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Roosh's take on the RSD way

Roosh's take on the RSD way

Quote: (01-03-2013 08:27 PM)jammer Wrote:  

You can't take seriously a company that said looks don't matter and that you should approach day game the same exact way you would approach night game.

Exactly. In some ways, Simple Pickup fills the daygame void that RSD has left. RSD instructors admit that they don't do daygame, and I think they're so absolute that looks don't matter at all as a marketing thing.

I don't see why RSD get's so much hate on here though, besides the points above the game of their "school" is more or less the same as what game bloggers in this corner of the internet teach. While I'd never fork out a couple grand for one of their bootcamps, there's a lot of very valuable stuff from their Free Tour videos on Youtube that are worth checking out when you have the time.

Roosh's take on the RSD way

RSD reminds me of intense street sales hustling. In some of the training, you have to approach 50 businesses IN PERSON a day to make it work. Because you can't possibly know how, in a given area, which company will need your product/service. You target them all.
Intense, but the burn-out rate is phenomenal.
The RSD analogy would be approaching every woman in your acceptable range in a set area. You can't possibly know which ones are DTF at a given time, so hit all of them up.
Does RSD teach a quick opening line?

Roosh's take on the RSD way

The looks don't matter issue is explain over and over again if you actually watch/read their content. It doesn't matter because you can't change it (they advocate gym and hygiene though).

So all you guys are complaning about is second hand stuff you heard from someone... So much about red pill mentality...

Roosh's take on the RSD way

RSD has no balance to what they teach.

They preach the drive to approach and the mechanics to pull, but there's no mention of emotionally connecting with a girl or just having fun in the moment.

The more they chase girls, the more they're running away from themselves...this is why so many RSD guys become unhappy and have trouble actually keeping a girl.

Roosh's take on the RSD way

Quote: (01-03-2013 09:36 PM)travolta Wrote:  

Quote: (01-03-2013 09:01 PM)bface Wrote:  

But talking shit about another company (where people actually endorse this forum for the travel content) is pretty low.

Whether people on RSD endorse Roosh or not is irrelevant. I listened to RSD products for years, and it FUCKED ME UP badly.

One guy takes penicillin, it saves his life. Another, dies from allergic shock.

Which one is right?

It's not the medicine, but the interaction between the medicine and the patient. And the environment.

Roosh's take on the RSD way

Quote: (01-03-2013 11:13 PM)JTv1 Wrote:  

They preach the drive to approach and the mechanics to pull, but there's no mention of emotionally connecting with a girl or just having fun in the moment.

Actually it's quite the opposite. The point that IS MOST emphasized in current RSD teaching is vibing, vibing, vibing. It's all about the vibe - the emotional connection caused when having fun. They do pound into you to always approach, but ever since Foundations like 3-4 years ago was released, they rarely ever touch on the mechanics of pulling.

Roosh's take on the RSD way

The most repelling thing for people is too advanced content RSD present these days. RSD talks about topics that people who lack fundamentals and dating life can't really wrap their heads around. Like for example a typical guy into game can't get it what "buyer frame" means since his understanding of game is to have good entertaining opener and actively convey value to stand out and hold her there. So of course he will instantly dismiss advice like "go up and make no effort at all" before even trying it cause it sounds so weird to him. Or he will try it and do it as another technique in his arsenal which will cause him to fail repeatedly so he will post on some forum how lame this shit is [Image: amuse.gif]

I admit RSD stuff is rather cryptic. I know that. It's very hard to switch from step by step linear based game and grasp it when they hell they mean when they say there's no difference between daygame and nightgame. The key to remember is that they explain principles behind social interaction and mechanics WHY a line or a move works. So when they teach to be clear in your intentions, to be self amused, to assume value, to be unreactive, to have buyer frame etc etc then it's obvious that those principles apply at all times hence their claims about daygame/nightgame being the same. But when someone teaches linear step by step method he will pinpoint many differences between nightclub and coffee shop and that's understandable. It's just different angle and that's all.

Besides I really enjoy their videos about PU and dating and how different things like dating neediness / falling back to scarcity / entitlement issues / doing things as a technique / etc influence your game. It's very helpful. I don't really see pickup guys talking about large scale issues like that.

PS. I've never paid a dime for their program/seminar and I'm not related in any way in case someone asks.

Roosh's take on the RSD way

I'll admit that Im a bad offender when it comes to grimmer, and I know English isn't your first language.....but could you check what your wrote and rephrase it?

It looks like you accidentally switched around some words.

I am the cock carousel

Roosh's take on the RSD way

puahate exists because of RSD

Don't forget to check out my latest post on Return of Kings - 6 Things Indian Guys Need To Understand About Game

Desi Casanova
The 3 Bromigos

Roosh's take on the RSD way

To be honest, I feel that the RSD rep on this forum is still getting the fallout from the whole routine-based mechanical style of game popular in the mainstream a couple years ago.

Though I largely agree with Roosh's opinions and posts, I get a feeling that his perspective is from the outside-in. Though I would not advocate the RSD style for newbies, there's definitely lots of nuggets of gold to be found throughout their stuff with an intermediate or higher level of game.

I'd recommend Roosh check out the RSD free tour channel on youtube, as well as tyler and julien's channels, then see if he still agrees.

RVF Fearless Coindogger Crew

Roosh's take on the RSD way

Quote: (01-03-2013 06:28 PM)Teedub Wrote:  

What Roosh describes sounds very different from what my friend, who has never heard of 'game', describes. The thing is, he is an English guy who moved to Toronto on a visa-work placement thing. He's English- therefore he's a 'celebrity' over there, in a small scale way. Women are besotted by status and group-approval, as we know, and he killed it over there. He fucked three or four women before settling for a 22yr old. He's only 26 but nevertheless - it highlights the whole 'celebrity' thing. They don't care about anything but power and status.

Fcuking three or four lizards is killing it?



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Roosh's take on the RSD way

Quote: (01-03-2013 05:36 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

RSD is producing cannon fodder in numbers. Think back to Japan or the Viet Cong. They are like the ones that had to rush first into a hail of bullets. No training, weapons, or sometimes uniforms.

In the end they are doing "online" damage in person, which is exponential. When a girl gets approached by 20 chode monkeys a day no shit she will turn on some serious bitch shields. What if you were approached by 20 fatties? Wouldn't you start getting a complex?

You can't cheat the system by surpassing inner game. Luckily they are in Canada though, and that doesn't effect me.

Yea but we are spreading south of the border, eh! *does Hannibal Lecter slurp sound*



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Roosh's take on the RSD way

While, I will say that no dogmatic approach to game/getting better with women is going to be perfect, I have seen real world results yielded from students of RSD.

I'm not sure how many people can personally attest to seeing the RSD instructors in action in person, but I have run into Tyler several times in several venues last summer and invited him to roll with me and we met a lot of girls together. He seemed like a cool cat with extensive knowledge. I have personally witnessed Tyler and Julien freestyle game and they are solid players. Yes, Tyler does have a long term girlfriend and 2 children so he's playing catch and release, but he does give solid advice that I've seen people get laid applying actively.

They do have quite a few dorky followers that my buddy and I trolled for shits and gigs, but really we were curious to see how strong their game really is.

Roosh's take on the RSD way

I think with anything, you will always have a group that will abuse it (take it too far).

Juicing is good for you but you will have some cats that will juice 8 times a day and wake up to run their Hamilton for a quick shot of beets.
Zinc is good for you but you will have some cats that will wolf down 500mg of zinc TWICE a day.
Working out is good but you will have some cats that will live in the gym for four hours a day EVERY day.

Usually, at the beginning, we need to go HARD at anything in order to solidify the overall concept in our heads so that it becomes unconscious and we can dial DOWN the high volume of approaches.

The more numbers approached initially will probably reduce the learning curve ON AVERAGE and enable one to get over the hiccups they initially had when it came to approaching and socialising with lizards with a sexual intent.
We should become graduated to the point where we can go out and we can decipher sets and open body language to tell who is DTF. This can be done even at business conventions, in the grocery store, on the streets.

My point is, that you will always get people who overdo it and they will sour the whole concept. I bet there are people who have taken BANG waay too far. As well as people that have NOT taken Bang far enough.
But as long as the averages work out, I think it's good.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Roosh's take on the RSD way

Quote: (01-04-2013 07:29 AM)bojangles Wrote:  

puahate exists because of RSD

They're getting pump and dumped (by RSD) like they wish they wish they could do to women. So sad.

Roosh's take on the RSD way

Roosh is too smart, analytical, and resourceful to trust a couple of guys he met out "that were plugged into RSD's teachings" to describe a competitor and then write a blog post about it without doing more research himself.

Don't get all butt-hurt. Roosh is creating buzz around his product (blogs and books) by introducing a controversial element. Classic marketing tactic. The manosphere will go nuts, write articles, and he'll get more hits, sell more books, more followers on twitter, etc. Controversy helped him sell his BANG [enter country here] series. Why not spam the same tactic over and over until it stops working?

This works both ways and RSD can benefit from it as well. RooshV readers will go to and read the articles and watch the videos there.

Both business entities create worthy products for purchase.

I'd be surprised to see RSD publicly address this article, but if they do, beefs in the public eye only bring more publicity and more success.

Roosh's take on the RSD way

Only people who will react are some bloggers and hardcore fanboys of both sides.

RSD will never respond to anyone. They just laugh super fucking hard at any kind of criticism no matter what it is.

Roosh's take on the RSD way

Roosh provides great experience and insight. RSD provides great experience and insight.

I really don't see anything else going on here.

Some people will prefer one over the other. We can all learn from both.

Roosh's take on the RSD way

RSD guys will approach anything. I once met a guy who was an RSD student and saw him approach a group of five guys and one girl. The more I game, the more I prefer to wait until the situation is as favorable to me before I approach. There are sometimes when I just blindly go for a girl, but it seems to me that all RSD teaches.

Also, of the two types of game, it seems that they exclusively do the super aggressive style to the complete exclusion of most interesting man in the world game.

That said, they do seem to know all there is about this style of game. The problem is that this is not the style for everyone, and it works best for natural extroverts (who tend to do better and are therefore less likely to seek out game material).

Roosh's take on the RSD way

I agree with Roosh's assessment. I don't personally know any RSD guys, but the mentality of approaching any and all girls in a venue just doesn't seem like a high percentage play. While it may help a guy overcome his fear in the beginning, it's detrimental in the long term.

When I first started approaching I would use the RSD type of strategy. It didn't matter how low percentage the situation was I'd just go in.

I found that this had a couple of negative effects.

1) I was so focused on doing the approach that it became all that mattered. Continuing the interaction or actually closing were afterthoughts. I used to have an approach mentality, but now I have a closing mentality. Needless to say I get much more poon with a closing mentality.

2) I came across as too forced and unnatural.

3) This is the most important for made game seem much more difficult than it really is. I'm pretty hardened to rejection, but I'm human and not a robot. I experience ups and downs like anyone else. When you approach 10 sets in a night and get nowhere it doesn't feel good.
What I didn't realize for a while was that things were difficult because I lacked the timing and finesse that a player should have.

While there's definitely something to the 'wait too long and you'll psyche yourself out' argument, I much rather prefer to pick my spots. A lot of things in life rely on timing.

It all came down to developing an awareness for which girls are DTF, open to being approached, and are into guys such as myself. Once I did that, things became a lot easier.

Roosh's take on the RSD way

well, whatever everyone thinks, the bottom line i think we can all agree on is that this forum is superior compared to the rsd forum

Roosh's take on the RSD way

RSD has a lot of different personalities besides Tyler. Jeffy is actually one of the first guys who "blew up" because of his off the wall antics and beastmode. He often regrets putting those concepts out there because newbies can misinterpret them as hitting on every girl in the club like an e-tard.

They put out great free content. Not associated in any way with these guys except that their products and free seminars have helped me tremendously.

I myself did 30 day challenges where I would go out 5 to 7 nights a week. I journaled my progress and actions from day to day. Set out daily goals, etc. I made it like a workout regiment. I wasn't hitting the clubs hard every night, but I'd run day game, go to karaoke bars and talk to the few cute chicks there, and usually go hard friday and saturday and one week day. I did those sober, so I was never hungover. I got my workouts done in the morning, and did well in school (I had close to a 4.0 GPA that semester) and still had time to chill and hang out with my buddies and family.

My game improved drastically through those challenges and sort of tapered down a bit, but the eventual settling point of my game was higher than 30 days prior.

That was 5 or so years ago. Now I just go out on the weekends and it's cake. If I pull, I pull. If I don't it's not really a huge deal. I also do a lot of day game. I do approach a lot less than I did 5 years ago and my close rate is higher. But that's because I put in the work and it doesn't even feel like work because it's fun. It's SUPPOSED to be fun to talk to girls into bed, not feel like to chore.

The principles that RSD espouses are not spam spam spam. It goes deeper than that. They go into many of the same concepts and lessons that Roosh does. There are so many instructors and personalities to choose from, almost any guy can identify with parts of each of them and learn something from them all. You can see these guys in field in youtube.

Anyway, I enjoy both RSD and Roosh's works, but for different reasons. I don't think either one is having a negative effect on the dating scene at all. When I go to bars and clubs, I still see the vast majority of guys not have the balls to even approach. The dating market will never be saturated with PUA types because most men don't have it in them to go up to a girl they find interesting and attractive and just say "hi".

Another good video where he addresses and rants on guys who think these fun concepts they come up with are magic pills.


Roosh's take on the RSD way

why was hiflo banned?

Roosh's take on the RSD way

Quote: (01-05-2013 12:47 AM)JoyStick Wrote:  

why was hiflo banned?

Was wondering that myself. Probably some behind the scenes shit we'll never know about.

Roosh's take on the RSD way

I have been wondering about RSD and want to find out what it's about myself. For Roosh you go to and buy his 'BANG' books, for Roissy you hit the archives and read the comments...

How is RSD structured?

They have a video course called 'The Blueprint' and there's the website. But in general, what materials are out there and in what sequence should you go through that?


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