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East Asia, dying DHV for Westerner? You decide!

East Asia, dying DHV for Westerner? You decide!

One very interesting index regarding the middle-classes (from which are coming most women that we'd want to meet) of SEA, is that of auto sales.

Personally, it is the index that I favor, when I want to know which countries are progressing, and not only for their leading casts.

So, index of new-automobile sales, in one year, has jumped +8% in SEA, and if you remove Malaysia, +10%.

It means, SEA middle-classes are quickly becoming more affluent and their daughters, less desperate for meeting a wealthy Westerner. Something to keep in mind when analyzing the situation. One needs to bring more and more to the table...


East Asia, dying DHV for Westerner? You decide!

Yes now they expect you to actually have a personality - not just white skin, pulse and wallet.

East Asia, dying DHV for Westerner? You decide!

Quote: (09-28-2016 11:25 PM)Suits Wrote:  

Quote: (09-28-2016 02:33 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

We got guys here advising presidential candidates.

Is this credible?

Yes, it is credible. True or not, I don't really know, but, credible it is. On the Trump thread, I've read analyses that are absolutely top-level, texts that might credibly come from professional political advisors.

Also, I do know of a couple of French forum members here having occasionally spoken and say, offered (at least informal) advice to a French presidential (or primary) candidate, so, why wouldn't we have American advisors here on RVF? I mean, aren't we number-1 on google searches related with threads on D. Trump?

If I were a Trump's political advisor for example, I would from time to time mine here for ideas, and bounce possible strategies on the Trump thread, to see the public's reactions. Makes sense.

Also, in any case, IKE is probably a Hillary's advisor [Image: tinfoilhat.gif]

East Asia, dying DHV for Westerner? You decide!

Quote: (09-29-2016 05:06 AM)erikak Wrote:  

Quote: (09-28-2016 02:33 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

a bunch of gibberish

Okay, just got back home and read your post, I'll respond.

1) Travesty handed me my ass? All he did was rage like a moron. Other guys stated they thought the girl was beautiful, good looking. So I went overboard calling her a 9. Big deal? I liked her. Better publicly attack me after I send a picture. Seriously? That's handing me my ass? KK.

2) The Chinese girl's parents were trying to hook me up in 2012, before the anti-foreigner vibe set in. Around that time, Chinese were still (somewhat) pro-foreigner. It started to change in 2013. I'm sure anyone who was in China at that time can back up my claims of it being pretty nuts years ago.

Regarding Chinese girls valuing height, um, what are you talking about? I specifically said:

Regarding this height nonsense, gao fu shuai, etc... 99% of the hottest girls in China that I saw were with average height or even short guys, most of whom were not handsome. Majority of the tall and handome guys were single or with sub5s. Sure they want tall/rich/handsome but money is a way bigger priority than anything else. Chinese girls love luxury goods, shopping, fancy dinners, driving, traveling, showing off. Maybe it changed in the year I've been gone, maybe they all became hippies, but it was like that since 2012ish with the rise of the fu er dai (rich kids).

Feeling stupid now?

3) Those are my sales, not someone else's. I didn't even use recent images, which would account for not only ebook sales but paperback sales in 20+ countries. I could post countless more images, invitations for book signings, negotiations with China, etc. Sorry guy. I posted that because clearly lots of people would disagree with you. But writing on a forum? I didn't know that was worthy of such scrutiny and criticism.

Everything else is your opinion, and you're just raging like Travesty. I've been genuinely trying to help, and yeah I've mentioned the Asia decline a bit too much, but I was sick of constantly reading shit like "being white is godmode" and "I'm gonna retire in SEA when I'm older". Despite what you've said, I'm not even angry at you, if you're ever in the Philippines and want to grab a beer or something, PM me. (Same goes for anyone.)

I could also try to promote other aspiring writers on RVF, or make a thread on tactics I use for selling on Amazon.

K, been driving all day in Philippines traffic, gonna crash. If I actually offended anyone, I'm sorry. And if I deserve a ban, it's cool.

Still haven't had enough yet?

I think you are a compulsive liar. Let's break it down.

1. Yes he handed you your ass. He was heavily agreed with. He knew you were over-inflating your gals value, based upon his own experiences. He isn't the only one. Lots of foreigners tend to overvalue their pulls on 10 score. Regulars here usually know better than to overscore a girl by 3 points. That is something blue pill, no game having, guys do. The Philippines is not well known for 8-10s in high supply. While they exist, it usually requires gaming high society girls. You claimed you met this girl on a dating site. No legit 9 in the Philippines dates online! That is why you have zero credibility on women.

You are probably lying about your age. You probably are not 34, but probably 54 and fat with an Austin Powers mop on your head for lettuce. Go ahead and send Travesty a picture of yourself so that we can solve this mystery and hop back into our Mystery Game Van. We collectively have alot more work to do around here than, figure out how much of a loser some of you new guys are. Stop projecting your alleged value with no realistic proof, and get back to the classroom and learn something.

2. I was in China during those years. What the fuck are you talking about? If you are talking about the Anti-Japanese riots, that shit does not apply to any of us. I am not aware of any Japanese men on this forum. Sure during the riot time it was best practice to stay away from the mobs and keep a low profile, but after the government put a lid on that, it was over. I went back after the riots once and had zero issues. Haters that are migrant workers are the only ones anyone should avoid. Locals don't bother foreigners and are usually used to them. Ass sore migrants from the countryside are the only haters, and as long as you do not go messing with them, they are not an issue. They work near their dorms and rarely venture out. Do not mess around their dormitories.

Your fear mongering about China is unwarranted and complete bullshit. No one here that knows China will back you up on that. They know the same risks, I just explained above, but they never utter quibble like "China is dangerous". Usually people that have NEVER BEEN to China, say shit like this. You probably follow Chinese news articles, but never spent any real time there. If anything, walking around China is probably safer than walking around America (without a handgun). In many places in China people walk around from 11PM-3AM with no problem. I know I did. Dark alleys etc. No problem. I'd never do that back home.

Again, you come off as a compulsive liar. I would believe you if you would refer to some personal anecdote of your own, or if you could describe a time you were actually threatened, or even if you claimed that a Chinese guy punched you and stole your purse and Iphone on the bus. All you did was go find news articles. We all saw those fucking stories. Big deal. China is a huge place. A French guy getting stabbed in Beijing does not automatically mean we should stay indoors for the next 6 months.

3) Put your ear near the monitor. *whispers* WE DON'T GIVE FLYING FUCK ABOUT YOUR BOOKS! Are you working with a full deck upstairs? Are you mentally retarded?

You need to read the Forum Rules again:


You are breaking the following rules on trolling:


1. Bad-Grammar Troll
Writes meandering, unintelligible posts--often in the form of worthless pondering and musings--that add zero value to the forum. Even a teenage girl with three iPhones wouldn't understand the arcane abbreviations and transpositions in their masterpieces. Even after repeated warnings--and proclamations he will make an effort to improve--he continues to write with near-illiterate impunity. Posts are either super-short one-liners or tortuously long--nothing in between.

3. Big-Baller Troll
Even if you have a topless Scarlett Johansson currently grinding against your cock, while lavishing you with syrupy praise--making it near-impossible to type your RooshVForum post--Big-Baller Troll still has more game than you. It's interesting that a guy who lays down so much pipe invariably makes retarded remarks about game or asks very elementary questions. Still, he will often excoriate and brow-beat others--with impressive Internet Courage--with bold assertions about his championship-level game, with little proof or indicator that it actually exists.

4. Game-Denier, Apocalypse Troll
Is the equivalent of the Catholic Church during the Renaissance, denying exciting, irrefutable science while the world around them embraces it and implements it successfully. Questions the efficacy of basic techniques that guys like me use on a daily basis just on the way to pick up the paper from the front lawn (I don't read the paper or have a front lawn, but you know what I mean). Pessimistically proclaims the death knell of entire branches of game (college game, night game) that are so massive that it is near-impossible for them to die.

13. Fiction-Writer Troll**
A seemingly competent, normal member of the community whose contributions are just a little too far-fetched. We've all done things and been in situations that stretch the boundaries of plausibility, but Fiction Troll's narratives go just a little further--displaying odd incongruities or elaborate literary devices that, upon close examination, smell obviously fabricated. What's more, they've often compiled little or no credibility on the board (through rep or a long history of posts) for their stories to be actually believable. The dead-giveaways tend to be bragadocious threads that trumpet his "alpha" cred or ultra-polished Dear-Journal threads that read like Skinimax-like voice-overs. The combination of a group of men whose lifestlyes are predicated on continual, impressive conquests--and the ease of stretching the truth behind the anonymity curtain of the Internet--makes small amounts of fish-story trolling almost inevitable. But egregious cases of outright lying, that take away from the mission of the forum, need to be called out.

We care about the quality of writing here on this forum. If you cannot be bothered to use correct grammar, not use text-speak, and write well in general, don't post! Your one liner shitpost is not amusing to us as it was to you, when you wrote it. If you cannot be bothered to be verbose enough to explain your points thoroughly, don't make us have to put more wear and tear on our scrolling finger, that we use on our mouse devices. We need that middle finger for when we go driving, have to deal with a feminist outside, or put a troll in their place. We need you to do your part around here and pick up the slack. We are not asking you to write a book. We want quality posts. You won't link your books, so we do not know if they are full of errors anyway. So stop bringing up your books. We cannot look at them to judge your worth with, so therefore, we do not care. As far as we know, you are lying about that and they do not exist.

I feel stupid now? That sounds like something a bitch would say to a guy. Get this effeminate talk out of your vocabulary.

I passed your post through the gender guesser.


Total words: 453

Genre: Informal
Female = 703
Male = 557
Difference = -146; 44.2%
Verdict: Weak FEMALE

Weak emphasis could indicate European.
Genre: Formal
Female = 636
Male = 431
Difference = -205; 40.39%
Verdict: Weak FEMALE

Weak emphasis could indicate European.

[Image: gay.gif]

44% is pretty gay for an RVF poster that is supposed to be a male. You are not European either. If you are allegedly 34, that makes you too old to be a funky Millennial as well. 30 something rich butch bull dyke? You should be lucky only Travesty and I jumped on you. Had you been posting elsewhere, or eligible for the Politics subforum, they would have smelled your pussy from a mile off. This might even explain why you feel so threatened in China. Usually Western women freakout and leave China in under a year.

If you really want to help RVF, learn the rules first. Burn them into your brain. Then lurk for a while. 3-6 months at least. Once you have seen how the forum operates, then you will encounter alot less resistance. If you are a woman, then fuck off, you are not allowed to be here.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

East Asia, dying DHV for Westerner? You decide!

Quote: (09-29-2016 08:48 AM)Going strong Wrote:  

Quote: (09-28-2016 11:25 PM)Suits Wrote:  

Quote: (09-28-2016 02:33 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

We got guys here advising presidential candidates.

Is this credible?

Yes, it is credible. True or not, I don't really know, but, credible it is. On the Trump thread, I've read analyses that are absolutely top-level, texts that might credibly come from professional political advisors.

Also, I do know of a couple of French forum members here having occasionally spoken and say, offered (at least informal) advice to a French presidential (or primary) candidate, so, why wouldn't we have American advisors here on RVF? I mean, aren't we number-1 on google searches related with threads on D. Trump?

If I were a Trump's political advisor for example, I would from time to time mine here for ideas, and bounce possible strategies on the Trump thread, to see the public's reactions. Makes sense.

Also, in any case, IKE is probably a Hillary's advisor [Image: tinfoilhat.gif]

Check Samseau's post from a week ago. He explained it somewhere in the thread there.
MikeCF is a pundit for Trump as well. He's been on FOX and other platforms. Pundits do get some access to the campaign, and campaigns have always utilized them and provide material, and vis versa.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

East Asia, dying DHV for Westerner? You decide!

Quote: (09-29-2016 06:16 AM)Ice Wrote:  

Quote: (09-29-2016 05:06 AM)erikak Wrote:  


Good answer Erikak.

No idea why TravellerKai went on this rant - why not just discuss things in a normal manner.


You are not some big dog here. MikeCF came from this forum. We got guys here advising presidential candidates. We have dudes with private jets here. Fuck, I turned down a book deal over that came out of nowhere and ended up revising it for free here on RVF, because I want to help men in the Manosphere instead and did not care for the money.

This is just being defensive and qualifying to Erikak - seems like TravellerKai got pretty shaken up.

To me everything Erikak is saying makes sense - if there are some things that cause suspicion or disbelieve it can of course be brought up, but these rants above in the thread are just ridiculous.

Shaken up? That's rich. Know nothing trolls out the woodwork. Go back to lurking before I drop your posts into the gender guesser.

Keeping this forum clean requires work from everyone. The community is only as good as it's posters. Liars and sycophants like you Ice, will not get away with misleading the forum.

It's high time we get experience a revival here. We will step our game up next year and the quality, just like Donald Trump's wall, just got 10 feet fucking higher.

Keep trolling Ice and Erica, and the energy and quality of the forum will just get higher. Enough is enough.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

East Asia, dying DHV for Westerner? You decide!

Quote: (09-29-2016 08:45 AM)RichieP Wrote:  

Yes now they expect you to actually have a personality - not just white skin, pulse and wallet.

Really??? Fuck it then. We should just give up and jerk off to Brazzers into a sock.

East Asia, dying DHV for Westerner? You decide!

Ok, going back ontopic. Maybe the amount of foreign lovers have been more or less the same over the years, and by the simple rule of supply and demand made East Asia 'harder' because of the easier access to go travel there for westerners over the years. That, and other factors that have been pointed out such as the dudes talking about the 'golden age' just got old and unattractive, they never pulled any good quality in the first place, all stories about 8-10's were in reality more like 3-5's (just that they never got any attention back home made such a huge contrast coming to a place where you get at least some female interest, which then leads to their brains to over heat), and many stories are just lies and exaggerations like they got eye-contact with some random chick on the street, later tells his friends he banged her lol.

Anyway, for a RVF-member it should definatly not be played out. Infact a greater amount of foreign beta-losers should mean that high value game aware dude should shine even more, adding some cultural awareness to the destination ofc.

East Asia, dying DHV for Westerner? You decide!

Quote: (09-30-2016 03:35 AM)IDrinkYourMilkShake Wrote:  

Anyway, for a RVF-member it should definatly not be played out.

It definitely isn't played out. My game isn't exactly elite, but I can still bang 1/2 girls I meet off of OKCupid.

I've seen very nice, very nice beta guys who would have been completely ignored by women in their own country wife up very sweet, attractive girls who were definitely a step up from the mean that I bang.

Generally speaking, however, most betas and lazy alphas don't do date better than a 5 or a low 6 here in Beijing.

But the scene is definitely not played out by any stretch of the imagination.

I'm the King of Beijing!

East Asia, dying DHV for Westerner? You decide!

Quote: (09-29-2016 08:37 AM)Going strong Wrote:  

One very interesting index regarding the middle-classes (from which are coming most women that we'd want to meet) of SEA, is that of auto sales.

Personally, it is the index that I favor, when I want to know which countries are progressing, and not only for their leading casts.

It means, SEA middle-classes are quickly becoming more affluent and their daughters, less desperate for meeting a wealthy Westerner. Something to keep in mind when analyzing the situation. One needs to bring more and more to the table...

I agree with this 100%.

I mentioned this phenomenon a few times in the Philippines thread -- once in response to your question about change, I might add. [Image: smile.gif]

East Asia, dying DHV for Westerner? You decide!

Quote: (09-29-2016 08:37 AM)Going strong Wrote:  

One very interesting index regarding the middle-classes (from which are coming most women that we'd want to meet) of SEA, is that of auto sales.

Personally, it is the index that I favor, when I want to know which countries are progressing, and not only for their leading casts.

So, index of new-automobile sales, in one year, has jumped +8% in SEA, and if you remove Malaysia, +10%.

It means, SEA middle-classes are quickly becoming more affluent and their daughters, less desperate for meeting a wealthy Westerner. Something to keep in mind when analyzing the situation. One needs to bring more and more to the table...


Perhaps, but there is also something of a credit bubble now in Southeast Asia. Most Thais buy their cars with loans they can barely afford just to keep up appearances. Many people will default on those loans. Are salaries rising? Maybe, but people on the ground here in Bangkok are quite negative about economic prospects overall.

I'll agree than relying on being Mr Beta Bucks isn't a great strategy for pulling quality girls though. In fact, I doubt it ever was.

PM me for accommodation options in Bangkok.

East Asia, dying DHV for Westerner? You decide!

Quote: (09-29-2016 08:48 AM)Going strong Wrote:  

Quote: (09-28-2016 11:25 PM)Suits Wrote:  

Quote: (09-28-2016 02:33 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

We got guys here advising presidential candidates.

Is this credible?

Yes, it is credible.

Also, in any case, IKE is probably a Hillary's advisor [Image: tinfoilhat.gif]

I'm her girlfriend [Image: 69.gif]

[Image: banana.gif][Image: catlady.gif][Image: banana.gif]

The court jester is needed most when the kings are warring.

East Asia, dying DHV for Westerner? You decide!

Quote: (10-02-2016 04:42 AM)Bushido Wrote:  

Quote: (09-29-2016 08:37 AM)Going strong Wrote:  

One very interesting index regarding the middle-classes (from which are coming most women that we'd want to meet) of SEA, is that of auto sales.

Personally, it is the index that I favor, when I want to know which countries are progressing, and not only for their leading casts.

So, index of new-automobile sales, in one year, has jumped +8% in SEA, and if you remove Malaysia, +10%.

It means, SEA middle-classes are quickly becoming more affluent and their daughters, less desperate for meeting a wealthy Westerner. Something to keep in mind when analyzing the situation. One needs to bring more and more to the table...


Perhaps, but there is also something of a credit bubble now in Southeast Asia. Most Thais buy their cars with loans they can barely afford just to keep up appearances. Many people will default on those loans. Are salaries rising? Maybe, but people on the ground here in Bangkok are quite negative about economic prospects overall.

I'll agree than relying on being Mr Beta Bucks isn't a great strategy for pulling quality girls though. In fact, I doubt it ever was.

Be careful correlating new auto sales to increased affluence among lower mid or middle class Thais. The country has high levels of personal debt. Others that have no business owning a new auto will do seemingly crazy things to get the all important status symbol. I've seen,

- two girls share a small 2,500 baht studio so they could each drive a new car.

- 3 Thai guys share a 2000 baht studio in CM so they could afford truck payments on their sub 15K baht salaries.

- more than one Thai use parents home as collateral to borrow the down payment to finance the vehicle (two loans for one vehicle).

- many uni student girls working 'dek sideline' to fund a more lavish lifestyle that includes a new auto.

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