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She doesn't answer to the texts

She doesn't answer to the texts

Lately started using an app called sms backup. I delete their numbers, but if I want to go back (or figure out who is texting me), all my old texts are backed up in gmail.

She doesn't answer to the texts

^ Nice tip Churros.

I stick to my initial post. I'll consider texting her again if she's a solid 7 or above. I have gotten laid off dead leads----one time a lead that was YEARS old (this was via Facebook, not text, but same principle).

But I never give a girl below a 7 a second chance. Doing so just inflates HER ego. It's not about her disrespecting me or me feeling brushed off, it's about the fact that this girl is in serious need of revaluation of her SMV. I'm not going to help her inflate it by giving her more validation.

Bang or no bang, it's just not worth the cost. The next guy will thank me.

She doesn't answer to the texts

Am I the only one who read the thread title in an Indian accent?

She doesn't answer to the texts

So let's summarize most of the tips (change change according to your preferences)

- It she stops replying, don't be needy, wait few days (maybe the red tide), send another text with something funny like "is your internet down in wonderland?". If she replies, setup date. She is not replying:

- Decide if you wanna date this girl later. If she s below your breaking point (maybe below 7), or you think does not worth the effort, remove. If she still drives you crazy:

- Keep the number, or backup with an app like SMS backup. Move on.

- Next time you are in town, maybe months later check your old number, send a message to some of these girls again like if nothing happened (don't ask why she stopped texting before, you are an alpha, and you don't care). Some might reply, maybe she just broke up and BINGO. That happened to me once and was one of the best lays I had.

She doesn't answer to the texts

My take on it is (pre bang), if they don't reply, or don't make an effort to AT LEAST meet me half way in terms of effort invested then I won't contact them again. I don't have time to "pursue" some lukewarm sloot by sending cutesy texts. If a girl isn't ACTIVELY interested, then I'm not either.

The girls who want to fuck you will make their presence known.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

She doesn't answer to the texts

Here is a relevant example about tolerance for disrespectful behavior:

Chatting with a girl on Bumble. Move her to text we are making plans to hang. Make plans to have her come to my place tonight to watch horror movies and drink wine. She tells me night before that she forgot there is a football game tonight that she wants to watch (I already told her I don't watch sports). She asks if we can reschedule or flip back and forth between movies and the game. I tell her I don't have cable. She asks if we can reschedule movies. I tell her nah I'm not interested if she's bailing on our plans to watch football.

The potential bang is not worth it to me to put up with some bitch who is going to flake on plans to sit in her apartment alone to watch an early season ballgame. I can't relate to the hype about sports, and sports chicks annoy the fuck out of me anyway so I'm not having any of that.
She told me "Okay, thats fine. It was nice talking to you"

She doesn't answer to the texts

It depends on the case. I recently bailed on a very hot chick after she requested to meet somewhere closer to her bus home. I knew what that meant.

Nevertheless, try not to get butt hurt about this stuff. Don't let your ego get in the way of a bang. Some of the responses are leaning mgtow. Like, you really taught that 7 a lesson by not hitting her back up... lol

She doesn't answer to the texts

Quote: (10-09-2016 07:05 AM)XPQ22 Wrote:  

I delete numbers all the time - I don't hoard them or keep a phone full of hundreds of flakey #'s in the fashion that some guys do.

Have to keep in mind that the overwhelming majority of numbers you get these days, online or off, are simply weak leads. If a girl really liked you, she'd be proactively opening you on a site, or asking you when you were free, or be back at your apartment already. That level of interest happens to me from time to time but it's rare.

Girls who give you their number in person and say "Ok, text me sometime", who haven't already let you escalate pretty close to sex, are for the most part marginal from the get-go. Girls who you have to grind a number out of on an app that didn't open you first are also marginal; if I had to open her first and chat for 10 messages for her to give up the digits, at the very least I want to see that she's getting back promptly via text for the interaction to continue.

Roosh made a post about warning signs to look for that indicate a bang is probably not on the table:

For my part I certainly agree. I've never banged a girl who waited more than 3 hours to reply, or flaked and tried to reschedule, or when I got the impression that I was chasing real hard while she was just kicking back doing her thing. Over time, I got an intuition on which girls were investing in me and which girls were simply passing the time.

Unless she's absolutely a stunner, ejecting early at the first sign of ambivalence on her part has usually been a pretty solid option. IMO a girl who never replied once isn't even worthy of a "restart" - there's nothing to restart. Girls who are jumping your bones in your car after a good first date but then get flakey afterwards might get a restart. Not some rando you ain't never even got out.

This is a great post. Very true about ejecting after first ambivalence point. Took me around a year to learn that and I still struggle ejecting with the hotter leads. When you get a little LA/Wilhelmina models number and she texts you enthusiastically but always flakes/reschedules it takes discipline to trash that number.

Tinder/OKC/POF are really just filters for "yes" girls. Girls that open you are usually in this category. That's why it's such a better ROI activity to get good pictures than worry about openers/text game. I've gotten a bit too good at snaking numbers from girls. I'd almost recommend decreasing your text game to filter for the smaller number of stronger "yes" girls that sill respond to less exciting banter. wi30 mentions this in the tinder thread when he just opens with "what's up".

She doesn't answer to the texts

That's strange, I've never dismissed girls who didn't respond or change their plans with me. I don't really care. Usually the same girls are eager to meet up few days later.

I'm that guy that is OK with whatever happens. It's like that from the beginning. While guys usually try hard to keep the attention of that one girl I prefer to talk to everybody in that group at the same time or even bring other girls in that conversation. I prefer to meet up with a couple of people instead of going on a date. I prefer to have a afterparty than trying to isolate and close the deal asap.

All of this communicate that I'm not pressuring nobody to hang out with me and I'm fine whether any girl agrees to see me or not.

She doesn't answer to the texts

Quote: (10-13-2016 01:21 PM)churros Wrote:  

It depends on the case. I recently bailed on a very hot chick after she requested to meet somewhere closer to her bus home. I knew what that meant.

Nevertheless, try not to get butt hurt about this stuff. Don't let your ego get in the way of a bang. Some of the responses are leaning mgtow. Like, you really taught that 7 a lesson by not hitting her back up... lol

For me it's not about teaching lessons. You can't teach lessons to western women because there's no consequences for what they do. They always have someone waiting to replace you so "teaching lessons" is moot.

I know well & good in my rational mind that deleting a number, calling a woman out, or responding in any way will lose me the bang but sometimes I do it anyway because it's more about my own personal boundaries and self-respect.

Call it silly, call it counter-intuitive, call it MGTOW, whatever. I'm just not in the mood to play these silly games sometimes.

Like Roosh said western game is "clown game" and sometimes I don't feel like performing in the circus.

She doesn't answer to the texts

I don't delete them.

I use them for practice.

I wait a week and then I get crazier about my communication.

I troll them, talk shit to them, sexualize them, give them unsolicited advice about their life, criticize their decisions, tease them, make assumptions about them, send them pictures of myself in Lamborghinis/Ferraris, etc.

Anything to get a response.

I experiment with them as if they were my guinea pig..

Whatever information I have on them, I use it to bait them and hook them..

Ironically, my game is sometimes better when I'm trolling them because I literally don't give a fuck and have already assumed that I lost her...

I'm sometimes surprised (not anymore) when a girl ignores my good natured, friendly texts -- but then responds to my more trollish, condescending, or sexual texts..

Emotional stimulation is often better then logical stimulation.

She doesn't answer to the texts


Have you ever had some girl you thought was lost reconnect after a really long time, like say a year, and talk to you like no time had passed at all?

Or have you sent a text long after she should have forgotten you and find her responding as if it were the next day?

I ask because you have the numbers to make generalizations.

I just have a few weird experiences with women where if I were an alien from another planet, I could only conclude that time doesn't exist for the female of the earth species.

One example, before the widespread use of cell phones. I gave a girl my number and she never called. Ran in to her when she was a customer at a restaurant where I worked, and we picked up immediately where we left off months after she had left my restaurant. I ended up back at her place, and saw something on a bulletin board that looked like my writing.

It was the phone number I had given her. I asked her about it and she said she had saved it all this time. It had never occurred to her to call me, or that I might have been put off by the fact that she hadn't called.

It was almost like she was keeping it as a talisman to bring the two of us back together.

Ageless, timeless, magical thinking.

Girl thinking.

I would conclude that they live in a magic world of endless possibilities where there is all the time in the world and anything can happen.

But I need more data.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

She doesn't answer to the texts

I think the source of the number is important. My impression is that OP, XPQ, and even GS's example were from online. I wrote my post assuming the number source was online or nighttime. Whereas XXL and Gio seem to be more daygame oriented. Perhaps I'm pulling this completely out of my ass but there's no anchor point for online numbers. All you have is your pictures and texts. I think you get put in a different box, *another cute guy on tinder* vs *the guy that approached me at the market*, which allows you a bit more flexibility in texting as you can't as easily be replaced with another swipe. Perhaps none of this makes a difference.

Appreciate the different perspectives XXL and Gio...

She doesn't answer to the texts

Guys hitting up a girl long after she's flaked or ignored them is a large part of the reason women have over-inflated egos in the west.

If you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

These arguments remind me of the people who don't vote because "your vote doesn't really matter". The thing is, enough people think like that that it DOES matter in the big picture.

She doesn't answer to the texts

One of the hotter girls I've banged was earlier this summer. Street approach after dark, she didn't respond to my first text but did respond to the second one a week later and I banged her that night - well worth it. I've had others stop texting back after banging a few times without commitment that also restarted successfully, as well as I'm sure others pre-bang that I can't recall off the top of my head. How much effort does it take to send a restart vs the effort required to generate a new lead, especially from cold approach?

Quote: (10-13-2016 01:02 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

Here is a relevant example about tolerance for disrespectful behavior:

Chatting with a girl on Bumble. Move her to text we are making plans to hang. Make plans to have her come to my place tonight to watch horror movies and drink wine. She tells me night before that she forgot there is a football game tonight that she wants to watch (I already told her I don't watch sports). She asks if we can reschedule or flip back and forth between movies and the game. I tell her I don't have cable. She asks if we can reschedule movies. I tell her nah I'm not interested if she's bailing on our plans to watch football.

But she wasn't bailing. Find the game streaming on your computer and flip over to it a few times to let her check the score and you could've been balls deep right now. People forget shit all the time, it's not disrepectful to ask someone to be a little flexible. This is also ego/frame protection at the expense of new pussy.

Quote: (10-09-2016 08:48 PM)XPQ22 Wrote:  

I'd argue the opposite - I try to keep my ego in check. Why should I keep a girl's number in my phone who never responded to my first text? Like I'm going to text her ages later and she's going to be like "Ah yeah, I remember this dude I never met and ain't give a fuck about two weeks ago. I'm SO totally turned on by him right now..."

She won't be. Or at least never has been in my experience. There's no point to pretending like she will ever care. I'm frankly nobody.

And yes, sending out mass texts to dozens of girls whose digits you hung onto, on the off chance that one might deign to grace you with a reply, DOES feel bad. I don't think that's very egotistical in the grand scheme of things. Just a bit of self-respect.

Ego is self esteem, why would you want to deflate it? When I, and it seems Churros refer to ego protection, we're referring to attaching one's self-esteem to volatile external factors rather than a constant innate sense of self worth - the opinions of others who don't even know us, the need to maintain a dominant frame, the avoidance of social risk, and so on. 90% of men in America are pretty sad, anyone here is going to be an upgrade for almost any women, she just doesn't know it yet. I don't mass text, but when WIA does, he's not begging for a response, he's giving these women a chance for a good time instead of a night of boring celibacy watching whatever shit TV show women are watching these days. Framing it any other way is unhealthy for ego and is going to lead to attaching importance to an interaction, which shouldn't be there.

Quote: (10-13-2016 06:32 PM)Balkan Wrote:  

I think the source of the number is important. My impression is that OP, XPQ, and even GS's example were from online. I wrote my post assuming the number source was online or nighttime. Whereas XXL and Gio seem to be more daygame oriented. Perhaps I'm pulling this completely out of my ass but there's no anchor point for online numbers. All you have is your pictures and texts. I think you get put in a different box, *another cute guy on tinder* vs *the guy that approached me at the market*, which allows you a bit more flexibility in texting as you can't as easily be replaced with another swipe. Perhaps none of this makes a difference.

Appreciate the different perspectives XXL and Gio...

Agree 100%

Quote: (10-13-2016 07:59 PM)John_Galt Wrote:  

Guys hitting up a girl long after she's flaked or ignored them is a large part of the reason women have over-inflated egos in the west.

If you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

These arguments remind me of the people who don't vote because "your vote doesn't really matter". The thing is, enough people think like that that it DOES matter in the big picture.

The opinion of men on the internet I've never met don't matter to me either when I'm balls deep in some hottie that I restarted. I'll be part of that problem with pleasure.

Tongue in cheek of course, because if you're associating the men on this forum with guys in the west generally, well, next time you've bagged a Tinder sloot have her show you the app and enjoy a good laugh at the cringeworthy "game" most guys are running. We on RVF are most certainly not part of the problem.

She doesn't answer to the texts


Here's my frame:

I'm the shit. If you haven't figured that out yet, enjoy yourself.

I take it forgranted that a 7 or above is going to play games. It's part of the US culture.

But if you're not even considered "Cute" by 90% of guys, I'm not wasting my time padding your self-worth/ego/status. You really need to recognize your value, because its much lower than you think it is.

Hot girls will flake and play games. It's the cost of doing business. But when a girl barely passes the boner test, I'm sorry, I'm NOT going to pull out all the stops to get a bang.

This is low-hanging fruit we're talking about here. I'm not suggesting you "next" a girl everytime she doesn't reply to your text. Only the ones who should know better.

But hey, to each his own. Somebody has to keep those 6's feeling good about themselves. (Teasing)

She doesn't answer to the texts

Quote: (10-13-2016 09:00 PM)Gorgiass Wrote:  

Quote: (10-13-2016 01:02 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

Here is a relevant example about tolerance for disrespectful behavior:

Chatting with a girl on Bumble. Move her to text we are making plans to hang. Make plans to have her come to my place tonight to watch horror movies and drink wine. She tells me night before that she forgot there is a football game tonight that she wants to watch (I already told her I don't watch sports). She asks if we can reschedule or flip back and forth between movies and the game. I tell her I don't have cable. She asks if we can reschedule movies. I tell her nah I'm not interested if she's bailing on our plans to watch football.

But she wasn't bailing. Find the game streaming on your computer and flip over to it a few times to let her check the score and you could've been balls deep right now. People forget shit all the time, it's not disrepectful to ask someone to be a little flexible. This is also ego/frame protection at the expense of new pussy.

That's the point I'm trying to make - new pussy (or rather the possibility of it) in this scenario is obviously more valuable to you than it is to me.

This girl and I made plans several days ago, then the night before she tells me she is more interested in watching a football game than spending time with me. She even said if she had come over she would have just been "checking the score on her phone the whole time."

Fuck that. I don't need to deal with some sports bitch just to possibly get another notch. I don't like football. I don't want to watch it or spend time talking about it or having some chick sitting next to me checking her phone every 5 minutes or, as you suggest, needing me to set my laptop up in front of us so she can watch her game.

I have plenty of girls who I enjoy spending time with who do things I like to do and are agreeable that I can fuck on the regular. These days I'm past the point of just trying to bang new girls for the sake of it. New sex is nice and all, but I'd rather spend time with someone who is enjoyable to be around and I get along with.

To me, a football game, especially one that isn't a playoff game or the Super Bowl, is trivial bullshit that absolutely does not warrant blowing off/trying to reschedule preset plans for. If it's that important to a girl I'm going to be seeing, then I guess I don't care to see her.

EDIT: And I'd like to point hopefully enough dudes on here know me well enough and understand that I'm pretty humble. I have no shame in admitting I've dumpster dived, fucked a few fatties, and done some risky shit for the sake of pussy - that said, tell this broad I wasn't interested has nothing to do with ego and everything to do with my personal interests at this current point in my life. There are plenty of situations or scenarios where I'm down to fuck a girl simply because she is DTF, but these days I'm generally a little more interested in good company on top of good sex.

She doesn't answer to the texts

Quote: (10-13-2016 06:32 PM)Balkan Wrote:  

Perhaps I'm pulling this completely out of my ass but there's no anchor point for online numbers. All you have is your pictures and texts. I think you get put in a different box, *another cute guy on tinder* vs *the guy that approached me at the market*, which allows you a bit more flexibility in texting as you can't as easily be replaced with another swipe. Perhaps none of this makes a difference.

Eh, for my experience it doesn't matter much the source of the number, online, night, or what (little) daygame experience I've had.

Keep in mind that what I'm not talking about is an online girl who you shoot a message to on one of the apps that you've never had any interaction with. That you would forget about those girls without another thought seems clear enough that it's hardly worth mentioning (though on one or two occasions I've gotten a girl out who ignored my opener but responded to a second months later.)

What I'm talking about is, for example, an online girl who you met once and you don't get all the way to sex, and you text her a few days later and she doesn't reply or otherwise blows you off. Or you chat on the site and she tosses you her digits, but then when you text her later via SMS she doesn't respond, takes forever to respond, or appears otherwise disinterested.

She doesn't answer to the texts

Quote: (10-14-2016 02:00 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

That's the point I'm trying to make - new pussy (or rather the possibility of it) in this scenario is obviously more valuable to you than it is to me.

This girl and I made plans several days ago, then the night before she tells me she is more interested in watching a football game than spending time with me. She even said if she had come over she would have just been "checking the score on her phone the whole time."

Fuck that. I don't need to deal with some sports bitch just to possibly get another notch. I don't like football. I don't want to watch it or spend time talking about it or having some chick sitting next to me checking her phone every 5 minutes or, as you suggest, needing me to set my laptop up in front of us so she can watch her game.

I have plenty of girls who I enjoy spending time with who do things I like to do and are agreeable that I can fuck on the regular. These days I'm past the point of just trying to bang new girls for the sake of it. New sex is nice and all, but I'd rather spend time with someone who is enjoyable to be around and I get along with.

To me, a football game, especially one that isn't a playoff game or the Super Bowl, is trivial bullshit that absolutely does not warrant blowing off/trying to reschedule preset plans for. If it's that important to a girl I'm going to be seeing, then I guess I don't care to see her.

EDIT: And I'd like to point hopefully enough dudes on here know me well enough and understand that I'm pretty humble. I have no shame in admitting I've dumpster dived, fucked a few fatties, and done some risky shit for the sake of pussy - that said, tell this broad I wasn't interested has nothing to do with ego and everything to do with my personal interests at this current point in my life. There are plenty of situations or scenarios where I'm down to fuck a girl simply because she is DTF, but these days I'm generally a little more interested in good company on top of good sex.

I mean, I didn't set up a date with this chick, so her pussy doesn't mean shit to me. If I want new pussy I screen for quality, when I find quality I invest in it, when I invest in it I follow through.

I don't like football either. I also don't like hearing about a good percentage of what most women want to talk about, so I steer the conversation to something I enjoy. If she's checking her phone regularly I'll give her shit for it and make her feel bad and she'll cut it out - frame control is done in person, not via text.

In the scheme of things, a woman who's into sports is probably emotionally superior to a woman who's into the Kardashians, although neither are LTR material. Are they hot though? Are you looking for a wife or a bang?

The average guy can spend a couple hundred bucks and days to weeks of time getting a bang. Those of us here spend what $ we want and hours to days of time getting a bang generally. In the scheme of things, setting up a laptop is an incredibly small investment if a chick has been worth talking to already. It requires a much greater sacrifice of frame than it does of time, which is easily rebuilt one on one.

My response was based on your assertion that her behavior was disrespectful, which is related to ego. If sports chicks are that much of a turn off for you that's another matter entirely, all good.

She doesn't answer to the texts

Quote: (10-14-2016 02:00 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

Quote: (10-13-2016 09:00 PM)Gorgiass Wrote:  

Quote: (10-13-2016 01:02 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

Here is a relevant example about tolerance for disrespectful behavior:

Chatting with a girl on Bumble. Move her to text we are making plans to hang. Make plans to have her come to my place tonight to watch horror movies and drink wine. She tells me night before that she forgot there is a football game tonight that she wants to watch (I already told her I don't watch sports). She asks if we can reschedule or flip back and forth between movies and the game. I tell her I don't have cable. She asks if we can reschedule movies. I tell her nah I'm not interested if she's bailing on our plans to watch football.

But she wasn't bailing. Find the game streaming on your computer and flip over to it a few times to let her check the score and you could've been balls deep right now. People forget shit all the time, it's not disrepectful to ask someone to be a little flexible. This is also ego/frame protection at the expense of new pussy.

That's the point I'm trying to make - new pussy (or rather the possibility of it) in this scenario is obviously more valuable to you than it is to me.

This girl and I made plans several days ago, then the night before she tells me she is more interested in watching a football game than spending time with me. She even said if she had come over she would have just been "checking the score on her phone the whole time."

Fuck that. I don't need to deal with some sports bitch just to possibly get another notch. I don't like football. I don't want to watch it or spend time talking about it or having some chick sitting next to me checking her phone every 5 minutes or, as you suggest, needing me to set my laptop up in front of us so she can watch her game.

I have plenty of girls who I enjoy spending time with who do things I like to do and are agreeable that I can fuck on the regular. These days I'm past the point of just trying to bang new girls for the sake of it. New sex is nice and all, but I'd rather spend time with someone who is enjoyable to be around and I get along with.

To me, a football game, especially one that isn't a playoff game or the Super Bowl, is trivial bullshit that absolutely does not warrant blowing off/trying to reschedule preset plans for. If it's that important to a girl I'm going to be seeing, then I guess I don't care to see her.

EDIT: And I'd like to point hopefully enough dudes on here know me well enough and understand that I'm pretty humble. I have no shame in admitting I've dumpster dived, fucked a few fatties, and done some risky shit for the sake of pussy - that said, tell this broad I wasn't interested has nothing to do with ego and everything to do with my personal interests at this current point in my life. There are plenty of situations or scenarios where I'm down to fuck a girl simply because she is DTF, but these days I'm generally a little more interested in good company on top of good sex.

I'm at the same place, brother.

It all comes down to supply and demand. The supply is so high that we know there are other girls. With proper game, this forum, etc...demand goes down. The need for sex, that crazy monkey drive, isn't there so much. WIA touched on this in his blog that if you want to be in the game for a while you have to be a sex addict or something.

The more I'm able to get pussy the less I put up with. Fact.

The other night I had an eye opening experience with one of my wingman. This guy is a close friend of mine and regularly pulls quality ass. We were out at the bars and he was talking up this beautiful girl, everything was going well, but after a few minutes he left. I said "what's wrong y'all were getting along so well?" He responded "she was cool but I just want to hang out with you. Unless the girl has a friend I'll just get her number and holler at her later."

It's not even a matter of flexing your "abundance mentality," it's determining what you want. Freedom of will. Prioritizing YOUR happiness over everything else.

She doesn't answer to the texts

I hear you, flakey girls are really annoying. Many many times, I've learned over the years.

I want to avoid drama, 100%, every single day of my life. And drama with women equals mostly; overtly using logic to explain a problem you are having with her, explaining, anger, making a statement when you are dissed, etc. Essentially trying to talk her out of her mood.

And I think its a level of game that you get to. I vote with my feet. If she's slow, flakey, indecisive, whatever, I just drop off. No comment. No more words. There is another one with 5 minutes away. Just pivot and find her.

Stalin: from what I can tell she was giving you alternatives. To me thats always a sign of high interest in you. I might not have written this one off, but shrugged it off. I told a very fine Ukrainian blonde last weekend that she "didnt seem interested". But she was responsive, just slow to respond. Kicking self...

I dont want to burn any bridges, to me the upside is far more worth it not to. There are girls in my phone I havent met yet from three years ago, who I may or may not meet. If she was sending you nudes in the past, but you didnt meet, she will respond. Most do when they have boyfriends. I like to keep those going, especially on Snapchat where you can build some interest.

She doesn't answer to the texts

We all have different standards and preferences. The girl willing to turn down already made plans to watch a football game was a turn off for me. Whether she asked to reschedule or not, I find that rude. We had plans and she decided after the fact there was something else she would rather be doing. You can call it ego all you want or being stuck up, I just have enough good women in my life at the moment that I don't care to cater to more women that aren't giving me a vibe that I'm feeling or are making things more difficult than they have to be.

As for the trivial time/frame investment or whatever to accommodate her needing to have the game on in front of her in the hypothetical event she actually came to my place nah fuck that. Come to my house drink wine watch some halloween movies and chat and just experience someone new. That's what I wanted to to do. Maybe some people think that's unreasonable whatever. It's what I want. I'll go an extra mile for a girl if I feel like it. That night I did not.

She doesn't answer to the texts

Stalin there's another way of viewing that. Sometimes these signals can indicate whether the girl is worth your time investment. She doesn't come for the football game – that indicates she mightn't actually bang you, or that she might be a frustrating plate.

I flaked on a hard 8 because she wanted to meet somewhere else. Not because I was getting stroppy, but because the bang was looking unlikely at that point. I wouldn't let her dictate the frame.

She doesn't answer to the texts

That's what I'm trying to say - I used my jedi powers of listening to my gut to decide she was a bit too difficult and a bit too incompatible with me to bother making further accommodations for to get together.

To answer Gorgiass question:


Are you looking for a wife or a bang?

Sort of neither. I'm not exactly on the lookout for the mother of my children, but I'm also not just looking for a notch. These days I'm more focused on spending time with women who are enjoyable for me to be around. Just hooking up with some girl who has a shit personality or I have little to nothing in common with is behind me these days. I like enjoying women beyond just their wet holes.

She doesn't answer to the texts

Quote: (10-15-2016 12:43 PM)churros Wrote:  

Stalin there's another way of viewing that. Sometimes these signals can indicate whether the girl is worth your time investment. She doesn't come for the football game – that indicates she mightn't actually bang you, or that she might be a frustrating plate.

I flaked on a hard 8 because she wanted to meet somewhere else. Not because I was getting stroppy, but because the bang was looking unlikely at that point. I wouldn't let her dictate the frame.

That's the other thing worth mentioning. A girl who comes over to "watch a horror film" is basically saying yes to banging.

A girl who comes over to "watch football" is just you hanging out with a dude who happens to have a vagina.

Why waste the time?

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