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Roosh and Return of Kings: Anti-Judaism & Anti Semitism

Roosh and Return of Kings: Anti-Judaism & Anti Semitism

I have noticed a more evident pointing at the Jews as a group as responsible for the degradation of the Western Civilization in RooshV writing.

I remember reading anti-jew comments in the forum (less) and in Return of Kings (more*) and then this post:
Which as an attempt to counter jewhating is not bad, but isolated in a deeper sea of finger pointing to a supposed organized jew world takeover.
*Read the comments on the linked article.

I have read directly from RooshV this "logic" but lately in a very obvious way

Is it a boiling down to the always handy scapegoat, perhaps?

Roosh and Return of Kings: Anti-Judaism & Anti Semitism

[Image: popcorn2.gif]

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Roosh and Return of Kings: Anti-Judaism & Anti Semitism

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Roosh and Return of Kings: Anti-Judaism & Anti Semitism

[Image: popcorn5.gif]

"Feminism is a trade union for ugly women"- Peregrine

Roosh and Return of Kings: Anti-Judaism & Anti Semitism

two years and just 69 posts? Such a contributor.

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Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Roosh and Return of Kings: Anti-Judaism & Anti Semitism

Obviously I have been dragged to the topic.

I doubt if most here as well as Roosh are anti-semitic here.

As far as my comment concerning that Polish war-criminal is concerned - yes - many of the old communist guard were Jewish or better put Zionists, which is a direction apart from the Jewish people.

Someone compared once being Jewish to an open secret society like the Freemasons. Frankly this is likely the fact as the Jewish people have a good ability to organize and help each other. I can understand that and would partake personally in all possible advantages my heritage can bestow upon me. If you are born Jewish, then so what? And what does it really matter to you if some Jewish people are effective criminals? Plenty of Germans, Americans, Chinese, Russians etc. were doing terrible things in history and criticizing some of them does not make one automatically a racist.

As far as Zionism is concerned - well many Jews are against it - especially the orthodox ones:

[Image: 1811869_orig.jpg]

Unless you want to accuse them too of anti-semitism, then I don't see a problem in criticizing Israel or some Jewish people. Anti-semitism is an idiotic critique of an entire people on the merit of them just being born in the Jewish faith or race (albeit I doubt that there is a Jewish race due to the massive intermarriage rates of the Ashkenazi, but that's a different topic).

I remember this one article opening the topic against anti-semitism on ROK and the comment section resembled pretty soon Stormfront. That escalated quickly and I think that Roosh has decided to abstain from that topic, as it clearly becomes too irrational and attracts the wrong kind of people if you know what I mean:

[Image: kitler30.jpg]

Also I might note that I have probably some Jewish predecessors some 100 years ago from my grandmother's side - they seem to have changed their religion for some reason. I'm probably gonna research that in more detail. But frankly - what does it really matter?

I think that most here abstain from such futile discussions as we have more in common while being of different races, religions, economic and educational backgrounds, nationalities or even mother languages. Our differences pale in comparison to the things which unite us here. Thus it is preferable to abstain from such futile discussions despite some jabs here and there towards some countries, religions etc. - they are not to be taken personally.

Most of us are probably Seinfeldians anyway - and out:

[Image: 160.gif]

Roosh and Return of Kings: Anti-Judaism & Anti Semitism

When will the blessed hammer be brought down to purify this heathen's soul?

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Roosh and Return of Kings: Anti-Judaism & Anti Semitism

this race baiting is annoying. step your game up.

Roosh and Return of Kings: Anti-Judaism & Anti Semitism

I do not mean to accuse, I want to understand. I likely have been misenterpreted as well.

I agree with Zelcorpion (except Naturei Kurta which serves not as example at all), what I was pointing out is the apparent logic that some communist terrorist is a jew like an aggravant or even a reason why he is a communist (because he is a jew)

Roosh and Return of Kings: Anti-Judaism & Anti Semitism

Tuthmosis must be busy.

One thing I wanted to say in Cardguy's infamous Jew thread but didn't get around to it, is the extent to which the Jewish American male writers have been the proto-red pill.

Norman Mailer in particular was the first public intellectual to push back against feminism in the 1960s. The Prisoner of Sex is a long denunciation of organized feminism.

Philip Roth, Saul Bellow, Bernard Malamud, and David Mamet have all been accused of misogyny. Their work represents a male point of view, and they got slammed over it. It almost certainly cost Roth the Nobel Prize. Just read Herzog, Humboldt's Gift, Seize the Day, Sabbath's Theater, Portnoy's Complaint, A New Life, Glengarry Glen Ross.

Roosh and Return of Kings: Anti-Judaism & Anti Semitism

Race hate and its loathsome child collective punishment goes nowhere pretty I've ever seen.

People like to bitch and moan about the USA ( I notice almost all of them are STILL IN the USA however) but we've got every critter in the zoo here and we're the only country in the word that basically invents everything new AND can turn every other country into glass.

Roosh and Return of Kings: Anti-Judaism & Anti Semitism

W̶e̶l̶c̶o̶m̶e̶ .. Goodbye.

[Image: troll.gif]

Roosh and Return of Kings: Anti-Judaism & Anti Semitism

I noticed it as well. Its interesting to read when it appears, makes me feel like I'm some part of some super elite group of people than control the world. Its far from that in reality though and I'm not getting Zionist bags of gelt. It is more common on some articles on ROK comment sections who could be trolls too. But not too bad on the forum.

Roosh and Return of Kings: Anti-Judaism & Anti Semitism

The Larry David banhammer theme would be especially appropriate here...

You don't get there till you get there

Roosh and Return of Kings: Anti-Judaism & Anti Semitism

Quote: (03-31-2015 09:07 PM)Slim Shady Wrote:  

The Larry David banhammer theme would be especially appropriate here...

Weak race trolling.

[Image: giphy.gif]

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Roosh and Return of Kings: Anti-Judaism & Anti Semitism

The only thing I'll say about Jews...

The girls put out 10x more than other religions (mostly because being Jewish is nearly synonymous with being atheist in America)

Roosh and Return of Kings: Anti-Judaism & Anti Semitism

7 day ban

Roosh and Return of Kings: Anti-Judaism & Anti Semitism

Quote: (04-01-2015 06:51 AM)Sonoma Wrote:  

The only thing I'll say about Jews...

The girls put out 10x more than other religions (mostly because being Jewish is nearly synonymous with being atheist in America)

Why is that? Jewish girls are really well represented on my notch list.

Personally I don't think i'd ever marry one.

Roosh and Return of Kings: Anti-Judaism & Anti Semitism

Quote: (04-01-2015 07:53 AM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

Why is that? Jewish girls are really well represented on my notch list.

I'm jealous. Some of the coolest girls I met were Jewish. I went to college with a lot of them and had I had game back then, could've done some damage with them. Most of them were stylish, well travelled, intelligent, and LOVED and appreciated being gamed (which was refreshing from the other women on campus who were quick to occuse other guys of being 'creepy' for even a simple hello). A lot of them liked that I was nerdy and didn't have 'swag'.

I came the closest to having my first Jewish flag in Seattle a few years ago, but I fucked it up.

Roosh and Return of Kings: Anti-Judaism & Anti Semitism

Quote: (04-01-2015 10:01 AM)MdWanderer Wrote:  

Quote: (04-01-2015 07:53 AM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

Why is that? Jewish girls are really well represented on my notch list.

I'm jealous. Some of the coolest girls I met were Jewish. I went to college with a lot of them and had I had game back then, could've done some damage with them. Most of them were stylish, well travelled, intelligent, and LOVED and appreciated being gamed (which was refreshing from the other women on campus who were quick to occuse other guys of being 'creepy' for even a simple hello). A lot of them liked that I was nerdy and didn't have 'swag'.

I came the closest to having my first Jewish flag in Seattle a few years ago, but I fucked it up.

They're fun alright, but honestly it would take hell or high water for me to LTR up one of these chicks. The one girl I hooked up with as a senior (she was a freshmen) and already had 30 notches. By the time she graduated her number was 85. She just claims she "likes sex". However, I know better. When she was hanging out with me she started spouting some BS about how guys in the gym shouldn't sweat.

She even had the audacity to say to me that if I come to her wedding, she'll want to have me "one last time".

I just looked at her like she was an idiot. Whatever, she's some other herbs problem now.

Roosh and Return of Kings: Anti-Judaism & Anti Semitism

Strong troll, but I'll bite. I always think it's important that when people accuse others of things like 'antisemitism' or 'racism' that people from those groups are able to have a coherent dialogue with the accusers. So as a Jew, I'll give my brief thoughts.

I find most "antisemitism", especially online, to not necessarily be a direct attack towards Jews, but rather an attack at the establishment and power holders in our society. Seeing as Jews have an unbalanced share of wealth and power, and are omnipresent in Hollywood, the media, big banks, government etc. it's inevitable that they're going to attract some hate.

But again, this attack is not directed at individuals, but the industries the Jews run. At an individual level, most Jews are passive. I mean, how many Hasidic
Jews do you think are in prison right now?

So anytime you see a comment on ROK or this forum like "Damn Greeedy Jewzzz" I would re-frame it as "Damn greedy bankers" or "Damn manipulative media moguls". Sounds more logical doesn't it? This isn't to legitimize the commenters using that language though, as if they really wanted to tackle those issues they would avoid making it about Jews.

And when it comes to Israel, no being anti-Zionist is not anti-semetic. I think this is quite harmful as Israel can bypass legitimate criticism of their government by blaming anti-semites.

Roosh and Return of Kings: Anti-Judaism & Anti Semitism

Seth_Rose raises a good point. Like gays, Jews are about 2-3% of the US population, but for some reason are grossly overrepresented in government, business, media, courts, etc. It doesn't mean there's anything "wrong" with that. It just is.

It's an issue I've always felt like I had to tread lightly on. Sometimes asking an innocuous question or making a point on the subject can gain immediate accusations of anti-semitism. It's usually an ad-hominem attack meant to shut down conversation immediately, like most things SJWs do.

But back to the original question, I haven't seen any anti-semitism or racism either from Roosh or from this community. I could give the questioner the benefit of the doubt and assume he didn't communicate his point clearly, but reviewing the original posting it sounds like an accusation. "Have you stopped beating your wife yet?"

Roosh and Return of Kings: Anti-Judaism & Anti Semitism


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