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Gunwitch method

Gunwitch method

This is a simple, direct and potentially very effective game method. I was wondering if anyone had any experience or comments about it.

The two key requirements are that you get into a sexual state and either fine woman that's alone or get her alone. Both of these are not exactly easy to do.

Gunwitch method

His biggest thing was, "Make the ho say no." You are supposed to stay in set until the girl outright rejects you or walks away or says to fuck off.

Interestingly I hear that he is in jail for shooting a girl. Does anyone know if this is really true?

Gunwitch method

Yeah, it is true. He shot some chick in the face.

Gunwitch method

clicked on the link.


saw something about approaching lone wolf girls at night (i.e. they are by themselves).

i don't even...

can't remember the last time i saw a girl by herself at a night venue. the best i can hope for is approaching a small group and splitting it apart with my wing.

Gunwitch method

Quote: (01-25-2013 10:00 AM)polymath Wrote:  

Yeah, it is true. He shot some chick in the face.

Gunwitch 2.0: Gun A Bitch Edition - Make The Ho Say "Noooooooo!"

Gunwitch method

I heard he was in jail.

Gunwitch method

False, the major charges against him were dropped. It turns out the girl was so high on meth that she suddenly attacked Gunwitch with a knife. It was ultimately self-defense, albeit heavy-handed. He was charged for felony weapon's possession and released after 10 months in jail. He's now on probation and still offering private lessons.

I've listened to his tapes a lot. The production quality is not great, but the advice is sound and very extensive.

His primary focus lies on day game and same-day lays. You approach the girl at the grocery store with an indirect opener, switch venues for food/drinks, then eventually take her home. This is a sliver of what he talks about.

The first tape deals with inner game. The second external. The third tape with his bread-and-butter technique. The fourth with logistics. And the fifth is a step-by-step instruction on going from novice to expert.

I never really tried to implement his stuff. When I listened to it (about three years ago) I didn't have the mindset to randomnly approach girls during the daytime, sober. I did incorporate most of his inner-game techniques and use them to this day.

If you're looking for a very extensive Day Bang audio book, this is it. He's also from a small city in Oregon and argues that if you use his day-game technique you'll never run into lack of quality options. That's exciting for me as I don't enjoy living in big cities.

Here's his website:

Here's his free stuff:

Gunwitch method

Quote: (01-25-2013 08:36 AM)Nomad77 Wrote:  

This is a simple, direct and potentially very effective game method. I was wondering if anyone had any experience or comments about it.

The two key requirements are that you get into a sexual state and either fine woman that's alone or get her alone. Both of these are not exactly easy to do.


I've used it. I continue to use it. It has worked for me in the past.
I highly recommend using it.

The upside - it's a very focused method. GWM is letting the reptilian part of your brain take over.

Compared to guys who write treatises on cat string theory, or wax poetically about how females with buzz cuts are secretly going to get Clinton elected to empress of all men and then pass laws to gather all up the guns and do mandatory castrations, it's about finding chicks that are DTF, stepping to them, getting them alone, and fucking them.

The downside - Say you get yourself into a sexual state before you go out, say watch some xvideo, do some quick heavy lifting at your apartment, listen to some gangsta shit in the ride, and then have a few brews - you're probably going to stick your dick into the 1st chick that screens well, but not the hottest chick at the venue.

So you gotta ask yourself, is the chick with the 4.5 face and the Double D's gonna be worth it in the morning? Especially if one of your prospects sees you and Buttaface have a make out session in a dark corner of the bar? (True story holmes)

GWM makes you honest about what you will fuck. And honesty is never pretty. It's kinda like the old wives tale, fat chicks suck better dick, and ugly chicks fuck better (both true by the way) - because if they don't excel, you won't stick around.

But if they do excel, that euphoria of great sex can have you handcuffing some Shrek looking chick @ the mall on a Sunday afternoon.

This shit has happened to me! (several times, much more than I'd like to admit) I was running through chicks in Dallas. Within a small social circle I had a nice skinny chick easy on the eyes that I could have gotten, but the not so attractive chick was DTF. The sex was fantastic with the 5, but my ego wasn't satisfied. The sex might have been awesome with the 7-8 - I would never know, because the chick who maxed out the leg press machine was a god damned champ in bed. I still think about fucking the ugmo, but I shudder at the idea of having her on the other side of the table @ brunch and running into people I know.

You may miss out on a better notch if you let your dick do all of the thinking for you.


Gunwitch method

I think there is something to his sexual state idea. I once met a very attractive, tall, slim Indian doctor through a loose social circle/bar night thing. I figured I didn't have a chance with her at first, which oddly enough meant that I didn't try and thus came across as intriguingly aloof and don't give a shit.

Anyway, the group moved on to a loud dance spot, and we hit the dance floor. I wasn't sure how to progress things, but what I'd read about Gunwitch popped into my mind.

I started basically just thinking about kissing her, fucking her, etc. while we danced. I let my eyes roam over her face, her lips. Bedroom eyes. I'd move in close, smell her hair or brush against her cheek, almost like I was going to kiss her, but then wouldn't. Basically seeing how high I could ramp both her and my sexual tension without breaking it.

When I did finally kiss her I got no resistance at all. I took her off the dance floor to a couch, then took her home.

Unfortunately it was the night of a major snowstorm, so no cabs or buses, just a cold 30-40 minute walk to my place (20 minutes normally). By the time we got back we were exhausted and the mood was gone. She slept over but I never saw her again.

But sexual state, thumbs up.

Gunwitch method

@Archie Maybe you could turn on the sexual state AFTER you see a girl you want to go after?

Gunwitch method

A lot of this method was part of my MO BEFORE I knew anything about game and this year I intend to return to it. The biggest challenge is getting into that sexual state and expressing it honestly that he talks about. Mystery method and others can be used to deal with groups of girls initially until you are able to isolate.

Gunwitch method

Quote: (01-25-2013 11:52 AM)Nomad77 Wrote:  

A lot of this method was part of my MO BEFORE I knew anything about game and this year I intend to return to it. The biggest challenge is getting into that sexual state and expressing it honestly that he talks about. Mystery method and others can be used to deal with groups of girls initially until you are able to isolate.

Yeah, but Gunwitch would argue that you shouldn't even be hitting up these venues as your approach-to-lay ratio is always low. He believes that you either find a lone wolf in the bar, or do day game at grocery stores and bookstores as she'll be alone and not distracted.

Sexual state is IMO easy: find a girl that is hot to you, don't masturbate, lift weights, and take cold showers. You'll be ready to fuck a brick wall. Then act somewhat aloof as you escalate.

As I get older and am getting sick of clubs and bars, his technique becomes more interesting.

Gunwitch method

Quote: (01-25-2013 11:48 AM)Nomad77 Wrote:  

@Archie Maybe you could turn on the sexual state AFTER you see a girl you want to go after?

Personally, I can't just turn it off and on.
But GWM is just one piece of hardware that you have available to you.

I think your suggestion hints at a lot of perennial topics in the Game
- quantity vs quality
- what is a 10
- what do you really want out of the Game
- when's the right to use particular tools


Gunwitch method

Do you really want to take advice from this guy?

[Image: 1655_gunwitchallenreyes_1301868227.jpg]

Gunwitch method

Quote: (01-25-2013 03:51 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Do you really want to take advice from this guy?

[Image: 1655_gunwitchallenreyes_1301868227.jpg]

So I suppose taking advice from a guy that looks like this would be ok?

Does how someone look (in a mug shot of all things) somehow negate's the logic and benefit of their advice?

Gunwitch method

Quote: (01-25-2013 03:51 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Do you really want to take advice from this guy?

[Image: 1655_gunwitchallenreyes_1301868227.jpg]

I would take his advice because if a guy that looks like him is getting pussy--I'll listen to what he has to say.

Gunwitch method

It wasn't just the mugshot, I don't know if you guys ever saw that infamous drunk video he posted to youtube before his arrest. Seriously, you could go down to your nearest trailer park and find a bunch of dudes just like him.

Gunwitch method

Quote: (01-25-2013 10:15 AM)babababalot Wrote:  

clicked on the link.


saw something about approaching lone wolf girls at night (i.e. they are by themselves).

i don't even...

can't remember the last time i saw a girl by herself at a night venue. the best i can hope for is approaching a small group and splitting it apart with my wing.

It does happen. A month ago i was at a regular venue and saw a decent looking girl eyeing me hard. She was sitting at the bar talking to a guy and girl so i assumed they were friends and she was a third wheel. Since i roll solo and seldom approach mixed sets i didn't think much about her but noticed she keep looking at me. After an hour the couple left, she stayed, and I approached quickly. i was pounding her in a nearby hotel room within 90 minutes. Turned out she was there alone, had left her husband three weeks ago, and was talking to the couple to avoid some ugly guy who was hitting on her. She was there for dick the whole time but it wasn't obvious to a casual observer.

If you want to find lone girls venue and time of day is critical. A nightclub is the worst place to look for a lone shewolf.

The best night venues are neighborhood bars and bars known to be meat markets.Some lone women are comfortable going into a neighborhood bar for a drink or two because they are familiar with it and often have bar acquaintances there so they feel safe. It also provides them "cover" when they are actually looking for dick because it appears that they just stopped in for a drink.

You can also find lone women at meat market bars if they are the bolder type. Everyone knows what they are there for.

Happy hours can also be excellent. It's not strange for a lone woman to stop in for a drink on her way home from work.

Hotel bars can be a goldmine. Plenty of women do business travel alone these days and they get bored in the hotel room. A woman out of town is also much more likely to engage in ONS casual sex.

"If anything's gonna happen, it's gonna happen out there!- Captain Ron

Gunwitch method

I believe Gunwitch favorite place was department stores and my last gf was a department store pickup.

Gunwitch method

Quote: (01-26-2013 12:47 PM)Nomad77 Wrote:  

I believe Gunwitch favorite place was department stores and my last gf was a department store pickup.

I think it was grocery stores or place like Target where you can make the initial approach, then venue change to the food court to build comfort. This way you don't have to leave the building.

Gunwitch method

Quote: (01-26-2013 12:44 PM)MrXY Wrote:  

It does happen. A month ago i was at a regular venue and saw a decent looking girl eyeing me hard. She was sitting at the bar talking to a guy and girl so i assumed they were friends and she was a third wheel. Since i roll solo and seldom approach mixed sets i didn't think much about her but noticed she keep looking at me. After an hour the couple left, she stayed, and I approached quickly. i was pounding her in a nearby hotel room within 90 minutes. Turned out she was there alone, had left her husband three weeks ago, and was talking to the couple to avoid some ugly guy who was hitting on her. She was there for dick the whole time but it wasn't obvious to a casual observer.

Especially in NYC I've noticed lone wolves in neighborhood bars, early in the evening. High-end clubs or bars late at night? Forget about it.

At first I didn't believe Gunwitch that there are lone wolves going to bars but I notice it more and more.

And the lone wolves that I saw we're for the most part attractive. They're basically career-oriented chicks who are a little older and horny. They roll solo to avoid the shame from their friends or to cheat on the beta boyfriend/husband.

Gunwitch method

Just look at the guys life. He lives in Bumfuck Oregon, hangs out with meth heads and junkies, and makes videos ranting and waving a gun around in his underwear.

Yeah, Im sure he picks up a lot of "HB10s" at the Walmart parking lot...

Gunwitch method

Ok, I decided to put this method to a real world test today. I went out to a decent size mall, The Falls, and went
through just about every decent size store looking for women to try this on. First, here are my criteria for selecting
the women as per his instructions:

1.They had to be alone.
2.Wait until they are stationary somewhere.
3.I had to find them sexually attractive.

I figured that should be easy enough. While I usually have high standards I was going to drop them today and target
any woman that I found remotely attractive. (As a backup plan I even decided I would number close any sales girl
that approached me to help out that was above a 6.) As per his instructions I went at 2pm. He said the best time was
between 12 – 3pm. I started in Bloomingdales. I was methodical canvassing the stores. I would walk around the parameter
of each floor looking down the each aisle. If I saw something interesting I would go down the aisle and execute his opener:

1.Enter the area the woman is in – hover around her.
2.Try to get eye contact. Whether or not you do open with a situational open.
3.Don’t quit until SHE ejects you.

Ok, so here are the results:

Bloomingdales was dead. Not many shoppers around on a Saturday afternoon. They were one or two attractive girls BUT
they were with boyfriends or husbands. I did not find one single attractive woman in Bloomingdales and I went through all
three floors!

Next I hit all the smaller stores on one side then the other side. The really small ones I would look in from the outside to see if there were any
single women inside. Didn’t see any. For the larger stores I would go in and look around. Finally in Williams Sonoma, a
house whole goods store, I saw a lone woman kneeling down at the back. From her profile I would say she was a 7 but she
was at least in her mid-thirties. Ok, here we go. I moved in and hovered around her trying to get eye contact. She never
looked up. So finally I opened her with: “Which of these items are on sale do you think?” She look at me and smiled but
didn’t say anything. I kept talking but she would just glance at me and then look away. Finally she moved away a little bit.
Since I couldn’t eject, I just kept talking but she never said one word in reply. Eventually, she just took her basket and walked
away. (One possible reason is, that since this is Miami, it’s possible she didn’t speak English plus she was married.)

I kept on checking out stores – nothing. Finally in Love Couture I spy a single girl walking around. I started tracking her waiting
for her to stop. I kept a distance because I didn’t want to seem like a starker – which I was in this instance. She finally stopped
and I started to move in for the approach, no hovering this time, as I approached her I see her turn and say something to someone
in the corner. I look over and there’s her father and little sister. This happened a number of times where I would think someone
was alone only to realize they were actually with someone that was nearby.

Ok, the smaller stores didn’t yield any attractive women that were alone. So I went through the outside area of the mall. Sure
enough they were some attractive women sitting around alone BUT they all had kids with them  The most attractive women
in the mall either had a guy or a kid with them. Ok, the mall didn’t yield anything but we weren’t about to quit just yet. After
all this work I was hungry. So I hit up a restaurant. Would there be any single women in the restaurant? Alas, no single women
around. Lots of families though. On a positive note, my waitress was giving me some serious IOIs and if she was a little "lighter"
or a little cuter I would have pulled the trigger.

As I was heading out the restaurant I get a notification that someone had replied to this thread. I look and saw the
guy was saying that this guy favorite places were supermarkets and Target. Ok, great, lets’ hit those while we were at it. But
just for fun I also hit a Marshalls on the way to the supermarket. No single attractive women there. Some ugly single women.
The Publix supermarket wasn’t much better. It did have ONE single somewhat attractive woman but she looked pissed off and
was running back and forth getting stuff. Since she was the only potential target there I just waited by her cart and opened her
about where I could find asparagus. She stopped for a moment, looked at me quizzically, then said: “You are in the wrong section.
You have to go over there.” Pointing, then she took off again.

Well, if the supermarket and the mall didn’t have any single, attractive women on a nice Saturday afternoon then for sure they
had to be some at Target. So off I went to the Target. Damn it’s a huge place but I wasn’t about to quit when potential success
was in sight. I walked up and down the whole store looking for one single woman – nothing. Damn, I had no idea finding these
single, attractive women would be so hard!

In total, I spent about 4 hrs in a mall, supermarket, Target, and Marshalls looking for single attractive women in the large, metropolitan
city of Miami. While I am sure it has these women somewhere and on some day. These places and this day wasn’t it.

Another problem I found: it was hard to feel sexual in a department or grocery store. There is nothing remotely sexually about
these places, if anything it’s the opposite. Strive as I might, I couldn’t feel sexual in these places. Now, put an attractive woman
in front of me and that would change.

So could this method work? It probably could IF you got lucky enough to find the right target but that goes for anything. My plan for
now is to keep this method in my back pocket should I run across a single attractive woman somewhere. I plan on following up by hitting up these same places on a weekday to see if there is any difference.

PS A very cute sales girl did approach me in Hollister but she appeared to be very young. I flirted with her a bit but left it at that.
On my way out of the mall I did see a single, slim 6 on the phone. Slim is always good so I decided to wait for her to get off the
the phone, after all how long could she be? After 5 mins, I gave up. Same with a cute sales girl in Bloomingdales, she was helping
someone and I waited and waited until I finally gave up and left.

Gunwitch method

Try different locations. Places like bookstores, Starbucks, Whole foods, Nordstorms.

I don't think hovering around helps though, its better to go right for it, or when you see a opening. Try not to stand out too much at first.

Gunwitch method

gunwitch says a lot of great things. he was a big inspiration for krauser.

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