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Best advice you received when young

Best advice you received when young

I'm talking about before you read The Game or any PUA, red pill etc... type of stuff. Maybe your dad, or an older friend or relative with natural abilities gave you advise. (I did try searching this topic and didn't find anything. If this has been discussed in depth before, please provide the link)

In high school, I had a Latino friend who was juggling multiple girls at pretty much any time. He said: "All girls are sluts." It's still a hard pill to swallow for me.

Also in high school, I had a French foreign exchange student. After seeing how I was interacting with girls, he told me (insert strong French accent): "Dude, don't change your way for fucking girls!"

This, interpreted correctly, is good advise. Sure, we are all improving ourselves to get girls. But, we are not changing who we are for any one particular girl. He was noticing how I came off as inauthentic and supplicating by changing my demeanor to what I thought would be pleasing to girls.

I'm sure there's more I've heard, but I'd be curious to know what solid advise y'all have gotten from older and/or more experienced naturals who never were exposed to the pickup stuff that we are all familiar with.

Best advice you received when young

Older brother:

"At a critical moment in any negotiation (women or $) whoever speaks first loses."
- Good for pregnant pauses with girls during shit tests or possible arguments.

"You chose them, they don't choose you."
- Flip the script on girls, took me so much time after to implement.

"Don't care. Always be busy. Never answer your phone. Flake on the first date."
- Still never flaked on a first date lol.


"Pick one thing and become the absolute best at it."
- Still looking to follow this advice as mastering a niche seems like the best odds to have the most control in life.

"Get wealthy."

"I want you to become President of the United States."
- He was for real when I was a kid. He wanted my sister to be an astronaut.

Player College Friend:

After saying at an upper classmen party that I was a freshman and these chicks wouldn't be interested:

"No one cares dude, just go talk to them."

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Best advice you received when young

"Don't eat that!"

Quote:MtnMan Wrote:  
Life is definitely too short to go without dome.

Best advice you received when young

"Marriage is like a business. Find a wife that will be a good business partner." - Dad

"Never lose your way home" - My sisters husband, when I told him I was having an affair.

Best advice you received when young

This goes to the kind of advice I got when I was a kid.

Older brother (5 years) when I asked him (before I was shaving) how you know when to change the blade.

"Sometimes you just know."

Thanks bro. Asshole.

Best advice you received when young

My dad: "Nothing is free!"

The less fucks you give, the more fucks you get.

Best advice you received when young

Dad: "Get it in writing."

Mom: "Travel."

Best advice you received when young

From my mom:

You can be right and alone, or wrong and have your friends.

I told her later i'd rather be right [Image: wink.gif]

Best advice you received when young

my grandfather, who advised that the best way to make progress is to be working while everyone else you know is asleep. By asleep he meant, literally, or figuratively. Even when its 'spring break' if you just put 1 or 2 days into a project you make incredible gains over your peers.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

Best advice you received when young

My dad who is retired British navy, served 33 years, said this to me.
He shared lots of nuggets of wisdom throughout my life

"Are your arms and legs still attached to you body? Are you still breathing? There's no excuse. There have been men who've had it a lot worse than you but get up everyday at 5am and accomplish more by 6am than most of the world in 7 days."

"Don't lie to the your men. They trust you to lead them to victory. Once they find out you've lied to them they'll never trust you again"

"A man should live and die by his word, because whether he's rich or poor that's the only thing that matters"

Best advice you received when young

"Anything goes when it comes to hoes. Protect yourself at all times".

"Stupid women make stupid kids. Don't believe me, following a stupid kid home from school and you'll see a stupid woman answering the door".

"Never buy a woman shoes. Because when she walks out on you she'll probably be wearing those same shoes".

"Feminism is a trade union for ugly women"- Peregrine

Best advice you received when young

Grandma: "Play the field"
Granddad cheated on her left and right. So she always told me to play the field and never settle down. Not sure if I turned out the way I did just based on her advice, but from the time I was old enough to have a GF till now I haven't had a girl I haven't cheated on.

Granddad: "If something is worth doing its worth doing right"
Hes great and came from rags to riches. Was in his early 80s and still banging some 20 year olds up until he had a stroke. He taught me about business and helped me get my foot in the door so that now I can travel the world and basically never have to work again. I am very grateful for that. On the flip side he was a complete asshole.

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Best advice you received when young

My father told me when I was young:

"If you do something wrong and tell the truth about it, you've only done one thing wrong. If you lie about it, you've done two things wrong."

I think a cornerstone of being a man is accepting responsibility for your actions, good or bad. The worst thing to do is lie.

'Logic Over Emotion Since 2013'

Best advice you received when young

My pops offered to buy me condoms when he was driving me up to sleep away camp when I was twelve. I was like "WTF?" embarrassed.. but it got me thinking.

Best advice you received when young

My dad quoted Pablo Castaneda when I decided to take up martial arts it still lingers in my head today and he texted me it again before a practice i had. He usually texts me alot of these qoutes whether i am going to practice or have test in school. A lot of these qoutes are about finding your path and i appreciate it since i am still trying to figure out which one i want to take.

"Nobody is born a warrior, in exactly the same way that nobody is born an average man. We make ourselves into one or the other."

Best advice you received when young

"Most people you encounter in life think that the more they accumulate in life, the more stuff they have, means to *be*.

It's the other way around. In order to truly *have*, first you must *be*."

-my dad

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



Best advice you received when young


Life is a journey, not a destination.

At the end of everything, all you have is time.
Use it wisely.

Best advice you received when young

The only thing intelligent to come out of my mothers mouth:

" if someone hits you, you hit them back twice as hard "


Canada, where the women wear pants and the men wear skinny jeans

Best advice you received when young

" Son, when there is a disturbance, hit it hard!"
That's what my grandfather said right before he smashed a cow with a sledgehammer in the head.

Best advice you received when young

"work with your brain, not with your back" - this coming from the top dog foreman in the construction crew I worked on at age 20. The guy was a total prick, probably gave me some of the best advice I ever heard.

Best advice you received when young

dad - "If you can't beat them with the truth, dazzle them with bullshit"

basically be a smooth talker.

God'll prolly have me on some real strict shit
No sleeping all day, no getting my dick licked

The Original Emotional Alpha

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