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101 Detoxing Tips
01 Detoxing Tips
It's the beginning of the year and I know many of you are getting started with your health goals for the year. An article came across my email which talked about some general health tips and ways to help your body detox all the toxins from the past. There are about 101, but I highlighted some below. These tips are easy to implement and will complement any workout plan. You can read the whole article here


9. Drink Lemon Water First Thing In The Morning

A cleansing glass of lemon water each morning can improve your digestion, support your liver and boost your immune system. Just squeeze half a lemon into a glass of water and drink. Lemon juice is very acidic, so you should use a straw to prevent damage to your enamel.


20. Skin Brush Before Showering

Skin brushing is a great way to boost your circulatory systems, unclog your pores and allow your skin to expel more toxins. This simple detox method only takes a few minutes and requires nothing more than a brush with a long handle and natural bristles. Read more…


27. Cook With Himalayan Sea Salt

Table salt is actually very different from natural salt. The refining process strips out many of the healthy minerals and replaces them with man-made chemicals. The very best salt you can eat is Himalayan sea salt, which contains more than 80 trace minerals that are vital more your overall health. And don’t worry about adding salt to your food (80% of the salt we eat actually comes from processed food anyway).


28. Take 1000mg Of Vitamin C With Rose Hips A Day

We need a steady supply of vitamin C, which is not always possible unless you eat lots of fruit and vegetables. A good vitamin C supplement will ensure that your body has all it needs to fight infections. Find a brand with added rosehips (a great natural source of vitamin C). This is particularly important during the winter months. Read more…


34. Use Stevia Instead Of Your Regular Sweetener

Sweeteners like Maltodextrin, sucralose and aspartame can be really hazardous to your health, with links to symptoms like headaches and other neurological conditions. The solution? Try a natural sweetener like Stevia. This herbal sweetener is just as sweet as sugar but with none of the side effects. You can buy it in most health food stores, but be sure to buy a brand with 100% Stevia, and no other sweeteners added.


38. Try A Contrast Shower

There are two great reasons to try contrast showers. First, they improve your circulation, and second, they boost your immune system. Contrast showers take only a few minutes each morning and can have an immediate effect on how you feel.


44. Stop Eating After 8pm

Sleep is when you give your body the time to repair and renew itself. If you eat a huge meal late in the evening, your liver and other internal organs spend their time and energy processing your food instead of repairing themselves. Give your body a break and don’t eat anything after 8pm. You’ll wake up feeling brighter and fresher in the morning and you might even lose some weight too!


63. Chew Your Food Thoroughly

By spending a few extra seconds chewing each mouthful, you can improve the efficiency of your digestive system and prevent acidic build-up in your gut. This is because chewing breaks down your food, leaving less work for your intestines, and the saliva in your mouth turns it more alkaline. And here’s another good detox tip. The Chinese have always said that you should eat until you are three quarters full, not until you bursting. Follow that advice and you will both lose weight and enjoy a healthier digestive system.


78. Eat Beetroot

Here’s another energy-boosting superfood to add to your diet. Beetroot was shown to increase endurance among cyclists by 19% in a recent study. It is also a great source of antioxidants, vitamin C, potassium and fiber. You can roast it, use pickled beetroot in sandwiches, or even make a beetroot hummus.


80. Spirulina

This is one superfood that everyone should try. Spirulina has been shown to boost your immune system, regulate your gut flora and reduce heavy metal toxicity. It is also high in protein and various vitamins and minerals. You can find Spirulina in any good health food store.


82. Add Hemp Protein Powder To Your Smoothies

Hemp powder is rich in essential amino acids, Omega-3 and Omega-6 Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s). You can use it in your smoothies instead of your regular protein powder, especially if that protein powder contains sweeteners like Maltodextrin.


91. Oil Pulling

This is a simple but surprisingly effective technique to remove toxins from your body and specifically your mouth. Just take a little olive oil or coconut oil and swish it around in your mouth for 5 minutes. If you are suffering from oral thrush or a persistent white tongue, this technique will quickly clear it up. Oil pulling was originally used in ancient Ayurvedic medicine, but it is seeing a resurgence in popularity today.


00. Eat Kim Chi And Other Fermented Foods

Fermented foods like kim chi, kombucha and kefir are full of natural probiotics. These ‘good bacteria’ support a healthy balance of gut flora in your intestines and boost your immune system. They also play a really important role in your digestive processes and promote more efficient toxin elimination.
01 Detoxing Tips
Quote: (01-03-2013 10:38 PM)iWin Wrote:  

It's the beginning of the year and I know many of you are getting started with your health goals for the year. An article came across my email which talked about some general health tips and ways to help your body detox all the toxins from the past. There are about 101, but I highlighted some below. These tips are easy to implement and will complement any workout plan. You can read the whole article here


9. Drink Lemon Water First Thing In The Morning

A cleansing glass of lemon water each morning can improve your digestion, support your liver and boost your immune system. Just squeeze half a lemon into a glass of water and drink. Lemon juice is very acidic, so you should use a straw to prevent damage to your enamel.

Agreed, but I'd take it a step further:


20. Skin Brush Before Showering

Skin brushing is a great way to boost your circulatory systems, unclog your pores and allow your skin to expel more toxins. This simple detox method only takes a few minutes and requires nothing more than a brush with a long handle and natural bristles. Read more…

This would be more fun if a girl was doing it. [Image: smile.gif]


27. Cook With Himalayan Sea Salt

Table salt is actually very different from natural salt. The refining process strips out many of the healthy minerals and replaces them with man-made chemicals. The very best salt you can eat is Himalayan sea salt, which contains more than 80 trace minerals that are vital more your overall health. And don’t worry about adding salt to your food (80% of the salt we eat actually comes from processed food anyway).

Heard good things about this. Haven't tried though. I use kosher or sea salt.


28. Take 1000mg Of Vitamin C With Rose Hips A Day

We need a steady supply of vitamin C, which is not always possible unless you eat lots of fruit and vegetables. A good vitamin C supplement will ensure that your body has all it needs to fight infections. Find a brand with added rosehips (a great natural source of vitamin C). This is particularly important during the winter months. Read more…

Yes to the Vitamin C. Ela Vonne amino collagen has 833% of your daily dose, but I carry an extra bottle of C in case of sickness. It kept me from getting sick in the DR several times.


34. Use Stevia Instead Of Your Regular Sweetener

Sweeteners like Maltodextrin, sucralose and aspartame can be really hazardous to your health, with links to symptoms like headaches and other neurological conditions. The solution? Try a natural sweetener like Stevia. This herbal sweetener is just as sweet as sugar but with none of the side effects. You can buy it in most health food stores, but be sure to buy a brand with 100% Stevia, and no other sweeteners added.

100%. I carry a bottle of Stevia in my bag. The stuff with natural vanilla is great for your oatmeal in the mornings. My aunt read a study that sugar can age your skin faster than smoking, as sugar inflames the cells in your body. It's hard to stay from it though. It's in damn near everything it seems. Use agave nectar. You can at least drastically cut down on refined sugars.


38. Try A Contrast Shower

There are two great reasons to try contrast showers. First, they improve your circulation, and second, they boost your immune system. Contrast showers take only a few minutes each morning and can have an immediate effect on how you feel.

No idea, but I am a firm believer in cold showers now.


44. Stop Eating After 8pm

Sleep is when you give your body the time to repair and renew itself. If you eat a huge meal late in the evening, your liver and other internal organs spend their time and energy processing your food instead of repairing themselves. Give your body a break and don’t eat anything after 8pm. You’ll wake up feeling brighter and fresher in the morning and you might even lose some weight too!

Agreed except the weight loss part. The Master Cleanse give you two weeks of constant detox and cellular regeneration.


63. Chew Your Food Thoroughly

By spending a few extra seconds chewing each mouthful, you can improve the efficiency of your digestive system and prevent acidic build-up in your gut. This is because chewing breaks down your food, leaving less work for your intestines, and the saliva in your mouth turns it more alkaline. And here’s another good detox tip. The Chinese have always said that you should eat until you are three quarters full, not until you bursting. Follow that advice and you will both lose weight and enjoy a healthier digestive system.

Agreed, but I hate chewing. Fuck it.


78. Eat Beetroot

Here’s another energy-boosting superfood to add to your diet. Beetroot was shown to increase endurance among cyclists by 19% in a recent study. It is also a great source of antioxidants, vitamin C, potassium and fiber. You can roast it, use pickled beetroot in sandwiches, or even make a beetroot hummus.

My family has always eaten beets, but I didn't know they could be that good. Ate them last year for 6 months straight due to availability. Need to get back on them, but don't remember seeing big gains, but I was on workout supplements. Back then I was full of energy though.


80. Spirulina

This is one superfood that everyone should try. Spirulina has been shown to boost your immune system, regulate your gut flora and reduce heavy metal toxicity. It is also high in protein and various vitamins and minerals. You can find Spirulina in any good health food store.

Never heard of this. Interesting.


82. Add Hemp Protein Powder To Your Smoothies

Hemp powder is rich in essential amino acids, Omega-3 and Omega-6 Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s). You can use it in your smoothies instead of your regular protein powder, especially if that protein powder contains sweeteners like Maltodextrin.

Read about it but don't plan on trying.


91. Oil Pulling

This is a simple but surprisingly effective technique to remove toxins from your body and specifically your mouth. Just take a little olive oil or coconut oil and swish it around in your mouth for 5 minutes. If you are suffering from oral thrush or a persistent white tongue, this technique will quickly clear it up. Oil pulling was originally used in ancient Ayurvedic medicine, but it is seeing a resurgence in popularity today.

Never tried but am going to pick up coconut oil today for other issues. Will give it a shot and report back.


00. Eat Kim Chi And Other Fermented Foods

Fermented foods like kim chi, kombucha and kefir are full of natural probiotics. These ‘good bacteria’ support a healthy balance of gut flora in your intestines and boost your immune system. They also play a really important role in your digestive processes and promote more efficient toxin elimination.

I am having serious problems with my digestive system. Picked up fresh kim chi, and will use with coconut oil/water, ACV, cultured yogurt, and reduce fiber intake until everything is leveled out.

Great article iwin.
01 Detoxing Tips
Lemon+ lime and soda water tastes just like sprite with no Cal's. Give it a try. Adding mint tastes good as well
01 Detoxing Tips
Fasting every now and then is a great detox. There's a danger to too much fasting though, you start to develop adrenal fatigue and your energy level plummets right into the shitter.
01 Detoxing Tips
Lots of water, lots of fruits and vegetables!

No processed food!
01 Detoxing Tips

It’s January which means it’s detox season. Not surprisingly, the scientific evidence supporting “detox” and “cleansing” hasn’t changed since this post was originally written in January 2009:

How ineffective products treat non-existent conditions

They may line the shelves of your local pharmacy. Boxes or bottles, with some combination of “detox”, “cleanse” or “flush” in the product name. The label promises you a renewed body and better health – only seven days and $21.95 away. It’s the New Year – wouldn’t a detox from your sins of 2012 be a good idea to start the year? After all, the local naturopath offers detoxification protocols, so there must be something to it, right?

Wrong. This is a case of a legitimate medical term being turned into a marketing strategy. In the setting of real medicine, detoxification means treatments for dangerous levels of drugs, alcohol, or poisons, like heavy metals. Detoxification treatments are medical procedures that are not casually selected from a shelf or from a menu of alternative health treatments. They’re provided in hospitals when there are life-threatening issues.

So what’s with all the detox products in the drugstore?

To given the impression of science, “detoxification” is a term that has been widely embraced by alternative practitioners, and pharmacies simply want their share of the business. Anything can be a “detox” now, especially at the beginning of January: Diets, fasting, supplements, tea, homeopathy, colon flushes, scrub brushes and foot baths all mention detoxification. Let’s look at the most common product in the pharmacy: the seven- to thirty-day kits promising a whole new you. To evaluate the value of these detox kits, we need to understand the science of toxins, the nature of toxicity, and how detox kits claim to remove toxins. With this framework, it’s a simple matter to spot the pseudoscience and be a smarter consumer.

Premise One: Our bodies are accumulating toxins

The idea that we are being poisoned from within is not a new one; it’s a historical concept rooted in ideas of sympathetic magic. Called “autointoxication,” it drew a link between our bowels and other health problems. Clean out the bowels, went the theory, and you could cure any illness. Science led us to discard autointoxication by the 1900s as we gained a better understanding of anatomy, physiology, and the true cause of disease. Despite the science, however, the idea persists among the alternative practitioners, who don’t base their treatments on scientific evidence. Today’s version of autointoxication argues that some combination of food additives, gluten, salt, meat, prescription drugs, smog, vaccine ingredients, GMOs, and perhaps last night’s bottle of wine are causing a buildup of “toxins” in the body. But what is the actual “toxin” causing harm? It’s nothing more than a meaningless term that sounds scientific enough to be plausible. A uniform feature of detox kits is the failure to name the specific toxins that the kits will remove. For example Renew Life admonishes you,

In today’s toxic world, cleansing and detoxification is a necessity. Toxins enter our body daily through the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink. Over time, these toxins build up and slowly start to affect our health in a negative way. Through cleansing and detoxification, you enable your body to better process this toxic load. Reducing the toxic load in your body decreases the risk of developing chronic health problems, improves overall health and immune response, and can increase energy levels.

CleanseSMART works to cleanse and detoxify the entire body, but with focus on the body’s two main detoxification pathways – the liver and the colon.

Note the vague language. Toxins are alluded to – but not named. It sounds somewhat plausible, but is non-specific. Note that even if you’re well (and presumably toxin free?) a detox is still recommended.

The colon remains ground zero for detox advocates. They argue some sort of toxic sludge (sometimes called mucoid plaque) is accumulating in the colon, making it a breeding ground for parasites, candida (yeast) and other nastiness. Fortunately, science tells us otherwise: mucoid plaque and toxic sludge simply do not exist. It’s a made-up idea to sell detoxification kits. Ask any gastroenterologist (who look inside colons for a living) if they’ve ever seen one. There isn’t a single case that’s been documented in the medical literature. Not one.

Premise Two: Illness is the result of toxins

Marketing materials for detox kits typically describe an array of symptoms and diseases linked to toxin buildup: A few that are general enough to apply to anyone (e.g., headache, fatigue, insomnia, hunger) with a few specifics to frighten you (cancer, etc.) Which toxins cause which disease is missing, and how the toxins cause the symptoms is never actually explained. Here again we see the contrast with real science. To establish that even a single chemical can cause disease requires a significant amount of research (i.e., the entire field of epidemiology). Despite the variety of toxins that are claimed to be causing your illness, marketing claims for detox kits will uniformly fail to link toxins to specific symptoms or illnesses.

The reality is that our bodies are constantly being exposed to a huge variety of natural- and synthetic chemicals. The presence of any chemical in the body, (natural or synthetic) does not mean that it is doing harm. Many naturally-derived substances can be exceptionally toxic, and consequently the human body has evolved a remarkable system of defenses and mechanisms to defend against and remove unwanted substances. The skin, kidneys, lymphatic system, our gastrointestinal system, and most importantly, the liver make up our astounding complex and sophisticated intrinsic detoxification system.

Advocates for detox kits typically characterize the liver and kidney as acting like filters, where toxins are physically captured and retained. It’s argued that these organs to be cleaned out periodically, like you’d rinse out a sponge, or change the air filter in your car. But the reality is, the kidney and liver don’t work this way. The liver performs a series of chemical reactions to convert toxic substances into ones that can be eliminated through the bile or the kidneys. The liver is self-cleansing – toxins don’t accumulate in it, and unless you have documented liver disease, it generally functions fine. The kidney excretes waste products into the urine – otherwise the substance stays in the blood. To argue that either organ need a “cleanse” is to demonstrate a profound ignorance of human physiology, metabolism, and toxicology.

Premise Three: Detox kits remove toxins

A search of the medical literature for clinical studies of detox kits provides the following result:

No Items Found
Interpretation: There is no credible evidence to demonstrate that detox kits do anything at all. We can be comfortable concluding that marketing claims of toxin removal with detox kits are unsubstantiated. There is simply no credible evidence to support the evidence that detox kits and treatments remove toxins.

Can Detox Kits Cause Harm?

So we’ve failed to find any legitimacy behind the premises of Detox which calls for any ethical health professional to ask: If they provide no benefit, is there the potential for harm?

What exactly do these kits contain?

Contents vary, but typically contain two categories of ingredients:

A liver “booster” – typically milk thistle (Silibum marianum) If the liver can’t be wrung out and rejuvenated, can it be boosted to do a better job? Milk Thistle is the most popular product purported to “boost” the liver’s effectiveness. There are no published studies that demonstrate milk thistle has a detoxifying effect on the liver. Milk thistle has been studied in patients with alcoholic liver disease, and in patients with hepatitis B or C, and it has not been found to exhibit any meaningful effects. What this means is that there is no reason to conclude that consuming milk thistle will significantly improve your liver’s ability to function, or to remove unnamed “toxins”.
A laxative – Typically magnesium hydroxide, senna, rhubarb, cascara, etc. Laxatives are the ingredients in detox kits that give you the effect you can see (and feel). However, these ingredients can cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalances if not used carefully. Regular use of stimulant laxatives, like senna and cascara, are ill advised for most healthy adults due to the risk of dependence and electrolyte depletion. They’re among the most potent laxatives, usually used for short periods to alleviate significant constipation or to clear out your bowels before a medical procedure. With regular use, your bowel can grow accustomed to the effects of laxatives which may result in constipation once you stop using them. It’s a perfect case of the treatment causing the illness: After the detox, you get could conceivably become constipated: Time for another detox!
Side effects can continue once a detox ends. Some people experience post-detox effects like nausea and diarrhea. Advocate call these “cleansing reactions” and will assure you it’s just toxins leaving the body. A more plausible, science-based explanation is that this is a consequence of restarting the digestion process after a period of catharsis, where, depending on the extend and duration of fasting, little to no digestion occurred. It’s the same effect seen in hospitalized patients who have difficulty initially digesting food after being fed intravenously. The detox ingredients, and resulting catharsis, may irritate the colon to such an extent that it may take time to return to normal.

Weight loss is not uncommon after a detox. Unfortunately this is usually due to losses in water and possibly muscle tissue, depending on the diet followed during the program. Regardless of the weight loss, the body will move back to its pre-detox weight over time if diet and activity levels remain the same.


Alternative medicine ideas of detoxification have no basis in reality. There’s no published evidence detox kits have any beneficial effects. Yet, there is a real potential for these kits to do harm.

Detox kits have no place in pharmacy practice. These products reinforce faulty impressions about how the body works. They focus attention on irrelevant issues, and give consumers the impression that they can undo lifestyle decisions with a simple quick fix. Improved health isn’t found in a box of laxatives and herbs. The lifestyle implications of a poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking, lack of sleep, and drug use cannot simply be flushed away.

The beginning of January is an ideal time for pharmacists to connect with patients who may have misguided ideas about detox. Instead, focus on credible lifestyle changes that have real benefits:

Weight loss if warranted
Smoking cessation as required
Eating more fruits, vegetables and whole grains
Minimizing meats, saturated fats, and heavily processed foods
Going easy on the alcohol
Exercising regularly
It’s reasonable to conclude that any product with the words “detox” or “cleanse” in only going to be effective at cleansing your wallet of cash. If anyone suggests a detox or cleanse to you, you’d do well to ignore any other health advice they may offer.

For More Information

Skeptoid has an excellent podcast on detox.

The Detox Scam from Neurologica.

The Great Detox Deception from Science-Based Life.

Sense about Science did a superb analysis of detox.
01 Detoxing Tips
Ali b, not chewing your food properly is the biggest part of your digestive problems.
01 Detoxing Tips
What exactly are these "toxins" that you are meant to be removing?
01 Detoxing Tips
The articles cited above are more or less irrelevant for the sake of the thread since no gimmick diets were proposed in the article. In fact, if you actually read the article you would see that all of the tips suggested above are simple lifestyle changes,with most of the items found at your local national chain grocery store. This is why I included "general health tips" in my initial description. Toxins refers anything from heavy metals in the liver(from lots prescription medicine to mercury from deodorant use), to parasites in your digestive system to the crap in your system after years of heavy drinking. If you are leading a healthy lifestyle your liver more than likely takes care of these issues, but for many these changes can make a big difference and a ton of the changes suggested in the article have actually been suggested on RVF.

Traditional western medicine isn't the only way to treat people these days as more or more people lose faith in doctors and the ulterior motives especially in the way of prescription drugs and impersonal interactions for example. There is a place for holistic and traditional western medicine(as well as Chinese and Indian medicine), but alot of people don't realize that following tips like these could really take away the need to take on surgeries or drugs down the line(i.e cutting out sugar, eating raw veggies and fruits). Try not to focus so much on the buzzwords, and focus on what is being said. The article has detox in the title, but it goes beyond that.
01 Detoxing Tips
How helpful is exercising and sweating in removing harmful things from your body?
01 Detoxing Tips
What's the best way to recover after partying for 2 weeks straight? My body is currently shutting down. I'm at the airport right now coughing, eyes watering, half asleep. After my last party trip (30 days) I tried juicing for a week only for it to lead me having explosive diarrhea for two weeks after that.
01 Detoxing Tips

Weight loss if warranted
Smoking cessation as required
Eating more fruits, vegetables and whole grains
Minimizing meats, saturated fats, and heavily processed foods
Going easy on the alcohol
Exercising regularly
It’s reasonable to conclude that any product with the words “detox” or “cleanse” in only going to be effective at cleansing your wallet of cash. If anyone suggests a detox or cleanse to you, you’d do well to ignore any other health advice they may offer.

While I would recommend a lot of this, the "eat more healthy whole grains" thing sounds like bullshit. You'll end up looking like my housecat, which eats plenty of healthy whole grain cat food. Little bastard is pushing 30 pounds and pisses from diabetes almost constantly.
I'd rewrite this to be "eat more vegetables, some fruits, and plenty of fats and meats".
01 Detoxing Tips
Quote: (01-06-2013 11:21 PM)slubu Wrote:  

What's the best way to recover after partying for 2 weeks straight? My body is currently shutting down. I'm at the airport right now coughing, eyes watering, half asleep. After my last party trip (30 days) I tried juicing for a week only for it to lead me having explosive diarrhea for two weeks after that.


64. Jump On A Trampoline

On a serious note, nothing revives like a good night's sleep.
01 Detoxing Tips
Quote: (01-06-2013 11:21 PM)slubu Wrote:  

What's the best way to recover after partying for 2 weeks straight? My body is currently shutting down. I'm at the airport right now coughing, eyes watering, half asleep. After my last party trip (30 days) I tried juicing for a week only for it to lead me having explosive diarrhea for two weeks after that.

Try some of the suggestions in this thread in addition to eating better and of course rest.
01 Detoxing Tips
I have been taking the vitamin C and it has helped me a lot, I feel more awake and energenic and better in general, everyone should definitely give that a try.
01 Detoxing Tips
Quote: (01-06-2013 12:18 AM)houston Wrote:  

How helpful is exercising and sweating in removing harmful things from your body?

You are better off just eating better, the effectiveness is pretty negligible.
01 Detoxing Tips
Quote: (01-06-2013 11:21 PM)slubu Wrote:  

What's the best way to recover after partying for 2 weeks straight? My body is currently shutting down. I'm at the airport right now coughing, eyes watering, half asleep. After my last party trip (30 days) I tried juicing for a week only for it to lead me having explosive diarrhea for two weeks after that.

Vitamin B6, huge amounts of it.

A few tabs of milk thistle.

Sunshine. Lay out for about an hour.

Hair of the dog. Most hangover symptoms are the result of a short term dependency your brain develops on alcohol. Giving your brain just a *little* bit helps a lot. I'm talking like a half-shot.

Eggs. High in cysteine, known for detox.

Water and coconut water.


Do any or all of these and you'll be ready to go in no time.

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."


01 Detoxing Tips
Quote: (01-06-2013 11:21 PM)slubu Wrote:  

What's the best way to recover after partying for 2 weeks straight? My body is currently shutting down. I'm at the airport right now coughing, eyes watering, half asleep. After my last party trip (30 days) I tried juicing for a week only for it to lead me having explosive diarrhea for two weeks after that.

01 Detoxing Tips
Quote: (01-03-2013 10:38 PM)iWin Wrote:  

Drink Lemon Water First Thing In The Morning

A cleansing glass of lemon water each morning can improve your digestion, support your liver and boost your immune system. Just squeeze half a lemon into a glass of water and drink. Lemon juice is very acidic, so you should use a straw to prevent damage to your enamel.

Good advice. I just started making 2 L jugs of water with lemon, mint leaves, cucumber and ginger.
01 Detoxing Tips
Quote: (04-27-2013 09:14 AM)JayMillz Wrote:  

Quote: (01-03-2013 10:38 PM)iWin Wrote:  

Drink Lemon Water First Thing In The Morning

A cleansing glass of lemon water each morning can improve your digestion, support your liver and boost your immune system. Just squeeze half a lemon into a glass of water and drink. Lemon juice is very acidic, so you should use a straw to prevent damage to your enamel.

Good advice. I just started making 2 L jugs of water with lemon, mint leaves, cucumber and ginger.
How do you make that?
01 Detoxing Tips
Quote: (04-27-2013 12:26 PM)guerrilla Wrote:  

How do you make that?

I put a little raw ginger root in as well
01 Detoxing Tips
Starting your day with a lemon + ginger herbal tea (hot) makes a big difference. I feel better, skin looks better, and my metabolism is faster than normal.

I use this product:

I hate (read: compete with) Lucky Vitamins, especially now that they're owned by GNC.

It's occasionally in my grocery store. I've tried others, but the Bigelow brand tastes incredible and has probiotics. Yogi teas are pretty solid too, but I haven't tried their lemon ginger.

Adding lemon juice to it hasn't made a ton of difference, but I do it anyway.

Also have been drinking hot water 3x per day per the recommendation of an acupuncturist. Definitely makes a noticeable difference in the way my body feels, looks, and moves.
01 Detoxing Tips
I don't drink much to test this but have been researching activated charcoal for other purposes (whitening teeth, skin issues) and many people have noted that if you take a spoonful and mix with water and drink a night out before drinking the hangover is greatly reduced in the morning. It is what hospitals give you when you get food poisoning so seems like it might work.

You can buy it in capsules or powder form. I just got 1lb in powder because it was easier to make a paste that way. I'll post some data once I see if it is effective for my purposes but any of y'all who drink might want to try it and see if it works.

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