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More Madness from Sverige

More Madness from Sverige

The Swedish Police have dropped all pretense and stopped enforcing the law in those areas. Ultimately I can't blame the police since they do get attacked and are probably not allowed to defend themselves for fear of being racist.
See Rotherham in the UK.

This ethnic nationalist mass immigration stuff is not rooshv material, so I was wondering what resources could be used to also expose the gender madness of Sweden.
I am wondering because Sweden is a ticking timebomb that keeps becoming less developed relative to the rest of the world each year, and while their masochistic racial policies I think are going to be their undoing it is most certainly the stranglehold feminism has over the culture that helps allow this.

More Madness from Sverige

God Bless America?

More Madness from Sverige

This is a very bad sign for Sweden. By giving up control of parts of the country, they are setting in motion a long, slow process of national suicide. Any government that is too craven to enforce its authority does not deserve to survive.

They've grown fat, soft, and weak in their luxury. They don't deserve our tears, since they've lost the right to survive in this world. Any country, like any person, that is unwilling to fight for its survival, deserves what it gets. It just disgusts me to see how Europe is unwilling to fight for its survival.

If Charles XII could come back now and see the pitiable state of his country, he would be horrified.

More Madness from Sverige

I'm reminded of an inscription on the wall of a Returned Servicemen's League building here in Australia: "They deserve freedom only those who are prepared to defend it."

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

More Madness from Sverige

Quote: (11-09-2014 10:39 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

This is a very bad sign for Sweden. By giving up control of parts of the country, they are setting in motion a long, slow process of national suicide. Any government that is too craven to enforce its authority does not deserve to survive.

They've grown fat, soft, and weak in their luxury. They don't deserve our tears, since they've lost the right to survive in this world. Any country, like any person, that is unwilling to fight for its survival, deserves what it gets. It just disgusts me to see how Europe is unwilling to fight for its survival.

If Charles XII could come back now and see the pitiable state of his country, he would be horrified.
You're right, but I wont lie that it moves me so because it is my people. And to me, it is not a honorable fight that we simply lost but really a pathological con job.
Alas, Sweden will probably self destruct well before the rest of Europe and if that doesn't wake them up then so be it.

More Madness from Sverige

Quote: (11-09-2014 10:22 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

God Bless America?

We do still have our guns. Point one for us.

More Madness from Sverige

History is not without a sense of humor. Can't you see the irony here?

A thousand years ago (AD 900-1000), Norse marauders from what is now Sweden, Denmark, and Norway ranged all over Europe and Russia, pillaging, raping, plundering, and colonizing. They raided Ireland, France, Russia, England, and many other places. They took advantage of the pacifism of monks and monasteries in Ireland and England.

They ransacked these places, killed the inhabitants who couldn't defend themselves, and inseminated the local population with Norse blood and culture.

The locals were unable or unwilling to defend themselves.

And now, 1000 years later, the tables are turned. Now it is the Scandinavians who are the sedentary, weak people who are being raided by barbarians from certain parts of the world.

Decades of sloth, greed, and neglect of the military virtues have left the Scandinavians easy prey to hungrier, more aggressive peoples.

It is one of the primary laws of history. Weakness and wealth are irresistible invitations to conquest.

More Madness from Sverige

^ Quintus my man, it pains me to hear your analysis, in reality it is a bit more complicated than you make it. The Scandinavians have been taken over from inside the last 50 years. Nordics are extremely naive people and always score in the top when people are asked on how much they trust each other and the government. This trust is what made these countries so rich and peaceful, but like their descendants in Minnesota who did the same with Somali immigrants (, there seems to be something criminally trusting and naive in the Norse DNA, not fit for withstanding sneak attacks through cultural-marxism. Also, the middle easterners did not plunder or win anything by fair fight, they were invited in by traitors.

Sweden may be a lost case, Denmark is certainly not and Norway is not lost either. It's just Sweden actually, and if we include Estonia and Finland, then overall things are looking ok for the Norse.

There are still armies in those countries and push come to shove, they move in and clean the ghettoes for criminal elements. Even Sweden is not as far gone as Marseille or similar french satelitte cities.

More Madness from Sverige

Berzerk, I agree with you. They were invited in by traitors. It's the same story all over Europe. The people got sold out by the ruling cliques. They gave up the task of national defense, and turned everything over to the Americans. And this is what happens. The Europeans are reaping the results of decades of cowardice, Marxist degeneracy, and extreme liberalism.

It just angers me to see this type of thing continue to happen.

More Madness from Sverige



Valens promised the Goths farming land, grain rations, and protection under the Roman armies as foederati. His major reasons for quickly accepting the Goths into Roman territory were to increase the size of his army, and to gain a new tax base to increase his treasury. The selection of Goths that were allowed to cross the Danube was unforgiving: the weak, old, and sickly were left on the far bank to fend for themselves against the Huns. The ones that crossed were supposed to have their weapons confiscated; however, the Romans in charge accepted bribes to allow the Goths to retain their weapons.

"With so many people in such a small area, famine struck the Goths, and Rome was unable to supply them with either the food they were promised or the land; they herded the Goths into a temporary holding area surrounded by an armed Roman garrison. There was only enough grain left for the Roman garrison, and so they simply let the Goths starve. The Romans provided a grim alternative: the trade of slaves (often children and young women) for dog meat. When Fritigern appealed to Valens for help, he was told that his people would find food and trade in the markets of the distant city of Marcianople. Having no alternative, some of the Goths trekked south in a death march, losing the sickly and old along the path.

When they finally reached Marcianople's gates, they were barred by the city's military garrison and denied entry; to add insult to injury, the Romans unsuccessfully tried to assassinate the Goth leaders during a banquet. Open revolt began. The main body of Goths spent the rest of 376 and early 377 near the Danube plundering food from the immediate region. Roman garrisons were able to defend isolated forts but most of the country was vulnerable to Gothic plunder.

In late winter 377 war began in earnest and would last for six years before peace would be restored in 382. The remaining Goths moved south from the Danube to Marcianople, and next appeared near Adrianople. The Roman response was to send a force under Valens to meet and defeat the Goths. In 378 Valens moved north from Constantinople and was defeated (and himself killed) at the Battle of Adrianople (378) (modern Edirne). The victory gave the Goths freedom to roam at will, plundering throughout Thrace for the rest of 378. In 379 the Goths met only light Roman resistance and advanced north-west into Dacia, plundering that region.


By the end of the war, the Goths had killed a Roman emperor, destroyed a Roman army and laid waste large tracts of the Roman Balkans, much of which never recovered. The Roman Empire had for the first time negotiated a peace settlement with an autonomous barbarian tribe inside the borders of the Empire, a situation that a generation before would have been unthinkable.

The lesson was not lost on other tribes, as well as the Goths themselves, who would not remain peaceful for long. Within a hundred years the Western Empire would collapse under the pressure of continued invasions as the Empire was carved up into barbarian kingdoms.

More Madness from Sverige

I was 18 when I realized Europeans were actively self-destructing, I eventually came to terms with it. It's the insanity of Leftism and nothing else. Give it a couple more decades and the civil wars in Europe are going to start.
The Swedes apparently refuse to learn from history. 'But maybe appeasement will work this time!'. They will not escape learning that lesson the hard way.

I think we need to start using more unified terminology. The terms 'marxist', 'cultural marxist', 'feminist', 'socialist', 'SJW' etc are all the same thing: "Leftist". I think we need to start using the term Leftist, to more clearly delineate the enemy.

More Madness from Sverige

Vicious in 3...2...1...

Sweden does seem to be suffering from a 'slow rot' unfortunately, but you can say that about a lot of Europe I think. Look at the UK and France for example where you also have many of these 'no go' zones and/or creeping Islamification.

I was suprised that the article pointed out that these were "predominantly Muslim" gangs but I'm sure it's not a mainstream source so they can get away with it somewhat.

Still does not bode well for Sweden or Europe. From me meetings with many Europeans & Swedes and reading this board it seems to me that if you say one thing about any of this you are immediately called a 'racist' or "Islamaphobe" by the powers that be from what I've seen. Difficult to see this getting any better at this juncture and there's a long road ahead.

I was thinking it's kind "Pick you poison" now I guess. That is, either have more and more of these 'no go zones' as the immigrant populations grow or have an increasingly militarized police state with a massive law enforcement apparatus needed to maintain some semblance of order. It's a bit of both in the US now actually, whereas in Europe they seem to be unable to effectively police large swathes of their countries.

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

More Madness from Sverige

Quote: (11-10-2014 01:50 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

I think we need to start using more unified terminology. The terms 'marxist', 'cultural marxist', 'feminist', 'socialist', 'SJW' etc are all the same thing: "Leftist". I think we need to start using the term Leftist, to more clearly delineate the enemy.

I agree, Phoenix. Good point...the labels are getting confusing.

More Madness from Sverige

Quote: (11-09-2014 10:16 PM)dholland662 Wrote:

That is completely shocking. The only way for authorities to regain control, or even access, here is by bitter and bloody street by street, building by building, combat, in and around residents.

What a complete nightmare.

How can you propose to be running a state when 55 areas with civilian populations can't get access to emergency services under threat of violence?

Sweden is at war, they just don't know it.

"Pain is certain, suffering is optional" - Buddah

More Madness from Sverige

That's a shame to see the country of the once feared and might Vikings going to such waste. First by the hands of the entitled femicunts, then by the actions of these animals. About time the Swedes got back to their inner Vikings and sent the army and cleaned these places once and for all and sent all these undesirable leeches back to wherever the fuck they came from. And I'd hope the rest of Europe would take the same route as well.

However, we must be careful as to not to lump all the immigrants into that category of undesirables as the majority of immigrants are good, law abiding citizens. People who have adapted and integrated well into the local culture and economy of the country they are in by learning the language, the culture, going to school and having good and honest work there. While respecting the local culture, traditions and laws. It's that 5-10% of undesirable, useless parasitic hood rats that must be sent back with no quarter and no exception or pity back to where ever they hell they came from.

Going to a country is similar to going to someone's house. You go there and you respect the homeowner's rules. You don't go and behave like a dick, breaking everything thing and dressing like a barbarian. As the Thais would say, "same-same" when it comes to going to a country to live in. You respect the local laws, culture, tradition. You make the effort of learning the language, get familiar with the local laws and traditions. You are respectful of the locals.

Why is that hard to understand for some? It's not rocket science. Just basic, common courtesy, common sense of being a decent human being. And that's universal. Regardless of colour, origin or religion.

More Madness from Sverige

The people of Europe are slowly waking up to the truth, and they have decades to fix it.

Ultimately I don't care about Sweden for its own sake, but I do care about Western Civilization (including the people who are naturally predisposed to it and created it) survive and thrive.

I recognize that Empires and reigns always end, and perhaps it is time for white people to lay relatively dormant for now and let the East have it's time.
As others have noted it is the masochism of the matter that is so disgusting.

And for once, I hope the UN is right. 2030 is plenty of time for everyone else to get the message.

And of course, Denmark is resisting. Estonia and Finland are not at all keen to give up their lands as the popularity of the True Finns party shows.
UKIP, while not exactly a nationalist party (which as I see it is the only antidote even if a bitter one), is certainly a positive change.
And Marine LePenn is popular as all hell in France.

Actually, I would love to see what her views on feminism are. I have a theory that the more successful the woman, the less she thinks of it. Genuinely successful of course, not an actress or gender advocate. Actually creating something.
I wondered this when voting a few years ago that every woman running for the Republican party had a real job but that is off topic.

More Madness from Sverige

Quote: (11-10-2014 12:44 AM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

History is not without a sense of humor. Can't you see the irony here?

A thousand years ago (AD 900-1000), Norse marauders from what is now Sweden, Denmark, and Norway ranged all over Europe and Russia, pillaging, raping, plundering, and colonizing. They raided Ireland, France, Russia, England, and many other places. They took advantage of the pacifism of monks and monasteries in Ireland and England.

They ransacked these places, killed the inhabitants who couldn't defend themselves, and inseminated the local population with Norse blood and culture.

They sure did. But I would point out that those people are not the ones taking revenge and probably are facing similar threats as well. The UK certainly is, Rotherham being a great example of a similar dysfunction.

As someone noted that Nordics seem to be too trusting. Probably from living in a cold climate. It selects for social cooperation and communal values for survival.
I can't exactly test that but it would be my first guess.

More Madness from Sverige

From a guy who used to live in these go zone areas i can personally say that this go zone thing is overreacted. Its nowhere near the level of the england or paris situation . With that said its going rise. The biggest problem area atleast in stockholm is Tensta and Rinkeby
where there is a way higher population of muslims. But would i blame this problem on islam? No. I dont know how much you know but the swedish goverment have been terrible of integergrating immigrants into the labour market and into society.

More Madness from Sverige

Quote: (11-10-2014 02:19 AM)Ollave Wrote:  

Sweden is at war, they just don't know it.

It's true that many people are brainwashed and in a state of mass-psychosis. Not to mention sanctimonious hypocrites. They buy themselves free of multiculturalism and condemn those who vote themselves free from it. At the same time though, red pill party the Sweden Democrats are now the country's third biggest and serious analysts talk about them becoming the second, or even biggest party if things continue as present. Myself I consider more or less all politics to be merely a continuation of war by other means. Until it becomes war with conventional means again.

Quote: (11-10-2014 01:57 AM)Akula Wrote:  

if you say one thing about any of this you are immediately called a 'racist' or "Islamaphobe" by the powers that be from what I've seen.

Indeed, been called those things and others many times myself. People use them as a bailout from discussions they have lost by a wide margin. It's all ethos and no logos. I can safely say that the so called "antiracists" and "feminists" pretty much don't have a single valid argument. I wish you all read Swedish so you could understand the stuff they are saying and writing. It's pretty much the same shit as in the Anglo-sphere though. What we're seeing from our enemies in this culture war is nothing else but a complete intellectual, ideological and moral collapse.

I am an actual antiracist and I also do not want to close the door on real refugees or honest immigrants who cannot get help in their own countries/regions. At the same time, the vast majority of the world's people in need never get the opportunity to emigrate to the West, so the only way to help them is through various forms of foreign aid. Increased foreign aid would also decrease the need for migration and reduce its negative consequences.

As for the "refugees" who express their "gratitude" of being welcomed into a new country by getting involved in crime the first chance they get, yes absolutely kick them out. But the worst of them, the murderers and the terrorists, we cannot send away because then they will only start to kill in their own countries instead and seek out revenge against us. And forcing tax-payers to pay for their welfare and prisons is just not right. Therefore, if the evidence against them is beyond doubt, I think the most ethical thing to do is to give them the capital punishment.

More Madness from Sverige

KC4, please don't take this personally, I say this not because I dislike Scandinavia, but because I can hardly tolerate the degree to which your countrymen tuck their tails between their legs.

Society has NO obligation to integrate outsiders into the mainstream culture. Zero. If you immigrate into a new country to improve your situation, it's your own responsibility to learn the language, find a job, and contribute as a productive member. Immigrants are guests. They adapt to us, not the other way around.

As scorpion posted in another thread, Westerns are sharing their massive cultural, technological, and economic wealth with people who had absolutely no hand in generating any of it, and who are completely ungrateful for it. Giving up 7th century religious doctrine and assimilating in the modern world (for example, not killing people who leave the religion) isn't too much to ask in return. That's the trade off - immigrants have a high quality of living, are free from starvation, disease, and war - all we ask is that they live by the rules WE set in place, rules that allowed us to be prosperous in the first place.

My family immigrated to the US from Europe three generations ago. I moved back to Europe on my own. I had to learn the language, to pay taxes, to follow the law and provide all necessary paperwork. I sat for days in waiting rooms at the Ausländeramt, watching Somali families of 16 collect their EU passports, keys to a new apartment, food benefits, etc. while deserving absolutely none of it.

You've handed your country over to a Mongol horde. You've betrayed your ancestry, your families, your history, your language, and your culture. Demographic suicide and cultural capitulation are the only things left that Sweden deserves, and you brought it on yourselves.

More Madness from Sverige

Quote: (11-10-2014 05:26 AM)KC4 Wrote:  

I dont know how much you know but the Swedish goverment have been terrible of integergrating immigrants into the labour market and into society.

Well, if I was immigrating to Sweden, I would absolutely take it upon myself to learn the language, customs and laws, find a job and meld into the society. That's not the responsibility of the government. I'm the guest there and they're doing me a favor, so I better behave well if I want to stay.

I don't know how much you know, but the amount of papers I have to fill to merely get a simple short-term visitor's visa for any Western country is mind-boggling. But at the same time, some barbarian from Somalia or Pakistan just waltzes in and it's the government's responsibility to not just allow him in, but also integrate him?

Why do decent people who would actually contribute to Swedish society find it so much more difficult to get in?

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

More Madness from Sverige

Quote: (11-10-2014 05:43 AM)Blick Mang Wrote:  

KC4, please don't take this personally, I say this not because I dislike Scandinavia, but because I can hardly tolerate the degree to which your countrymen tuck their tails between their legs.

Society has NO obligation to integrate outsiders into the mainstream culture. Zero. If you immigrate into a new country to improve your situation, it's your own responsibility to learn the language, find a job, and contribute as a productive member. Immigrants are guests. They adapt to us, not the other way around.

As scorpion posted in another thread, Westerns are sharing their massive cultural, technological, and economic wealth with people who had absolutely no hand in generating any of it, and who are completely ungrateful for it. Giving up 7th century religious doctrine and assimilating in the modern world (for example, not killing people who leave the religion) isn't too much to ask in return. That's the trade off - immigrants have a high quality of living, are free from starvation, disease, and war - all we ask is that they live by the rules WE set in place, rules that allowed us to be prosperous in the first place.

My family immigrated to the US from Europe three generations ago. I moved back to Europe on my own. I had to learn the language, to pay taxes, to follow the law and provide all necessary paperwork. I sat for days in waiting rooms at the Ausländeramt, watching Somali families of 16 collect their EU passports, keys to a new apartment, food benefits, etc. while deserving absolutely none of it.

You've handed your country over to a Mongol horde. You've betrayed your ancestry, your families, your history, your language, and your culture. Demographic suicide and cultural capitulation are the only things left that Sweden deserves, and you brought it on yourselves.
Thats what the majority of us has done but its always the extreme you see .
I see everyday on my way to work or school immigrants who have failed to integrate, little girls walking around in niqab, all muslim schools, wannabe little gangsters ganging up and trying to pick fights with some of the natives and me included for having swedish friends
. My parents came here with nothing and they managed to create something. Yet so many refuse to do the same and adapt. As you said we are quests.
The ones with the bad reps here in sweden are the arabs, turks and somalies. Dont you think there is some kind of pattern in other countries with just these people.

More Madness from Sverige

I'm actually not too concerned that Europe will get taken over. I think there is growing discontent amongst the natives. When that finally bursts forth, it's going to be a massive fury, the likes of which have not been seen almost in living memory. Native Europeans have been playing nice for the past few decades, but they have a point beyond which they won't be pushed. No one knows exactly when or where the dam will burst, but it will. Those warrior genes haven't gone away. That warrior culture hasn't gone away. It has just been dormant, that's all. Europeans have, historically, displayed an incredible capacity for war, and not just at the individual level. At an organisational level, they will mop the floor with the idiots in their midst, who will wish they'd never been born.

Further to that, I think a lot of people are completely unaware of just how much support they would have. If people think there are only going to be jihadists flowing in from elsewhere in opposition to them, they are sorely mistaken. Europeans, and white people in North America, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, not to mention even Latin America, would heed the call to arms. During the Balkan Wars of the 1990s, there were many Australians who went to fight for one side or the other. A fight for Europe itself would make that look like a walk in the park. There would also be a massive amount of moral and material support for the native Europeans. Again, it's worth pointing out that all of the support by the Irish diaspora in the U.S. during the 70s and 80s for the IRA would be dwarfed by the funds and arms that would flow into Europe from the rest of the West. Eastern Europeans, too, would be spoiling for a fight. Many remember when their ancestors were oppressed by Muslims, and many also remember the pivotal role those such as Jan Sobieski played in turning the tide. Russians, Poles, Hungarians and Serbs will be amongst the most steadfast allies of their British, Swedish, Dutch and French brethren.

The two things I worry about are the following. The first is that many historic landmarks would be deliberately vandalised or destroyed by the barbarians. The second is that in overcoming this enemy, Europeans, and Europe, would overreact and turn their own societies into something extremely authoritarian, and throw out many of the good parts of their heritage.

I also don't think that the violence (at least from Europeans) would extend to other ethnic minorities (perhaps Indians by mistake or perhaps from some opportunist idiots). I don't think Europeans would go on a rampage against Chinese immigrants, for instance. I think other immigrants would either try to stay neutral, or would side with native Europeans. If they were smart they would know which side their bread was buttered on.

More Madness from Sverige

Quote: (11-10-2014 05:59 AM)KC4 Wrote:  

Quote: (11-10-2014 05:43 AM)Blick Mang Wrote:  

KC4, please don't take this personally, I say this not because I dislike Scandinavia, but because I can hardly tolerate the degree to which your countrymen tuck their tails between their legs.

Society has NO obligation to integrate outsiders into the mainstream culture. Zero. If you immigrate into a new country to improve your situation, it's your own responsibility to learn the language, find a job, and contribute as a productive member. Immigrants are guests. They adapt to us, not the other way around.

As scorpion posted in another thread, Westerns are sharing their massive cultural, technological, and economic wealth with people who had absolutely no hand in generating any of it, and who are completely ungrateful for it. Giving up 7th century religious doctrine and assimilating in the modern world (for example, not killing people who leave the religion) isn't too much to ask in return. That's the trade off - immigrants have a high quality of living, are free from starvation, disease, and war - all we ask is that they live by the rules WE set in place, rules that allowed us to be prosperous in the first place.

My family immigrated to the US from Europe three generations ago. I moved back to Europe on my own. I had to learn the language, to pay taxes, to follow the law and provide all necessary paperwork. I sat for days in waiting rooms at the Ausländeramt, watching Somali families of 16 collect their EU passports, keys to a new apartment, food benefits, etc. while deserving absolutely none of it.

You've handed your country over to a Mongol horde. You've betrayed your ancestry, your families, your history, your language, and your culture. Demographic suicide and cultural capitulation are the only things left that Sweden deserves, and you brought it on yourselves.
Thats what the majority of us has done but its always the extreme you see .
I see everyday on my way to work or school immigrants who have failed to integrate, little girls walking around in niqab, all muslim schools, wannabe little gangsters ganging up and trying to pick fights with some of the natives and me included for having swedish friends
. My parents came here with nothing and they managed to create something. Yet so many refuse to do the same and adapt. As you said we are quests.
The ones with the bad reps here in sweden are the arabs, turks and somalies. Dont you think there is some kind of pattern in other countries with just these people.

From the article:

"Starting next year, the Stockholm Policy Academy will be moved to Södertörns Högskola, where the new curriculum will be “progressive” with more focus on cultural sensitivity, ethical awareness, gender issues and more. The aspiring police officers will achieve “greater understanding of the intercultural perspective.

So apparently the "solution" that the local government thinks is applicable is more pandering to violent people + "progressive cultural sensitivity."

These fools will never learn until the mob is literally at their front door. I can only assume these edicts are coming down from on high from the wealthy politicians and far leftist groups. It's worth noting that mixed into this apparent "solution" is a mention of "gender issues." You have to be kidding me.

Coming from the US I can tell you that is only a road to ruin. It's frightening what these socialist & cultural marxists come up with sometimes instead of tacking the real problem. They are literally the exact sort of people and systems that Orwell, Huxley et al warned up about decades ago.

My question to KC and many others is...why are we supporting and paying taxes to these Orwellian "democracies" anymore given what's going on?? I left, and I know that can't be the solution for everyone, but my G*d it's a nightmare.

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

More Madness from Sverige

Quote: (11-10-2014 08:26 AM)Akula Wrote:  

Quote: (11-10-2014 05:59 AM)KC4 Wrote:  

Quote: (11-10-2014 05:43 AM)Blick Mang Wrote:  

KC4, please don't take this personally, I say this not because I dislike Scandinavia, but because I can hardly tolerate the degree to which your countrymen tuck their tails between their legs.

Society has NO obligation to integrate outsiders into the mainstream culture. Zero. If you immigrate into a new country to improve your situation, it's your own responsibility to learn the language, find a job, and contribute as a productive member. Immigrants are guests. They adapt to us, not the other way around.

As scorpion posted in another thread, Westerns are sharing their massive cultural, technological, and economic wealth with people who had absolutely no hand in generating any of it, and who are completely ungrateful for it. Giving up 7th century religious doctrine and assimilating in the modern world (for example, not killing people who leave the religion) isn't too much to ask in return. That's the trade off - immigrants have a high quality of living, are free from starvation, disease, and war - all we ask is that they live by the rules WE set in place, rules that allowed us to be prosperous in the first place.

My family immigrated to the US from Europe three generations ago. I moved back to Europe on my own. I had to learn the language, to pay taxes, to follow the law and provide all necessary paperwork. I sat for days in waiting rooms at the Ausländeramt, watching Somali families of 16 collect their EU passports, keys to a new apartment, food benefits, etc. while deserving absolutely none of it.

You've handed your country over to a Mongol horde. You've betrayed your ancestry, your families, your history, your language, and your culture. Demographic suicide and cultural capitulation are the only things left that Sweden deserves, and you brought it on yourselves.
Thats what the majority of us has done but its always the extreme you see .
I see everyday on my way to work or school immigrants who have failed to integrate, little girls walking around in niqab, all muslim schools, wannabe little gangsters ganging up and trying to pick fights with some of the natives and me included for having swedish friends
. My parents came here with nothing and they managed to create something. Yet so many refuse to do the same and adapt. As you said we are quests.
The ones with the bad reps here in sweden are the arabs, turks and somalies. Dont you think there is some kind of pattern in other countries with just these people.

From the article:

"Starting next year, the Stockholm Policy Academy will be moved to Södertörns Högskola, where the new curriculum will be “progressive” with more focus on cultural sensitivity, ethical awareness, gender issues and more. The aspiring police officers will achieve “greater understanding of the intercultural perspective.

So apparently the "solution" that the local government thinks is applicable is more pandering to violent people + "progressive cultural sensitivity."

These fools will never learn until the mob is literally at their front door. I can only assume these edicts are coming down from on high from the wealthy politicians and far leftist groups. It's worth noting that mixed into this apparent "solution" is a mention of "gender issues." You have to be kidding me.

Coming from the US I can tell you that is only a road to ruin. It's frightening what these socialist & cultural marxists come up with sometimes instead of tacking the real problem. They are literally the exact sort of people and systems that Orwell, Huxley et al warned up about decades ago.

My question to KC and many others is...why are we supporting and paying taxes to these Orwellian "democracies" anymore given what's going on?? I left, and I know that can't be the solution for everyone, but my G*d it's a nightmare.
I am gonna tell you a funny thing about the cops here. I was talking to my neighbour who was on duty in the city. He's with the k9 unit and he was on call but it turned out too be nothing.
Anyway we are chatting and out of nowhere he tells me its time for me to leave right now because people are staring . i thought at first it was because he was busy and had to leave. He told me leftis would come up to police and abuse them for being racist. I thought it was joke until the dog started sniffing my hand and licking it. Then out of nowhere this dude comes up to him and acuses him of being racist and how he was abusing me just for being a foreigner. I was shocked. I mean how the fuck did that fucker come up with that conclusion. all i did was say hi, shaked his and was about to leave.

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