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As I approach 30 things I wish I knew when I was 20

As I approach 30 things I wish I knew when I was 20

The kind of body that you aspire to isn't achievable without steroids, fat loss drugs, a high volume of exercise and calories. All time and money-consuming things which are better solved with the principle of 80/20 - get an above-average physique whilst putting in below-average time.
  • Start a HIT workout routine and leverage your free time on more important activities
  • Forget the fitness supplements. Keep researching health supplements and nootropics
  • Eat a clean Paleo diet - you don't feel good at sub-10% body fat (nor have any strength, or libido, or even look much better) so just eat to satiety and instead focus on strength goals in the gym
Avoid all alternate reality simulation - always live your own life, don't imagine being in others. This includes avoiding all:
  • TV
  • Movies
  • Fiction
  • Games
  • Etc
If you just avoid just this one thing you'll have more time than anyone you know.

Read constantly, but cut out all blogs and instead read books.

However remember that even Einstein said at some point books detract from your genius - so elevate taking action above all.

When it comes to taking action, focus on little testable experiments. In the context of business, these are Minimum Viable Products. Always do these little experiments before going all-in because you may otherwise delude yourself with possibilities that don't exist.

Continue approaching every girl but instead focus on day game. Much higher ROI - you're more likely to find a sweet fuckbuddy or girlfriend that way instead of busting your ass off for a maybe possibility of another one night stand.

By giving up night game you'll also be most giving up alcohol - which you should also do, immediately. Huge waste of money, health and it's a social crutch - making it easier in the moment but crippling your skills through dependency. The only reason people drink is to control their state and to please others - both things which are better served by enhancing your Game.

Don't worry when your logistics get fucked by moving back in with family. Even a whole year without getting laid then jumping back in you won't notice a difference if you've already put in a few solid years to get to an advanced level of Game. So don't worry and focus instead on your hustle because this will bring you much closer to the freedom you desire.

As I approach 30 things I wish I knew when I was 20

Agreed with Valentine's fitness approach. You can actually get a much better physique than the average person buy eating clean. Too add on some things I would tell myself....

-Lifting heavy weights will make you stronger but not necessarily healthier.

-Stay away from adult sports unless you are getting paid or its teaching you self defense.

-Focus a lot on mobility exercise(read Steve Maxwell for tips)

-Bulking is stupid for almost everyone besides competitive body builders.

-Stay the fuck out of the sun for extended periods or use some kind of protection

-Going away to college is the fastest way to expand your social circle.

-Do not take low paying office jobs when you are younger. Work in some kind service industry that forces you to interact with girls(restaurants, bar tender...etc)

-Did I mention bartender^^? Yep social proof job. Consider it over some shitty desk job making $8 per hour when you are young. Soulless desk should should only be worked if you are getting paid a decent wage when you are older.

-Don't be afraid to leave your social circle from high school for greener pastures. Doesn't mean you have to completely abandon them but don't stick around just for them. No matter how tight your group is you will eventually start to drift apart. This happens to everyone and you will be no different.

-Learn how to be brutally honest without your own self evaluation. You need ask yourself the question "If I was a hot girl would I fuck me"?. If you are not getting laid and you think you honestly should be getting laid, then you need to go back and reevaluate yourself until you come to the conclusion.... "If I was a hot girl I would NOT fuck me". Then you can go about fixing your issues and changing your situation in an honest manner.

As I approach 30 things I wish I knew when I was 20

Quote: (08-30-2014 03:32 PM)babelfish669 Wrote:  

Most lifestyle choices can be judged by their impact on improving or disrupting sleep (only from the perspective an existing healthy circadian rhythm.)
Great thread and great job listing sleep as the first item on the list. Quality sleep is underestimated by almost everyone. It is probably the most important health factor and even more important than nutrition or exercise.

Quote: (08-30-2014 03:32 PM)babelfish669 Wrote:  

Drink lots of water. A little coffee and green tea is good too.

Most guys that get big and ripped when they are young stay big and get fat when they stop strength training.

Depression can be the result of nutritional, exercise, and social deficiencies. All three are very much worth fixing.

By 30 most people, male and female, will begin to experience health problems if they don't take care of themselves.
Sleep, hydration, nutrition, exercise, and stress levels are the difference between having health problems in your 20s or gaming girls in their 20s when you are in your 30s and 40s.

Reminds me of a post from another thread that I've been thinking about a lot lately.....

Quote: (11-04-2015 01:19 PM)Odin Wrote:  

I'm nearly 50
Tell all women your 38. I've been in my 30s for 20 years.
My plan is to spend 20 years in my 20s and then 20 more years in my 30s. Executing the basics is the key to this. It doesn't require that much knowledge but it requires a lot of execution with the basic health factors.

As I approach 30 things I wish I knew when I was 20

It's a shame the OP hasn't been around here in quite a while, this is great stuff.

Americans are dreamers too

As I approach 30 things I wish I knew when I was 20

Quote: (11-25-2015 05:17 PM)birthday cat Wrote:  

Quote: (08-30-2014 03:32 PM)babelfish669 Wrote:  

Most lifestyle choices can be judged by their impact on improving or disrupting sleep (only from the perspective an existing healthy circadian rhythm.)
Great thread and great job listing sleep as the first item on the list. Quality sleep is underestimated by almost everyone. It is probably the most important health factor and even more important than nutrition or exercise.

Quote: (08-30-2014 03:32 PM)babelfish669 Wrote:  

Drink lots of water. A little coffee and green tea is good too.

Most guys that get big and ripped when they are young stay big and get fat when they stop strength training.

Depression can be the result of nutritional, exercise, and social deficiencies. All three are very much worth fixing.

By 30 most people, male and female, will begin to experience health problems if they don't take care of themselves.
Sleep, hydration, nutrition, exercise, and stress levels are the difference between having health problems in your 20s or gaming girls in their 20s when you are in your 30s and 40s.

Reminds me of a post from another thread that I've been thinking about a lot lately.....

Quote: (11-04-2015 01:19 PM)Odin Wrote:  

I'm nearly 50
Tell all women your 38. I've been in my 30s for 20 years.
My plan is to spend 20 years in my 20s and then 20 more years in my 30s. Executing the basics is the key to this. It doesn't require that much knowledge but it requires a lot of execution with the basic health factors.

Do you think that a lot of younger guys especially (because of a lot of drinking and going out) create problems for themselves by drinking too much and sleeping to few?

As I approach 30 things I wish I knew when I was 20

I'm 32, therefore I shall share,

To my 20 year old friends,

1. Never try to help or give any advice to any women, just listen and smile. You will go far with this method.

2. The best and only way to punish a women is giving her no attention.

3. Real and easy money is made at the top not the bottom.

4. Never trust anyone, especially your so call friend.

5. Never complain, it will only make you unhappy.

6. The best way to create luck and opportunities, is to stay active, stay busy and keep moving forward with new adventures and projects.

7. Courage comes from love, the courage to do what you love will save your life.

8. Always push for sex on the first date, if you don't she will personally be offended (subconsciously)

9. Most women subconsciously hate and despise good men (beta men, nice guy).

10. Women love violent men

11. Being a good person has no intrinsic value in this world, only the strong survive.

12. Men chose to be good, there is no reward for that. It is actually a handicap.

13. The key to success is being selfish, another word for selfish is a strong desire to survive.

14. Bulking and lifting heavy will lead to injuries

15. Yoga is the best exercise if you want to look young and attractive.

16. Have something exciting to do each day. Life is boring without it.

17. Always be upfront about your sexual desire for a women, she will respect you for it.

18. Travel outside of the Anglosphere, you will learn the truth about happiness and masculinity.

If you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made up of.
– Bruce Lee

One must give value, but one must profit from it too, life is about balance

As I approach 30 things I wish I knew when I was 20

My parents and other old people would always say to me: "Be careful, you only get one body". I thought they were just being complainy old people whining about their problems.

Now at 28 I understand.

Ive had two injuries earlier this year that I've ignored until recently. " they'll heal" I said, "they always have before"

Well, they didn't. Now I'm looking at probably a surgery for one problem and doing physio and wearing a brace for the other problem, which might need surgery as well if the physio doesn't work.

The realisation that you only have one body, and that it is GOING to degrade is a daunting one. The thought that one stupid mistake on your part might lead to a lifetime of pain, restricted ability, or deformity that is going to last FOREVER is terrifying.

A sinking feeling goes into your gut when for the very first time in your life you begin to realize what the definition of "permanent" really means... That you might still be facing this same ailment when you're 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, right until you are DEAD. All because of something stupid or unlucky you did when you were in your twenties.

So now I can offer the same advice as my worrysome parents gave to me which I foolishly ignored: "Be careful, because you only get one body."

As I approach 30 things I wish I knew when I was 20

I would tell my eager 20 year old self.

Learning game AFTER you are financially successful.

Don't listen to your parents. They are full of shit and the world is changing. However you will find your own way.

As I approach 30 things I wish I knew when I was 20

I would say to not forget to tell your mother time to time that you love her.
This is the only unconditional love that exists out there.

As I approach 30 things I wish I knew when I was 20

I’m approaching 29 and I agree with a lot of the things in this thread.
That being said, if I could go back in time and give my 20 year old self only one piece of advice, it would be this:

Stop taking advice from your parents.

Notice I didn’t say: “stop listening to your parents”, “stop seeing your parents”, “stop loving your parents” our anything like that. On the contrary, I think you should love your parents and have a good relationship with them (I do and it makes me happy). But you must stop taking advice from them, because their advice is at best ineffective and at worst completely counterproductive.

What is some of the common advice parents give?

-Dating and lifestyle
This one has been beaten to dead on this forum. If you want to remain a virgin for life, or get cuckolded and divorce raped by a fat feminist cow, then listen to your parents. Otherwise, completely ignore their advice and in most cases, do the exact opposite. Only exception to this rule is if your dad is a legitimate player or strong dominant patriarch who is firmly in charge of the family.

-Money and career
Are your parents rich?
Did they make a substantial climb on the social ladder when compared to their parents?
Do they have a successful career?
Can they stop working at any time and live a very comfortable lifestyle from their investments and savings?
Do they enjoy their job and refuse to retire?
If you answered no to all of these questions, then do not take any finance or career advice from your parents.

My parents are lower middle class, just like theirs. They’ve been working a 9 to 5 as simple employees for their entire lives. They own a nice house in the countryside, have no debt and have given me everything I ever needed (for which I am extremely grateful) but they will need to work until retirement age to provide in their basic needs. They cannot afford to retire early, to buy high quality clothing, to visit an anti-aging or integrative practitioner, to hire a cleaning lady, or to make a big holiday.
Guess which advice they give me? Find a stable job 9 to 5 office job, get a mortgage and put some money into a savings account every month… Just as they did.

I’ve seen “time and compound interest” mentioned in this thread. That’s typical parent financial advice. If you save 1000 euro a month, you will be able to buy a house after 20 or 30 years of saving. What an impressive wealth…
Investing is worthless if you don’t have a decent capital to start with. If every month you cannot save significantly more than you need to finance your lifestyle, then stop thinking about investing. Improve your skillset, start networking and don’t rest before you can save more than 50% every month without compromising your lifestyle too much (I think Wall Street Playboys advise 80%).

-Diet, health and exercise
This one’s easy.
Are your parents in vibrant health, with muscular bodies at a low body fat?
If not, then stop taking health advice from them.

As I approach 30 things I wish I knew when I was 20

Courage is everything.

All the self-improvement, all the work ethic, and all the natural talent in the world means fuck all if you don't have courage. I know people who are truly intelligent who work menial jobs due to a lack of courage. Everyone here knows a guy who busts his ass in the gym but can't get a date b/c he's too shy. And don't forget moral courage. A lack of moral courage is why we're in the PC hell hole we're in today. When presented with logic, more than a few people would agree with points we bring up here, yet you never see these people stand up to the people that use the veneer of being 'politically correct' to get their daily fix of power trip.

Courage is what gives life flavor.

Civilize the mind but make savage the body.

As I approach 30 things I wish I knew when I was 20

amazing thread, a lot of wisdom in every post guys.

im only 22 but i've discovered that it's better to live with a set of goals, to know where you are going, before this age i used to go with the flow.

i have a lot of work to do in every ambit of life, right now i'm working on the above average physique, day game and reading books.

As I approach 30 things I wish I knew when I was 20

Just turned 30 and I should have read this thread in my 20s lol. Being selfish is really one of the advices here that resonated with me. Be selfish and treat yourself first. I wasted lots and lots of time getting involved in other bitches' drama.

As I approach 30 things I wish I knew when I was 20

Also, if you feel sad or depressed, you should eat better and exercise. I thought my actions depend on my mood but mood and what you're feeling can be hacked by taking action first (like going for a run, youll immediately feel better)

As I approach 30 things I wish I knew when I was 20

This is a great thread with brilliant advice. Made lots of notes here.

As I approach 30 things I wish I knew when I was 20

I'm 31, just started seriously training Martial Arts (Kickboxing, Boxing, Muay Thai, Standing Clinch, Takedowns, etc... basically MMA) about 2 months ago.

Kicking myself for not dedicating myself to this when I was a teenager!

I have been training about 2 hours a day, and I am obsessed and having so much fun.

Never in my life have I felt so alive, energized, confident, strong, fast, crisp, sharp, powerful and dangerous. MMA Training really makes you feel like a bad ass stud.

Imagine your best Powerlifting/Bodybuilding/Cardio session you ever had and take that Post Workout Euphoria and multiply it Ten-Fold.

Cocaine ain't got shit on MMA Training.

As I approach 30 things I wish I knew when I was 20

In my late 20s.

One thing that has been said but I can't emphasize it enough. Your health is literally everything. If you are healthy, there is almost nothing stopping you in life.

Don't go crazy with heavy lifting. If anything start with something simple that builds your body and increases mobility/flexibility. Learn your body well and start slow.

I started visiting when I was 22 and desperately wanted to "bulk up" because I was 130 lbs. I read about 5x5 and how deadlifting/squatting is so masculine and will build your body like a Greek God. Over time the heavy lifting left me with a herniated disc and I was told by the power lifting community to just deadlift through it and that plenty of people have herniated discs anyway. Don't be a pussy man, just watch the videos then have people critique your form. This was followed by a tear in my abdominal wall. Maybe I'm unlucky and I know some people might tell me I was "doing it wrong" because it didn't happen to them, but I would disagree.

If I could redo it, I would focus more on athleticism and eating well. I would have been about the same size I am now anyway. I ended up having to get back surgery and that injury seems to be "spreading." My neck and shoulders are constantly bothered and I have to get some scans for that. Heavy lifting wasn't worth all of this.

I use to look at the dudes doing yoga and other things that seemed "pussy" at the time. Balance is key here. Those guys are still doing yoga just fine, don't appear stressed and have healthy looking hair. Most of the bodybuilding or powerlifting guys have had multiple injuries, look like their heads are going to pop and are generally bald (and not just the ones on test.) A lot of people are on painkillers too. The ones who stayed natural don't look that much different after the 2-3 year mark.

A lot of school is a waste of time. Unless you know your life desire is to be something (doctor, lawyer, engineer etc), I don't really recommend it. While you are "figuring" your life out, work and make your own moves. Don't let others judge you just because you're not getting "educated." They think they are the smart ones, but really who is better off? The person making 40k a year with 0 debt or the person making nothing and grabbing loans at 15k a year? The only argument I would have here is that college life can get pretty awesome and ridiculous, especially if you were involved in a fraternity.

Have a routine of some sort. Make sure to have fun and get crazy at times, but if you can train yourself to have good habits while you are younger it is easier. Go to bed at a decent time, work hard and have a wake up ritual that gets your energized for the day.

I have others but they have been said here already.

As I approach 30 things I wish I knew when I was 20

Women care more about appearance vs. how things actually are. Maybe not the most groundbreaking thing to be said, but it bears repeating. Look at Facebook, there's women who can't stand their husbands presenting the "perfect family" image to the outside world with what they selectively post. Instead of spending an hour fixing their marriage and/or doing some introspection, they'd rather spend five cropping photos and adding filters.

Unlike the movies, women will not put too much effort in trying to uncover "the real you", so if you don't put yourself out there to be seen, they ain't going to dig deep to find out what you're really made of or about, so how you make yourself appear to them is important. Metallica wouldn't have the success they've had if they just decided to play in their garage, they put themselves out there and said HEY LOOK AT US, WE'RE MUSICALLY GIFTED!! It's the wheel that squeaks that gets the grease.

Civilize the mind but make savage the body.

As I approach 30 things I wish I knew when I was 20

Turned 30 this year and truth be said,despite still being a homeless vagabond (not for much longer I hope) I've never been in better shape!

Gone are the petty fears and uncertaintities of my "tweens": I went from " kids? Pfah!" to aspiring father (already experienced the sadness that comes with a miscarriage even).
I train everyday.
Am in a LTR with a fresh young bird that isn't just a watering hole but an active part of my art hustle and lifestyle that keeps me engaged and which I hope will bear me worthy offspring.
Got a beautiful dog that is pretty damn smart and adorable.
I am more aware of my limitations so that I am better able to address issues that need fixing.
Best sexual performance ever (should have taken more care in my twenties,heh).
Hell I even quit the booze and a lifelong caffeine addiction which has boosted my performance!

Not saying it's a carrousel ride as I still have to deal with a fatigating amount of shit and unknown quantities, but as a 30 year old I do not feel in any way less than when I was younger.

Becoming a grayback is just as fun and challenging as carving yourself a name and standing as a youth.

We move between light and shadow, mutually influencing and being influenced through shades of gray...

As I approach 30 things I wish I knew when I was 20

Great thread.

I would love to see a version or comments from the following decade. Things that 40 yr olds wish they knew at 30.

"I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of not trying. Everyday hit every wave, like I'm Hawaiian"

As I approach 30 things I wish I knew when I was 20

This thread is golden advice for someone like me who's only 21.

Actually the whole forum is.

As I approach 30 things I wish I knew when I was 20

my favourite thread of all time - poker community

As I approach 30 things I wish I knew when I was 20

Quote: (09-27-2016 10:44 AM)britabroad Wrote:

my favourite thread of all time - poker community

Some very blue pill advice from the first page. If there are some golden nuggets in these 31 pages then give us a summary.

As I approach 30 things I wish I knew when I was 20

Great thread.

I've bumbled through the first half of my 20s and am lucky to be in the position I am in moving forward.

I went to University because my parents/teachers told me that was the secret to success. After getting a useless liberal arts BA, I stumbled into law, ended up happy with the choice, and will be going to a good firm after graduation.

I lifted weights since I was 18 but never with a good routine. Now that I am working on my diet and working out smarter I'm seeing big gains.

I somehow had an LTR with a hot girl, a few short flings, and some ONS despite having little game. Now that I'm discovering the forum, I'm hoping to really work on my game and consistently pull quality girls.


As I approach 30 things I wish I knew when I was 20

Hmm tricky question.
I've passed my 30th birthday, but I feel like I've "80%" got the answers. Although I'll probably find another 20% I don't know in a few years!!

Don't listen to gym instructors. Do some research, don't overtrain, just train regularly with breaks.
Its mostly nutrition.

Martial arts:find a top school, not a dickhead one. And do what you enjoy. Again, steady progress not manic bursts.
Football can be a great hobby if you commit to it.
You can do pretty much anything if you train intelligently.

Do things to socialise, even if you don't really want to do that thing. Friendships need nurturing, but avoid toxic people and genuine wasters. Break off contact with frenemies. Many friendships fade or die, the true ones are worth more than all the diamonds in the world.

Follow your passion. Try and make goals scaleable. Rub shoulders with people you have a synergy with.
Its not just about taking risks.

One day, a new hot girl all the time will get boring. It doesn't mean you are becoming a fag.
It means you've found what you really want.

No there aren't "saints". They aren't kittens, so they can't be unconditionally trusted. But neither can you, some might think. So don't worry about it, just be aware and prepared. They are always a journey, never a destination, IMO anyway!

Understand your mind. It needs protecting, nurturing, feeding, rest etc.
Demand from your self, but don't be angry with your self. Understand its capabilities, both peak performance and those days when shit isn't going according to plan. Try and learn the underlying order in apparent disorder.

Don't hate things you dislike. The world has healthiness and disease. Avoid the disease. Karma might bite it on the arse even without your intervention. Gain revenge by being who YOU want to be. There's nothing your enemies will hate more!

Being James Dean is cool when you are 20. However, you don't really want to end up like him!
Where are those "friends" from your James Dean era?

Distance yourself from their idiocy. Be thankful you have more abilities than them. You can't teach idiots how to be smart.

in the little things. They'll help the big ones take care of themselves.

ENJOY living in the moment. Hard one, but VERY worthwhile!!

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