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What is worse is that people are encouraging her. Now she will tell stories to all her friends about how awesome it was and how people liked it and now she will be even more (if that is possible) difficult to deal with.

Wasn't there a weight limit - if you exceed 300 lbs the stage would break?

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Quote: (08-28-2013 03:10 PM)Akula Wrote:  

^^^lets not forget about the Astrology aspects to your bangs as well. Russian women are pretty big into the horoscope [...]

o r l y ???

[Image: Russian_Orly_the_NO_WAI_by_YourNeighbour.png]

so if i memorize the dates for the various zodiac signs, and some of the personality traits for each sign, that will be the ultimate ice breaker for women of the FSU ???



What was your "cost per notch"???

How much total money did you spend?

How many girls did you bang?

I hope this question is not distasteful. I'm sure that I am not the only one who is curious about this..


Fuck, I hate when i accidently double post!



That video is poetic in its perfection as a visual metaphor. I've enjoyed your epic posts. Look forward to seeing you in LA.


@game theory - was kidding I know nothing about Astrology, but I have met more than my fair share of Russian girls who were into it. One of the last girls I dated told me she thought there was a ghost in her new apartment so she moved back to the old one!! So there sees to be a little more belief in the supernatural I guess, but its not like they all ask me "what's my sign" upfront.

2015 RVF fantasy football champion


Slavs are very superstitious.Astrology business is big in Russia.They strongly believe in fate.They have also their home made 'slavinskaya astrologia' I even caught a highly intelligent girl studying it before my arrival.


Marco told me in a PM he was going to Siberia in September. I was hoping to hear about his experiences there. I think he would have posted about it as he's posted 6 mini-datasheets already. Unfortunately he was banned. It seems that he got banned for what happened this thread:


Jesus fucking Christ boys. 11th hour +1. I honestly didn't think it would happen on this trip. slubu, this was the skinny couch girl I sent you a picture of. Face is...6.5 naturally I'd say, body 7.5 (skinny, just how I like). With make up she goes up at least a point.


Details my friend, details.


Quote: (09-01-2013 05:10 PM)slubu Wrote:  

Details my friend, details.

yes do any event, glad you got out of here with a notch nice work!

2015 RVF fantasy football champion


Quote: (08-30-2013 03:56 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  


What was your "cost per notch"???

How much total money did you spend?

How many girls did you bang?

I hope this question is not distasteful. I'm sure that I am not the only one who is curious about this..

Not distasteful at all. I'm working on writeup...hoping on finishing it up today.


I'll just put the details in my Moscow write-up. Not a slubu-style 6 am bang, more of a traditional date then bang. The great thing is that it will be repeated bc she travels to US semi-frequently and has friends on E coast.

I will also put down near exact dollar amounts because I'm tracking all of the spending on Mint (although I'm not on a budget).


Reviving this epic thread! ))

Anyway, I thought since the girls I'm talking about in this post are women I actually met when out with Slubu and his buddy I should put it in here.

So I met the 21-year old sexy brunette "Ferris Buehler girlfriend" lookalike I mentioned in the thread awhile back finally tonight. To recap, I met her with Slubu's buddy the 2nd to last night they were here, and the night before I went to Greece. Got some good guidance from his buddy and he was like "ah, I'm only here one more day, u take her, she's yours, go for it pal etc." If that isn't the mark of a really solid wingman I'm not sure what is.

We make plans to meet up at Strelka on the Island around 8 so that we can hang and (finally) have our first date (it's literally been 3-4 weeks since we met, but we've kept in touch, perseverance!!!).

I arrive late, she's at a table, looking hot in a sort of 21-year old petite, brunette, sexy slender body kinda way. She's an 8.5+ in America, probably a 7.5 here. That's good bc I feel like that level is pretty damn sexy, but just enough below the radar screen in Russia for them not to have attitudes and think they are supermodels/need to be dating millionaires etc. It's a fine line and she's seriously pushing it, but make no mistake this is a beautiful young woman in a lot of ways.

Anyway, since I've been tied up lately with one of my regular girls plus this other sexy 23-year old brunette I banged all last night (who I met at Barbados with Slubu btw - he had a nice rapport with her blonde friend but ran out of time) my 'I don't give a sh*t you've gotta prove something to me" frame is pretty good at this point. But by the same token upon arrival I can't help but realize this girl demands respect - and ta boot she's less than half my age (!!). But no way will I let than bother or distract me.

I have a couple of beers to start and some apps, she's not eating (as expected, she doesn't eat after 7 and is on a strict diet - eat sh*t fat, arrogant American girls!!!). Her English is abysmal, but its kinda fun to help her out, use the translator, and for each of us to help one another out in our respective languages.

So the date goes pretty perfunctorily, but I do notice a decent rapport developing after awhile. She is at first is a bit uncomfortable with her language inabilities, but then I try to soothe them and also not to laugh/tease too much. Eventually she starts to play with her hair a bit from time to time, and gives me some nice IOIs. Then she starts to loosen up a bit and have a fun time, even despite the fact that it's pretty hard to focus on speaking another language that you don't know all that well for hours.

I'm also playing it pretty beta mostly too (remember we're in Russia, and she get's Alpha dudes trying to bang her in 30 minutes every day I gather). She's a student and lives in a dormitory, and needs to be home by midnight (or she's literally shut out til 6am!!). So around 10pm I start planning my exit strategy. I'm also pretty zonked from my late night romp with the sexy 23-year old I mentioned earlier and am thankfully ready for an early exit.

So we keep talking, inevitably she starts speaking more than me and I just go with it, letting her make mistakes so she can just speak. And she gets better, and I try to help out when I can. It always amazes me how shy/uncomfortable these girls can be about speaking English. Believe me, its a huge issue for them, and if you don't let them try and cut them some slack (and not tease them too much) you can seriously scare the cat!

Anyway, we are having a nice time. Just two people somewhat interested in one another having fun. (Admittedly, this story isn't going to turn into 'she blew me in the bathroom' by any means [Image: smile.gif] but it does have somewhat of a happy ending (so to speak!) so bear with me, sorry if it's a bit slow).

Around 10:00 she informs me that she needs to go soon as she need to be back at the dorm before closing time at midnight. [Image: huh.gif] I ponder that for a minute (it was more a matter of fact sort of statement, not an indication that she isn't having a good time) then suggest we leave immediately as I'm also tired and have a big day of work tomorrow (partially true) but that we should take a nice walk to the subway. She agrees.

I've done very minimal kino at this point, indeed, practically nothing as I don't feel that she's open to it much. But I have done a couple slight hang holds when we were using her iPhone for translation. And so far so good, we've got a decent rapport, but it could go either way. I'm also a bit out of practice as I've been caught up in my other girls and haven't approached much recently. But, funnily enough (and I forgot to mention) when we first met when I showed up she seemed like she wanted to kiss me on the mouth (which was kinda awkward) but I took as a good sign (first date, WTF?).

As we leave, I'm really thinking it could go either way. I'm clearly not going to go home with her and shag her in her dorm room with her roommates next door, but am intent on getting a good kiss close to set up the next meeting and create a little intrigue. I've got all the time in the world and can wait her out forever if I have to. She's a quality young woman for sure.

So we have a nice little walk to the metro, some small chit chat, but nothing special. And I just don't feel like she's all that open to me grabbing her arm or trying to act too affectionate, so I play it cool and carry her umbrella for her, sorta keeping my distance. It's about a 15 minute walk to the metro. I'd say a neutral sort of vibe, but I'm definitely seeming confident and in no rush to try to get close to her.

We finally get to the metro entrance, I tell her 'well, had fun, I'm going to grab a taxi this is your stop.' She says yes and looks at me. I go in for the kiss and she doesn't hesitate - I knew it! [Image: banana.gif] We have a couple really nice long kisses - that would have been enough for me a couple years ago but I know better now. So I go in again and again and she's fully receptive. Then we start sticking our tongues down each others throat and she's really into it. Ok u get the idea, but I do a little 'push-pull' and let her seek me out too, and it's pretty nice. Good ending to the night.

Anyway, I feel like a million bucks after that!! She's a beautiful young 21-year old and I'm working it like I'm in my 20s. Can't complain!!!

And for the record, that's 2 seriously solid leads/bangs I've gotten from staying out late with Slubu and his buddy when they were in town. So for all the haters out there it can be done and 'last man standing' is a very valid way to go if you can do it. Nuff said!!

Stay tuned the story will hopefully have a happy ending!!

2015 RVF fantasy football champion


Nice story Akula...sounds like a solid set up for date #2. I'm getting pretty excited - less than three weeks before I arrive. Hopefully we can tear things up a bit. I'll shoot you a PM.

"'s the quiet's for someone who's been through the struggle and come out on the other side smelling like money and pussy."

"put her in the taxi, put her number in the trash can"


You made out with Sloan?? Dude. I had the most massive adolescent crush on her back in the 80's.

Pick her up with Cameron's Ferrari next time!


Quote: (09-19-2013 04:40 PM)Courage Reborn Wrote:  

You made out with Sloan?? Dude. I had the most massive adolescent crush on her back in the 80's.

Pick her up with Cameron's Ferrari next time!

Dude seriously I sorta did!!! Had a similar crush too.

Loved every single minute of it!

Will work on getting the Ferrari for my 'minigarch' game - replete with the Red Wings jersey)))

2015 RVF fantasy football champion


God fucking dammit you are making me want to jump off a bridge right now. I have my first date tomorrow with a "LA girl" and she can't shutup about how much she loves to drink and eat gastro foods.

I remember the 23yo you're banging, never got a chance to meet this one though. But I will tell my buddy, I'm sure he will be happy. Good job, enjoy it over there for all of us.


Quote: (09-19-2013 05:12 PM)slubu Wrote:  

God fucking dammit you are making me want to jump off a bridge right now. I have my first date tomorrow with a "LA girl" and she can't shutup about how much she loves to drink and eat gastro foods.

I remember the 23yo you're banging, never got a chance to meet this one though. But I will tell my buddy, I'm sure he will be happy. Good job, enjoy it over there for all of us.

Thanks man, will do. The LA girl sounds horrible, I can just see this girl going on and on about gastro pubs, craft microbeers or that 'skinny girl vodka' or whatever flavor of the month they find out about on instagram. Sorta reminded me of Roosh's "Patricia's smartphone" short story. Arghhhh.

I often wonder just how tough it is to transition to US girls after longer stints abroad or EE. I have not had to do it yet - can only imagine how difficult it could be, total recalibration I assume. Having to go from quasi-beta game in Russia to full on alpha in the US is pretty good training though. I was a little rusty last night as it was my first 'new' date in a couple months so feel like you're only as good as your last approach sometimes.

2015 RVF fantasy football champion



Not sure if you already covered this, but could you drop some knowledge about you go about getting the visa required for visiting Russia as a US citizen?

I've asked around, but can't seem to get a straight answer.


Quote: (09-20-2013 08:09 AM)Courage Reborn Wrote:  


Not sure if you already covered this, but could you drop some knowledge about you go about getting the visa required for visiting Russia as a US citizen?

I've asked around, but can't seem to get a straight answer.

The first stage of the answer depends on whether you live in a city with a Russian Embassy/Consulate or not. If you do, then you can go straight there and apply after you have all the necessary documents. If not, then you need to use one of the visa services (e.g. Travisa, ). You will need a standard passport photo, and I believe only one photo is necessary. It takes about 10 days for the visa to be issued (standard service).

1. You will need an invitation. Accredited organizations in Russia like certain hotels, hostels, etc. can issue these invitations. Use one of the many on-line invitation services, for example:

Cost: $30-40 for 24 hour service

You do not have to stay at the place that issues your invitation. You need the invitation BEFORE you start filling out the visa form because certain reference numbers from the invitation need to be put into the visa form. They must match. You will receive the invitation as a pdf file from the service. Print it out for your submission. Note the physical address in Russia of your issuing organization (Google it if you have to); you will need it to fill out the visa application.

2. Fill out the visa application form. The form is automatically generated when you fill it out online. Go here: to fill it out.

Cost: A 3 year multiple entry visa is $160.

If you go in person make sure that it indicates the right location at the top, i.e. if you filled it out for a service but then decide to bring it to the consulate, they will make you fill it out again. Yes, this happened to me. The location selection (e.g. service, consulate, etc.) is made when you fill out the form at the URL above.

Everything must be perfect, they are fairly anal. Do not make any corrections in pen: redo the application if you have to. Indicate all cities you will visit.

3. Personal letter (not sure if required)

It was not clear to me whether this was necessary, but when I went to the consulate they seemed to indicate that it was, so I wrote one.

I drafted a letter to the consulate respectfully requesting that they issue a visa. Include your personal info (DOB, passport info, address, etc.).
Include dates you want visa for (i.e. 3 year period if you're asking for a 3 year visa) AND dates you will be there, assuming they are different. Include cities you plan on visiting.

The consulate had a cover letter available (not available online) that had spaces for inbound/return flight info, so you might want to include that info in your personal letter as well.


^ Fuck yes. Outstanding intel. Repp'd you up homie.


Menace just detailed the hell out of that. Not sure where you are Courage, but in LA I walked into a Russian visa center, gave them $400 bucks, answered a few questions and took a photo and they said come back in three weeks. And I had my visa.

All the girls in said visa center were in heels.


I am from LA, but will be launching my assault from Poland sometime next week. Will investigate if they have an RU consulate...

I don't know any Russian. Probably gonna have to stick to Moscow because of this fact. Gonna try to get some forum bros in Wroclaw to come with.


From what Slubu said, it sounds like the easiest way to get the Russian visa is to do it from the states. For those of us are out wandering, we don't have that luxury. For us, Menance's advice is gold.

I stopped by a Russian consulate in EE to inquire about getting a visa. I was told I could not see anyone to ask questions, I could only drop off a visa application or pick up a completed visa. If I had any questions, I could call their number. I called several times but no answer. Did some internet research and saw that invitation requirement. I was a bit concerned that some sites I saw providing invitation services might be scams. I said fuck it and went to another country. Now that I have Menance's info, I'll reconsider Russia. Thanks Menance.

I recommend people do a quick test-pass with online Russian application site ( with bogus info, just to see all the info you will need when you are ready for the real deal.

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