more here, send these guys PM's. Offer to buy them a drink. Pick their brain. Learn from their mindset. See them in action.

This will improve your game more than going to Germany.

A life change at 40 for the impossible?

Why not chase tourist girls fro Europe visiting NYC

A life change at 40 for the impossible?

Haven't managed to read through the whole thread, so apologies if this has been mentioned. Also, you sound like a smart guy, so this must have occurred to you:

The problem may be your focus on white girls. If you want to get involved with a girl who is not of your background/race you should at least appear to be open to dating women of your own race, and perhaps others. Otherwise your value will drop in the eyes of the girl you're after. You may think you're complimenting her when you say something like "I can't stand [my race] women, they're so X, Y and Z. And not A, B and C like [your race]", but a woman will not hear it like this. She will wonder why you are not with a woman of your race equal to her own sexual market value. If you have to go down that road, it'll be better to talk it terms of countries, rather than races.

Frankly, if I were in your shoes I would look to transfer to Hong Kong or Shanghai, if you're Chinese. If you're Indian, or from South East Asia, good professional locations will be more difficult to identify. Maybe Singapore?

A life change at 40 for the impossible?

Quote: (08-11-2015 09:58 AM)Bad Hussar Wrote:  

Haven't managed to read through the whole thread, so apologies if this has been mentioned. Also, you sound like a smart guy, so this must have occurred to you:

...If you want to get involved with a girl who is not of your background/race you should at least appear to be open to dating women of your own race, and perhaps others. Otherwise your value will drop in the eyes of the girl you're after. ...

I agree with the being positive about women in your discussions with women.

Any negative stuff you say about other women is going to be taken, in whatever degree, as a criticism about her.

In the Philippines, I try to frame it like the competition is rough in America, praising in an offhand way both USA men and women.

Implying the women aren't fat and bitchy, heavens no, it's just all those great guys in the USA are hard to beat.

What do I really think? hahaahah

A life change at 40 for the impossible?

Millionaire with ~10% body fat, but middle aged, short, and Asian seeks very attractive white girl who wants him for who he is.

He does but want to flaunt his wealth. Also doesn't like night game because of perceived fitness issues.

Already lives in the most cosmopolitan city in the most powerful place on earth.

Notice he doesn't talk about his game at all.

[Image: troll.gif]


A life change at 40 for the impossible?

I just had a thought re-reading this. Maybe you are playing resume-game with girls and with your life.

i define resume game as trying to let girls know early on you work for such and such company, got your MBA from name brand university, etc. Resume-game in life is doing what OTHERS have told you is supposed to be done.

You want a 9 who worships the ground you walk on? Quit and cash out and go start a [pizza joint] in [Boise ID] and become the really cool cat with 10 times more real confidence and you will see what kind of girls are attracted to that VS a boring bank balance, a stiff alma-doesn't-matter, a respectable linkin, and an impressive resume.

You fill in the spaces above with something other than pizza if you want, only you can decide that, although feel free to steal my idea...

A life change at 40 for the impossible?

Quote: (08-11-2015 12:17 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Millionaire with ~10% body fat, but middle aged, short, and Asian seeks very attractive white girl who wants him for who he is.

He does but want to flaunt his wealth. Also doesn't like night game because of perceived fitness issues.

Already lives in the most cosmopolitan city in the most powerful place on earth.

Notice he doesn't talk about his game at all.

[Image: troll.gif]

I don't get it. Having a million in NYC isn't much. It cost 700k for the cheapest house in a good area of Brooklyn. Also by being the avg Manhattan resident , he doesn't get much opportunity to flash wealth. Usually cars are a persons flashiest expense but those in Manhattan don't have cars. [Image: smile.gif]

For someone his age..culture game is his best option(ex. wine testing, etc)


NYC is a poosy paradise. If you aren't pulling 8's there, you won't pull them in Germany.
True but if I remember when you 1st started you weren't doing GREAT game either. One of the reasons I suspect you gave up your life to go overseas at 1st.

Not criticizing, but he might bebetter in Germany, since people often do better when they " don't shit in their own backyard"

Point in case, we ALWAYS hear how NYC is a Pussy Paradise" from outsiders, but most of us REAL natives don't think so. I have rarely heard a native from the boroughs saying that. That is because we DON'T impress our local gals. I look like a Vinnie Barbareno(think Travolta) and I am stuck dealing with the attitudes of both Russian and Italian Guidettes Most of my life.

My USA Pussy Paradise was San Diego. When I was there in my 20's I was like a god it felt like. It was almost like that place was devoid of Italian looking Brooklynites with attitude. I was exotic, and all these blonds loved me, my accent, everything.

But in reality it was because my GAME improved by having nothing to lose and being bold. Same way Slubu improves when he left LA.

OP might get that by going somewhere else. He clearly states his game needs improving and he may not feel confident to improve "shitting in his own backyard"..thus he "nice guy" closings.

Ok... you can tell me off now! [Image: smile.gif]

A life change at 40 for the impossible?

Quote: (08-10-2015 10:01 AM)FlyBoy Wrote:  

i don't understand what you want! Do you want to find one LTR or smash strange on a regular basis?

if you have the money and I assume the lifestyle, then check out the sugar baby sites for new prey! Lookup a thread about for pointers on how to do it without having to pay.

Hey, The Man wants to upgrade! And I for one thinks that's GREAT!

I think he's already HOT fur Deutschland. A more productive question is 'where to focus in that large European land?'

Where to find HOT prospects, and go for it? Travel first - extended.

More questions: Where - and whit what kinds of Germans - have you had the best experiences? In the West or North? Or the SE?

If the latter, have your considered border areas like Austria? If Northern Germany, what about up and coming Berlin?

I feel for ya, mate. I have an online woman-friend with the complimentary problem. She's 23, French, but too tall - taller than my 6'4." (But a beauty, a 9.)

PS - I'm thinking it may come down to Berlin versus Munich/Vienna, or some similar regional division/contrast for you.
So, she moved to a university town 90 minutes from Berlin, close to Dresden in old East Germany. (I hope to catch with her.) But I think it's the men there that interest her the most.

At any rate - WHAT are your thoughts on WHERE in Germany to focus? Narrow it down, scope it out, then go! For example, is there a German Catholic region or Protestant demeanor at play in the fs you've enjoyed? Or the reverse? Test and winnow as you develop your game! (Don't neglect to work the age-thing better, too - read Date Young Women: For Men over 35" by R. Don Steele, for example. Roosh improves on him in certain ways, but for the older-younger angle? I'm not so sure. Anyway, it's a self-improver's classic in the game field.

YOU deserve an upgrade - dating HOTTER fs - and getting 'em!

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT

A life change at 40 for the impossible?

Quote: (08-11-2015 04:02 PM)jimukr104 Wrote:  

Ok... you can tell me off now! [Image: smile.gif]

Sure. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought you were married in Brooklyn. OP is in Manhattan and apparently single.

I've never seen a post from you about actively gaming, but if you think Germany is better than Manhattan for landing 8's, I'd like to hear about your experience there.

As for my effort in Munich, a city with the reported best quality in Germany, it can't touch Manhattan.

As for when I started, it was 10 years ago, and I was terrible. I made it a point to meet guys from other forums in person, so I could improve my game. Rather than keyboard jockey about it.

I don't know anyone in Manhattan who has met you.

Nothing wrong with privacy & discretion. And nothing wrong with chiming in as an observer. But if you're not an active practitioner, then you're not in the loop as to the poosy paradise Manhattan is today.

At this point in his journey, It's clear that OP is better served meeting & learning from other guys who are already doing what he's trying to do, rather than start over in a worse place.

A life change at 40 for the impossible?

Quote: (08-11-2015 04:02 PM)jimukr104 Wrote:  

My USA Pussy Paradise was San Diego. When I was there in my 20's I was like a god it felt like. It was almost like that place was devoid of Italian looking Brooklynites with attitude. I was exotic, and all these blonds loved me, my accent, everything.

This is a big point and probably deserves its own thread or something. I think it goes for Southern California in general.

A life change at 40 for the impossible?

I don't know.

Both Merenguero and Courage Reborn are reading our OP differently than I have.

For the first, finding one's fit in terms of environment for one's current objectives is important. The latter reduces it mostly down to having game and learning from others.

I can't see how the OP has asked about help with the latter, except vaguely; and rather than "fit," I took him to be asking about direction and place to play to reach higher for his own tastes and needs.

Too many here are simply ignoring what he says about himself and make diverting suggestions. That's not even having the decency to listen. At best it is Kibitzing (and at worst, thread hijacking).

In any case, he can decide what's useful for himself, and share with us she he wants.

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT

A life change at 40 for the impossible?

Bro you're definitely over analyzing, you may analyze yourself right out of a good decision. If you think Germany is the spot go there give it a try but don't simply discount everywhere else spend some time traveling and not the three days here one week there kind of traveling but extended stays. I can assure you simply because you have money that will not give you a huge unfair advantage in a poorer country. I know guys with money and gets no love, stop getting theoretical and start experiencing. You don't have a money issuesso iwhat's holding you back on starting a new journey in life. Most guys I meet that want to do something similar cannot because they simply don't have the money. Clearly NY isn't making you happy sounds more like it's just a safe place for you. My advice is to close your eyes and jump headfirst or don't and wonder "what if" while banging 40 year old 3sa and 5s.

"I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story." Nas

A life change at 40 for the impossible?

I lived in Germany...let me tell you...everyone is taller and height is even more of a disadvantage. I don't see Germany as any place to go sweep it up. I think Germany is definitely not the place to be. If anywhere, maybe Ukraine or Poland based on what people say on these forums. Or Columbia. But before all that, NYC I thought was supposed to be a great place to be.

A life change at 40 for the impossible?

Quote: (08-11-2015 07:32 PM)Courage Reborn Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2015 04:02 PM)jimukr104 Wrote:  

Ok... you can tell me off now! [Image: smile.gif]


Sure. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought you were married in Brooklyn. OP is in Manhattan and apparently single.

I've never seen a post from you about actively gaming, but if you think Germany is better than Manhattan for landing 8's, I'd like to hear about your experience there.

As for my effort in Munich, a city with the reported best quality in Germany, it can't touch Manhattan.

As for when I started, it was 10 years ago, and I was terrible. I made it a point to meet guys from other forums in person, so I could improve my game. Rather than keyboard jockey about it.

I don't know anyone in Manhattan who has met you.

Nothing wrong with privacy & discretion. And nothing wrong with chiming in as an observer. But if you're not an active practitioner, then you're not in the loop as to the poosy paradise Manhattan is today.

At this point in his journey, It's clear that OP is better served meeting & learning from other guys who are already doing what he's trying to do, rather than start over in a worse place.

Courage. yes I hear NYC has good demographics today that possibly wasn't there 20 years ago.

But you make a few errors. Manhattan gals tended to be transplants even when I was in my 20's. You had alphabet city which was full of borough gals who moved into Manhattan flats with roommates and you had the upper east side SPOILED brats.

The rest of the gals usually came from ALL those shit holes most posters say are devoid of attractive women. They DON'T tend to like native NYERS..and we DON'T like them. Doesn't mean we won't fuck them though. The hot European ones tend to live in Brooklyn anyway [Image: smile.gif]

Yes I grew up in Brooklyn.Brooklyn is part of NYC. In fact I suspect 1 out of 3 hot gals you see on any given walk are from Brooklyn, since we have the largest population.

But I used to go out to Manhattan , like many borough people. I should add TECHNICALLY I was even a Manhattan resident since my father, who had custody, main pad is in Manhattan(he lives on 31th street today across from MSG).

My mom lived on 57th and Lex(one of the most famous RE blocks in Manhattan) yeah I know the scene back in the day. Plus my father, perhaps you forgot, was a big name in the club business. He is even going free to the Copa next week because he did some dances decades ago with the owner and he is friends with the owner.


I don't know anyone in Manhattan who has met you.
So... common sense still applies. I believe OP says he LIKES Germany, German gals and had POSITIVE experiences there, as in they LIKE him a bit. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, isn't it?

That being said for me personally Germany isn't good , but I mentioned the Southern Cali reference. Apparently others say it is bad and my experience in my 20's show differences. I couldn't believe it. My friend I was staying with was a blond guy and he said he wished he had dark features and a Bklyn accent(he was from Bklyn but had no accent)


Nothing wrong with privacy & discretion.

What privacy and discretion? Although I am married I spend MULTIPLE hours here giving out info about things, often in PM's, including Ukraine. You do realize Slubu took some of my info right? And since you took some of his association that MEANS you followed my ADVICE![Image: smile.gif] and I helped get you laid! Your welcome!Glad I could help..

I actually might have MET a few from these boards years ago in UA. Haven't you noticed certain questions I ask a bit personal and then the POSTER goes POOF!
That is because I can recognize some of the business entities that come on here to promote themselves and they run off when I call them out.

Apparently Greek Kamaki and I met at 111 a few times(incognito) and he was buying gals things even back then . He also used to get nervous when I challenged him..because WE MOST likely met.


And nothing wrong with chiming in as an observer. But if you're not an active practitioner, then you're not in the loop as to the poosy paradise Manhattan is today.
Well true, but I do have eyes. I spent 16 hour tours STANDING on the most walked streets observing what walks by and with whom. If I was Asian I certainly wouldn't be that happy since I seen loads of White guys with Asian women BUT NOT the reverse as often.

I don't disagree with you that he might be better off if he had a crew of wings to practice game with in NYC. But are you and Slubu READY to become his Jedi masters? In other words what is going to change if he stays?

My thing is this. Once a guy starts expressing dreams and fantasies of going abroad, it usually continues until it is tried out. I think OP has opened Pandora's box and it won't be closed so easily. Same as what occurred with you, Slubu and many others. He needs to do it before he gets older.

Seems some posts have been posted with others agreeing with me here. Itch has to be scratched!
For someone who is too much of a PC nice guy when it comes to closing....being somewhere else is often the solution. Once he loses that chip on his shoulder I am sure NYC will be better.

I also see Bodriaga liked my post. That means A LOT because he is as NATIVE as one gets I think! So it means he knows the GAME from a natives perspective.

"hate the game not the player"...this is what us oldtimers called it before Mystery even became a PUA!

A life change at 40 for the impossible?

Quote: (08-11-2015 08:18 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2015 04:02 PM)jimukr104 Wrote:  

My USA Pussy Paradise was San Diego. When I was there in my 20's I was like a god it felt like. It was almost like that place was devoid of Italian looking Brooklynites with attitude. I was exotic, and all these blonds loved me, my accent, everything.

This is a big point and probably deserves its own thread or something. I think it goes for Southern California in general.

I would be curious about that. Has it changed?

A life change at 40 for the impossible?

Quote: (08-12-2015 11:13 AM)jimukr104 Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2015 08:18 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2015 04:02 PM)jimukr104 Wrote:  

My USA Pussy Paradise was San Diego. When I was there in my 20's I was like a god it felt like. It was almost like that place was devoid of Italian looking Brooklynites with attitude. I was exotic, and all these blonds loved me, my accent, everything.

This is a big point and probably deserves its own thread or something. I think it goes for Southern California in general.

I would be curious about that. Has it changed?

As of 2002, it hadn't. I haven't been back since then. I don't remember ever hearing a New Jersey or New York Italian guy saying he struggled in Southern California, either on the forum or off it.

A life change at 40 for the impossible?

Yeah it was strange. One of my best friends was in the Navy and while he was at work I would walk into those cool coffee shops and book stores that litter the place and these chicks( mostly blond, often hippie-ish) were VERY friendly. They start chatting me up while I was on line at the bank, at the container store. Even at Hooters!

And hooked up with many of them on Tijuana runs.

I think they must lack Mediterranean guys with a bit of blunt attitude and hair there. lol

I actually thought of moving there after my stay. If I was single and it wasn't so expensive I would love it there. Felt like I was in the Playboy mansion.

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