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The Honk pill (Clown World) - Oberrheiner - 05-08-2019

Quote: (05-07-2019 07:58 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Open Satanists, such as Crowley, taught of the Demonic Power released in Anal Sex.

Do you actually believe he said those things for any other reason than banging young groupies ?

I mean, are you really able to take these guys seriously at all ?

The Honk pill (Clown World) - partyfowl - 05-08-2019

Quote: (05-08-2019 12:50 PM)Oberrheiner Wrote:  

Quote: (05-07-2019 07:58 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Open Satanists, such as Crowley, taught of the Demonic Power released in Anal Sex.

Do you actually believe he said those things for any other reason than banging young groupies ?

I mean, are you really able to take these guys seriously at all ?

The desperate are also usually the most gullible.

The Honk pill (Clown World) - VNvet - 05-08-2019

Quote: (05-08-2019 12:50 PM)Oberrheiner Wrote:  

Quote: (05-07-2019 07:58 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Open Satanists, such as Crowley, taught of the Demonic Power released in Anal Sex.

Do you actually believe he said those things for any other reason than banging young groupies ?

I mean, are you really able to take these guys seriously at all ?

Someone takes them seriously, which is all that matters.

Also, does the 'why?' really matter? He's still encouraging young groupies and children to have gay 'sex.'

The Honk pill (Clown World) - partyfowl - 05-08-2019

Quote: (05-08-2019 01:39 AM)Rorogue Wrote:  

Quote: (05-05-2019 12:19 PM)partyfowl Wrote:  

I've been thinking about this and I think the God Pill and the Clown pill can both be taken. You know you're in a clown world and you just need to remember we're not of this world. But God's Kingdom in heaven.

I think they go exactly hand in hand. As I submit more and more to God, I can be detached from all that is going on.

I don't need to identity as a 'western' person anymore, and take all of this thing personally, that it's "happening to me" etc.

I am a worshipper of God and only God, and here to please him only.

Then I can look with humour at all that is going on

With the God Pill you know that the biggest false idol is the state.

The Honk pill (Clown World) - budoslavic - 05-08-2019


The Honk pill (Clown World) - CynicalContrarian - 05-08-2019


Can't wait for my girl to go out in public & look akin to a big penis... [Image: confused.gif]

The Honk pill (Clown World) - AnonymousBosch - 05-08-2019

Quote: (05-08-2019 12:50 PM)Oberrheiner Wrote:  

Quote: (05-07-2019 07:58 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Open Satanists, such as Crowley, taught of the Demonic Power released in Anal Sex.

Do you actually believe he said those things for any other reason than banging young groupies ?

I mean, are you really able to take these guys seriously at all ?

It doesn't matter if you don't believe in Satanism and Luciferianism. Those in power believe in it for you, and are gradually-converging society - in a methodical and reliably-predictive manner - to serve it, which is why we have this Clown World thread. It's simply documenting Satanic Inversion.

If you can't even entertain this as a possibility, then you simply haven't spent any time around real power.

The Honk pill (Clown World) - gework - 05-08-2019

Something came to mind today when explaining clown world (the reality - the left, not the meme) to someone who lives in a country clown world is just getting started in. This will be quite rough...

One of the mechanisms clown world uses is to assume power by inducing guilt in the non-compliant and their outright enemies. Through this guilt they induce people to support the social and political constructs of their new world.

As an example of clown on clown guilting you have the battle between orthodox third wave feminism and black feminism. In which white feminists are told they need to evacuate themselves from the power structure and the discourse to enable black feminists to take control.

This is pure dominance, which is essentially what these people claim to be against. They enjoy the raw power, as you can see in the Evergreen State College videos. Just imagine being able to subjugate people and have them grovel at your feet by saying words. If this is your society, then these people truly have the ability to create a clown world out of this submission. The social and political dialogue is now largely paralysed by placating this behaviour. I do believe that some identity politics players promote bizarre things primarily to agitate people with traditional views. This in itself is a dominance game, as with the rules of engagement it is very difficult to criticise them without being called a hate criminal and risking your livelihood. It's "I'm going to mess with you and you can't do a thing about it."

This mechanism of extracting value by creating a problem to be given social or political capital has been represented by this meme:

[Image: 802.jpg]

But I feel there is a more concise, cutting and unconscious revealing way it could be crystalised.

This refers to rank and file people in clown world, but it gets more duplicitous...

The clown world (left) system hierarchy can be described as having five tiers:

5) The bottom tier is those cast as oppressors who won't submit to those case as victims - they are maligned, banished
4) Those cast as oppressors who agree to give up and dismantle their privilege
3) Those cast as victims who receive redistribution
2) An upper bourgeois class who cast off a little privilege to assuage their guilt, but are largely let off the hook via lip service and benefit from a soft, leftist environment
1) Those whose power is based on holding the social and political structures below them in place

The top tier includes people like the MSM, academics, Al Sharpton, Bernie, Hillary, Beta and other Democrats. As rank and file victims play victimhood to get something they value, the leaders endlessly cart out victims to perpetuate the system they control (power). If there are no victims or not enough guilt to lubricate redistribution then they loose power. This is why the left's desire for victims is so insatiable. They built their self-image, survival strategy and status on this. All is at stake for them.

They pretend to have principles - sexism, racism, homophobia and so on. But when Mitt Romney was practicing affirmative action for women he had to be cast as a sexist with "binders full of women"; black conservatives are every expletive we can't use; every time there is a mass shooting there is a throng of leftists howling it will be another disgusting, white male... They thirst for what they tell us they are trying to eradicate. They see it everywhere and if it's running dry they can just say words ending in -ist without evidence or hope someone pulls a Smollett. Their principles are only available to those it's useful for them to apply to.

It is reminiscent of the poor families in South Asia who amputate and cripple their own children so they can make more as beggars; or carnies who wheel out freak shows to make a living. This is the heart and cynicism of left-wing control - the exploitation of anyone and everything for power.

It's a race to the bottom. It's leftists competing for who can throw the most disfigured human frame at the feet of the electoral as a pitch for why they should be in control. It's the same premise as not being able to punch a nerd with glasses. They want you to think you're a monster if you don't submit to their flotilla of victims. It's manipulation.

As the NPC satirised left-wing conformity, we need something that can bypass the conscious and deeply and symbolically communicate the cynicism of leftist controllers.

Very rough ideas:

Bernie rinsing normies to see a freak show
Pimp Al Sharpton
Bernie crippling people to act as electoral props

Template for the ultimate victim: torso and head.

The Honk pill (Clown World) - kamoz - 05-09-2019

Quote: (05-08-2019 03:02 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

If you can't even entertain this as a possibility, then you simply haven't spent any time around real power.

Can’t blame him. Few people have. Most people, for example, believe money is just money. They cannot imagine there being a point where one has so much that it turns into power, and not merely either a piece of paper or something to buy shit with. The only reason most people here can conceive of these ideas is because they can think logically and make deductions based on observable, albeit indirect, evidence.

Have you spent time around real power?

The Honk pill (Clown World) - Leonard D Neubache - 05-09-2019

Money is only power when you use it as such. Otherwise it's just numbers on a server.

No man no matter how rich is forced to or obligated to do anything but watch the passing of the seasons.

The Honk pill (Clown World) - Rorogue - 05-09-2019

Most popular comment was a clown meme

The Honk pill (Clown World) - Handsome Creepy Eel - 05-09-2019

Quote: (05-03-2019 04:57 PM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

Quote: (05-03-2019 04:03 PM)budoslavic Wrote:  

Via Roosh's tweet. The video is extremely disturbing and sickening. You have been warned if you chose to watch it.

Comments are brutal:


And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power.

[Image: agree2.gif]


Heartbreaking to see innocent children subjected to this kind of abuse and be robbed of their childhood from these sick monsters.


We will come for you (((people))) one day.


Anyone participating in the making of this film deserves the rope.


Anybody who supports this should be shot immediately.


I remember when we used to look at the pictures of Islamic child sex slaves and say, "That's bad". Now we are doing it here. Way to go progressives.


Maybe Sharia law isn’t so bad after all....


Day of the rope when?


The best thing about this era is the vast visual documentation of every piece of degeneracy. Book burnings and the dismantling of Weimar filth is easily viewed upon as "bad" because people don't even know how atrocious things were back then. When the next purge happens, people questioning it can simply look back to the large pile of modern depravity shoved down our throats and immediately say "Oh right, makes sense why every -Stein and -Berg got dumped in the ocean".


So progressive. We smart people tried to warn you it was a slippery slope after legalizing same sex marriage and you wouldn't listen.

But this comment is the most sublime of all:


I have no nose and I must honk.

[Image: laugh4.gif]

A few days later...

[Image: attachment.jpg41772]   

[Image: laugh7.gif]

The Honk pill (Clown World) - budoslavic - 05-09-2019


If true, time to start using either Open Office or Libre Office as an alternative office suite program. What a Clown World we live in.

The Honk pill (Clown World) - Oberrheiner - 05-09-2019

Quote: (05-08-2019 03:02 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Quote: (05-08-2019 12:50 PM)Oberrheiner Wrote:  

Quote: (05-07-2019 07:58 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Open Satanists, such as Crowley, taught of the Demonic Power released in Anal Sex.

Do you actually believe he said those things for any other reason than banging young groupies ?

I mean, are you really able to take these guys seriously at all ?

It doesn't matter if you don't believe in Satanism and Luciferianism. Those in power believe in it for you, and are gradually-converging society - in a methodical and reliably-predictive manner - to serve it, which is why we have this Clown World thread. It's simply documenting Satanic Inversion.

If you can't even entertain this as a possibility, then you simply haven't spent any time around real power.

Oh, but I do believe that satanism and luciferianism exist, like I believe catholicism exists, I just don't believe that god or satan exist.

As for real power, I have some family members who used to be in politics.
What I can tell you is that up to the minister level they have no "real" power, despite many being freemasons and probably (according to this forum's definition apparently) satanists.
I never met anyone above that, neither did I meet any billionaires or whatever so I can't comment more.
You're welcome to share your experiences though [Image: smile.gif]

The Honk pill (Clown World) - budoslavic - 05-09-2019


^^^ "[url=]Cal Poly’s new logo blasted; recall petition launched


Cal Poly spent $340,000 on rebranding and, as often happens with such efforts, the new logo is being ridiculed.

Unveiled last week at the campus — California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo — the logo was revamped partly so it would look better on small digital screens.

The simplified academic shield drops three of previous images, keeping only the one depicting a quill and a hammer. The items are intended to represent the motto “learn by doing” (which is now in English rather than Latin).

To some, the icon resembles the hammer and sickle on the old Soviet flag. And the added element, a sunset behind Bishop Peak, has been criticized as reminiscent of the Imperial Japanese Army’s Rising Sun flag.

Beyond the specifics, the campus paper Mustang News reports, student comments have blasted the logo as poorly designed and “lacking sophistication” and the whole rebranding effort as “tone deaf” to student concerns.

[Image: polylogoflag.jpg?fit=620%2C9999px&ssl=1]

One student started a petition to change the logo back. It has more than 7,000 signatures. Undergraduate enrollment at the San Luis Obispo campus is about 21,000.

Cal Poly has plenty of company on the issue of disputed rebrands.

[Image: uclogo.jpg?fit=620%2C9999px&ssl=1]

The University of California in 2012 added a secondary logo for marketing and digital use. It was criticized as superficial and dismissive of tradition, and quite a few critics mentioned a toilet bowl.

The University of South Florida last year spent $1 million on a rebranding effort that produced, among other things, a new academic logo that was quite similar to the Merrill Lynch bull. After an uproar, the Tampa Bay Times reported, the school said it would scrap the logo and instead use the one that the school’s athletic departments had displayed for years, the letters “USF” with the “U” depicting a stylized bull’s head.

[Image: sanjoselogo.jpg?fit=620%2C9999px&ssl=1]

On the other hand, an alternative logo quietly rolled out for the city of San Jose has been generally applauded — with one fan even having it tattooed on his leg.

The Honk pill (Clown World) - debeguiled - 05-09-2019

I thought learning by doing meant you don't go to college.

The Honk pill (Clown World) - Aurini - 05-09-2019

It's the logo version of Newspeak.

The Honk pill (Clown World) - gework - 05-09-2019

Quote: (05-09-2019 07:49 AM)budoslavic Wrote:  


CNN, MSNBC and The Democrats have had access to this tech for years.

[Image: Cr-UNA0-DUAAQbf-WE.jpg]

The Honk pill (Clown World) - CynicalContrarian - 05-10-2019

[Image: lol.gif]

Chicago Cubs Ban Fan for Flashing 'White Supremacist' Sign, Otherwise Known as the OK Symbol

[Image: circle_game.sized-770x415xc.jpg]

NBC News:

A Chicago Cubs fan who appeared to flash a "white power" hand gesture behind a black sports reporter while he was on air has been banned from Wrigley Field.
The Cubs sweatshirt-wearing fan's face couldn't be seen during the May 7 NBC Sports broadcast of the Cubs' home game against the Miami Marlins. But his hand, which appeared in a frame behind analyst Doug Glanville, was positioned in the “OK" hand gesture, often associated with the white supremacist movement.

They blurred the 'OK' hand gesture.

[Image: lol.gif] *Honk* [Image: lol.gif] *Honk* [Image: lol.gif]

The Honk pill (Clown World) - saner - 05-10-2019

I don't know if I would be able to restrain myself from doing something rash if this happened to me.

A stranger claims you have to pay 'child support' for a child that isn't yours, which is backed up by whacked science through false reports, which often are proven incorrect or in error. It costs you $200,000 to prove you are right, and years of work, and you can't sue to get the money back. This is America!

The Honk pill (Clown World) - Foolsgo1d - 05-10-2019

Microsoft putting in a speach correction AI is gong to blow up in their faces. They are having a tough time with Windows 10 thanks to getting rid of most of their talent and relying on a small pool of it to correct the H1B1 programmers.

Lets not forget what happened when the likes of /Pol and the chans got ahold of that twitter bot and made it into a Hitler loving gas-the-joos fanatic.

The Honk pill (Clown World) - HermeticAlly - 05-10-2019

The OK Symbol story is straight-up media gaslighting. Does anybody really believe it's a "white power" hand sign?

Before I saw this story I'd never even heard of this "circle game" or whatever involving that hand gesture. Maybe I'm just old, but that sounds like some 7th-grade level bullshit to me.

The Honk pill (Clown World) - saner - 05-11-2019

Hmmm. If I could get a BJ while waiting for the train, I suspect I would use the train more often. Call it commuter incentive.

The Honk pill (Clown World) - Garuda - 05-11-2019

They escaped from the library....


First, it was Drag Queen Storytime at the libraries. Now it is Drag Shows at the mall. Yes, Rosedale Mall is advertising a “Shop Till You Drag: A Mall Drag Show” on a Sunday afternoon, May 19, 2019.

The event, touted for all ages, will have ‘bars placed around the mall, so you can enjoy a cocktail during the show’. Those who purchase VIP tickets, including children, will have an ‘up close and personal’ Meet and Greet after the show where they can talk to the queens and pose with them for a personal photo.

The Honk pill (Clown World) - Handsome Creepy Eel - 05-11-2019

This will fail horribly because there are very few people willing to shell out their money for this freak show. The only reason it picked up steam at libraries was because libraries were taxpayer funded.