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How to hide your high IQ death sentence?

How to hide your high IQ death sentence?


Anyone who can't survive in a jungle would have to be mentally insane. It's just like going camping.

Not really, you need skillz. Jungle means hot we're not talking about the Sierra mountains in the summer time.

How to hide your high IQ death sentence?

Quote: (10-31-2013 02:17 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  


Anyone who can't survive in a jungle would have to be mentally insane. It's just like going camping.

Not really, you need skillz. Jungle means hot we're not talking about the Sierra mountains in the summer time.

Not too mention infectious diseases, poisonous plants/insects/spiders/snakes, insanely fast decomposition (your clothes will rot off), predatory animals (your in their house now, they are not scared of you), etc.

You think its easy to survive in the jungle I advise you to do some research on the early conquistadors and their search for El Dorado.

God'll prolly have me on some real strict shit
No sleeping all day, no getting my dick licked

The Original Emotional Alpha

How to hide your high IQ death sentence?

Ha alright we can agree to disagree. Can't wait to see the jungle debate.

I think people underestimate a man's ability to survive.

How to hide your high IQ death sentence?

I say dumb random shit all the time when I'm gaming girls. I worked out a long time ago that it was better than talking sense.

You won't appreciate what girls will believe until you start saying the most ridiculous things you can think of with a straight face.

How often do you think I get called out on the following?

- I'm from Madagascar. I only have an Australian accent because the white kids in Madagascar use Australian teachers at their schools.
- I am the lead voice character in GTA5. They gave me the role because I also worked on Teletubbies when I was a kid.
- I build castles for a living. That's why I moved from Australia to the UK, because no one there builds castles anymore.
- I only have one name, just like Seal and McLovin. My parents didn't give me their surname because they thought inheriting names was too unethical.
- I can't see any colours. Test me.
- I can't count normally, only in odd or even numbers. This is because I had a lisp when I was young.
- I caught a ghost on my video camera last year. It was only because I found out the place was the scene of a crime.
- My name is Hunter.
- My name is Seven. Pronounced Sven.
- My name is Barack.

Only around 25% of the time will I get called out on any of this.

I can stack more and more implausible ridiculous things on top of each other and still get away with it. The majority of girls will believe anything you say even if it makes zero sense. If they cast doubt just give a reason that also makes no sense and they will likely believe it.

Test it.

You will see just how dumb girls are firsthand.

Logic is almost completely absent from my conversation. I only use it when the chick proves to me she uses logic herself.

Don't talk about your real job unless she really, really want to know. Don't talk about politics ever. Don't talk about the economy ever. Don't talk about geography. Don't talk about science ever. Don't ask her to explain in logical terms why something happens a certain way. Ignore every logical fallacy you hear from a girls lips. Don't call her out on it. Don't explain to her what a logical fallacy is either.

Talk purely in terms of what will spike her emotions.

How to hide your high IQ death sentence?

^ yep.

Another way to think about women is "in the moment" everything is now.

This is another reason why smart organized people fall on their faces with chicks. Smart people plan, strategize, think of long-term health/wealth/success.

Once you step up to a chick remember that today is the only thing that matters. That second is the only thing that matters. Oh hey that dude looks like he is going to make out with her what do you think gets a head turn?

Yeah I steal form people from a living I am gonna snatch your purse once you leave for a second (good test she will later trust you with her stuff when she leaves to go to the bathroom or "find her friends")

Yeah lets do shots #yolo.

Live in the present moment and be a life of the party carefree person. Carefree = attractive to women. Critical thinking = sandpaper.

It's tiring trying to teach a cognitively smart guy game. I outlined previously the best baby step which is rapid fire banter about bullshit. But to overhaul your brain? Will take several years to overhaul. Even then u will likely still slip.

How to hide your high IQ death sentence?

Quote: (10-31-2013 02:26 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

I think people underestimate a man's ability to survive.

I think you underestimate the jungle.

How to hide your high IQ death sentence?

Quote: (10-31-2013 02:40 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Quote: (10-31-2013 02:26 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

I think people underestimate a man's ability to survive.

I think you underestimate the jungle.
He's thinking it's...

How to hide your high IQ death sentence?

It took me while to find it again, but this post on intelligence is fantastic, particularly the Shopenhauer quote:

Uneducated Hatred


The rest of the world will resent you for raising the bar above their own mediocrity.

How to hide your high IQ death sentence?

Quote: (10-31-2013 11:13 AM)WestCoast Wrote:  

High IQ is such a tough topic IMHO. When you're in college you're taught that if you are "smart" you are good with numbers and having direct speech. That's all "smart is" you get across your point in a direct manner, in addition you are good with numbers because numbers don't lie and that's the best way to see if someone can comprehend. How does being good at linear algebra statistics calculus or anything like that help get chicks? It doesn't. So smart is basically a construction around a set of beliefs: direct speech and math.

You don't see fiction authors being classified as smart. Or brilliant.

With all that said if you're legitimately smart in the academic sense listed above here is what it feels like in the beginning with no game.

1. You believe the dumb sluts are below you so you can't fathom standing in a room where people are talking about the impact of the latest retarded TV show like the kardashians.
2. You can't believe that people can't do simple math in their head, the simplest example is when a check comes and people "wonder" what the tip is going to be you're immediately annoyed as they really can't figure out wtf 15% on $167 is? You really can't believe it. This frustrates you and makes you annoyed.
3. You can't make a "intellectual connection with women" you still don't realize they are entirely emotionally driven. You don't get why they would bother talking to that dumb "ape" who can't even make $50K a year.
4. You quickly judge people's intellect out of annoyance, someone makes a dumbass comment and you immediately want to chip in and explain how wrong it is and you know you're right.
5. You constantly run "scenarios" in your head and have near photogenic memory, you realize this makes people off put because they don't understand why you remembered he entire conversation form 6 months ago verbatim. They don't get why you remember what everyone was wearing. They don't get why you took the event so "seriously" when in reality you can date back a year and do the same for mundane situations like going to grab a coffee and remembering the barrista's favorite city is Salt Lake City because you overheard it.
6. With said photogenic memory, you "socially unintelligently" remember all this and when you mention it in passing people are "freaked out or creeped out"
7. You lose touch with family and friends because they realize you remember everything so they are "on their toes" when speaking with you. This makes the cycle worse as it creates a more intense atmosphere
8. You can't fall asleep (another fact of high iq) because the synapses in your brain fire more than average people. This disrupts your sleep.

Does this sound like you? Here is what I did.

1. After drinking a few nights out I noticed the average intelligence people "liked me more".
2. Instead of saying I need to drink to have better social skills I took down 4 drinks alone in my apartment. I called friends and I recorded my body language, tone, word choice.
3. I called the same people sober. Tried to mimic the mannerisms, never perfect but a drastic improvement.
4. Rinse and repeat at bars and clubs. Slowly weaning off the drink (no matter how much you try you will always have better game with drinks if you are highly intelligent as the neocortex is impaired and you're using your reptilian brain to function more)
5. Once you realize it's all repetitions you start to pick up on the signs, pupils dialating, dudes with hands in pockets, wingspan etc.
6. Once you get be basics you then simply start improving your physique so your body language becomes a part of you. You don't put your hands in your pockets because you're never really cold you've got more warmth from high muscle content. You also don't cross your arms in a negative standing position because your shoulders are too broad and it feels uncomfortable. You're a different specimen.

Let's say you repeat the 6 steps above, constantly taking time to record yourself when you're socially "on", you gain muscle, you fix your dress, you slow down your speech (smart people usually talk fast), more "normal" people want to hang out with you. Then you move on to the next phase.

1. You see how normal people are basically looking to "get something from each other" so you sit back and usually observe any new person you meet and they find you quiet and reserved.
2. You make a cognitive decision about the person and then turn back "on" and dumb down your speech.

Rinse and repeat above.

Finally, you come to the following conclusions: 1) women fuck men who make them feel good so you can't do anything that spurs on the neo cortex (I constantly rip words in conversations and pretend they said something completely off the wall which doesn't make any sense). If your conversation is "logical" your conversation sucks.
2. You realize you will never really "get rid" of your high processing power so you just channel it to different events like 1) work, 2) bouncing ideas off legitimately smart people, 3) reading.

TL;DR? The most likable person in the room is the "bumbling buffoon" or "class clown". Make people laugh and have sweeping body language. If you want to break it down into three steps for a smart person it would be this.

1) No social intensity, once you step outside of work nothing is to be taken seriously
2) Your game is directly correleated to how you can make a group of people "feel". Controlling the emotional vibe
3) Always have open posture for a newbie, hands in pockets are a no, crossing legs are a no, crossing arms are a no

^ that's the crux of it all, no one is more likable than the "life of the party".

I thought I was throwing a game puzzle out there for guys like me who could benefit from this kind of info but...

Game recognized.

[Image: iyX5F8uu.jpg]

How to hide your high IQ death sentence?

I went to a grad induction programme today. We had to do a collaborative exercise where you line up in order of a hidden picture which you can't show but can describe. Worked it out in 15 seconds. Found it hard to understand why people couldn't 'get it' and just go line up in order, even after I explained it in simple terms.

How to hide your high IQ death sentence?

i dont try to hide it, i dont try to shine it... just go with the flow. basically i dont try to be a smartass as I beleive most girls don't like guys who drop knowledge on them every 2min... I usually let them talk for the most part but im very clever in my responses, thats why i dont think you should "hide" your intelligence.

How to hide your high IQ death sentence?

Some the points i can relate to, others i cannot relate to(must be my different cultural background,etc.). As far as i can tell, i am a well-adjusted human being. However, i have seen those high IQ social problems and characteristics among some of my american engineer friends.

As a non-american, I have also noticed that people of high IQ from a completely different culture do not have the same level of difficulty when approaching women, in comparison to their american counterparts. Albeit this is completely anecdotal on my part.

On the issue of regular skills vs IQ. i think the comparison is flawed. it is like comparing apples to oranges. Comparing an einstein without survival skill to a regular joe with survival skill in the jungle is a flawed argument. A more accurate assessment will be comparing an einstein with survival skills to a regular joe with survival skill in the jungle. Or einstein without survival skills vs regular joe without survival skills. Comparison has to be based on ceteris paribus foundation. All things being equal. In such a case, the regular joe doesnt stand a snowball chance in hell against einstein. The caveman's club or wheel was probably first invented by a einstein caveman.

The problem arises for high IQ people when their innate problem solving capabilities that serves well for logical or semi-logical situations involving jungle, rockets, guns, war strategies is then applied to the most illogical biological specimen on god's earth: women. Hence the social problems for high IQ people. From there, i can clearly see the appeal of the structured, pseudo-logical schematic nature of the Mystery Method to them. As for me, the mystery method doesnt mesh well with my personality.

Another thing i want to add with regards to regular skills vs IQ, is that IQ create skills, when those skills are dumbed down, that is when we have the so-called "regular skills" that the average joe like to boast soo much about. What do i mean? Take automobile for example. The lads who invented and perfected the automobile were high IQs, they worked out the heat engine cycle equations in thermodynamics for that stuff. Which was later refined through the american/german genius breakthrough of Gibbs-Helmholtz equation. There is soo much math and scientific/engineering breakthroughs that went into the invention and perfection of a car it is not even fucking funny. Now, after it has been systematized and dumbed down, any random joe can be a mechanic(understand and repair) a car. However, the origin of the skill was high IQ based.

With all due respect, skills that people of average intelligence tends to boast about are, in general, initially discovered and systematized by people of higher IQ... then later dumbed down for use by regular joe. To put it another way, it has to be made "user-friendly". The same with the oil rig skills. With all due respect, high IQ people made it soo user-friendly that a truly dumb ex-con can operate some of the oil rig machineries.

The same with computers. In the beginning, physics and math PH.Ds were needed to operate the earliest computers(ENIAC) that filled an entire room. Now, any dumb blonde bimbo can operate a 4G phone and post selfies at a funeral. It has been dumbed down and systematized for common use.

Even the concept of numbers: 1, 2, 3....8, 9, 0. was a monumental work of mathematical genius, especially the concept of "zero" or 0... Now, any stupid cunt with down syndrome can count to 10.

These things tend to be top down. It has to be made "user-friendly" for common consumption.

In fact, i am willing to bet that the the wheel was first invented by a high IQ caveman. Even the club that the caveman used to kill with was probably first invented by an einstein caveman. However, it later doesnt take an einstein to use the wheel or the club. Same with guns, arrows, tank. etc.

And speaking of the jungle.... surviving in the jungle is not a picnic. I will know. I have had to do it.

A year from now you will wish you had started today.....May fortune favours the bold.

How to hide your high IQ death sentence?

Quote: (10-31-2013 06:12 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

It took me while to find it again, but this post on intelligence is fantastic, particularly the Shopenhauer quote:

Uneducated Hatred

Great read. This excerpt really stood out. Its happened to me MANY TIMES, especially in Middle/High School. People feel really threatened by somebody smarter than them.

If men resent your intellect, thank god, they’re more blunt and forward. Usually just a status jockeying usual to groups of men. A quick insult, offhand humor. Something to continue establishing their perceived rank in whatever social group you’re currently in. If you deem it not worth the effort, let it go and leave his ego intact. If you respond, be ready to deal with him the rest of the night as a dog chewing a bone, waiting for a stupid, “Ah hah! I gotcha!” moment.

Friends, your tribe, and the truly intellectual will default to respect or neutral. Unless you’re a complete ass about it. Really, with good men who know you, it would be your situation to fuck up if you try and show off or lord it over them. Don’t do it.

The rest of the world will resent you for raising the bar above their own mediocrity.

Fuck those unintelligent masses of sheeple. Stand on the shoulders of intellectual giants to be able to see the world above the masses of the uneducated.

Read a book.

WIA- For most of men, our time being masters of our own fate, kings in our own castles is short. Even those of us in the game will eventually succumb to ease of servitude rather than deal with the malaise of solitude

How to hide your high IQ death sentence?

^ haha that brotha seems straight filled with rage. Seems to be unable to jump the chasm. Used to relate to him but guys who eventually get it don't think "fuck those unintelligent people" hey think "meh whatevs man lets party!" I doubt DVY thinks like that guy quotes in bold.

Again, the best advice for guys who operate at a high level is to dumb it down.

How to hide your high IQ death sentence?

Quote: (11-02-2013 10:47 AM)DVY Wrote:  

People feel really threatened by somebody smarter than them.

I don't feel threatened by people smarter then me. I feel inspired and curious to learn from them.

Getting mad at people who are better then you is a little kid reaction.

Learn from them.

Quote: (11-02-2013 11:12 AM)WestCoast Wrote:  

guys who eventually get it don't think "fuck those unintelligent people"

Exactly. I want to be surrounded by people smarter then me. When that happens, I am in a constant state of improvement.

If I'm the smartest guy in the group, we are in trouble.

I like to be the dumbest guy in the room. I will learn something every minute.

How to hide your high IQ death sentence?

The guy's word (in bold) really struck a chord, because thats how people act when they see raw intelligence.

I've noticed it much less in adults, but its still there. That knee-jerk backlash reaction. The glassy look in their eyes.

Thats when I start talking about strawberries, the weather, or how hot that girl's ass is. Keep it Simple!

WIA- For most of men, our time being masters of our own fate, kings in our own castles is short. Even those of us in the game will eventually succumb to ease of servitude rather than deal with the malaise of solitude

How to hide your high IQ death sentence?

Yep dumb it down.

You'll find dumb people get mad when you insult their intelligence but smart people will nod and amplify.

Why would you care if someone insults your intelligence if you know you're bright? You won't care.

I try to be the dumbest person out at night, every night

The dumber you appear the more off guard everyone is, makes it a lot easier

How to hide your high IQ death sentence?

Quote: (11-01-2013 02:44 PM)FrenchCanadian Wrote:  

i dont try to hide it, i dont try to shine it... just go with the flow. basically i dont try to be a smartass as I beleive most girls don't like guys who drop knowledge on them every 2min... I usually let them talk for the most part but im very clever in my responses, thats why i dont think you should "hide" your intelligence.

Second this. I have a job where someone would immediately know I have a high IQ, but when asked I never tell them. I make them work at figuring it out, e.g. I tell them I dig ditches. If you come straight out and tell them you're smart, most women do not find that as a primary attraction. It's more like the icing on the cake. So it's better to just leak things out slowly and let her figure it out. As an example, I dated a girl over the summer and never really told her my education or job. When we went to a museum, there was an interactive multiple choice game. I got every answer right and she missed most of what she tried to answer. It turned out to be a huge turn on for her, but we had already been banging for a week.

More anecdotal evidence: I did a speed dating thing a while ago, and the ONLY girl who wanted to meet up afterwards didn't ask me for my job or education. Every other girl that asked I told them straight up. Even ones where we had an awesome conversation didn't care for me to contact them afterwards.

I would also agree with earlier posts about the difference between a high IQ and nerdy. I would say that being shrewd is something to aim for. Someone like James Bond, the character is clearly very smart and astute, but doesn't come across as bragging about it. It takes practice, but it can be done.

How to hide your high IQ death sentence?

Great posts all around, esp. MikeCF and Westcoast

Regarding the Wheel of Fortune video Vitriol posted, notice how she immediately plays it off as a fun feeling, rather than logically breaking it down (i.e. if you were to watch guys on "Who wants to be a Millionaire?").

This is why stuff like bullshitting about horoscopes works so well with certain women, because you can ascribe a non rational reason for behaviour and have her enjoy the process, rather than running through theories from a psych textbook in a clinical fashion.

I think one of the great failures of teaching subjects like Psychology in college is that people are made to memorize tons of often conflicting theories, without focusing on application to their daily lives.

It's similar to freestyle rapping. Doing both writtens and freestyles take a good understanding of flow, vocabulary, etc. But they are very different in terms of application. You should always be working on ways to develop a foundation that helps guide you in the moment.

For example, I was at a bar that had bad ratios, and was on the patio talking aloud with a buddy about that very fact.

Girl happens to walk by, opens me by putting in her own two cents about "Naw, it's not thatttt bad!"

Instead of trying to break down the ratios, logistics, etc. of the place, just immediately switched to what would spike her emotions, considering more what that means to HER, rather than my own analysis of the environment.

So replies along the lines of "Shut up. You love it. I bet you didn't even pay for that drink." or "You only noticed the extra attention! I bet you're a _____ or I bet you're the _____ of the group."

How to hide your high IQ death sentence?

I had a buddy jump my shit at a work meeting one day, because I used the word "pedantic" when explaining something to the group. He said, "who talks like that, who even knows what that means?" (I replied, "do you not?" with my best Archer sarcastic tone)

I speak like the people I'm around, generally. I don't really think about it, but if I'm with blue-collar country types, I use "ain't" and a bit of a southern drawl. If I'm with more pretentious types, or in a professional setting, I speak properly, etc. I've even gotten Shakespearean from time to time, although not often.

Anyone ever had this exchange?

Her: So what do you like to do?
Me: I like to read books.
Her: omg me too, I love to read
Me: awesome, what do you read?
Her: twilight
Me: ...oh

I agree with everyone who has said not to go looking for intellectual stimulation from women.

How to hide your high IQ death sentence?


Anyone ever had this exchange?

Her: So what do you like to do?
Me: I like to read books.
Her: omg me too, I love to read
Me: awesome, what do you read?
Her: twilight
Me: ...oh

Even worse: she really is "intellectual", which means that she will be proud of reading Coelho, Haruki Murakami and similar popular "deep" stuff.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

How to hide your high IQ death sentence?

Quote: (11-02-2013 10:36 PM)metalheadatheart Wrote:  

I speak like the people I'm around, generally. I don't really think about it, but if I'm with blue-collar country types, I use "ain't" and a bit of a southern drawl. If I'm with more pretentious types, or in a professional setting, I speak properly, etc. I've even gotten Shakespearean from time to time, although not often.

This. I'm surprised this thread has gone on so long. Intelligent people should be able to easily adapt to their situation. Ok, I guess that's more EQ than IQ, but no reason why a person with high IQ can't "learn" EQ.

I've been to my fair share of Mensa events, and most of the people there are not very socially adjusted. Definitely intelligent and good for a conversation, but I'd say only 10% can fit in well into normal society. I'm always surprised about how many of them are not that successful career-wise, and I attribute this to their not having the social skills necessary for career advancement.

How to hide your high IQ death sentence?

When you're the smartest guy in the room is should be because you're surrounded by young minds, eager to learn like you were at that age, and it's time you pass your wisdom onto to those who have ears to hear it.


Quote: (11-02-2013 11:36 AM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Exactly. I want to be surrounded by people smarter then me. When that happens, I am in a constant state of improvement.

If I'm the smartest guy in the group, we are in trouble.

I like to be the dumbest guy in the room. I will learn something every minute.

How to hide your high IQ death sentence?


I am positively impressed with this thread. It tackles intelligently and informatively one of the problems of game: how should high IQ people learn to deal with women?

Since this is a game forum, this question is rather pertinent.

What also impresses me about this thread is that while managing to supply useful, actionable information; it miraculously avoid being derailed by the heartiste crowd into unhealthy race and politics thread.

This is the only IQ thread that seems to focus on relevant game issues without devolving into unpleasant political/race baiting. It keeps itself on topic. I think that is a positive thing.

In fact, i think we should have more threads like this.

To every positive contributor on this thread, I will say: keep up the good work.

[Image: clap2.gif]

Quote: (11-03-2013 06:37 AM)paninaro Wrote:  

This. I'm surprised this thread has gone on so long. Intelligent people should be able to easily adapt to their situation. Ok, I guess that's more EQ than IQ, but no reason why a person with high IQ can't "learn" EQ.

I've been to my fair share of Mensa events, and most of the people there are not very socially adjusted. Definitely intelligent and good for a conversation, but I'd say only 10% can fit in well into normal society. I'm always surprised about how many of them are not that successful career-wise, and I attribute this to their not having the social skills necessary for career advancement.

A year from now you will wish you had started today.....May fortune favours the bold.

How to hide your high IQ death sentence?

I find it easier to game in Spanish than in English. (Started learning spanish at 19). When I game in spanish I feel dumbed down. My mind isn't firing off in 20 different directions and I'm not calculating things which I have no reason to calculate or thinking about 20 things at once. This may all be due to me being far more attracted to latina's than white or any other race of girls. I'd guess it's a combination of both.

I don't imagine this is a huge issue for people who are only 1 standard deviation from the norm. You are then probably associating with other university graduates who are also a little bit above the norm. I'm just under 3 standard deviations from the norm and notice as well that when I have a couple drinks it makes it a lot easier to game not so much due to the relaxation factor but that I'm better able to relate to the girls in which I'm gaming.

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