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5 Things wrong with American women and the game right now...
Things wrong with American women and the game right now...
Negative tone on the forum - Why do you think I made this thread to try and get everyone to chill? I can only lead the horse to the water, not force it to drink.
Things wrong with American women and the game right now...
Things wrong with American women and the game right now...
#1 is most troubling. It's not that they are acting like 8-9s, they are acting like what they think 8-9s are like; like a little sister trying to imitate her older sister.
Things wrong with American women and the game right now...
Quote: (05-10-2013 08:06 PM)Menace Wrote:  

Paradoxically, the solution to most problems with women is actually more women.

A relationship will give you a headache once in a while. New pussy always clears your mind. ~Chris Rock

Team Nachos
Things wrong with American women and the game right now...
I think some of the forum veterans also should consider that some guys ranting on here might be in a process that you were earlier... The road to realizing things and deal with them can be a hard and windy one. Hell, look at Roosh where he started and how he is thinking now.
Things wrong with American women and the game right now...
Quote: (05-10-2013 11:12 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

The only way you "know" deep down is when you truly are.

This is also why being rich is the game over card. You got a house in the bank, or even more, no one can touch you. You're unbreakable. Someone gives you the head turn "LOL" at you bitch i'm the man in here and YOU KNOW IT BECAUSE IT IS TRUE.

That's what i mean by most guys will never attain that level. The whole regular inner game stuff you'll cap out at your perceived value. With straight cash, you can actually become a "ten" forever. You can't fake "knowing" you're the #1 guy within a mile radius of the club. Hell that is the exact reason people have "niche" game.

But at the end of the day...

I don't care if i sound like a dick, people can believe i am some dumb punk kid. End of the day. Rich people always come out on top, most will never succeed or be rich because their biggest accomplishment is talking to or banging a dime piece that one time at that one club. Go risk all your assets. Take massive leaps of faith. Risk REAL PAIN AND SUFFERING. Then MAYBE you will be rich. Or maybe you'll have to do it over and over again.

I think it is more than being rich. It is a state of mind.

I have said it here before. I am a 20 year old guy. Most of my friends are 20-22 years old. Through one of them, I have met this guy who is the same age as me. This guy has this state of mind.

Just from what his friends have said about him, he is truly the most arrogant man they know. He was born into a wealthy family, and everything in his life has been handed to him on a silver platter. This has led him to believe that he deserves all of the greatest things life has to offer. It may hurt him in terms of friendships and achieving personal success, but when it comes to women, he blows everyone I know out of the water.

I have seen two of his fuckbuddies and they are stellar.

The first I met was this blond girl who was 5'10". She had a smoking body and a pretty face.

The second was a 27 year old chick who was classically beautiful. She had pale skin, about 5'8", and a perfect face. This one was even more amazing because she lives in L.A., and knows a gaggle of movie stars. This guy had locked a gorgeous woman 7 years his senior who has dated movie stars. I wouldn't believe if I hadn't talked to her, and heard her stories about living in Hollywood.

When it comes to game, truly believing that you are the greatest thing since sliced bread is an amazing trait to have. I don't even know if you can even recreate it.
Things wrong with American women and the game right now...
Lots of quality posts on this thread, OG, how was the sandwich?
Things wrong with American women and the game right now...
Quote: (05-10-2013 11:02 PM)The Pirate Wrote:  

Call me hard to convince, but I won`t take a guys hormone-theories on an internet forum as proof on how things work.

Then go read some books, cool guy.

It's not like the info HH dropped isn't widely available.
Things wrong with American women and the game right now...
Thank you for your advice. You are really a walking wikipedia.
Things wrong with American women and the game right now...
Quote: (05-10-2013 10:53 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

I'm going to alert the Greek community that HH is about the best guy we got and the Ahepa should send money where he says to.

Golden Dawn

Its time to take back Cyprus and Constantinople.
Things wrong with American women and the game right now...
There's nothing "wrong" with western sexual marketplace.

System is working exactly as its supposed to. Demand vs Supply.

Women need a man for resources and security. Man need a woman for sex. Women really don't directly need "a man" anymore in our society because "man" is provided by the state directly through taxation and indirectly by "fake jobs" for women.

Imagine if every man was entitled to sex with a woman provided by the state and women had to provide this service. Hard to imagine isn't it? This exactly what women have in our society.

In our society men need a women but women only want a man. Need vs want. That's the difference. Men are hungry, women are kept full by the state/society.

This difference is the source of all this imbalance you percieve. Yet there is no imbalance. Things are at an equillibrium.

Regarding She sent me a *B.S.* text, saying "sry I'm too tired to hang out tonite". : Its no BS. She probably just had her pussy pounded earlier that day and the night before plus no sleep.
Things wrong with American women and the game right now...
Quote: (05-10-2013 10:16 PM)Hooligan Harry Wrote:  

Western women at best are nothing more than whores now. There is no point getting too upset by it or thinking things are going to change, because it wont. Its going to continue to get worse too, because for the most part they are psychologically damaged and it has not even begun to peak. They are indoctrinated into the damaging behavior too, which is why fucked up women have become the norm rather than the exception. Almost a quarter are on prescribed psych meds in the USA now and those are only the ones who have been diagnosed.

Women can be whores or they can be wives. They cant be both. They are not wired for it. The more men they fuck the less oxytocin they release during orgasm or post sex. Its a survival mechanism women developed. While the biological preference is pair bonding, women had to exchange sex with multiple men to survive sometimes. Being pumped and dumped following massive oxytocin release leads to massive cortisol spikes and stress, which leads to depression, aging, weight gain and the constant mood swings in women. Pumping and dumping a decent chick actually affects her health.

Eventually as oxytocin release diminishes following sex, so too will cortisol release decline as she gets fucked and chucked. She grows numb to it all, and the sex becomes nothing more than a physical act for her. The problem though is that women can no longer form strong relationships with anyone, even their own children. Their bodies no longer produce the hormones in the quantities it should for it to occur. Their attitude towards sex and men changes too, where they see it as a utility. Sex is viewed as something to be bartered for, hence the sexual attention whoring and the belief that they dont need to offer anything else but their ass in exchange for what they want from you. Its why they are so demanding when they have so little to offer. They feel they dont need to offer anything else but sex.

If you have time, read up on the impact of hormones on men and women. People have no fucking idea how crucial they are to psychological well being and overall health. Men are suffering from a lack of testosterone, women are suffering from too much cock. Western women are basically whores now. They think, act and respond to things like hookers do because by the time they are in their late 20's to early 30's, they are well into double figures. Most are well into double figures before they are past their early 20's.

Stop expecting whores to act like ladies. They are whores. Treat them as such.

[Image: potd.gif]
Things wrong with American women and the game right now...
Quote: (05-11-2013 01:51 AM)Dillon Wrote:  

There's nothing "wrong" with western sexual marketplace.

System is working exactly as its supposed to. Demand vs Supply.

Women need a man for resources and security. Man need a woman for sex. Women really don't directly need "a man" anymore in our society because "man" is provided by the state directly through taxation and indirectly by "fake jobs" for women.

Imagine if every man was entitled to sex with a woman provided by the state and women had to provide this service. Hard to imagine isn't it? This exactly what women have in our society.

In our society men need a women but women only want a man. Need vs want. That's the difference. Men are hungry, women are kept full by the state/society.

This difference is the source of all this imbalance you percieve. Yet there is no imbalance. Things are at an equillibrium.

Regarding She sent me a *B.S.* text, saying "sry I'm too tired to hang out tonite". : Its no BS. She probably just had her pussy pounded earlier that day and the night before plus no sleep.

I hear what u are saying about the 'marketplace' but I really don't think it's a functioning, laissez-faire market anymore in the West. In fact I think everything is currently wrong with the Western sexual marketplace. The entire system has been corrupted by government/societal intervention and in fact is horribly flawed now on multiple levels. It's not just the mainstream media and "Feminism" that put men at a disadvantage, but the divorce and other laws are skewed in favor of women, so much so that women often have strong financial incentives to divorce their loving beta husbands. You could make a strong case that Western Men are basically prisoners to their wives in many marriages these days. The new 'societal norms' that we all know about that deem good men 'creepy, lecherous, cradle-robbers' etc. also is a big plus that tilts the scales to the female side.

Re "men need women but women only want a man" that can be true, but only if you buy the PC 'white knight' beatitude storyline that Western governments and societies lays out for you around marriage/monogamy etc. I guess the 'government as provider' issue you mention is pretty true and a very troubling one. But for a man who wants to control his own destiny I believe that once you start getting rid of the "I need a woman to complete me" BS you can realize that at the end of the day there are plenty out there and it's a numbers game, and not be so dependent on one particular woman, even when married with kids I think.

2015 RVF fantasy football champion
Things wrong with American women and the game right now...
Quote: (05-10-2013 11:10 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (05-10-2013 08:38 PM)jariel Wrote:  

Not to say I disagree with what OG is discussing, but I'm over the "here's what's wrong with American women" missives.

This entire community is angry and confused.

Dudes want easy pussy, but get mad at these women for being hoes. Furthermore, everyone's so busy trying to distinguish who's alpha from who's beta, who's swallowed the red pill and who hasn't, and all of this other overanalytical bullshit that they've missed the reality that stares them in the face on a daily basis.

Plenty of dudes who don't even know that this community exists and who don't have half the shit in their arsenal that most people here think they need to have, have "big, bad, utterly flawed" American women who are washing their shit-stained underwear, cooking their arroz con pollo, licking their assholes, and squirting on their dicks regularly.

I blame the PUAs for a lot of this bullshit, because to me game as it is presented here and PUA shit are different -- btw what the fuck is a "soft date close"?

They made you believe that you can control the outcome. That what you are and what you say will control how a girl feels about you. It takes two to tango. If she's not down, she's not down. You can't make a woman like you, call you, respond to your text, fuck you, whatever, you can't control her. She has a million reasons as to why, and you'll never know them, but who the fuck cares, 99% chance she's doing you a favor, because she has nothing positive to add to your life, or maybe you just weren't that dude, maybe she didn't believe you would do that for her, and that's fine as well.

Where we're headed now is this community is consumed with groupthink, and lately the losers of it have taken over this particular board with the "here's why I'm mad, fuck bitches, feminism sucks, death to fat girls, blah blah" threads and the byproduct of this self-loathing, low-level game, like "sending dick pictures to girls", "fake girlfriend texts", etc. has come to the forefront -- I'm not putting OG in this category.

The bottom line is, dudes need to stop taking this shit so seriously. It's not that serious. Men are not perfect, and neither are the women that we pursue. It's a game, leave your egos in the locker room, on the field, you win some, you lose some, but a lot of time even the losses are wins, accept that, and move on.

Solid. I bolded the key stuff. I'm giving you a +1 for this post.

You're totally right. The forum has taken quite a negative tone as of late. I don't know why. Contrast this with the way Mixx, International Swagger and Naughty Nomad talked about these things when they were here. G Manifesto and Hencredible also keep it positive. Never heard them angry and complaining. It was all positivity and optimism. Where is all the anger coming from all of a sudden?

Sometimes I get sucked into these angry threads and it brings down my mood and starts making me angrier as a person and ever more cynical toward women. I'm trying not to be that way.

My advice:

Don't read the feminism, hitting the wall threads, anti-woman thread, the happy women died in a burning limo threads.

These threads have nothing to do with being a Playboy and are negative like a cancer to your Game.

I never really post on those threads. I don't get involved in the anti-feminism threads beyond saying girls should wear high heels and dresses.

Just deal with the things you can control.

"A positive International Playboy is a successful International Playboy" - Michael Porfirio Mason
Things wrong with American women and the game right now...
Quote: (05-10-2013 11:15 PM)houston Wrote:  

Negative tone on the forum - Why do you think I made this thread to try and get everyone to chill? I can only lead the horse to the water, not force it to drink.

No one has asked for your water. If you don't like the direction of this forum, go start your own. You may have contributed value in the past, but you're only contributing drama right now. Take a one week break. Think very carefully before you hit submit on your next post.

The Pirate will also be taking a one week break for his insulting tone. New members don't get any benefit of the doubt.
Things wrong with American women and the game right now...

Don't read the feminism, hitting the wall threads, anti-woman thread, the happy women died in a burning limo threads.

These threads have nothing to do with being a Playboy and are negative like a cancer to your Game.

I never really post on those threads. I don't get involved in the anti-feminism threads beyond saying girls should wear high heels and dresses.

Just deal with the things you can control.

Solid advice for sure. The only problem with it is that it is basically admitting defeat. If you never fight an ideology, then you'll eventually lose to it. Victory belongs to those who envision victory.

That being said, constantly bitching on the internet IS unproductive for the average guy. Know the problem, fight the problem, but don't become the problem.
Things wrong with American women and the game right now...
I don't understand where all the gripe about negativity is coming from. There are many dark outcomes about today's women and the rest. But understanding why those things are that way - because of a certain unfortunate combination of human nature, genetics, economic development, politics, etc - also makes you understand that many combinations also exist for producing positive outcomes. If anything, it makes you appreciate the good examples more. It certainly is that way for me, so I don't think that the great attitude that G Manifesto listed is in any way in conflict with knowing how things are and why they are.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before
Things wrong with American women and the game right now...
Quote: (05-10-2013 10:16 PM)Hooligan Harry Wrote:  

Western women at best are nothing more than whores now. There is no point getting too upset by it or thinking things are going to change, because it wont. Its going to continue to get worse too, because for the most part they are psychologically damaged and it has not even begun to peak. They are indoctrinated into the damaging behavior too, which is why fucked up women have become the norm rather than the exception. Almost a quarter are on prescribed psych meds in the USA now and those are only the ones who have been diagnosed.

For young guys in Western countries, pretty much all of their female peers are either on adderall, anti-depressants, anti-anxiety meds or something similar combined with birth control. I think a lot of people underestimate the impact this has on their mood, level of bitchiness and overall dysfunction. Not to mention most of them love alcohol and illegal drugs because it makes them feel good for the moment and they could care less about long term consequences.

While I agree that bitching about this on the internet all the time is counter-productive, we have to realize that men of previous generations would usually be married with kids at some time in their twenties. We have more technology and leisure time, so as a whole we also invest more time into "useless" endeavors like video games and fucking around on the internet. It seems like men are more inclined to invest in these things when the women become intolerable.
Things wrong with American women and the game right now...
Quote: (05-11-2013 10:52 AM)InfiniteFlowers Wrote:  


Don't read the feminism, hitting the wall threads, anti-woman thread, the happy women died in a burning limo threads.

These threads have nothing to do with being a Playboy and are negative like a cancer to your Game.

I never really post on those threads. I don't get involved in the anti-feminism threads beyond saying girls should wear high heels and dresses.

Just deal with the things you can control.

Solid advice for sure. The only problem with it is that it is basically admitting defeat. If you never fight an ideology, then you'll eventually lose to it. Victory belongs to those who envision victory.

That being said, constantly bitching on the internet IS unproductive for the average guy. Know the problem, fight the problem, but don't become the problem.

I don't think it is admitting defeat.

I think we just have to find out where we are happy.

It might be going to Romania like Roosh.

Or going to Ukraine for other guys.

Or Medellin.

Or in Miami, Montreal or Spanish beaches for me.

Or on college campuses like Gio.

You don't want to fight a battle you can't win.

Find a warzone that you flourish in.
Things wrong with American women and the game right now...
TheG is right. You also have to scale it down though maybe you don't have cash to travel. Instead of asking "what is wrong" ask "what can I do to maximize my potential". Once to stop reading about feminism it stops impacting your life, create your own reality.

Maybe you have lots of free time.
1. Libraries on college campuses
2. Day time game

Maybe you are busy as hell and you are a gym rat
1. Go to a high end gym, open girls there
2. Go out at night and find a niche venue

Maybe you are great at sports
1. Join a sports team
2. Go join activities/clubs in your city

Maybe you are a broke body builder:
1. Take a bus to cabo. Bang girls at their spots.

You have to change the way you think from, what do I have that I can use to my advantage that other guys don't have?

Hell even if you live on a plane (like myself) hit on the stewardesses (fly with non-American airlines) and try SA game.

Use your current lifestyle to benefit you and work towards a more ideal one. Trying to fit your own belief systems onto a population of 300M is a fools game.

If you have really have zero to offer... Good luck.

Quote: (05-11-2013 11:27 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (05-11-2013 10:52 AM)InfiniteFlowers Wrote:  


Don't read the feminism, hitting the wall threads, anti-woman thread, the happy women died in a burning limo threads.

These threads have nothing to do with being a Playboy and are negative like a cancer to your Game.

I never really post on those threads. I don't get involved in the anti-feminism threads beyond saying girls should wear high heels and dresses.

Just deal with the things you can control.

Solid advice for sure. The only problem with it is that it is basically admitting defeat. If you never fight an ideology, then you'll eventually lose to it. Victory belongs to those who envision victory.

That being said, constantly bitching on the internet IS unproductive for the average guy. Know the problem, fight the problem, but don't become the problem.

I don't think it is admitting defeat.

I think we just have to find out where we are happy.

It might be going to Romania like Roosh.

Or going to Ukraine for other guys.

Or Medellin.

Or in Miami, Montreal or Spanish beaches for me.

Or on college campuses like Gio.

You don't want to fight a battle you can't win.

Find a warzone that you flourish in.
Things wrong with American women and the game right now...
Quote: (05-10-2013 11:37 PM)All or Nothing Wrote:  

Quote: (05-10-2013 11:12 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

The only way you "know" deep down is when you truly are.

This is also why being rich is the game over card. You got a house in the bank, or even more, no one can touch you. You're unbreakable. Someone gives you the head turn "LOL" at you bitch i'm the man in here and YOU KNOW IT BECAUSE IT IS TRUE.

That's what i mean by most guys will never attain that level. The whole regular inner game stuff you'll cap out at your perceived value. With straight cash, you can actually become a "ten" forever. You can't fake "knowing" you're the #1 guy within a mile radius of the club. Hell that is the exact reason people have "niche" game.

But at the end of the day...

I don't care if i sound like a dick, people can believe i am some dumb punk kid. End of the day. Rich people always come out on top, most will never succeed or be rich because their biggest accomplishment is talking to or banging a dime piece that one time at that one club. Go risk all your assets. Take massive leaps of faith. Risk REAL PAIN AND SUFFERING. Then MAYBE you will be rich. Or maybe you'll have to do it over and over again.

I think it is more than being rich. It is a state of mind.

I have said it here before. I am a 20 year old guy. Most of my friends are 20-22 years old. Through one of them, I have met this guy who is the same age as me. This guy has this state of mind.

Just from what his friends have said about him, he is truly the most arrogant man they know. He was born into a wealthy family, and everything in his life has been handed to him on a silver platter. This has led him to believe that he deserves all of the greatest things life has to offer. It may hurt him in terms of friendships and achieving personal success, but when it comes to women, he blows everyone I know out of the water.

I have seen two of his fuckbuddies and they are stellar.

The first I met was this blond girl who was 5'10". She had a smoking body and a pretty face.

The second was a 27 year old chick who was classically beautiful. She had pale skin, about 5'8", and a perfect face. This one was even more amazing because she lives in L.A., and knows a gaggle of movie stars. This guy had locked a gorgeous woman 7 years his senior who has dated movie stars. I wouldn't believe if I hadn't talked to her, and heard her stories about living in Hollywood.

When it comes to game, truly believing that you are the greatest thing since sliced bread is an amazing trait to have. I don't even know if you can even recreate it.

I think this is true of wealthy people for whom money simplifies their lives. Those people possess a certain peace of mind that gives them a certain ease in dealing with women and everything else. We also know that for many, money further complicates their lives. Money doesn't always eliminate problems - it can give you a different set of problems from those you had when you were broke...HA HA! If you choose wisely, bitches won't be among your 99 problems...

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."
Things wrong with American women and the game right now...
More money more problems is a myth.

Unless you're a billionaire + face plastered all over the place. It's a complete lie used to make people feel better about themselves.

If it creates problems you're either socially inept or you really are "too" wealthy to the point where you're recognized on the street.

There are many multi-millionaires you walk by on the street and wouldn't have a clue about it.

That is for another thread though. My point stands that real success leads to unbreakable confidence. So the "game" is over.

College examples of confidence don't work because in a school environment there is very little differentiation in value. You're all just in school one guy/girl is cute/socially aware. You can't tell the difference as distinctly. When you graduate it's a different ball game and only becomes more competitive as you get older.

Quote: (05-11-2013 11:51 AM)Timoteo Wrote:  

Quote: (05-10-2013 11:37 PM)All or Nothing Wrote:  

Quote: (05-10-2013 11:12 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

The only way you "know" deep down is when you truly are.

This is also why being rich is the game over card. You got a house in the bank, or even more, no one can touch you. You're unbreakable. Someone gives you the head turn "LOL" at you bitch i'm the man in here and YOU KNOW IT BECAUSE IT IS TRUE.

That's what i mean by most guys will never attain that level. The whole regular inner game stuff you'll cap out at your perceived value. With straight cash, you can actually become a "ten" forever. You can't fake "knowing" you're the #1 guy within a mile radius of the club. Hell that is the exact reason people have "niche" game.

But at the end of the day...

I don't care if i sound like a dick, people can believe i am some dumb punk kid. End of the day. Rich people always come out on top, most will never succeed or be rich because their biggest accomplishment is talking to or banging a dime piece that one time at that one club. Go risk all your assets. Take massive leaps of faith. Risk REAL PAIN AND SUFFERING. Then MAYBE you will be rich. Or maybe you'll have to do it over and over again.

I think it is more than being rich. It is a state of mind.

I have said it here before. I am a 20 year old guy. Most of my friends are 20-22 years old. Through one of them, I have met this guy who is the same age as me. This guy has this state of mind.

Just from what his friends have said about him, he is truly the most arrogant man they know. He was born into a wealthy family, and everything in his life has been handed to him on a silver platter. This has led him to believe that he deserves all of the greatest things life has to offer. It may hurt him in terms of friendships and achieving personal success, but when it comes to women, he blows everyone I know out of the water.

I have seen two of his fuckbuddies and they are stellar.

The first I met was this blond girl who was 5'10". She had a smoking body and a pretty face.

The second was a 27 year old chick who was classically beautiful. She had pale skin, about 5'8", and a perfect face. This one was even more amazing because she lives in L.A., and knows a gaggle of movie stars. This guy had locked a gorgeous woman 7 years his senior who has dated movie stars. I wouldn't believe if I hadn't talked to her, and heard her stories about living in Hollywood.

When it comes to game, truly believing that you are the greatest thing since sliced bread is an amazing trait to have. I don't even know if you can even recreate it.

I think this is true of wealthy people for whom money simplifies their lives. Those people possess a certain peace of mind that gives them a certain ease in dealing with women and everything else. We also know that for many, money further complicates their lives. Money doesn't always eliminate problems - it can give you a different set of problems from those you had when you were broke...HA HA! If you choose wisely, bitches won't be among your 99 problems...
Things wrong with American women and the game right now...
Quote: (05-11-2013 10:41 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Quote: (05-10-2013 11:15 PM)houston Wrote:  

Negative tone on the forum - Why do you think I made this thread to try and get everyone to chill? I can only lead the horse to the water, not force it to drink.

No one has asked for your water. If you don't like the direction of this forum, go start your own. You may have contributed value in the past, but you're only contributing drama right now. Take a one week break. Think very carefully before you hit submit on your next post..

he did get 26 likes for that thread post. jus sayin...
Things wrong with American women and the game right now...
Quote: (05-11-2013 10:06 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

My advice:

Don't read the feminism, hitting the wall threads, anti-woman thread, the happy women died in a burning limo threads.

These threads have nothing to do with being a Playboy and are negative like a cancer to your Game.

I never really post on those threads. I don't get involved in the anti-feminism threads beyond saying girls should wear high heels and dresses.

Just deal with the things you can control.

"A positive International Playboy is a successful International Playboy" - Michael Porfirio Mason

Exactly. Why bother bringing negativity into your own life?
Are threads like that gonna help your game? No. Are they gonna make you happier? No.
Hell, I hardly ever read the news anymore after realizing that we are bombarded with tragic messages and I get absolutely zero happiness or positivity from it.
In general, reframing everything positively, as lots of guys here advocate, is great and helpful, but realistically it's not always possible. Cutting out of your life anything that is just gonna piss you off or stir up negative feelings is easier and just as helpful.

And OG, I understand the need the vent out occasionally, but things will get better and you'll then see the same things under a more positive light. Trust me. Hang in there.
Things wrong with American women and the game right now...
Quote: (05-11-2013 12:19 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

More money more problems is a myth.

Unless you're a billionaire + face plastered all over the place. It's a complete lie used to make people feel better about themselves.

If it creates problems you're either socially inept or you really are "too" wealthy to the point where you're recognized on the street.

There are many multi-millionaires you walk by on the street and wouldn't have a clue about it.

That is for another thread though. My point stands that real success leads to unbreakable confidence. So the "game" is over.

College examples of confidence don't work because in a school environment there is very little differentiation in value. You're all just in school one guy/girl is cute/socially aware. You can't tell the difference as distinctly. When you graduate it's a different ball game and only becomes more competitive as you get older.

Quote: (05-11-2013 11:51 AM)Timoteo Wrote:  

Quote: (05-10-2013 11:37 PM)All or Nothing Wrote:  

Quote: (05-10-2013 11:12 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

The only way you "know" deep down is when you truly are.

This is also why being rich is the game over card. You got a house in the bank, or even more, no one can touch you. You're unbreakable. Someone gives you the head turn "LOL" at you bitch i'm the man in here and YOU KNOW IT BECAUSE IT IS TRUE.

That's what i mean by most guys will never attain that level. The whole regular inner game stuff you'll cap out at your perceived value. With straight cash, you can actually become a "ten" forever. You can't fake "knowing" you're the #1 guy within a mile radius of the club. Hell that is the exact reason people have "niche" game.

But at the end of the day...

I don't care if i sound like a dick, people can believe i am some dumb punk kid. End of the day. Rich people always come out on top, most will never succeed or be rich because their biggest accomplishment is talking to or banging a dime piece that one time at that one club. Go risk all your assets. Take massive leaps of faith. Risk REAL PAIN AND SUFFERING. Then MAYBE you will be rich. Or maybe you'll have to do it over and over again.

I think it is more than being rich. It is a state of mind.

I have said it here before. I am a 20 year old guy. Most of my friends are 20-22 years old. Through one of them, I have met this guy who is the same age as me. This guy has this state of mind.

Just from what his friends have said about him, he is truly the most arrogant man they know. He was born into a wealthy family, and everything in his life has been handed to him on a silver platter. This has led him to believe that he deserves all of the greatest things life has to offer. It may hurt him in terms of friendships and achieving personal success, but when it comes to women, he blows everyone I know out of the water.

I have seen two of his fuckbuddies and they are stellar.

The first I met was this blond girl who was 5'10". She had a smoking body and a pretty face.

The second was a 27 year old chick who was classically beautiful. She had pale skin, about 5'8", and a perfect face. This one was even more amazing because she lives in L.A., and knows a gaggle of movie stars. This guy had locked a gorgeous woman 7 years his senior who has dated movie stars. I wouldn't believe if I hadn't talked to her, and heard her stories about living in Hollywood.

When it comes to game, truly believing that you are the greatest thing since sliced bread is an amazing trait to have. I don't even know if you can even recreate it.

I think this is true of wealthy people for whom money simplifies their lives. Those people possess a certain peace of mind that gives them a certain ease in dealing with women and everything else. We also know that for many, money further complicates their lives. Money doesn't always eliminate problems - it can give you a different set of problems from those you had when you were broke...HA HA! If you choose wisely, bitches won't be among your 99 problems...

I don't see where we disagreed here. Read what I wrote. For some money simplifies, for others it complicates. I depends on how the individual manages it. It has nothing to do with fame or being noticed. Just like there are wealthy people who we'd never know are wealthy by looking at them, there are plenty who are anonymous who are basket cases because they allow money to manage them, and create issues that cause them stress.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

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