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My Response to "Do You Have Instagram?"

My Response to "Do You Have Instagram?"

Quote: (08-23-2018 03:15 PM)RDF Wrote:  

I don't really understand the aversion to social media either.

The phrase "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" applies here. If you are getting plenty of hot young girls today without being on Instagram at all, then there's no need to play that game, just keep doing what you're doing. However, if you AREN'T getting the girls you want, you should seriously look into whether a lack of social media may be the problem.

At least in my city, the truth is that basically all 18-22 y/o hot girls have Instagram, spend a shit ton of time on it, and are sometimes even willing to disqualify guys who don't have IG (or who have a crappy profile). Meanwhile, there are plenty of guys who have mastered the "art" of social media and are getting lots of passive pussy from it, much more than from Tinder/Bumble/etc.

Here are the benefits of social media as I see them:
- IF you're wealthy/famous/popular/good-looking, you're getting laid anyway, but IG provides an additional avenue to meet chicks and to show value. It is easy to create a good profile because all you have to do is take selfies, pics w/other chicks, and generally show off your life.

- IF you're not especially good-looking/popular/famous, but live a unique and exciting life, IG can be a great tool to get yourself into the game with girls that wouldn't be as accessible without it. Say that you're a traveling surfer or skier. You meet a girl at a bar and tell her about it. What is more likely to impress her... showing a few pics on your phone (could easily be fake)... or showing her your IG with 1,000 followers and dozens of dope pics of you surfing/skiing. It is the latter.

Note that in both of these cases, you are not "faking" anything; you are living your life, and showing excerpts of it online.

- IF you aren't any of the above, and don't live an exciting life, then it becomes much harder to be successful on IG. You can either fake it, or just go crazy with pics when you actually do something exciting. The simpler solution though is to actually live an exciting life.

I fully acknowledge that social media has downsides (LINUX wrote a great post in another thread on negative aspects of IG), but the upside is that it is a great outlet to show value, as well as a passive pussy funnel.

If you live an exciting life, you don't even need to spend a lot of time on social media, just post a pic every week and a few stories here and there. It isn't as complicated as people make it.

Also i'd like to add, for those of us that travel quite a bit and meet girls all over the world, social media (IG stories in particular) is the absolute BEST way to keep girls 'warm'. You can easily reply to her stories and 'ping' her in a more approacheable way than the 'hey how've you been?' text after 6 months of radio silence.

But more than that, SHE is watching your stories all the time, so if you hit her up 6 months later without direct contact, it's actually a warm lead still (because she has been seeing your name, face and life for the duration).

I've also had flakes come back from the dead on instagram with way more consistency than just a number.

My Response to "Do You Have Instagram?"

Just got an Instagram myself but im gonna dedicate it for my photography only.

Ill tell then i dont have one.they find out im lying tough break

My Response to "Do You Have Instagram?"

Well my personal experience is that IG (and FB for that matter) is extremely useful particularly for my style (Social circle night game if you want to put a geeky PUA term on it). It's not just about having a fancy profile to try impress the laidez but also gathering intel on chicks, places to go, any events that are on and who the people to know are.

Its easy to see who is partying where via IG stories and for chicks/friends to see where you are too. So many hook ups have happened where girls have hit me up after seeing my IG story and im partying in certain venues so they've come along. Also when you land in a city rather than sending out multiple texts seeing who's around, instead you can upload a story showing you've just landed at the airport and a "back for the weekend" etc. Thus everyone knows you're in town and can hit you up, including chicks/mates who you may have forgot about or hadn't realised are in the same place as you also.

On top of that for chicks you're looking to hook up with, it's a hell of a lot better passively communicating to them this way you're in town vs sending out a needy text saying "heeeeeey, im in town this weekend. what you up to?".

Also the feedback i've received offline is that chicks really dont give that much of a fuck about your followercount at the end of the day, given most of them are faking their IG too and can spot the giveaway signs. But if you genuinely have a cool life with lots of friends, travel and partying you can passively demonstrate that on your profile. Takes very little effort, so why wouldn't you do that.

Another thing it's very useful for is building intel about the girl you've met. You can see what she is like (albeit her life will be thoroughly upsold on her profile, but there's only so much you can fake).

Particularly the IG stories: for example:
- you can see if she's drama by putting up loads of 'woe is me' attention seeking stories.
- is she constantly off on holidays to Dubai/HK etc seemingly all by herself? (ie she's a lifestyle prostitute)
- if you know how to look for it, you can work out shit that she may not tell you in person (or try to hide), ie if she's got a boyfriend, husband or kid
- if you have mutual friends in common. See who she knows and the crew she hangs out with
- The venues she and her pals regularly frequents
- If she has any other hot friends, in which case she may be more use as a pivot/friendzone chick

Outside of chasing tail, social media is just a great way to passively stay in touch with friends all over the world and seeing what they're up to. Particularly if you travel and so do they. Often I've seen mates going solo somewhere and I would get in touch and hook them up with other friends I know there who can take them out and show a good time. And had buddies do those favours for me too.

As long as you dont let yourself get sucked into being a consumer of social media by being thirsty and constantly following, liking and DMing random chicks you dont know. Instead make it work for you and it becomes a very useful tool in the toolbelt


My Response to "Do You Have Instagram?"

You guys overanalyze the shit out of this, not everything is a shit test.

Isaac Jordan and I discussed this last week and summarized IG as basically being your life CV.

Do you talk the talk you walk?

Do you fit the projected idea of you she has?

Women are curious and will find ways to satisfy that curiosity. You can be mysterious for so long but if you're < 30 and don't have instagram, it's a red flag for them.

Again, it's a life CV. Showcase the cool life you live by throwing out some pics here and there.

I use it for both recon and to showcase my life but if you've been on this forum for the past 5 years, then you know I am pro-social media.

It can only add value and verify your status, assuming you have some.

I co-sign everything Irish said.

Fb and WhatsApp for messaging.

Instagram for passive display of value. Also easy to re-open girls with memes, they love that shit.

If you're actually banging girls under 30 then you know this is a no-brainer and only adds positives.

Take a quick photography course, play around with it, take interest in subjects such as your friends, your lifestyle, cool scenery and funny shit and throw it on instagram. Makes you accessible and also high status/out of their league depending on their own self-esteem levels.

My Response to "Do You Have Instagram?"

Just like a big dog and tattoos, Instagram can help get you chicks. No argument here. The question is, do you need it to get chicks? The answer is no.

My line now is "don't stalk me bro"

My Response to "Do You Have Instagram?"

How do you guys get good photos for your Insta? The last thing I want to be is that tool taking selfies or trying to get people to take photos all the time. I get the advantages of it but when I see these Insta-obsessed people in real life I can only shake my head at how big of tools they are.

My Response to "Do You Have Instagram?"

Day game this girl and got the number. Set up a date but she flaked. I did a restart text last nite with a party flyer. The party was hosted by her brother( she didn’t know, I knew that). So she ask me for my name to list me to vip lounge. On giving her my name, she instantly followed me on Instagram but I haven’t follow her back yet. I am having second thoughts: block her on insta so no detective work for her her or keep her on it and post more stories with different girls and hope that raise her attraction. Which one would be the better choice ?

I live for my self and answer to nobody- the great Steve McQueen’s

My Response to "Do You Have Instagram?"

Some things in game never change and always deliver, like my answer to this from 4 years ago:

Quote: (11-10-2014 02:48 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

Easy response.

Bish: Do you have an instagram/twitter/facebook/snachat?
Me: no

My Response to "Do You Have Instagram?"

I reativated my tinder account after a sabbatical year..and holy shit. I got only 2 matches with HB6's in 4 days. I used to have 5 per day, just a year ago.

I'm not sure if it's the new algorithm they put in place..or competition got fiercer.

Another observation : Every 18-25 hot chick on Tinder have an IG account with minimum 300 followers..
They post pictures at cool exotics places while partying and living the good life. Girls know how to stage these things and are way more intuitive than boys when it comes to photos, etc.

I got a match with a 22 years old who has an IG. She asked for mine after 2 minutes conversation. She unmatched after I told her I don't have one.

Girls in their 20's care a lot about this shit.

I was listening the other day to two girls mentionning dudes they know. They were wondering why the first dude, who is "hotter" had less followers then the second one.

Silly..but that's how things are. Take it or leave it.

I am not even mentionning snapshat. The new generation, of "cool kids" are moving to it. Apparently they have a system with points and people can track basically your live from 16 y o.

I feel sorry for the lonely aspies who are not popular in high school. At least before, for my generation, if you spent a large chunck of your 20's rotting at mom's basement playing COD or one would find out. Now, it's over.

My Response to "Do You Have Instagram?"

Quote: (09-23-2018 10:37 PM)mehdreamer Wrote:  

I reativated my tinder account after a sabbatical year..and holy shit. I got only 2 matches with HB6's in 4 days. I used to have 5 per day, just a year ago.

I'm not sure if it's the new algorithm they put in place..or competition got fiercer.

Another observation : Every 18-25 hot chick on Tinder have an IG account with minimum 300 followers..
They post pictures at cool exotics places while partying and living the good life. Girls know how to stage these things and are way more intuitive than boys when it comes to photos, etc.

I got a match with a 22 years old who has an IG. She asked for mine after 2 minutes conversation. She unmatched after I told her I don't have one.

Man up and stop caring what some immature bitches think is the shiny thing of the day.


My Adventures in Game updates on the go: twits by Max Detrick

Unbowed. Unbent. Unbroken.

I don’t ever give up. I mean, I’d have to be dead or completely incapacitated.
-- Elon Musk

My Response to "Do You Have Instagram?"

Quote: (08-24-2018 01:47 AM)Irish Wrote:  

It's not just about having a fancy profile to try impress the laidez but also gathering intel on chicks

I don't know if I buy that.

Most of the time you dont even need an account for that anyway. Most girls dont lock their profile, so you can see exactly what they're doing there.
In other case you could just set up a fake account of someone else and whenever you need to find out more about a particular chick you can do that anonymously and don't have to spend the rest of your year to fix photos and be part of this childish bubble.

Quote: (08-24-2018 01:47 AM)Irish Wrote:  

, places to go,

What is it that you miss about "places to go" if you just use Google instead to look up a bar, restaurant or whatever?

Quote: (08-24-2018 01:47 AM)Irish Wrote:  

any events that are on

When I wasn't part of Facebook everyone made this argument, but as I got on Facebook I realised I hadn't missed out on anything in terms of missing out on events to go really.

I pretty much always already know where to go and if there was one time I could use Instagram to find out about an event I could just log on to some fake account and check up the event. Again, it does not require me to be part of this whole bubble.

Quote: (08-24-2018 01:47 AM)Irish Wrote:  

and who the people to know are.

This sounds like a sheep mindset to me.
Never in my life have I thought "OH MY GOD, gotta know this guy because he is a big shot on Instagram and he's this promoter at club X. Damn, look at all those likes man!! He is SO popular!".

No, most of these people that I've met in the night life scene are just dull and boring and live inside a superficial bubble and are typically not at all the kind people you want to know, in my opinion. I don't have be licking ass to some narcissists in order to get places that are more high end or classy.

Quote: (08-24-2018 01:47 AM)Irish Wrote:  

Its easy to see who is partying where via IG stories and for chicks/friends to see where you are too. So many hook ups have happened where girls have hit me up after seeing my IG story and im partying in certain venues so they've come along. Also when you land in a city rather than sending out multiple texts seeing who's around, instead you can upload a story showing you've just landed at the airport and a "back for the weekend" etc. Thus everyone knows you're in town and can hit you up, including chicks/mates who you may have forgot about or hadn't realised are in the same place as you also.

This is the most valuable argument for Instagram, I guess. But if it's a particular friend or girl I'd like to see when I'm visiting another city I'll just hit them up by text or call them. The types of people who would check out other peoples dull and boring IG stories are probably not the kind of people you want to spend much time with anyway.

Actually only yesterday this Eastern European chick said this to me, like if you want to see someone you can text or call them and then meet in real life instead of using this pointless social media. There are even some hot women who thinks like this and don't need social media so why would a heterosexual man do it?

Quote: (08-24-2018 01:47 AM)Irish Wrote:  

On top of that for chicks you're looking to hook up with, it's a hell of a lot better passively communicating to them this way you're in town vs sending out a needy text saying "heeeeeey, im in town this weekend. what you up to?".

You need more context to that. Why would it be needy to hit someone up and see what they're up to while you're visiting their city, in what world?
If a guy travels to St. Tropez to party on some yacht and hits up a girl who works in local grocery store and ask her whatsup and makes some small talk, would he be needy if he asked her to come by for a drink as he was meeting with other billionaires?

It depends on the situation and trying to impress some immature bitches with IG stories is needy from my perspective.

Quote: (08-24-2018 01:47 AM)Irish Wrote:  

Outside of chasing tail, social media is just a great way to passively stay in touch with friends all over the world and seeing what they're up to. Particularly if you travel and so do they.

But what's the point with that, why do you or I need to know what they're up to? Mostly it's just dull shit other people are up to.
Do I really need to know that some guy I know, was out yesterday and had a few drinks in some night club or that he took a selfie on a boat or that some guy spent last night editing photos of himself?

Sounds ridiculous. The interesting people I know usually never post bullshit on Instagram on display for others cause they're usually to busy to even get involved in this crap.

I already know what the ones I really care about are up to, and even with them I don't really give a shit about details about their lives.
If I really cared I'd ask them to send some pictures from their trip or whatever.

Quote: (08-24-2018 01:47 AM)Irish Wrote:  

As long as you dont let yourself get sucked into being a consumer of social media by being thirsty and constantly following, liking and DMing random chicks you dont know. Instead make it work for you and it becomes a very useful tool in the toolbelt

I don't buy the advantages of this. Science also seems to be very clear on what types of people that are active on Instagram:

Business Insider: Narcissists can hide in plain sight on Instagram — here are 7 signs you're following one

I'd say that for the most of time this bullshit will draw you into the types of people you generally don't want to have in your life, unless you like superficial, dull and boring narcissists who are complete sheeps.


To this I can add that I went on a date this last month with a hot Instagram influencer from Mexico, she's pretty famous there. This chick had a big following on there.

And she's was the most dull and awkward woman I've ever been on a date with, by miles. Long story short, she always had a stone face on her face, whispered as she tried to speak (she was not shy though) and was completely socially retarded and so uninteresting. A queen on Instagram but a complete loser in real life. I even left the date with her.

We might look at these attention whore women on there and wish we could enjoy some of it, but these narcissists are not a blessing to be around.

My Response to "Do You Have Instagram?"

Cool story bro...


My Response to "Do You Have Instagram?"

usually I just answer : I am not on social networks , I am too busy for that. I just have whatsapp/viber

My Response to "Do You Have Instagram?"

Last year when I didn't have an IG acct, a late 20's persian girl in Miami asked if I was on, and I told her no. She looked at me like I had four heads. A month later, I was in a bar in Austin, TX, a 30 year old italian again asked if I was on Instagram. I told her I was too busy to be. She liked that reply. It all depends on the audience.

My Response to "Do You Have Instagram?"

Q: Do you have instagram?
A: No

Let me ask. Why are you people on social media in the first place? You do it because everyone else is doing it? Do you think it is contributing to your life in a positive way? It making you happy?

Only three ways to do something: "The right way. The wrong way. Or my way. Obviously my way is best."

My Response to "Do You Have Instagram?"

I don't follow "normal" girls on instagram, only celebrity girls (actresses, tennis players and stuff). i have yet to 'like' any girls (celebrity or normal) pics on IG. Don't be a thirsty beta.

One of my friends said to follow this slutty girl and that she will definitely talk to me. We chatted for a short time and she just blocked me lol.

I think facebook game is more convenient than instagram game. Both are shit, but facebook has been better for me.

My Response to "Do You Have Instagram?"

Quote: (11-22-2018 01:27 PM)lunchmoney Wrote:  

a late 20's persian girl in Miami

Where are Persian/Iranian girls in Miami/South Florida? I am eager to meet one.

My Response to "Do You Have Instagram?"

Quote: (11-22-2018 02:04 PM)Soy Jooce Wrote:  

I don't follow "normal" girls on instagram, only celebrity girls (actresses, tennis players and stuff). i have yet to 'like' any girls (celebrity or normal) pics on IG. Don't be a thirsty beta.

One of my friends said to follow this slutty girl and that she will definitely talk to me. We chatted for a short time and she just blocked me lol.

I think facebook game is more convenient than instagram game. Both are shit, but facebook has been better for me.

So you're saying there's a distinction between following Celeb chicks and normal chicks? And that somehow following celebs is 'less beta'?


This whole "it's like, creepy if you don't have IG" is just straight bullshit. If a girl says that to you or otherwise indicates she finds you repugnant, and says it's because you don't have an IG account she's blowing smoke. She's most likely looking for any excuse to eject from the interaction. If you honestly think you NEED an instagram account to get laid, it's a frame issue.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

My Response to "Do You Have Instagram?"

Quote: (11-22-2018 02:18 PM)Rhyme or Reason Wrote:  

Quote: (11-22-2018 02:04 PM)Soy Jooce Wrote:  

I don't follow "normal" girls on instagram, only celebrity girls (actresses, tennis players and stuff). i have yet to 'like' any girls (celebrity or normal) pics on IG. Don't be a thirsty beta.

One of my friends said to follow this slutty girl and that she will definitely talk to me. We chatted for a short time and she just blocked me lol.

I think facebook game is more convenient than instagram game. Both are shit, but facebook has been better for me.

So you're saying there's a distinction between following Celeb chicks and normal chicks? And that somehow following celebs is 'less beta'?


Celeb profiles (with blue tick mark), I don't "follow" or like any of their pics. I don't look at my newsfeed either. I need to show girls that I follow at least 50 people (5 are real life friends, 45 are celebs both men and women). If I am following only 5 people, it might be a red flag to instawhores.

Edit: disregard the "thirsty beta" comment. I sometimes write nonsense.

Open to suggestions? I am a beginner at Instagram game.

My Response to "Do You Have Instagram?"


If I am following only 5 people, it might be a red flag to instawhores.

Why's that? Don't all the coolest motherfuckers on IG only follow a few people?

Also, who cares what's a 'red flag' to them? Why care what they think? Seems like all these social media enthusiasts are trying to back engineer having value... sounds like a recipe for neurosis to me.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

My Response to "Do You Have Instagram?"

Quote: (11-22-2018 02:26 PM)Rhyme or Reason Wrote:  


If I am following only 5 people, it might be a red flag to instawhores.

Why's that? Don't all the coolest motherfuckers on IG only follow a few people?

Also, who cares what's a 'red flag' to them? Why care what they think? Seems like all these social media enthusiasts are trying to back engineer having value... sounds like a recipe for neurosis to me.

Hmmm let me try that. I will unfollow all the celebrity profiles and only follow my 5 real life friends.

My Response to "Do You Have Instagram?"

Quote: (11-09-2014 05:29 PM)Bacchus Wrote:  

It's a way for her to satisfy her natural female curiosity through her preferred outlet of socialization, the iPhone.

[Image: laugh2.gif]

Dude she just wants to see if you're hot enough for her to bang you.

My Response to "Do You Have Instagram?"

Quote: (08-23-2018 03:15 PM)RDF Wrote:  

Here are the benefits of social media as I see them:
- IF you're wealthy/famous/popular/good-looking, you're getting laid anyway, but IG provides an additional avenue to meet chicks and to show value. It is easy to create a good profile because all you have to do is take selfies, pics w/other chicks, and generally show off your life.

- IF you're not especially good-looking/popular/famous, but live a unique and exciting life, IG can be a great tool to get yourself into the game with girls that wouldn't be as accessible without it. Say that you're a traveling surfer or skier. You meet a girl at a bar and tell her about it. What is more likely to impress her... showing a few pics on your phone (could easily be fake)... or showing her your IG with 1,000 followers and dozens of dope pics of you surfing/skiing. It is the latter.

Note that in both of these cases, you are not "faking" anything; you are living your life, and showing excerpts of it online.

- IF you aren't any of the above, and don't live an exciting life, then it becomes much harder to be successful on IG. You can either fake it, or just go crazy with pics when you actually do something exciting. The simpler solution though is to actually live an exciting life.

Maybe I'm biased because I live in a large college town. But almost everyone who's posting on IG is faking it. It's just a bunch of college students. All of them spending mommy and daddy's money to pretend they're ballers. The female co-eds are hot and some of the dudes are ripped; but not as much as their pictures indicate (obviously).

Most well paid professionals and business owners who are actually earning their own money are working at least 60 hours a week. They don't have time to travel non-stop for pleasure, and posting photo's showing a bunch of skin will quickly torpedo their professional prospects. Most people who are independently wealthy are older and find showing off on Instagram distasteful. Most trust fund babies would get their trust pulled if they openly lived a playboy lifestyle. People who are good looking or famous don't need Instagram to get laid. So for them the upkeep of an IG account just for pussy is redundant.

That just leaves: college kids spending mommy & daddy's money, lifestyle prostitutes, fakers, and (rarely) someone who inherited a bunch of money with no strings attached. I feel like being a faker would be way more work than it's worth. Especially considering that you have to have a constant stream of pictures. But maybe that's because I suck at it.

"Those who will not risk cannot win." -John Paul Jones

My Response to "Do You Have Instagram?"

I don't know if I'm punching below my league, but in my case most of the girls I am the one doing the flake/ghosting to most girls I stop seeing . Sometimes if I don't know a chick that well I barely reveal anything about myself or where I work or study. If you give chicks your instagram you are fucked in that regard, she will know exactly who you are.

I only had 2 girls so far that were super dramatic when I told them I wasn't interested in seeing them again, but I block them on my phone and the problem is solved.
If they had my social media accounts they could be more of a headache.

My Response to "Do You Have Instagram?"

Quote: (11-09-2014 05:29 PM)Bacchus Wrote:  

If you've done any amount of online dating, you've probably come across some variation of a girl asking for your other social media, especially Instagram. It can happen before or after you get her number, but I see it most often after getting the number when I'm already texting. It's a way for her to satisfy her natural female curiosity through her preferred outlet of socialization, the iPhone. Here's my response for this increasingly common request.

Girl: Do you have instagram?
Me: @kevinhart4real

Her response will be along the lines of "that's not you." I'll follow that up with a "confession" about how that's actually Kevin Hart's account. After that, she'll drop the subject, and you should feel free to continue on by arranging the date.

You can substitute whatever celebrity you like for Kevin Hart. My only suggestion is that it should be someone obviously famous, so that even a dumb chick can get the joke.

I just give her my real ig and tell her to follow me.

If your initial profile isnt getting you to meet her before she asks, she wasnt interested enough anyway. easier to just move on.

Isaiah 4:1

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