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Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland

Quote: (01-29-2014 08:22 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I met him about a year ago in Warsaw (he emailed me saying he was a regular reader). We spent some time in Bucharest and Iasi, where he was very friendly and helpful to me, always complimenting my writing. But then I cooled off on him in Wroclaw because he was acting clingy and odd, sending me huge text messages. Once he felt he was losing the friendship, strange things started happening that I was able to trace back to him. I missed the warning signs because he was always blowing my head up by acting as my number one fan. I thought he just really liked my work, but obviously he was developing some kind of fixation.

[Image: monkey.gif]


Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland

Well clearly, to avoid STD'ing players like Roosh, what girls need to do is get to know guys before having sex with them.

Maybe someone they've known a lot time.

Maybe someone they can always count on to be around.

Maybe someone outside their window... right... now...

[Image: attachment.jpg16739]

Also, we need to get the meme police on that photo, stat.

Read my work on Return of Kings here.

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland

File a report with the police and try and get him charged with defamation or libel. If that doesn't work then consider suing him civilly. You need to make an example out of the guy and do it publicly. Maybe write an ROK post about it. That way anyone else who wants to libel you in the future will think twice.

The types of people who do this shit are spineless pussies, they wouldn't dare do it anymore if they thought they had a real chance of getting into legal trouble. Make an example of this guy so others know they can't get away with it.

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland

I'd say file suit against him for defamation, make an example out if him. Send a message to the other Internet wannabe heros.

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland

As far as not crushing an enemy when he is vulnerable Roosh, I'll leave you with this:

"To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women."
-Conan The Barbarian

And the classic 15th Law of Power from the 48 Laws of Power:
Law 15: Crush your enemy totally

“To have ultimate victory, you must be ruthless.”
-Napoleon Bonaparte

“Those who seek to achieve things should show no mercy.”
-Kautilya, Indian philosopher third century B.C. (Yes ironic that he's Indian)

Pity the fool who starts a verbal or physical fight. Crush your enemy so there is no chance of them coming back to haunt you.

Remember Carlito's Way when Al Pacino doesn't crush Benny Blanco from The Bronx when he had the chance?

Benny would up killing him as he was getting on the train to leave the US for good.

Crush away.

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland

Given Wroclaw is a relatively small city, how likely is it that he fucked up poosy paradise for you there?

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland

[Image: K6NJiqF.jpg]


Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland

No brainer---go after this clown, he needs to be taught a lesson.

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland

I don't believe this guy or any of his backpedaling.

If he put so much effort into trying to screw Rhoosh over, why would he so easily accept making peace or ending this situation?

He just wants rhoosh to keep talking to him.

He also appears to have some sort of martyr complex. He can't see his wrongdoing and can only focus on some sort of imaginary persecution that he believes Rhoosh has inflicted on him.

Abandonment is this guy's worst fear

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland

Quote: (01-30-2014 02:59 AM)Rosca Wrote:  

[Image: K6NJiqF.jpg]

Make a based art version of the Roosh warning pic.

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland

One of the earliest signs that a man has celebrity status are the wackos that follow them.

This guy obviously has bought so hard into the belief that if he can just inform women/society about evil Roosh they will like him. He's likely so deep into it that his sick mind will reframe any setback as a conspiracy.

Nothing good can come from directly interacting with him. Shame him, harrass him makes his face and name known but never meet him as an equal or someone that can be reasoned with.

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland

Man I can't believe that this FOOL takes STUPIDITY to such a far level. He's not done yet?
When you were here in Iasi, man I have never seen so much asskissing in my life. He was posting on your page as Bogdan Paul. He was liking HIS OWN posts all the time and everybody's posts and he was kissing up to you like his lips and tongue were glued to your ass.
Then one day this LOSER PMs me on my FB page as if he was some big star "Hey I am in Iasi for a week and I wanna meet up with you to chat". I was thinking to myself "Yea like I have anything to gain by meeting up with such a big fat loser". He seemed suspicious and so I asked him what he wants to do, to know if he wants to take part in my workshop.
His account was very suspicious AND STUPID, inconsistent. His profile pic was that of a good looking British actor and his stated education was inconsistent as well, claiming that he had studied in a few different countries. His current location was stated to be in London at that time though I don't care where he was really.
I have a photo gallery with a bunch of hot chicks I've been with in my facebook account but it is only visible to those in the "close friends" group and he asked access to that but as he was suspicious I didn't give him access to it.
I didn't want to meet up with him even as he had asked a few times, I didn't even really believe that he was in Iasi, it seemed to me like he wants to try to stand me up, to make me go to a place where he had no intention of being. As he saw that I'm not gonna come to where he wanted, he started saying trash to me, all sorts of stupid fake shit like that I am a loser and that I am almost 40 y.o. and still living with my parents and that I went to Costinesti with a group of guys and I'm the only one that didn't get laid. All this is fake, he is just SUCH a big loser. The last thing I've said to him (in Romanian) before blocking him from my account and my workshop page was "Scram, you asskisser"
I am ashamed that this loser might have the same citizenship as me. What he will never have is Romanian ethnicity like me, he is just maybe THE MOST FRUSTRATED LOSER of the entire pickup world, just another gypsy shit. This is one of the many shit gypsies that should have the Romanian citizenship taken away, they give the actual Romanians a bad name everywhere.
This LOSER tried to play me but NO LOSER AND NO BITCH can play me. So to Bogdan Paul or whatever the fuck his name is, if he reads this: joke's on you, FOOL! [Image: smile.gif])) . Winners focus on getting chicks, losers focus on trying to destroy the players that can do the things he can't - which is get chicks.
This fool didn't get a good ass kicking to get some sense into his tiny brain, that's the problem.

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland

More relevant quotes:

"Upon this, one has to remark that men ought either to be well treated or crushed, because they can avenge themselves of lighter injuries, of more serious ones they cannot; therefore the injury that is to be done to a man ought to be of such a kind that one does not stand in fear of revenge"
--Machiavelli (The Prince)

"If you dislike someone, leave him alone or eliminate him; don’t attack him verbally."
--Taleb (Antifragile)

"I'd hate myself if I had that kind of attitude, if I were that weak." - Arnold

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland

The first 2 photos of the thread seem to be of different persons. The first photo seems to be of a white guy, but the photo you took is that of a gypsy, you can even see the dark eyelids and ugly gypsy features. never trust any photo that this piece of shit posts on the internet claiming it is himself.
It is also very possible that he might be suffering from schizophrenia or some other mental illness, his actions are way too strange.

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland

Unfortunately Romania doesn't do shit about keeping loonatics in check. Last year there has been a worrying incident in Iasi, a schizophrenic (Oliver Stan) almost detonated a WW2 bomb in the main building of the Iasi Cuza University, a historical building dating from 1860 that is important for Iasi and a few dozen students' lifes have been in danger. This is totally unusual as Iasi is generally a safe city. He set off the bomb by mistake but because he made a design fault the bomb didn't go off. He said that he hadn't really wanted to detonate the bomb and that he just wanted to talk to the police because people are cutting the trees on a mountain where he had secluded himself to live like a monk. In a way he was similar to that Unabomber guy in the US. He had previously posted a video portrait of himself in which his mental illness is very obvious.
He is now in a mental institution but the schizophrenics that are considered to not be social dangers are still on the streets unfortunatelly... I hope that at least some other country puts this Bogdan Paul guy in a mental institution.

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland

Roosh, thank all the gods out there that Polish police officers are so reasonable. If this kind of vile shit happened in the USA, Canada, Australia or Sweden, I don't doubt that they would throw you in jail "to protect women while they investigate", no matter how unlawful and unfounded it might be. My condolences for having this psycho fixated on you. I've been receiving some threats over my writing, but nothing like this. Holy fuck.

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Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland

Seriously now, you should have asked the police to take his data and maybe even have them give it to you. You should file a complaint about his stalking and defamation and give the police the messages that he has sent you and his facebook accounts, loonatics mustn't roam free, this guy needs to be investigated by psychiatrists for mental illnesses and locked in somewhere. for sure the Police are able to track him, see his activity and IPs on his facebook and gmail accounts (even if he deletes them) and also detect all the illegal stuff that he is doing. If you need help on information about Romanian authorities in the matter, PM me and I will look them up.
I'm sure that if he has said fake imaginary shit about myself to me lol, he has said it to other people to try to defame me as well and will do it on all players. he first kisses up to people, then he starts writing fake trash about them.

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland

On the real. There are two ways to really approach this. As you can see it's lose lose if you either back off or personally go and beat him up. Either way his martyr complex kicks in. You can either send in hired "help" to deal with the trash or continue to spread his name around so he will never be able to show his face anywhere and get his ass kicked in. There is always option 3 of suing for libel, but feminazis would be more than happy to paint use as some form of reactionary tool whom "abuses the patriarchal society/legal system".

"Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,— 'Wait and hope'."- Alexander Dumas, "The Count of Monte Cristo"

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Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland

I'm fucking shocked Roosh, we hanged out with this guy and he seemed so chill and nice...i don't have any words. I even messaged him a while back asking him if he wants to go clubbing with me, thankfully he was in Poland. This is crazy.

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland

Wow, yes fucked up. To Don and others...yeah, that's how people with his condition can SEEM. From the little I've learned about him on here, I think he has one or a combo of personality disorders. I've personally dealt with people like him before, inside and outside of the hospital.

General definition:
"A personality disorder is a type of mental illness in which you have trouble perceiving and relating to situations and to people — including yourself. There are many specific types of personality disorders.

In general, having a personality disorder means you have a rigid and unhealthy pattern of thinking and behaving no matter what the situation. This leads to significant problems and limitations in relationships, social encounters, work and school.

In some cases, you may not realize that you have a personality disorder because your way of thinking and behaving seems natural to you, and you may blame others for the challenges you face."

Destroy this guy.

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland

That guy is a stalker. If you engage him, he will be encouraged. Ignore or legal action. These are the two choices. Since he's a broke ass gypsy, suing him will only cost you money.

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland

If the Police asks, his Bogdan Paul facebook URL was , I'm sure the data in the account isn't really deleted from facebook's servers, the Police can still access it.

"If the fox can't reach the grapes, it says they are sour"

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland

He is clearly a troubled guy unable to own his own stuff, projecting his stuff onto you. I get it all the time.

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland

As others have said, this is a clear sign of some for of mental delusion. I noticed odd behaviour when he was on the forum. In a similar way to the exaggerated '1000 women' thing, he'd often post 'SHOCKING' things, that we're mildly noteworthy.

He's really shot himself in the foot, as quite a lot of members and readers of the blog are going to Wroclaw (myself included) and chances are we'll run into him at some point. Whilst I'm not saying anyone is going to physically harm him, it still won't be nice to become an infamous weirdo in your city, being laughed at and so on.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Beware of a man named Paul/Andre (Andrei Muresan) living in Wroclaw Poland

Quote: (01-29-2014 08:22 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Quote: (01-29-2014 07:06 PM)Inspired Wrote:  

Wow. This guy is a real psycho.

Did you become friends with him or something?

Scary situation. I would hire a good lawyer and go after him.

Quote: (01-29-2014 07:26 PM)peterfoo22 Wrote:  

What's the reason behind all the craziness?

He just doesn't like you, sabotage??


I met him about a year ago in Warsaw (he emailed me saying he was a regular reader). We spent some time in Bucharest and Iasi, where he was very friendly and helpful to me, always complimenting my writing. But then I cooled off on him in Wroclaw because he was acting clingy and odd, sending me huge text messages. Once he felt he was losing the friendship, strange things started happening that I was able to trace back to him. I missed the warning signs because he was always blowing my head up by acting as my number one fan. I thought he just really liked my work, but obviously he was developing some kind of fixation.

[Image: 600full-fatal-attraction-screenshot.jpg]


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