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This Week's Sign of the Apocalypse: Slate Now Actively Trolling For Single Motherhood

This Week's Sign of the Apocalypse: Slate Now Actively Trolling For Single Motherhood

Enjoy the decline, gentlemen.

This Week's Sign of the Apocalypse: Slate Now Actively Trolling For Single Motherhood

Huffington Post
New York Times

All hamster centrals churning out the works of destruction and misery at an ever-increasing pace. I don't think anything other than hard facts of nature (i.e. total fiscal collapse, world war, asteroid impact, demographic extinction) has the power to stop these hamster juggernauts.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

This Week's Sign of the Apocalypse: Slate Now Actively Trolling For Single Motherhood

Wait, I thought women earned 77 cents for every dollar a man makes? Now it doesn't make sense for a single mother to marry because the man is a financial burden?

If these publications are going to shit on men at every turn, the least they could do is keep their stories consistent.

Check out my occasionally updated travel thread - The Wroclaw Gambit II: Dzięki Bogu - as I prepare to emigrate to Poland.

This Week's Sign of the Apocalypse: Slate Now Actively Trolling For Single Motherhood

You guys were warned...

2. Concerned about illegitimacy and rampant out of wedlock births? Black America has already been there and done that. The illegitimacy rate within that community has long been close to 70%. The nightmare scenarios being predicted in much of the manosphere regarding increased out of wedlock births and the complete breakdown of the family have already been played out there. Everyone else is playing catch-up.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

This Week's Sign of the Apocalypse: Slate Now Actively Trolling For Single Motherhood

It is curious how environmental adaptation changed the social dynamic between sexes.

If women are provided for by the state, they declare open war on men. Fascinating. At this point one only can sit back and laugh and the stupidity of all of this. As long as babies born, the soulless photocopier of DNA is happy, business as usual.

Deus vult!

This Week's Sign of the Apocalypse: Slate Now Actively Trolling For Single Motherhood

I'm too hammered to go too deep into this but consider the final two paragraphs:


Does society have an interest in helping couples like Lily and Carl stay together? Probably, but not in the way many policymakers have proposed. Those who would promote marriage seek to do so largely by taking away Lily’s independence. New York Times columnist Ross Douthat, for example, suggests that more restrictive abortion policies could increase the marriage rate. And many who seek to promote marriage, like the Catholic Church, link the availability of contraception to the sexual freedom they see as responsible for the decline in marriage. Others, like Charles Murray, would cut programs such as Medicaid, food stamps, early childhood education and child care, mandatory family leave, and other policies that make it easier for women like Lily to raise a child on their own.

You can't burn a candle at two ends and expect to end up with more wick at the end.

Like most things in life, free access to abortion, contraception and welfare are double-edge swords. This means that it allows "elite men" (alphas) to do as they please, giving them power to fuck with no consequence. It also allows women to *think* they can have sex with no consequence, but actions do have consequences.

There is no such thing as an "unplanned pregnancy." Every time a dick busts a nut in a vagina, there is always the chance of pregnancy. These women are trying to have the freedom to do as they please (independence from this consequence and from the father) but also want to reserve the right to have the upper hand if they choose to keep the child and involve the father in the life of the child.

You want to do whatever the hell you want and then expect help from other people? Apparently, a woman's womb is sacred but what she does with it is unquestionable? With great power comes great responsibility, but it seems women want the power but shy away from the responsibility.

Consider the last paragraph:


In our view what would make the most difference to this unfair marriage market are policies that would increase the number and quality of jobs available to working class men, retraining and unemployment benefits that fill in the gaps between jobs, and ongoing support for women’s autonomy. Since the ’80s, the gender gap in wages has increased at the top but shrunk in the middle. As a result, Lily finds that she can say no to marriage and raise a child on her own. Modern family law protects the interests of elite men who make an investment in their children. It does not recognize the burdens of women like Lily who are often both the more reliable breadwinner and the primary caretaker in their families—and of the men who are shut out of their families. Let’s not make raising a child become yet another marker of class.

[Image: facepalm2.gif]

What the fuck do you ladies want?

Whine, whine and bitch and moan that alphas have cornered the market. What flying fuck did women think was going happen after a sexual revolution? Mister Big was gonna put a ring on that fat, aging finger and all that jazz? Welcome to reality, those with power will use it to their advantage. Women should have learned this lesson before they hit puberty.

Further, this article presents the family as a concept that revolves around female interests. Why isn't the fact a man can't find a job in and of itself an issue? Oh wait, it matters insofar as can he slaps a few twenties every day on the kitchen table. Great to know that all that matter is whether he can be a good ATM machine. The heart wants what the hearts, am I right?

Look at the fucking comments. These so-called progressive science-loving retards think that it is "backwards" that a single mom would not be attractive. Evolution took hundreds of thousands of years -- 2000 year Christians be damned -- but apparently interest in paternal issues isn't a thing. They flipped a fucking left-wing switch and men need to sex up single moms and all this jazz. It was all just a social construct, right?

Found a kindred spirit in the comments:


@aburn8 Feminists don't necessarily hate men, they just think we're irrelevant. What matters most is themselves. The details:

I'll just sum up: you can't pursue your own independence as a woman (from a man, clearly) and then expect everything else to fall into place as you see fit.

So Carl gets a better job - so what? The article admits women leave men all the time. She might enjoy the income for a bit then realize she can get at it all the same from a court.

They want to whine about income inequality? Then stop passing expansive, big-ass laws that require small armies of lawyers to deal with. There was a big reason Big Tobacco liked Obama - in his glorious quest to end the scourge of tobacco addiction, homie quashed smaller competition with laws that made smaller outfits cost prohibitive to exist.

In the end, all this rambling piece did was implicitly create a possibly viral piece - what man wants to hear that all he matters in life is a sperm donor? Then frame it as a gender issue masquerading as a class issue, all the while it is little more than a society on the decline, with a busload of innocent folk careening towards a cliff with a worthless brake pedal.

Quote:Old Chinese Man Wrote:  
why you wonder how many man another man bang? why you care who bang who mr high school drama man

This Week's Sign of the Apocalypse: Slate Now Actively Trolling For Single Motherhood

Quote: (04-25-2014 04:07 AM)Glaucon Wrote:  

It is curious how environmental adaptation changed the social dynamic between sexes.

If women are provided for by the state, they declare open war on men. Fascinating. At this point one only can sit back and laugh and the stupidity of all of this. As long as babies born, the soulless photocopier of DNA is happy, business as usual.

It is the end result of giving women the right to vote. Women want to do whatever they want, whenever they want, and not be held responsible. The only way they can do this is if they enslave the men to do all the hard and dirty work and they collect the rewards. Socialism/liberalism allows for this.

It is up to the men to stand up for themselves and say "no" to it. So far a majority of the men have no clue what is going on and even more so have no clue how much this will hurt their own children down the road.

This Week's Sign of the Apocalypse: Slate Now Actively Trolling For Single Motherhood

Problem is the absence of men from the conversation. Despite this forum and RoK etc, women drive most of the idle clicks on the web, and so the content reflects their perspective.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

This Week's Sign of the Apocalypse: Slate Now Actively Trolling For Single Motherhood

Quote: (04-25-2014 03:08 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

Huffington Post
New York Times

All hamster centrals churning out the works of destruction and misery at an ever-increasing pace. I don't think anything other than hard facts of nature (i.e. total fiscal collapse, world war, asteroid impact, demographic extinction) has the power to stop these hamster juggernauts.

Don't forget Thought catalog and PolicyMic.

The amount of daily traffic share these sites get are beyond comprehension. They are literally the landfills of the internet.

They "employ" thousands of useless communications and failed J-school female graduates on their payroll for pittances of compensation to pump out trash. I wonder if this model was the same for the height of the USSR propaganda factories - if the writers were also basically caged and boxed to pump out stories for next to no money.

When the MSM is advocating what was preached to African-American single mothers decades ago the Rubicon has been passed. African-American women wholesale through the man under the bus and pledged allegiance to the state and to single mother hood and you whole sale had the steady destruction of a whole crop of people in 20 years.

The tip of the scale moment for the rest of American society may have already passed, is right now, or is just around the corner. Its hard to tell.


The internet is mostly a landfill. It has become hard to actually put forward original content as space has become priced to high and "Free" alternatives exist for any type of content you are looking to produce. These "free" alternatives basically work like Banks that take your deposits and lend out 90% of the rest to others. They take your content, give you space, but mine data and cookies from you and your contents consumers to sell off to other parties. Soundcloud for example has become the biggest site for music and has basically cornered the music market into a area in which free music will finally be able to stop being disseminated. You can call that a good step for music, sure, but with restrictive space and copyright rules man artists can't freely share their work. You can't archive any content anymore, and nothing actually lasts on-line its only there for you consumption in the moment and then its gone. Poof!

A rant, but this type of shit makes me hate the internet more and more. It was never supposed to be like this and it is slowly becoming oppressive and controlling more-so then the traditional brick and motor institutions it was supposed to free us from.

A newsletter handed out on the street gives you more freedom then the internet these days.

This Week's Sign of the Apocalypse: Slate Now Actively Trolling For Single Motherhood

Which again, makes you wonder who and why is all this liberal trash being pumped into our country, when anyone with any intelligence can see the end game is disaster. Because those behind the scenes pushing it are certainly not dumb enough to think it will make life better for US citizens.

This Week's Sign of the Apocalypse: Slate Now Actively Trolling For Single Motherhood

Girls : Single Motherhood
Men : Involuntary Celibacy

It's a sign that she's a complete loser who isn't good enough to keep a man around. The only exception is if the father died.

I've got the dick so I make the rules.
-Project Pat

This Week's Sign of the Apocalypse: Slate Now Actively Trolling For Single Motherhood

Devil's Advocate:

I don't see what is un-truthful about this article. It is disappointing but is it wrong? Men have taken the harder hit with employment and there is a pretty good chance that she will not find a man who makes more than she does. The internet has made sex and dating a female paradise, if she wants to get laid she can likely have a dick in her in a few minutes after sending a few texts. If she wants to have a baby, she can get paid to do so by the father (child support) while being able to make un-checked choices about how to raise it. If she does end up falling on hard times, the social programs available to single mothers in the USA are incredible, even unemployed she can live like a person with a $38,000 income with all benefits combined. Socially, its not like she will be shamed for being a single mom, she will get a badge of honor for 'doing it all by herself' while also being able to claim she is a victim of the kids 'deadbeat dad'. The article nails it, with a husband present her free choice and independence will be limited.

The way I see it, this article shows that it is a good bet to be a single mother in america....if the focus is entirely on the woman/mother's self interest. Free money, ultimate choice and independence. She is her own boss.

Problem: One glaring thing that the article doesn't mention...the child of this single mother. No statements about the detriment of being raised by one parent. It also has the balls to assume that this one person will make all of the best choices for her and her child's life. That is some supreme self righteousness, that ms. single mom, will have all of the wisdom, expertise, good health and good judgement to do what is best for her and her child.

Summary, being a single mom IS the best choice for the mother, at the expense of the child. The best choice if Mom always puts herself first.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

This Week's Sign of the Apocalypse: Slate Now Actively Trolling For Single Motherhood

I had the same take from the article as Dr. Howard.

As the article states, the girl is working TWO jobs, the grandparents are basically raising the kid, and daddy isn't really wanted in the picture. While in a way it may be good for the grandparents to raise the kid, he may get some old school male advice, a child truly needs both parents to grow into a balanced adult. This kid is not going to get that as, while the article doesn't say either way, it appears the mother is not on her way to a high paying job so the likelihood of here working two jobs is the for the foreseeable future.

Also, while there are no photos of the girl, being as she is from a rural area I'm going to guess she is similar to the thousands of girls I see in similar situations in my area. Likely not terribly attractive, overweight, uneducated/normal to low intelligence and got knocked up by a short term boyfriend or hookup. These girls are NOT on the radar of high value men and never will be. Adding a child to the mix simply makes her life more difficult and she is very likely to remain in the lower tiers of society as she is in no way desirable (meaning marriage) to a man of even average means.

A poster above touched on the fact 70% of black babies are illegitimate. I would hazard to say that those numbers are boosted by those living in the inner cities as average to above average black couples do not seem any different from any other racial group. I may be wrong on that and would welcome figures that show different, however I would be surprised if that is inaccurate. I bring that up as if one wants to see what will happen, and is happening, to this country just look at the inner cities where this lifestyle of having bastard children has been going on for decades. Lawlessness, welfare and unemployables will be the norm nationwide versus being isolated to small areas.

As I have stated many times, I am not religious. However it is obvious the tenants of the Bible and the preachers that preach them are there for one reason; To control and guide a populance that if left to it's own devices will quickly destroy an ordered civilization, descending into chaos.

This Week's Sign of the Apocalypse: Slate Now Actively Trolling For Single Motherhood

" I would hazard to say that those numbers are boosted by those living in the inner cities as average to above average black couples do not seem any different from any other racial group. "

False - rates of bastardy are much higher among college educated blacks than whites. Something like 25% vs 2-4%.

Lily is an aging single mother and probably fat. Slate is proposing public policy to help people who have already fucked their life up, at the expense of those who haven't.

Nothing has changed - if a girl wants to assure a place for herself, the advice is the same as always: don't be fat, don't be a bastardmonger, cultivate your wifely appeal and marry in your youth to a more established man. Lily failed at all of these.

This Week's Sign of the Apocalypse: Slate Now Actively Trolling For Single Motherhood

Quote: (04-25-2014 09:29 AM)Basil Ransom Wrote:  

" I would hazard to say that those numbers are boosted by those living in the inner cities as average to above average black couples do not seem any different from any other racial group. "

False - rates of bastardy are much higher among college educated blacks than whites. Something like 25% vs 2-4%.

Thanks for that as I had no idea of the true numbers, just what one might see out in public.

However, being at 25% while as a whole the number is 70% still shows that the illegitimate birth rate is insanely high for the uneducated and inner city dwellers. Much like it is with white girls in my area of the country. The number of single mothers is MUCH higher here than it is for suburban dwelling white females.

And the vast majority of them are uneducated, not particularly attractive girls that count Wal Mart or Kwik Trip as one of their jobs.

The attractive, intelligent girls that want to make something of their lives will get an abortion before having a kid as the know Junior will forever be a noose around their neck.


Nothing has changed - if a girl wants to assure a place for herself, the advice is the same as always: don't be fat, don't be a bastardmonger, cultivate your wifely appeal and marry in your youth to a more established man. Lily failed at all of these.


This Week's Sign of the Apocalypse: Slate Now Actively Trolling For Single Motherhood

Quote: (04-25-2014 09:43 AM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

Quote: (04-25-2014 09:29 AM)Basil Ransom Wrote:  

" I would hazard to say that those numbers are boosted by those living in the inner cities as average to above average black couples do not seem any different from any other racial group. "

False - rates of bastardy are much higher among college educated blacks than whites. Something like 25% vs 2-4%.

Thanks for that as I had no idea of the true numbers, just what one might see out in public.

However, being at 25% while as a whole the number is 70% still shows that the illegitimate birth rate is insanely high for the uneducated and inner city dwellers. Much like it is with white girls in my area of the country. The number of single mothers is MUCH higher here than it is for suburban dwelling white females.

And the vast majority of them are uneducated, not particularly attractive girls that count Wal Mart or Kwik Trip as one of their jobs.

The attractive, intelligent girls that want to make something of their lives will get an abortion before having a kid as the know Junior will forever be a noose around their neck.


Nothing has changed - if a girl wants to assure a place for herself, the advice is the same as always: don't be fat, don't be a bastardmonger, cultivate your wifely appeal and marry in your youth to a more established man. Lily failed at all of these.


Man. Rural Kwik Trips. That is some Wisconsin nostalgia and their employees are completely accurate pictures of what is being talked about. They are often haggard, tired looking, overweight, not really attractive women. Definitely not 'living the dream' but they don't have to answer to anyone for it.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

This Week's Sign of the Apocalypse: Slate Now Actively Trolling For Single Motherhood

My takeaway from the article was that maybe Lily should get on birth control and not procreate with a man like Carl that is neither ready or inclined to take on adult responsibilities like fatherhood and head of household duties. Maybe learn a skill or trade so she's not stuck in service industry blue-collar employment. It's a lot cheaper to get a CCNA than a 4-year degree in English or women's studies.

It's just so bizarre to me that nowhere in that article was it suggested that having a child out of wedlock with a loser was maybe a bad idea and should be avoided.

This Week's Sign of the Apocalypse: Slate Now Actively Trolling For Single Motherhood

If these articles are spewing forth the truth why do I see hundreds of single mothers out on the town every friday saturday and on dating websites?

I take these pieces with the bullshit-tonnage of salt you'd need to even read them.

Grandparents looking after junior whilst you work does not equal independence. Its passing the buck.

This Week's Sign of the Apocalypse: Slate Now Actively Trolling For Single Motherhood

Quote: (04-25-2014 05:27 AM)It_is_my_time Wrote:  

Which again, makes you wonder who and why is all this liberal trash being pumped into our country, when anyone with any intelligence can see the end game is disaster. Because those behind the scenes pushing it are certainly not dumb enough to think it will make life better for US citizens.

its being pumped in order to keep money circulating till the end of the system. when the system is done, those that collected all the wealth will move on and create a new system with the advantage of said wealth.

Columnist at Return of Kings

This Week's Sign of the Apocalypse: Slate Now Actively Trolling For Single Motherhood

Interesting that women opting out of marriage is feminine pragmatism, but when Dr. Helen publishes Men On Strike it's misogyny and perpetuating adolescence for men.

This Week's Sign of the Apocalypse: Slate Now Actively Trolling For Single Motherhood

Well also - there's the direct story in the article too - "Carl" had a dry spell of work and thought that playing video games instead of hustling for work and running up his girlfriend's credit card would impress her.

Seriously? I know some women are dumb enough to keep a guy like that around from low self esteem or mental retardation, but any woman who can rub a couple brain cells together knows a guy like that is not going to be a good provider for her.

Now, I am not intentionally white knighting here - just pointing out what I think is obvious. From "Carls" POV, what incentive does he have to make money to pay for some fat chic's spawn by another dude? I don't think he has any.

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