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Real Talk Sessions: The Who, What, Where, Why, And How Of Convenience Game

Real Talk Sessions: The Who, What, Where, Why, And How Of Convenience Game

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In a past edition of Real Talk Sessions that focused on Monk Mode, I mentioned an area of game that I call Convenience Game.

After I posted that discussion, I received some requests to go deeper into all that Convenience Game entails. I had another topic that I wanted to discuss first, but I'm glad that now we can talk about this particular topic in greater detail.

What Is Convenience Game?
Men of this community are not normal. We aspire to redefine our comfort zones, broaden our horizons, and explore environments and people who are different than what we are accustomed to. In the course of doing so, we become more in-depth people, capable of viewing the world and others in a more dynamic manner simply because we've had a variety of experiences with people from different ends of social, cultural, and economic spectra.

The same can not be said for the majority of people.

In terms of game, as it pertains to women, most men will end up with women who they meet in situations and environments that are familiar to them. That is to say, most men will not go out and explore the world, instead, they will pursue what is close, or convenient, to them. From the other side, women do not go out and hunt for dick, they make themselves available in areas and circumstances that feel comfortable and familiar to them, and nature takes its course -- this is why a lot of guys try to run the friend angle with females first.

Thus, the central theme of convenience game is proximity.

Think about the walks of life that you regularly inhabit. Those are the areas where you will more likely than not meet your next girlfriend, fuck buddy, wife, maybe even the mother of your children.

When you explore the possibilities of creating relationships within these familiar areas, then you are playing the convenience game.

Where Is Convenience Game Played?
That redhead who always sits towards the back, closest to the door, of your business statistics class, the dark-haired, blue-eyed barista at the Starbucks around the corner from your house, the racially ambiguous chick with the bubble ass and great smile that just started working in your office, these girls have caught your attention and they all exist in areas of your life that you regularly inhabit so you will see them often.

The likelihood is high that you will pursue at least one of those chicks, as would most men, since most will pursue women who are convenient to them in places like school, work, the neighborhood they live in, etc.

It stands to reason.

People are comfortable with what they find to be familiar. Familiarity creates a sense of safety. In areas of safety, people feel more freedom to operate. Also, familiarity breeds a sense of commonality. When people find themselves in similar places in life, it's easier for them to draw conclusions about having certain things in common with someone else.

Let's go back to the three main areas I mentioned before: school, work, your neighborhood.

Despite the fact that you will have some differences with people in inhabit the same environments as you do, it helps to be able to go into an interaction knowing that you two have something in common.

College is the easiest place for a man to meet a woman. Most people take their college years as an opportunity to develop into being someone more than just X and Y's child. They have an opportunity to re-invent themselves as individuals and forge relationships with different kinds of people. However, it remains that you're all in school in the safe confines of a college campus, the next controlled environment after one leaves home. The idea is to get your education and after your days of being a student are over, you can go out into the world and use what you've learned to make money.

This is important, for a reason I will touch on later in the discussion.

In school, people are more social because they want to get to know others, they want to go out and have fun, plus there is a safety in knowing that whoever they do meet and have fun with, they're going to see them again on campus.

I can't stress enough, use the time when you're in college to meet girls, because again, there will never be a time in your life when meeting girls is any easier.

Although the statistics have declined, many men are still beginning relationships with women they work with. The work environment has an unspoken, sexual tension to it. People spend a lot of time together, often until late on many evenings. Over the course of time, they can get to know each other, conveniently and seemingly innocently, over lunches, evening meals, and company outings.

Work is the next controlled environment after your leave college. You will meet women who have certain things in common with you, just like in college, however, there can be differences. Some women you work with will already be involved in relationships. Some women will not entertain the idea of getting into a relationship with someone they work with because for them work is business, and dating is personal. The company your work for may even have a policy regarding personal relationships between co-workers.

Thus, your ability to "game" a chick you work with, is not as strong as it is with a girl that goes to your school and has several classes with you, even though some of the circumstances are similar.

How well do you know your neighbors? Probably not well. Outside of saying "hello" when you see each other in the parking lot, elevator, or driveway, most of your neighbors are just shadows you see moving around behind closed curtains. But inevitably, you're going to see a cute girl walking her golden lab around the neighborhood, and you're going to wonder how you can meet her.

The good thing about meeting women in your neighborhood is that you're meeting women who are socioeconomically similar to you. From that point, you're likely to find other commonalities, such as educational, maybe even working backgrounds. Again, just as in work and school, you're going to meet people who have certain things in common with you going into the interaction, so it makes going into the interaction much easier -- this is also true because the threatening factor is low.

Who Plays The Convenience Game And Why Do They Play It?
Most men play the convenience game because it's the easiest game to play. It's not as difficult to ask a girl out, when she "knows" you. Also, she has little to fear when she knows you're her next door neighbor, work in the accounting department on the second floor, or sit next to her in geography class.

Most men will not play the pickup game, which calls for a man to generate a relationship with a woman out of thin-air, because that situation calls for a quick decision and often evokes a different reaction.

When you meet a woman as a stranger, and the idea is that you're trying to immediately forge a sexual/romantic relationship with you, then she's going to judge you immediately on whether or not she could see herself going there with you.

The more someone has had the chance to get to know you, the more qualities about you they can possibly have come around to like. So a woman who "knows" you, may know that you're funny, hard-working, intelligent, etc. The interactions we have on the street, in clubs, etc. don't lend themselves to that type of meeting.

What I'm getting around to saying is, when you try to pickup a woman, your sexual market value is immediately assessed. You might be funny, hard-working, intelligent, etc. but there's no way to know all that in an introductory and likely short interaction, furthermore, if she's not attracted to you, then she won't care about the rest anyway.

Convenience game allows men to play a longer game, one that affords them the opportunity to become familiar to a woman, show a woman who they are as a man, and then later transition the interaction into something sexual/romantic -- obviously, this doesn't always work.

However, again, most women, because of their nature, are more likely to be with someone who is familiar to them than someone who is not, unfortunately, they're just often closed-minded like that.

How To Play The Convenience Game
In pickup, you have to treat that particular moment that you meet a woman as the only time in life that you'll see that woman.

When you meet a girl at a club, it's possible that she might come back next week or next month, but you might not be there, hell, it might have been the one time of the year that she goes to a club and it just happened to be that one you were at, so if you're interested, in the moment, you have to put your bid in.

On the other hand, when you're in a situation that allows you to see a woman on a regular basis, you don't have to immediately go HAM. Since you're not in that "the time is now" situation, you can afford to play a longer game. However, you can't just eye that girl in class, or at work, or wherever. You have to introduce yourself to her and then you have to put yourself in situations with her. Maybe she becomes your study partner, maybe you invite her along with a couple of other co-workers after work on Friday to Happy Hour.

Once you are able to spend time with someone in interactions outside of the convenient places, then you can run game. It's easy to get phone numbers from co-workers, classmates, neighbors, etc. because it makes sense for people with those types of relationships to be in contact with each other.

Once you've established some sort of relationship with them, then you can hit them up during non-work/class hours. Talk/text with them about bullshit, because you're not trying to tip your hand just yet, you're just trying to see if they're down to interacting with you in a personal manner, once they are, you take it from there.

En Resumen
Convenience game is likely the best and easiest way to meet a woman. I didn't touch on what a lot of people call social circle game because it's a branch of the convenience game. A social circle is a group of people who consider each other friends who all come from similar backgrounds and have similar interests, and through these circles it's common for people to be introduced to others within the circle and deeper relationships can be formed from there.

It's easy game because it's convenient to your life, meaning you don't have to step outside of your usual lanes to forge relationships, also the approach aspect, which a lot of men have a problem with, is virtually non-existent.

It's likely the best because it's good to know that going into an interaction with someone there are some commonalities between you and them, thus it's easier for a relationship to come to fruition.

When we meet people in random walks of life, we don't know anything other than what we see. The girl in your class is probably from a two-parent home, middle-class background, fairly intelligent, ambitious, etc. like you are. Meanwhile, that cute Latin bartender at your favorite club may not have any of those things in common with you, plus because of the way you're meeting her, she will go into the interaction with certain defense mechanisms that can get in the way of you two making a connection.

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