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Kimmel chokes up over Cecil the lion

Kimmel chokes up over Cecil the lion

Quote: (07-29-2015 02:35 PM)mastauser Wrote:  

Hunting for food is very good.

Hunting lions for trophy is just very bad man and I don't see people defending this bullshit here.

if it helps the population (old lion or polar bear that disturbs young lions or polar bears for example) of course hunting them is acceptable.

this lion had 6 cubs that will now be killed by the lion Jericho.

What kind of motherfuckers here do defend lion hunting? Assholes!!!!!!!


I defend hunting for sport and I'll shame whomever I please.

Kimmel chokes up over Cecil the lion

People that value animal life more than human life should be parachuted naked into the Amazon.

Kimmel chokes up over Cecil the lion

[Image: enhanced-buzz-31349-1311006234-16.jpg]

[Image: teddy-roosevelt-leopard-hunting.jpeg]

[Image: T.Roosevelt-with-Rhino.jpg]

[Image: aa_roosevelt_badass6.jpg?resize=540%2C368]

Kimmel chokes up over Cecil the lion

Damn, Wilford Brimley was a hell of a hunter!

Kimmel chokes up over Cecil the lion

Damn, now I want to eat some lion steaks.

What's lion taste like?

Kimmel chokes up over Cecil the lion

Kimmel's a fucking pussy.

I only would hunt for sport and of course gut skin and eat whatever I killed.

Bows and knives are a pretty bad ass way to hunt, I'm indifferent about rifles.

Kimmel chokes up over Cecil the lion

Teddy Roosevelt hunted because he was an avid sportsman, loved the outdoors, and cared deeply about its preservation. He passed laws, built national parks, and spent millions preserving American wildlife and natural habitats - one of our greatest redeeming qualities as a country.

That suburban dentist paid $50k to bait an animal with a spotlight, update his Facebook picture, and fly home the next day.

Just saying, there's a difference between hunting and pulling a trigger to please the ego.

Kimmel chokes up over Cecil the lion

Quote: (07-29-2015 02:41 PM)Wutang Wrote:  


[Image: Lion-King.jpg]

So what? You and me are nothing but mammals so do it like they do on the Discovery Channel? I'd shoot an antilope to eat it.

I would dare to say that nobody here has been as close to lions and rhinos as I have been in my life (2 meters walking from a male lion, and I have been under attack by a white rhino, who ran towards me (when I was WALKING) and luckily turned around.

It are mostly losers who are indifferent about species preservation, because they know they will never go to Africa.

Kimmel chokes up over Cecil the lion

Quote: (07-29-2015 01:44 PM)Wutang Wrote:  

I'm tired of all the white knighting for animals in general personally.

I have little interest in hunting myself but I can't stand all the self-righteousness that comes along with all this animal rights nonsense. The concept of "rights" shouldn't even apply to animals in general and I agree that a large part of all the wailing and gnashing of teeth you see over sports hunting as well as the rising popularity of veganism is mostly due to tendency of people in the West to anthropomorphize animals. You take these human categories and concepts and transpose them into the animal kingdom where they simply have no meaning, to me it's totally incoherent.

A lot of times I wonder if the reason why so many Westerners seem so much more enamored with animals and the concept of animal rights is because of how much more common pet ownership is here. I'm a non-Westerner (though I did grow up in the US) and never really had any pets growing up and for a long time I've always found a lot of these animal rights campaign to be bizarre. I remember being in Taiwan and watching my grandmother behead chickens for dinner which I'm guessing is not a common experience for a lot of people here. I'm guessing being cut off from the "circle of life" the way a lot of 1st world Westerners are allows them to have this idealized view of what animals are supposed to be.

Fantastic post, Wutang. You really touched on the weird pedestalization of animals in the West and there is a lot of logical conclusion alluded here.

Consider that animals are viewed as an accessory to the vast majority of people in the West. They aren't seen as utility, livestock, or food. People have pets as "friends" and companions, and misanthropy is all the rage these days. How many times do you hear a millennial say they "hate people" ? It's cool to be fed up, jaded, and unimpressed by your fellow man. Inversely, animals are neutral, innocent, and "victims."

In this sick and damaged society people are unable to properly bond with one another so they bond with animals and project whatever qualities they admire onto them.

The only hunting I don't agree with is the mass slaughter of something to the point of extinction. That's fucking the ecosystem and the food chain. If you're going to kill the shit out of any particular species, then find a way to sustain it like we do with farm animals. We kill millions (billions?) of cows, pigs, and chickens a year but we also raise the same amount to sustain the resource.

Kimmel chokes up over Cecil the lion

Teddy Roosevelt hunted because some part of him enjoyed hunting down and killing wild animals. This is still a common sentiment amongst many hunters today even though they won't admit it to appear politically correct.

He was in tune with his masculine, aggressive primal side that many citizens of the first world have lost touch with. He lived in a time where most people didn't think of animals as being equals to humans but simply beasts. He was also smart enough to know that if we didn't preserve American wilderness, corporations would destroy much of America's natural beauty and rob future citizens of its bounty.

The fact he donated some of the animals he killed on his African safari to the Smithsonian after killing them is secondary, really.

Anyway, throwing trophy hunters under the bus fundamentally doesn't make sense. I don't particularly care for the practice but the 'he's not a real hunter/man/whatever' and the 'look at me, I'm morally superior to this guy' nonsense is tiring.

Hunting animals is thrilling, the meat is good (usually) and the trophies are cool keepsakes. If someone wants to hunt animals for the thrill and the trophy alone that is their decision and I don't care how they do it as long as it's legal.

I get tired of hunters falling all over themselves to try to sanitize what they enjoy doing to appease delicate flowers' sensibilities. I will never use the PC term 'harvested' or any other such nonsense. That kind of shit is a joke, appeasement, and any person with a modicum of intelligence can see right through it.

"Men willingly believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Book III, Ch. 18

Kimmel chokes up over Cecil the lion

People's lives and souls are empty. They will latch onto any easy target to vent their frustration because of their shitty lives. Mugabe starved animals in the zoos, where were the protests? ISIS literally throws gays off of buildings, where are the protests?

This guy is an exemplary easy target. He's white. He's well off. His business is easy to find. He lives in the US. So, easy to generally ruin his life as only SJW's can today.

I don't condone this act, but I'm really not upset over it. What have these people actually done for lions lately? When they start enrolling into conservation biology PhD programs with the aim of preserving lion habitats, or giving money to support such work, then I'll pay attention. Until then all they do is post stuff on Facebook and sign e-petitions.

Kimmel chokes up over Cecil the lion

Quote: (07-29-2015 03:13 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

Quote: (07-29-2015 01:44 PM)Wutang Wrote:  

I'm tired of all the white knighting for animals in general personally.

I have little interest in hunting myself but I can't stand all the self-righteousness that comes along with all this animal rights nonsense. The concept of "rights" shouldn't even apply to animals in general and I agree that a large part of all the wailing and gnashing of teeth you see over sports hunting as well as the rising popularity of veganism is mostly due to tendency of people in the West to anthropomorphize animals. You take these human categories and concepts and transpose them into the animal kingdom where they simply have no meaning, to me it's totally incoherent.

A lot of times I wonder if the reason why so many Westerners seem so much more enamored with animals and the concept of animal rights is because of how much more common pet ownership is here. I'm a non-Westerner (though I did grow up in the US) and never really had any pets growing up and for a long time I've always found a lot of these animal rights campaign to be bizarre. I remember being in Taiwan and watching my grandmother behead chickens for dinner which I'm guessing is not a common experience for a lot of people here. I'm guessing being cut off from the "circle of life" the way a lot of 1st world Westerners are allows them to have this idealized view of what animals are supposed to be.

People have pets as "friends" and companions, and misanthropy is all the rage these days. How many times do you hear a millennial say they "hate people" ? It's cool to be fed up, jaded, and unimpressed by your fellow man. Inversely, animals are neutral, innocent, and "victims."

Bingo. I've noticed that a lot of the most cynical, negative, and all around unpleasant people also tend to be the ones that are the most obsessed with animals and pets, especially cats. I had an old college roommate that was a prime example of this. He alienated himself from the rest of the people in his freshmen year dorm by telling them how much he thought their music sucks (he was one of those guys that enjoyed the rush of being non-mainstream and of listening to bands that "normies" would never go near) and actually wrote on his Facebook bio back when people actually would fill those out about how he was into "the dark side of life"...and he would have Skype video chats with his cats that were back at his family home.

I have another friend who is also prone to that sort of mindset though not as extreme or fedora-like. He would talk about humans are evil and how we'll kill each other and destroy our planet over a made up thing called money and how animals were so much better because they didn't do this. I kept pointing out the reason why animals don't do this is not because they have a more high developed moral sense then us since they don't even possess the concept of morality but simply because they don't have the ability to cause the havoc we do. To do all the damage that we have done throughout human history requires higher-level thinking, the ability to plan for the future and anticipate outcomes, to coordinate large scale projects, things that animals simply cannot do. I also pointed out that while humans can and will continue to inflict pain on each other and other sentient beings we are also unique in that we can make a conscious decision to not do so - that is a critical point. Animals simply kill when they are directed to by their hard-wired instincts. They do not have the ability to counteract that programming. We on the other hand do have that potential to circumvent that programming though we fail to do so in many cases since our instincts are indeed overpowering. The concept of morality can ONLY apply to beings that have a choice in acting or not acting.

I'm very interested in the question of the sort of psychology that causes people to be misanthropic but also at the same overvalue animals - the sort of mindset you brought up in your post. There's a lot of details that I haven't worked out but my hunch is that this mindset is very similar to the mindset that drives people to SJW causes and to belch out BlackLivesMatter all over their social media accounts, namely the pedalization of victimhood and weakness and the hatred of any hint of power or strength. Their hatred of rich white guys either shooting Bambi in the woods or beating up Shananay in front of her porch goes beyond the actions themselves to what they represent, mainly a big bad powerful oppressor going to town on some poor, innocent being that should be exalted just because they are poor and innocent. To me, the way a lot of these SJWs treat animals is the same way they treat their favored marginalized groups. They pat these people and animals on the head with the patronizing tone that these are just dumb, innocent victims that require SJWs to get through life and in return the SJWs get the ego boost from being a "good person".

Kimmel chokes up over Cecil the lion

Quote: (07-29-2015 12:45 PM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

What a faggot.

There is something very degenerate about the way lunatics in the West anthropomorphize animals. They're beasts, that's all.
Meanwhile human babies are chopped up and sold for parts.

[Image: 11192012_001.ashx?la=en]

Thats what IS also says about 'infidels' and what the nazis said about Jews [Image: whip.gif]

Im not against hunting but do you know how the Chinese call animals? Dung-wu: moving thing. This causes rhinos and tigers to extinct etc.

Im noy holy either but less people should see animals like beasts in this world.

Kimmel chokes up over Cecil the lion

Quote: (07-29-2015 04:17 PM)mastauser Wrote:  

Quote: (07-29-2015 12:45 PM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

What a faggot.

There is something very degenerate about the way lunatics in the West anthropomorphize animals. They're beasts, that's all.
Meanwhile human babies are chopped up and sold for parts.

[Image: 11192012_001.ashx?la=en]

Thats what IS also says about 'infidels' and what the nazis said about Jews [Image: whip.gif]

Im not against hunting but do you know how the Chinese call animals? Dung-wu: moving thing. This causes rhinos and tigers to extinct etc.

Im noy holy either but less people should see animals like beasts in this world.

I find it hilarious you're comparing me calling animals "beasts", WHICH THEY ARE, to ISIS calling human non-Muslims beasts (allegedly) and Nazi treatment of Jews. That's completely ridiculous.

And no, mismanagement, corruption, lack of law enforcement, and apathy causes animals to be hunted to extinction.

"Men willingly believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Book III, Ch. 18

Kimmel chokes up over Cecil the lion

Quote: (07-29-2015 12:51 PM)Hades Wrote:  

I'm with wastelander on this one. What a faggot.
Crying over a lion that had its day and would have probably mauled him to death with no provocation.

That lion was 13 years old. Lions live to about 35. So it certainly hadn't "had it's day" it was the equivalent of a man in his prime.

I don't care if Kimmel was a wuss because he chocked up over a lion. I'm just glad big game hunting and poaching is getting public attention. This "sport" is completely senseless and disgusting. As someone who has an immense reverence for nature and wildlife, I can't even begin to understand the mind of people who kill these majestic animals just for thrills. If it were up to me this would be banished from the planet. If you want to hunt lions, rhinos and elephants, then march off into the bush alone with a blade, and kill it like the Matadors do. Come out of that alive then I'll know you have balls of steel. What exactly is the honor in shooting an animal minding its business with a rifle just for bragging rights? Fuck these people.

Kimmel chokes up over Cecil the lion

I don't hunt, but I fish. Part of the appeal to me are the tales of the hunt. There's no great tale to be told here. Not only that, but my understanding is that this lion had some celebrity because of it's mane. That makes this the equivalent of luring Puxatawny Phil out of his hole with some carrots just to beat him over the head. If this were another lion we wouldn't be hearing about it. Just as most people wouldn't care if you beat any old groundhog over the head.

10/14/15: The day I learned that convicted terrorists are treated with more human dignity than veterans.

Kimmel chokes up over Cecil the lion

^^completely agree with speakeasy. Lions should only be hunted if they start attacking livestock or humans ands that's about that's the only legitimate reason for killing such a magnificent animal.
I always wondered why we kill such animals in the first place. Is because they are the competition of resources or because we humans just like to point out to other humans that we can kill something that can kill us by pure will alone.

Killing animals for sport is pathetic in modern times, I fail to see the appeal of it.

Kimmel chokes up over Cecil the lion

Wow, Jimmy Kimmel has fallen so far from the days when I was a big fan of his. Watching that clip reminds me of that quote from The Dark Knight: "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain."

Let us take a moment of silence to remember Kimmel as he used to be.


Kimmel chokes up over Cecil the lion

Quote: (07-29-2015 04:17 PM)mastauser Wrote:  

Quote: (07-29-2015 12:45 PM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

What a faggot.

There is something very degenerate about the way lunatics in the West anthropomorphize animals. They're beasts, that's all.
Meanwhile human babies are chopped up and sold for parts.

[Image: 11192012_001.ashx?la=en]

Thats what IS also says about 'infidels' and what the nazis said about Jews [Image: whip.gif]

Im not against hunting but do you know how the Chinese call animals? Dung-wu: moving thing. This causes rhinos and tigers to extinct etc.

Im noy holy either but less people should see animals like beasts in this world.

That is stone-cold retarded. Animals are literally beasts. I mean, what the fuck man...

Kimmel chokes up over Cecil the lion

Quote: (07-29-2015 12:45 PM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

What a faggot.

And I'm tired of the moral signaling over hunting. We get it, you think he's a bad guy. No one cares.

There is something very degenerate about the way lunatics in the West anthropomorphize animals. They're beasts, that's all.
Meanwhile human babies are chopped up and sold for parts.

[Image: 11192012_001.ashx?la=en]

Heh, I was just posting in the abortion thread before coming here.

Several years ago, probably 2010 or so...I know Beck was still doing his show on Fox after getting ousted from CNN...I was shedding some of my liberal views and I liked to watch Glenn Beck.

I didn't agree with 99% of his stuff, and not sure I would now though I haven't followed anything he says in years, and was mostly hate watching it and trying to keep up with some of the views from the other side.

One thing he said gave me a real WTF moment. He said something along the lines of, "You know you live in a morally degenerate society when it is illegal to destroy Bald Eagle eggs but we allow abortions by the hundreds of thousands per year."

That isn't a verbatim quote, but his point was that we care more about some animal somewhere than we do about potential human lives. I know some of the MRA's, specifically ZED (I wonder what happened to him, he was getting up there in age years back and had some health issues, hope he is ok), said something along the lines, "women would rather save a whale, than save a male."

I thought that was a good point and echoes the same types of thoughts.

At the end of the day I can't support baited hunting, but let's be real. This is one lion. This isn't going to have any dramatic effect on the lion population and there are arguments made that claim that even though it is baited hunting it is better for not only the protected animal population but also the local human populations as the money not only get recycled into the economy but often has to have some portion of it going to the conservatory. Now, I don't know if that is the case in the situation.

The real point here, is that this is the leftist cathedral making just one more in a long line of attacks against what is traditionally white male southern Christian and traditional culture. If hunting animals was socially coded as a leftwing past time then this wouldn't make the news but because it is socially coded as the former, then of course they are against it. It is just one more opportunity to strike against those backwards rednecks in fly over country.

Women these days think they can shop for a man like they shop for a purse or a pair of shoes. Sorry ladies. It doesn't work that way.

Women are like sandwiches. All men love sandwiches. That's a given. But sandwiches are only good when they're fresh. Nobody wants a day old sandwich. The bread is all soggy and the meat is spoiled.

-Parlay44 @

Kimmel chokes up over Cecil the lion

Quote: (07-29-2015 03:03 PM)Blick Mang Wrote:  

That suburban dentist paid $50k to bait an animal with a spotlight, update his Facebook picture, and fly home the next day.
This is spot on.

He did this so he could strut around among his circle of friends and act like he was Billy Badass, The Great White Hunter, who has loads of disposable income to piss away. He went to sleep that night thinking of the swooning soccer moms he was going to bang once he returned to his dull flyover city.

I own many firearms. I'm pro hunting, even though I don't much care for it myself. I live in an area where deer are out of control due to a lack of hunting in recent years. So I understand that it can actually be a necessity in some areas.

But I would like someone to walk me through the process of a canned hunt, and show me exactly where the sport is. And I don't need a lecture on abortions/baby parts for sale, etc. That's a logical fallacy and a rhetoric tactic. It's an appeal to emotion to further one's own argument. With that said, I'm not overly concerned with aborted baby parts for sale, this lion being shot, the cat ladies and manginas protesting the dentists office, or much of anything else.

I just want to know what is sporting about a canned hunt?

Kimmel chokes up over Cecil the lion

Quote: (07-29-2015 05:02 PM)Shrodax Wrote:  

Wow, Jimmy Kimmel has fallen so far from the days when I was a big fan of his. Watching that clip reminds me of that quote from The Dark Knight: "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain."

Let us take a moment of silence to remember Kimmel as he used to be.

Wow. I had completely and totally forgotten about Kimmel in those days. I don't watch much TV, especially not his show, and hadn't heard of anything he had done since his show and that was mainly from sites like this and a few other places on the web.

What the fuck happened to him. How did he go from that to what he is now. I want to think he is only faking it all so that he can continue to rake in the cash, but I am pretty sure I remember reading on this forum that he married a post wall woman who was older than him and they used surrogacy to conceive.

How do you go from hanging out with Juggies, to this feminized mangina shit? Is there some sort of weird Hollywood elite sex cult brainwashing going on here.

[Image: mindblown3.gif]

Women these days think they can shop for a man like they shop for a purse or a pair of shoes. Sorry ladies. It doesn't work that way.

Women are like sandwiches. All men love sandwiches. That's a given. But sandwiches are only good when they're fresh. Nobody wants a day old sandwich. The bread is all soggy and the meat is spoiled.

-Parlay44 @

Kimmel chokes up over Cecil the lion

How my facebook looks like today:

[Image: pets.png]

Kimmel chokes up over Cecil the lion

Quote: (07-29-2015 04:43 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (07-29-2015 12:51 PM)Hades Wrote:  

I'm with wastelander on this one. What a faggot.
Crying over a lion that had its day and would have probably mauled him to death with no provocation.

That lion was 13 years old. Lions live to about 35. So it certainly hadn't "had it's day" it was the equivalent of a man in his prime.

I don't care if Kimmel was a wuss because he chocked up over a lion. I'm just glad big game hunting and poaching is getting public attention. This "sport" is completely senseless and disgusting. As someone who has an immense reverence for nature and wildlife, I can't even begin to understand the mind of people who kill these majestic animals just for thrills. If it were up to me this would be banished from the planet. If you want to hunt lions, rhinos and elephants, then march off into the bush alone with a blade, and kill it like the Matadors do. Come out of that alive then I'll know you have balls of steel. What exactly is the honor in shooting an animal minding its business with a rifle just for bragging rights? Fuck these people.
Lions in the wild actually don't live for 35 years. 10-14 is typical for a male in the wild. But this is really a moot point. If that lion had had its day, he would have been ousted and living as a nomad. In their society, the law of the jungle decides when it's time for a changing of the guard.

Kimmel chokes up over Cecil the lion

Quote: (07-29-2015 12:29 PM)Captainstabbin Wrote:  

Here's the Dr. with a rhino he killed...with a bow.

[Image: 0a2q5sC.jpg]

Sorry, killing a rhino with a bow does not give these two doofus-looking guys any alpha cred.

Is that a fucking fanny pack on one of them?

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