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A call for stepped up white knighting in bars

A call for stepped up white knighting in bars

Guys like this are the ones most at a disadvantage due to feminism, yet defend it the most adamantly. I don't get it. Or maybe I'm wrong and he has sick game.

Civilize the mind but make savage the body.

A call for stepped up white knighting in bars

Quote: (04-02-2014 08:23 PM)darklightdispatch Wrote:  

Our decadent, dysfunctional society instead wants to turn the whole world into a giant supervised "play date" in which women can do virtually anything short of serious crimes without consequences or judgement.

Like my buddy said, modern dating really is like kids "playing grown ups"

Civilize the mind but make savage the body.

A call for stepped up white knighting in bars

Fucking DC lol.

A call for stepped up white knighting in bars

Not only is this cock blocking advice, but it could potentially be life costing advice!! If you step to a biker or a gangbanger with the sheer arrogance that women need to be protected from them, it could get ugly. Go ahead!! Go defend her honor, and take the risk to get shot the fuck up you fool

A call for stepped up white knighting in bars

Quote: (04-02-2014 10:10 PM)Christian McQueen Wrote:  

[Image: WWYpiVZ.png]

I always thought that it was easy for fags to get laid.

I'm the King of Beijing!

A call for stepped up white knighting in bars

^He looks effiminate and could be gay, but I'm thinking he's just a WK.

How many White Knights you know slamming pussy on the regular?

A call for stepped up white knighting in bars

The psychology of the white knight is an interesting phenomenon. Recent hater posts against Christian McQ and Roosh in one mangina's blog (I will not name him) had me thinking about this more.

The more rabid white knights all seem to follow obsessively the major manosphere blogs, as well as this forum. It's almost like they are secretly attracted to the doctrines and ideas they are exposed to, but yet just can't bring themselves to make that final push into adopting a new philosophy of life.

It also seems that the vehemence of this person's (a well-known mangina) recent attacks masks some secret doubts he may hold about his worldview. The stronger the inner doubt, the more nasty the attack. Their blue pill view of the world is deeply threatened by what they read here, and this can be a shock to the unprepared. It causes a real self-examination. It is like having a mirror held up to the face of the white knight. For some, it is a deeply unsettling revelation. They can't handle it. So they lash out, at Roosh, at McQueen, or at other easy targets.

I almost think that, for some of these white knights and manginas, they will eventually reach a crisis point. They will either continue with a life of penal servitude to feminism, or they will undergo some conversion experience. I really mean the word "conversion" when I say it in this context. It is a profound change of personal philosophy.

There are examples in history for such things. Recall that St. Paul was a fanatical persecutor of Christians, until one day, on the "road to Damascus" he had a famous conversion experience. Some secret inner doubts about his old ideas had finally given way to a full-blown embrace of the new doctrine.

Recall also one of the first caliphs of medieval Islam, Omar. (He's called one of the "Rightly Guided" caliphs, or "rashideen") Like St. Paul, he was a fanatical persecutor of the new religion (Islam). Yet one day, according to tradition, he heard some Qar'anic verses read and explained, and he was overcome with emotion. He eventually adopted the new religion and zealously spread its doctrines.

My point: even the bitterest haters likely harbor secret doubts. They know, deep down, that we speak the truth as we see it, and are just trying sincerely to make sense of the world in which we live.

There may be hope for them yet. Even they may have some part yet to play in the drama.


A call for stepped up white knighting in bars

I was just going to write what McQueen said.

If course the concept of enlisting bartenders to cockblock was conceived by somehow who has no idea how nightlife works.

The bartender that cockblock is the bartender that doesn't get tipped.

Guys, this just goes to show that having tight game is goin to be all the more important as the world becomes more anti-men.

Indirect might take greater precidence in the future. Or these moron haters are just not going to get anywhere with flawed policy ideas like this.

A call for stepped up white knighting in bars

I see there's still no responsibility placed on girls for getting paralytic drunk or the bar staff serving them too much alcohol. Nope, it's all the sexual predator men that do the damage.

I always find it funny in articles like this that they portray the women to be flat out drunk and that the guys who try get in with them are sober and can take full accountability for their actions.

Girl gets too drunk = her fault for not knowing her limits.

Girl gets too drunk = the bar staff's fault for serving her too much alcohol.

Drunk guy hits on drunk girl in bar = human behaviour.

If was a macking on a girl in a bar or a club and the staff tried cockblocking me, I'd take her to a new bar or suggest heading back to mine for more drinks. It'd be a good excuse to bail on the place and bounce her somewhere else. [Image: lol.gif]

A call for stepped up white knighting in bars

Quote: (04-02-2014 08:35 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

A picture of Kathryn Graham:

[Image: KateGraham.jpeg]


Oh Christ!

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

A call for stepped up white knighting in bars

So an effeminate WK (who probably never approached a girl at a bar) and a fat older woman (who was probably never approached at a bar) with a short haircut don't want men to pursue attractive women at bars? I'm shocked.

I'm sure they also have a study that shows the media has brainwashed men to like attractive women, that we really like fat feminists with tattoos and 'edgy' personalities.

A call for stepped up white knighting in bars

Quote: (04-02-2014 09:59 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

Quote: (04-02-2014 09:42 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

Any system of power and control relies on minions, servants, informers, drones, spies, and worker-bees to carry out its purposes. The system thrives on rats and sellouts. We need to look at these white knights, manginas, and simps as basically snitches and informers.

So true.

You have this beast sitting in her faculty chair in London Ontario cock-blocking across bars and nightclubs throughout North America through a network of useful idiots.

[Image: KateGraham.jpeg]

All because she's pissed off and psychologically damaged by being born ugly, and no guy ever hit on her or looked at her with admiration, so she's going to ruin it for everyone else - all with the help of useful idiots.

It's been my experience in life that all women have a strong desire for attention and validation from men.

Not getting attention causes women to do crazy things. Thus we have attention whoring. Strategically withholding attention is a powerful game technique. Push pull. Jealousy game is also powerful. Give girl X attention and not girl Y, watch Y try to bring down X.

But the truly damaged ones are the fuglies like our Dr Graham above. They never got attention. Ever. They want revenge.

Dr Graham is engaged in high tech cock blocking. From her faculty chair in Canada she is producing bullshit studies on "sexual aggression" to create an academic facade to cover her cock blocking.

We see through it. She wants others to be denied what she's been denied. And she wants revenge against men - the species who never gave her the time if day. The thoughtless animals who avert their eyes in disgust at her presence rather than looking at her admirely.

This would be like a blind person who is pissed at people with eye sight, and wants to throw acid in their eyes.

This is a damaged human being.

Take care of those titties for me.

A call for stepped up white knighting in bars

One of the worst pieces of advice we got as children was "don't judge a book by its cover." In reality, you can tell a tremendous amount about people just by looking at them. Case in point:

[Image: KateGraham.jpeg]
[Image: 5216_518250185862_6300828_n4.jpg]

A call for stepped up white knighting in bars

Is it me or do those two look alike? Maybe he interviewed his mom.

A call for stepped up white knighting in bars

Quote: (04-02-2014 10:10 PM)Christian McQueen Wrote:  

[Image: WWYpiVZ.png]

[Image: bucket-of-crabs.jpg]

If these two spent more time working to find happiness in their personal lives and less time working to thwart the happiness of others, they would be a lot better for it.

A call for stepped up white knighting in bars

This article is old news, believe it or not. Sometime around 2012 I noticed how women were controlling clubs to cockblock men when I experienced it firsthand:

What this guy is advocating is totally unnecessary, and he's just paying lip service in hopes of getting some ass. The betas in the club do not need to defend the women, as basically every club has strict policy to side with the women 100% of the time no questions asked.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

A call for stepped up white knighting in bars

I just started a second job as a bouncer on a college campus. Basically because I go there a lot and now get 50% off, my time for bullets.

Anyway the second night I'm working, this girl comes up to me and demands I intervene with some guy hitting on her friend. I laughed at her.

Girl: Can you go get that guy away from my friend? He's being kinda weird.
Me: Looks like a conversation to me.
Girl: Yeah well he's being creepy and a little overbearing.
Me: Well he's not breaking any laws by talking to her.
Girl: B..B..But you should kick him out anyway he could do something bad.
Me: He looks very respectful. He hasn't put a hand on her at all. I'm sure she's an empowered strong girl and can handle a boy on her own.
Girl: But she's just a girl!
Me: Yeah. Aren't we all created equal? Listen, if he gropes her I'll stop it. Other than that don't waste my time with this nonsense.
Girl: ugh! I'll give you my number if you go over there now.
Me: Hahaha. Sorry not interested.

Then she stomped off and both of them left. I thought to myself, "see? Problem solved."

Chicago Tribe.

My podcast with H3ltrsk3ltr and Cobra.

Snowplow is uber deep cover as an alpha dark triad player red pill awoken gorilla minded narc cop. -Kaotic

A call for stepped up white knighting in bars

Betas and white knights are the worst threat to guys like us. They're the reason the American dating scene is so rough.

A call for stepped up white knighting in bars

Quote: (04-03-2014 04:42 PM)Screwston Wrote:  

Betas and white knights are the worst threat to guys like us. They're the reason the American dating scene is so rough.

The Male heterosexual sex drive is now demonized and shamed.

All other sex drives are celebrated: male homosexuals, female heterosexual and homosexuals.

Take care of those titties for me.

A call for stepped up white knighting in bars

When I worked as a bouncer, my boss told me my job was to watch out for the three F's: Flasks, fights, and fucking. Anyone with outside booze, therefore fucking with the bar's cash flow=gone. Anyone fighting=gone. Anyone screwing, blow jobs, finger banging=gone.

Considering there were 10 of us working security for a club which regularly clocked in 1100 patrons on Thursday and Saturday night, we were pretty busy just keeping an eye out for that shit. I can't recall any girl coming up to me and asking to white knight, but I would have told them to GTFO.

On a more amusing note: sometimes girls would ask me to guard their drinks while they went into the wash room or outside for a minute. I always said yes. They'd give me a great big 'oh my hero' smile and put their drink down beside me. Soon as they were gone, I'd leave that spot. Occasionally a chick would hunt me down afterward, get bitchy about why I didn't guard their precious shot of liquor. I'd just straight up lie and say: "I never said that". One actually went and complained to my boss about it; he came over, asked me if I said I would watch her drink. I said no, he looked at her like she was the most retarded person in the world, shook his head at her and left. She looked so utterly defeated after that - hopefully I taught her a valuable lesson about the way the world really works.

A call for stepped up white knighting in bars

That is awesome! Hahaha yeah I'll watch your drink!

I'll be doing the 3F's now!

Chicago Tribe.

My podcast with H3ltrsk3ltr and Cobra.

Snowplow is uber deep cover as an alpha dark triad player red pill awoken gorilla minded narc cop. -Kaotic

A call for stepped up white knighting in bars

Quote: (04-02-2014 09:05 PM)Laner Wrote:  

Quote: (04-02-2014 08:39 PM)Christian McQueen Wrote:  

Any bar or club that starts a policy like this will be shuttering it's doors quite quickly.

Women BARELY if AT ALL spend money out.

You know who buys the $10,000 tables and shots at the bar? Men.

Good luck with this policy.

Last weekend this girl got pissed off and kicked four girls out of our section. She just stood up and yelled `if you are going to be in here drinking these guys booze at least act like you are going to put out instead of sitting there texting all night!`

Reminds me of that sorority chick that wrote the letter to all her sororisisters telling them to quit being wallflowers or risk getting cunt punted.

A call for stepped up white knighting in bars

Quote: (04-02-2014 10:12 PM)nek Wrote:  

Guys like this are the ones most at a disadvantage due to feminism, yet defend it the most adamantly. I don't get it. Or maybe I'm wrong and he has sick game.

He's no Hugo Schwizer

A call for stepped up white knighting in bars

Quote: (04-03-2014 04:39 PM)Snowplow Wrote:  

Girl: ugh! I'll give you my number if you go over there now.
Me: Hahaha. Sorry not interested.

Then she stomped off and both of them left. I thought to myself, "see? Problem solved."
That is funny this last part especially, she basically said "I'll whore myself to get my way." Granted, I bet she might have given a fake number or never responded (no offense Snowplow - saying nothing about you.)

Just that she has it conditioned in her mind to offer herself to get something. Or she thinks everyone wants her. Well that and she couldn't handle having someone talking to her friend.

Stupid chick entitlement.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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A call for stepped up white knighting in bars

Quote: (04-03-2014 07:38 PM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

Quote: (04-02-2014 09:05 PM)Laner Wrote:  

Quote: (04-02-2014 08:39 PM)Christian McQueen Wrote:  

Any bar or club that starts a policy like this will be shuttering it's doors quite quickly.

Women BARELY if AT ALL spend money out.

You know who buys the $10,000 tables and shots at the bar? Men.

Good luck with this policy.

Last weekend this girl got pissed off and kicked four girls out of our section. She just stood up and yelled `if you are going to be in here drinking these guys booze at least act like you are going to put out instead of sitting there texting all night!`

Reminds me of that sorority chick that wrote the letter to all her sororisisters telling them to quit being wallflowers or risk getting cunt punted.

Colleges are rampant with these thought police/ "child police reporting on their parents" type 'bystander intervention' programs. The school I went to has been paying students to be sober monitors at frat parties to white knight. White knighting is a schools funded, and now even a government funded activity.

You don't get there till you get there

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