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Why Women Lose the Dating Game - Mainstream Redpill article

Why Women Lose the Dating Game - Mainstream Redpill article

Some amazing stuff in here...


Jamie, a 30-year-old Sydney barrister, thinks so: ''Women labour under the impression they can have it all. They can have the career, this carefree lifestyle and then, at the snap of their fingers, because they are so fabulous, find a man. But if they wait until their 30s they're competing with women who are much younger and in various ways more attractive.''


The high expectations of professional women are a big part of the story. Many high-achieving women simply are not interested in Mr Average, says Justin Parfitt, the owner of Australia's fastest growing speed-dating organisation, Fast Impressions. Parfitt adds: ''They've swallowed the L'Oreal line: 'Because you're worth it!' There's a real sense of entitlement.''

Not surprisingly,


''It's wall-to-wall arseholes out there,'' reports Penny, a 31-year-old lawyer. She is stunned by how hard it is to meet suitable men willing to commit. ''I'm horrified by the number of gorgeous, independent and successful women my age who can't meet a decent man.''



''Maybe we need to get over ourselves,'' she writes. The 40-year-old single mother enlisted a team of advisers who helped her realise that while she was conducting her long search for the perfect man - Prince Charming or nobody - her market value had dropped through the floor.

There's more... enjoy!

Why Women Lose the Dating Game - Mainstream Redpill article

It puts a smile on my face. Someone told me that bitchy women tend to get softer with age. I responded back, "It's not my responsibility to help a woman mature. I'm concerned with her looks and how she makes me feel right now, not 20 years down the road."

The "have it all" attitude. Yeah you can have it all, except a man. They should put that in there.

Why Women Lose the Dating Game - Mainstream Redpill article

Great article, fair and balanced.

Many commenters see it straight; the men and part of the women.

Then there's the commenters that see this article as biased against women; the bitter women the article is about.

Nobody is saying they shouldn't pursue the career first and the family later.
But if you do that, you will end up complaining like a little bitch.
It's amazing to see the complete lack of understanding of consequences of actions.
So delusional, it's not their fault that they made wrong choices.
Because you listened to a television show. A fucking television show!

But to repeat myself: Many women do see it straight. We don't hear about those, because they're too happy with their lives to be yelling in the comments of internet stories. Hahaha.

Why Women Lose the Dating Game - Mainstream Redpill article

Great article.


During their 20s, women compete for the most highly desirable men, the Mr Bigs. Many will readily share a bed with the sporty, attractive, confident men, while ordinary men miss out. As Whiskey puts it at ''Joe Average Beta Male is about as desirable to women as a cold bowl of oatmeal.''

Data from American colleges show 20 per cent of males - the most attractive ones - get 80 per cent of the sex, according to an analysis by Susan Walsh, a former management consultant who wrote about the issue on her dating website,

''The women I know in their early 30s are just delusional,'' he says. ''I sometimes seduce them and sleep with them just because I know how to play them so well. It's just too easy. They're tired of the cock carousel and they see a guy like me as the perfect beta to settle down with before their eggs dry out … when I get tired of them I just delete their numbers from my cell phone and stop taking their calls … It doesn't really hurt them that much: at this point they're used to pump & dump!''

Sort of reminds me of this thread I posted a while ago. Sorry, shameless self-promotion.


This article is silly for several reasons:
1. She makes out like being single is the worst state an adult could find themselves in. I know plenty of women who are both single and coupled up with little ones who around the same age and I don't think that either group is happier than the other. Marriage and kids are not the end to your problems, often they are just the beginning.
2. 'Women are far too picky'. Some certainly are but women do not have the monopoly on picky. Some men could certainly give them a run for their money. By her own admission the writer says that men what young women because they are more desirable in their twenties. So men can be choosy but women are not allowed to be?
3. My philosophy when I was single was that I would rather be single than sorry. Far too many women and men read articles like this and panic that they have to find someone, anyone to marry before they shrivel up and die. This leads to so many unhappy relationships because they got into a relationship for the wrong reasons, so after the excitement of the wedding and babies, they find that they don't even like each other very much or have anything in common because they were more focused on finding a relationship, than finding a person they were compatible with for the long haul.


I think Olive misses the point and could benefit the most from the article.

[Image: hamster2.gif]

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Why Women Lose the Dating Game - Mainstream Redpill article

been covered here couple times
dupe (original thread)

Game/red pill article links

"Chicks dig power, men dig beauty, eggs are expensive, sperm is cheap, men are expendable, women are perishable." - Heartiste

Why Women Lose the Dating Game - Mainstream Redpill article

This article hit front page on Hacker News today: Active Comment Thread

Why Women Lose the Dating Game - Mainstream Redpill article

Quote: (10-25-2013 09:52 PM)Blaster Wrote:  

This article hit front page on Hacker News today: Active Comment Thread

The comments in that thread...

> You don't hear about 25 year old men marrying successful 30 something women because the lady is successful and charming. Not to say it doesn't happen, but its certainly rare.
This isn't because there aren't 25 year old men who are willing and able to marry these successful women, it is the woman who is making the decision.
[Image: facepalm.png]


Dating is disgusting solely because of power dynamics. The whole thing reeks of entitlement from both genders. From the rating system (which requires a highly reductionistic view of people, to the point that it is damaging to you), to the pseudo-scientific alpha/beta monikers, to the creepy game advocates ("she says no, but she really means yes!"). Both sides pull out shoddy excuses for what amounts to knee-jerk dismissal of potential mates.

I've been dumped over the hazy prospect of something better more than once. AFAIK, those exes are still searching. But, I'm 31 now, and really happy as a husband to a wonderful wife.
Dating is severely overrated. The best thing you can do is get in and get out without becoming cynical from it. Long-term relationships are satisfying in a way that dating can never compare to.
[Image: wtf.jpg]

"I'd hate myself if I had that kind of attitude, if I were that weak." - Arnold

Why Women Lose the Dating Game - Mainstream Redpill article

I will say this.

This does not apply to highly desired women. I know of women in their 40s still getting as much as they were in their 20s. Especially in the urban community where so much emphasis is placed on body type more than face.

Here is a picture of an older woman STILL getting men of affluent means choose her over her younger counterparts.

[Image: Screen_Shot_2013_10_26_at_1_23_57_PM.jpg]

In the urban community, our overall obsession with thick thighs & fat asses allow women's hamster to extend FAR BEYOND their wall period because they don't see a dramatic dip in male courtship.

Why Women Lose the Dating Game - Mainstream Redpill article

Quote: (10-26-2013 12:27 PM)PhilE Wrote:  

I will say this.

This does not apply to highly desired women. I know of women in their 40s still getting as much as they were in their 20s. Especially in the urban community where so much emphasis is placed on body type more than face.

Here is a picture of an older woman STILL getting men of affluent means choose her over her younger counterparts.

[Image: Screen_Shot_2013_10_26_at_1_23_57_PM.jpg]

In the urban community, our overall obsession with thick thighs & fat asses allow women's hamster to extend FAR BEYOND their wall period because they don't see a dramatic dip in male courtship.

Also, in the so-called "urban community", the men are higher T and therefore likely to be thirstier in general and therefore put with over the hill and fatter broads that other communities may not put up with.

Another thing to consider also is that many men from so called urban communities may be weaker economically overall in terms of incomes/wealth and therefore have less power of choice.......

Why Women Lose the Dating Game - Mainstream Redpill article

Quote: (10-26-2013 12:27 PM)PhilE Wrote:  

I will say this.

This does not apply to highly desired women. I know of women in their 40s still getting as much as they were in their 20s. Especially in the urban community where so much emphasis is placed on body type more than face.

Here is a picture of an older woman STILL getting men of affluent means choose her over her younger counterparts.

[Image: Screen_Shot_2013_10_26_at_1_23_57_PM.jpg]

In the urban community, our overall obsession with thick thighs & fat asses allow women's hamster to extend FAR BEYOND their wall period because they don't see a dramatic dip in male courtship.

Urban community? Okay Bro.

I'm a black male and from my perspective the reason why CERTAIN black women from all socio economic levels can still get dudes beyond a certain age is because they tend to age much slower than their caucasian counterparts. A black woman who takes care of herself and works out can look hot well into her 40s while the majority of white women start to fall off between the age 30-35. Black males of a higher income like women who are in shape

Why Women Lose the Dating Game - Mainstream Redpill article

"while the majority of white women start to fall off between the age 30-35."

You are being very generous.

Most white women fall off way before that.......try 25-27 or so....

Why Women Lose the Dating Game - Mainstream Redpill article

Urban community? Okay Bro.

I'm a black male and from my perspective the reason why CERTAIN black women from all socio economic levels can still get dudes beyond a certain age is because they tend to age much slower than their caucasian counterparts. A black woman who takes care of herself and works out can look hot well into her 40s

Good point.

but still, a dude with options and money is not going to touch a 40 year old for any reason.....(unless he is older 50+ ???)

Why Women Lose the Dating Game - Mainstream Redpill article

Quote: (10-27-2013 07:35 PM)kdolo Wrote:  

Urban community? Okay Bro.

I'm a black male and from my perspective the reason why CERTAIN black women from all socio economic levels can still get dudes beyond a certain age is because they tend to age much slower than their caucasian counterparts. A black woman who takes care of herself and works out can look hot well into her 40s

Good point.

but still, a dude with options and money is not going to touch a 40 year old for any reason.....(unless he is older 50+ ???)

For professional Black males whom are older (40+) a older women with a fit body will be less of a pain in the ass then a Black girl in her 20s. We need to remember that a urban Black female in America is at the top of the narrasssit totem pole. Her whole day is built around attention whoring and funneling all attention (positive and negative) towards her instagrams daily violume is probably 70% due to young Black females. Plus the older Black gentlemen knows because of that high T it means his younger counterparts may be more thirsty and buy her shit like hair and pay for her car payments. He knows the women goes around expecting everything from each man she deals with.

A black older women with her own money just wants attention and dick. She will be to old for drama, and will be more docile. She knows any dude rolling solo as casanova will never settle with her as he has been able to live this lifestyle as a rouge man 40 years and she has no shot to tame the stallion so instead she just rides it (see what I did there ... Haha). Her hamster is fed by knowing she can still court quality men, but she knows she can never lock them down, but is still doing better then 95% of single women her age. Let's be real it's not ideal for her but of she's dealt that hand then she's far from slumming it alone with cats.

Black don't crack. In Toronto here a running joke is the amount of older white brothers whom are locking down black women in their 30s and 40s. After jail sentence marriages with now fat white women, they come out and see freedom in a fit and hot older black women whom has the traits above I talked ablut and still knows how to have a good time. This couple I know from the swimming scene fits this description. Sitting down over a drink this guy broke it down for me about his first marriage and how he was duped. His wife or fat, boring, and stale quick. She was burning through his money and eventually they had to cut things loose. He warned me not to do it when your young because it always be from peer pressure or some other factor that isn't legit or real to what you want as a man. He found his new girl whom is 37 I think and she is fit as hell and has no wrinkles. He might marry or might not, no pressure for him to do so - but he was sold on her knowing how to fuck well and please him. She takes care of him and all they do when work isn't too hectic is take vacations and fuck a shit ton. "My old wife couldnt fuck for shit, you think she will get better but t gets to a point when she ara and it just takes a nose dive"
Dude regrets not finding that black honey sooner lol.

Why Women Lose the Dating Game - Mainstream Redpill article

This forum can overstate the difficulties that women face. Most men aren't players and do want some sort of relationship. And most older dudes aren't trying to wife up twenty-somethings. The average 50 yo single man would me be more than happy to get with a relatively in shape, pleasant 45 yo woman.

If you see a woman bitching about not being able to find a man, it's probably because of some combination of the following:

-She only has eyes for the most high-status dudes who tend to be players and are capable of pulling much younger women;
-her perception of herself is completely out of whack with what she is capable of attracting;
-or she is an unpleasant shrew, made bitter by years of bad decisions, who know man would want to spend any time with.

Why Women Lose the Dating Game - Mainstream Redpill article

Quote: (10-27-2013 10:08 PM)j r Wrote:  

This forum can overstate the difficulties that women face. Most men aren't players and do want some sort of relationship. And most older dudes aren't trying to wife up twenty-somethings. The average 50 yo single man would me be more than happy to get with a relatively in shape, pleasant 45 yo woman.
If you see a woman bitching about not being able to find a man, it's probably because of some combination of the following:

-She only has eyes for the most high-status dudes who tend to be players and are capable of pulling much younger women;
-her perception of herself is completely out of whack with what she is capable of attracting;
-or she is an unpleasant shrew, made bitter by years of bad decisions, who know man would want to spend any time with.

Not sure where you live but I can't remember the last time I saw a decent in shape woman over 40. The one's that do exist aren't interested in the average 50 year old man, they will more than likely be interested in men well under 40.

White women are very entitled, feminism and nature plays a cruel joke on them.

Our New Blog:

Why Women Lose the Dating Game - Mainstream Redpill article

Several years ago I was having a lunch break at a whole foods. I had got my sandwich sat down in the area to eat outside and as I was eating at the next table this girl starts crying to her friend. I had previously ignored their conversation but since she was crying I started to pay attention. Both girls were cute solid 7´s with nice faces and in shape.

Crying woman: What am I gonna do I just turned 32 and I am SINGLE. Do you realize even if I find a guy this year fall in love and get engaged I will have to probably wont be officially married til I am 34.

Womans friend: Dont worry you will find a guy soon blah blah blah

Crying woman: So even if I manage to get married by 34 how old will I be before I can become a mom . . . 35?

At the time(prior to redpill/manosphere thinking) I didnt really think to deep into the conversation. Except I remember saying to myself its nice to be a guy knowing we can delay fatherhood/marriage for years with virtually no reprocussions.

Game/red pill article links

"Chicks dig power, men dig beauty, eggs are expensive, sperm is cheap, men are expendable, women are perishable." - Heartiste

Why Women Lose the Dating Game - Mainstream Redpill article

Quote: (10-27-2013 10:20 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Quote: (10-27-2013 10:08 PM)j r Wrote:  

This forum can overstate the difficulties that women face. Most men aren't players and do want some sort of relationship. And most older dudes aren't trying to wife up twenty-somethings. The average 50 yo single man would me be more than happy to get with a relatively in shape, pleasant 45 yo woman.
If you see a woman bitching about not being able to find a man, it's probably because of some combination of the following:

-She only has eyes for the most high-status dudes who tend to be players and are capable of pulling much younger women;
-her perception of herself is completely out of whack with what she is capable of attracting;
-or she is an unpleasant shrew, made bitter by years of bad decisions, who know man would want to spend any time with.

Not sure where you live but I can't remember the last time I saw a decent in shape woman over 40. The one's that do exist aren't interested in the average 50 year old man, they will more than likely be interested in men well under 40.

White women are very entitled, feminism and nature plays a cruel joke on them.

In NY and DC, I see plenty of not fugly women over 40. Have seen plenty in other big cities as well. Don't know what it looks like when you get out into the middle of the country or in Canada. And not every woman is a crazy entitled feminist. The internet just brings the worst of the lot to our attention.

Why Women Lose the Dating Game - Mainstream Redpill article

Quote: (10-27-2013 10:29 PM)j r Wrote:  

Quote: (10-27-2013 10:20 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Quote: (10-27-2013 10:08 PM)j r Wrote:  

This forum can overstate the difficulties that women face. Most men aren't players and do want some sort of relationship. And most older dudes aren't trying to wife up twenty-somethings. The average 50 yo single man would me be more than happy to get with a relatively in shape, pleasant 45 yo woman.
If you see a woman bitching about not being able to find a man, it's probably because of some combination of the following:

-She only has eyes for the most high-status dudes who tend to be players and are capable of pulling much younger women;
-her perception of herself is completely out of whack with what she is capable of attracting;
-or she is an unpleasant shrew, made bitter by years of bad decisions, who know man would want to spend any time with.

Not sure where you live but I can't remember the last time I saw a decent in shape woman over 40. The one's that do exist aren't interested in the average 50 year old man, they will more than likely be interested in men well under 40.

White women are very entitled, feminism and nature plays a cruel joke on them.

In NY and DC, I see plenty of not fugly women over 40. Have seen plenty in other big cities as well. Don't know what it looks like when you get out into the middle of the country or in Canada. And not every woman is a crazy entitled feminist. The internet just brings the worst of the lot to our attention.
There must be a half dozen yoga studio near my lair in Dork Central (DC) and no shortage of yoga panted latte sipping broads mincing about. From the back the butts look tight and all but the fantasy ends when the aged faces come into focus. Not hating just merely stating.[Image: confused.gif]

"I have refused to wear a condom all of my life, for a simple reason – if I’m going to masturbate into a balloon why would I need a woman?"

Why Women Lose the Dating Game - Mainstream Redpill article

Quote: (10-27-2013 10:28 PM)bacon Wrote:  

Crying woman: What am I gonna do I just turned 32 and I am SINGLE. Do you realize even if I find a guy this year fall in love and get engaged I will have to probably wont be officially married til I am 34.

Womans friend: Dont worry you will find a guy soon blah blah blah

Crying woman: So even if I manage to get married by 34 how old will I be before I can become a mom . . . 35?

Wow, telling story. What city was this?

Also, as a guy in his 50s, in good shape with a full head of beautiful hair, I totally ignore women over 45 automatically unless I notice how lonely they look and feel a pang of compassion.

Just like 16 year girls ignore me.

THe 45-70 women check me out constantly, they're either spinsters or abandoned by their husbands ( or they drove their husbands away.) I barely notice they exist, not out of revenge but because my body is hard-wired to scan for fertility.

But I know when we were both in our 20s they treated me like shit for taller, more aggressive guys, and I feel almost nothing unless they are really old and literally no one is interested in them any more.

Tomorrow I wake up, go to work and add another few hundred dollars to the Philippines fund. I don't really look at women on dating sites over 23-25 there. A lot of them write back, and that's on free sites so there's not much motivation to scam letters.

Why Women Lose the Dating Game - Mainstream Redpill article

Women in this age group who so desperately want to have kids have to be perfect partners in the dating game if they expect to land a guy. No lying, no jealousy, no games, a perfect spotless home and the ability to cook and take care of their man, they need to play the perfect partner if they expect to land a guy. Most of these educated career women are entitled, and from my experience its all races. They think good sex is all a guy cares about, so thats all they contribute to the relationship, they swallow, etc. Sex is easy, thats what they dont know. Men want more than that. Aging women need to realize the games they played in their 20's should be completely thrown out the window.

Why Women Lose the Dating Game - Mainstream Redpill article

Quote: (10-27-2013 10:50 PM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Quote: (10-27-2013 10:28 PM)bacon Wrote:  

Crying woman: What am I gonna do I just turned 32 and I am SINGLE. Do you realize even if I find a guy this year fall in love and get engaged I will have to probably wont be officially married til I am 34.

Womans friend: Dont worry you will find a guy soon blah blah blah

Crying woman: So even if I manage to get married by 34 how old will I be before I can become a mom . . . 35?

Wow, telling story. What city was this?

SF, NYC, LA, SD, ATL, MI, Det., Chi, etc.

Why Women Lose the Dating Game - Mainstream Redpill article

Quote: (10-27-2013 10:29 PM)j r Wrote:  

In NY and DC, I see plenty of not fugly women over 40. Have seen plenty in other big cities as well. Don't know what it looks like when you get out into the middle of the country or in Canada. And not every woman is a crazy entitled feminist. The internet just brings the worst of the lot to our attention.

I dated older in my 20's and early 30's. I used to be into women with life experience, or whatever the hell that means. I would dip into the older pool to break a slump, etc etc. Now I cant even consider women my own age. Older, forget it. Just the look, I havent seen an older women that did it for me in a long time. 10 years younger for me now is what I like, thats late 20's. Early-mid 30's doesnt really do it for me either. I always think women are weird or flawed if they were never married after 35.

Why Women Lose the Dating Game - Mainstream Redpill article

When it comes to older broads, the bottom line for me is this.

I'm willing to screw older chicks. When I'm drunk and I've struck out with the young girls that night.

But it never happens that I want them as regular fuck buddies.

I never want to see them afterwards. At all.

But even in terms of pumping and dumping I've moved away from approaching older women. I have no firm idea what my notch count is, but I do know that a significant fraction have been out of their prime. I'm working on getting that percentage down pronto. For a while my game plateaued and I was getting girls around my age. Not anymore. I'm getting older, but I'm focusing upon pulling the early 20's girls.

Why Women Lose the Dating Game - Mainstream Redpill article

Just to be clear, my comments were pertaining to the average man, not RVF members or high-status dudes with lots of options. Any woman who's not obese and doesn't have a completely shitty attitude or unrealistic expectations should be able to find a man.

Why Women Lose the Dating Game - Mainstream Redpill article

I look forward to ignoring this age group when I'm 45 and dating 22 yr olds.

I'm the King of Beijing!

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