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Badwolf's Concussion in China

Badwolf's Concussion in China

I have some news. I spent the entire day again at this hospital near us.

Then tonight I start having pain in my fingers, so my wife takes me back to the hospital, its near closing time. We tried to pay to get a specialist but they were all taken so we just got a general GP. Waited 2 hours and then they told us they couldn't fit us in but they had a specialist show up on the floor so we could see her but it would be another hour...whatever. So sit and wait... then at the very end, they shut off most of the lights and monitors... a couple people ahead of us and I start having some serious chest pains and breathing problems... start getting really dizzy and my wife is holding me up. I felt really bad, I had major head pains and chest pains and some bad pressure on my face and a sore throat and cough too boot.

So the next 10 minutes are me huffing and puffing trying to catch my breath... we get into this doc's office and she looks at my fingers and says "There isn't anything I can do for this".

I'm sitting here passing out and this woman is just looking at me

"She says are you ok?"

My wife tells her about the concussion and spinal injury. She looks at me and says "No you just have the flu". She brings up my X-Rays and looks them over and says, "yes you have a bad case of the flu, I will fix you now..".

I'm sitting there like WTF is going on???

She says "your muscles so tight, less stress, less tense" and she starts poking me in the back of the neck where it fucking HURTS. And I yelp a couple of times... I'm like "listen lady, stop I can hardly breath". She says "I know, you have an influenza problem, I will fix"... she starts rolling my head around in her hand and then puts her other arm over my throat.. I'm thinking, this bitch is crazy wtf.

"You are so tense? Does this hurt?" Pokes my neck hard...

YES Goddamnit, it fuckin hurts.

She starts mumbling "Mmm, release yourself to me, let me have you, let me have you, you just relax, let me have you, relax, relax, let me have"


For a second I saw stars and the pain was near unbearable. Then it was all over... everything was gone except for a little pin prick behind my ear. I just sat there for a few minutes with my mouth agape...

I asked her "What did you do? How did you do that?".

She says "I fixed you ok? You had spine problem but now all better, rest one week with a neck protection."

I'm bringing this woman maple syrup and Ice Wine from Canada... she wouldn't take any more money and she wouldn't take my offer of an expensive dinner but I'll make sure she has the best stuff brought sent from home. I am eternally grateful to this woman. Also its almost as if this was divine intervention, she told us she was only in the hospital to relieve a doctor who had to go for some reason, she normally stays in the VIP section as she's the resident Spinal expert for Chang Gang Medical Hospital. We went to see her about my fingers, its almost as if she was put there specifically for us to meet...

I know we are down on women, a lot here on the forum but I gotta say, props to this one, without her, her education and experience, I'd still be absolutely fucked right now.

My back is sore, yeah... my neck is a bit sore but the stabbing pains, toothaches and constant headaches are all gone. She said that the teeth, throat and chest are all connected through the spine. All this for $7.00 USD.

If you are in Guangzhou, I highly recommend stopping at this hospital to meet this woman. I'll find her name next week and post it on the forum.

Badwolf's Concussion in China

Looks like all you needed was some chiropractic treatment.

A lot of spinal problems can be cured by them, while conventional doctors give you drugs and call it Hyperostosis which would be degenerative in your case and is a far shot frankly.

Badwolf's Concussion in China

I hope you recover fully.

To be honest, when I saw your other thread recently about sword fighting, I thought, "This is going to end badly." However, I didn't want to be a party pooper.

What I would suggest is that perhaps if you want to play with swords, both you and your partner(s) should receive some training, especially in being able to pull/stop your cuts.

A bokken is not a toy. The famous swordsman Miyamoto Musashi supposedly killed another famous swordsman, Sasaki Kojiro -- a man who was reputed to be able to cut down birds on the wing -- with a bokken he had carved from an oar. There is a reason the shinai was developed. At the least, use shinai or equivalent instead of wooden weapons. Even still, I have known people to suffer broken ribs from hard enough shinai blows that missed the armour.

Badwolf's Concussion in China


What I would suggest is that perhaps if you want to play with swords, both you and your partner(s) should receive some training, especially in being able to pull/stop your cuts.

A bokken is not a toy. The famous swordsman Miyamoto Musashi supposedly killed another famous swordsman, Sasaki Kojiro -- a man who was reputed to be able to cut down birds on the wing -- with a bokken he had carved from an oar. There is a reason the shinai was developed. At the least, use shinai or equivalent instead of wooden weapons. Even still, I have known people to suffer broken ribs from hard enough shinai blows that missed the armour.

Its really my fault, it was a stupid idea to get involved with this meat head... guy said to me "Don't worry, these swords will break before you do", in reference to the bokken bouting... I dont know why I listened to that, I suppose I was just taking by the whole sword thing and I figured he knew what he was doing.... couple that with pure stupidity on my part. I think this guy was just looking for someone to hurt.

I'm sort of done with sparring or 'bouting', its much too dangerous... and now that I have a wife to worry about, I can't really be doing stuff like this. I consider myself very lucky, to have met this woman, without her, I'd be in a considerable amount of pain, probably over my entire life time. Its enough to want to make me not touch a sword again. I think if I do, it'll just be to practice by myself or with someone at 1/100th the speed. Right now I'd rather pick up a welding gun or a hammer and make some money. Well... in 6 months that is, we are coming home shortly, [Image: smile.gif]
Might take up Archery, seems like a safer bet.

Have a bit of nerve pinching... but I'm not complaining, I feel like this guy today --> [Image: banana.gif]

Badwolf's Concussion in China

BadWolf, that's good but you should still get an MRI scan done to rule out internal bleeding. You had head trauma and you had symptoms for a while, MRI is the scan of choice and will allow them to see things that might not be seen on a CT. Also, unlike a CT, you are not getting irradiated in an MRI. Do it -- don't take any chances when it comes to your brain. It is very likely that the MRI will show nothing unusual and then you can forget about the whole thing. But you need to cover the bases.

same old shit, sixes and sevens Shaft...

Badwolf's Concussion in China

Wish that could have been my last post to this thread. Today, I was in subway, re-telling the exact same story to my friend while playing magic cards. We got up to leave and the whole world went topsy turvy... couldn't stand at all. He carried me up to the hospital where my wife met me. Arms went numb, dizzy and major chest pains and breathing problems. Screamed at the docs for potassium but they wouldn't listen...

So screaming, and they slam me onto a bed... fucking doctors take my pulse and my ratings are dropping like a bag of bricks. They don't know what to do and they are saying that I'm just scared and nervous and working myself up, they take my blood and run a test. Dying, can feel it... telling my wife last goodbyes and she sticks a potassium pill in my mouth with a ton of liquid K to wash it down.

10 minutes later life returns to the Badwolf.

2 hours later the blood test comes back near 0 potassium in my body... my wife and I were right all along.

Unfortunately this has no happy ending. I'm going home this week. I will be leaving my wife in China and this breaks my heart more than anything. My parents are coming to pick me up in a few days, I can't make it home by myself. Time to get checked out properly. My next thread will be about bringing my wife home... I'll be updating it everyday because I know I'm going to miss my wife more than anything in the world.

So ends the saga of Badwolf in China.

Badwolf's Concussion in China

Quote: (07-11-2014 04:53 PM)BadWolf Wrote:  


What I would suggest is that perhaps if you want to play with swords, both you and your partner(s) should receive some training, especially in being able to pull/stop your cuts.

A bokken is not a toy. The famous swordsman Miyamoto Musashi supposedly killed another famous swordsman, Sasaki Kojiro -- a man who was reputed to be able to cut down birds on the wing -- with a bokken he had carved from an oar. There is a reason the shinai was developed. At the least, use shinai or equivalent instead of wooden weapons. Even still, I have known people to suffer broken ribs from hard enough shinai blows that missed the armour.

Its really my fault, it was a stupid idea to get involved with this meat head... guy said to me "Don't worry, these swords will break before you do", in reference to the bokken bouting... I dont know why I listened to that, I suppose I was just taking by the whole sword thing and I figured he knew what he was doing.... couple that with pure stupidity on my part. I think this guy was just looking for someone to hurt.

I'm sort of done with sparring or 'bouting', its much too dangerous... and now that I have a wife to worry about, I can't really be doing stuff like this. I consider myself very lucky, to have met this woman, without her, I'd be in a considerable amount of pain, probably over my entire life time. Its enough to want to make me not touch a sword again. I think if I do, it'll just be to practice by myself or with someone at 1/100th the speed. Right now I'd rather pick up a welding gun or a hammer and make some money. Well... in 6 months that is, we are coming home shortly, [Image: smile.gif]
Might take up Archery, seems like a safer bet.

Have a bit of nerve pinching... but I'm not complaining, I feel like this guy today --> [Image: banana.gif]

Jeez Badwolf! Sorry I saw this thread too late. My wife knew some International hospitals in Guangzhou you could go to. Like the two the US embassy sends people to get shots or examinations, etc. Here is one of them

You still might want to get a checkup even though you feel fine now.

That said, you had a level 3 concussion. The only dangerous thing about your head injury that is if you get blood vessel swelling that can cause an aneurism. Those are super bad because you can drop dead suddenly with no warning.

I have had all 3 level concussions before. I used to be a cagefighter and I know how bad they can be. A level 3 can take around a week to fully recover. Staying in a dark room and getting rest is all you can do about it really. You will have nightmares, memory issues, a hard time sleeping, etc.

Some helpful things you can do is to take a few days and get more hours of stage 3 sleep. Some research my brother told me about was saying that sleep at that level was shown to actually repair brain damage loss by lack of sleep/stress. I think it is true and notice a difference when I do it. Use sleeping pills like Unisom/Benadryl (diphenhydramine), before going to bed and that can get you longer times of stage 3 REM deep sleep.

The Fish Oil is good, which speeds the myelin(sp?) transfer speed by making them smoother on the surface. Ginko Bilboa (extremely easy to get in China and very pure) will improve memory (this is well documented on Alzheimers patients). Chinese use it for colds, never brain reasons, so ignore them if they tell you that you do not need that. A little caffiene will stimulate and speed transmission to the front of your head, where judgement is done, but don't drink too much of it.

If you can order it from online, get some nootropics. Like Mental Bright, etc. If you need more info on those, let me know.

No alcohol for a month or two. Maybe 3. Seriously.

I will subscribe to the thread and you can always PM me anytime.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Badwolf's Concussion in China

Jeez Badwolf - take care. Hope you will recover fully soon. Good luck!

Badwolf's Concussion in China

Thanks guys, I don't drink anyway... now suffering from insomnia maybe too much potassium tonight or too much pure oxygen... wife is fast asleep but I cant seem to go under. I had a late supper and right afterwards I think I ate too much cause it caused massive chest and stomach pains which I've sort of farted and burped away... just left with a sore and slightly tight chest area... did a lot of hard breathing tonight to stay alive, dunno why I'm not really tired. I was famished by the end of it, survival is very taxing on the stomach it seems. Had two bowls of Rice Porridge after and a bunch of bread, then had severe stabbing pains in chest, shoulder and gut... probably not the best idea right after a major incident but I was just overcome with hunger.

I hope I live long enough to meet a few of you. I'll be in Canada soon if anyone wants to get together just leave me a message. My parents want me to take a couple of months off in their care, so I'll be home for awhile.

Badwolf's Concussion in China

Quote: (07-12-2014 12:51 PM)BadWolf Wrote:  

Thanks guys, I don't drink anyway... now suffering from insomnia maybe too much potassium tonight or too much pure oxygen... wife is fast asleep but I cant seem to go under. I had a late supper and right afterwards I think I ate too much cause it caused massive chest and stomach pains which I've sort of farted and burped away... just left with a sore and slightly tight chest area... did a lot of hard breathing tonight to stay alive, dunno why I'm not really tired. I was famished by the end of it, survival is very taxing on the stomach it seems. Had two bowls of Rice Porridge after and a bunch of bread, then had severe stabbing pains in chest, shoulder and gut... probably not the best idea right after a major incident but I was just overcome with hunger.

I hope I live long enough to meet a few of you. I'll be in Canada soon if anyone wants to get together just leave me a message. My parents want me to take a couple of months off in their care, so I'll be home for awhile.

Find some antigas/antacid/indegestion medicine, like maalox, gaviscon, (contains Simethicone) etc. and take that pill for sleeping so that you can stay asleep once you hit that stage 3 REM. You are getting insomnia because of either that acid/gas or residual from the concussion, or both. The chest pain could be a pocket of gas (caused by indigestion).

BTW Breads, carbohydrates, and rice will make the acid in your stomach worse. Try eating some vegetables with low to no oil and choose a meat like seafood or a plain cooked chicken with no oil. Avoid pork or beef until the stomach gets better.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Badwolf's Concussion in China

Got it, will do... I'll get the 6 inch chicken at subway and eat a ton of carrot sticks tomorrow.

Badwolf's Concussion in China

Quote: (07-12-2014 01:09 PM)BadWolf Wrote:  

Got it, will do... I'll get the 6 inch chicken at subway and eat a ton of carrot sticks tomorrow.

Eh.. can you eat it without the bread? And skip any cheese? Otherwise you might make it worse. If you cannot skip bread, get a plain white one and try to eat only half of it. No wheat or oats or cheese covered bread. All those things will make the acid even worst.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Badwolf's Concussion in China

Once all the acid and indigestion is gone, you can go back to eating whatever it once you liked before. Just try to get rid of it first so that you can get your sleep again. Then business as usual. Also severe indigestion can make guys feel like they are having a heart attack. A real heart attack is usually felt in the shoulder. The bad news is that indigestion gas pockets can exist almost anywhere around the chest. Once you get rid of the primary symptom, make sure you get good fiber to keep shit regular. No pun intended. [Image: tongue.gif]

BTW have you ever had Acid Reflux problems before? If so, make sure your teeth are clean and if possible get abscessed/cavity teeth fixed and lower your stress. All those things can make it worse believe it not.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Badwolf's Concussion in China

Jesus Christ Kai, I think I just experienced what you were talking about... I had to go BACK to the hospital same night for more potassium, apparently I only tested at 3.41 and they say the median is between 3.5 and 5 as well... so woke up with breathing problems and thought also having a heart attack but burping all the time... today, take the lady (who has earned it) out for breakfast at McD's for an egg mcmuffin... after putting one in my mouth, holy sh1t, again massive pains... feel these little pops around my back and front sides and I'm in decent shape so I don't know where the hell this is all coming from.

I've never had any problems with anything till all this sh1t started when I got knocked on the head with a wooden sword... now its like I got problems coming out every orifice.

3 days till I board that plane...

I think when I double dosed on vitamins, I ended up losing a lot of my potassium and also creating a lot of acidity in my body. Yesterday at subway I must have had nearly 0 potassium left, just collapsed on the floor.
Now my wife and I will always carry around potassium tablets... seems like a necessity.. the thing is, I NEVER needed this in MEXICO and I had quite a bit more diarrhea then, so what gives?

Badwolf's Concussion in China

Quote: (07-12-2014 06:14 PM)BadWolf Wrote:  

Jesus Christ Kai, I think I just experienced what you were talking about... I had to go BACK to the hospital same night for more potassium, apparently I only tested at 3.41 and they say the median is between 3.5 and 5 as well... so woke up with breathing problems and thought also having a heart attack but burping all the time... today, take the lady (who has earned it) out for breakfast at McD's for an egg mcmuffin... after putting one in my mouth, holy sh1t, again massive pains... feel these little pops around my back and front sides and I'm in decent shape so I don't know where the hell this is all coming from.

I've never had any problems with anything till all this sh1t started when I got knocked on the head with a wooden sword... now its like I got problems coming out every orifice.

3 days till I board that plane... would be nice to get a few days rest without any bullshit, probably wont happen. Somebody's got a voodoo doll with my face on it.

Im not a doctor but I wonder if where you were hit in your head affected a certain regulator in your body to have that problem. That's just a wild ass guess though. It could just also be a big coincidence, especially if your diet is kinda shitty. Years of being bad will catch up with you old man. lol That egg mcmuffin would definately kick your ass. Eggs are very sulfurous. That = bad gas getting worse because you did not eliminate all that previous gas/indigestion. If it had Canadian bacon/Ham that is pork, it's going to multiply, and I already told you about that.

Are you a masochist bro? Take better care of yourself. Having bad gas on a plane, will not win hearts and minds if it suddenly decides it wants to come out. [Image: lol.gif]

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Badwolf's Concussion in China

Sorry to hear about all this brother!
You've got some good and solid tips in here. I will only say, take extreme good care of yourself and your health as that's the most precious thing we all have!

I wish you the fastest recovery possible and a safe trip back home! When you make it to a Edmonton, let me know!

Badwolf's Concussion in China

Quote: (07-12-2014 06:14 PM)BadWolf Wrote:  

3 days till I board that plane...

I think when I double dosed on vitamins, I ended up losing a lot of my potassium and also creating a lot of acidity in my body. Yesterday at subway I must have had nearly 0 potassium left, just collapsed on the floor.
Now my wife and I will always carry around potassium tablets... seems like a necessity.. the thing is, I NEVER needed this in MEXICO and I had quite a bit more diarrhea then, so what gives?

Look out for some supplements as almost all are laced with sweeteners and other ingredients. Also magnesium intake takes potassium out of your system. It must have been incredibly low actually, since potassium is actually quite prevalent - but so are our needs.

Best is to replenish it via foods:

While dried apricots have the highest amount, there is only so much you can eat. I would recommend bananas or potatoes - best bananas, since they are easily digestible and have plenty of other essential nutrients.

In your condition I would eat 10-20 bananas. The 80-10-10 diet is comprised of 20-40 bananas daily and those are the most healthy people in the world:

[Image: attachment.jpg19667]   

Dr. Graham (though on a different note the diet is not for everyone, since you need above-organic-grade level fruits and veggies and it costs 2000$ to 10.000$ / month/ person in all Western countries. Otherwise you might kill yourself via the amount of pesticides especially in fruits when eating tons of those daily).

Either way - bananas might help you in massive quantities. Take care.

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