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Women don't appreciate hard work

Women don't appreciate hard work

Anything a women gets is gained with little effort.

She values these things very little

for example: most women are given their appearance via genetics.
-they eat shitty diets
-they live sedentary lifestyles and allow the gifts to go to waste
-they fail to understand that men are not lucky

Ex- a female friend asked me how she could drop 15-20 lbs. I told her what she would have to do(workout, give up fast food and drinks only water, also cutting portions) she said "it was too much"
No homo but I respect a man who appears fit more than a woman simply because I understand what goes into it.

Since last year, I have gone from 170 to about 205 and now I get compliments, but also women saying I am "obsessed" and "full of myself"

-this is proof that women do not understand that to make change requires real work. Most women are not obsessed with fitness because men will drool over them regardless. Men are usually held to higher standards physically.

-I am not full of myself, but rather proud of the progress that I have made. I would liken it to a painter that spent hours or a sculptor finally seeing his art take place. Women do not know the feeling of accomplishment.

2. sex comes ridiculously easy for women. If a woman is having a dry spell, it is because she decided to do so.
-this is why you hear women say "sex isn't a big deal" or "why are guys so obsessed with sex"
-woman do not understand the levels of investment of time and energy and coordination that it takes for a man to get laid. if a woman wants sex, she just calls a guy to come over. For a man, we all know that do many things have to be coordinated and how much bs we have to deal with.

-women don't have to work hard
-They will never understand you
-don't waste time

Said she only fucked like 4 or 5 niggas so you know you gotta multiply by three

Women don't appreciate hard work

i agree that women take a lot of things for granted.

and thanks for not posting up another half naked self shot of yourself.

Women don't appreciate hard work

3. Women get experiences, and actual stuff, with little effort. If a girl is just half-way decent (in the US, at least) she gets taken on trips and activities (often without paying a dime) by dudes. She also gets heaped with gifts--from meals to jewelry to clothes--from guys trying to curry their favor.

4. Women get helped in stores, airplanes, and on the street more. I've observed this for as long as I can remember. Even ugly girls get more help from the employees in supermarkets, get help with their bags on planes, and get white-knighted for (as we all know) everywhere.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Women don't appreciate hard work

American woman:

"He elevated my standard of living…But I drive a 3 year old Camry and my neighbor has a new Lexus…They have a new patio and I don’t…My husband gets mad at me when I charge up 10 thousand dollars of things that I do not need…The maid only comes one day a week…Clearly you can see that I am an abused woman…I deserve better…"

Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese woman:

"I have a roof over my head…My husband works hard…We always have money for groceries…My husband brought me flowers and is kind and generous to me…He does not beat me…God has truly blessed me…I won the lotto…"

Women don't appreciate hard work

pretty realistic. I'm annoyed as fuck with girls telling me "they're hungry" or "they want this". Bitch go work. I'm not cheap or anything, but I'm not anyone's personal ATM

Said she only fucked like 4 or 5 niggas so you know you gotta multiply by three

Women don't appreciate hard work

Quote: (07-11-2013 09:43 AM)blackglasses Wrote:  

Anything a women gets is gained with little effort.

She values these things very little

for example: most women are given their appearance via genetics.
-they eat shitty diets
-they live sedentary lifestyles and allow the gifts to go to waste
-they fail to understand that men are not lucky

Ex- a female friend asked me how she could drop 15-20 lbs. I told her what she would have to do(workout, give up fast food and drinks only water, also cutting portions) she said "it was too much"
No homo but I respect a man who appears fit more than a woman simply because I understand what goes into it.

Since last year, I have gone from 170 to about 205 and now I get compliments, but also women saying I am "obsessed" and "full of myself"

-this is proof that women do not understand that to make change requires real work. Most women are not obsessed with fitness because men will drool over them regardless. Men are usually held to higher standards physically.

-I am not full of myself, but rather proud of the progress that I have made. I would liken it to a painter that spent hours or a sculptor finally seeing his art take place. Women do not know the feeling of accomplishment.

2. sex comes ridiculously easy for women. If a woman is having a dry spell, it is because she decided to do so.
-this is why you hear women say "sex isn't a big deal" or "why are guys so obsessed with sex"
-woman do not understand the levels of investment of time and energy and coordination that it takes for a man to get laid. if a woman wants sex, she just calls a guy to come over. For a man, we all know that do many things have to be coordinated and how much bs we have to deal with.

-women don't have to work hard
-They will never understand you
-don't waste time

I agree with this. And can give a nice example of it.

Here in the UK is an annoying TV show called 'Take Me Out'. It involves 30 (mostly hot) girls and one guy.

The guy is introdcued to the girls - and the video clips from his life are shown, so that the girls can learn more about the guy.

Whenever they learn something unappealing about the guy - they buzz their buzzers which declares themselves 'out'.

And eventually - the guy gets to pick one of the remaining girls (who has yet to buzz out) for a date. I think - I have never really watched a whole episode.

Anyway - check out the part below when the women find out that the fireman on the show also goes to the gym alot.

The link will take you to the correct part of the video:

Women don't appreciate hard work

A sexy female figure can be obtained by just not eating too much crappy food.

A "sexy" male figure requires lifting, protein/creatine ingestion, in addition to not eating too much crappy food.

There's a funny graphic floating around on the internet to that effect.

In harsher survival conditions, women appreciate hardworking men. It can be the difference between having adequate food and shelter and not.

In easy survival conditions, like Western nations, women look down upon hardworking men. It's the reverse handicap principle--women interpret male effort and ardor as signals that they are compensating for lower genetic quality.

Detlef's post gets at this.


Women don't appreciate hard work

I don't get the bitterness and butthertedness. Yes, women get it easier because they are the only ones who have what we are biologically programmed to want. That's nature. That's life. What is the point of whinging about it?

Women don't appreciate hard work

For a woman to be successful she must remain stagnant. For a man to be successful he must grow.

Women don't appreciate hard work

@ Kabal. Wow - never thought in terms of the Reverse Handicap Principle. Smart stuff! I love shit like that.

Women don't appreciate hard work

Women's design specs are much different. She's designed to

1) Attract the hottest ( highest status, most aggressive and secondarily most smart) guy
2) Fuck him enough to get pregnant
3) Shit out something the size of a football and survive.
4) Love the football while being nice enough to the guy to get his resources.

It's pretty different from being a guy. There's no morality in the universe, only functions.

I mean, there's no morality and never was, it's not like there was a morality and it failed. There's only, for awhile, existence and survival,
and eventually no existence or survival.

Women don't appreciate hard work

Quote: (07-11-2013 09:43 AM)blackglasses Wrote:  

Ex- a female friend asked me how she could drop 15-20 lbs. I told her what she would have to do(workout, give up fast food and drinks only water, also cutting portions) she said "it was too much"

This is so typical.

Women believe they are entitled to lose weight while eating cookies.

Women don't appreciate hard work

This is also why the diet industry rakes in BILLIONS on the backs of lazy females. They preach that you don't have to do ANYTHING. Just follow this diet, and the pounds will melt away. You don't even have to give up all of the foods you love, including desserts. You don't have to make any sacrifices at all. Common sense tells you that you can't get the body that fitness model they're using to entice you with without hitting the gym, or doing some kind of exercise along with the diet. But women allow themselves to believe, because they don't want to do the hard work. Then when the diet fails to achieve the goal, they quit, blaming the diet. Men KNOW they have to exercise, lift, etc. to achieve the desired result. If he doesn't achieve it, he knows it's because he didn't work hard enough, and won't blame it on the diet failing.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Women don't appreciate hard work

It's hard for anyone to objectively see things from a point of view they've never experienced themselves..

Women don't appreciate hard work

Quote: (07-11-2013 11:55 AM)cardguy Wrote:  

Quote: (07-11-2013 09:43 AM)blackglasses Wrote:  

Anything a women gets is gained with little effort.

She values these things very little

for example: most women are given their appearance via genetics.
-they eat shitty diets
-they live sedentary lifestyles and allow the gifts to go to waste
-they fail to understand that men are not lucky

Ex- a female friend asked me how she could drop 15-20 lbs. I told her what she would have to do(workout, give up fast food and drinks only water, also cutting portions) she said "it was too much"
No homo but I respect a man who appears fit more than a woman simply because I understand what goes into it.

Since last year, I have gone from 170 to about 205 and now I get compliments, but also women saying I am "obsessed" and "full of myself"

-this is proof that women do not understand that to make change requires real work. Most women are not obsessed with fitness because men will drool over them regardless. Men are usually held to higher standards physically.

-I am not full of myself, but rather proud of the progress that I have made. I would liken it to a painter that spent hours or a sculptor finally seeing his art take place. Women do not know the feeling of accomplishment.

2. sex comes ridiculously easy for women. If a woman is having a dry spell, it is because she decided to do so.
-this is why you hear women say "sex isn't a big deal" or "why are guys so obsessed with sex"
-woman do not understand the levels of investment of time and energy and coordination that it takes for a man to get laid. if a woman wants sex, she just calls a guy to come over. For a man, we all know that do many things have to be coordinated and how much bs we have to deal with.

-women don't have to work hard
-They will never understand you
-don't waste time

I agree with this. And can give a nice example of it.

Here in the UK is an annoying TV show called 'Take Me Out'. It involves 30 (mostly hot) girls and one guy.

The guy is introdcued to the girls - and the video clips from his life are shown, so that the girls can learn more about the guy.

Whenever they learn something unappealing about the guy - they buzz their buzzers which declares themselves 'out'.

And eventually - the guy gets to pick one of the remaining girls (who has yet to buzz out) for a date. I think - I have never really watched a whole episode.

Anyway - check out the part below when the women find out that the fireman on the show also goes to the gym alot.

The link will take you to the correct part of the video:

I watched the clip, funny to say the least. 1/3 of the women turned their buzzers off as soon as they saw the fireman lifting weights.

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Women don't appreciate hard work

Quote: (07-11-2013 01:49 PM)Gator_McKlusky Wrote:  

I don't get the bitterness and butthertedness. Yes, women get it easier because they are the only ones who have what we are biologically programmed to want. That's nature. That's life. What is the point of whinging about it?

it's because all these girls like to call themselves independent women and shit.

and i believe it's more observations than whining. i don't think anybody in this thread have a "woe is me" attitude. i personally like being a guy.

Women don't appreciate hard work

Quote: (07-11-2013 01:49 PM)Gator_McKlusky Wrote:  

I don't get the bitterness and butthertedness. Yes, women get it easier because they are the only ones who have what we are biologically programmed to want. That's nature. That's life. What is the point of whinging about it?

3-day suspension.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Women don't appreciate hard work

If a girl is giving you a hard time about being "buff" just say back, "At least I'm not fat."

I poked my girlfriend's belly and said, "fatty fatty fatty" last night. She gave me a horrid stare and said back, "Oh my gosh, I am getting fat."

Love it, absolutely love it.

Women don't appreciate hard work

Quote: (07-11-2013 02:28 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:

I watched the clip, funny to say the least. 1/3 of the women turned their buzzers off as soon as they saw the fireman lifting weights.

So I watched it and the host asks one of the blonde chicks why she buzzed out and she was like "I am not into the weightlifting thing." And the host is like "that is part of his job" and the audience starts laughing at her. And she looks like an idiot. Then the host grabs her bangs to cover her face - tooooooo funny. Around 7:55

That would be a good gif I knew how to do it.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Women don't appreciate hard work

Quote: (07-11-2013 01:14 PM)Kabal Wrote:  

In easy survival conditions, like Western nations, women look down upon hardworking men. It's the reverse handicap principle--women interpret male effort and ardor as signals that they are compensating for lower genetic quality.

Yes. This was one of the most brutal truths for me to realize. For those of us wired to not tend toward sloth even if there is no pressing need to do anything (long future time orientation), the name of the game is to focus on appearing effortless. No one likes a braggart, but men tend to deep down respect other men that put in the hours, as long as they don't get it rubbed in their face. That's social grace.

For women, you have to hide it. For example make a story on why you speak some language as much as it's possible ... "oh I happened to live there as a kid my dad got a job there for a year.." (doable if you've visited the place), not "I studied 2 hours a day for a year"...

Women don't appreciate hard work

Yeah. It's not just that women don't appreciate work; they actively despise it. I hear my friends wives bitch about how much time their husbands spend in the office and then a moment later complain about not having enough money to redo their kitchen. The quickest way to lose a girls respect is to explain how you go the things she respects you for. If you're an awesome guitar player don't explain that you got good because you had a lot of free time on your hands in high school to practice. If you have a great body don't tell her about the hours you spend in the gym. If you have tons of money don't tell her about how you slaved away to make it. You can use this to your advantage. Girls are much more intrigued if you speak about things just coming to you. Keep it mysterious. She really doesn't want to know.

Women don't appreciate hard work

Quote: (07-11-2013 11:50 AM)blackglasses Wrote:  

pretty realistic. I'm annoyed as fuck with girls telling me "they're hungry" or "they want this". Bitch go work. I'm not cheap or anything, but I'm not anyone's personal ATM
Didn't you say your dad gave you a brand new Mercedes for free? Could be the fact that you're driving that while in college lol.

Women don't appreciate hard work

I guess it depends on what kind of work you're in or where you're working because I work with quite a few women who put in long hours in less than ideal conditions and who probably make more money and are more alpha than a lot of the guys on here.

Women don't appreciate hard work

^^Nice. I was gonna say a lot of blue collar guys would say someone who couldn't last a day doing work in the sun doesn't know what hard work is.

Women don't appreciate hard work

Quote: (07-11-2013 11:55 AM)cardguy Wrote:  

Here in the UK is an annoying TV show called 'Take Me Out'. It involves 30 (mostly hot) girls and one guy.

The guy is introdcued to the girls - and the video clips from his life are shown, so that the girls can learn more about the guy.

Whenever they learn something unappealing about the guy - they buzz their buzzers which declares themselves 'out'.

And eventually - the guy gets to pick one of the remaining girls (who has yet to buzz out) for a date. I think - I have never really watched a whole episode.

Anyway - check out the part below when the women find out that the fireman on the show also goes to the gym alot.

The link will take you to the correct part of the video:

That show infuriates me on many levels. The guy says he's close to his family - he's needy and a wimp. The guy says he doesn't see much of his family - he's callous and no fun...etc. They push the button for no reason sometimes. I think the producers must tell them to be extremely picky.

Side note, how do you post a youtube video where it starts half way through, or X amount of minutes in?

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

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