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The PUA paradox

The PUA paradox

Story time - a couple months ago, I was chilling with a Brazilian friend. His FOB Brazilian friends joined us. 2 guys, 5 girls (two 9s, one 8, one 6 and one 3). They were extremely nice and polite and I didn't have to be my usual sassy/ douchey self to bond with the group. I was just nice and we all got along, like some episode of Barney the Dinosaur in a bar.

Think about that - we all got along because we were nice. This should be the order of things in a civilized world but it isn't in the US because everyone's trying to prove that they're bigger assholes. The second you interact with FOB Latin Americans, you realize why people leave the US. You don't need to make getting laid an art, its as natural as networking or making friends at your job.

The second anything becomes an art, only the best artists are successful. Everyone else is just stuck with their lack of success and needs practice to become better.

The PUA paradox

Quote: (06-06-2014 03:59 PM)xpatplayer Wrote:  

The second anything becomes an art, only the best artists are successful. Everyone else is just stuck with their lack of success and needs practice to become better.


[Image: potd.gif]

You just wrote one of those statements I'm gonna have to ruminate on.

Read my work on Return of Kings here.

The PUA paradox

Quote: (06-06-2014 02:15 AM)dog24 Wrote:  

Quote: (06-06-2014 01:37 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

That's why - the distribution of pussy:
So the female 10 is too good even for the male 10?...

I actually think this is because very high value men tend to date down a bit. If a girl knows she can't do better than you she's yours. Why put up with the bullshit of a 10 with attitude when a 9 who will worship the ground you walk on is even more available.

The PUA paradox

Quote: (06-06-2014 04:40 PM)Ensam Wrote:  

Quote: (06-06-2014 02:15 AM)dog24 Wrote:  

Quote: (06-06-2014 01:37 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

That's why - the distribution of pussy:
So the female 10 is too good even for the male 10?...

I actually think this is because very high value men tend to date down a bit. If a girl knows she can't do better than you she's yours. Why put up with the bullshit of a 10 with attitude when a 9 who will worship the ground you walk on is even more available.

I think the graph was done originally even by David Futrelle - Manboobs.

The 10 gets fucked just as well by the very same 7-10 guys, but studies have shown that the most attractive girls - the 9+ have LESS sex than the 6s. In fact the more attractive - the less partners they had on average.

@Handsome Creepy: Thanks for the links to the studies. Good stuff. Shows us where we are all heading.

The PUA paradox

Let's be honest here. Cold approach doesn't mean trying once or twice. It's more like learning an instrument where you can't do shit for 1-2 years and then maybe in your 3rd year you learn to play a song.

It takes real tenacity to keep on approaching the 100th time.. 200th time. Sure it can be fun, but it's fun maybe like 20%-30% of the time. Barely enough to keep you going. You also have to stay positive at all times. It takes real mental discipline, but that doesn't always jive with having fun. You have to have the discipline of a military man, the fun of a clown guy, Tucker Max type, the intelligence of someone highly above average, and also have a decent bankroll because pickup ain't free (unless again you've invested massive time into connections/lifestyle which is another layer of same above list layered on top of learning pickup).

I agree with Good Looking Losers stats on this.

All that being said, better to live in a land of opportunity than to have your destiny tagged at birth.

Quote: (06-05-2014 08:19 PM)monster Wrote:  

Cause most guys don't even try.

All you have to do is try.

But people in general don't try, or they try once or twice then give up and bitch about it for the rest of their lives.

Nothing easy is worth having.

The PUA paradox

Quote: (06-06-2014 02:46 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Is that Roosh toward the top left?

Its Dan Bilzerian.

The PUA paradox

Quote: (06-06-2014 11:09 AM)Truth Teller Wrote:  

By learning and implementing BASIC game, and I'm really only talking about body language and inner game, you're already ahead of 85% of the population. Once you start applying outer game, you're ahead of 90% of the population.

Most men are brainwashed by Disney and all those other shitty romance movies into believing that they need to chase women. That's the underlying cause of all this thirst. They believe that if they "just be themselves," then they'll find an attractive woman. It doesn't work that way.

A guy who reads Bang and goes out one night a week to practice what he learned is still in the top 40% of dudes in terms of sexual value. If you hang out on here its easy to think that every man is getting laid like cheap carpet and that you're behind. I remember getting mad when I'd read posts and see that Soup would land like 12 girls in a month while I would only get one or two.*

Then I went and hung out with some regular Joes. One dude had a cold streak that had lasted for years. Another got like three blowjobs from a fatty within the past six months and thought that he was doing okay.

Most men suck with women.

There's a huge group of guys, probably well over half, who never approach or go out to get laid. They sit in and play WarCarft on Friday night. Then there's the class of garbage dicks who shack up with fatties when they get wasted, they aren't really a threat to anyone.

A guy who can do cold approach might think that he sucks because it is hard, but he's still miles ahead of the average man. If you pulled three girls a year off cold approach you'd still, I'm guessing, be in the top 25% of dudes who get laid. Remember, most guys never sleep with more than six chicks in their whole lives.

P.S. Guys who talk about how gameless dudes were still able to get married back in the day tend to forget that marriage does not equate to drowning in poon. Every old beta I've ever met got bossed around by his wife and it was pretty clear that he wasn't exactly getting threesomes for his birthday. I'd rather be here now and be capable of hustling for some sloots than having to get shacked up to some nag back in the pre-internet days.

* I was mad at myself, not Soup.

The PUA paradox

^ Remember though there are just as many frumpy chicks sitting at home or below 6s. At this forum we mostly compete for higher girls which in America makes it competitve because there are less.

The only competition that matters is the rest of the top 20%. If you aren't there you really aren't even in the game.

Most guys here want to be top 5%. If you are doing well compared to average Joe you may still be at the bottom of the top 20% that bangs 80%.

This is why guys put pressure on themselves the top 5% will never be easy and with current trends it will only get tougher.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

The PUA paradox

Quote: (06-05-2014 09:58 PM)Deluge Wrote:  

Checkout Basil analysis of a study of 30,000 college students. The average male gets 1.7 new notches a year, and the median is 1 (a small elite drag the average up quite a bit), mathematically this must be the same for women (although the amount of sex is distributed more evenly for them) . Over 1/3 of college men had no sex in the last year and 72% of men had no more than 1 partner in the last year. It's no wonder a lot of guys are starved.

Correction: the average male sleeps with 1.7 women a year and the median is 1. This is total women slept with, NOT new notches.

The PUA paradox

Quote: (06-07-2014 01:02 AM)Deluge Wrote:  

Quote: (06-05-2014 09:58 PM)Deluge Wrote:  

Checkout Basil analysis of a study of 30,000 college students. The average male gets 1.7 new notches a year, and the median is 1 (a small elite drag the average up quite a bit), mathematically this must be the same for women (although the amount of sex is distributed more evenly for them) . Over 1/3 of college men had no sex in the last year and 72% of men had no more than 1 partner in the last year. It's no wonder a lot of guys are starved.

Correction: the average male sleeps with 1.7 women a year and the median is 1. This is total women slept with, NOT new notches.

Whats the difference?

The PUA paradox

Quote: (06-07-2014 01:32 AM)cooledcannon Wrote:  

Quote: (06-07-2014 01:02 AM)Deluge Wrote:  

Quote: (06-05-2014 09:58 PM)Deluge Wrote:  

Checkout Basil analysis of a study of 30,000 college students. The average male gets 1.7 new notches a year, and the median is 1 (a small elite drag the average up quite a bit), mathematically this must be the same for women (although the amount of sex is distributed more evenly for them) . Over 1/3 of college men had no sex in the last year and 72% of men had no more than 1 partner in the last year. It's no wonder a lot of guys are starved.

Correction: the average male sleeps with 1.7 women a year and the median is 1. This is total women slept with, NOT new notches.

Whats the difference?

Exactly what I just said... The study was asking how many people they'd slept with in the last year, not how many NEW people they'd slept with in the last year. A girlfriend a guy first started fucking 3 years ago would still be counted in the survey if he had slept her in the last 12 months before the survey.

The PUA paradox

Quote: (06-06-2014 06:57 PM)RXB Wrote:  

A guy who reads Bang and goes out one night a week to practice what he learned is still in the top 40% of dudes in terms of sexual value. If you hang out on here its easy to think that every man is getting laid like cheap carpet and that you're behind. I remember getting mad when I'd read posts and see that Soup would land like 12 girls in a month while I would only get one or two.*

Then I went and hung out with some regular Joes. One dude had a cold streak that had lasted for years. Another got like three blowjobs from a fatty within the past six months and thought that he was doing okay.

Most men suck with women.

I agree. I'm not amazing at game at all. I'm less than a full year into learning and applying game. However, I'm better than most men will be. Most men are terrible. My buddy can't do anything until he's drunk, which means he doesn't have the skill set. He tells me about the phone numbers he gets. I've told him that phone numbers don't mean shit in and of themselves. How many of those women does he see again? None.

There are guys on here who get laid by 10 or 15 new women a month. In comparison to them, I'm pathetic. However, I look at it a different way. I lived with 15 other guys from last August to this May. I know that (including myself), 5 of us got laid at least once while we were there. I was tied for possession of third place, with one lay. Think about that: I slept with one woman all of my first year of college, and I was better than 11 other guys in terms of getting laid.

It's ridiculous. And when you try to introduce game (i.e. a better way of doing things) to them, they decry it as "sexist" or "misogynist." Now, the guys who have told me have suffered through a three year dry streak (not totally his fault, health issues) and the other guy is dating someone who is at least 50 lbs overweight.

Don't even get me started on the whole "be a good boyfriend" thing. When I dated a girl (we lost our virginity to the other), I basically embodied the "I like having you, but I don't care" attitude. I bought her probably $20 of shit throughout the life of the relationship (over 3 months). I was told that I was a "bad boyfriend" for having my own life and doing my own thing. My friend also dated a girl. He lost his virginity to her. He was a much better boyfriend and bought her far more shit. When we returned from Spring Break, he bought her something more expensive than probably all of what I spent.

I broke up with her. We still fucked. I broke up with her a week before finals started. We fucked the weekend before finals started. And she tells me I'm addictive. My friend who was the "better boyfriend?" He hasn't spoken to the girl since they broke up.

If you're not fucking her, someone else is.

The PUA paradox

Quote: (06-06-2014 12:56 PM)ddjembe mutombo Wrote:  

What we forget is women have the leverage before sex, and men gain the leverage after sex. A decent looking girl can use her body to tease a man into getting what she wants. Once a girl gives up her body to a man then she loses the majority of her leverage.

Yes and no. With a more traditional American girl or a traditional foreign girl, yes. However, most American girls are NOT traditional anymore, so this doesn't apply most of the time (in America).

To most American girls, sex is not much more intimate than a handshake. So, in that sense, most American girls just don't see having sex with a man as having been "conquered" in any form anymore. Most are damaged goods, man.

The PUA paradox

Quote: (06-07-2014 02:37 AM)Truth Teller Wrote:  

There are guys on here who get laid by 10 or 15 new women a month.

That's 120-180 girls a year... I've never seen a forum member claim that.

The PUA paradox

Quote: (06-05-2014 09:58 PM)Deluge Wrote:  

Quote: (06-05-2014 08:13 PM)Tarleton Wrote:  

yet there are entire communities of angry "incels"/frustrated guys complaining about how hard it is to get laid these days?!! I must be missing something...what is it?!!!

Because most guys don't want to be a player, they want a cute, feminine girlfriend. Pay attention to the way Elliot Rodgers talked about women and you'd notice he was the same. Obesity has slashed the supply of attractive women. Feminism has slashed the supply of feminine commitment worthy women women, and most importantly most young girls are not interested in relationships anymore. For a lot of single guys, this means an occasional drunken one night stand with a mediocre girl followed by long dry spells.

^^ That's America. You hit the nail on the head.

Will game help a guy get laid in America? Absolutely, unequivocally, YES, and that applies to almost any man that learns game.

Will game get a guy a cute, nice girl with good values as a girlfriend in America? It can, but for the vast majority of American men, the answer is unequivocally NO. Cute, nice girls with good values simply don't exist in large enough numbers in America (for the reasons you mentioned above), to be able to say that every, or even that most, American men, will be able to secure one.

Those of us that have been with enough women in America can attest to this mathematical truth.

The PUA paradox

I have to disagree with many of you.

The PUA paradox

Quote: (06-07-2014 03:43 AM)Deluge Wrote:  

That's 120-180 girls a year... I've never seen a forum member claim that.

Swooptheworld-guys do and more than that, but they do in 3rd world countries along specific lines - practically part of their job-travel routine.

The PUA paradox

To the comments guys have more leverage after sex... I believe this used to be true but is mostly a fallacy now.

The majority of girls really don't care that much. In fact I would guarantee the average guy catches way more feelings after sleeping with a girl once or a few times than the average girl.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

The PUA paradox

Quote: (06-07-2014 03:43 AM)Deluge Wrote:  

Quote: (06-07-2014 02:37 AM)Truth Teller Wrote:  

There are guys on here who get laid by 10 or 15 new women a month.

That's 120-180 girls a year... I've never seen a forum member claim that.

I may be misremembering for point of emphasis. There are guys here who get laid a lot.

If you're not fucking her, someone else is.

The PUA paradox

Quote: (06-06-2014 03:59 PM)xpatplayer Wrote:  

Story time - a couple months ago, I was chilling with a Brazilian friend. His FOB Brazilian friends joined us. 2 guys, 5 girls (two 9s, one 8, one 6 and one 3). They were extremely nice and polite and I didn't have to be my usual sassy/ douchey self to bond with the group. I was just nice and we all got along, like some episode of Barney the Dinosaur in a bar.

[Image: laugh3.gif]

The PUA paradox

Quote: (06-06-2014 03:31 PM)BigBoyPants Wrote:  

Quote: (06-06-2014 03:22 PM)Nomad77 Wrote:  

Yes, the level of game required and the total effort is increasing rapidly. Also as women become more masculine the level of dominance required to dominate them is getting out of control. Why do you think women today love 50 Shades of Grey: basically an S+M sex novel. It is already at the point where I don't think the average guy out there can meet these levels without devoting years of their lives to it.

Which is why all men should wear a latex suit, and carry a whip when they do approaches. Day or night.

I was thinking this the other night, that men need to now be a "caricature" of manliness. What that means is big muscles, beards, dominance. Its becoming apparent that to get to these masculinized women, you need to be an exaggerated male figure, one that is not subdued by societies fear of testosterone and political correctness.

"Money over bitches, nigga stick to the script." - Jay-Z
They gonna love me for my ambition.

The PUA paradox

Quote: (06-06-2014 02:05 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

The overall supply of sex offered by women is slightly down because of several factors, the most important of which is the possibility of fulfilling sexual needs through attention whoring (i.e. rampant sluttiness that doesn't eventually result in penetration).

At the same time, because women are getting more and more hypergamous (because of being more and more insulated from the consequences of their choices), this dwindling supply of sex is being distributed more and more unevenly. Extensive number-crunching from the study mentioned above has resulted in the conclusion that the top 2.6% of men get 29% of all sex, the top 5.5% of men get 40% of all sex, and the top 28% of men gets a staggering 78% of sex. The other 22% of sex is distributed among the thirsty masses of the remaining 72% betas.

Also, the percentages of sex that these top groups of men get are constantly increasing; 10 years ago, the same study found the top 2.6% got 25% of sex, not 29%. 30 years ago (no data though, just speculating), it might have been as low as 15%, with all other percentages proportionally lower too. Inequality is skyrocketing.

Results: the average guy (i.e. not a guy with fame, amazing game and/or model looks) is finding it harder than ever to get laid, whereas guys with one or more of those have it easier than ever. The overall quality of women has gone down as well, but the top guys are not feeling it that much because they can still cherry-pick the best ones; again it's the average man that gets squeezed badly.

As a result of this, the game I learned and used to get solid results several years ago (what I call the "confident nice guy") has stopped working almost completely and I had to transition into darker areas like "asshole game". The sad fact is that, while game is absolutely mandatory for any guy that doesn't want to be slaughtered in today's sexual marketplace and thus the only rational choice is to learn it, the level of game required is increasing so rapidly that it might be completely out of reach for many men.

Holy fuck, I didn't realize the numbers were that bad! Goddamn, it's depressing to read, but that's the harsh reality I guess..

The PUA paradox

Quote: (06-10-2014 06:00 AM)Kizman Wrote:  

Holy fuck, I didn't realize the numbers were that bad! Goddamn, it's depressing to read, but that's the harsh reality I guess..

How is this depressing? Those numbers should be fucking inspiring to you. As an RVF member you have all the tools you need at your disposal to get to crack into that top few % of men. It's just like anything else in life: work hard and you shall reap the rewards.

The PUA paradox

Quote: (06-06-2014 03:59 PM)xpatplayer Wrote:  

Story time - a couple months ago, I was chilling with a Brazilian friend. His FOB Brazilian friends joined us. 2 guys, 5 girls (two 9s, one 8, one 6 and one 3). They were extremely nice and polite and I didn't have to be my usual sassy/ douchey self to bond with the group. I was just nice and we all got along, like some episode of Barney the Dinosaur in a bar.

Think about that - we all got along because we were nice. This should be the order of things in a civilized world but it isn't in the US because everyone's trying to prove that they're bigger assholes. The second you interact with FOB Latin Americans, you realize why people leave the US. You don't need to make getting laid an art, its as natural as networking or making friends at your job.

The second anything becomes an art, only the best artists are successful. Everyone else is just stuck with their lack of success and needs practice to become better.

Agreed, I don't want to sound like a scratch record but this is what I found the case to be in Russia. The environment just requires that you are happy to get laid, self improvement if you want to do really well, but thats a given.

The PUA paradox

To clarify about that study I covered - it's about what percentage of guys get what number of LAYS within a given year. A lot of the numbers you see is simply studs fucking sluts. 30% of guys getting 80% of "sex" has no linguistic meaning - minutes of penis in vagina? In those numbers, if a guy was dating a 10 for the year, and faithfully, he'd show up with one lay - so it's not sensitive to picking apart sexual status per se. My general impression of the sexes, based on the study is that young people are spending more time out of relationships, when a decent girl does have an occasional fling, it's with a stud, and that studs bang lots of sluts. There's still serial monogamy going on, as evidenced by the girls with low partner counts for the year.

As with income, you need some frame of reference to understand what is and is not highly unequal - eg is the top 1% of men having 10% of the wealth a lot? What about 30% or 50%? Economists use something called the Gini coefficient, I wonder if there's sufficient data to do the same with lay counts.

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