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Nobel Winning Scientist Forced to Resign For Saying Women Shouldn't Work With Men

Nobel Winning Scientist Forced to Resign For Saying Women Shouldn't Work With Men

Nobel Laureate Resigns Post After Comments on Female Scientists


A Nobel laureate has resigned as honorary professor at University College London after saying that female scientists should be segregated from male colleagues because women cry when criticized and are a romantic distraction in the laboratory.

The comments by Tim Hunt, 72, a biochemist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2001 for groundbreaking work on cell division, unleashed a torrent of fury and added fuel to a global cultural debate about gender bias and discrimination against women in science.

“Let me tell you about my trouble with girls,” Mr. Hunt told an audience on Monday at the World Conference of Science Journalists in South Korea. “Three things happen when they are in the lab: You fall in love with them, they fall in love with you, and when you criticize them they cry.”

Within minutes, the comments, which were greeted with stony silence and no little anger at the conference, spurred a global backlash. The remarks gained wide attention after they were first noted on Twitter by Connie St Louis, the director of the science journalism program at City University London.

Following the backlash, Mr. Hunt, who acknowledged a reputation as a chauvinist at the conference, issued what some on social media called a “nonapology apology.” He told BBC Radio that he was “really, really sorry” for causing any offense, even as he stood by some of what he had said.

He said the comments were meant to be ironic and lighthearted but had been “interpreted deadly seriously by my audience.”

“I did mean the part about having trouble with girls,” he told the BBC. “I have fallen in love with people in the lab and people in the lab have fallen in love with me, and it’s very disruptive to the science because it’s terribly important that in a lab people are on a level playing field.”

He elaborated on his comments that women are prone to cry when confronted with criticism.

“It’s terribly important that you can criticize people’s ideas without criticizing them and if they burst into tears, it means that you tend to hold back from getting at the absolute truth,” he said. “Science is about nothing but getting at the truth, and anything that gets in the way of that diminishes, in my experience, the science.”

University College London said in a statement that Mr. Hunt, who was knighted in 2006, had resigned his post in the faculty of life sciences on Wednesday. “U.C.L. was the first university in England to admit women students on equal terms to men, and the university believes that this outcome is compatible with our commitment to gender equality,” it said.

Mr. Hunt’s comments reflected the larger debate about the challenges facing women in science, with research suggesting that they must struggle with widespread sexism and gender bias. Referring to Mr. Hunt’s remarks, an article in the newspaper The Independent in Britain noted, “With lab rats like him, is it any wonder there’s a shortage of women in science?”

Nobel Winning Scientist Forced to Resign For Saying Women Shouldn't Work With Men

Army Rangers need to take a cue from this guy and learn from his mistakes.

Women in any role that involves criticism will undoubtedly lead to tears streaming down their face when you tell them their conclusions are all wrong. Trying to convince them from a LOGICAL point of view is an exercise in frustration. If it happens a second or third time, they start with the lawsuit threats, discrimination, harassment.

Women shouldn't be in such workplaces, PERIOD. Leave the science and the military to the men.

Nobel Winning Scientist Forced to Resign For Saying Women Shouldn't Work With Men

Its interesting that you never see rebuttal. 'Is he correct?' is strangely irrelevant, and is never asked. The mere fact he didn't completely comply with the feminist orthodoxy was enough.

Nobel Winning Scientist Forced to Resign For Saying Women Shouldn't Work With Men

Some warranted backlash

The author of the article says "don't read this if you're a feminazi".

Nobel Winning Scientist Forced to Resign For Saying Women Shouldn't Work With Men

Quote: (06-11-2015 11:39 AM)Lizard King Wrote:  

Some warranted backlash

The author of the article says "don't read this if you're a feminazi".

Solid article. Others on the forum noted that the comments section of many articles show that the tide is turning.

Top-voted comments from the daily mail column:


There are people out there who are permanently offended and they are destroying the fabric of our society, where freedom is under threat


It was a joke, for god's sake. Okay, it probably wasn't a brililant one, but still, is this a reason for an eminent man to have to resign? The hairy-arm pits have won.....


So a bunch of women protest his point by throwing a tantrum and getting him fired.


If feminists don't want women to be stereotyped as having no sense of humour they should cut out this nonsense - but then again they are not really offended they are just bullying decent people with their hateful claptrap

Nobel Winning Scientist Forced to Resign For Saying Women Shouldn't Work With Men

It isn't a good month for feminism so far.

Mattress girl's porno and now this.

[Image: lol.gif]

Nobel Winning Scientist Forced to Resign For Saying Women Shouldn't Work With Men

Let's run the most brilliant people out of society with pitchforks and torches and fill the spots with lesbo trans men and women culled from popular opinion polls to see who is most entitled to fill those spots. Remember that guy who landed a probe on a meteor? Fuck him he was wearing an offensive shirt. Fire him and let's hire some web chyk.

Let's get a transgender with balls, 10" cock, and a vagina to massage a rocket to orbit in a disco strobe light with silver panties on.

Let's staff every serious level of society with ill equipped but socially acceptable candidates to assuage white liberal guilt because 60'ish years of first world peace and comfort has rotted the brain.

American can become everything and anything Elagabalus would dream of.

Run the fucker right into the ground with decadence.

Let's go full retard.

Nobel Winning Scientist Forced to Resign For Saying Women Shouldn't Work With Men


It’s terribly important that you can criticize people’s ideas without criticizing them and if they burst into tears...

Crying it the first line of defense against incompetence and it's usually all that's needed.

If that doesn't work, say you're crying because Bob in accounting sexually assaulted you.

Job saved!

Nobel Winning Scientist Forced to Resign For Saying Women Shouldn't Work With Men

Read carefully that no woman at that conference had the balls to call him out in the spot in regards to his comments (neither did any men). You would think that pressed on the spot he could take a step back and recall back his statement and reframe it. He could of put water in his fire talk or go double down and throw gas on it by not backing down, but it would of gave him opportunity to at least make his own bed. Only until after and with the shield of thier computers and phones did outrage emerge. Plus it is offensive to discount thus mans experience he has likely devoted his whole working life to labs and science and has encountered thousands of women in the field to come to his conclusion.

Nobel Winning Scientist Forced to Resign For Saying Women Shouldn't Work With Men

Good week for SJWs instantly proving the points of their critics.

First Seinfeld says college campuses are too PC and easily offended - instantly some college kid pens some verbal diarrhea in HuffPo which does nothing but show how easily offended and PC he is.

Then a top scientist comes out and is 'critical' of women in the lab as they are prone to crying when criticised - which prompts a torrent of figurative crying leading to his resignation. I'm sure there will be calls for his debasement from some quarters.

Perhaps our saving grace here is that Hunt/Seinfeld are older and past their peaks in terms of their production. Imagine if much younger versions of themselves were subjected to this nonsense and professionally restricted by it? Think how much poorer we'd all be if their talents were excised from the world for failing to fall in the SJW line.

It's very specific to their cause too, this idea that anyone who does not march in line is not fit to contribute to society and must be removed at all costs. I'd like to see them truly and full apply that logic to everything, including history. That is, every single advancement in mathematics, technology, science, literature, entertainment, etc that was brought about by people who so much as said something that could be perceived as sexist, racist, homophobic, anti-transwhatever, etc must be stricken from the historical record and banned from use so as to have a pure equalist world.

Nobel Winning Scientist Forced to Resign For Saying Women Shouldn't Work With Men

Quote: (06-11-2015 11:39 AM)Lizard King Wrote:  

Some warranted backlash

The author of the article says "don't read this if you're a feminazi".

This is, to me, the most dangerous type of feminist. Puts together a thought provoking article that seems to be factual and exposes the "bad feminists" destroying lives of scientists... then at the last second adds to her conclusion a statement with a couple more important "facts" like fighting the pay gap and a shortage of females in the lab.

See, she's a good feminist. No reason not to be on her side, right?

Nobel Winning Scientist Forced to Resign For Saying Women Shouldn't Work With Men

He prolly wears offensive shirts too! [Image: rant.gif]

Take care of those titties for me.

Nobel Winning Scientist Forced to Resign For Saying Women Shouldn't Work With Men

Quote: (06-11-2015 12:24 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

Let's run the most brilliant people out of society with pitchforks and torches and fill the spots with lesbo trans men and women culled from popular opinion polls to see who is most entitled to fill those spots. Remember that guy who landed a probe on a meteor? Fuck him he was wearing an offensive shirt. Fire him and let's hire some web chyk.

Let's get a transgender with balls, 10" cock, and a vagina to massage a rocket to orbit in a disco strobe light with silver panties on.

Let's staff every serious level of society with ill equipped but socially acceptable candidates to assuage white liberal guilt because 60'ish years of first world peace and comfort has rotted the brain.

American can become everything and anything Elagabalus would dream of.

Run the fucker right into the ground with decadence.

Let's go full retard.

[Image: lol.gif]

Enjoy the decline on steroids.

Nobel Winning Scientist Forced to Resign For Saying Women Shouldn't Work With Men

I wonder because it always starts with twitter. A # and everyone goes crazy, media create a mess and peoples life get destroyed. For what reason? Some frustrated losers feel angry and offendet because someone has a different opinion. Twitter and the internet give insecure and mental ill people a weapon. In Germany there was a research that manly the lower educated use social media. Don't click on the comment section in the internet.

How many people use twitter? How many people are involved in such hate campaigns? I guess the minority of the minority. Because their opinions are far to crazy. Still politics and media make it like this is the normal state. How many proof can a person have when all she need is a 50 or whatever lines long text to fuck things up?

In the past a family would feel ashamed of the restarted kid, or the stupid one. Hide it in the basket case. Now they spread into light and become kind of celebrities. In the past every village had its fool. Now those fools connect in the internet and create an army of stupidity.

Nobel Winning Scientist Forced to Resign For Saying Women Shouldn't Work With Men

So a guy who has a Nobel in medicine can no longer work on the next cure because some women are offended? Seems like a sensible thing to do. That's real good for society.

Take care of those titties for me.

Nobel Winning Scientist Forced to Resign For Saying Women Shouldn't Work With Men

Quote: (06-11-2015 12:14 PM)Lizard King Wrote:  

It isn't a good month for feminism so far.

Mattress girl's porno and now this.

[Image: lol.gif]

They got a scientist fired for having the wrong opinions and mattress girl faces no consequences for making up false rape allegations.

Seems like feminism is doing just fine

Nobel Winning Scientist Forced to Resign For Saying Women Shouldn't Work With Men

There mocking the guy on twitter with unflattering pics.#distractinglysexy

Nobel Winning Scientist Forced to Resign For Saying Women Shouldn't Work With Men

Quote: (06-11-2015 01:43 PM)memcpy Wrote:  

There mocking the guy on twitter with unflattering pics.#distractinglysexy

Of course this man's experiences actually mean nothing to people who are eager to mock him.

Nobel Winning Scientist Forced to Resign For Saying Women Shouldn't Work With Men

When men stop apologizing to women who cry about them for saying things like women cry when they criticize them, the SJW machine will start running out of gas.

Per Ardua Ad Astra | "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum"

Cobra and I did some awesome podcasts with awesome fellow members.

Nobel Winning Scientist Forced to Resign For Saying Women Shouldn't Work With Men

Quote: (06-11-2015 12:42 PM)Dismal Operator Wrote:  

Perhaps our saving grace here is that Hunt/Seinfeld are older and past their peaks in terms of their production. Imagine if much younger versions of themselves were subjected to this nonsense and professionally restricted by it? Think how much poorer we'd all be if their talents were excised from the world for failing to fall in the SJW line.

We don't see the younger versions subjected to this because they aren't famous yet and they get crushed by the system without requiring a media takedown.

Nobel Winning Scientist Forced to Resign For Saying Women Shouldn't Work With Men

I'm sure the Nobel Prize winning scientist doesn't know what he's talking about. Let's allow frumpy, tattooed womyn's studies majors to dictate how medicine research should be approached.

He never said women were any less capable in science and he certainly never said they should be prohibited from pursuing it. He suggested women and men not share research labs due to complications that arise from differences in gender. Taken from the headline, syntax plays a large role in getting clicks. "Women should not share workplace with Men" equals outrage. Imagine if someone said "Men should not share workplace with Women." No one would bat an eye. Women have "places" of their own and dare not attempt to enter. Men cannot even have privately owned club.

Nobel Winning Scientist Forced to Resign For Saying Women Shouldn't Work With Men

Quote: (06-11-2015 01:51 PM)h3ltrsk3ltr Wrote:  

When men stop apologizing to women who cry about them for saying things like women cry when they criticize them, the SJW machine will start running out of gas.

The problem is there are too many manginas these days who side with the other team.

Hunt was right though. I know a female who works in a lab. She was criticized by her boss because she was not meeting expectations. She cried.

Nobel Winning Scientist Forced to Resign For Saying Women Shouldn't Work With Men

I have heard stories about a lot of young men around 30 or so crying when criticized - what the fuck happened to them.

I am not saying men can't cry, but make sure it is over something huge. Not because you only got a satisfactory review and need to work on some areas of your work product.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Nobel Winning Scientist Forced to Resign For Saying Women Shouldn't Work With Men

This guy's awesome. As Bill Burr would say, he's just reached that critical point where your brain switches from "No, don't say that" to "Eh, fuck it. Say it, see what happens."

Old people are generally great for shooting it straight. Sometimes they're confused and wrong, but they're usually not lying or holding back.

Nobel Winning Scientist Forced to Resign For Saying Women Shouldn't Work With Men

Quote: (06-11-2015 07:09 PM)Mr. Wolf Wrote:  

This guy's awesome. As Bill Burr would say, he's just reached that critical point where your brain switches from "No, don't say that" to "Eh, fuck it. Say it, see what happens."

Old people are generally great for shooting it straight. Sometimes they're confused and wrong, but they're usually not lying or holding back.

I love his response: "I just meant to be honest."

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