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Rapid ejaculation ... I'm running out of real options - kosko - 05-17-2014


Like noted I went with the Lanacane versus the Solarcaine. I did a test run (kinda had to, I've had a chemical burn on my parts before from using a shampoo as a body wash once, so I don't play games with the member), by edging with the cream with a half jerk. I had to test if it worked, if the smell was to strong to notice, etc.

I have to say surprisingly it worked well, it does enough numbing, but not not to much that your dick feels dead. I used a tiny amount first , then tried a dime sized amount, and then went with a quarter sized amount to see how much until it killed my boner, and all worked well (The quarter sized amount was overkill). So for the initial run it as worked well, now I will test it for real tonight.

The only disadvantages I could see is that. Real talk you ain't trying to walk around with this fucking tube in your pocket all night if lets say your ending up a broads house to fuck versus your own. I will likley think of a hack for that but so far the only thing I can think of is taking a lip balm canister:

[Image: g523404_1.jpg]

And washing out the lip balm and placing the cream in there. If your slick you can put the cream on quick, or just BS and say you like using this 'natural and organic lip balm' (troooollling) as lube. The consistency is loose and runny so I am going to cut it down with coconut oil and then place it in the lip balm container.

The big disadvantages of those numbing condoms is that they are way to strong and that the lube does not stay on the inside. When I used to use them some girls complained it would numb their pussies up and that basically fucks everybody over. This cream though might not be strong to the point you could actually raw dog with it. But I am going to test with a rubber first and then I will try raw in the AM if this broad sleeps over.

Rapid ejaculation ... I'm running out of real options - Abu Husain213 - 05-17-2014

When it comes to Daproxetine, Viagra, Cialis, etc. You can easily get those without a scrip from an online place that deals in research chems and peptides. I get SARMS from them with no issues. Try Blue Sky Peptides

I would suggest acupuncture as well.

Rapid ejaculation ... I'm running out of real options - kosko - 09-19-2014


I should do a update. I forgot about this thread but I should note that I have been using the Lanacane cream as a means to help with numbing since my last post. I am happy to report it works well, if you don't use to much, just a enough that would fit on your pinky finger and put in on your dick right before you slip on your rubber, it nubs it just enough that you can get a good long bang out of it. The best part about it is that it isn't to strong if you use a little bit and you can still get enough feeling from the pussy to get your own nutt off.

I have found it helps me last way longer and because of this I can focus more on actually fucking, doing different positions I want to, and being more attentive to things such as breathing and paying attention to my climax and rhythm which are all part of lasting longer naturally anyways.

I haven't figured out a way to hide it discretely yet. I keep a bottle at home and just put it on, and if a girl asks I just say I have a really sensitive dick and the cream helps, they usually just end it at that. If they do ask further and I say its just like the numbing condoms but not as strong and that usually ends it. No girl has viewed it as awkward yet.

I had the idea of the little lip balm tin to carry around on nights out at the bar just in case you go to her house or something, which is what I need to try next.

The only draw backs of the cream is that it has a medical smell, but in the heat of fucking her pussy will kinda cast out that smell. Another draw back is DO NOT use it on round two. I made the mistake of using it on round two with a hot ass french girl and my dick died on round 2 almost instantly; she was not impressed, and neither was I because I wanted to plow her down once more.

Rapid ejaculation ... I'm running out of real options - Wreckingball - 09-19-2014

Quote: (05-06-2014 09:17 PM)Brodiaga Wrote:  

Try thinking about the following during sex:

-You giving the chick an STD
-You getting an STD from her, like AIDS. What you're going to do if you get it
-Imagine she's about to fart or take a shit (or you are)
-Imagine fucking an ugly, old skank
-Imagine fucking a corpse
-Imagine fucking your boss up the ass

If nothing else works, try doing mental math, like (225+36)*2 + 345 . If that's too easy for you, step it up and try calculus or trigonometry or something.

doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose of sex?

Rapid ejaculation ... I'm running out of real options - Merenguero - 09-19-2014

I knew what the O.P.'s fate would be before I even clicked on the thread. The solution for some people is called alcohol.

Rapid ejaculation ... I'm running out of real options - EagleMan - 09-19-2014

-Practice the stop and go method every time you masturbate
-Don't look at porn
-Do kegels

Rapid ejaculation ... I'm running out of real options - HonantheBarbarian - 09-23-2014

Most material on this matter sounds hokey, at best.

What personally helped me the most was the 6-9 breathing excersize.

1 long exhale through six really slow strokes

1 long exhale through 9 quick strokes

I may have it backwards but either way it gave me a lot of control.

Rapid ejaculation ... I'm running out of real options - MikeHH - 12-10-2015

Quote: (05-06-2014 03:23 PM)NIGNOG Wrote:  

I've read the related threads on RVF and seemingly everything else online and still blow way too quickly (20 seconds if I'm lucky). To the guys who want to insist that premature/rapid ejaculation doesn't exist, please don't bother; I want long exhausting thrusting sessions for my own prolonged pleasure... a lot of girls don't seem to mind me busting early anyway as long as they get off too in other ways, but I also realize that bitches need fucked long and hard too to keep 'em feigning for more dick. I'm really not nervous during sex; I don't worry about whether I'll blow early because I already know it will happen. Unfortunately I've found myself avoiding offers for sex sometimes if I'm getting laid regularly so I don't have to deal with my own disappointment,

Here's everything I've tried that has not helped:
--- fapping before I go out or getting a second wood after I bust inside her. The second wood doesn't come around until at least 30-40 minutes after the first ejaculation during sex, and even that wood doesn't last much, if any, longer before I blast cum again. When masturbating, the second wood might come back in 10 minutes if I focus on porn and seems to last a little longer, but for whatever reason I can't get it back that fast during sex, even if she's hot and jerking it.
--- exercising regularly (running, swimming, & lifting) and eating healthy.
--- slow deep breathing, triangle breathing, focusing on other things, focusing on the sensation...
--- no porn and no fapping for 3-4 months while doing rigorous pelvic floor muscle exercise routines as thoroughly described below had no effect other than maybe a stronger dick muscle:
... although I don't think I could ever do the reverse kegel and reverse root-lock accurately, they just felt like I was flexing my abs, pushing out my gut, or trying to push out imaginary turds.
--- practicing dry orgasms or multi-orgasms. Regardless of if I work on timing and clench my dick muscle with all my might (for up to 40 seconds) and hold back the blast (which I usually can't), the sensation is still there waiting when I release. Or if I try fully relaxing the dick muscle with all my focus, it still launches a huge happy load.
--- stretching my pelvic area and dick muscle.
--- the condoms with the numbing gel don't effect me at all (Durex Performex, IIRC).
--- I tried a cock ring to attempt to hold blood in my cock after orgasm, which didn't work; it still deflates. It was very uncomfortable, prevented some cum from exiting, and made my dick purple and extra veiny.
--- edging, start-stop technique, squeezing the head upon approaching the edge, tugging my balls downwards, putting pressure on my taint... none of that helped.
--- I glanced through Mantak Chia stuff, but tossed it as soon as I realized how much was based on imaginary pseudo energies.

Here's things that do help, but aren't a real practical or healthy solution:
--- regularly taking SSRI antidepressants. Zoloft worked marvelously. But I can't believe that those chemicals are healthy for my body. Unfortunately I couldn't just take one when I needed; it takes a while with regular dosing to work.
--- alcohol. It works some of the time, mostly after a long active night of heavy drinking. I can't get to that point within an hour though; I hate it, I can't drive or speak straight, and again, large amounts of alcohol is an unhealthy poison that I can't rely on everyday.
--- Having the girl ride on top. She has to mount very slowly and not move for a minute or two when I'm fully inside while the sensation slightly lessens; only then can she start to move up & down slowly and I have to tell her to slow down or stop completely often. This still only puts me barely past the minute mark unless she's not moving at all. Some girls are uncomfortable or don't prefer that position and get tired quickly, and it's still nowhere near as fun as bending bitches over and hammering their uterus.

Here are things that I haven't or can't currently try:
--- hypnotism or sex therapy. It would take several intense sessions I'm sure, which would be very expensive, and I have doubts that it'd actually work in the long run. My oilfield job also prevents regular weekly visits.
--- hallucinogens. Even if my job didn't do random drug tests, I take a medication that would react dangerously with them. I also work a LOT (oilfield) and any off time is on-call, so I can't easily plan weekend-long mind trips. If they could work, I'd probably need multiple sessions to see any change (I've had one ayahuasca/DMT session, which had no life-changing effects at all).
--- heavily applying different numbing gels (the numbing condoms didn't work at all). Can you recommend any sprays or gels that do work? This still isn't a long term solution and is very inconvenient: carrying the tube on you when you go out, taking a break to apply it with calculated time for it to become effective, some girls have allergic reactions to it, and you can never barebone because she'd get numb.
--- erectile dysfunction prescriptions to try to shorten my refractory period. I get my first wood just fine so I don't need them nor do I want to rely on them for the same reason I don't want SSRI's or other strange chemicals in my body. Probably expensive too.
--- natural herbs that some claim might delay ejaculation or treat ED to try to shorten my refractory period. If you can recommend any that are promising, please let me know; I'd be more comfortable taking natural over synthetic substances, though I have a lot of doubt and feel like any natural remedy would be a waste of money.
--- Dapoxetine and a related nasal spray, an SSRI for premature ejaculation that reacts quickly and doesn't require a daily regiment, use only when needed. Neither are approved for the US yet and will be expensive.
--- Maybe some far-out native shaman has a crazy custom jungle juice treatment (money, caution, & time needed).
--- Acupuncture. Seems kind of hokey and I hate needles, but might be willing to try if it's affordable and promising. Any thoughts?

I'm not addicted to porn and can go as long as needed without it; I currently only fap 2-3 times/week just because I have no other solid plan of action and still experiment with techniques. And how attractive the bitch I'm with is or how tight her pussy is has no effect. I'm hoping you sex masters have some advice or other tricks up your sleeve that I haven't uncovered. Thanks in advance.

A extra healthy penis definitely helps with both performance and confidence issues... which are almost always intertwined. Start using a penis health creme called Man1 Man Oil. This creme will deliver several key vitamins and nutrients directly to your penis, which will improve its overall look, function and feel. It will help with confidence too. Good luck.

Rapid ejaculation ... I'm running out of real options - blck - 12-10-2015

[Image: LoHQ06OY6YL7i.gif]

Guys stop make OP believing that there is a solution...
There is no solution ! Sorry

One stroke is enough, Just OWN it !

Make her feel it up in her guts
[Image: 12080499_906434452766509_1584277446_n.jpg]

get up with your dick out pouring fluid on the floor and tell her to wipe it

[Image: TOP-MODEL.jpg?itok=1SD5VPF9]

And if she got something to say... Just tell her that you could have been quicker !

[Image: G4qx2WCdZU38k.gif]

Rapid ejaculation ... I'm running out of real options - DJ-Matt - 12-10-2015

[Image: WY8Wyn4.gif]

Rapid ejaculation ... I'm running out of real options - Beyond Borders - 12-10-2015


Pull your balls away from your body.

You may have noticed that before you cum, they suck in, and your sack tightens up like it wants to crawl inside and hide, but if you reach back and stretch them back out and hold them that way, you can sometimes keep pumping away without having to change your pace for too long.

The quicker you notice your arousal is rising and do this, the more likely it will work and after a bit your balls will loosen up on their own again and you'll be fine.

Since you're just lacking consistency rather than having an ongoing problem, you should reach a point where the urge to cum really will pass and you'll be good to go.

As an alternative, you can grab the girl's hand and have her hold your balls away from your body. Teamwork! For obvious reasons, this can be problematic since it may just excite you, but it helps you focus on scrogging and sometimes I find bringing her in to solve the problem with me lowers the pressure to perform.

Of course, this is just one strategy and there are a lot of other great ones in this thread. I haven't done them in ages, but I swear by kegels.

EDIT: oops, I just noticed how old your post is...

Rapid ejaculation ... I'm running out of real options - PhDre - 12-10-2015

The harder your erection, the more stamina and control you'll have.
This is not surprising since erections are largely controlled by the parasympathetic nervous system whereas emission is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system.

Testosterone, DHEA and sildenafil all significantly increase my stamina.

Rapid ejaculation ... I'm running out of real options - RatInTheWoods - 12-10-2015


Practice by yourself, go to the edge and stop, practice practice practice, you will gain mastery. I can go 60 secs or 6 hours, my choice.

Rapid ejaculation ... I'm running out of real options - Pride male - 12-10-2015

If the girl is on top, riding cowgirl style, you can last for hours. But really I could care less if I come too soon. She can get herself a vibrator.

By the way OP has an interesting username. Nevermind lasting at sex, he couldnt last a minute on the forum.