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Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

The truth comes forthwith, and it comes right strong...hit ya like a runaway car:

[Image: jz5TnhQ.gif]

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Quote: (12-24-2013 06:18 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

The truth comes forthwith, and it comes right strong...hit ya like a runaway car:

[Image: jz5TnhQ.gif]

I hate people like this. I hope the kids are ok, but you don't move without visibility.

In LA all the time, people put their lives in your hands because they are so caught up in other nonsense (mainly phones or a false belief in their greatness).

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Lindy West has become too fat to fly

One thing : Imagine if she got confronted by somebody with bigger balls than the guy, somebody who would have moped the runway with the only thing bigger than get body (her ego), imagine her reaction. I'd say she would have eaten the entire California's budget on Oreos.

Oi, Lindy Mess, I'm waiting for the time they make you pay ticket for each side of your ass!

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Some of these comments are excellent:



"Recently, I had to get up early for a 7 a.m. flight to attend a family member's funeral. I only had about an hour's worth of sleep, because I was back and forth between phone calls making arrangements. Things at the airport were crazy as usual, and the flight wasn't looking like it would get out in time. Right at the last minute, the flight attendants let a young woman on the plane - lucky for her, last time I was running late they wouldn't let me board. Oh well.

She made a beeline for her seat, which was next to mine. She reeked like booze - must have been hungover - and then fumbled with her luggage bumping me several times. I wasn't feeling my best, so I mumbled 'would be nice to hear an 'excuse me'.' Big mistake. She went ballistic on me, screaming 'WHAT DID YOU SAY?' over and over without dropping it. Finally I repeated myself, and she continued to huff and puff about the situation. The plane finally took off and I tried to get some shut-eye. Unfortunately, she kept kicking me and saying very loudly 'EXCUSE ME.'

I tell you, sometimes people are just jerks. As if air travel wasn't enough of a pain!"



Thank you so much for this. The whole premise of this article is a farce. While the subject itself may be worthy of discussion, the anecdotal 'evidence' of fat-shaming at the beginning of the story is laughable. It sounds like Lindy was completely self-absorbed and not very empathetic with those around her (How could this patriarchy supporting misogynist next to me NOT know I was hung over. It's not MY fault I chose to drink before a flight and was late and inconvenienced other people on the flight that were already settled in. That's thin privilege.... ad absurdum).



"sometimes we need to assault strangers because I'm too irresponsible to not get hammered before a 7am flight."

Is this what feminism is now? really?


289 violated someone's space, he muttered something sotto voce, then you went and wrote an angry screed about it?

Must be nice to have that soapbox.


...Maybe her next column can be about how fat people are unfairly viewed as hostile, defensive, passive-aggressive and rude




It blows my mind that 90% of the comments here are supporting the author. I feel like there should be a study done to see how big of an ignorant ass you can be and still blame the other person if you're overweight.

"I cut this guy off in traffic and then slammed on my breaks, then he gave me a death glare because I'm fat, what an asshole."

Even if this guy was being an ass, why not blame it on you being late? Or maybe he's just an asshole to EVERYONE and not specifically you because of your weight? I'm 5'7" and skinny and the last flight I was on the guy on my aisle rolled his eyes when I had to use the bathroom for the third time on a 3-hour flight (I drank two coffees and a liter of water in the hour before the flight), some people are just easily annoyed. This article and the reactions make me wonder how some of these people function in everyday society

[Image: gZt1aBi.gif]

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

At least she is not delusional about everything:


Quote Lindy West: People say the same kind of thing to me with their eyes on nearly every flight—this guy just chose to say it with his mouth.

This is the subtext of my life: "You're bigger than I'd like you to be." "I dread being near you." "Your body itself is a breach of etiquette." "You are clearly a fucking moron who thinks that cheesecake is a vegetable." "I know that you will fart on me."

Nobody wants to sit next to a fat person on a plane. Don't think we don't know.

[Image: agree2.gif]

Take care of those titties for me.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

When I first saw this link on my FB feed, I thought "Haha. Roosh is obviously going to make something up to try and be funny."

Turns out it's real. And, in fact, it's pretty fucking sad.

What's revealing is that it confirms my theory that often times obesity is a form of mental illness. Fat people view the world through a tainted, delusional mind, just like people with other mental illnesses do. (Caveat: by "obese" I don't mean the jock who gets a beer belly or the former cheerleader who gets fat after three kids. I mean "lifers." You know them when you see them.)

Anyway, the way West behaved is textbook fat chick "manners" and shows why they should be avoided and told to FUCK OFF. Never miss the chance to do the latter: it's not like you're losing a potential sex buddy and most of the time it's also not like she's going to have hot friends you won't get to meet.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

^ Yeah, I've gotten to the point where I don't even acknowledge obese people. Even my own "friends!" I realized they have a victim mentality and want the world to accommodate them instead of them changing themselves.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Quote: (12-24-2013 06:22 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

Quote: (12-24-2013 06:18 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

The truth comes forthwith, and it comes right strong...hit ya like a runaway car:

[Image: jz5TnhQ.gif]

I hate people like this. I hope the kids are ok, but you don't move without visibility.

In LA all the time, people put their lives in your hands because they are so caught up in other nonsense (mainly phones or a false belief in their greatness).
Juding from the parked cars, the driver is going the wrong way down a One-Way Street smh.

The family didn't expect anyone from that direction naturally

Quote: (08-18-2016 12:05 PM)dicknixon72 Wrote:  
...and nothing quite surprises me anymore. If I looked out my showroom window and saw a fully-nude woman force-fucking an alligator with a strap-on while snorting xanex on the roof of her rental car with her three children locked inside with the windows rolled up, I wouldn't be entirely amazed.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

True, the driver was going the wrong way. But always look both ways, no one expects anything to happen and sure they may be right by not expecting traffic from that direction, but I'd rather not be right and just take 2 extra seconds to look.

Fuck, I look down alleys when I am walking a sidewalk, ya people should expect people on a sidewalk and drive slow, but it isn't worth the effort to be right about cars should stop for me.

Don't get me wrong, I feel bad for them, but never assume anything and always avoid, when you can, having your safety in the hands of someone other than yourself.

Sorry for this tangent, back to making fun of the fat chick. [Image: smile.gif]

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Seems like she based her whole career on being fat.

She's a toxic endorser for Oreos. I'm sure that's the last thing the company wants to be associated with but I could be wrong.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Its almost satire haha. "I was an asshole to this guy. SO WHAT IM FAT!"

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

An enabler of her behavior is her boyfriend:

[Image: List_Aham_Dylan-Priest_600.jpg]

Who, if the following picture is accurate, is a dad of two:

[Image: l.jpg]

He must be hard up to go from that girl to this:

[Image: pwilyeq.jpg] (taken in October)

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Quote: (12-24-2013 07:00 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

When I first saw this link on my FB feed, I thought "Haha. Roosh is obviously going to make something up to try and be funny."

Turns out it's real. And, in fact, it's pretty fucking sad.

What's revealing is that it confirms my theory that often times obesity is a form of mental illness. Fat people view the world through a tainted, delusional mind, just like people with other mental illnesses do. (Caveat: by "obese" I don't mean the jock who gets a beer belly or the former cheerleader who gets fat after three kids. I mean "lifers." You know them when you see them.)

I don't know about the difference here between a lifer and an eventual fatty...I think that in both cases there is some sort of mental defeat that causes the condition - but like any mistake it is not the mistake, but how you improve from it that is important. In "people" like Lindy it's hyper-denial.

There are different stages of nonacceptance: where first there is no though given to improvement - then no acknowledgement of personal fault - then demanding acceptance by the rest of the world of your mistake as if it did not exist - but then it goes even farther to my mistake is actually the ONLY acceptable behavior. Do not critique me, but laud me as your hero, your lord,, not saviour because as a prejudiced skinny/fit] FUCK, you burn in hell!

You are absolutely right about this being a mental case - very much like alcoholism/being a bad drunk. Having gone through semi-alcoholism, I would get incredibly drunk/black out and was a huge jerk and abrasive to people, sometimes even getting into physical altercations. Though it wasn't always my fault and sometimes the other person deserved it, in my mind I would usually rationalize my actions, and harbor some kind of hatred for the person even though it was my shortcoming. But the point is that I realize this and have actively tried to improve myself (but also failed). While I would commit these mistakes, I still lived more in shame than anything else.

Conversely, this cunt is broadcasting this to the world for some form of long held back attention whoring cathartic orgarsmo! From long years of not getting laid, and the world absolutely being repulsed by her, she is now projecting that revulsion onto the world. She gains negative pleasure from physical contact with the opposite sex. Thus the only way for her to get her rocks off are by the second female stimulator - not her "boyfriend's" penis but ATTENTION WHORING.

Man FUCK HER. I wouldn't want to stoop to feminist levels and wish bodily harm - castration/acid burning her face, etc - on her, but if I did, then I'd say I wish that Buffalo Bill taught her a lesson or two. Damn, he'd probably save on some lotion in her case too.

You don't get there till you get there

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Quote: (12-24-2013 07:28 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

An enabler of her behavior is her boyfriend:

[Image: List_Aham_Dylan-Priest_600.jpg]

Who, if the following picture is accurate, is a dad of two:

[Image: l.jpg]

He must be hard up to go from that girl to this:

[Image: pwilyeq.jpg] (taken in October)

She's his beard.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

[Image: pwilyeq.jpg]

[Image: geeky-piggybank-26391401.jpg]

Take care of those titties for me.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

The Airline industry is the only large corporate industry that can't pander or crack to fat acceptance as a way to shill for possible profits. Fat people loose airlines money since for every extra 100lbs+ a fatty carries that's less cargo a airline can transport. Since these fatties don't fly first class with the extra wide seats airlines really have no possible way to accommodate them unless they make set larger seats and charge them more. That's the future but they are delaying it as much as they can. The line about airlines loss of out on 200$ million makes me laugh because they could be making so much more if they just had to make seats for normal set people. They could fit in way more seats, more cargo in their belly of the plane and make even more money.

You gotta pay for space. Fat oligarchs have no issue fitting into the extra wide first class seats. It's always has been known that for space on a plane you have to pay. It's the same almost as complaining about the shirty quality of food when eating Mcdees, you should know what's up. Fat people are both resource intensive for business and also cheap, the worst any scenario. At least rich people use a lot of resources, but are willing to lay a premium for them, while fat people want everything on the cheap to further justify and fuel their inefficient lives.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Quote: (12-24-2013 07:28 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

An enabler of her behavior is her boyfriend:

[Image: List_Aham_Dylan-Priest_600.jpg]

Who, if the following picture is accurate, is a dad of two:

[Image: l.jpg]

He must be hard up to go from that girl to this:

[Image: pwilyeq.jpg] (taken in October)

[Image: fuckthat2.gif]

And it just has to be a brotha too. My brothas, stop dating fat white girls. Just stop!!!

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Quote: (12-24-2013 07:28 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

An enabler of her behavior is her boyfriend:

[Image: List_Aham_Dylan-Priest_600.jpg]
I wonder if this is the same guy she describes in one of her Jizzabel pieces as her fiance - she describes him as being more hardline feminist than she is.

So I'm not sure he's gay - seems to me that gay guys don't care enough about women to become hardcore feminists.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Quote: (12-24-2013 07:49 PM)assman Wrote:  

Quote: (12-24-2013 07:28 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

An enabler of her behavior is her boyfriend:

[Image: List_Aham_Dylan-Priest_600.jpg]
I wonder if this is the same guy she describes in one of her Jizzabel pieces as her fiance - she describes him as being more hardline feminist than she is.

So I'm not sure he's gay - seems to me that gay guys don't care enough about women to become hardcore feminists.

Maybe he got Divorce raped hard and had a false epiphany.

"I got my money and kids taken from me because I wasn't man enough"

And then dove head first into the feminist and equity shit. The White Ribbon crowd is full of them.


His game took a hit and fatty white girls were just easy.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

God reading her shit just reeks of annoying bitchy feminist. The constant profanity, lack of logic, over entitlement, and what's more this landwhale has a boyfriend, what are men in America coming to?!?

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Airlines policies for "passengers of size."


Domestic Airlines

Southwest Airlines:

Passengers who cannot fit into a seat must purchase an extra seat, either online or over the phone, although they offer cheaper rates over the phone for the extra seat. Southwest also advises that a passenger of size may contact them for a refund of the cost of additional seating after travel.

Passengers of size who do not purchase an additional seat in advance have the option of purchasing just one seat and then discussing their seating needs with the Customer Service Agent at their departure gate. If it is determined that a second (or third) seat is needed, passengers will be accommodated with a complimentary additional seat(s). However, you may be bumped to another flight if no extra seating is available. Southwest Airlines’ width between armrests measures 17 inches.

American Airlines:

American Airlines requires passengers to purchase an additional seat or upgrade if they do not meet one of the following criteria:

Unable to fit into a single seat in their ticketed cabin and/or
Unable to properly buckle their seatbelt using a single seatbelt extender (available upon request from a flight attendant) and/or
Unable to lower both armrests without encroaching upon the adjacent seating space or another passenger.
American Airlines notes passengers to address their seating needs at the time of booking the original reservation. If seats are available in your ticketed cabin, you may be accommodated in the same cabin next to an empty seat. The additional seating must be available without downgrading or unseating another passenger. If time allows, and upon payment of the fare difference, you may be offered a seat in a higher class of service that may provide more space. If additional seating is not available, passengers may purchase a second adjacent seat on a different flight. The fare for the second seat will be the same as the original seat. American Airlines economy seat width ranges from 17 to 18 inches.

United Airlines:

Passengers traveling on United Airlines are required to purchase an additional seat or upgrade if they do not meet one of the following criteria:

The passenger must be able to properly attach, buckle and wear the seat belt, with one extension if necessary, whenever the seat belt sign is illuminated or as instructed by a crew member.
The passenger must be able to remain seated with the seat armrest(s) down for the entirety of the flight.
The passenger must not significantly encroach upon the adjacent seating space.
United will not board a passenger who declines to purchase a ticket for an additional seat or upgrade for each leg of their itinerary when required. The second seat may be purchased for the same fare as the original seat, provided it is purchased at the same time. A passenger who does not purchase an extra seat in advance may be required to do so on the day of departure for the fare level available on the day of departure. The passenger may instead choose to purchase a ticket for United First, United Business or United BusinessFirst, or elect to pay for an upgrade to a premium cabin if there is availability to do so. United Airlines economy seat width ranges from 17 to 18.3 inches.

Delta Airlines:

Delta does not require passengers who need a seat belt extender or are unable to lower the armrest to purchase additional seats. However, you may be asked to move to another location that provides additional space. In the event of a full flight you will be asked to take a later flight with available seating. To avoid this, Delta Airlines recommends that you purchase an additional seat. Economy seat width is 17.2 inches.

JetBlue Airways:

No clear policy is stated online. When calling Jetblue, they advised to either purchase an additional seat at the current price or opt for a seat belt extender. JetBlue seat belts are 45 inches in length and you can request 25 inch extensions on-board the aircraft. Economy seat width ranges from 17.8 to 18.25 inches. Passenger’s who cannot fit, will have to purchase an extra seat at the current fare offered.

Spirit Air:

No policy is published online. When calling Spirit Airlines, they will advise you to either purchase an additional seat at the same cost of the first seat, or to purchase a Big Front Seat which offers additional seat width. Economy seat width is 17.8 inches. Spirit Airlines offers Big Front Seats which is 18.5 inches wide.

While we wish there was a standard industry wide policy, the reality is that each airline handles overweight travelers differently. International carriers are no exception. For example, in Canada, forcing one passenger to buy two seats is illegal on domestic flights, because Canada’s Supreme Court ruled that charging extra to someone who is “functionally disabled by obesity” is discriminatory.

Take care of those titties for me.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

In case anyone is wondering why she's fat, it's not because of a thyroid problem....


Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Quote: (12-24-2013 07:29 PM)Slim Shady Wrote:  

Quote: (12-24-2013 07:00 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

When I first saw this link on my FB feed, I thought "Haha. Roosh is obviously going to make something up to try and be funny."

Turns out it's real. And, in fact, it's pretty fucking sad.

What's revealing is that it confirms my theory that often times obesity is a form of mental illness. Fat people view the world through a tainted, delusional mind, just like people with other mental illnesses do. (Caveat: by "obese" I don't mean the jock who gets a beer belly or the former cheerleader who gets fat after three kids. I mean "lifers." You know them when you see them.)

I don't know about the difference here between a lifer and an eventual fatty...I think that in both cases there is some sort of mental defeat that causes the condition - but like any mistake it is not the mistake, but how you improve from it that is important. In "people" like Lindy it's hyper-denial.

There are different stages of nonacceptance: where first there is no though given to improvement - then no acknowledgement of personal fault - then demanding acceptance by the rest of the world of your mistake as if it did not exist - but then it goes even farther to my mistake is actually the ONLY acceptable behavior. Do not critique me, but laud me as your hero, your lord,, not saviour because as a prejudiced skinny/fit] FUCK, you burn in hell!

You are absolutely right about this being a mental case - very much like alcoholism/being a bad drunk. Having gone through semi-alcoholism, I would get incredibly drunk/black out and was a huge jerk and abrasive to people, sometimes even getting into physical altercations. Though it wasn't always my fault and sometimes the other person deserved it, in my mind I would usually rationalize my actions, and harbor some kind of hatred for the person even though it was my shortcoming. But the point is that I realize this and have actively tried to improve myself (but also failed). While I would commit these mistakes, I still lived more in shame than anything else.

Conversely, this cunt is broadcasting this to the world for some form of long held back attention whoring cathartic orgarsmo! From long years of not getting laid, and the world absolutely being repulsed by her, she is now projecting that revulsion onto the world. She gains negative pleasure from physical contact with the opposite sex. Thus the only way for her to get her rocks off are by the second female stimulator - not her "boyfriend's" penis but ATTENTION WHORING.

Man FUCK HER. I wouldn't want to stoop to feminist levels and wish bodily harm - castration/acid burning her face, etc - on her, but if I did, then I'd say I wish that Buffalo Bill taught her a lesson or two. Damn, he'd probably save on some lotion in her case too.

"I don't know about the difference here between a lifer and an eventual fatty...I think that in both cases there is some sort of mental defeat that causes the condition - but like any mistake it is not the mistake, but how you improve from it that is important. In "people" like Lindy it's hyper-denial."

This is an idea I came up with a while back, so let me explain it better.

Eventual fattie: Someone who lived a relatively normal life: dated, went to dances, fucked a lot, got married, got a decent amount of attention in their youth, but then they got lazy and packed on the pounds. Some might have even been star athletes who got injured, for instance, and gained weight because they could no longer run without some pain. Such types usually maintain their old personalities and are a lot of fun.

Using the workplace as an example, these are the older women in accounting and the men on the loading dock who have gotten hefty with age. They tend to be cool because they lived a regular life -- or maybe even a really good one -- and don't resent you for simply "being." Such people don't know phrases like "thin privilege" and if they heard it would want to smack the person using it.

Lifers: Lifers are the people who went through life always overweight. They get left out of things and thus develop jealousies, resentments, and modes of thinking TOTALLY foreign to most of us. They're angry, nasty for no reason, and cause endless amounts of grief when you have the misfortune of meeting them.

Women, as we know, seek more attention than men. Since these women don't get it positively, they find ways of getting it by starting fights, backstabbing, and creating turmoil wherever they go. West's article is a textbook case of this type of behavior.

Again, let's use the workplace as an example. These are the younger fatass women in graphic design who make every meeting into an argument and spread rumors around the building. And these are the younger guys in middle management who can't just email you about a mistake you made, they have to "cc" the email to upper management to make an error into a company-wide crisis (an actual example that happened to me.)

So, IMO, it's important to make these distinctions because 1). You don't want to be hostile to older married folks who might be chubby but are normal and decent and 2). You do, in fact, want to avoid the lifers because they will make your life miserable and you need to be ready to snap back at them.

Because as this article proves, the ones who often scream "victim!" the loudest are the biggest bullies.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

My god, what a putrid and deluded fucking cunt. I'm so glad that her health decisions that are none of my business will see her in an early grave. I'm sure when she loses her legs from diabetes or has a heart attack at 40 due to lard clogged arteries that will be the patriarchy's fault too. Bitch.

Lindy West has become too fat to fly

Quote: (12-24-2013 07:59 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

In case anyone is wondering why she's fat, it's not because of a thyroid problem....

Look at those boobs!!

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