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Game, experiences and and moments of clarity

Game, experiences and and moments of clarity

I got into the game a couple of years ago. Initially, I used to look at most of the game theories and rules with a bit of skepticism for I like many others was brainwashed with false some ideas about male-female dynamics, love, relationships etc, for example how men should be always nice, one should always seek "true love" etc. It was funny because I naturally have an alpha and ball buster personality, so I'd get chicks attracted to me without even my attempting and knowing, but when I'd start making conscious efforts towards it I'd lose the girl because of my lack of knowledge or more so because of my false knowledge. But gradually, I got rid of most of the BS and do decently well for myself now. I hit a moment of clarity earlier this month during my interaction with this milf that I picked up online. It seemed like such a textbook case of the patterns described in game, and I was surprised at how my predictions were coming true with regards to her.

So basically, this woman is 45 but looks fine as hell and not more than 35 due to her being a yoga and fitness freak, and owns a yoga studio and has a preference for younger guys. She tells me she's divorced but friends with her ex. Now at this point I started guessing she must've been the one initiating the divorce out of feeling lack of passion. And it turns out that exactly was the case and she felt "no passion" for her husband, though she never cheated during the marriage. Next, I guessed whether she ever felt that for him. Nope she never did!

Now this seemed like a case of a woman riding the alpha cock carousel before being dumped and settling for the beta - and lo, it was! She tells me she never felt that fire for him but he always was the nice guy and she married him for stability after being played by many players in her early youth, and even till the divorce there was a lot of "respect"(which cracked me up at the guy's betaness) between them.

I should mention that this woman isn't a bad person or any sort of a feminazi, and infact I like hanging out with her and she's cool, but a first hand experience of a classic textbook case of female psychology holding true was quite enlightening and sort of fulfilling. It felt like making an accurate stock market prediction. But at the same time, it makes me wonder how are people supposed to act in life?

I'm sure the guys here must've gone through many similar experiences and revealing moments. Would like to hear about and discuss those.

Game is a necessary evil

Game, experiences and and moments of clarity

Releasing my desire AKA "I want to fuck you but I don't care if we do or not" type mindset was the hardest for me to understand.

I had somewhat of a similar yet bigger-picture type moment a few months ago. I'm 26 now and I guess I've been seriously in the game (to me that means that I found the community, started analyzing my behavior and realized what was possible) about 3.5 years ago.

Anyway, I had been trying to get this girl in the sack who had been throwing me a ton of signals for a while. Kind of a friend for the longest time, then we both realized the tension was there. She sucked my dick one night while she was on her period (or was she???) and from there it was a constant battle to try to get her over, talk her into going out and getting a drink, chase chase chase. That's all I did. I was too far in. My entire mindset was "How can I get it in?"

As I was driving across the country to move to the west coast shortly thereafter, it was clear to me why I didn't fuck her. I was overeager. There's no question that she was feeling that at the time. I was overselling.

Maybe it's a part of growing up, getting more experience in the game...whatever. I feel like Yoda typing this! But my biggest lesson in a long time was you cannot care about the outcome.

Game, experiences and and moments of clarity

Yup, I agree "not giving a fuck while trying to fuck" is the most important tenet of game. I'm reminded of a story - when I just started I met this chubby Italian with a pretty face through social circle at a club. I just happened to sit next to her so was chatting with her most of the time and I knew she was into me and since I was going through a major dry spell I decided to go for it. Went out for a smoke then for a "walk" where I made out and made her give me a handjob in an alley. She then tells me she has a bf of 8 years back in Italy but doesn't mind having some fun and wanted to take me home the same night. I didn't go for it as I thought she was already in the bag and she wasn't anything special, but I did get her number for later use. Setup a lunch date(I know idiotic), made out but didn't go far and she started acting distant bringing the bf in. Started pursuing her more and finally she invites me home while recovering from a hangover. I get there, was so horny that I simply jumped on her as I got there. After a few minutes she tells me to stop and says she'd just like to be friends! giving me the worst LJBF of my life and sending me home with some major blue balls. Obviously, never heard from her again, and this was a chick I considered below my league.

In another story after I had learned from my mistakes, I was talking to this girl I met online and was trying to setup a date. Although quite into me, she was acting hesitant about meeting up someone from online. After a couple of cancellations from both sides, we agreed to meetup on a Saturday night at 9. At 6 she calls me to cancel, saying she was uncomfy and tries to reschedule for Sunday afternoon. I didnt say much just told I'll think about it and let her know. Immediately I call another chick I had met at a party who was interested, and she readily agrees. I banged her that night. The Saturday night chick calls me Sunday evening sounding apologetic about the previous night though still sounding hesitant about meeting up. I call her out on her BS and give her major shit for being a flake. She shows up at 10 on Sunday night and then thanks me "for not buying her shit"!! Later, I bang her! Two lays in two nights all coz of learning the tricks of game, and the previous me would have barely managed 1 makeout.

Sometimes I just want to beat myself up at all the rookie mistakes I made and lost countless chicks who were not just into me, but who I had made out with/gotten BJ's,HJ's from.

Game is a necessary evil

Game, experiences and and moments of clarity

Game seems to give you many moments of clarity as you advance up in skill. My most recent moment of clarity was always be forward. For years, before game, I had huge shyness. A major wallflower. Even while married, I was pretty awkward socially. My goodbye get together at a club changed all that. Some drunk club bunny, a chubby chick with great tits, comes up and starts talking to one of my chick friends. She then accuses me and my other friend of being gay. I lean in, tell her I can prove I'm not gay and I kiss her. When I did it my body freaked, like I had just killed someone. Kissing a strange chick straight out in front of all my friends was so brute I'd never done before. But. for the next 5 hours she's on me like white on rice. Logistics and her cockblocking friend killed the chance for a notch, but it was no matter. For a month, I've slowly integrated direct game into my personality so I no longer have to think about doing it, it just happens.

Sympathy for the Devil
Girls. Music. Life. /end

Game, experiences and and moments of clarity

Damn SFTD that is some sweet story, really good. I was always a little shy as well, not only shy but quiet. Things started changing as time went by, a little bit thanks to game, but also for the desire to change. I'm still a little quiet nowadays, depending on the situations.

Game, experiences and and moments of clarity

Quote: (05-30-2011 11:07 AM)SFTD Wrote:  

I've slowly integrated direct game into my personality so I no longer have to think about doing it, it just happens.


Good story.

Can you explain how you have integrated direct game into your personality without having to think about it???

This is similar to my style and I'm curious about how you do it?

Game, experiences and and moments of clarity

SFTD, I also liked your story and thought it was a good example. One thing that I'm starting to learn from game, is that it can pay dividenz to be bold with the ladies. Girls respect a guy that has balls and the confidence to step up and make the move and not give a fuck about it. One thing that I really fucked myself on as soon as just a year and a half ago was the shyness, compounded with really bad anxiety, there were a few moments when I could've made moves on girls that were feeling me, but I was in a social setting around a lot of people who knew me and for some strange reason, my anxiety was so strong about making a move in front of my peers (with the perceived chance of rejection, awkwardness, humiliation, etc.)

Really these were just my insecurities and worries manifesting themselves, and unfortunately worrying about making the move, and not making it, cost me in a lot of situations. If you get the vibe the girl is feeling you, always make the move, and if it doesn't work out, so be it, no big deal. Finally, I've learned and physical escalation (i.e. making the move) is really something I am working on now, basically stepping up and making the plays.

One of the best pieces of advice a friend of mine gave me back in my Freshman year of college, when I was a supremely clueless beta, I fumbled a major opportunity to bang this fine chick who really liked me and was a freak (DTF), basically I took it too slow, finally got the make-out, but dragged my heals to escalate past that. Ofcourse, she lost interest in me and probably wondered "what was wrong with him", I was baffled and confused at that time when she dropped me and lost total interest from "hot to not". My friends piece of advice, "was always strike when the iron is hot." And, till this day those words stick with me and I think is some of the best bits of wisdom I've picked up when it comes to women and especially fucking women.

So I guess this post, got turned into a bit of a rant, but I think with time in the experience of putting yourself out there, studying, practicing game in the field, trial, error, analysis, you do learn and at a certain point things start to "click" and you have that "moment" of clarity. As you start to get advanced you start to "see the matrix" of social interaction and the game that we play in trying to pick up women.

At this point, I'm getting glimpses of the matrix, and things are starting to make sense. For example, a very fine drunk chick at the bar a couple weeks ago, approached my friend and wing in kind of a standoffish and confrontational way. Basically, my analysis is that she liked my friend (he's cool and good looking) and wanted to engage him, but since she was really drunk and is a hot chick (and therefore doesn't normally approach or initiate w/ guys), kind of opened him with a shit test. I don't remember exactly what she said but from her body language, eye contact, flirtatious tone, and the fact that she was right in his face, literally inches away, it was obvious she was interested and attracted. However, my friend totally misread and misplayed this situation and basically tried to pull an alpha move and told her to back the fuck up and get out of his face. Afterwards, I was like WTF man, that girl was totally feeling you, she was inches away from your face after teasing her a little bit, kino escalation, you probably could've gone for the kiss and made out with her right on the spot.

Now a very similar situation occured to me at a party this past weekend, and while the girl was not as attractive and more friendly in opening me, she basically was giving me on the non-verbal cues, and was inches from my face, I just felt the "spark or vibe" and went in for the kiss. Ended up making out with the girl for like 10 mins., before turning her on with some "dirty flirting", and getting her DTF, so I drove her to her place to seal the deal. The old me, would have been a timid pussy, too afraid or nervous to make the move, out of fear of rejection, anxiety, or worrying that I may have completely read the whole situation.

Game, experiences and and moments of clarity

Quote: (05-31-2011 03:17 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Quote: (05-30-2011 11:07 AM)SFTD Wrote:  

I've slowly integrated direct game into my personality so I no longer have to think about doing it, it just happens.


Good story.

Can you explain how you have integrated direct game into your personality without having to think about it???

This is similar to my style and I'm curious about how you do it?

After moving out to Cali, I started hitting up a lot of bars looking for decent places to hang and approach. I started slowly, not pushing myself to approach if I didn't feel like it, but not excusing myself if a good prospect walked away without me even opening my mouth. Eventually, around mid-May, I made a straight up dick approach between a chick and a friend she was talking to. She had introduced herself at the bar to me after I made a comment about her strong drink. Turns out the dude she was talking to was a total clingly beta and my "mind if I sit?" and the subsequent reigns I held over the conversation caught her eye. Two days later I'm at her housewarming party and at the end of it I kiss her. She's really laid back/flakey, but its fine by me. I've been runned ragged these last 6 months by divorce so I'm happy to just relax. I've also not stopped approaching even though I have a girl now. Last Friday I approached two girls with the "do you have a light?" line and ended up hanging with them all night. Turns out they were just trolling for free drinks away from their boyfriends. I kept it cocky, but not assholish. One of the chicks had a hiccup so I got her a packet of sweet and low (spoonful of sugar thing). If she wasn't attached I'm sure I would of had her there.

Sympathy for the Devil
Girls. Music. Life. /end

Game, experiences and and moments of clarity

Quote: (05-31-2011 04:39 PM)SFTD Wrote:  

After moving out to Cali, I started hitting up a lot of bars looking for decent places to hang and approach. I started slowly, not pushing myself to approach if I didn't feel like it, but not excusing myself if a good prospect walked away without me even opening my mouth. Eventually, around mid-May, I made a straight up dick approach between a chick and a friend she was talking to. She had introduced herself at the bar to me after I made a comment about her strong drink. Turns out the dude she was talking to was a total clingly beta and my "mind if I sit?" and the subsequent reigns I held over the conversation caught her eye. Two days later I'm at her housewarming party and at the end of it I kiss her. She's really laid back/flakey, but its fine by me. I've been runned ragged these last 6 months by divorce so I'm happy to just relax. I've also not stopped approaching even though I have a girl now. Last Friday I approached two girls with the "do you have a light?" line and ended up hanging with them all night. Turns out they were just trolling for free drinks away from their boyfriends. I kept it cocky, but not assholish. One of the chicks had a hiccup so I got her a packet of sweet and low (spoonful of sugar thing). If she wasn't attached I'm sure I would of had her there.

I also like to be aggressive and "push the envelope". Its amazing what girls will respond to if you do it an a confident and smooth way. Girls usually reward boldness. I like this quote...

If men knew how women thought, they would be 20 times more bold.

Game, experiences and and moments of clarity

Yeah, I totally agree that boldness gets rewarded but the most important thing I've learned, which you also mentioned, is that it should be done in a confident and smooth way. Women are subtle creatures and your delivery can make or break things. I've been both burned and rewarded just due to my delivery style, while my mindset was same.

Bold + smooth = he has an awesome swagger and makes me wet instantly.

Bold + crass = he is the biggest creepster in the world and I'm repulsed.

Game is a necessary evil

Game, experiences and and moments of clarity

Quote: (06-02-2011 02:18 AM)haywire Wrote:  

Yeah, I totally agree that boldness gets rewarded but the most important thing I've learned, which you also mentioned, is that it should be done in a confident and smooth way. Women are subtle creatures and your delivery can make or break things. I've been both burned and rewarded just due to my delivery style, while my mindset was same.

Bold + smooth = he has an awesome swagger and makes me wet instantly.

Bold + crass = he is the biggest creepster in the world and I'm repulsed.

Basically watched a 7.5 break up with a guy on the phone. Offered a smoke, talked a bit. She gave me her name. Thought they (her and her male friend, bet they fucked already) were leaving the bar, when I saw they weren't:

"Hey, I didn't get you're number."

*chuckle* "Oh, you're good"

"Good enough for a number?"

Got a number and where she works. A bar...

Winning. Always be bold

Sympathy for the Devil
Girls. Music. Life. /end

Game, experiences and and moments of clarity

Moments of Clarity/Seeing the Matrix really makes you believe in Game and you start a new chapter with much more Zeal......

I will tell a Few moments of Clarity that did it for me.

1. Pre-Selection : I went out with a Red-Head from Maine and continued to flirt with other girls in the Bar and eventually a two set and my date started playing pool together, My date's Vibe changed and started dirty Dancing with me, I number closed the other girls and told them I will meet them later and my Date told me she is going through a divorce and hadn't enjoyed sex in while [Image: smile.gif] Bingo to home and case closed.........

Red saw that I have other Options and started Qualifying herself and Knew If she doesn't put out I will get with some one else.

It's hard for me to describe but You are always busy and always have other options (Even if you don't), You are sought after and this works on Girls, I saw that happen and I will Thank Mixx for teaching that to me.

2.Telling a Girl You Don't Want her: I had to deal with the mother of all LMR and that too from a Colombian Girl from Barranquilla ( Hell Yeah..... I got my Colombian Flag ) [Image: banana.gif]

I tried every thing Freezing out , Restarting this and that she wouldn't let me Kiss for a Good hour and half and Finally I told her I don't want to Fuck her and started working on my Computer, She was at the door and came back to leave me her number and asked why Did i bring her here, iI told her some stupid Comfort shit and "I thought that her and my energy matches and we both enjoyed but I am not sure now" I saw her Pupils widening and went for a Kiss, Success this time and Planted a Wet one......

Back on bed watching a Movie, she wouldn't let me go to her breast for another hr of hot make out sessions, I got up and Started packing as I had to leave early next morning and she asked me "Why I am not next to her" I told her she is not Fun and I am Leaving, She pulled me to her and took her shirt off, Agian took me another half hour to get the Bra off and put my Dick in her hand and she finally utters the golden words " Do you have a Condom".......

Mother of all LMR's I have ever seen but I was able to escalate every time I was an Asshole to her and told her i do not want her and again I have to Thank Mixx ( I can not give him another Rep point, he has too many), He is so on the Money when he tells me time and again "You will get the Girl when you don't want her"...... which is exactly what happened in this case I was so Frustrated that I just wanted to leave, I can not even believe myself that I was able to close after such a case of LMR.......

I also want to Thank Roosh for Blog Posts on LMR etc,as well as other concepts posted on the Forum are becoming more and more clear as I see them working.....

I have few more moments of Clarity that I will post later as I am getting tired of all the Typing.....

Happy Hunting Brothers.....

"Timidity is dangerous, Better to enter with boldness. Any mistakes you commit through audacity are easily corrected with more audacity." (Robert Greene)

Game, experiences and and moments of clarity


Doesn't it feel AWESOME the first time when you achieve success in the practicals while applying game theory? I remember initially I used to reject some of the counter intuitive stuff but then kept failing and after applying those theories reluctantly I got the results and I was blown away!

Another moment of clarity or rather moment of empowerment happened when I first read about day game and did my very first approach the next day and got my very first number. Just the idea that, that hot chick walking on the street was within my reach and the manifestation of it was just too wonderful. Before that, I could never even imagine such a thing was even remotely possible. In fact, I remember I was so naive I used to wonder whether there were any other places suitable to meet women besides bars and social circle.

Game is a necessary evil

Game, experiences and and moments of clarity


I've gotten bangs from women @ laundromats on Sunday morning.

There are no limits to where women are ready to fuck!! NONE!


Game, experiences and and moments of clarity

I was reading Bang the other day which reminded me that hot girls will sometimes make you do most of the talking in the beginning. One of my sticking points has been running out of things to say and just ejecting to avoid feeling awkward.

Ensuing moment of clarity: Last night I was at a bar chatting up this very hot latina college girl. Her bitch shield was off the scale but instead of giving up I decided to just monologue it. After 10 minutes I said something she didn't get, she rolled her eyes and I called her out for being a typically ill-mannered American girl. She came around in a big way after that, ended up demanding my number (took hers instead).

Other moments of clarity: predicting how peoples' relationships are going to end before they realise it themselves. Good friend of mine recently told me about some beta moves he'd pulled on a girl he was seeing. I told him he should switch it up and pull some assholery or it would be over in two weeks. Sure enough within two weeks she stopped returning his calls.

Even people who hate on game respect and agree with a lot of my analyses of others' relationships.

"A flower can not remain in bloom for years, but a garden can be cultivated to bloom throughout seasons and years." - xsplat

Game, experiences and and moments of clarity

Quote: (06-08-2011 11:56 AM)MiXX Wrote:  


I've gotten bangs from women @ laundromats on Sunday morning.

There are no limits to where women are ready to fuck!! NONE!


True that! Been realizing this lately, and it makes me regret all the chances I've missed due to having preset notions.

Come to think of it, a laundromat is perhaps a really conducive place to pickup women. Gotta be around if they're washing good clothes, so they're bored. Not dressed up or in a go-out mindset so no bitch shield. I remember Ben Affleck followed his target all the way to the laundromat in The Town where he picked her up.

Too bad after college I have always had a personal washer and dryer [Image: angry.gif]

Game is a necessary evil

Game, experiences and and moments of clarity

Quote: (06-08-2011 01:59 PM)Caligula Wrote:  

Other moments of clarity: predicting how peoples' relationships are going to end before they realise it themselves. Good friend of mine recently told me about some beta moves he'd pulled on a girl he was seeing. I told him he should switch it up and pull some assholery or it would be over in two weeks. Sure enough within two weeks she stopped returning his calls.

Even people who hate on game respect and agree with a lot of my analyses of others' relationships.

I can so relate to that. Infact it was the insights I had gained over time, which resulted in accurate predictions in the case of a milf I picked up was what made me start this thread. During my interaction with the said milf in my first post, I was almost startled at how my predictions were proving to be true one after the other.

Game is a necessary evil

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