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Video games - Cr33pin - 03-27-2019

Well this was a totally new video gaming experience for me. I attached the review I tried to write for the Xbox market place at the bottom (for some reason I couldn't get the review to post on there)

I feel like I should have smoked a joint before this experiencing this game, however it was a amazing experience none the less.

My regular evening of FPS games with my friends was interrupted by a connection error. An somehow I ended up playing this Edith Finch game I acquired during some random Xbox sale to pass the time... an it was amazing. This game made me feel nostalgia for a place I have never been, a place that doesn't even exist. The atmosphere and score are top notch. The story grips a hold of you an keeps your attention. Certain aspects of the story really hit home for me as a older man who has lost some family and loved ones, yet it does it in a beautiful manner that left me more in awe than sad. I rarely leave reviews on here but I felt compelled to write this in hopes that maybe I can sway a few people who are on the fence to indulge in this experience masqueraded as a video game.
[Image: WhatRemainsofEdithFinch.gif?format=1500w]

Video games - Leonard D Neubache - 03-28-2019

Struggling like hell with The Witcher (1) simply because it's running like absolute shit. Areas like the swamp are OK but the towns are borderline unplayable and prone to crashes which is causing me to spend more time restarting my PC than playing the game.

According to big brain persons on the interwebs the game runs on a "single string" which I'm attempting to interpret as a single core of a multi-core processor. I guess back in the day when it was released the tendency for gaming PCs was to to have high performance standalone chips and the game was coded with that in mind.

Feels stupid though. I have a machine that can basically run current gen AAA console titles but The Witcher fucking One lags it into the Boeing zone. Does anyone have a high end gaming PC from 2008 they want to lend me?

Video games - Glaucon - 03-28-2019

Quote: (03-28-2019 05:19 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Struggling like hell with The Witcher (1) simply because it's running like absolute shit. Areas like the swamp are OK but the towns are borderline unplayable and prone to crashes which is causing me to spend more time restarting my PC than playing the game.

According to big brain persons on the interwebs the game runs on a "single string" which I'm attempting to interpret as a single core of a multi-core processor. I guess back in the day when it was released the tendency for gaming PCs was to to have high performance standalone chips and the game was coded with that in mind.

Feels stupid though. I have a machine that can basically run current gen AAA console titles but The Witcher fucking One lags it into the Boeing zone. Does anyone have a high end gaming PC from 2008 they want to lend me?

There must be some other issue. The newer multicore CPUs also have better performance per core.

Video games - Leonard D Neubache - 03-28-2019

Yeah, I'm not sure. It's a common problem and there are varied explanations. It might make sense if it's running off the same single core as windows and everything else. Dropping the settings to potato mode seems to have helped but only a bit. I'm resigned to simply slogging through it at this point.

Worth it in one sense. It's given me a far greater appreciation for TW3 and I'm really looking forward to starting a new play-through of that once I get finished with 1 and 2.

Does anyone have an opinion on the books?

Video games - Cuchulainn2016 - 03-28-2019

It's not always the hardware that causes crashes and slowdowns.

I have a relatively powerful PC, but it's a few years old now. It started crashing regularly on things like star citizen, then after a while it crashed on pretty much all games.

I opened it up, disconnected all the fans and the water cooling radiator and the gpu, thoroughly cleaned them and now it runs everything at the highest settings without a stutter, and is whisper quiet.

All it cost was a bag of cotton wool balls and some alcohol, both for cleaning and drinking.

Give it a try.

Video games - loremipsum - 03-28-2019

Quote: (03-28-2019 06:12 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Yeah, I'm not sure. It's a common problem and there are varied explanations. It might make sense if it's running off the same single core as windows and everything else. Dropping the settings to potato mode seems to have helped but only a bit. I'm resigned to simply slogging through it at this point.

Worth it in one sense. It's given me a far greater appreciation for TW3 and I'm really looking forward to starting a new play-through of that once I get finished with 1 and 2.

Does anyone have an opinion on the books?

I've read the first two, which are collection of short stories involving Gerald and his companions. From the third one it begins to have a greater plot which is then build upon in the later books.

I can recommend the first two ones. After reading them it's a whole new world for appreciation when you realize little references to the stories in for example Witcher 3.
Many fans think Witcher games are fanfic compared to the original books.

Video games - rotekz - 03-28-2019

Quote: (03-28-2019 06:12 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Does anyone have an opinion on the books?

I read them a few years back and think they're great. A couple were fan translations but all have official English publications now. I'd say the weakest is the final book 'The Lady of the Lake' because of the confusing structure and weird narrative choices but it is still very much worth reading when you have gone through the rest.

The correct reading order is:
The Last Wish (Short stories)
Sword of Destiny (Short stories)
Blood of Elves
Times of Contempt
Baptism of Fire
The Tower of the Swallow
The Lady of the Lake

Video games - Cr33pin - 03-28-2019

I'm having a hard time convincing myself that I'm not going to buy this also

Video games - Sgt Donger - 03-28-2019

Looking for some advice...I am playing a 4X space strategy game that seems to handle turn processing on the GPU. Turn processing is at 30% on the CPU, but 99% on the GPU. As the game progresses the turn processing slows down and eventually the game becomes unplayable due to the endless turn processing.

I'm wondering if an external GPU would solve the turn processing problem?

Anyone got any experience with eGPU's and how it impacted game performance. Not graphics but turn processing.


Video games - Valentine - 03-29-2019

I've used an eGPU for a while now and it makes many games playable, can't comment on turn processing though except that Civ 6 works well for me.

Do you use a laptop iGPU? If so then I'd expect performance to improve simply because the specs of an iGPU are poor compared to basically any eGPU you could buy.

Video games - BortimusPrime - 03-29-2019

Quote: (03-28-2019 06:12 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Yeah, I'm not sure. It's a common problem and there are varied explanations. It might make sense if it's running off the same single core as windows and everything else. Dropping the settings to potato mode seems to have helped but only a bit. I'm resigned to simply slogging through it at this point.

Worth it in one sense. It's given me a far greater appreciation for TW3 and I'm really looking forward to starting a new play-through of that once I get finished with 1 and 2.

Does anyone have an opinion on the books?

From my experience RAM and video cards make the biggest difference. If you don't have enough RAM the computer starts swapping assets between memory and the disk and disk access is like a million times slower. If it's just an old video card then usually reducing the graphics settings helps that, but a RAM problem would probably only be helped if you can change the texture quality to reduce the memory cost of the assets.

Video games - Kurgan - 03-30-2019

I want to know the opinions of some games who have played the Hitman games after Absolution. How are they? I got into the games some time ago but couldn't bring myself to finish Absolution.

My favorites of the franchise are Contracts and Blood Money.

Video games - BortimusPrime - 03-30-2019

Quote: (03-27-2019 10:55 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

Well this was a totally new video gaming experience for me. I attached the review I tried to write for the Xbox market place at the bottom (for some reason I couldn't get the review to post on there)

I feel like I should have smoked a joint before this experiencing this game, however it was a amazing experience none the less.

I had a girlfriend named Edith a while back, and the funny thing is that those stupid fingerless knitted gloves the player wears would have been totally up her alley. Not only that, but I had a different girlfriend even longer ago that had grown up on Orcas Island and was nuts.

Video games - Cr33pin - 04-03-2019

Mayhem is coming, specifically September 13, with Borderlands 3.

[Image: giphy.gif]

Also bought the Borderlands 1 remastered-ish game today....

Video games - Syberpunk - 04-06-2019

I was never one for 100%-ing games back in the day (we didn't have this trophy bollox), you got 100% or nothing, but here's one I did several times, just because I enjoyed the handling and second to second gameplay SO DAMN MUCH, I was a fucking master and its a getting a full remake come this June. So much split screen craic back in the day, the powersliding and jump/air mechanic was the single most satisfying mechanic in gaming and the speeds you could obtain were insane. The flow was peerless if you were good enough you'd be almost driving on the walls defying gravity.

This and the FFVII remake...*blows french kisses into the air*

They got the handling just right, I can literally feel the heft.



Video games - Leonard D Neubache - 04-06-2019

Cart games lost me after Super Mario Kart (snes).

Powersliding all the time for speed boosts, even on straights?

I could never dig it.

Video games - Simeon_Strangelight - 04-07-2019

For those who want to take a look what goes on behind the scenes of many triple A gaming companies.

It reminds me of many of the scenes I witnessed in the corporate world.

It's truly as they say in the alternative monetary community. Big companies only win due to the cash of the globalists where they buy off competition, pressure retailers or do other shady shit. They are shit companies and would get slaughtered by mid-sized nimble companies if those had access to 10% of their funds or some interest-free financing similar to the Swiss WIR.

I wonder how often CDProject had to refuse a buyout?

But the lack of vision and competence at EA is staggering - no wonder that Anthem and other games are so shit compared to the massive budget. 6 years development while no one even knew what it was about 13-16 months before launch. Then you add the virtue signaling marxist crap and you have a company that would be broke without the support of papa Rothschild's cheap money and countless of talented people who pull off a miracle by making it even as good as that.

Video games - Foolsgo1d - 04-07-2019

Gamers are not in control of AAA titles, it is the same corporate cocksuckers hell bent on getting every piece of $$$ they can.

When I saw X gaming company taken over by some other bigger studio which belonged to Activision or EA I knew that within no time at all the games they make will be nothing short of a prostitute set up.

I remember Rare during the N64 years and also Crytek with their Crysis coming out. Where are they now? In the dumpster fire with the rest of them but the previous owners are shocked and horrified at what happened.

Fucking morons. Rich morons though!

You're stuck waiting for a decent game to absorb you inbetween the soy cucks making SJW pandering garbage and the EA/Activision sell outs trying to whore you out like a fucking British whoremonger in Thailand.

Video games - Syberpunk - 04-07-2019

Quote: (04-07-2019 09:47 AM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

For those who want to take a look what goes on behind the scenes of many triple A gaming companies.

It reminds me of many of the scenes I witnessed in the corporate world.

It's truly as they say in the alternative monetary community. Big companies only win due to the cash of the globalists where they buy off competition, pressure retailers or do other shady shit. They are shit companies and would get slaughtered by mid-sized nimble companies if those had access to 10% of their funds or some interest-free financing similar to the Swiss WIR.

I wonder how often CDProject had to refuse a buyout?

But the lack of vision and competence at EA is staggering - no wonder that Anthem and other games are so shit compared to the massive budget. 6 years development while no one even knew what it was about 13-16 months before launch. Then you add the virtue signaling marxist crap and you have a company that would be broke without the support of papa Rothschild's cheap money and countless of talented people who pull off a miracle by making it even as good as that.

Funny comment there:


This wouldn't have happened if we would have let Chads bully gamers. Now its "cool" to be a "gamer". The same thing is happening with anime. Is there any legal and obscure hobbies left untarnished?

I can testify that even in the mid 00's you would never bring up mention games in social setting unless it was the context of something very mainstream like FIFA or Halo/Call of Duty split screen multiplayer or GTA, I mean you sort have had to broach an RPG topic like you were trying to feel out who was a weed dealer.

It felt like an underground screen before the rise of mass social media. There were British gaming magazines written by 20 something males who's favourite game was Pro Evolution Soccer, that were hilariously politically incorrect yet well written reviews and tangents and they would tear movie tie-games and glitchy messes to shreds in their bonus dvd that would come with the magazine every month, I still have a lot of them in the attic. There was a passion to it and you felt how ordinary the guys, and there was zero, zero agenda in there.

We also developed in the wrong direction.

It most be incredibly depressing to have grown up in that era wanting to make games, thinking that by the 2010's we see many of those those insane dreams we had as teenagers of where the medium would obviously go....I mean I remember people talking about GTA would have completely destructible buildings, go into every building by the PS3/Xbox 360 era, and it would be the rule not the exception, instead we have online gaming which isolates people essentially. Split screen gaming is dead despite us having massive computational power now. You spend 6 years not working on something you are proud of....but Anthem. You can't look back in 20 years and say "hey kids" I worked on that when the entire thing doesn't exist anymore because its was all online.

We have better looking games but less fluidity, we have billions spent complex motion capture slow animations for entering exiting vehicles, but we couldn't get a Star Wars Battlefront game where you can leave the atmosphere and land on a enemy ship.

I don't want to play your shitty film.

This was from 2008, we went backwards so far:

You could hollow out buildings trying to find how long they last, before one blow to a strut would prove fatal causing the controller to rumble ever so gently....

FTL is the most fun I had with a game in years, because it felt like I was doing something I hadn't seen done before and its done with basic graphics, which lets your imagination fill it up, the best tool of all, all the different ways you can approach something. It was 10 euros and I felt like I robbed the developers at that price.

TDLR: Playing games used to feel like reading a great book, now its like conveyor belt exposition heavy CGI schlock fest.

Video games - Syberpunk - 04-07-2019

Video games - Leonard D Neubache - 04-08-2019

Quote: (04-07-2019 12:35 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

Gamers are not in control of AAA titles, it is the same corporate cocksuckers hell bent on getting every piece of $$$ they can.


They don't want the money. They want the cultural control.

If it was about money then they would have done a massive 180 the second that their "diverse re-imagining" of WW2 was met with massive levels of consumer discontent.

Instead they told the consumers "if you don't like it then don't buy it".

And stuff like this keeps happening again and again and again. Huge corporation buys out studio. Faggifies their titles. Loses money and destroys franchise. Shrugs their shoulders and repeats the process.

Their customer base is overwhelmingly male and heterosexual. They don't give a shit about hardcore women kicking ass as long at they look like Bayonetta and the player can stare at her asscrack for five hours of gameplay at a time. If these studios cared about money then they'd be clambering over each other to provide the most toxicly masculine gaming experience available to man, and they'd send wet-work teams to black bag any social justice warriors that got in their way.

The globohomo corps don't care about money. They care about cultural control and they will sacrifice any amount of money towards that end. They are not idiots. It's just that most people wrongly attribute their motives and therefore falsely perceive them to be failing at their objectives.

Video games - BortimusPrime - 04-08-2019

Hmm I was going to argue that the game reviewers were the ones primarily captured by the SJWs, but the more I think about it these major studios should be motivated by which games sell, not which games get positive reviews. Not only that but movies clearly are doing the same thing: pump any genre males would be interested in full of soy and then have an army of SJW critics on retainer to bolster the legitimacy of what they're doing and denounce any negative reactions as more Nazis under the bed.

Video games - Leonard D Neubache - 04-08-2019

The corporations are attempting total control over the gaming culture from the top down and have been for about a decade now.

These days early-access is everything for games journalists and they'll suck corporate dick all day long if that's what it takes to get early-access and keep it.

If you don't have early-access (or special invites to the huge launch gatherings) then you're stuck scrambling for scraps with all the rest of the peasant-tier gaming journalists.

Unfortunately their overwhelmingly heterosexual male customer base is not as fucking stupid as the broader female driven markets of other industries and the early-access set get continually ground to mince meat by the legit ground-level guys that call them out for the dick-sucking ways.

In a lot of ways the clash of corporate POZ and one of the first major inherently anti-POZ market groups is creating a battleground which is radiating out into other stratas of society. For example there are plenty of young guys who didn't really care about feminism until it started infecting their beloved video games and now they see it as a wider battleground infecting their entire society.

Whoever says video games are irrelevant is not paying attention. They are possibly one of the most relevant cultural battlegrounds in the world right now purely because women and fags are so absent.

Video games - eradicator - 04-08-2019

Wow, we are not getting cyberpunk 2077 until 2021 apparently, I am curious if it will be coming out on the xbox one/ps4 or ps5/xbox next gen? Or what the pc specs will be

Video games - Simeon_Strangelight - 04-08-2019

< Doubtful - they intend to launch not only Cyberpunk, but also another AAA title until end of 2021. Estimated date now is between 4th quarter 2019 to 2nd quarter 2020. An extended look is going to come for E3 2019 with a release date. According to rumors they already have the story and most of the game ready, but now 400 people work on making it pretty and bug-free. I bet EA would have launched it in 4 months and then finished it along the way or let you pay for DLCs.