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Private China Business Forum - Enter China

Private China Business Forum - Enter China

Thus far I have received help with:

Arranging a meeting with a high level regional distributor for my products
Solid advice on the finer details of my business models
Translation services
Finding a decent local designer for my brochure and other materials
Getting a good assistant for a trade show and a possible white face stand in for me if I can't attend personally
How to avoid some customs issues that troubling me
Care of address in Hong Kong
Hiring a driver for the day

How much has this been worth to me? A lot more than the subscription cost thats for sure. Its still early days on the forum and not a huge amount of traffic, but if this is what I have got out of it in the first couple of weeks I'm convinced that this is a resource that you cannot miss if you are doing business in China. I'm looking forward to putting back into the community.

Private China Business Forum - Enter China

How many members does the forum have? I hear DC has around 1,000.

Private China Business Forum - Enter China

Its low at the moment, around 35. DC has been going for three years though, this two weeks. The forum is not that active currently, but I am contributing as much as I can because I see this community as being a big factor in my future success in China.

Private China Business Forum - Enter China

Enter China is opening up for new guys to join for the next week or so. For anyone who is serious about China or is looking to learn about China, living there, doing business there, there is no better place than this community.

The main attracting point of the forum is the networking, which to me is priceless. Sure the info there is second to none as it's coming from guys who have been living and doing biz in China for the past few years, but what really makes this such a unique community, is again, the networking, getting to chat and to know guys who are not only doing it on the ground but killing it.

The weekly mastermind calls where they talk about a specific topic is also a goldmine. Last night, it was about sourcing in China. During those calls, they brings experts on a specific topic and they talk and you get to ask your questions live.

All in all, if you're serious about doing biz in China or moving and living in China, then you cannot afford not being in this community. As simple as that. I can totally vouch for both Nick and Tim as they are the real deal. Ditto for the guys inside the EC. For a buck a day, you get an incredible value, 2nd to none when it comes to the topic of living and doing business in China, the hottest market in the world.

Private China Business Forum - Enter China

Yep the networking is fantastic, and will only get better as the community grows. I've already arranged in person meetings with a couple of the guys for when I'm in Guangzhou at the end of the month. The forum has come at such a good time for me business wise.

Private China Business Forum - Enter China

Were you guys on that webinar call they had?

I missed it due to being on a Spanish tutor call on

How did it go?

Private China Business Forum - Enter China

Submitted my application as a newbie yesterday, got accepted a few minutes ago.

I'm looking forward to this.

Thanks guys!

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Private China Business Forum - Enter China

Thats awesome! You will love it there! See you inside the EC!

I attended that last mastermind. As usual it was content packed on sourcing with Mike S talking a lot on his ling experience sourcing in China. Make sure you listen to the recording of it.

Private China Business Forum - Enter China

So wait, if guys in China are "killing" it, why would they take the time to start a forum and look for people to invite? Did Bill Gates bring people over and show him his OS? You guys know I'm not the sharpest scissors in the drawer, but it seems something is amiss.

Private China Business Forum - Enter China

The guys at dynamite circle are making $100K USD per month selling cat furniture.

They created Dynamite Circle organically and then grew the community from there as a recurring private forum.

By creating their community, the DC guys were able to basically create their own private area where they could tap the brains of a lot of talented people and "hire from within" - I've gotten a lot of amazingly good leads on talent such as copywriters, SEO writers at dirt cheap prices, etc.

I've sourced a lot of reliable talent, a few JV partners, and a lot of great hacks for business/legal/marketing on the DC - as well as opportunities to do guest posts and other joint projects. As a paying member I extract multiples of value out of it that are worth more than the cost.

In addition to this, they have held/hosted conferences in places like Berlin and Bangkok where people can meet up. It is personally satisfying to them as individuals to be connectors in this sense and bring international entrepreneurs together. (This is what I glean from their podcasts)

The DC has about 800 members I think. At an average of about 30 bucks a month per member, that is about 24K gross revenue every month for them.

What situation sounds better to you:

1. Having a $100K/month cat furniture ecommerce business

2. Having a $100K/month cat furniture ecommerce business and also a $24K/month membership website with basically no overhead and where the content is user generated?


From a business standpoint on their end I can understand why they are doing it.

A lot of the content is user generated and the community spreads by word of mouth.

It makes a lot of sense to me.


Case Study - ChinaDawg

This guy is in West China selling niche UK products to a major city on the Yangtze. As a member, in about a year's time, he is going to have an insane amount of niche personal expertise about this city and region. He's going to create reports on doing business there and when the forum owners want to check out or explore business opportunities there, they can tap all of the information and knowledge that this guy has.

That is time, energy, and money that they would have had to do themselves in regards to due diligence and creating trusted networks. In contrast, they can now leverage his experience and network.

They can do the same for me with my contacts in Shanghai and Beijing.


A big aspect and benefit of launching such a community is that you save time and energy in weeding out garbage information on public forums where there are trolls and anonymous people can post blatant lies or half-truths.

The people who created Enter China, despite "killing it" in China, have a vested interested in spreading their China network as rapidly as possible and getting in-depth and vetted information about Dalian, Hangzhou, Chongqing, Chengdu, Xian, Suzhou, Xiamen, Xinjiang, and all of the other places they might consider doing business or avoiding in the future in the context of China.

By tapping the expertise of those who have experience in these places, they are saving time/energy/money that they otherwise would have spent doing this due diligence on their own.

Moreover, they are being paid to do it. Their role is to spend their time vetting candidates to join the forum because they and the members will both be relying on the information and network to guide their own business intelligence and decisions in the future.


Private China Business Forum - Enter China

i gotta admit im also skeptical

Private China Business Forum - Enter China

I have a personal friend who is a member of the DC and said it is worth every penny. He has a succesful e-commerce business based in Japan and seems to do pretty well for himself.

I've contemplated joining, but my actual problem right now is that I just need to pick one thing to work on and make money, not join another forum.

Problem is I really have no idea what the fuck I want to do. With experience in SEO, E-Commerce, and all kinds of online business you'd think I could decide on something to do, but sure as fuck I can't. Idiot I am lol.

Private China Business Forum - Enter China

Quote: (08-11-2013 06:37 AM)RioNomad Wrote:  

I have a personal friend who is a member of the DC and said it is worth every penny. He has a succesful e-commerce business based in Japan and seems to do pretty well for himself.

I've contemplated joining, but my actual problem right now is that I just need to pick one thing to work on and make money, not join another forum.

Problem is I really have no idea what the fuck I want to do. With experience in SEO, E-Commerce, and all kinds of online business you'd think I could decide on something to do, but sure as fuck I can't. Idiot I am lol.

Same here, but with no experience in SEO, E-Commerce or anything related to online business, lol.

Private China Business Forum - Enter China

Quote: (08-11-2013 05:43 AM)clever alias Wrote:  

i gotta admit im also skeptical

I think there's a free 7-day trial period or something like that. If not, you lose 97 dollars and that's the end of it. I'm sure you've spent more on other potentially "pointless stuff".

There's a lot of stuff on there, no loses, only opportunities.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Private China Business Forum - Enter China

Following on from what YMG said, if the owners of Enter China are successful in building the community, they will be the best networked foreign entrepreneurs in the country. YMG summed up why this is a good thing.

Anyone who has done business or has looked into doing business in China would not be skeptical about they are doing. The market is so regionalised and messy, its near impossible to get solid information about unless you speak to someone who is currently in a certain area.

If anyone has any doubts about the success of their company, I'm sure you are all aware that the financial records of limited companies are publicly available. They are incorporated in Hong Kong.

Private China Business Forum - Enter China

Quote: (08-18-2013 05:14 PM)chinadawg Wrote:  

If anyone has any doubts about the success of their company, I'm sure you are all aware that the financial records of limited companies are publicly available. They are incorporated in Hong Kong.


I know that things like the Articles of Association, the Certificate of Incorporation, and the Annual Returns (which is just a list of current shareholders and how many shares they own) are available from the Companies Registry web site, but I have never seen actual financial statements/records for private companies available anywhere.

Any chance you have a link?


Private China Business Forum - Enter China

Quote: (08-18-2013 05:14 PM)chinadawg Wrote:  

Anyone who has done business or has looked into doing business in China would not be skeptical about they are doing. The market is so regionalised and messy, its near impossible to get solid information about unless you speak to someone who is currently in a certain area.

I've imported a specialized product from Guangdong to the US and have visited there at least once a year over the last eight years, and I'm skeptical about this.

Reason is, out of their 35 members, I'm guessing 25 of them have never been to China, maybe 5-7 have gone and are importing some niche product they throw on ebay for a few bucks, and only a few have run a legitimate business. Aside from the $40/mo, it just doesn't seem like a forum I'd visit even if it were free. In looking at the list of benefits chinadawg got, it's great that he's attained value from it, but those are mainly newbie issues (finding a translator, driver, brochure designer, customs broker etc).

Interested in seeing responses from veteran guys like YMG and VP. Again, a lot of my opinion is pure speculation, so perhaps I'm wrong. On another note, since DC does have 800 members that's a place I may seek to join. Is there a good amount of import/export discussion there, or is it primarily IM?

Private China Business Forum - Enter China

Bump. YMG, VP, and others... as this relates to this thread, what do you think about the Amazing Selling Machine for $3500? ... it's about importing from China and selling on Amazon.

Know anyone in it... they sold it about 6 months ago and opened it up again this week. Don't bother with it because it's expensive and you can get the same or better value from joining the DC and enter china forums you mentioned above?

Private China Business Forum - Enter China

If you are serious about doing biz in China, then the best use of that 3500 would be to buy a ticket and go there personally, meet Nick and Tim and their crew, see with your own eyes what they are doing and building, have drinks with them and party with them. That's the best way to get a real look at what it is to be doing biz in China. In China, biz is all about connections, networking or as they say in Chinese, guanxi. Go there, build connections, contacts and see with your own eyes. While you're there, I'd highly recommend visiting a few factories in the niches you're interested. Go talk directly with the factory owner, staff and have the EE boys link you to someone there who's been dealing with such and such factory.

There are guys who are truly doing incredibly stuff. Case in point the EE boys, who went there 3 years ago, with no chinese language skill, no contacts/connection and only 5k in the bank. 3 years later, they have a 7 figure biz importing US wine into the south of China. There are other guys also doing great things, like Ryan who killed it on Kickstarter earlier this year grossing almost 400K in 30 days on Kickstarter. There are other guys who are anywhere from mildly to wildly successful in China inside the EC. Would you benefit from reading their posts, exchanging emails/chatting with them? Would you benefit from their insight and building a relationship with them over time? You bet you will tremendously in all front.

So if you or anyone is truly serious about doing biz in China, then get into the EC, connect with the boys there and get on a plane to see meet them in person and see it with your own eyes. Let me warn you, you will not believe your eyes and may very well be blown away by what's available and what's happening in China. NO amount of online articles, videos will come even close to really putting into words what is out there in the Middle Kingdom.

And if you want to sell stuff online, save your 3500$ and instead check global sources. That's a goldmine if acted upon. But nothing and I want to emphasize this, nothing will compare to actually going there. Being part of the EC is the next best thing as it's filled with people all over China making things happen. And I'm not talking little money. Think a low 6 fig to high 7 if not 8 figure operation. Selling stuff online through Amazon might get you to a high 5 figure, but to get to the next level, get on that plane to Hong Kong and then take the 2 hour very comfortable train to Guangzhou. You will not believe your eyes as soon as you step out of that train station in GZ. Literally! It's that in your face kind a thing!

Private China Business Forum - Enter China

Quote: (10-04-2013 12:45 PM)Big Nilla Wrote:  

Bump. YMG, VP, and others... as this relates to this thread, what do you think about the Amazing Selling Machine for $3500? ... it's about importing from China and selling on Amazon.

Know anyone in it... they sold it about 6 months ago and opened it up again this week. Don't bother with it because it's expensive and you can get the same or better value from joining the DC and enter china forums you mentioned above?

Matt and Jason are 100% legit. Those numbers are real, the course is solid, and it works.

The key is committing yourself, actually DO what they suggest, and stay on top of it.

Private China Business Forum - Enter China

Quote: (10-04-2013 12:45 PM)Big Nilla Wrote:  

Bump. YMG, VP, and others... as this relates to this thread, what do you think about the Amazing Selling Machine for $3500? ... it's about importing from China and selling on Amazon.

Know anyone in it... they sold it about 6 months ago and opened it up again this week. Don't bother with it because it's expensive and you can get the same or better value from joining the DC and enter china forums you mentioned above?

The course is NOT about importing from China and selling on Amazon.

To be more precise, this course is about creating a private label or white label product and selling it on Amazon using Amazon FBA as fulfillment.

If you've gone through the videos, you already have a basic road map on how to do that. If you're smart enough, you can "figure it out" without their help.

I've actually bought the course and refunded it during the 30 day period on the first run. Most of the kids out there are slinging supplements, mainly Garcinia Cambogia. Just take a search on Amazon.

I actually tracked someone who was selling Garcinia Cambogia for the longest time. He stocked 100 products, and right now he has around 30. I kept checking constantly, so I'm pretty confident this guy has not restocked a single time. 70 sales since April. Not very good, but at the same time, not extremely bad. Still, this is nowhere near the revenue they advertise.

I do think the strategy is still sound if you pick the right product, but the market is more saturated than the two make it out to be. It's all about product selection and marketing. Do it right, and you can still make some decent dough.

I actually found out the exact product Matt was selling. It was Garcinia Cambogia, haha, but guess what? He actually sold the company to someone else. That's not really a good sign of confidence of a sustaining business model, but of course, it's not a definitive sign. If you're interested, his label is "Molecular Research Labs".

The course could work, but it's a bit harder than the impression the two give. If you need all the guidance and all the PR resources, then shelling out the $3500 isn't the worst thing in the world. Then again, I looked up the Garcinia Cambogia label that I was tracking and when I google LABEL NAME + "press release", I only get one result. There's no distribution at all for this press release.

I'm currently living in a HUGE light manufacturing town in China, so I might be trying to private label some products from here if research tells me that this is a fruitful path, so I may still bank on this business model (hopefully, this turns out to be a pun).

Private China Business Forum - Enter China

Quote: (10-05-2013 05:14 AM)theArbiter Wrote:  

Quote: (10-04-2013 12:45 PM)Big Nilla Wrote:  

Bump. YMG, VP, and others... as this relates to this thread, what do you think about the Amazing Selling Machine for $3500? ... it's about importing from China and selling on Amazon.

Know anyone in it... they sold it about 6 months ago and opened it up again this week. Don't bother with it because it's expensive and you can get the same or better value from joining the DC and enter china forums you mentioned above?

The course is NOT about importing from China and selling on Amazon.

To be more precise, this course is about creating a private label or white label product and selling it on Amazon using Amazon FBA as fulfillment.

If you've gone through the videos, you already have a basic road map on how to do that. If you're smart enough, you can "figure it out" without their help.

I've actually bought the course and refunded it during the 30 day period on the first run. Most of the kids out there are slinging supplements, mainly Garcinia Cambogia. Just take a search on Amazon.

I actually tracked someone who was selling Garcinia Cambogia for the longest time. He stocked 100 products, and right now he has around 30. I kept checking constantly, so I'm pretty confident this guy has not restocked a single time. 70 sales since April. Not very good, but at the same time, not extremely bad. Still, this is nowhere near the revenue they advertise.

I do think the strategy is still sound if you pick the right product, but the market is more saturated than the two make it out to be. It's all about product selection and marketing. Do it right, and you can still make some decent dough.

I actually found out the exact product Matt was selling. It was Garcinia Cambogia, haha, but guess what? He actually sold the company to someone else. That's not really a good sign of confidence of a sustaining business model, but of course, it's not a definitive sign. If you're interested, his label is "Molecular Research Labs".

The course could work, but it's a bit harder than the impression the two give. If you need all the guidance and all the PR resources, then shelling out the $3500 isn't the worst thing in the world. Then again, I looked up the Garcinia Cambogia label that I was tracking and when I google LABEL NAME + "press release", I only get one result. There's no distribution at all for this press release.

I'm currently living in a HUGE light manufacturing town in China, so I might be trying to private label some products from here if research tells me that this is a fruitful path, so I may still bank on this business model (hopefully, this turns out to be a pun).


This post reeks of amateur hour.

Private China Business Forum - Enter China

Quote: (10-05-2013 05:14 AM)theArbiter Wrote:  

I actually found out the exact product Matt was selling. It was Garcinia Cambogia, haha, but guess what? He actually sold the company to someone else. That's not really a good sign of confidence of a sustaining business model, but of course, it's not a definitive sign.

If I were to sell my company it would be because I lacked confidence in my business model?

What if I sold stocks in my company? That is selling ownership.

What if I didn't have the cashflow enough to expand my operations and decided to sell to someone who did?

What if I decided my passion was in a different field?

What if someone offered me way too much money that would take 10 years to make back from profits?

You really don't see the big picture.

Private China Business Forum - Enter China

Quote: (10-05-2013 04:02 PM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

Quote: (10-05-2013 05:14 AM)theArbiter Wrote:  

I actually found out the exact product Matt was selling. It was Garcinia Cambogia, haha, but guess what? He actually sold the company to someone else. That's not really a good sign of confidence of a sustaining business model, but of course, it's not a definitive sign.

If I were to sell my company it would be because I lacked confidence in my business model?

What if I sold stocks in my company? That is selling ownership.

What if I didn't have the cashflow enough to expand my operations and decided to sell to someone who did?

What if I decided my passion was in a different field?

What if someone offered me way too much money that would take 10 years to make back from profits?

You really don't see the big picture.

Not what I'm saying. Matt and Jason are hyping this private labeling in Amazon quite a bit as the next big thing that I just had to add a potential counterpoint to think about.

Sure, those are legitimate questions, but you can also ask other questions.

What if the opportunity seems to be capping out?

What if it appears actually that revenues are following a dwindling trend?

Essentially, I was just asking ONE out of many questions like those that you have listed.

Quote:Alpha Mind Wrote:


This post reeks of amateur hour.

Thanks for adding value with an in-depth explanation.

Private China Business Forum - Enter China

Quote: (10-05-2013 11:29 PM)theArbiter Wrote:  

Essentially, I was just asking ONE out of many questions like those that you have listed.

You didn't ask any questions. You made a statement.

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