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# of women vs # of books in a year?

# of women vs # of books in a year?

I recently decided I would read at least a certain number of books in 2014. So I just finished a book and while contemplating the book, reveling in the minor achievement and thinking about my goal of books read my mind invariably turned to women and the forum.

The question I have for the forum is roughly how many new women do you sleep with in a given year and roughly how many new books you read in a given year?

I think this could be interesting and I suspect we very well may see a pattern.

# of women vs # of books in a year?

Beta books, Alpha fucks

# of women vs # of books in a year?

Pretty sure Irishman is kidding (sure hope so lol), but if you put in a steady hour a day every single day, no reason for reading to interfere with getting pussy. And you can knock out quite a few books on that schedule.

In fact, in some ways I think it'll improve your game.

- Interesting things to talk about when rambling or conversing.

- The frame that comes with being able to entertain yourself (fosters independence).

- Learning to think for yourself - arguable, considering that you're reading other people's ideas, but since you're alone when you do it, you get to reflect on them without interference. And by going through a lot of books, you get a real diversity of influences.

- More knowledge/ smarter. All the sexually frustrated nerds shows it's not everything, but I think being clever does amount to quite a bit if used properly. A lot of high-quality women seem to be attracted to intelligence too (as long as it's not all you've got). I don't even really have a very high IQ, I don't think, but I always catch long-term girlfriends constantly bragging about how "smart" I am to others. And short-termers acting impressed. Maybe I'm dating down. [Image: biggrin.gif]

- Can read about topics that improve you, like seduction, fitness, or personal development.

As far as the how many, I don't know. Maybe shoot for one or two books a week; kind of depends on how fast you read. For notches, I don't really think guys should pressure themselves to get a certain number. It can be fun to shoot for breaking records, but instead shoot for sexual satisfaction and increasing the quality of your bangs or relationships. One guy might bang the same one or two women all year and be perfectly content yet still be improving himself enough to have other options should things go south. More power to him if that satisfies, I say.

But meanwhile, devote an hour every day to reading, an hour everyday to physical activity of some kind, and an hour everyday to approaching and you're well on your way to becoming a well-rounded individual.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

# of women vs # of books in a year?

^^^^Repeat what BB said. Good stuff.

Also, I think I read this on farnamstreetblog, increasing the number of books you read in a year does not necessarily mean subtracting away from other stuff in your life. When I read the most books is when I spend less time doing other useless shit throughout the day and spend 10-15 minutes reading here or an extra 10 or 15 minutes here. I can't emphasize that enough. Minimize the time you send doing useless, distracting, and unproductive shit.

When I'm home and not texting/calling someone, I no longer keep my phone on me. Less temptation to check FB or check the forum or email. Laptops, phones, tablets are all distractions that I think have impacted my attention span negatively. Add up all the time you spend on stuff like that for no reason.

Turn off the TV. It may take some time to learn to get accustom to reading as a hobby as opposed to something you are forcing yourself to do.

I don't like to set a number of books I have to read in a month/year. If I get behind from working on another project then whatever, at least I was doing something productive.

All the above are changes that should really have zero impact on the rest of your life or game, other than probably improving both.

# of women vs # of books in a year?

I'm joking. I love to read. Ill often get distracted by books when at other peoples places.

# of women vs # of books in a year?

My favourite thing to do is rummage through other people's bookshelves. To me a person's house is like a small secondhand bookshop.

# of women vs # of books in a year?

A beginner in the game will probably read more books in a year than get new notches (providing he has a modest interest in reading).

The stronger his game becomes, he will probably bang more girls bringing his notch count closer or greater to the amount of books read that year.

Although that might be me just overthinking. As I'm still young I'm still interested in notches and sex much more than books, although I read more in a week then I approach or spend time out. I can see that changing when I get older, especially as I place overtime a greater priority on quality of girls and the sex rather than quantity.

# of women vs # of books in a year?

I think it's more about time management itself.
I'll devote a whole day to a book if I'm really into it. Almost 24hrs straight, just reading and getting the info to hold. I've never spent that kind of time on a girl, even a LTR. I've blown through whole weekends on a single book before.
I find it much more relaxing to get lost in a book, versus dealing with a woman and having to listen to all the inane bullshit that comes out of her mouth. The amount of mindless drivel (they talk just for the sake of making noise, it seems) they produce cannot compare to a woodsmithing manual.

# of women vs # of books in a year?

I could easily fire out a book a day. I wish I could do that with women.


Too much drama for a hit it and quit it brutha such as myself
Gotts Money - Law & Order SVU: Wildlife

# of women vs # of books in a year?

Read 30 books last year, goal this year is 52.

# of women vs # of books in a year?

Kill 2 birds with one stone

# of women vs # of books in a year?

5 girls and 73 books.

# of women vs # of books in a year?

You guys need to get more pussy.

# of women vs # of books in a year?

I have never read a book in my life. I do read chapters here and there..

I probably have a learning disability or something.

I prefer to talk to people who have read a lot of books.

I read all of the book reveiws on this forum and if I like it, I will read the Amazon reviews and the Wikipedia page.

# of women vs # of books in a year?

Warren buffet suggests reading 500 pages per DAY. That is actually his routine, read read read.

IMHO if you're not reading 2-3 books a month you're not even trying to improve. There is a very high correlation between books read and income. I'll stick with whatever I see people better than me doing, the guys that are better than me when it comes to income all read a lot.

Personally I don't read any books for entertainment at my age. If I read it I better get better looking, more money, or healthier from it. In the future I might read for fun (probably not). 2 books a month is a cake walk.

The major issue with reading is the RIGHT books. Find people better than you, ask them what they have read, copy them. Don't read shit just "because" life is short so maximize your brain cells on the things that matter in life and the rest falls into place.

Reading for purpose:
1. International investments
2. Health
3. Debt structures for private investments
4. Style books on colors + fit
5. Marketing books
6. Advertising books
7. Alternative investments
8. Videos on dance

Etc. I don't read to "feel good" that's for when I'm done improving. Ie: never. Ha

"Go to bed smarter than when you woke up!"

Last year I definitely read more books than banged chicks. This year will be the same.

There is no way anyone here can convince me successful people don't think the same. I cross check books with guys all of the time. And what do you know it's the same damn books! If you're not reading today you should call someone up who makes a good amount of dough and get a recommendation immediately.


Personally I don't need inspiration I need information. Good information is incredibly hard to find, harder than bagging a chick that's for sure.

# of women vs # of books in a year?


Based on your interactions with me and knowledge of my personality, strengths and weaknesses..

What book should I read???


# of women vs # of books in a year?

^ I sent you a direct message.

# of women vs # of books in a year?

Westcoast can you list on your blog the books that you have been reading or participate on the forum thread ''what are you reading at the moment''?. It would be great to know what you have been up to in terms of reading.

# of women vs # of books in a year?

If I didn't read a book per week, I would have a lot less interesting shit to spit at women.

# of women vs # of books in a year?

Quote: (01-13-2014 04:35 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  


Based on your interactions with me and knowledge of my personality, strengths and weaknesses..

What book should I read???


WestCoast recommeded that I read books about internet marketing and web design. I do value his opinion and I know he is trying to help me monetize my game expertise. (not that I consider myself an "expert")

Honestly, I would rather read books about game and charisma..

I sort of feel like I should be writing books instead of reading them..

That might sound conceited but I don't think it is.. It's just that I care much more about my experience than the experience of others.

Instead of reading a book, I would rather go out and approach 1000 cute girls. For me, that is a better way to learn..

I don't know? Maybe, this is my weakness that I need to work on. It's just hard for me to sit down and read when I see thousands of cute girls walking by my window..

I think to myself -- "Fuck, do I want to read about some others guy's experience or do I want to go out and create my own experience".

I actually started reading the famous book "Pimp" by Iceberg Slim and it is fucking amazing if you can relate to it.

I need to start with books that call out to me..

I want to read this one about my favorite athlete:

[Image: shelf_ichiro.JPG]

I need to force myself to try this.. Get out of my comfort zone!

# of women vs # of books in a year?

^ my point from our personal exchange was actually this

"Why are you spending time learning about things you already know for entertainment purposes".

Instead look at what you don't have and find a way to get it.

For guys with money that have no chicks they should be reading game books all day. For skinny or fat guys they should read about fitness all day and actively do fitness.

Find what you're weak at and fix it. I only recommended that because you've mentioned on here several times you wish you had more income. Reading about Ichiro or a pimp is great but does that really improve your life? Is that really making you better or is it just fun? Are you going to look back 1 year from today and say damn so glad I read this entertaining book?

If you truly don't care for making more cash and are 100% happy then yeah read whatever you like for sure.

Again my suggestion is based on what you have implied you want more of.

If you were an engineer with a notch count of 0 I would never recommend a money making book etc.

Every year I ask myself what do I suck at? And try to obtain competency at.

This is also why I harassed you for a full year for day game advice until I felt comfortable, now I feel comfortable with day game (not elite but competent). I also harassed the fuck out of MikeCF for health advice once I learned his background I physically bought a plane ticket to meet him and sit around to pick his brain. I learn to improve. I asked neither you or mike questions about investing in bio medical stocks. Make sense?

That is how you make large gains.

Much easier to go from zero competency to 50% than from 75% to 80%.

To me the most "fun" thing in life is real tangible improvement. But that is just me. The best feeling in the world is achievement not entertainment.

# of women vs # of books in a year?

Westcoast good advice bro! The hardest part about reading 2 to 3 books a month or 24 to 36 a year is finding that many good ones to read! How do you find so many good books?

# of women vs # of books in a year?

Quote: (01-15-2014 01:28 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

"Why are you spending time learning about things you already know for entertainment purposes".

I do enjoy learning more and more about game, charisma, psychology, etc.

I don't really consider it entertainment. I consider it expanding my knowledge.

But, your point is to focus on my weaknesses. I agree with that.

Quote: (01-15-2014 01:28 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

Reading about Ichiro or a pimp is great but does that really improve your life?

Yes, I always learn a lot from great athletes and great psychologists

Learning from these guys absolutely improves my life.

Quote: (01-15-2014 01:28 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

Is that really making you better or is it just fun?

A bit of both.

Quote: (01-15-2014 01:28 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

Are you going to look back 1 year from today and say damn so glad I read this entertaining book?

I don't read for entertainment.

I read to learn more about life and to answer the questions in my mind.

The bottom line is this..

I need to increase my income and I would love for it to be "location independant"

That said, I should probably be reading about that specific weakness of mine.

You are right. Thank you for helping me identify and address my weak area.

# of women vs # of books in a year?

^ yes that is my point. Don't put the cart before horse. Do you really want to have location independent income or "kinda want it".

Why would you read a biography before you read a book on actually making income? It doesn't make sense.

If I want to improve my day game I didn't PM a guy who does nothing but online game. I contacted you and probably annoyed the fuck out of you but forced myself onto your radar. That's how you get shit done. Now you'll be hard pressed to remember the last time I asked for actual specific day game advice and the tables have changed a bit where I give you more antiquated stories of my life.


@Beginner I constantly find people better than me. I specifically contact people on here, at work, at home, at the store, on other online forums etc.

I never take advice from people with zero experience. Never never never never never. It is a waste of time. That's how you get rid of the trolls. People who give advice based on zero experience are narcissistic big ego morons. Yes I am dick with a huge ego but I don't give advice based on zero real life experience. A sign of a retard. You can't take any of their advice seriously.

Guys on here complain about women telling men to be men... Well why the hell are men giving advice based on shit they haven't don't before? If you haven't don't it you don't get to speak. Simple as that.

I also have a very good bullshit detector and can tell when people are or are not successful in real life. Not 100% certain of course, but you can't fake real experience very easily.


Simply put it is your job, and my job to find people to learn from.

If you have information I want I will do whatever it takes to get the information from you. If this means buying a plane ticket, messaging 100 people per month? IDGAF it's my job to find the right resources.

If I think you're a waste of time well, you're never going to hear from me once I piece it together ha!

Oh and if they won't help you, that's fine there are 7billion people in the world you'll find another guy. At least you tried.

# of women vs # of books in a year?

Quote: (01-15-2014 01:49 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

I do enjoy learning more and more about game, charisma, psychology, etc.

Gio, sales is psychology. You would probably be interested in sales books and you can make a shitload of bread if you put that into action in one way or another. It's wide open when it comes to possibilities (it will also allow you to peddle your own books).

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