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Top 3 Habits 2014

Top 3 Habits 2014

There are still two months left in 2014 but I thought it would be cool to breakdown what habit changes we have made this year that have seen the biggest results.

Made gym a daily keystone habit

Based of the benefits of having one core daily keystone habit(credit:Roosh) I focused on going to the gym at least 5 times a week. The other two days I jogged/yoga/swam. When I traveled this was replaced by hiking/surfing but the habit of daily exercise is now well formed.

Direct benefit: In way better shape and feel amazing
Side benefits: Better diet, less drinking, more focused, more motivation to tackle other goals, better style, more confident and improved game

Got my finances in order

I used to be great at saving when I was younger but once I started partying hard in Uni I forgot a lot of those skills. From listening to MikeCFs podcast on finances I have improved my bank account dramatically over the last year. Using, CostCo, bulk buying and a lot of other tips he (and others on here) recommend I have completely changed how I save and spend my money. Also related to that podcast I started my own business for tax write offs which has increased my income - so lower expenditure while making more. I owe Mike a lot for help on that.

Direct benefit: More money in the bank
Side benefits: Better self control, more inclined to take business and work risks (bigger safety net), smarter purchases, better planning skills, improved future business and life options

Created a morning routine

Cold shower, 1 litre of water, bright light therapy (credit Lizard of Oz), zinc, iron, magnesium, super krill, fish oil x 3, ginseng, protein smoothie, visualization, morning stretches and day planner alongside 15 minutes of inspirational reading (at the moment this). Then load my slow cooker and good to go!

Before I am thirty minutes into my day I am way ahead of the pack and have great momentum to keep going. The slow cooker has been great in keeping up with my gym habit and also saving lots of money. All these habits interconnect and the combination has seen huge positive results.

Top 3 Habits 2014

One I have to add that I've been working on making a consistent habit recently is waking up extra early. For me as a student, that is 5 am. Before this habit I had no reason to ever wake up before 7, although I've never been a late sleeper and I've always been up rather early.

I'm currently making this a consistent habit for non-weekend days of the week. That's two extra hours more or less of productivity daily. Also I procrastinate less because there is greater motivation to get work done and start the day on the right track.

Top 3 Habits 2014

Gym/Fitness. I've had numerous lapses but there's little else that provides as much ROI as hitting the gym or making it a point to get some physical exertion in.

Cutting back on alcohol This is really part of the upward spiral. The less you drink, the less you need to get buzzed or have a good time. I rarely, if ever, have more than 2 drinks now. I'd be happy if I never wake up with a hangover for the rest of my life. I still have wild nights here and there, but we're talking maybe once every few months, if that.

Being audacious. I've had more "crazy" interactions this year than my previous years combined, pretty much all of them involving work and girls. I've made a huge leap in taking all the things that I've always wanted to say, all the things kicking around my brain, and actually saying them. The results are insane. I've become 100% comfortable in heated arguments, comfortable with pissing people off and using speech to bring them back to a rational state of mind. Being brutally honest and not backing down from my position by an inch. I used to just shut down when conversations or fights got heated, I would walk away and suppress my emotions. Learning to navigate through emotions and explicitly communicate has been an absolute game-changer. The key really is to be willing to walk away from any situation, so you might as well stand your ground and speak your mind. Let the job fire you. Let the girl dump you. But say whatever the fuck you want to say.

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



Top 3 Habits 2014

Quote: (11-03-2014 12:56 PM)Nascimento Wrote:  

I'm currently making this a consistent habit for non-weekend days of the week. That's two extra hours more or less of productivity daily.

Ya waking up before dawn I think is key. I found this out through surfing where ya get up early to be on the water for first light. By the time you have surfed for two hours, driven home and had breakfast most people are still asleep. You feel like a king and you productivity go through the roof.

Some tips:

- Have a shower or jog. Make sure you body knows its time to wake up fully. Bright light therapy is great for this.
- Never go back to sleep for a nap or 'a few minutes'. It messes your body clock up big time.
- Leave your bedroom and get dressed. If possible leave your apartment. If you stay in your boxers or try study/read in your room you will usually get nothing done and end up distracted/back asleep.

Quote: (11-03-2014 01:06 PM)Veloce Wrote:  

Cutting back on alcohol


Being audacious. I've had more "crazy" interactions this year than my previous years combined, pretty much all of them involving work and girls. I've made a huge leap in taking all the things that I've always wanted to say, all the things kicking around my brain, and actually saying them. The results are insane. I've become 100% comfortable in heated arguments, comfortable with pissing people off and using speech to bring them back to a rational state of mind. Being brutally honest and not backing down from my position by an inch.

Good post. I think the two of these are highly related.

I found once I gave up drink I started getting a lot more emotionally driven and broke down a lot of barriers. Because you are not partying hard you start to express those same intense emotions during the day instead. I think drink really dulls your ambition and drive. When you remove it you really step up to the plate and start charging.

I have done some pretty crazy stuff also through out the year that I wouldn't have done back when I was a heavy drinker. Its hard to sustain completely but the benefits of cutting it back are huge.

Top 3 Habits 2014


When people drink to "kill the pain", they're killing their emotional expression. Humans need to react to environmental stimuli and alcohol dulls that impulse.

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



Top 3 Habits 2014

Quote:Atlantic Wrote:

Created a morning routine

Cold shower, 1 litre of water, bright light therapy (credit Lizard of Oz), zinc, iron, magnesium, super krill, fish oil x 3, ginseng, protein smoothie, visualization, morning stretches and day planner alongside 15 minutes of inspirational reading (at the moment this). Then load my slow cooker and good to go!

-Morning Routine: has been a staple for me. Waking up on average 3 hours before I used to. Immediatley I get my water, vitamins, coffee and do 30 pushups to get the blood flowing. At that point I study my language, do whatever work I need to. When I was losing weight for Jiu Jitsu, get your running in early in the day, I've felt my brain functions much better after a run.

Quote: (11-03-2014 01:06 PM)Veloce Wrote:  

Cutting back on alcohol This is really part of the upward spiral. The less you drink, the less you need to get buzzed or have a good time. I rarely, if ever, have more than 2 drinks now. I'd be happy if I never wake up with a hangover for the rest of my life. I still have wild nights here and there, but we're talking maybe once every few months, if that.

-Cutting Drinking: I've also cut back on drinking. Much more energy and enthusiasm for getting my shit done. Spitting game completely sober most of the time has been a bit tough, yet I feel like I'm in much better control when I'm socializing in general. Danger and Play describes drinking culture very well in this post. . Also, if you want to wake up earlier, it's almost a necessity that you cut alcohol from your life. Those two run hand in hand.

-Reading my Kindle App : Reading in my downtime has allowed me to finish at least 5-10 more books than I had planned to read this year. Reading on the bus, at work when I have free time, when I'm waiting for food to be prepared, anywhere. The fact that I have a full library of outstanding books in my pocket to access at any given time shows you how lucky we are sometimes to live in this era. If only people knew how to handle technology and use it for personal gain instead of attention whoring, we would be living in a better world for sure.

Overall I've made some great changes in 2014 and I'm fired up for 2015.

Top 3 Habits 2014

I've long thought alcohol is a social suppressant. By giving people this limited outlet for self expression, they inhibit themselves when they're sober. The most buttoned up societies - Japan, Korea, Britain, Germany also have strong traditions of binge drinking. When you rarely binge drink, that need for expression is quenched sober, and not while drunk and incoherent.

Top 3 Habits 2014

Quote: (11-03-2014 06:43 PM)Basil Ransom Wrote:  

I've long thought alcohol is a social suppressant. By giving people this limited outlet for self expression, they inhibit themselves when they're sober. The most buttoned up societies - Japan, Korea, Britain, Germany also have strong traditions of binge drinking. When you rarely binge drink, that need for expression is quenched sober, and not while drunk and incoherent.

Very good observation. But this just means that alcohols serves as a mental imprisonment device. By getting rid of drinking an individual gets more detached from the societies norms and starts questioning things.

Alcohol is bad for individual but is tolerated and not equaled to drugs as although some victims of drunk driving are to be sacrifice it gives a net benefit to society by keeping worker bees in line.

When you deny yourself the indulgence of alcohol/videogames/television you are more likely to seek pleasure by increasing yous status in some sociopathic way. Thats why alcoholics are often easy to get by but strict non-drinkers are not very nice people.

Top 3 Habits 2014

One thing I would like to get into is meditation. Does anyone here meditate on a daily basis? How does your session go?

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Read my Blog: Fanghorn Forest

Top 3 Habits 2014

Here are some positive changes that I've effected in 2014:

- eat only healthy, natural food during the week (M-F). This means, personally, a lot of Japanese food. I buy a Japanese bento (boxed lunch) for lunch, full of good meats, vegetables, and white rice. Overall, a very healthy lunch. At night M-F, I continue to eat only natural, healthy foods - seaweed, natto (fermented beans), etc. On weekends I can eat sweets, but if I'm having a meal, it can only be healthy - good, wholesome food like Japanese, some Greek food, etc. (lots of good meats and vegetables, even if high in fat). Think something like the Paleo diet.

- fasting. I fast two days per week. It's not hard. I drink only water or green tea. This saves me money and it's good for the health in a variety of ways. See the fasting threads for more on this (I'll write an update there soon).

- situps in the morning (currently 70 per day, not a whole lot, but I just started). I plan to do more and more as the months pass.

I also started on a cold shower routine, but stopped this winter because it's just too cold. But I must say that cold showers are great, they make you feel so nice and refreshed. It seemed to help with skin redness too.

I'm dressing better as well, finding my own style. Generally I am better than I have ever been!

Things I need to work on:

- I bought a juicer over the summer that I need to use more. Ideally, I will use this at night after eating a healthy lunch.

- get more into lifting. Scary because I have never been the type to lift, but I am beginning to see the light, thanks to y'all.

- sleep more. I sleep enough, but I think that not having Internet at home will help. I'd like to get 7-8 hours on average per night. Right now it's about 6-7.

Top 3 Habits 2014

Great thread , valuable tips from you guys .

As for me :

-Workout : I run 3 times a week for 8 kms , then I proceed to a 15 min workout (push-ups , squats ) . I consider this to be acceptable since exercising was out of the question these last years.

-Cold showers : I have been taking them for at least 5 months , I will switch to slightly cold for the winter season. I feel relaxed and at the same time alert.

-No fap : I quit fapping for 82 days now , I'm waking up with huge boners self-esteem and memory are becoming way better.

-No fast food : I haven't been to McDonalds ,KFC,Burger king in almost a year. I eat a lot of homemade baked chicken, salads ,brown rice and green beans for proper protein and carbs needed for energy.

For the upcoming months.

-I would like to sleep and wake up earlier
-Cut the alcohol addiction and drink moderately once or twice a month.
-Quit smoking cigarettes indefinitely and switch to occasional cigars.

Top 3 Habits 2014

Quote: (11-04-2014 08:30 AM)The Reactionary Tree Wrote:  

One thing I would like to get into is meditation. Does anyone here meditate on a daily basis? How does your session go?

Top 3 Habits 2014

Earn more money to receive a Dope lifestyle.

Top 3 Habits 2014


- Exercising has been consistent since I've restarted it back in June.
- Got a new job and making good money.
- Inner game is practically solid at this point. In the past, I would have an anxious feeling in my gut whenever I would go out in public. It has pretty much lessened by now.
- Bought beer, but rarely drink.
- Choice in attire is much better than last year. Before then, it was just a regular t-shirt and jeans, but a couple of changes in my wardrobe made me standout from the crowd.
- Cold showers definitely worked for me. I'm practically immune to whatever anyone around me considers as "cold" or "cool".
- More assertive in my actions than last year. Plan on having my family eat healthy and work out as much as I do.

Things I need to work on:
- Should meditate more.
- Focus more on nutritious foods than relying on a multivitamin to do the job, it is the mere sum of its parts.
- Cut out masturbating so much.
- Reading. It's been months since I've cracked open a book, and the last book I've wanted to buy was "Ham on Rye".
- Spending habits. It's improved since I've recently switched bank accounts, but I still have a habit of spending money on my vices instead.
- Stop going back to sleep after I wake up. I'm wasting precious time and I'm never going to get that back since I'm not too far from turning 22.
- Approaching more. I admit I haven't been approaching as much as I was compared to when I've first stumbled upon the manosphere.

Top 3 Habits 2014

Quote: (11-05-2014 03:57 AM)boinerd Wrote:  

Earn more money to receive a Dope lifestyle.

You may want to make your reading comprehension a priority first. This thread is about stuff you already got handled this year.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Top 3 Habits 2014

Well, it took me most of the year to finally get these in check, but I finally quite drinking, and my morning routine and working out is pretty ingrained - I hit the gym every other day, and on my days off I feel the itch to be in there. Starting to see some results.

Next in line, committing to more work hours, finishing my book, making meditations more regular, fasting once or twice a week, and possibly 5am wakeups.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Top 3 Habits 2014


Why the ginseng? Everything I have ever read about it concluded that its snake oil. No studies ever proved otherwise.

As for me:

- Quit drinking 100%
- Quit smoking
- Started exercising

Fking proud of myself. Its like a completely new life.

Nr.4 : Registering at rooshvforum [Image: wink.gif]

Top 3 Habits 2014

Almost fully recovered from old health issues.
Started a side business.
Killing it in school (Mostly. Lol.)
Stopped drinking and stopped porn (meditation is next).
Read 3-4 books a week.

Changing habits is the biggest PITA ever. [/php]

Top 3 Habits 2014

Good thread since sometimes I forget about the good changes I've made:
- Quit smoking...used to "smoke when drink" which ended up being frequent, very infrequent now
- Working out...I play bball or vball 2-3 times per week and lift 3 times per week
- Less porn and jackin...I forget this, but except for occasional break downs, I've stopped

Potential future mountains to climb:
- New job, small business, move to Asia, something
- Travel solo, Meet RVFers
- Boost T / more drive
- Build $avings (for now more Uber driving less drinking)
- Daily fasting...once a week? Start with once a month. Start somewhere.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

Top 3 Habits 2014

Best thing I did this year was to quit smoking cigarettes, I smoked for over twenty years (started when I was ten) and quit a few times before but always went back on them after a few months. I quit using laser therapy, it cost me $300 but was worth every penny, I highly recommend it.

Top 3 Habits 2014

I'd say the past four or five years I formed a lot of positive habits that are now bearing their fruits of labor:

1. Habitual Saving: 70% of my paycheck never even hits my checking account. Straight into retirement funds.

Yet I can still have my cake and eat it too. In the past 18 months I've spent a month in Brazil, lived in the Amazon, done New Year's in Israel, checked out Austin, Hong Kong, and Bangkok for a second time, all while splitting time living in NYC and SEA. Many of these flights have been in business class. I'm living a spoiled life.

2. Networking: I'm always networking. It's on autopilot now. I'm a really positive guy that people enjoy getting to know. I was offered my new position in many respects without a formal interview. A series of great conversations with someone who has the same mindset as me led me to my new position. It's working out great.

Using that same skill set, I've become a well-known name within my field in this part of the world. In the past two years I've gone from a guy who had the degrees, the smarts and the work ethic, and wondered why things weren't moving faster, to a man who has a tremendous amount of responsibility and relishes more.

3. A Willingness To Share My Beliefs: I'm going to let you know what I think, whether you're a man or woman, regardless of if we're at work or we're out for a beer. Honesty is the panacea, and it's amazing to realize how effective it is to tell it like it is. Things operate on your terms when you're honest. People respect you. 98% of the world is afraid to tell the truth without a honey glaze on it, don't be one of them.

I've gotta work on a few things:

I haven't hit the gym as much as I'd like. I ride a bicycle constantly, but the gym needs to happen more.

I drink too much. Asia does business drunk. Too many hangovers that I need to clean up.

I could use a relationship, and I'm too picky with girls I date. It tends to add structure to my life, and right now it's a bit too much of a work hard, play hard mentality.

Top 3 Habits 2014

Great post MaleDefined. Do you mind saying what industry you are in?

Top 3 Habits 2014

^Thanks Atlantic! Glad you enjoyed.

I never attach too much personal info into singular posts/threads. If you search through older posts you'll figure out enough about me.

Top 3 Habits 2014

Solid thread,

I wake up, drin water, do some deep breathing / voice projection exercises
Cold shower, Lotion up, plan my day.
Stretch, pack my lunch and my gym bag, and put some clothes on.

Top 3 Habits 2014

A lot of what I do has been covered above, so I'll explain some different habits:

Shaving at night:

I normally prefer to work out in the evening after work, and I find that shaving at night has a couple benefits. Your skin is already warmed up from the workout, so you can combo shaving with cleaning. You can also put on coconut oil or other moisturizers/supplements and have them absorb longer in your skin overnight, which wouldn't work in the morning since you'd be going to your job shiny like a Bateman face mask. Quick shower in the morning and the excess is off while your skin looks and feels rejuvenated.

WaterPik Water Flosser:

This was a great investment, you can spray different intensities of water through a small movable spout, and it helps when you want to reach certain areas that are difficult with normal flossing/brushing, or just quickly rinse your mouth out. I have mine just sit on the corner of my sink while I'm using it like in this photo (couldn't find smaller one):

[Image: Waterpik-Ultra-Water-Flosser-review.jpg]

Juicing vegetables in one session to last a whole week or two:

I discussed in this post when I purchased a juicer per MikeCF's info:

There's vegetables I never really enjoyed eating (i.e. beets) that I will now juice with tons of other ones. A great time saver is to block off 3 hrs during a designated day each week to juice, and even better, batch that with cooking and a workout (i.e. have something going in the oven that you don't have to check on often, do exercises in between juice buckets) . This can also help with low carb diets since you can get a large chunk of your vegetables through juice and portion it out accordingly for each day. A nice way to drink this is to do a glass of 1/3 juice, 1/3 green tea, 1/3 water, and a splash of ACV, you'll feel great afterwards.

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