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Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

I have to agree this story sounds fake.

1) Raped on a pile of broken glass--she's going to be covered in severe cuts, isn't she? And so are all the guys, on their knees, hands, and arms. I recently inflicted a minor cut on my finger chopping an onion, and it took a few days to really close and nearly a week to stop being tender. But two weeks after this she is going to her lifeguarding shift (wearing a swimsuit or other skimpy clothes)? She would have obvious healing cuts on her back and ass. That's if they even healed without stitches.

2) 3 hours? That's a long-ass time. You get bored with almost anything in three hours.

3) "Grab its motherfucking leg;" "Her reputation will be shot for the next four years;" "She's gonna be the girl who cried 'rape,' and we'll never be allowed into any frat party again." Who actually talks like that? The it sounds like a BDSM fantasy of dehumanization; the other stuff is the stereotypical things feminists believe people think. But even people who think them don't say them out loud in so many words. Friends who didn't think she should report would say things more like "Well, did you go up there with him? How much did you have to drink? Are you sure you know who they are? Maybe you should think it over."

4) Afterwards, with a sober, badly injured raped girl on their hands, there are no efforts at a cover up. They just let her go and I guess hope she doesn't report.

I see three possibilities:

A) there really is a horrible gang of violent rapist rich white guys operating at UVA. It's possible; it would be a rarity, but it is possible.

B) Something happened. Maybe she found herself in drunken pulling-a-train situation with 1 or 2 or 3 guys during which a table (or just a bottle) got accidentally broken. Maybe it was even rape. But this scenario is hugely exaggerated.

C) She's nuts and fabricated this whole thing.

I haven't read the whole article. Did Rolling Stone make any effort to talk to the friends who supposedly saw her bloody and distraught just afterwards, or is this all based on her word?

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Quote: (11-20-2014 11:42 AM)Ryre Wrote:  

I haven't read the whole article. Did Rolling Stone make any effort to talk to the friends who supposedly saw her bloody and distraught just afterwards, or is this all based on her word?

They talked to one. He "refused to comment." RS blames that on his membership in another fraternity.

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

If that story is true, that is a life sentence in jail easily. Three hours on a pile of broken glass is some of the worst shit imaginable. As others have noted, it is straight out of a horror movie.

Is she pressing charges?

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Quote: (11-20-2014 12:18 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

If that story is true, that is a life sentence in jail easily. Three hours on a pile of broken glass is some of the worst shit imaginable.

Is she pressing charges?


Jackie is hoping she will get there someday. She badly wants to muster the courage to file criminal charges or even a civil case.

So far she has only mustered the courage to cry "rape" years after the event, when her story is impossible to verify.

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

This is fake. It's clearly just an effort to continue the vilification of fraternities, particularly traditionally white, Southern fraternities. SJWs, liberals and feminists absolutely hate while fraternities and want to have them banned. It's that simple. They've already done a lot of damage to fraternities through the whole hazing hysteria they cooked up over the past decade, and now they're moving onto creating rape hysteria. It's simply pure, unadulterated bullshit. This has nothing to do with preventing rape and everything to do with shutting down the last remaining organizations for white males to congregate among themselves.

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

If Return of Kings authors wrote articles with the same level of fact checking that Sabrina Rubin Erdely (the author of this Rolling Stone piece) does, they would read like this:


Little Dark found himself in a dangerous situation. After going to a bar and having a woman physically assault him, some thirty people took the woman's side and responded by surrounding him as he was leaving. It was only through Mr. Dark's physical prowess as a fighter that he was able to take on all these people at once and come out alive; even so, he ended up with two black eyes and a cut nose.

The traumatizing experience Little Dark experienced is typical of the "white knight" culture that permeates American culture, and is a symptom of a long-standing tolerance of abuse of men who are perceived as wanting to meet women in public places.


Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

^^^^It's the gift that keeps on giving.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Quote: (11-20-2014 11:42 AM)Ryre Wrote:  

I have to agree this story sounds fake.

1) Raped on a pile of broken glass--she's going to be covered in severe cuts, isn't she? And so are all the guys, on their knees, hands, and arms. I recently inflicted a minor cut on my finger chopping an onion, and it took a few days to really close and nearly a week to stop being tender. But two weeks after this she is going to her lifeguarding shift (wearing a swimsuit or other skimpy clothes)? She would have obvious healing cuts on her back and ass. That's if they even healed without stitches.

2) 3 hours? That's a long-ass time. You get bored with almost anything in three hours.

3) "Grab its motherfucking leg;" "Her reputation will be shot for the next four years;" "She's gonna be the girl who cried 'rape,' and we'll never be allowed into any frat party again." Who actually talks like that? The it sounds like a BDSM fantasy of dehumanization; the other stuff is the stereotypical things feminists believe people think. But even people who think them don't say them out loud in so many words. Friends who didn't think she should report would say things more like "Well, did you go up there with him? How much did you have to drink? Are you sure you know who they are? Maybe you should think it over."

4) Afterwards, with a sober, badly injured raped girl on their hands, there are no efforts at a cover up. They just let her go and I guess hope she doesn't report.

I see three possibilities:

A) there really is a horrible gang of violent rapist rich white guys operating at UVA. It's possible; it would be a rarity, but it is possible.

B) Something happened. Maybe she found herself in drunken pulling-a-train situation with 1 or 2 or 3 guys during which a table (or just a bottle) got accidentally broken. Maybe it was even rape. But this scenario is hugely exaggerated.

C) She's nuts and fabricated this whole thing.

I haven't read the whole article. Did Rolling Stone make any effort to talk to the friends who supposedly saw her bloody and distraught just afterwards, or is this all based on her word?

In the absence of physical evidence, witnesses, charges filed, etc., why would anyone entertain the idea it was anything other than a fabrication? It reads like feminist wank fiction, confirming their every fear and warped view of the world. Yeah, gang rape is really an established part of wealthy white Southern culture at a top university.

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Quote: (11-20-2014 01:25 PM)placer Wrote:  

If Return of Kings authors wrote articles with the same level of fact checking that Sabrina Rubin Erdely (the author of this Rolling Stone piece) does, they would read like this:


Little Dark found himself in a dangerous situation. After going to a bar and having a woman physically assault him, some thirty people took the woman's side and responded by surrounding him as he was leaving. It was only through Mr. Dark's physical prowess as a fighter that he was able to take on all these people at once and come out alive; even so, he ended up with two black eyes and a cut nose.

The traumatizing experience Little Dark experienced is typical of the "white knight" culture that permeates American culture, and is a symptom of a long-standing tolerance of abuse of men who are perceived as wanting to meet women in public places.


Make sure to remind our readers that the fight itself isn't really the focus here.

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Quote: (11-20-2014 08:56 PM)Lemmo Wrote:  

In the absence of physical evidence, witnesses, charges filed, etc., why would anyone entertain the idea it was anything other than a fabrication? It reads like feminist wank fiction, confirming their every fear and warped view of the world. Yeah, gang rape is really an established part of wealthy white Southern culture at a top university.

""Why didn't you have fun with it?" Cindy asked. "A bunch of hot Phi Psi guys?"" I cannot imagine any young woman saying this. This is something the "hot slut" says in movies. Girls may have gangbangs, but they rarely verbally admit to desiring gangbangs. "If you can't do anything about it, just lie back and enjoy it" was a bad joke 30 years ago.

I'd like to see interviews with her professors and classmates at the time. Did she miss class for two weeks? Was she seen with facial injuries and cuts on her body? Should be pretty easy to establish the truth, unless she hid in her room for a week or two. Can you imagine the campus gossip if some firstyear girl is walking around campus with a beat-up face? This was only a couple of years ago. People must remember. I hope so much that someone in the mainstream media is fact-checking this.

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Quote: (11-20-2014 11:24 PM)Ryre Wrote:  

I hope so much that someone in the mainstream media is fact-checking this.

If a reporter had dug into the story, and come up with facts that it was all made up, that reporter would then be fired.
If an editor had run a story exposing this as fake, the editor and the reporter would both be fired.

It wouldn't be immediate, but once the SJW twitter storm starts up, people lose their jobs over nothing, the same would happen to any mainstream media that comes out contradicting this story.

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Quote: (11-20-2014 11:59 AM)lurker Wrote:  

Quote: (11-20-2014 11:42 AM)Ryre Wrote:  

I haven't read the whole article. Did Rolling Stone make any effort to talk to the friends who supposedly saw her bloody and distraught just afterwards, or is this all based on her word?

They talked to one. He "refused to comment." RS blames that on his membership in another fraternity.

Great - that is truly journalistic integrity.

Frankly regardless whether the story is true or not - at this point it is only word against word. In a sane world she lost her best chance of defense directly after the rape after having been raped on broken glass by 7 guys - the injuries should have been strong enough in that case to be necessary for some kind of treatment.

So yes - there are plenty of reasons on why she would have said something.

As someone pointed out before - real rape cases are quite often reported and the perpetrators are put in prison. That is why many criminal rapists kill their victims. They know damn well that will go down with it.

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Quote: (11-20-2014 12:40 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

This is fake. It's clearly just an effort to continue the vilification of fraternities, particularly traditionally white, Southern fraternities. SJWs, liberals and feminists absolutely hate while fraternities and want to have them banned. It's that simple. They've already done a lot of damage to fraternities through the whole hazing hysteria they cooked up over the past decade, and now they're moving onto creating rape hysteria. It's simply pure, unadulterated bullshit. This has nothing to do with preventing rape and everything to do with shutting down the last remaining organizations for white males to congregate among themselves.

Second time in 24 hours we've been on the same wavelength. I thought the same thing when I read the article - whether it's true or not isn't really relevant. If it did take place, it's a horrendous crime.

But the terrible nature of the story is being wildly projected onto the entire 'campus rape culture' narrative as if the horror lends credence to every complaint that failing to get ongoing affirmative consent is literally rape.

An awful crime may have happened (although the tone of the story causes some doubt). But it doesn't mean a population as a whole has anything to do with it.

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Thanks for the replies guys. I've been trying to figure out what I thought about this story, because I have a close friend who went to that school. Based on what he has told me, it is entirely possible that this story is true.

That said, there are no real names given. I understand it may be difficult to come forward publicly on this topic, but without names, everything written is hearsay, and impossible to evaluate as evidence.

Assuming the story is true, it doesn't follow that the narrative is. While the events described are horrible, they are interpreted through the lens of the modern campus feminist "yes means yes" movement.

If these events are true, there are several layers of people who failed to do the right thing:

1) There are men who committed these crimes.
2) There are the women who told their friends not to report these crimes.
3) There is the university which handled them ineptly.
4) There is the police, who are nowhere to be found.

Activist efforts have largely focused on the first part of the problem, and lumped all men into the category of suspected offenders. As the article points out, these crimes are committed by a select handful of serial offenders. Encouraging women to report their crimes, and improving the criminal justice system might be a better way to prevent rape. Shaming good men and attempting to get sociopaths act morally seems like a failing strategy.

The narrative not explored is that of women enabling rapists for social approval. When I read this article, I see a culture of women who put social approval before justice, their own safety, or the safety and protection of their friends. The women in this article make themselves intentionally vulnerable because they value what others think of them more than their own self-preservation. While the author describes these women, she doesn't explore their motivations as much as she does those of fraternities. To me, this is the real story. Why would a woman consider a strangers social approval more important that the rape of her friends?

The other narrative not explored is the question of criminal justice. Universities are not equipped to handle sexual assault, and should turn ALL sexual assault investigations over to local police. Local police may or may not be handling this ineptly, but they are oddly absent from the article. If this campus has an epidemic of unprosecuted rapes then it seems like the top priority should be involving the people who can prosecute them.

I've seen a couple replies calling Jackie "brave." I'm sorry, but Jackie is not brave. Jackie is a coward. Jackie did not report her rape, did not collect evidence or pursue justice, and only two years later gave her story to a reporter without even using her real name. Bravery would mean pursuing justice, even at the cost of her social standing, not talking to a reporter with an agenda from behind a pseudonym.

What I'd like to know is - how are the fraternity brothers responding to all this? They've been called rapists from a national publication. No evidence. No trial. They can't even face their accuser. And yet the school is holding rallies because of this article.

This article was a very targeted hit piece. The writer went after one school. One street at that school. One fraternity at that school. And they didn't tell the men there they were going to do it. These are eighteen, nineteen, and twenty something guys. Even if they are innocent, they have no idea how to weather a media storm. Their careers are shot right out the gate by association.

Of course, there are a lot of layers here, but when someone shares the article they just say "How awful. They should stop this. #UVrApe" - never asking who "they" is, what exactly they should stop that isn't already illegal, or how they should go about stopping it. And those gaps where the corruption seeps in.

Read my work on Return of Kings here.

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Quote: (11-21-2014 01:09 AM)runsonmagic Wrote:  

I've been trying to figure out what I thought about this story, because I have a close friend who went to that school. Based on what he has told me, it is entirely possible that this story is true.

That said, there are no real names given. I understand it may be difficult to come forward publicly on this topic, but without names, everything written is hearsay, and impossible to evaluate as evidence.

I'm guessing that your friend said that rumors floated around the school afterward. Or is it that the frat house has a reputation for drunken sex? Kindly share (while cloaking details) the gist of what he said.

It's really hard to imagine that seven men were involved in a violent gang rape and not one of them talked. This stretches the imagination. Think about it: You have committed a crime that easily will send you to prison. You either view it as something innocent, and you can't resist bragging about it, or you are scared witless when you realize what you did. If the latter, you will likely confess to someone to get it off your chest.

As told, this isn't a wink wink nudge nudge kind of thing. It would be like if they violently beat and robbed a guy.

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

I actually took the time to read the entire article and I'm even more convinced it's complete bullshit. I was in the top fraternity at my college. There was a lot of partying going on all the time. Lots of drinking, drugs and sex in the house. Never once did anything even close to this story happen. A seven man gang rape? You've got to be fucking kidding me. Over hundreds of parties full of drunk girls and guys, I never even heard or saw anything to even suggest a girl was date raped. The idea that a fraternity could consistently get away with gang raping women is an utterly absurd fiction. It's literally no different than suggesting that the fraternity is home to a gang of bank robbers that somehow never manage to get themselves caught, despite leaving a growing string of witnesses to implicate them.

There's also this little gem buried toward the end of the story:


But payback for being so public on a campus accustomed to silence was swift. This past spring, in separate incidents, both Emily Renda and Jackie were harassed outside bars on the Corner by men who recognized them from presentations and called them "cunt" and "feminazi bitch." One flung a bottle at Jackie that broke on the side of her face, leaving a blood-red bruise around her eye.

Wow! So some evil frat guy threw a glass bottle at Jackie that shattered on her face, leaving a big red bruise (but somehow again no lacerations, between this and being gang raped on a broken glass table and suffering no injuries, Jackie either has the skin of an elephant or is the female Wolverine).

I want everyone to think about all the white knighting you get when you go out these days. Can you imagine any scenario where a man throws a glass bottle that shatters on a woman's face and nothing happens to him? No one makes a big deal about it? Everyone's just like, "Haha you dumb bitch!"

No. That is simply not reality. Jackie would have simply had to point the man out to security and/or white knights and then call the police. Her assailant would have been arrested and charged with aggravated battery.

But that didn't happen, because the beer bottle story is a fabrication, just like the gang rape story.

My guess is that the reality of the story is as follows: Jackie goes to the frat party with Drew and is overwhelmed and excited, having grown up watching depictions of frat parties in television and movies. She goes upstairs with Drew and he tries to have sex with her. She resists, but he is persistent. She decides to give in to his advances and they have consensual sex. She later regrets having done so (possibly she was a virgin, and/or Drew blew her off afterward and made her feel stupid) and beats herself up about it. At the time she is also having general feelings of depression, which are extremely common among freshman college students. She goes into a downward spiral of depression for no clear reason. In order to rationalize her depression, she invents the story of the gang rape to explain why she can't get it together. Rather than being a depressed failure, she can now at least view herself as a victim. It's also likely she was reading Tumblr feminism/SJW shit around this time (remember, damaged people flock to that banner because it provides them rationalization for their personal failures) and that's what gave her the mental justification to re-classify her reluctant consensual sex into a seven-man gang rape.

The whole thing is just incredibly unbelievable, and when combined with the well known hard-on the liberal media has for attacking white, Southern fraternities, it becomes obvious it's just a completely fraudulent hit piece.

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Quote: (11-21-2014 02:52 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

The idea that a fraternity could consistently get away with gang raping women is an utterly absurd fiction. It's literally no different than suggesting that the fraternity is home to a gang of bank robbers that somehow never manage to get themselves caught, despite leaving a growing string of witnesses to implicate them.

There's also this little gem buried toward the end of the story:


But payback for being so public on a campus accustomed to silence was swift. This past spring, in separate incidents, both Emily Renda and Jackie were harassed outside bars on the Corner by men who recognized them from presentations and called them "cunt" and "feminazi bitch." One flung a bottle at Jackie that broke on the side of her face, leaving a blood-red bruise around her eye.

Wow! So some evil frat guy threw a glass bottle at Jackie that shattered on her face, leaving a big red bruise (but somehow again no lacerations, between this and being gang raped on a broken glass table and suffering no injuries, Jackie either has the skin of an elephant or is the female Wolverine).

I want everyone to think about all the white knighting you get when you go out these days. Can you imagine any scenario where a man throws a glass bottle that shatters on a woman's face and nothing happens to him? No one makes a big deal about it? Everyone's just like, "Haha you dumb bitch!"

No. That is simply not reality. Jackie would have simply had to point the man out to security and/or white knights and then call the police. Her assailant would have been arrested and charged with aggravated battery.

But that didn't happen, because the beer bottle story is a fabrication, just like the gang rape story.

Good analysis. I didn't think about the beer bottle incident.

What's amazing to me is how credulous the commenters, and the UVA student population, are. No one is asking the hard question: Is this story true?

These are disturbing times we live in.

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Apparently some of her friends at least are backing her story up.

"The Rolling Stone magazine article “A Rape on Campus: A Brutal Assault and Struggle for Justice at UVA” featured the story of an alleged gang rape of a woman named Jackie. Her harrowing story is inspiring two close friends to share their hopes and complaints about the article.

Jackie's friends, also victims of sexual assault, say every gruesome detail of her gang rape in the article is true. They see Jackie's story as an opportunity to get people talking, change rape culture, and bring justice across the country."

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Quote: (11-21-2014 03:30 PM)Ryre Wrote:  

Apparently some of her friends at least are backing her story up.

"The Rolling Stone magazine article “A Rape on Campus: A Brutal Assault and Struggle for Justice at UVA” featured the story of an alleged gang rape of a woman named Jackie. Her harrowing story is inspiring two close friends to share their hopes and complaints about the article.

Jackie's friends, also victims of sexual assault, say every gruesome detail of her gang rape in the article is true. They see Jackie's story as an opportunity to get people talking, change rape culture, and bring justice across the country."

Amazing how these alleged rape victims all just happened to be friends. Also amazing how two people who were admittedly not present in the room or even house the alleged gang rape took place in can verify that "all the gruesome details" of said rape are true.

Reality: all of this so-called evidence and testimony would be laughed out of a court of law. That's why these feminists and SJWs always prefer to try these stories in the media instead. There are no rules for evidence, they never face a cross examination or risk perjuring themselves. They can just lie their faces off and the vast majority of people are going to bend over backwards to believe everything they say.

It's a complete farce.

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Quote: (11-21-2014 03:30 PM)Ryre Wrote:  

Apparently some of her friends at least are backing her story up.

Hardly. That's what NBC29 made it sound like. These friends they quote are her activist friends who have no firsthand knowledge of the events.

The only friends that would be credible in this situation are the three who found her the next morning. What do they say about her condition?

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

This thing is a witch hunt, plain and simple. We have no solid evidence that the events happened, yet all of these SJWs are acting like Jackie's word is the gospel truth. Here's one example of the SJW BS going on:


Surface, who in addition to her work for the Sexual Violence Prevention Coalition also works with the peer education group One Less, said she was troubled by calls she heard questioning the validity of Jackie's claims.

“It’s hard to know right now. I would say if [the article] gives survivors a place where they feel like, ‘Hey, the girls in the article shared their stories,’ that they will now be validated and believed. That’s a positive outcome,” she said. “That’s why I’m worried about the comments like, ‘It’s not true’ or ‘She’s lying.’ Rather than the administration discouraging reporting, it’s the student body that discourages reporting when they make comments that don’t support survivors.”

Surface said students questioning the accuracy of Jackie’s claims should keep in mind that only a small percentage of rape reports are false.

She said many survivors of sexual assault, like Jackie, never file a police report because of the re-victimization that often comes with doing so.

First of all, a significant number of rape reports are false, in the range of 20% to 40%.

Second of all, I am all for supporting survivors of rape. But not to the point that fundamental constitutional protections are taken away from people. Presumption of innocence is a cornerstone of the US constitution and of the US legal system. If we replace protections for the accused because a story told by a random woman is treated as if it were the gospel truth, down that path lies the Salem witch trials.

Edit It gets worse. This fraternity where Jackie has claimed to be raped (Phi Kappa Psi) has had to suspend all of their activities because of the hearsay of a single woman:


as of today we have voluntarily surrendered our Fraternal Organization Agreement with the University, thereby suspending all chapter activities during this process

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Quote: (11-21-2014 04:23 PM)placer Wrote:  

Edit It gets worse. This fraternity where Jackie has claimed to be raped (Phi Kappa Psi) has had to suspend all of their activities because of the hearsay of a single woman:

as of today we have voluntarily surrendered our Fraternal Organization Agreement with the University, thereby suspending all chapter activities during this process
Actually, I think the fraternity is acting reasonably. Someone is alleging that there are seven violent felons on the premises. These are not trivial charges.

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

I really want to fight for fraternities man, I really do. I went to school at a place that really started the whole trend of frats and then popularized them in the US. Frats are very important to us. But at this point the "rebuttals" frats come up with in response to SJW outcries to eliminate them also read like feminist pieces. They are all bloody feminists now. Frat presidents do not have the balls to stand up and speak out against the false rape culture fearmongering and the overwhelming amount of false rape accusations that are put out in the US today. Every time these "bros" come out with a letter about why the fraternity system should stay, they still write down the same talking points about sexual assault, rape, and inclusivity, and talk about how they will work towards eliminating them/ will not stand for them.

He're the real truth, these things are not a problem. They do not exist. By saying you will eliminate them just means they are willing to throw brothers unfavorable to the sororities and feminists under the bus, ruin their lives, so they can continue having fun within the feminist system. The frat brothers, the "conservatives", they are just leeches within the feminist system. Fuck them all.

You don't get there till you get there

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Quote: (11-21-2014 01:54 PM)Shortest Straw Wrote:  

Kindly share (while cloaking details) the gist of what he said.

He went with a female friend to the police several years ago and they basically said, "you won't win the case, don't even bother." (Her case was one guy alone in a room with her, forcing himself on her). He has another friend who went drinking with his GF and actually passed out because he downed her drink and it had a roofie in it. No joke.

There have been similar rumors circling the campus for years, long before the media caught a case of rape hysteria. If I didn't know someone personally who'd gone to that school and suggested it was accurate, I'd be inclined to dismiss the story too.

Of course, I can't expect anyone else to have the same reaction to those stories, because they're coming anonymously from behind a pseudonym. And that's the problem with the article. We only have the word of a Rolling Stone journalist to go on, and journalists are slightly less trustworthy than Congress.

Quote: (11-21-2014 02:52 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

I actually took the time to read the entire article and I'm even more convinced it's complete bullshit....

The whole thing is just incredibly unbelievable, and when combined with the well known hard-on the liberal media has for attacking white, Southern fraternities, it becomes obvious it's just a completely fraudulent hit piece.

Right. There is clearly motive for the media to make something like this up. It would just be a new level of lie. Most recent feminist stories about rape have been regret-rape or I-drank-too-much-and-said-yes-rape. What is described here is gang-rape, the kind we would all agree is wrong if it did happen. I would just be shocked if a reporter went that far on a story this important, though not surprised, as it fits a pattern of habitual lying the media has, or at least unquestioningly repeating unverified stories.

The problem is no names are given. Until we know who "Jackie" is we can't know if her claims are true. The name that is given is the fraternity, who had their house vandalized yesterday. If I was them, I'd be *pissed.* The statement they released said no charges have been brought against them and they had no chance to respond to this story before it came out. In a court of law, people have the right to face their accuser. They haven't been given that right. The accusations are like smoke - they start to dissipate the moment you start questioning them. If you could show the piece *was* made up, it would be major news. To what degree it actually is made up or not, I'm not sure.

I don't think I'd be as inclined to doubt this story had the media not repeatedly try to claim that stare-rape, drunk-rape, and regret-rape were as equivalent to gang-rape. Theres a lesson about crying wolf here, and it makes me feel sorry for the women who actually have been raped and have to watch attention whores try to feed on their trauma for a spotlight.

Read my work on Return of Kings here.

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Quote: (11-21-2014 05:07 PM)runsonmagic Wrote:  

There is clearly motive for the media to make something like this up. It would just be a new level of lie. Most recent feminist stories about rape have been regret-rape or I-drank-too-much-and-said-yes-rape. What is described here is gang-rape, the kind we would all agree is wrong if it did happen. I would just be shocked if a reporter went that far on a story this important, though not surprised, as it fits a pattern of habitual lying the media has, or at least unquestioningly repeating unverified stories.

I don't think it's the "media" making up this story. I think Jackie has made up -- or at least greatly exaggerated -- this story, possibly with some prodding from the author of this RS hit piece.

This would not be the first time a woman reframes a consensual sexual encounter as a gang rape: Remember the Hofstra false rape allegations, the Duke Lacrosse case, and what happened to our own Vorkuta.

Women are capable of making up lurid stories of gang rape happening to them. A mature society is one that only pays heed to those stories if there is credible evidence supporting the accusations. Something Jackie and the SJWs supporting her do not have.

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