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Getting laid through blogs & social media & celebrity game

Getting laid through blogs & social media & celebrity game

Hello guys,

As I was looking for some fashion editors for my blogs / facebook pages, I figured out that I could use some game and get girls easier than through other methods (day game / night game).

[Image: cunjo-social-media.jpg]

This is a kind of social media game combined with celebrity game. A main advantage is that you can demonstrate your value without doing anything (just having a personal website / profile where you write about your business experiences / projects etc)

I am going to tell you what I'm doing, what I think you can do and what other methods I think it could work.

1. I'm contacting girls via Twitter / Facebook and I'm telling them that they have some interesting outfits and I'm asking them if they want to have a special column on one of my websites / facebook pages. Then I set a date to talk some details about the project.

2. On the date I try to talk as little as possible about what she has to do on my website / facebook page. I figured out I didn't get anything if I maintain a kind of employer - employee relationship. I'm telling them from the step 1 that I'm not paying them and that their advantage is that my website is visited by thousands of people / day. I'm teasing them from the beginning and I'm trying to use game as early as possible.

3. Bang.

4. If they are good writers I'm keeping them for my websites. If they look pretty good I keep contact with them and I set another date.

A few things to add:

1. I'm under 25 years old. My portfolio is full with work experience. The "About Us" pages on my websites include interesting details about me and about my editors. Girls that I'm contacting know that I'm not a facebook stalker or a simply guy that is trying to pick up them. I'm not trying to impress them. They want to impress me. My work speaks for me.

2. My facebook pages have thousands or even dozens of thousands of facebook fans.

3. Both websites and facebook pages are really useful for girls and have quality content (fashion & beauty).

I'm using this method because I don't have to approach them and I gain some value (DHV) through my work. But, the most important part for me is that I might find really good editors for my projects. And I like to work with good looking editors [Image: biggrin.gif]

I told you these things because I know a lot of you work as freelancers. I also know that almost everyone of you wishes to have a passive income. Blogging and online marketing is the easiest way to do it. My method can be adapted on almost any niche. Don't forget that a good blog means a good team. So, no matter what is going to happen, if you want to take it to the next level, you will need to search for some editors. Why not using game to bang them?

I mentioned something about celebrity game. A few days ago I find out another method, but I didn't test it and I don't think I will. Yet, I think it's also a good one and that it can get you girls even easier that what I've written above.

1. Build a personal celebrity facebook page. Post pics with you, quotes, details about your work.

2. Buy likes (dozens of thousands or even more).

3. Try to get some girls from your city to like & share your page. The idea is to get a few ones to talk about you and then others will do the same (don't forget that you are a celebrity). You can gain this targeted likes via Facebook Ads / contests / girl friends (pay/convince them).

4. Use celebrity game [Image: smile.gif] Act like a famous and rich person. Set dates. Bang.

If you are going to use these methods and find out ways to improve them, please share.

Feedback is appreciated.


PS: the title of the thread was inspired by this one (good tips there too).

Getting laid through blogs & social media & celebrity game

I've never heard of you Mr. Celeb

Getting laid through blogs & social media & celebrity game

Quote: (08-05-2013 01:04 AM)Jupiter Wrote:  

I am going to tell you what I'm doing, what I think you can do and what other methods I think it could work.
1. I'm contacting girls via Twitter / Facebook and I'm telling them that they have some interesting outfits and I'm asking them if they want to have a special column on one of my websites / facebook pages.
3. Bang.
1. I'm under 25 years old. My portfolio is full with work experience. The "About Us" pages on my websites include interesting details about me and about my editors. Girls that I'm contacting know that I'm not a facebook stalker or a simply guy that is trying to pick up them. I'm not trying to impress them. They want to impress me. My work speaks for me.
My facebook pages have thousands or even dozens of thousands of facebook fans.
Both websites and facebook pages are really useful for girls and have quality content (fashion & beauty).

If what you are saying is true I still don't see how any of this would help me.

You started a real website/facebook account, with real fans containing real content and you are actually famous (supposedly).

I am meant to start a fake facebook page, containing fake content, pay for fake likes/fans, then contact girls first, then act like a celebrity when I show up, then bang them?

Okay, good luck with that.

[Image: the_dark_knight_2008_blackmailing_batman.jpg?v=4]

[Image: hqdefault.jpg]

[Image: hqdefault.jpg?feature=og]

Getting laid through blogs & social media & celebrity game

I know I don't post on the Game forum much, but.....

First off, why not strive to be actually get a following based on you have done?

It sounds to me like you will be expending much time, money and all that creating a fake persona.

I can see the desire to want to play the fame game, but it isn't healthy faking all that. Either you produce content that people want, or you do not.

You can take one of two roads: either target an audience, figure out what they want to read, then give it to them. Or, write or produce such epic shit that people consume it regardless. The former is the easier, the latter is tougher than Hell.

Second, it is tough to demonstrate value without actually having value. Do you really want to be that fake? This forum is about dude's actually GETTING real value, instead of faking it. White lies are cool, but wholesale fabricating your identity isn't good for you.

Third, you can't just make up a personal celebrity page. What, you gonna fake a Wikipedia page, fake photos, fake interviews with even low-status media outlets? You can't just buy likes and Twitter. Mark Manson tried this and it is pathetic because a man with his so-called Twitter presence should be getting AT LEAST 10 retweets and many more likes just for some errant tweet. You gonna fake Facebook comments, too? That sounds like alot of work, as you will have to create multiple, multiple troll accounts in order to boost your star.

If anything, go apeshit on it in such a crazy fashion that you are faking hundreds of comments and likes, get caught and then market your personal issues that led you do that. Some major media outlet will pick up on some modern-day internet Milli Vanilli. Go on Oprah, confess your sins, write your book and all that. That is the only way I see you getting quality bangs out of your latter approach.

Fourth, and finally, if you have thousands or dozens of thousands of fans on Facebook (trust me, you know the ballpark figure, if not the figure as it stood last week) people should contacting YOU. If I have 10 thousand fans on Facebook, you should have people getting at YOU. You should only be reaching out to people you think have great potential as bloggers, on good idea for a post or people with the patience and temerity for editing. Or plugging your blog to people with greater media presence.

Further, even if you are contacting women who you would think would make good bloggers/editors, why are you worried about coming across as a stalker or wanting to fuck them? If you have thousands of Facebook fans, you are a significant presence, not some random motherfucker.

Still, your approach of having a popular fashion blog and getting women to self-aggrandize by posting about their approaches to fashion isn't bad at all, it doesn't make any sense because do you have such a blog/presence? I wouldn't be having sex with my contributors, I would be doing my fans. If you have solid game, do you really want to deal with potential sexual jealousy that might arise in your group of bloggers? Unless you have Bill Clinton game, it seems better to either have the random encounter with a contributor or just parlay your presence in the female community into sex with fans.

Your post seems to me that you want to short-circuit the fame game. It has been tried before and it always fails. Remember that guy who faked the book, "A Million Little Pieces" and hawked it as his life even though it was false? While I supremely doubt your faked fame will even come close to his - don't be him.

Either do epic shit or develop your game. Or both.

Quote:Old Chinese Man Wrote:  
why you wonder how many man another man bang? why you care who bang who mr high school drama man

Getting laid through blogs & social media & celebrity game

I like the first idea. In fact, I've always thought about building a street fashion website for my state.

I guess once you have a legit website, you can just contact cute girls and ask them to meet you somewhere for a photo shoot. But in the beginning, I think it would be a lot easier to just walk around, find hot stylish girls and take a picture of them.
(In a similar way, you can also build a 'party scene' website. just go to bars and clubs with a camera. Offer to take a picture of them. Everyone will love it.)

I don't think average joes will do such things so he could just get laid. It would be better to just cold approach the heck out of many girls.

I've thought about doing that because I want to be in a fashion industry in the future. It would be just like a hobby. People spend $$$ and time on something they like. You just need to spend your time on a project like this and if you enjoy it then why not?

For second one, I think it will be useful for a girl who will look you up on google. They see your Page and notice 1000's likes. It will definitely intrigue their curiosity. 'who is this guy?'
But I don't think you can get new leads by doing that. They should google you voluntarily or you should give them a business card with your facebook page info.

Do you mind sharing your Website? you can PM me. maybe we can share opinions too!

Getting laid through blogs & social media & celebrity game

I don't think this is something that could easily be faked. You need to friend hundreds, maybe even thousands, of hot women in order to work this effectively.

Most girls you message won't be interested, doesn't matter how famous you are. How many girls are interested in editing? Plenty of slutty English majors but that's a niche. Not really a wide audience of women.

Then, of even the girls who are interested in being an editor, how many will take you up on the offer? 5%-10%?

And once you're finally on the date, you still need to game them which is at best 50/50.

So, although this looks like a possible way to game, I don't see it more effective or less time consuming than other types of game.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Getting laid through blogs & social media & celebrity game

Moral of the story: if you're going to make grandiose claims with 6 posts under your belt and a nonexistent reputation, be prepared to back it up.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Getting laid through blogs & social media & celebrity game

Thanks for the feedback. I will respond to everyone of you as soon as I get to a pc (2-3 days).

I just wanted to add that I didn't test the second method (i also mentioned this in the first thread). My facebook pages don't have fake likes. It was a tip for the second method.

I have never use a fake persona. I have always used my real identity for my blogs and pages. I agree with you that it's not the best idea to grow your status with fake likes/followers, but I think what I've written can inspire you to do something better.

One more thing: having 30.000 fans doesn't mean 30.000 people see what you post. I have a reach of 3.000-5.000 for normal posts and 10.000 for photos (if they get likes and shares the reach increases a lot, but it's not so frequently).

I repeat, I am not famous. I apologize if I made you think that.

Getting laid through blogs & social media & celebrity game

I understand where you are coming from. It's like a guy enjoying rock climbing and he uses that to get laid as a side thing. I'd love to bang one of those crossfit chicks. But I wouldn't put up with those crazy workouts just to bang some chicks there.

I am not exactly sure what your website is all about but I believe you enjoy doing 'visual things'
Every guy is visual person but I think I have more than that. I am into colors, architecture, interior and obviously the beauty of women. I'd love to hangout in a place filled with nice decor and furnitures. I mean those are just 'things' but I still enjoy them. So it would be a lot more fun if I can actually interact with beautiful human being. Obviously, the possibility of banging them is very low but just hanging out with them and understanding their behavior will help you a lot with other girls you will meet somewhere else.
I think I will start doing this as soon as I get a very decent camera. (can't walk around asking for photos with amateur nikon d3000. I need something bigger lol)

Getting laid through blogs & social media & celebrity game

Why go to all this trouble if you are in Romania?

Getting laid through blogs & social media & celebrity game

Quote: (08-05-2013 07:57 AM)Menace Wrote:  

Why go to all this trouble if you are in Romania?

Perhaps the girls are poor and cannot afford to go out at night, so online game is king.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Getting laid through blogs & social media & celebrity game

1. Steal underpants
2. ????
3. Bang!

Take care of those titties for me.

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