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The Shit Test Thread

The Shit Test Thread

I often get the same ST's, basically
- "Do you invite everybody you don't know to your house"
(I can go multiple ways, either "do you show up at people's houses who you don't know" or more comforting CH's "Only the cute ones")
- "How many girls have you met/dated/fucked through tinder/okc/in life"
My replies "This week?", "Including you?" or my favorite: "A few, but I've only been single for a year - and haven't met anyone worthwhile"

It all depends imo, if she's a "good girl" you don't need to go too agressive, if she's a bit bitchy/more mean you have to up the level.

The Shit Test Thread

Her: I think you can find the kind of girl you are looking for in a bar.

The Shit Test Thread

Quote: (04-21-2014 08:31 AM)True Killa Wrote:  

Her: I think you can find the kind of girl you are looking for in a bar.

Lets go to a bar and help me look... (shit eating grin afterwards)

"It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything"- Tyler Durden

The Shit Test Thread

Quote: (04-21-2014 08:24 AM)casio Wrote:  

"How many girls have you met/dated/fucked through tinder/okc/in life"

About the same as you...

or if she's still giving you shit : "A gentleman never tells and a lady doesn't ask"

"It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything"- Tyler Durden

The Shit Test Thread

Her: -In Bed- LMR "I'm on my period, we aren't having sex"
Me: "Well get up and go to the bathroom -shit eating grin- -slap her on the ass- I've got a towel"

Dear lord did it work, learned that one on ROK disqus lol

The Shit Test Thread

I'm in Japan, and I think shit tests can sometimes be a little bit more tricky here. The girls seem really innocent and nice, so it's easy to fall for some of the simpler ones.

I have a buddy who's a natural. Never studied game, but gets his share. Kind of a hopeless romantic and a little faggy about relationships, but when he's on... he's on. His style fits the "game is trolling women" concept to a T.

The other night we were out at a bar and a girl (actually she was a western hoez, but it's still a good example) asked him "where are your friends?" Without missing a beat he says, "Where are my friends?! All my friends are pumpin' iron!" His delivery was just so silly and dismissive, like he was answering a bratty teenager.... It was beautiful.

Another time we were out and a girl gave him the classic Japan shit test, "you're an English teacher, right?" He says, "Naw... I hurt my elbow playing tennis."

The Shit Test Thread

Quote: (04-21-2014 08:24 AM)Blackliter Wrote:  

Quote: (04-21-2014 05:16 AM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

You need to attack the problem, not fix the symptoms of the problem.

If she throws up resistance, you have to get her to feel comfortable, for her to ADVOCATE FOR YOU.

You might be sharp enough to shoot down everyone of her concerns or play them off for a laugh, but if she's not on YOUR SIDE, when her war pig/wildebeest friend comes along, your chick will meekly be lead away. You have to "empower" her to make the right decision, to choose you, and not her man, friends, family, culture, country, music affiliation, reliigion.

That's why old school pick up had you put chicks in the position to role play with you, to create that special bubble. Once you're inside of her mind, she's not going to be on the defensive against you, but against the world.

Cause what you have is least for a night.


Can you give us an example or two WIA to show what you mean? I understand what you're trying to say, just don't know how to accomplish it..Would appreciate it.

Glad you asked.

In the sequence
1) go out
2) see chick
3) step up to chick
4) get her attention
5) open her

Open means that she's amenable to talking.

If you're doing indirect, in most cases you haven't come out and said, Hey I'm interested in involving you in a nice A2M scenario, how do you feel about Fleet brand Enemas?

Or if you are doing direct, then you said the above word for word.

So as you're enticing her, joking with her, teasing her, you're also getting her logistics
- who she came with
- how long she's gonna stay
- how she got to the venue (shared a ride, took a cab, public transport)
- her housing situation - by herself, roomie, parents, husband

So in parallel
- you're having fun
- you're getting logistics info

But there's a third piece.

In most cases, a chick doesn't come alone, and sometimes she is more inclined to leave with the people that she came with. Understandably, a lot of bad shit can happen when a girl goes off with some stranger she just met.

So when her male co-worker orbiter comes back, or her mother hen who's there to make sure she doesn't cheat on her fiancee returns, you also have to defeat them.

How does this tie into shit tests?

Many of the objections that your target makes will be the same ones that her protectors will make.

So if she says, "you're too old", her hating ass friend will say, "this guy is an old loser".

You might be able to quell any shit test from the target with
"age ain't nothing but a number"
"actually, I'm used to dating younger"
"you're god damn right i'm older than you"

There are dozens of comebacks and replies out there. (in the sales game, they call these rebuttals)

But since the obstacle wasn't the hearing your full rap, she'll just dismiss whatever you say and grab your chick by the arm to lead her away.

So you need an advocate on your side, and the only person that can be is the target.

With that in mind, if the target asks you what do you do, and you're not the CEO of Google, and the target pegs you as either having a dull boring job, or worse a poorly paid and dull and boring job - even if you agree and amplify or get all jokey - you still need her to convey the trust that she's building in you to her handlers.

So to get to that trust, you need to get past her shit tests, and get at the core of her initial resistance. You need to turn those to your own ends.

"What we notice most in others, is what we typically notice in ourselves"

^Might not be universally true, but it's true enough for Gawker/TMZ reading chicks.

That means your frame is unshakeable, you control the conversation, and you don't insult her, but you change the conversation to her and her foibles and thought process.

So if she's saying you're too old, you lean in close, and start her in a role play situation...

"So you want to call me Papi, very naughty...sounds like someone has years of therapy ahead of her. Sit on my lap and tell me about it"

If she's getting on you for your job, "I've finally met my sugar mama, I provide excellent service for a fee, you think you can afford me.."

^The words themselves don't particularly matter - what you're doing is setting up this inside joke, this bubble, this roleplay between the you and the target to the exclusion of everyone else.

This is how you start building the trust, this is how you start putting her on your side. This is also how you build attraction past the physical, especially if you're not jacked yet and looking like a GQ cover.

Getting to her mind, through her words, is what the pimps do. It's what the preachers and politicians do. It's what good salespeople do. They always make you feel empowered and happy about doing THEIR bidding, and they typically do so using your own language.

So when the cavalry finally comes to rescue her, you've gotten past the ice breakers and thumb wrestling stage of a typical pick up situation.

A lot of pick up advice is pushing folks towards rapid response
- GLL going caveman/direct, being jacked, appealing to her hindbrain and raw dogging her in the Sin Bin
- Mark Manson's polarity concept - where you don't really explore what a chick is about, you just bluntly tell people who you are and what you're about, and the chips fall where they may.

I actually think these are "hunting" strategies.

To continue with a tortured analogy, I think pick up/Game is more like "fishing".

You pick the pond, you pick the bait, you wiggle the line, and she bites. Does she hook? From there it's a battle of tiring her out and reeling her in.

Not saying that you can pull every chick. But the blunt instruments of the caveman style (GLL) and the apocalyptic style (MM) aren't the only things you can do. There's a fair amount of wiggle room for conversion.

And if you fuck enough chicks and get into their heads, they'll tell you about the pretty boys and bad boys and how turned off they get when they talk to them. A guy has to be next level with his face/height/muscles for them to get past the verbal/vocal/emotional aspect of it.


The Shit Test Thread

Quote: (04-21-2014 05:28 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Her: -In Bed- LMR "I'm on my period, we aren't having sex"
Good one, I successfully used
"You can't call yourself a real captain if you haven't crossed the red sea"

The Shit Test Thread

I find the toughest shit test to come from foreign girls who don't speak good English. They would not get any sort of sarcastic comeback in English, and my I cannot make any witty comeback in their language. For example:
Her: What do you do?
Me: I hunt alligators. Should I make you a nice purse?
Her: We don't have alligators in our country, and I already have a purse.

Do you have an universal, default shit test buster that you use when there is a language barrier?

The Shit Test Thread

A shit test I tend to encounter from really well dressed " glam" slut skanky girls in bars/clubs is :

Me: " hey girls how's your night"
Her: * looks at me with disdain* *dead silence* * looking else where*

I understand that part of it is did not generate attraction + very standard opener everyone used, but how do you I beat this kind of shit test anyway ?

The Shit Test Thread

Quote: (04-22-2014 11:48 AM)Lucario Wrote:  

A shit test I tend to encounter from really well dressed " glam" slut skanky girls in bars/clubs is :

Me: " hey girls how's your night"
Her: * looks at me with disdain* *dead silence* * looking else where*

Never mind. This party is dead. (Roll your eyes and eject, you make them look boring and lifeless)

"It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything"- Tyler Durden

The Shit Test Thread

Quote: (04-21-2014 04:55 AM)funkyzeit Wrote:  

Her:"So, what do you do for living?"

"I draw snuff hentai featuring preteens who decapitate each other."
"I train dolphins"
"I create fantasy worlds in Minecraft"
"I'm a model for hand creme." - this works if your hands are busted from lifting or fighting. Or if you don't have hands.
"Serial killer"
"Um, breathe and eat?"
"I play triangle in local philharmony"

Game is just trolling women, the better the troll the merrier.

Her: "So, what do you do for living?"

You: "I make organic free range pottery for underprivileged albino africans."
You: "I'm the world champion french kisser, gotta work hard to defend my belt this year."
You: "I'm the guy your mother warned you about."
You: "I'm a professional escort, it's really wearing on me though, I'm thinking about quitting."

The Shit Test Thread

I think the most dangerous shit tests are the subtle ones that tend to slip under your radar, like when a girl tries to get you to do something for her.

Here's an example that happened to me a couple of weeks ago:

Her: There's a spot near the top of the lens of your glasses; it's bothering me because it's all I can look at.
Me: [at first I go to clean my glasses, because I'm like 'wtf why not', then I clue in and stop myself]: "Nah, I think I'm going to leave it there just to bother you" *playful smirk*

Another kind of test, which occurs more commonly in the context of a relationship, is when she tests the strength of your frame with sharp criticism or complaint. You pass this sort of test by remaining entirely unperturbed, demonstrating that you don't rely on her for external validation. This demonstrates your strength as a man and allows her to relax and trust you--until she tests you again. David Deida has some good commentary on this:
"one of her deepest pleasures in intimacy is testing you, and then feeling you are not moved off course by her challenge"
"she will poke you in your weak spots, especially in moments of superficial success, in order to feel your strength"
she wants to feel that "She cannot move you, because you already are what you are, with or without her"

The Shit Test Thread

Quote: (04-22-2014 05:02 PM)Donkey_Riding Wrote:  

I think the most dangerous shit tests are the subtle ones that tend to slip under your radar, like when a girl tries to get you to do something for her.

Here's an example that happened to me a couple of weeks ago:

Her: There's a spot near the top of the lens of your glasses; it's bothering me because it's all I can look at.
Me: [at first I go to clean my glasses, because I'm like 'wtf why not', then I clue in and stop myself]: "Nah, I think I'm going to leave it there just to bother you" *playful smirk*

I did something like this recently:

(At a Vietnamese restaurant, server brings out two free Chè bắp desserts at the end of the meal in small bowls)

Her: Ohhhh, I love these!

(I ignore her and continue to enjoy my bowl of Phở)

Her: I'm done with this one, can you pass me that [other bowl]?

Me: (Glances over, smirks. Reached out slowly and pushed my Chè bắp serving away from her side of the table at glacial speed)

Her: ...WHAAAAAAA?!?! (Massive pout, welling up puppy dog sad eyes)

Me: (Glances back, smirks and stares her down for 3 seconds. Reaches back over and pushes the remaining bowl another half a foot away at the speed of continental drift. Now perched precariously at the edge of the table. A 4.0 earthquake will bring it to the floor)

Her: (SOB... POUT... SOB...)

Me: Ok, you get to have extra dessert, but just this once. (Wink and a smirk)

The Shit Test Thread

To get into the theory a bit more:

Essentially a shit test is a test of your frame. So what matters is not so much the particular response, as what that response implicitly sub-communicates about your attitude.

This is why shit-tests are counterintuitive for many men: men are generally used to using language to communicate information to one another in a straightforward, practical fashion. Shit-tests and the responses to them are a subtler form of social communication to which women are more highly attuned.

A woman's shit-tests operate by trying to establish a frame in which you depend on the woman for validation. The proper response is always to refuse to play into the frame she is trying to establish. You do this by conveying with your response your confidence in your own strength and value. Thus, don't qualify yourself, apologize, or supplicate to her. Standard response principles like ignoring her, 'agree & amplify', 'evade and reframe', and the 'trolling' response are all just various ways of rejecting her frame.

The Shit Test Thread

"your flirting needs work…"

I try to use this as my trusty fall back ST response.

  • It can apply to 99% STs
  • It takes her out of frame
  • It reasserts your alpha role
  • It's easy to remember
  • It's a great troll
  • It can be disarming, allowing you to divert the course of conversation
  • You can adjust your tone to suit the desired sentiment (e.g., from playful & sarcastic to annoyed & flippant)

The Shit Test Thread

Quote: (04-20-2014 03:37 AM)Biologist Wrote:  

Great idea for a thread!

I've got a good one. When I was in Tokyo, I was chatting up a non-Japanese girl at a club, and she asked me:

"So why are you in Japan? To find a girl?"

How would you respond to this?

A Video i once saw had a guy in it that quoted " Whenever they ask me why i am in Japan, i say "I have a fetish for long silky black hair" and all the japanese people go "oooh" ". Give it a try.

The Shit Test Thread

Quote: (04-30-2014 04:33 PM)OzzBalls Wrote:  

Quote: (04-20-2014 03:37 AM)Biologist Wrote:  

Great idea for a thread!

I've got a good one. When I was in Tokyo, I was chatting up a non-Japanese girl at a club, and she asked me:

"So why are you in Japan? To find a girl?"

How would you respond to this?

A Video i once saw had a guy in it that quoted " Whenever they ask me why i am in Japan, i say "I have a fetish for long silky black hair" and all the japanese people go "oooh" ". Give it a try.

Your choice of first post, to share a non-proven tactic from "a video" you once saw with "a guy" is poor. It also buys into her frame and would in many cases be seen as strange.

I'd recommend to the OP that he turn it back around on the girl, "where did you learn those horrible manners?" or some variation.

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The Shit Test Thread

just overheard my sister and the man she's dating having a conversation. he was explaining how he saw 3 moderately well known sporting stars at his local bar last weekend.
she replies: "I don't know who they are, I assume they are shit"
him: "aw" [Image: sad.gif]

got me thinking, how would I handle that kind of response from someone I was dating.

maybe something like "that attitude won't get you anywhere with me, doll"

anyone else have any suggestions?

The Shit Test Thread

"Yes, they are the shit"

"so you are better at sports X than them?"

"you assumptions need some work"

"yeah I know, when you hang around me, everyone else just seems like shit"

The Shit Test Thread

Quote: (04-23-2014 12:26 AM)MacGyver Wrote:  

"your flirting needs work…"

I try to use this as my trusty fall back ST response.

  • It can apply to 99% STs
  • It takes her out of frame
  • It reasserts your alpha role
  • It's easy to remember
  • It's a great troll
  • It can be disarming, allowing you to divert the course of conversation
  • You can adjust your tone to suit the desired sentiment (e.g., from playful & sarcastic to annoyed & flippant)

Mine is "cute," said deadpan and dismissively. It works just as well as a single text.

The Shit Test Thread

i like: "nice try"

and then just move on

The Shit Test Thread


The Shit Test Thread

I kept getting this one from my last date, sweet, cute girl, kept the shit testing to a minimum but she couldn't help her:

Her: "You're a control freak"
Me: "who cares?, I do what I want" and ignore her ( I wasn't trying for clever plus I had some beers in me)

Had a happy ending though [Image: banana.gif]

Life is good

The Shit Test Thread

Quote: (07-18-2014 11:07 AM)lurker Wrote:  

Quote: (04-23-2014 12:26 AM)MacGyver Wrote:  

"your flirting needs work…"

I try to use this as my trusty fall back ST response.

  • It can apply to 99% STs
  • It takes her out of frame
  • It reasserts your alpha role
  • It's easy to remember
  • It's a great troll
  • It can be disarming, allowing you to divert the course of conversation
  • You can adjust your tone to suit the desired sentiment (e.g., from playful & sarcastic to annoyed & flippant)

Mine is "cute," said deadpan and dismissively. It works just as well as a single text.

I find it when I give short responses to texting shit tests, the girl usually does not respond to it and go radio silence until I reinitiated with another text.

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