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Novelty races and the fat chicks who run them

Novelty races and the fat chicks who run them

Saw an interesting podcast posted to reddit about these new novelty races that have been popping up the last few years that SWPLs absolutely adore. From what I can tell 75% of the participants and white chicks and the other 25% are manginas.

"Novelty races and the fat chicks who run them"

Have any of you guys noticed this? They are usually no more than a mile or two in distance and more often than not end with some kind of food... like cupcakes. Price is usually $35 or more per head.

I was talking to a woman (early 30s, single mom) and we got on the subject of exercise. She asked me "why" I run. I didn't even understand the question. Why the fuck does anyone do any exercise? She told me she just started running because she was getting in shape to do the WARRIOR DASH. Which is a 5k dressed up with mud pits and jungle gyms and special effects.

[Image: pORMxvW.jpg]

[Image: Otk8ebS.jpg]

[Image: warrior_dash_2010_sebastien.jpg]

Dozens of these things have cropped up in the last couple of years. RUN OR DYE:

[Image: eCDRuem.jpg]

[Image: 3JLC2SU.jpg]

[Image: hWxld0U.jpg]

KRISPY KREME CHALLENGE (you run two whole miles and then eat a dozen motherfucking donuts):

[Image: OxfcI5o.jpg]

[Image: IOA2nyJ.jpg]

And here's what really cracked me up today: a casting call for MTV's True Life "I'm running a Tough Mudder"

[Image: I2lFVez.png]


Would most people look at you and be shocked to hear you're participating in a race like this?

Translation: "are you a fat chick?"

I don't know why this bothers me so much. I know people are free to spend their time and money on whatever gives them happiness... but this is just basic physical fitness. Everyone should be able to run a mile without all this self-congratulatory you-go-girl Instagram bullshit.

Novelty races and the fat chicks who run them

Isn't Tough Mudder more like a quarter marathon through rough terrain? I could do it if I trained for a couple of weeks, but I'd probably die if I did it tomorrow. Props to anyone, fat or not, who finishes one of those races in whatever time.

Novelty races and the fat chicks who run them

Tough Mudder and a few of the other ones should probably be considered separate from the color runs and 5k zombie trots.

There are a whole lot of young people with disposable incomes and no real responsibilities. I wonder if people are making real money of these things or the expenses are eating up all the revenue.

Novelty races and the fat chicks who run them

I'll take an unpopular opinion: I honestly don't see the point of marathons.

I used to run all of the time and was under the impression it was good for me. It made me nothing more than a super tall, lanky, skinny guy who could get pushed over in the wind. I did a few back in my day, but now i'm focusing on getting big. Once I started packing on muscle and fat I started filling out and felt a LOT better than when I was super skinny.

Sometimes I look at these guys and think to myself, "I wonder if I could snap him in half?"

Warning! Race troll comment: the only people who come in 1st place are Africans who came here for that one thing. It's such a stereotype, I don't even bother watching anymore.

Events that pit endurance AND physical strength like Ninja Warrior are much more impressive to me. Who cares if you can run a 5k if you can't even lift up a couch.

Novelty races and the fat chicks who run them

I'm not sure about the other races but the tough mudder is pretty cool. I've ran it the past couple of years. You do some crazy stuff like jump into ice water, run through fire, get shocked by electristy, etc. it's about 13 miles and 25 obstacles designed by former special ops guys.

Novelty races and the fat chicks who run them

I'd like to add to my above point and say that sometimes we're to hard on fat people around here, that's right I just said that. Now I don't like the sight of a gluttonous, obese fatty licking their fingers after wolfing down their poutined fries and double whopper as much as the next guy, but some overweight people deserve a break. You don't know their story, maybe they grew up poor and on welfare eating shit food, its pretty sad when wholesome, nutritious food costs way more than crap like hot dogs, twinkies and soda but that's the way it is these days. You're a product of your environment and when all that's available in your broke ass household as a kid is government cheese and grape drank, there's a good chance you'll end up fat.

Maybe some of these fatties, when they're young and move out of home, need motivation and a goal to strive for, these races may be the first time in their lives that they're surrounded by positive people, who encourage them to run the race. So they train and they finish the race and they see the positive benefits of living a healthy lifestyle and hopefully some of them continue to live as such. It is possible, especially when young (under 30) to lose weight and keep it off long term.

We all know that western nations have obesity problems and there's way too many fat people walking around these days, but instead of making fun of positive, active attempts to turn their lives around, I think these people deserve admiration, not ridicule. I'm probably one of the only on RVF to stick up for fatties but some posts remind me of the far right whack jobs who would sentence an teenager to five years behind bars for getting caught with an Oz of weed.

Until you walk a mile in their shoes....

Novelty races and the fat chicks who run them

Oh the money, the MONEY!!!! Again, someone else has figured out how to profit off of the hamster. One example, was a 'wear pink, support breast cancer whatever' race. Chicks signed up in droves, got pledges etc.

Who remembered to read the fine print? Me. "20% of the NET PROFITS" will be donated to susan g Komen" Sweet Jesus, thats the 20% they would have paid in tax but now instead its just a charitable donation. So that means they take home the same profit in their pockets as if it was a 20% of the net profits will be paid in tax and we pocket the rest race.

Fucking Economic Geniuses. Time to start the hamster race, everywoman shows up in furry suits and runs around a course with inflatable tubes like this:

Edit: Also, these races are so popular with not in shape people because they are for fun. No one is winning 1st place, no one asks 'hey what was your time on the colour run'. They just care about getting some facebook pictures with their friends.
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRWcUFNqfFC6Xp4CeSNV4C...BgUpFbRQ2w]

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

Novelty races and the fat chicks who run them

Quote: (09-18-2013 03:48 PM)wiscanada Wrote:  

Fucking Economic Geniuses. Time to start the hamster race, everywoman shows up in furry suits and runs around a course with inflatable tubes like this:

Edit: Also, these races are so popular with not in shape people because they are for fun. No one is winning 1st place, no one asks 'hey what was your time on the colour run'. They just care about getting some facebook pictures with their friends.
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRWcUFNqfFC6Xp4CeSNV4C...BgUpFbRQ2w]

Frinckin' brilliant.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Novelty races and the fat chicks who run them

Quote: (09-18-2013 03:11 PM)j r Wrote:  

There are a whole lot of young people with disposable incomes and no real responsibilities.

... and, as such, have never had to cultivate maturity.

Recently, a dude in his mid-30's posted on the wall of a musician's group i'm involved with. He hadn't been involved in the group to any great degree before, and posted a cover-version of a well-known song that was competent, but nothing more.

He lost his shit after a couple of days for 'only' getting three likes and started abusing the entire membership for not recognising his 'towering genius' (his description). Five paragraphs worth of abuse, heaped upon people, who, in all likelihood, hadn't even noticed his post to begin with.

People obviously called him on his arrogance. My favourite response from a jazz musician: "Some of us haven't bought tickets to our own show".

Two days later every member got abusive messages from his mother.


Everyone should be able to run a mile without all this self-congratulatory you-go-girl Instagram bullshit.

Modern Female Mindset: a thing is only worth doing if it can offer personal validation via social media.

A mate owns a coffee shop that I pass on my daily run, and was complaining to me that despite his great location in a high traffic corner area, business was tanking. He had this whole dark and moody vibe to the place, and wanted to know how to bring younger people in, based upon my line of work.

I said he had the perfect location by one of the university bus stops. My answer was that young people aren't simply drinking coffee anymore, and that they need the validation that comes from being seen drinking coffee. They need to be able to be viewed by those passing on foot or in cars peacocking with their gadgets, being social.

He replaced the outer walls with floor-to-ceiling glass windows, with bars and stools against each one. Whenever I run past now, there's at least two-to-three I-Macs being used, always on an angle that clearly displays the logo to the passing traffic, offering the social validation of being young, cool, urban and edgy, thanks to Apple's wanky marketing. He started experimenting with outdoor tables, which are now always full of young people barely-interacting, glued to their smart phones or Mac Laptops, snapping photos of their coffee and muffin like it's a work of art, completely ignoring the beauty and discipline of the historical architecture of the courthouse across from them.

Business is now doing so well that he's started expanding into the shop next door.


Maybe some of these fatties, when they're young and move out of home, need motivation and a goal to strive for, these races may be the first time in their lives that they're surrounded by positive people, who encourage them to run the race. So they train and they finish the race and they see the positive benefits of living a healthy lifestyle

Didn't you see the focus on 'food reward'? A Krispy Kreme donut could completely negate a large portion or the entirity of the calories burnt during one of these events. This is one of the common factors I always see in fat people: expend a little effort or discipline, reward yourself with something that negates it. "I've been so good this week, I deserve this double slice of Mississippi Mud Cake." Cue complaints about not being able to lose weight.

I can eat an 80 gram box of Sultanas and be aware that even that tiny quanity of food would takes 20 minutes of cycling to burn off.

Novelty races and the fat chicks who run them

I've done a tough mudder, and you DO NOT get fat chicks doing these things. It's a legitimately a hard thing to complete. I've gotten a couple bangs out of the tough mudder angle actually with girls who've done tough mudder. It's an instant bond if it comes up in conversation and you've both done it, and it qualifies both of you that you're fit and adventurous.

But yeah, those bullshit 5k's with wine and cronuts make me laugh. It's prime season for that garbage in NYC now.

Novelty races and the fat chicks who run them

It makes sense that fat girls love these races. It offers them a way to show their friends on social media that they do more than just eat sugary foods while watching reality tv. Because the distances are short, however, they don't need to train for months in advance and actually get in good shape (although plenty of unfit people do triathlons or marathons). In all likelihood, this is the most physical exertion the chunky bitches do that year. And they do it only once, in a stupid costume, with all of their cunty, equally lard-assed friends. Then they document it well for the world to see.

From this, their circle can infer that these fatties are living healthy, active lives and that their flabbiness is not due to their indolence, but rather that it's the fault of genetics and beyond their control.

Novelty races and the fat chicks who run them

Quote: (09-18-2013 04:08 PM)MaleDefined Wrote:  

I've done a tough mudder, and you DO NOT get fat chicks doing these things. It's a legitimately a hard thing to complete. I've gotten a couple bangs out of the tough mudder angle actually with girls who've done tough mudder. It's an instant bond if it comes up in conversation and you've both done it, and it qualifies both of you that you're fit and adventurous.

Drop a data sheet.

Novelty races and the fat chicks who run them

Agreed. I only do sprints. Honestly I see scrawny dudes jogging and can't help but think the motion looks feminine

Said she only fucked like 4 or 5 niggas so you know you gotta multiply by three

Novelty races and the fat chicks who run them

Notice that the popularity of these sort of events took off in the era of social media. That's not a coincidence. Women do these things entirely for the photo op. It's all about getting the pictures of themselves doing something that looks cool/extreme to throw up on Facebook and Instagram. If these races banned phones and cameras the female participation rate would plummet by at least 90%. They have no interest in the event itself, they just want everyone to know they did it.

Edit: I should add, as well, this trend also speaks to the increasing masculinization of American women. Can you imagine your grandmother signing up to go roll around in a mudhole in an effort to "prove her toughness"? Is that in any way traditional ladylike behavior from grown women? Personally it's a complete turnoff. I look at a woman covered in mud the same way I do a man in a dress.

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

Novelty races and the fat chicks who run them

Quote: (09-18-2013 03:27 PM)scotian Wrote:  

I'd like to add to my above point and say that sometimes we're to hard on fat people around here, that's right I just said that.

Until you walk a mile in their shoes....

I definitively see your point Scotian.

RVF members probably have parents, siblings, friends, etc. who are fat or perhaps they themselves have been fat in the past, or still working towards their ideal body.

One thing that puts all of this into perspective for me, is that the mocking and derision is most often towards the women (and it's usually feminists) who are, for lack of a better phrase, "Health Denialists".

People who are either negative towards becoming healthier, judge/dissuade others, or outright deny all the facts, reasoning, and meaning behind bettering themselves.

Case in Point:

The same way you wouldn't go out of your way to scorn a well-meaning guy with bad game if he's actually trying to improve himself, I can't see many people just blatantly trying to make fat people's lives miserable.

But obviously dealing with self-righteous White Knights, Beta Game Denialists, and Cockblockers is a totally different story.

Novelty races and the fat chicks who run them

Quote: (09-19-2013 02:29 AM)scorpion Wrote:  

Notice that the popularity of these sort of events took off in the era of social media. That's not a coincidence. Women do these things entirely for the photo op. It's all about getting the pictures of themselves doing something that looks cool/extreme to throw up on Facebook and Instagram. If these races banned phones and cameras the female participation rate would plummet by at least 90%. They have no interest in the event itself, they just want everyone to know they did it.

I'd add a corollary to this very accurate assessment: to then use that photo op not only on social networking, but also for online dating. If I had a dollar for everyone of those retarded color-run photos that I see on an online-dating profile, I could buy another laptop.

And, of course, they're never-ever-ever-ever hot. They're either pudgy and dumpy or sub-6 pasties.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Novelty races and the fat chicks who run them

To the OP. Good find. Good topic.

I was wondering why these dumb ass things were so popular with chicks. I didn't ponder it too much, but this thread has explained it perfectly.

Novelty races and the fat chicks who run them

Just saw this in an online-dating profile.

Dumpy semi-fatties? CHECK.

[Image: attachment.jpg14558]   

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Novelty races and the fat chicks who run them

Quote: (09-18-2013 10:10 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (09-18-2013 04:08 PM)MaleDefined Wrote:  

I've done a tough mudder, and you DO NOT get fat chicks doing these things. It's a legitimately a hard thing to complete. I've gotten a couple bangs out of the tough mudder angle actually with girls who've done tough mudder. It's an instant bond if it comes up in conversation and you've both done it, and it qualifies both of you that you're fit and adventurous.

Drop a data sheet.

I'm not sure there is much of a data sheet to it. One girl I met at a dinner party and she mentioned at the table that she was doing one in a couple of weeks. I was the only one at the dinner who had done one. After dinner while we were still mingling around, she picked my brain about it. I got her number, and it was pretty standard date game after. I messaged the other girl on Okc asking if she actually completed it. Once again, number, and standard date game.

Novelty races and the fat chicks who run them

Quote: (09-19-2013 02:29 AM)scorpion Wrote:  

Edit: I should add, as well, this trend also speaks to the increasing masculinization of American women. Can you imagine your grandmother signing up to go roll around in a mudhole in an effort to "prove her toughness"? Is that in any way traditional ladylike behavior from grown women? Personally it's a complete turnoff. I look at a woman covered in mud the same way I do a man in a dress.
My friend who did the Tough Mudder with me was talking about how he wanted to date a girl who would run the Tough Mudder with him.

And he asked me what I thought.

"I don't date guys".

Novelty races and the fat chicks who run them

What'd I say (above)? These two pics are from the same online-dating profile (not the same as above):

[Image: attachment.jpg14626]   

(Note: girl on the far right in second picture is not the girl from the profile.)

[Image: attachment.jpg14627]   

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Novelty races and the fat chicks who run them

Quote: (09-18-2013 02:56 PM)scotian Wrote:  

Isn't Tough Mudder more like a quarter marathon through rough terrain? I could do it if I trained for a couple of weeks, but I'd probably die if I did it tomorrow. Props to anyone, fat or not, who finishes one of those races in whatever time.

Yeah, tough mudder is more of a legit exercise, it is more like a 4 mile obstacle course. You don't *have* to run it fast, but a lot of people do(women included)

But the zombie races or whatever full of fat white chick power walkers? meh.

Novelty races and the fat chicks who run them

OK I just had an idea:

A few of the guys on here have talked about running a business to make money off of fat feminists. I think we just found it. Make an event where you walk around the block in a costume and eat a gourmet cupcake afterwards, call it a 'fun run' or whatever you please and charge $25 per person. It would require cupcakes, probably permits for the location, and umm, maybe bib numbers, and of course advertising.

Novelty races and the fat chicks who run them

Today, I saw an ad for this on OKCupid:

[Image: 995044_385699998197535_1991104378_n.png]

They know their market well. They take a novelty race, add in an ironic prom theme, and advertise it on a dating site where many girl clones post pictures of themselves doing a novelty race. It checks all the boxes. And they're charging over $40 per person.

[Image: 139069175385.gif]

Novelty races and the fat chicks who run them

I've done a few of the longer races like Tough Mudder (that's a half marathon, not 4 miles). With the harder ones, you don't see any fatties. Usually they're pretty fit, but they're often in a tight group like a hen's party or with their boyfriends, so impossible to chat up. The shorter ones (shortest for me is a quarter marathon) have some fatties who walk most of the way and skip tough obstacles. Also quite a few fit cougars who are there to perve on the half-naked young fit men.

The T-shirts I get from those races are great convo starters and topics with girls.

You shouldn't do it to meet chicks though. It's too much hard work lol

Quote:frenchie Wrote:

I'll take an unpopular opinion: I honestly don't see the point of marathons.

I used to run all of the time and was under the impression it was good for me. It made me nothing more than a super tall, lanky, skinny guy who could get pushed over in the wind. I did a few back in my day, but now i'm focusing on getting big. Once I started packing on muscle and fat I started filling out and felt a LOT better than when I was super skinny.

Sometimes I look at these guys and think to myself, "I wonder if I could snap him in half?"

Warning! Race troll comment: the only people who come in 1st place are Africans who came here for that one thing. It's such a stereotype, I don't even bother watching anymore.

Events that pit endurance AND physical strength like Ninja Warrior are much more impressive to me. Who cares if you can run a 5k if you can't even lift up a couch.

The tougher races like Spartan Race and Tough Mudder (the latter is actually rather easy, despite the hype) require you to have decent strength to complete. There are plenty of muscular blokes at those events (I'm a powerlifter and some of my lifting partners also race). It's good to do something different to our regular heavy lifting once in a while.

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