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Cities with the smartest girls?

Cities with the smartest girls?

In my quest to find perfect women - not just hot and feminine - also smart and possibly rich - where do you think are the smartest & sexy women to be found in the world?

My personal ranking:

1) San Francisco
2) NYC
3) Paris
4) London
5) Hong Kong

Cities with the smartest girls?

Quote: (09-29-2013 05:48 PM)Mumbojumbo Wrote:  

In my quest to find perfect women - not just hot and feminine - also smart

[Image: GCD8Nt6.gif]

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Cities with the smartest girls?

Boston would be a candidate-- East Coast people are more culturally sophisticated and less indoctrinated with the radical California pie in the sky feminism and equalism. As long as you factor out Asians, who are more feminine.

Cities with the smartest girls?

How can DC not be on that list ? Your quest is doomed, but that's beside the point.

Cities with the smartest girls?

Legitimate smart girls or girls that think they're smart?

Team Nachos

Cities with the smartest girls?

I have met many smart girls who went to good schools and had good jobs.

Those same girls could not figure out to hook their DVD to the TV.

If a girl had an average IQ but at least knew how things outside of her job, shopping, celebrity gossip worked then I would be happy.

A man is only as faithful as his options-Chris Rock

Cities with the smartest girls?

One thing I have noticed about most "smart" chicks is that they are smart in academics only. Your average chick who did really well in college and has a good job is still dumb as a brick. The super-intellectual bookworm types are a little better, but they still only tend to have the ability to regurgitate what they've read in those books. The ability to create or develop unique ideas is still not there 9 times out of 10. Also, the most "intelligent" women tend to be the most clueless in the dating game, and they chalk up all their pump & dump experiences to men being "intimidated" by them. There are genuinely smart women out there. They are just extremely rare, at least in the U.S.

Cities with the smartest girls?

Ok I meant that rhetorical [Image: wink.gif] nah I mean the few girls out there who are sexy, caring and smart without attitude. They are rare but I had a number.

Banged a cute asian phd in astrophysics. Smoking hot and still knew all Star Trek movies by heart. It's like a nerds dream come true.

I like such girls. Dates are more fun. It's not that all my girls have to be smart but it's a good distraction from the usual nonsense.

Cities with the smartest girls?

Gotta go Asian if you're on the West Coast.

Silicon Valley or an enclave like Pasadena connected to a top university, JPL, some big tech company.

Smart West Coast white women are some of the most unhappy people you will ever meet.

Totally empty inside.

If you had such a great time with the Asian PhD you should have married her, honestly. Either that or get a clone.

Best to rethink your question. What is your IQ? Be honest. Is your intellect narrow or broad? For example, are you a coder who likes to read Game of Thrones and other weak stuff or are you actually smart? Hipster is not smart, Geek is not smart. Hipster is Hipster and Geek is Geek. Huge difference between Hipster and smart or Geek and smart. Hipsters and Geeks fetishize something they are not. They treat any show with Neil Degrasse Tyson like porn freaks treat John Holmes films. They wish they had what is on screen and they try to get as close to it as they can but they'll never have it. Cute geeky Asian girls are a dime a dozen. Some are even freaky and can be trained to be freakier. Do you want Hipster, Geek, or smart? Don't fool yourself and say Geek is smart, it's not. She knew Star Trek? What about Twain or Thackeray? Socrates? Confucius? If you like Geek it's not hard. At all. Go to Comic Con or some cosplay venue.

If you're actually smart, you need a woman who's actually smart but not ruined by her years spent in the heart of the cathedral, the university system. These are rare. Best bet is an Asian immigrant or first gen Asian-American. Problem is, more of them are buying Cathedral propaganda.

Or, ditch the smart requirement. My IQ is over 130. To me, people say stupid stuff all the time. I've dated PhD's, MD's and MD/PhD's. Get them away from their field and they sound stupid. I dated an MD with MS in public health, from top schools, like best in the world. I questioned her religious views and she said it gave her comfort to think that her childhood pet was with Jesus and that she would be reunited with the beast when she died. I shit you not, RVF members. This chick started arguably the best university in the world at age 16 on a full scholarship and laid that turd on me one night.

The IQ 120 or so and above women can be problematic. 110-120 is the worst possible range. They think they know, but they don't know and they never will. They are ruined by the Cathedral. They are the smartest humans on the face of the planet. If only one of them could get into the White House and give Obama advice we'd have Utopia within a week. Such a tragic waste of talent that these women aren't in positions of power.

The 110-120 will say stuff far dumber than the 90-110 because they think they know stuff. If you can't get a real smart girl, drop below 110 and get a nice waitress, nail salon worker, masseuse, preschool teacher, hairdresser, cashier.

Run an experiment. Go to a movie with a Cathedral trained mediocrity and listen to her drone on with her opinions. Then go with a waitress or cashier. She'll tell you that the actor was cute or the love story was cheesy or she liked the love story and it touched her heart or she liked the explosions and the music. The second you can listen to, the first is insufferable. The second will be more likely to want to please you in the relationship.

Try and get the intellectual stimulation from guys.

Cities with the smartest girls?

The really smart girls:

1. Know their value.

2. Know how to keep a man.

Anything else, who gives a fuck.

Cities with the smartest girls?

JNF. Let's say you wanted to have kids at some point. To give your kids a chance intellectually doesn't the mom need to have done brains? Some smarts you are just born with. I get you can read and study a bunch but natural smarts is a good start. Just curious what your thoughts are. Thanks.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Cities with the smartest girls?

Quote: (09-29-2013 08:59 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

JNF. Let's say you wanted to have kids at some point. To give your kids a chance intellectually doesn't the mom need to have done brains? Some smarts you are just born with. I get you can read and study a bunch but natural smarts is a good start. Just curious what your thoughts are. Thanks.

It doesn't mean a damn thing. My ex is dumb as an Asian stripper. Wait she was an Asian stripper. Let's just say she won't be hounded by Mensa for membership any time soon. Anyways our kid is pretty f'n smart if you ask me. He understands some pretty difficult concepts that I think are way over his Mom's head. It amazes me the conversations we have.

I've seen two attractive parents have near Down syndrome looking kids. I've seen ugly couples have beautiful kids.

It doesn't mean a damn thing. It's a genetic crap shoot.

Team Nachos

Cities with the smartest girls?

Other manosphere posts have done a better job than I can but I forgot where they are.

The way the brain works is that in childhood, synapses are formed and pruned back when not used. If you stimulate the kid's intellect you can do wonders. 15 IQ point swings from 9th grade to graduation. That's one standard deviation from the mean. It's huge.

Why do you want to give your kids a chance intellectually? So they can be smart like you? So they can be successful? Throughout history smarts and happiness have had low or even negative correlation. Smarts and success have had low correlation. That may be changing with the rise of tech so it's a good hedge to try and make smart babies. Look up James Holmes and George Sodini to learn about a couple of smart guys with no other skills on the other hand.

The real problem here is your 130 IQ women. They can make some nice money and they want a guy with more. Personally, I don't fit in with corporate culture and never wanted big money. I wanted "fulfillment" whatever that means. I have no shot at most of these women because they want success (money and power). The ones who are willing to take a lower success guy are insufferably SWPL. Prius, Obama bumper stickers, sustainability, all of the Cathedral garbage. IQ 130 is top 2%. There's around 70 million of them so in theory, you should be able to find one you can stand to deal with.

Here's the ones I dated:

PhD in STEM: now runs a magazine dedicated to her ethnic group while hubby pays the bills. SWPL to the core.
MD, MS: Married, appears in medical ads and videos on various internet sites. I saw one of her vids while researching a medicine for my friend's kid. Mentioned in a post above. SWPL.
PhD in STEM: Lonely career woman, boring and awkward but tall and hot. Possibly should have wifed.
PhD in STEM: Married a dropout herb after she gained 50 pounds. SWPL.
MD: manhater all alone with her career.
PhD in STEM: Saw her on OK Cupid, slammed the wall so hard she's almost unrecognizable. SWPL.
MD: Appears in internet medical videos and writes columns on kid's health. Ran into her work while searching info on my friend's kid's medical problems. Adjunct med prof at age 35. When does she have time for personal life? Why not go into private practice, get established and marry a good guy? This one was so smoking hot she would blister the paint on the walls. Reheat your cold coffee from across the room. Ridiculous. Cute and beautiful. Great body, sensual, loved life, loved having fun. Great sense of humor, just the coolest. Saw a video of her 12 years on. Unrecognizable in looks and affect. Cathedral destroyed her.

Send your daughter to college to meet a good guy. She can get a garbage degree. Teach the son Game and have him work in a job that requires human interaction. If you want the high IQ woman you're going to have to go to places that used to be behind the Iron Curtain or go to Asia. That is, unless you're successful or can deal with SWPL. Also, you can buy eggs. Saw ads in a college newspaper for eggs from smart athletic women. They put their SAT scores and their athletic accomplishments in the ads.

Cities with the smartest girls?

Poland ranks amongst the highest average IQ in Europe and the women are supposed to be quite feminine. Not sure how hot they are on average, maybe check Roosh's Poland thread for details.

Cities with the smartest girls?

NYC ainec. although Phila has tons of colleges and the Wharton girls [graduate school] are pretty sharpish.

Chicago has some really brainy ones also.

Cities with the smartest girls?

It's only guys with very little experience with women who are caught up on the idea of landing a "smart chick". It's sort of like someone who is considering getting a dog and wants to get one that they can teach to do a bunch of tricks. But what the fuck is the point of that? Would you rather have a dog that can do a bunch of tricks, or one that loves the shit out of you and is just fun and playful all the time?

Most smart/nerdy guys (especially nerdy guys who aren't smart but think they are) don't understand that women aren't intelligent in the same way that men are. Women are much more interested in appearing smart than being smart. They aren't interested in knowledge for its own sake, or in analyzing facts and engaging in creative problem solving. They don't waste time with that. "Being smart" for women is entirely a means to an end, and is not valued in and of itself the way it is with men. Women want to "be smart" and get good grades and good jobs, and be considered intelligent by their peers for social approval more than anything else. They are far too practical to sit around accumulating knowledge and ruminating on history and philosophy that serves them no immediate purpose.

By Nature's design (for purposes of childbearing and rearing), everything women do is rooted in the present, and anything that is not attached to the immediate present has very little interest to women. This is why they place such massive importance on material goods and social interactions/relationships: these are the most immediate, concrete and practical things in life, and are exactly the things that women evolved to focus on historically to ensure the survival of their children. Men can afford to sit around and discuss abstract concepts. Women don't have that luxury. They have to devote all of their brainpower to understanding social dynamics in order to control men and thereby secure safety and resources for their children.

You will never get intellectual stimulation from a woman. At best, you will get a clever simulacrum of it based on the woman repeating things that she heard or read from a man. And yes there are obviously exceptions to this gross generalization, but guess what? Most of those exceptional women are fucking ugly and masculine, and most likely have some sort of Aspergers type personality. Good-looking, charming, feminine women are not smart because they don't have to be. They never have had to be in all of human history. They can (and do) get by just fine by faking it and putting on a show.

There's also the fact that the smarter a woman is, the most clever and scheming she will inevitably be. Women always primarily act through their ability to influence and exercise control over men, rather than through controlling the world directly. This means that should you make the mistake of coupling up with a smart woman, the majority of her excess brainpower is going to be used on figuring out ways to manipulate you. She won't even do this on purpose. It's just how female minds work, and the more powerful the female mind, the better it is at manipulation.

Also, don't make the mistake of thinking that dumb women necessarily have dumb children. When you mix DNA you're getting genetic code from all up and down the family tree. If you have a son, he might end up getting the brains of one of the girl's uncles, for example. It's far too simplistic and reductive to just say, "Smart women have smart kids, dumb women have dumb kids." Intelligence is also fairly overrated as a fitness trait past a certain point, as JimNortonFan pointed out. You'd be much safer securing your genetic legacy if you had three daughters of average IQ who were pretty and charming than if you had three daughters with high IQs who became feminist battleaxes.

To sum it up, as any man who has a lot of experience with women can tell you: the dumber ones are much more fun to be around. As a rule they are much more charming and conciliatory, while the "smart" girls are much more likely to constantly initiate intellectual pissing contests and engage in other such annoying behavior.

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

Cities with the smartest girls?

Quote: (09-29-2013 08:33 PM)JimNortonFan Wrote:  

Try and get the intellectual stimulation from guys.

I agree that women aren't capable of real strict logic ( as evidence by their pathetic 7% of patents) but when I say smart I don't mean rote learning in a particular field, and then spouting Bronze age superstition as if she never even doubted it.

I am referring more to someone who has some intuitive knowledge and insight, this is the most you can expect from women. Some of them admit to and have a sense of humor about their period bitchiness, their lack of analytical ability--- more a knowledge about what they _don't_ know, and willingness to defer to a smarter man.

I've mentioned before in Ukriane some actresses asked me if my camera was good. I rattled of resolution stats and their eyes glazed over and they said mechanically. "Oh".

Then they both laughed, knowing they were dumb about it and said "Woman answer."

That's sort of the closest women come to smart for the most part.

Cities with the smartest girls?

Quote: (09-29-2013 05:48 PM)Mumbojumbo Wrote:  

In my quest to find perfect women - not just hot and feminine - also smart and possibly rich - where do you think are the smartest & sexy women to be found in the world?

My personal ranking:

1) San Francisco
2) NYC
3) Paris
4) London
5) Hong Kong

I lived in San Francisco for a few years. The girls are definitely well educated... Many of them have a very high level of specific knowledge, e.g. web design, marketing, administration, etc., and the work ethic in that city is at a very high level. Too high for my taste and I'm no slouch.

But the thing is, it's impossible to define "smart". You may find one girl very stimulating and I'll think she's a dud. And vice versa. It's all in the eye of the beholder.

For instance, I live in Thailand and I've heard a lot of white dudes say -- Thai chicks are dull, all they can talk about is thai food and other close-to-home trivia.

Sure, there's truth to that in general, but does that make her stupid?

I think of a girl as being 'smart' when she has a certain perspective about life, a deep acceptance of life as it comes, the ability to sit quietly and share energy with somebody without yakking about feminism or impressionism, and the perceptiveness to tell when a man doesn't want to talk at all; empathy.

And let's not forget about emotional intelligence, which has been shown to be a greater predictor of success and happiness than academic smarts.

Women can be and are, very intelligent. But in a different way than men. A certain, feminine intelligence...

So my ranking would be something like this:

1) Thai
2) Brazilian
3) Colombian
4) German
5) Russian

Cities with the smartest girls?

Ask yourself these question.

1- Is divorce rate 50% in America?

2- Are Americans too stupid to see when they are being fucked over?

After that scream:

3- Smart girls please come save us (If they don't come then go out and find them)

Cities with the smartest girls?

I fully agree women have no shot at top spots in politics, entrepreneurship or science as they follow rules and usually not come up with new patterns. They aren't required to do that in life and few venture into it just for the fun. It makes no sense for them.

That wasn't what I tried to throw out here.

I find smarter girls more stimulating than dull ones. I understand that everyone has a different take on that but I'm talking about girls that are good in a conversation, are educated and have some common sense.

That might be closer on what I wanted to say. As scorpion coins it - a girl that can act smart (I'm not interested in the fact if she really is [Image: smile.gif]

Cities with the smartest girls?

Women are simply unable to take rational decisions on a personal level, but they are thoroughly capable of executing complex rational and technical tasks. For example, women are able to be nuclear engineers or financial analysts, but their personal lives continue to be a disaster becasue the irrational mechanism through which their brain takes decisions interpersonal relations. That is why, throught history, men created armies, religions, corporations and guilds, while women have so far been unable to.

I have seen too many mid 30s women in their second or third masters degreees who are still unable to grasp (or accept) why valuable men ignore them. Since they lost the chance to land a quality beta provider in the 25-28 timeframe, they either leave the dating pool, become overly bitter of being pump and dumped by alphas, or finally accept the fate of settling with an omega.

Cities with the smartest girls?

Quote: (09-30-2013 12:05 PM)Ternarydemonite Wrote:  

Women are simply unable to take rational decisions on a personal level, but they are thoroughly capable of executing complex rational and technical tasks. For example, women are able to be nuclear engineers or financial analysts, but their personal lives continue to be a disaster becasue the irrational mechanism through which their brain takes decisions interpersonal relations. That is why, throught history, men created armies, religions, corporations and guilds, while women have so far been unable to.

I have seen too many mid 30s women in their second or third masters degreees who are still unable to grasp (or accept) why valuable men ignore them. Since they lost the chance to land a quality beta provider in the 25-28 timeframe, they either leave the dating pool, become overly bitter of being pump and dumped by alphas, or finally accept the fate of settling with an omega.

Lol what's an Omega?

Cities with the smartest girls?

A brain on a woman is like nipples on man.

Cities with the smartest girls?

Quote: (09-30-2013 02:00 AM)VincentVinturi Wrote:  

1) Thai

Yes, Thai women are routinely acknowledged as the most intelligent girls on the planet.

Cities with the smartest girls?

Quote: (09-30-2013 12:41 PM)Fredster Wrote:  

A brain on a woman is like nipples on man.

I don't know about you but I like my nipples sucked. [Image: tard.gif]

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