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Official introduction thread

Official introduction thread

Hey guys, been reading Roosh's blog and lurking for a little while, thought I might drop in and post occasionally. I'm a Canadian guy currently living in Korea, doing the ESL thing.

Appreciate all the wisdom that's been posted on the blog and this forum. Has really opened my eyes to a lot of things.

Official introduction thread

What up, I hail from San Diego. Great to be here.

Official introduction thread

What's good, I'm just your typical model type who hails from DC's crappy suburb to the north. I was first introduced to the game back in the day, but I've become more of a zen pua rather than an active participant. I'm getting close to graduating and am not satisfied with the lizards that I can usually pull with no problem. I need to advance my game so that I can stay ahead of the curve. I'm probably going to lurk more before starting to post, but I've learned a lot thus far....Cheers

Official introduction thread

Hello all!

My name is Phillip, and I'm currently in the South Central Texas area (San Antonio-Austin).

I recently finished my Bachelors at Texas State University, and I work as a DJ at the moment (still trying to find a "job" job).

Anyways I discovered Roosh's blog, and have since finished "Bang". I'm working on my second read thru right now.

I definitely don't consider myself a player or anything, but I've been with my fair share of ladies. I bought the book to help smooth out the edges, and give me new ideas on how to get more notches. I really enjoyed what I learned, and have been implementing your methods in regards to both approaching and ultimately sealing the deal.

I feel very privileged to have discovered this what seems to be another world of game, and an awesome community.

Thanks for having me!

Official introduction thread

Welcome newbies!

[Image: badger.gif]

Official introduction thread

Hi all.

I'm 36 and live in Perth, Australia. Story is I was nerdy in high school, entered university feeling more confident in an environment with more brains and less brawn. But only ever got LJBF's with girls complaining about their "jerk boyfriends".

In the late 90's, I took a gap year betweeb my 2nd last and last year of university where I became a podium dancer in night clubs. Got really good tone and posture, albeit thin and ended up immersed in the club scene, drugs, money. I developed pretty good style and peacocked extraordinarily well, and being a dancer I could open quite easily. So some of the elements of game, but not complete. I couldn't close that well, felt awkward with kino (equality and all) and I couldn't fake rambling (not knowing what it was). So I had learned some elements of game independently and observed their results, though I did lack all the pieces to assemble an holistic approach.

I became very cynical of women in a short time because what I had learned was contradictory of what I felt I had been told, but in hignsight, in a "5 stages of grief" analysis, I didn't "accept" it as this is how women are, I "bargained" it away as the women I've met will only engage in this as a short term phase.

Ended up in a LTR with a virgin where I wasn't aware of the nature shit-tests, and where the incessant demand for attention snowballed to the point I was dedicating so much time for her that I didn't have enough time to focus on looking after myself. My weight blew out, I became more withdrawn and then at the end she f*cked another guy.

Her hamster tried to rationalise it away, one point becoming "If you had suspicions I was seeing him, why didn't you tell me to stop even being near him. I wanted you to tell me that!"

I got other thing like "Sexually, I just want you to take me" and "I want to feel protected", then with the guy she fucked "I want you to go and hit him".

For me, it didn't reconcile with treating a woman as an equal. Rational thought, to me, dictated that "I shouldn't have to tell you to stay away" and "I shouldn't have to hit him, he didn't do the wrong thing, you did".

Quite simply I wasn't equipped, knowledge wise, to assemble the data.

Well this year I took a trip to Paris, embraced the food culture and wall to wall thin women. Loved it and felt I should plan another one in quick order.

For some reason Ecuador peaked my interest at a certain point in time and when I googled "How to pick up women in Ecuador" or something like that, a first page result was roosh's site.

Then onto Roissy, then Rollo Tomasi, and all the pieces started to fit, as if a narration for all my issues was offered. The red pill.

Since then, for lack of a better word, 'resuming' game immediately implementing all the previous pieces and working on my weak parts to practice game.

It has worked well.

Official introduction thread

Heard about Roosh from a guy In Thailand who is in the same niche (not sure what's if it's called seduction/attraction/?)

Checked out his blog and naughty nomad and was impressed. Bought Day Game and Bang Colombia (headed there in a week) and they have some great advice - much better than " be cocky/funny as your whole game" BS.

Live in NYC about half the year and am pretty bored of the the US mentality. Love to travel to south america and asia (sometimes east europe starting to feel like America. I'm super impressed with the forum as it's not just a bunch of idiots talking about 'negs' but real shit that actually works.

Glad to be here.

Official introduction thread

Hey all, will keep my name hidden for now, but I'm from the UK, 21 years of age and looking to improve my non existent game.

Been a member for around a month now, and glad to have found a community of like minded people. I also run a MyBB forum of my own, so it's nice to know your way around a bit better.


Official introduction thread

Haven't introduced myself yet, but hey all. I'm 24 years-old and I'm just trying to improve my game and learn from those that are more experienced. So far, it's been a great experience and the veterans of the forum have been extremely helpful!

Official introduction thread

I'm 54 and live in San Antonio, TX.

I stumbled on MMSL, Dalrock, and Roosh a few months ago. It's helped me figure out where I went wrong for the past 40 years.

Now I'm figuring out how to best navigate my remaining years. Roosh is one of my channel markers.

More to follow.

Official introduction thread

Hi all,

I am 32, live in Boston and work at Hedge Fund.

I just got out of a failed marriage last Spring and through my introspection discovered game and this site. I have read both Bang and Day Bang as well as MM. My view of women has drastically changed and I am happier now than likely any other point in my life.

I look forward to getting to know you guys and hopefully can offer some suggestions as this site has helped me a lot.

Official introduction thread

The name's Goldin Boy. 25 y/o NYC native in upstate(hick) NY.

I notched 1(!) lay in college and got into game via Swinggcat. But I was lazy and started slacking off. I made the promise to myself to improve my game recently and I found one of Roissy's Maxims on a random pua website. Then I started looking for a complete list and that lead me to Heartiste's Chateau. There I heard about Roosh, and the manosphere.

Glad there are still places like this in the Western world were advice on pulling women isn't "be yourself" [Image: smile.gif]

Quote: (08-18-2016 12:05 PM)dicknixon72 Wrote:  
...and nothing quite surprises me anymore. If I looked out my showroom window and saw a fully-nude woman force-fucking an alligator with a strap-on while snorting xanex on the roof of her rental car with her three children locked inside with the windows rolled up, I wouldn't be entirely amazed.

Official introduction thread

I’m new to the forum, my name is 46, and I’ve been stealing your ideas. I have a great gal (usually), so I’m not here to game women in the traditional sense.

You guys are masters at manipulating human behavior for sexual ends, but I’ve been applying your ideas in the workplace. I have a high pofile job, and after much time spent here, I’ve discovered that many of the moves you use to game women (approach, controlling frames, alpha cues, high traffic lanes, “not giving a f---,” etc) can be used to game people, meetings, and public speaking quite effectively.

For example, last month I had a difficult meeting in a hostile environment, the kind that usually spank people. So following ideas from this forum I flipped the script.
1) Before the meeting I approached and opened the hottest woman (relative) from the other company, the one her male co-workers want.
2) Dudes from the other company got all fidgety watching all her hair adjusting and body language changes (alpha position established)
3) Made repeated non-verbal overtures to her during my presentation, which delighted her and threw her coworkers off,
4) took questions via slow response (i.e. making them sweat) to discourage and box out dissenting opinion,
5) didn’t smile much and seem eager to please,
6) ended up subtly dominating the meeting and getting what I wanted by discarding my previous training. You people are geniuses.

And of course I was completely suited down in a workplace casual environment a la G Manifesto, by far the best dressed man in the room. Gaming life, if you will, in a highly structured fashion. F---“luck.”

My personal rule is that if you’re taking ideas from a forum, you have to contribute. Period. Don’t be a selfish tool. Give and get back. I can’t tell how impressed I am with this forum and people going above and beyond to support others. I'll be posting many of my best global moves with women. I’m sure there are thousands more like me who have benefited but haven’t supported Roosh.
Step up.

Official introduction thread

Hi. I'm Moose. Longtime lurker. 23, from the same state as Roosh, and have spent some time in DC. While I'm fairly new to game, and I don't really churn numbers like most guys here, I've had ok success just on basic charm (confident, charisma, etc.) Finally, slowly but surely, I'm learning game.

I'm kind of inspired by some of the guys I see on this forum, making good money and actually enjoying their lives when so many I know aren't.

Official introduction thread


Long time reader of both Roosh and Heartiste. Decided to join the forum for a few reasons- primarily because I love the content and posters but also as a way of monitoring my own progress in the game and forcing myself to keep to the lofty goals I set for myself (aka more bangs, getting better at the game).

Self assessment- I'd say that my level of verbal game is intermediate at best; I rely primarily on solid body language and eye contact to build attraction when I'm out, that I'm tall, workout and am somewhat good looking dosen't hurt either. I think what's limiting my bang potential, primarily, at this point is forcing myself to go out more often- I work long hours as a Hospital Resident and have to get up early to be at work by 6:30 AM, I also have to work 24 hours shifts on occasion- for this reason I rarely go out on weekdays and on weekends I often find myself sucked into the time vortex that is the "oh I'll just click this one more link" trap that is the internet. One of the goals for 2012 is to overcome this and devote the time savings to increasing total bang number.

I also posted a made a blog early last year both it- inspired by Roosh's previous moniker- DC Bachelor.

Going to revive it this year; will change from only spending time passively consuming content to actively creating it. Look forward to interacting with everyone here.

Official introduction thread

Hey gents,

I'm 24 and go to college in Silicon Valley. Stumbled across this site when I was looking for information about Brazil. Big ups to Roosh for setting a place up where players can exchange info.

Official introduction thread

Hi everyone, I am 29 resident in Vancouver, BC.

I will mostly be lurking and throw out the occasional post if I feel I have something valid to say.

I'll admit I don't have any ambitions of being a major player/PUA but I certainly will call my own shots the way I want to live my life. I also hate the feminist movement but support femininity and equal opportunities and stuff.



Official introduction thread

Well, I'm new to the forum, been lurking for a while and cant get enough.
Originally from Maine, but currently playing down in Peru. I am having to relearn game here (aka no spoken, all physical). Loving the learning but it is slow going.
Hope you all find what you are looking for,

Official introduction thread

I'm 18 and live in Iowa, also I just started getting into game about four months ago. After I didn't get any during all of high school and spent my whole summer being a beta chode (I went as far as to buy flowers for I girl I hadn't even banged yet) I decided that something needed to change big time. Roosh's site was actually one of the very few that actually had practical advice I felt like I could use. The whole site and forum have really given me a boost in confidence, I just went solo to Belize for a month and I've been getting laid pretty frequently, and I really think my life has been changed. These days I definitely feel way more alpha and other people have really started to notice. I'll probably post on anything I think I can actually contribute to, and I'll also be posting a Belizean data sheet within the week.

Official introduction thread

Respect. I found this site while Goggling blogs to find out people's opinions about approaching and banging women in the DR and I
am so glad that I did and I look forward to participating in the dialogs.

I plan on hittin' Santiago for my bday celebration in March and I appreciate "Sly's" posts (although I won't be using his
methods) for giving good background about the island that I'm using to tighten' up my game plan for fuckin' some
chickas while I'm out there.

I'll be sure to report back to the group after my trip. I plan on getting some chocolate, latte and (almost) vanilla while
I'm there and I'm curious in regards to which feedback is correct from the two members who were debating if black Americans
who speak little Spanish can bang the almost vanilla chicks. Again, I'll be sure to report my experience.

A hater hates you for 1 of 3 reasons. 1) They want to be you. 2) They hate themselves. 3) They see you as a threat.

Official introduction thread

I just signed up to the forum today, I have been lurking on here for sometime. I have already improved my game since when I first discovered this forum. The knowledge shared here is priceless and is certainly is an asset for anyone from beginner to veteran.

For now Ill step back and get with the flow of how things work around here, but Ill try and contribute where I believe I can add value.

Official introduction thread

Hay fellow "Rooshers" , gamers, players, and forum peeps. I have been following this forum for several months, i ran into it googling about gaming in Colombia. Just want to say that this is the
website I most visit when I surf the net, because I share so much in common with the majority
of the people on this forum: I love chicks, gaming, travelling, and having a good time in life in general. I am an ultra positive guy who is experienced, educated, well to do, but yet i know when to work hard and play hard. Obviously, you have to pay the bills that come with travelling and living the good life. I learn SO MUCH from all you guys, you give great advice on gaming chicks, travelling advice in every country and city, such as the data sheets, and even just great life coaching advice. Looking forward to sharing my travel experiences with all of you. I have been
to many cool cities and look forward to checking out as many of the places that you have all
gone to. Thanks !!

Official introduction thread

Hey Guys, i only got 8 more months till i head off to the marines, so i need help improving my game!!

Official introduction thread

Hey, 26 yr old American here. Been living in Sydney for the last 2 years as a military exchange officer. I get out of the military in a few months and plan on travelling/living in South America for at least a year. June-July I'll be doing a quick tour of Chile, Peru, Ecuador/Galapagos...then settling in Colombia in August.

Been reading the forum for a few months now and look forward to participating.

Official introduction thread

Hello everyone I found out about this forum a few months ago,while searching for travel and game advice. I am 26 from Tennesse. I think this forum is a great place to learn about game and traveling. I am currently a college student studying information technology.

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