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What made you start using game?

What made you start using game?

What broke the camels back for you? I was in denial of game at first when I found about it about a year ago. I was still alpha but I did not get technical with my techniques and denied the abundance mentality.The last straw is when I invited myself for dinner jokingly and she agreed initially that same day at a girls house HOME ALONE, had all the IOI's (dilated pupils, rubbing her arm, gazing repeatedly throughout the conversation,if thats not DTF I don't what is). I turned it down though because I took her for granted and wanted to watch the Wire on my laptop. (This girls was a 5.5-6, so I assumed she would just be down since I consider myself a 7). A couple days later I ask her if she wants to chill and all of a sudden she's cold on me. Shit like this happened to me for years and I got fed up and started reading Roosh's forum, Bang and Day Bang which helped me connect the dots.

Growth Over Everything Else.

What made you start using game?

I haven't used it yet.

What made you start using game?

I first became interested in a game after I got a bad case of one-itis for a girl at a week-long conference for Ayn Rand Assholes. I went back the next year just because of her. I also found out some people were trying to get me thrown out of the thing for "harassment" of women. My crime was simply talking to them. It was at that point that I realized that "being yourself" is total bullshit.

What made you start using game?

I had actually been using a lot of stuff on girls I had learned or picked up by myself through trial and error since I started uni. Just I didn't know it was "game" until I read Neil Strauss' book in my late 20s.

After reading that then I started using the techniques etc I had picked up from the book but soon thereafter met a chick who would go on to be my girlfriend for around 4 years. So although I still read up on game theory on occasion, I shelved actually going out and using it.

It was only after I later chucked her that's when I started studying and using game proper full on, and have been doing so ever since...


What made you start using game?


What made you start using game?

I'm not trying to sound like a douche. I was always kind of a "rebel" and I hated everything I was told to do. Everything my mom (single mother), teachers, managers tried to tell me I ignored and tried to be the opposite. Since I had always thought differently from my friends and other people, the transition to a full red pill understanding was pretty smooth.

What made you start using game?

My ex-wife caught me at some shady activity and insisted I was a sex addict. Part of the deal was going to Sexaholics Anonymous meetings.

I spent a couple months sitting in an uncomfortable chair drinking bad coffee and listening to other guys' stories. One day a guy with some game actually showed up and talked about what he'd done, and I realized this: most of these guys problem wasn't that they liked sex too much, it was that they didn't know how to get it, so they turned to really unhealthy outlets to get it: porn, sex shops, anonymous gay stuff, prostitutes. One guy talked about how he's a realtor and he'd go into homes he was showing and steal the woman's panties.

Every one of those guys spent time in a relationship with a woman they didn't know how to manage. Every one of those guys was pretty much normal but his natural drive for sex caused him to do some really screwed up stuff. Myself included.

So I went back to work and googled "how to pick up women", ended up on Fast Seduction 101 and the old masf archive and started reading.

What made you start using game?

Hard realization that old school Alpha provider game was dead by the late 90's, (after being scorched by my small farm town cheerleader gf of 3 years) women were brainwashed by feminism, traditional buffers to hypergamy (ie religion) were disappearing, and women were more attracted to cads than a man with looks and a good career. Women just weren't acting like I was programmed they should and I needed to figure it out. Hence, I turned to Game, and turned the tables back in my favor.

The writings of Roosh, Rolllo, and Roissy were instrumental in my awakening to inter-gender behavioral psychology in the modern Westerm world.

Game works. Count on it.

What made you start using game?

I was a loser in high school. I graduated at the beginning of broadband internet and the infancy of online dating. I did a google search on how to talk to women and found David D'Angelo. I used what I learned online and was able to have some success.

10/14/15: The day I learned that convicted terrorists are treated with more human dignity than veterans.

What made you start using game?

I'd say I got conscious about game in my late teens - just from me and my buddies trying to chase tail around town.

Then came across "The Game" accidentally while browsing the shelves in Borders. Thought it was intriguing and read it.

I never had too much issue with girls before that, and I generally always had one of the better-looking girls around and slept with many of the coveted girls in the area. I had a reputation as a party animal and a player where I grew up. Not the top dawg by any means - I could be shy at times and definitely put a lot of women I dated on a pedestal (single mom influence) - but I'd been there and done most of it.

But like most guys, I had my dry spells here and there, especially after getting out of relationships.

It was the whole "secret society" pitch of that book that really intrigued me, but I put some of the stuff he talked about into action and got immediate results. The book gets capped on now but the concepts worked like magic at the time.

The mindset and conscious approach to girls the book gave me easily doubled my take-home in those days - you take a guy who already has a somewhat natural handle on women and give him some tactics and strategies and it's deadly. Even more valuable was the way the players approached self improvement - that really spoke to me and payed big dividends. Guys where I grew up didn't seem to think much about about becoming a better version of themselves, so in some ways I kind of thought I was weird for wanting be something more.

Seeing Strauss' transformation was really eye-opening.

Then one of my regulars locked me in, yet again, and I never put too much effort into the whole game thing again after that, other than writing some articles for clients in the niche and doing my usual thing, which is to go out and have fun and meet people and bang the broads that liked me.

I used to mess around on the attraction forums (Love Systems) here and there but all the guys seemed nerdy and I felt out of place, so I stopped bothering with it. Years later I saw the RVF kept coming up again and again when I was doing searches for various interests online, often to do with women but sometimes not. Since I was already living international and already banging myself stupid it made sense to stick around.

Would be fun to take a more serious approach to "learning game" someday but for me I think it would be more focusing on lifestyle and pushing my quality up as far as possible than collecting notches.

I think just being so entrenched in this community I soak up a lot of knowledge and game mentality without thinking a great deal about it, but I surely have a lot of room for improvement if I ever did get serious. I still lack a lot of that driven seduction process but once a woman is in my sphere she's hooked.

The most valuable thing I think game holds is having options. There's nothing like knowing you can always get another girl if you want one. I think that will be invaluable when I really put some years on, and that's reason enough to purposely internalize some more knowledge.

I grew up around a lot of naturals who never experienced this kind of community, and they've mostly all slowed down (and not in a good way), gotten married, and/or let themselves go to shit. That can be a bit painful to see sometimes. I never want to be in a situation where I don't feel like I can get it back at the drop of a dime.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

What made you start using game?

I have never "learned" game in such a way that I sat down and studied different techniques and such. But I have gone over what has and has not worked for me over the years.

My 16th year was an epic one. I lost my virginity, took three girls virginity, and ended up in nearly a two year relationship with the third one. All the guys thought I was nuts as she was such a good girl, seemed like a wait for marriage type and was coveted by a lot of guys and put on a pedestal. I banged her nearly right off the start and at the end of the relationship she was cheating on me with an older guy. It hurt, but taught me valuable lessons.

- Never let a girls reputation and appearance fool me
- All girls will trade up
- The more open and romantic I was, the more it hurt me long term.

I used this momentum to get a lot of notches between high school and age 22. Then I hit a dry spell in 2001 that lasted over 8 months and my confidence started declining and I started smoking weed which hurt my inner confidence.

A buddy of mine who was a natural and could get laid anywhere noticed my spiral and told me to grab some Ross Jeffries off Limewire so I did and started to apply it. I took my motorcycle for a two week summer road trip through northern USA and banged three girls in three days and came close with a 4th. Dry spell over and.

While I never followed Ross Jeffries after that I never allowed myself to get into such a bad place with inner game and I kept working on myself to better myself. My love of travel and pussy eventually lead me to RVF in 2010 and its travel section.

I stick around because its inspiring to be around smart balanced men who I find myself agreeing with far more than in the real world. I also believe in mentoring the young as much as possible.

What made you start using game?

I realized from the friends I made and social circle I was in that waiting around for a my buddy's girlfriend or someone's sister to set me up or meet an attractive single girl at one of our get togethers was a waste of time because attractive chicks get hit on so much the chicks seemingly available were always plain.

Plus even in social life I noticed there were the one or two guys in each group or one or two single girls that every person from the opposite sex wanted and competed for. I saw that you can't be passive or you just get scraps, I had to start working towards becoming those top guys instead of being middle of the pack or I was doomed to mediocre chicks that presented themselves.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

What made you start using game?

Simply put, I knew that I wasn't satisfied with the women I was dating and knew that I should be doing better.

The only question was how.

Game was the answer.

I'm the King of Beijing!

What made you start using game?

I couldnt talk to women.

Don't debate me.

What made you start using game?

I wanted to get rid of my virginity, searched the internet for advice how to seduce women, and I found Ross Jeffries.

What made you start using game?

I was at a Christmas Eve party. My wife and I had split up 3 weeks earlier but we were actually there together, an overnight party up north. An acquaintance told me and a buddy about this wild best-seller called The Game.

Before Santa showed up I was browsing forums with wide-eyed wonder. Went to the local library and checked out The Game the day after Christmas.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

What made you start using game?

I had natural game as a child and it worked wonders, course I had lost it by 3rd grade for a variety of reasons. Regaining it is part of my goal to eliminate all the effects of various harmful influences I had growing up; you could even call it my trying to rediscover my natural self.

What made you start using game?

I was a loser in middle school, and then by high school I learned how to get people to think I was cool but for medical reasons I had no sex drive. This meant I sat out for most of the natural progression that kids go through. I just didn't learn the ropes the way the other kids did. In middle school I wanted girls, but I couldn't get anywhere. In high school I didn't give a shit anymore. By then I was blowing all my free time playing competitive tennis, forgetting what it was like to have a crush or be aroused.

Around when high school ended I hit a wall with tennis, and my health deteriorated even more. Eventually I ended up with cancer and I could no longer ignore my problems. This was my wake-up call, and I traveled halfway across the world to make a change. I ended up going on a valiant journey to turn my life around and within 3 years every health problem that had plagued me had resolved and my libido was back in full force. Then it hit me: I had no fucking idea how to even talk to a girl.

One of my friends was a long-time member of the PUA community, posting back in the late 90s on and running a blog around 10 years ago. He introduced me to some good content. Since I hadn't learned Game the way naturals do (through long absorption and building of intuition), I turned to PUA to figure out what to do. There are a lot of reasons to learn Game from the PUA community, but certainly one of them is as an antidote to missing out on going through the natural progression, and finding yourself with no skills at all at 20 or 21.

What made you start using game?

2 years ago.
I've seen a video on youtube of a guy teaching how to escalate kinestetics, what to touch and when. Decided to give it a try, and it worked 100%. After that I am learning something new every day.

What made you start using game?

Not being happy with my sex life.
Not being able to even pull a disgusting 3/10 whale at the bar.
Seeing guys around me that are objectively uglier pulling girls while I got nothing.
Going home alone on a Saturday night and not getting a single reply from any girl I text.

Holy shit I have come a long way.

Grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference

What made you start using game?

[Image: 5041304515_ef0f866ddf.jpg]

Specifically, I got a number of a girl through a friend (I know, I know...). We stepped out, got dinner (I know, I know...), and the date ended with a hug. When I got back home, my roommate said, "Damn Baldwin81, that was quick..."

This girl was a 6. I ordered Bang that same night.

What made you start using game?

Quote: (07-24-2015 10:35 PM)Periphrasis Wrote:  

I was a loser in middle school, and then by high school I learned how to get people to think I was cool but for medical reasons I had no sex drive. This meant I sat out for most of the natural progression that kids go through. I just didn't learn the ropes the way the other kids did. In middle school I wanted girls, but I couldn't get anywhere. In high school I didn't give a shit anymore. By then I was blowing all my free time playing competitive tennis, forgetting what it was like to have a crush or be aroused.

Around when high school ended I hit a wall with tennis, and my health deteriorated even more. Eventually I ended up with cancer and I could no longer ignore my problems. This was my wake-up call, and I traveled halfway across the world to make a change. I ended up going on a valiant journey to turn my life around and within 3 years every health problem that had plagued me had resolved and my libido was back in full force. Then it hit me: I had no fucking idea how to even talk to a girl.

One of my friends was a long-time member of the PUA community, posting back in the late 90s on and running a blog around 10 years ago. He introduced me to some good content. Since I hadn't learned Game the way naturals do (through long absorption and building of intuition), I turned to PUA to figure out what to do. There are a lot of reasons to learn Game from the PUA community, but certainly one of them is as an antidote to missing out on going through the natural progression, and finding yourself with no skills at all at 20 or 21.

Wow, that must have been quite a trip!

What made you start using game?

I didn't start really applying the technique of "game" until relatively recently - I realized that while I'm fairly physically attractive, I was getting "friendzoned" by women because I made the mistake of not ecscalating when it was appropriate, and generally being too nice. It's an issue I still work a lot on, because unfortunately I seem to have an issue with becoming attached to easily, and worrying about other's feeling perhaps more than I should.

The question I sometimes wonder is what's going to happen to game in the future - is it entering a decline? I'm noticing more and more a characteristic among women today, in the age of narcissicm and constant Internet validation, that for some this is pretty much what they expect all the time. Any dissent or deviation from the beta orbiter validation train is not tolerated. You see it on Facebook and OkCupid all the time.

They essentially expect men to kiss their ass all the time, and certainly don't respond positively to being "negged" or challenged in any way. They are absolutely stunned that anyone would actually presume to engage with them in a way other than precisely what they expect, and react with pretty severe anger when the validation train is derailed.

So who are these chick banging anyway?

What made you start using game?

I got into the whole mindset after college. After going through a very long dry spell, I immediately went into a relationship with a girl I had sex with. I decided I needed a change and found ROK when it was in its early stages. Read every single article for about 3 months until I found the forum. Was reading a bunch of threads and decided that I wanted to contribute and share things that happened to me. About a week or so after discovering the forum, I found my ex cheating on me so I broke it off with her and really changed my entire viewpoint on women and life.

Reporter: What keeps you awake at night?
General James "Mad Dog" Mattis: Nothing, I keep other people awake at night.

OKC Data Sheet

What made you start using game?

Taken from my story on the introduction thread:

On 23 August 2013, I read a book review of Dr. Helen (Men on strike).
I was in the middle of my divorce fight, probably at the stage of bargning. I have just read and understood that all women are gold-diggers.
At the end of the review there were 2 links - to Athol Kay and to Ian Ironwood.

I'm extremely curious. I read all of The Red Pill Room posts. And I mean all of it.
I started to get the concept of Red Pill.

The book "The Game" by Strauss is mentioned. I download and read it.

I read Vox on AlphaGameplan, move on to Rollo, then to Roissy . I read all of their posts, and I mean one by one, from the start.

ROK gets started. I read and then start on RooshV himself.

I have read and prepared for 6 months. Once my divorce comes through and I move out, I practice. I have been practicing, with results for more than a year.

Oh, and I was 39!

"I love a fulfilling and sexual relationship. That is why I make the effort to have many of those" - TheMaleBrain
"Now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb." - Spaceballs
"If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine" - Obi-Wan Kenobi

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