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Anyone play Hearthstone? - Fortis - 05-24-2016

I've been playing a ton of yog'saron tempo mage and Malygod rogue. What can I say? I'm an inveterate gambler. But seriously, that deck is so fucking fun. I've had yog totally steal games from people. Yog is a newer, more consistent deathwing that usually hurts your opponent more than he hurts you.

Patriach, yeah the Darkshire councilman (donald trump) is super powerful. If you don't kill him immediately you always pay for it.

What I'm enjoying about the new expansion is that board clears are more powerful these days since a lot of the deathrattles have cycled out. I run a flamestrike in my tempo mage and it's won me a number of games.

Overall the slower meta suits me better. I run Rhonin in my tempo mage as well and he makes for some hilarious kills on people who don't handle him properly. I've taken a warrior from 30 to 0 over 2 turns because of magic missile spam with flamewaker, azure drake and sorcerer's apprentince.

Malyrogue is pretty nice because of how much damage you can dish out in a single turn if you have spell discipline.

Anyone play Hearthstone? - Patriarch - 05-25-2016

The meta is slower, and I'm glad Blizzard actually made expensive end-game cards that have a massive effect when you play them. Cards like C'Thun, Yogg and N'Zoth all change the course of the game in ways that few other legendaries can manage. Yogg is the first card I crafted, and even though I've burst myself down from 20+ health and lost games because of him, it's currently the most fun in Hearthstone.

With Yogg you always want to play him when you're behind, but sometimes it's impossible to resist, even if you're winning. You can always expect to blow up most of the board, draw a few cards, and play a few secrets. Yogg usually kills himself too, but that's just part of the fun.

Overall there are a ton of fun cards in the expansion and I'm happy with the direction the game is going. Yes, it still sucks to lose to aggro shamans with the perfect draw, but at least secret paladin, face hunter and combo druid are dead.

Anyone play Hearthstone? - Fortis - 05-25-2016

I love yog'saron. He makes the game fun as hell.

What decks do you run him in?

Anyone play Hearthstone? - cascadecombo - 05-25-2016

I run him in a hunter deck. Drop in 2 spellstones and an elephant or two to draw the big creatures puts something useful in your hand almost every time.

With the hat being a deathrattle most my yog plays have him launching off 22+ spells. I'd say he lives 1/3 the time.

Nzoth in rogue is crazy too. Get a 1/1 copy of him and they basically auto concede.

Anyone play Hearthstone? - Fortis - 05-25-2016

^ I like n'zoth but he seems too slow. I think midrange decks like tempo mage, malygos rogue and others just go over his head and take his face off.

I'm a combo deck player by heart. I love stalling until I draw all 3 of my combo pieces and just taking people from 30 to 0. Shit is cray

Anyone play Hearthstone? - Samseau - 05-25-2016

This meta is dominated by Shaman. Shaman is completely broken and the winner of EU Dreamhack said his strategy to win was to always ban Shaman during the draft phase (in league, you're allowed to ban one deck from your opponents 4 decks, and if he ever saw Shaman he banned it).

Shaman totem decks are totally broken, that 6/6 who gets cheaper with every totem is absurdly powerful.

The next most common decks I see are Enrage/Tempo Warriors then midrange Hunters. Call of the Wild is a super broken card which makes midrange hunter amazing.

I can't say I like this expansion too much, lots of bullshit luck cards like Yogg, and lots of terrible balance changes. I still play but basically to do quests only.

Anyone play Hearthstone? - Fortis - 06-07-2016

How is the meta treating you guys?

The tempo warrior is super powerful right now, but I feel like it's awful against midrange COTW hunter.

I've been fighting the good fight with tempo mage and I'm currently rank 10.

Anyone play Hearthstone? - PUA_Rachacha - 11-28-2016

Quote: (05-25-2016 12:04 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

This meta is dominated by Shaman. Shaman is completely broken and the winner of EU Dreamhack said his strategy to win was to always ban Shaman during the draft phase (in league, you're allowed to ban one deck from your opponents 4 decks, and if he ever saw Shaman he banned it).

Shaman totem decks are totally broken, that 6/6 who gets cheaper with every totem is absurdly powerful.

The next most common decks I see are Enrage/Tempo Warriors then midrange Hunters. Call of the Wild is a super broken card which makes midrange hunter amazing.

I can't say I like this expansion too much, lots of bullshit luck cards like Yogg, and lots of terrible balance changes. I still play but basically to do quests only.

Shaman's still super powerful, especially mid-range. The nerfs that Hearthstone instituted in August paradoxically made Shaman more powerful in some ways.

Call of the Wild got nerfed, and I don't use it anymore.

I thought the last adventure sucked. I'm using a few cards, but the mechanics are for the most part boring, and the adventure itself was child's play and not entertaining in the least (unless League of Explorers, which had high production value).

This next expansion looks interesting. Blizzard's trying to push super powerful minions hitting the board. I didn't think the last expansion was that bad, especially Yogg (pre nerf) and Y-Sharrj.

I want to try an astral communion deck next. I saw Day9 play one during his Heroic Tavern Brawl and it looked like a ton of fun.

Anybody still playing regularly? I get maybe two hours in per week now. The game's starting to lose interest for me.