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Jesus Christ - 11-year old Transgender Girl who "transitioned" at age 5

Jesus Christ - 11-year old Transgender Girl who "transitioned" at age 5

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This boy was featured in the Huffington Post. It says he transitioned at age 5. How does a little boy know that he is a girl at age 5? Did his mother convince him he was a girl when he picked up a Barbie doll?

I know that some kids really do think they are girls but this is crazy. Can you guess what this 11-year old's interests are?


Sadie socially transitioned from male to female in kindergarten. She was home schooled until this year and is now in fifth grade and attending public school. A vegan, she loves anything that "protects the environment," as well as reading, swimming, basketball and texting her friends. She listens to Lady Gaga, Pink and Justin Bieber and wants to work for Green Peace when she grows up. She also wants to be a mom.

Do you think if this vegan ate some animal protein, which is known to boost testosterone, it would think it was a girl? Also, these are not the normal habits of an 11-year old kid. There is some serious conditioning going on from the overbearing mother. What does the kid say to complete strangers?


'Hi, I'm Sadie, my favorite color is pink, I'm vegan, and I'm transgender. Who are you?'

Then, the girl writes a letter to Obama and it goes viral in the "trans" community. Welcome to 21st century decadent America.

Jesus Christ - 11-year old Transgender Girl who "transitioned" at age 5

And his mom looks like a man... This is so weird on so many levels...

[Image: slide_276363_2016190_free.jpg?1358949008505]

Jesus Christ - 11-year old Transgender Girl who "transitioned" at age 5


Sadie socially transitioned from male to female in kindergarten.

[Image: LfERE.gif]

BRB guys. I'm gonna go "socially transition" myself into the Queen of England, since gender and sex are clearly just social constructs and the only thing stopping me from totally closing these differences is my own will. See you in London.


She was home schooled until this year and is now in fifth grade and attending public school. A vegan, she loves anything that "protects the environment," as well as reading, swimming, basketball and texting her friends. She listens to Lady Gaga, Pink and Justin Bieber and wants to work for Green Peace when she grows up. basically the most liberal a liberal can be. Shocking.

[Image: 5YWKS.gif]


She also wants to be a mom.

[Image: RdChBfx.png]


Though Sadie has been openly discriminated against, her mother says that she "isn't shy or ashamed of who she is," and adds, "I'm always 'on' when we go out because I never know when she'll strike up a conversation with the person in front of her in line at Trader Joe's. When she chats with people, she introduces herself as, 'Hi, I'm Sadie, my favorite color is pink, I'm vegan, and I'm transgender. Who are you?'"

[Image: 8B7R31C.gif]

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

Jesus Christ - 11-year old Transgender Girl who "transitioned" at age 5

I believe Dante will have to come back from grave and rewrite his Divine Comedy to add an additional circle in hell for parents who screw up the lives of their children in such gruesome ways in such early age.

The poor boy is fucked. This is what I call a true rape, a true trauma.

Sadly we will not be able to help him. He will hate us and fight against us and (secretly hate himself and the whole world) for all his miserable life.

Jesus Christ - 11-year old Transgender Girl who "transitioned" at age 5

Quote:Athlone Wrote:

BRB guys. I'm gonna go "socially transition" myself into the Queen of England, since gender and sex are clearly just social constructs and the only thing stopping me from totally closing these differences is my own will. See you in London.

[Image: potd.gif]

I have nothing against transgender people. Let them change, if they want. Children maybe (and that's a huge maybe), if they insist on it for years on their own and simply can't be persuaded against it and their parents are ok with it. In this ridiculous fashion of a dyke/idiot/feminist/lesbian (but I repeat myself) obviously projecting her desires and forcing her to be vegan, Greenpeace fanatic and whatnot... hell no.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Jesus Christ - 11-year old Transgender Girl who "transitioned" at age 5

Look at the mother, what a creep, parading her little political pawn for the camera. How can you truly tell with a 5 year old, you can send them to countless specialists, but the margin of error will still be there, the human brain keeps developing well into your twenties. The real disturbing issue is that some perverts look at this and think how far we have come.

Jesus Christ - 11-year old Transgender Girl who "transitioned" at age 5

That's like I watched a mom asking their little kids 'what do you want' at the store.
Of course, they will say M&M, not fuckin Granola.

You just can't let them to be whatever they want to be.
They need guidance at such age.

Personally, I will kick my son if he wants to wear a skirt. (playing with a barbie is a different thing)

Jesus Christ - 11-year old Transgender Girl who "transitioned" at age 5

I've said this before, but this is an area where lots of people have contradicting opinions. If you believe that there are measurable differences between the male brain and the female brain (owing to the release of different hormones), then it follows that some small percentage of people will end up with female brains in male bodies, or vice versa. Likewise, all those people who loudly profess the existence of transgendered people must also accept that gender has a large physical component and is not just socially constructed.

The problem is going to be false positives. People who foster this sort of thing in their kids just to further their own queer identity politics. Personally, I think a responsible parent would shield his or her kid from any unnecessary attention until the kid is old enough to make a proper decision. In this attention-whoring world, though, there's far too many people willing to use their kids for 15 minutes of fame.

Jesus Christ - 11-year old Transgender Girl who "transitioned" at age 5

Bro's, western society is going to shit. I laughed at the concept of a 5 year old transitioning for a second, then I realised just how twisted and sad it really is. That's progressives, feminists and liberals for you.

Jesus Christ - 11-year old Transgender Girl who "transitioned" at age 5

What a piece of shit mother, shamelessly using her son as a piece of living, breathing political propaganda.

Elementary school kids don't decide out of the blue to "transition" their sex or by sheer chance develop into the caricature of an ultra-liberal.

The poor kid has been brainwashed since birth. In a sane country this mother would be put in jail for child abuse and her son adopted by traditional family that would raise him to be a man.

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

Jesus Christ - 11-year old Transgender Girl who "transitioned" at age 5

This is very sad. My cousin went through a phase for a few months where he wanted to be a girl. His parents just ignored it and kept treating him like a normal 5 year old boy. Pretty soon he wanted to be a T. Rex or a racehorse. If he'd had parents like this kid's, instead of sane, normal people who don't suffer delusions about being able to alter reality, he would probably have ended up as a psychological wreck, as this poor kid likely will.

Jesus Christ - 11-year old Transgender Girl who "transitioned" at age 5

I guarantee this little boy kills himself before 18. Whenever the media jumps on these stories and promotes it the subject inevitably kills them self.


Canada, where the women wear pants and the men wear skinny jeans

Jesus Christ - 11-year old Transgender Girl who "transitioned" at age 5

I agree. A responsible parent would not be attention-whoring their own kid AND would have waited until the kid was around 12 or 13 to let them decide on changing their sex/gender/whatever.

One thing that unnerves me about liberals in particular is the way they live to get high-fives and claps on the back. I'm always suspicious of people who live for group approval, even if I agree with some of the things they espouse.

Quote: (01-24-2013 08:06 AM)j r Wrote:  

I've said this before, but this is an area where lots of people have contradicting opinions. If you believe that there are measurable differences between the male brain and the female brain (owing to the release of different hormones), then it follows that some small percentage of people will end up with female brains in male bodies, or vice versa. Likewise, all those people who loudly profess the existence of transgendered people must also accept that gender has a large physical component and is not just socially constructed.

The problem is going to be false positives. People who foster this sort of thing in their kids just to further their own queer identity politics. Personally, I think a responsible parent would shield his or her kid from any unnecessary attention until the kid is old enough to make a proper decision. In this attention-whoring world, though, there's far too many people willing to use their kids for 15 minutes of fame.

Jesus Christ - 11-year old Transgender Girl who "transitioned" at age 5

This kid should be taken by the state. That should qualify as child abuse.

Jesus Christ - 11-year old Transgender Girl who "transitioned" at age 5

Poor kid is fucked. Obviously his mom (or is that his dad) is projecting their values onto their kid to the extreme. Hopefully this kid rebels and lives their own life and not the life their mom wants for them.

Jesus Christ - 11-year old Transgender Girl who "transitioned" at age 5

Quote: (01-24-2013 08:13 AM)IRTdenialist Wrote:  

Bro's, western society is going to shit. I laughed at the concept of a 5 year old transitioning for a second, then I realised just how twisted and sad it really is. That's progressives, feminists and liberals for you.


Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Jesus Christ - 11-year old Transgender Girl who "transitioned" at age 5

So why isn't CPS down this bull-dyke woman's cunt-crust riddled throat?

I suspect the fact that it was a mother (female) forcing her son (male) to become a girl (female again) has something to do with it. He (because that's what he is; a boy raped out of his own gender without consent) hasn't had any time to develop the decision making skills necessary for such a life altering decision.

Do you think she'd have been so supportive if her 5 year old daughter picked up a GI joe and said, "Mommy can I be a boy?"

Jesus Christ - 11-year old Transgender Girl who "transitioned" at age 5

[Image: facepalm.png]

I wonder if this kid will come out of adolescence without hating herself.

she has to go through high school, friends, and also she will be disconnected from her body by not experiencing puberty normally.

- Will not have periods, growth of boobs etc..
- If she gets the male equivalent: voice, facial hair etc, she will probably not enjoy it.

This kid is fucked and I wish her luck

boredom is evil

Jesus Christ - 11-year old Transgender Girl who "transitioned" at age 5

Quote: (01-24-2013 04:54 PM)le prince perdu Wrote:  

I wonder if this kid will come out of adolescence without hating herself.

I'm sure she'll turn out fine.


Jesus Christ - 11-year old Transgender Girl who "transitioned" at age 5

If that's truly how the kid feels, and it really is a girl trapped in a boy's body, then more power to her, but I highly doubt that's the case. What kid raised in a regular household by regular parents becomes obsessed with the environment and dreams of working for Green Peace at such a young age? As you guys said, all signs point to extreme conditioning.

The hypocrisy of these feminists/gender queer/pan sexual/cisnormative/whatever new invented word types is astounding to me. They constantly complain about gender roles and behavioral expectations being shoved down kids' throats, which they say forces the kids to think and behave a certain way. It puts them into a box and limits their potential, and children should be allowed to be who they are without parents pushing their ideals onto the kids.

But of course when it's the values and expectations that they hold so dear being shoved down a kid's throat, obviously affecting the behavior and thinking of the kid, most likely fucking up their life in the process, it's not only perfectly fine, it should be celebrated.

Fucking fascists

Jesus Christ - 11-year old Transgender Girl who "transitioned" at age 5

Kid never had a chance.

Jesus Christ - 11-year old Transgender Girl who "transitioned" at age 5

When suicide and other shit starts happening based on this it'll of course be the Patriarchy's fault.

Jesus Christ - 11-year old Transgender Girl who "transitioned" at age 5

That she-man mom needs to be thrown in jail and CPS needs to step in for the kid. I don't have a problem with gays but trannies are fucking freaks. What a crazy ass lady. Lol at some of the comments saying people who don't agree with the situation and think "she" is cute are closed minded idiots [Image: boring.gif]

Jesus Christ - 11-year old Transgender Girl who "transitioned" at age 5

If I ever have a son, I will do my best to be a strong enough presence in his life to make him a man.

If he turns out gay, I will teach how not to be a flaming homosexual.

If he ends up believing that he is a woman and wants to get his dick chopped off, I will jump off of a very tall building.

Jesus Christ - 11-year old Transgender Girl who "transitioned" at age 5

Quote: (01-24-2013 03:57 AM)Sebastian Wrote:  

That's like I watched a mom asking their little kids 'what do you want' at the store.
Of course, they will say M&M, not fuckin Granola.

You just can't let them to be whatever they want to be.
They need guidance at such age.

Personally, I will kick my son if he wants to wear a skirt. (playing with a barbie is a different thing)

I agree you and I doubt this kid had a dad in his life. Judging from the above pic he's got a biological mom and a "social mom".

Not that I'm surprised but I only see boys transitioning very young and expressing gender-deviant behavior with lesbian parents. Female solipsism won't allow them to let boys play rough; if he's not wearing a dress and playing house it doesn't seem right to moms b/c that's not how they played as children. Women can't understand that boys function differently than girls b/c they aren't boys themselves. In short: boys need fathers to help raise them. *end rant*

Quote: (08-18-2016 12:05 PM)dicknixon72 Wrote:  
...and nothing quite surprises me anymore. If I looked out my showroom window and saw a fully-nude woman force-fucking an alligator with a strap-on while snorting xanex on the roof of her rental car with her three children locked inside with the windows rolled up, I wouldn't be entirely amazed.

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