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Somali girls - seriously?

Somali girls - seriously?

Somali Hilwa, chill. I [Image: heart.gif] girls from the horn! I respect and treat them like any other girl I meet when I'm travelling. Who the fuck cares how much money she makes? Rich, poor, black, white - why should a man care? We are internationalists here.

Somali girls - seriously?

I am NOT a troll and I am not A HE! I am a native of Somalia that is trying to put her point across. Much luck of that happening.

Somali girls - seriously?

Rocco has always been a cool dude, but Global you seem to have a chip on your shoulder as well. Why would you see anything suspect in my post. My girl and I were at a gas station and black police officer was going nuts for no reason (we saw him drive up) he started bitching at this guy and was just really out there. The other black guys at the gas station (this was near linkin park and MLK blvd in newark so quite a black area, I was the only spot of white rice around) were acting like retarded down sindrome 5 year olds as they watching it happen.

And I have seen just about everything GB, both my roommates in the military were black (i know every rap song from the 90's [Image: smile.gif], ive dated black girls, and been the only white guy at a high school in michigan, even been in a high school with 1 black guy 1 black girl, I've dated black chicks, I have been around the block and lived all over the world. So I think I have a pretty good view on things.

Another thing, because I always dated VERY sexy black chicks, I got hated on by black guys(never whites) that didnt know me all the time, but ALL of my black friends that dated a hot white chick where getting high fives, go figure. I was even told once by a black guy that whitie shouldnt be taking fine black women WTF? I turned around and asked him if it was ok if I only dated ugly black girls then. [Image: smile.gif]

Ditto what Naught Nomad just posted. I dont see poverty level, I see sexy women in (hopefully) heels

Somali girls - seriously?

Quote: (09-08-2010 10:41 AM)Global Baller Wrote:  

Quote: (09-08-2010 01:58 AM)clr Wrote:  

I'm seeing this darker skinned brasilian here in Newark NJ, she lives around a lot of blacks and asked me a few days ago what is wrong with the blacks in America, her works "blacks don't act like that in Brazil". She has this view that most American blacks are trash, when she would probably be considered black by many.

I'm very suspect about your post. Why would she ask a non-Black what's wrong with Blacks in America. Logic would dictate that she would ask a Black American a question like that.

As a counter to the above post: An Australian fem friend of mine has the view that white Americans are 'loopy' among other things.

I've heard the same things from White Female friends from Europe who comment on White Americans that are your typical "Fratboyish/Patriotic/Teabagger" over-zealous right wing Christians. So in one instance the White-American "TrailerPark/Teabagger/Overzealous/BarackObama/Patriotic/Wewantourcountryback" types can have the same negative or similiar stereo-type that Uneducated Black Americans have in the press that CLR' brazilian friend referred too. If the only coverage I saw of White-Americans was the tea-bagger videos and anti-muslim hate I would wonder as well..."What is Wrong With White-Americans"? But of course growing up in Northern & Southern California I know that all White-People arent like that so I have a bit of perspective.

The sad thing about her comment is that too bad she doesnt know the Black people I hang and socialize with and is only exposed to the under-belly of society in Newark but If she knew any better she would be connected with upwardly mobile Black Americans who work on Wall Street/Entertainment Circles and other prominent positions and types in Manhattan that I know personally...It's not too hard to find but then again the type of self-hate that I've seen Brazilian Black people have can contribute greatly to their feelings about Black-Americans here.

Little does she know that If It wasnt for Black-Americans here and the path we paved for her and people of color/women in the USA she would still be stuck right there in Brazil without any chance of coming over here. Not trying to start anything just pointing out the obvious...There is nothing wrong with what Global Baller posted IMO...some people just dont like to hear the truth which is obvious with the type of reaction he gets on here for posting the truth. But I digress...

Somali girls - seriously?

@ International: Good post, unfortunately for all of us these stereotypes do exist. And of course sadly in many cases they are atleast partially true. It is somewhat natural for people to catagorize, its human nature. We all can read books that tell us all kinds of BS but getting out and living and seeing for yourself forms a stronger opinion. I know that I can only represent myself but for every cool ass white guy, there are several in a trailer park pounding Millwaukees best and collecting gov't assistace. Same as with every cool brother there are several that are in the hud somewhere doing nothing with their lives. Its reality.

That is why its important to be good ambasadors for our POV's for our country and culture.

Somali girls - seriously?

Quote: (09-09-2010 09:33 AM)Rocco81 Wrote:  

@ International: Good post, unfortunately for all of us these stereotypes do exist. And of course sadly in many cases they are atleast partially true. It is somewhat natural for people to catagorize, its human nature. We all can read books that tell us all kinds of BS but getting out and living and seeing for yourself forms a stronger opinion. I know that I can only represent myself but for every cool ass white guy, there are several in a trailer park pounding Millwaukees best and collecting gov't assistace. Same as with every cool brother there are several that are in the hud somewhere doing nothing with their lives. Its reality.

That is why its important to be good ambasadors for our POV's for our country and culture.

Well said Rocco!!

Somali girls - seriously?

Part of my youth was spent with a bunch of rednecks in rural michigan, I'll tell you for every ignorant prejudicial redneck there are thousands that would give anyone in need the shirt of their backs, sadly the ignorant make the news. If we are keeping shit real [Image: smile.gif] I get real tired of everything being blamed on the white man. It's such a crutch and honestly I'm tired of hearing it, like the guys on the board and myself if u want to make something of your life you do, no fucking excuses. Rocco said it well, but I will say, as unpolitically correct as it is, the most racist people I have seen are the blacks in America who faaaar outweigh the whites, and I went to 4 highschools, 2 middle schools and lived all over the USA as an adult from NYC to redneck ville Florida.

Somali girls - seriously?

Quote: (09-08-2010 11:38 AM)playa_with_a_passport Wrote:  

Fellas, I think we are getting sidetracked here, I don't pay for pussy but I would like to know where in Ethiopia you can buy poon for $1? Also, I always thought that "Human Trafficking" was a term coined by a fat Western women in order to guilt Western men into not going overseas for pussy. Fat bald White cats are the best thing that has happened to prostitutes in the third world since the condom was invented. Thus, I actually think sex tourism is good. It brings hard currency(tricks spend money on hotel,food,pennicilin) in and the smart Ho's can use that money to diversify and pay their kids tuition to break the cycle of poverty. Plus, foreigners always pay more. A Somali pros would rather fuck a White guy for $10 a nut than $1 for a local Somali. She might even prefer the White guy because he would not be pressuring her to have unprotected sex. About the only people who get hurt by sex tourism are the local dudes who for years were used to free or cheap pussy are now going to have to pay more for less quality.

LOL you guys got all of this WRONG and obviously are uneducated about East Africa i would recommend you all do some research before posting. First of all the population of prostitutes in Somali is extremely LOW do to Islam and those Al Shabab extremist who will kill a women for walking down the street without a head covering and any non-Somali. Therefore the amount of black or white men going to Somalia for some pussy is nonexistent unless a nagga want to lose his life for a pussy....LOL which i hardly doubt. That was why i pointed out Ethiopia as the African Thailand with more than 25,000 women walking the streets every night. I agree with Somali Halwa though she pointed out a very good point even though there are a lot more white men exploiting African women more and more black men are starting to do the same to their African counterpart, which is extremely sad. Yes part of it has to do with the socioeconomic status and what not but you would expect the black American men to have some kind of sympathy with their own history of slavery and exploitation. At the end of the day men love sex and will do anything to get it.

Somali girls - seriously?

Quote: (09-12-2010 04:08 AM)Thunder Wrote:  

more and more black men are starting to do the same to their African counterpart, which is extremely sad. Yes part of it has to do with the socioeconomic status and what not but you would expect the black American men to have some kind of sympathy with their own history of slavery and exploitation.

Not me -- I don't go to Africa for sex. I go there to only to experience the 'Motherland'.

Somali girls - seriously?

africans have always exploited africans more then anyone else does.... left the their own devices in africa looks what happens, the grossest human rights violations, in not just one african nation but in many. Most people dont know the history, africans tribes would conquer and enslave smaller tribes and then sell those slaves all across africa and the middle east and wherever ever else they could, it was how they got rid of the competition. Read up on ethiopia and somali slavery, which if I remember ethiopia didnt abolish until 1930 or so after an invasion by italy, something along those lines. European nations came in and tried to civilize africa, still what is happening today. Africa the nation with the longest history on the planet and yet is still the leading continent in genocide and civil wars.

African Americans that go to Africa try to help, they dont go to exploit. Thats ridiculous. Plus anyone that has only 3 posts and they are all on one thread are suspect in my book.

Somali girls - seriously?

Now who has a chip on their shoulder?

Somali girls - seriously?

Sorry Somali, its called education, learn about history or you are doomed to repeat it. Educate yourself on the reality of things. Sadly, many peoples problems are results of their own labors or lack there of not of some foreign entity. Its been happening for thousands of years.

I am not jewish but look at the Jewish people, persecuted in one way or the other for thousands of years, yet very intelligent and use their intelligence and hard work to make something of themselves, I personally see them as quite rude the times I have been to Israel but its hard to deny the impact they have had on the world.

Almost every set of people have been slaves to someone at some point in history. I am no history major but I enjoy educating myself about everything as I enjoy learning and expanding my mind. Its a fact tho, Africa has been doing this damage to itself for thousands of years.

Somali girls - seriously?

Quote: (09-10-2010 04:27 PM)clr Wrote:  

Part of my youth was spent with a bunch of rednecks in rural michigan, I'll tell you for every ignorant prejudicial redneck there are thousands that would give anyone in need the shirt of their backs, sadly the ignorant make the news. If we are keeping shit real [Image: smile.gif] I get real tired of everything being blamed on the white man. It's such a crutch and honestly I'm tired of hearing it, like the guys on the board and myself if u want to make something of your life you do, no fucking excuses. Rocco said it well, but I will say, as unpolitically correct as it is, the most racist people I have seen are the blacks in America who faaaar outweigh the whites[b], and I went to 4 highschools, 2 middle schools and lived all over the USA as an adult from NYC to redneck ville Florida.

I'm not going to even take it there and break this nonsense down here (totally off-topic like most of this thread) but you have GOT TO BE KIDDING ME...Back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Somali girls - seriously?

So dismissive of my obviously diminutive experience having lived all over the US and the world, 40 countries, but your childish quip doesnt make it false.?

Lets use a real world example:

The last racial remark I heard was from a black lady on the air train at JFK before flying down here to costa rica a few days ago, saying, "this mutha fuckin cracka" going on and on about "his white ass" she worked for TSA and was talking about some passenger that was going through screening. This occurred in the middle of a train load of people.

What do you think would happen if a white screener was using the same style racial slurs?

The last time I have heard a white person drop the "N" bomb? Cant remember, granted I have quality friends.

When is the last time you heard other blacks talking shit about other races? I'm sorry if you dont like it, but its what I have seen, its taboo for a white person to say anything remotely negative about blacks, but many black seem to think they have free reign to talk shit about every other race, asians, mexicans, whites.

Again, I dont judge anyone, I was in the miltary surrounded by all races, lived my life around the world as a military brat and I have seen it all. IME american blacks are the most racists. Obviously no where near all, but the worst and the saddest part is it seems they feel they have a free pass to judge and be prejudicial.

Somali girls - seriously?

I guess you didnt get the memo that someone doesnt have to drop the N word to be considered racist these days buddy that's soo 1980's [Image: smile.gif] but I'm sure during those nice lunch breaks it gets tossed around. Take a look at the racist drug laws (Crack Cocaine vs Cocacine) and the social policies engineered by WASP over time to see and tell me who is racist here in America. Black people dont have POWER here to create policy that has supported a racist and biased government all the way until 1968. Racism now is hidden and institutionalized and most people would agree with me that It's behing closed doors and speaken to but enforced through laws and a silent code.

Black people don't control this system (Please don't say well Obama is President). These policies were and still are deeply ingrained in American Society. The fact that my own Father didnt receive equal rights as a citizen in this country until 1968 when the USA was built off of his descendants backs yeah I would still be mad and he's expressed the pain and the struggle on how it was back in the day for our family even though they endured it. We are still feeling the after-effects of these social policies today. For example generational wealth, education, oppurtunity.

Easy for someone to say "get over it" but you don't know what it's like to be Black in America so just because someone "grew up" with some doesnt make an expert on anyting unless your ass is living it 24/7. I have traveled and lived in over 41 countries and lived Bi-Coastally granted I come from a Solidly-Middle/Upper class backround but I was still a stones through away from the hood and its elements growing up in Oakland and Los Angeles so I know what it's like.

The Black people I came up and still hang with dont say anything about other races we handle our business and keep it 100% at all times, travel get money, invest, take care of family and live the life. I guess your a product of your environment growing up around the lower rungs of society because the people from my social class (college-educatedPost Grad/Law School/Med School and solidly non-military) don't conduct ourselves in the manner your speaking of. That small percentage to what you speak of is a small microcosm of our society. Now compare that to the attitudes of Middle White America (Rednecks/Nascar/TeaBaggers and the Rest of them) Big difference...One has power one doesnt...To each its own...I'm doing my thing regardless out here and steam rolling all competition.

Somali girls - seriously?

ISW why do you even bother? You can spend hours chopping up Game and educating this fellow and he will not get it. CLR is obviously lying about the comment he made about the Black Brazilian, I am sure he's probably making up the TSA story as well. I would have more respect for him if he would just come out and say what he feels instead of hiding behind made up anectodes. Even if his TSA story is true, to compare some random ramblimbs of some TSA hood rat with the institutional racism that has been in place in the US for centuries as if they we both "equal" is asinine. The world "racist" gets thrown around a lot because I get the feeling that people get the word "prejudice" confused with "racism." In order to be a Racist you need to have the power to act on your prejudice. A Black person calling a White dude "cracka" is not racist, A Black boss firing a White subordinate because he's White now that's racism. Actually I believe using racial slurs is something only the powerless(Both Black and White) do out of frustration with their situation. Real true to the Game racist who are in the position to act on their prejudice do not even utter the word Nigger because it brings unwanted attention. This is something the Tea Party folks are learning the hard way.

Somali girls - seriously?

International swagger,
I love your comments. Couldn't put it better myself. 'Growing up' with the experience of being black and living it 24/7 is totally different! He thinks by quoting a few isolated incidences he is an expert on black people. I am glad you set him straight, though I am sure its wasted on him.

Somali girls - seriously?

LOL @ playa, if I had that great of an imagination I should be writing books [Image: smile.gif] @ Somali, I never once implied I was an expert on "black people", which means COMPLETELY different things all over the world BTW.

As has been pointed out we all have different life experiences and see things differently. Apparently only YOUR views and experiences matter, and its clear there is no leeway in your thinking. If you didnt get a job, its because you are black, etc etc etc.... I am sorry but the fact that a black president was elected shows at the VERY least there are many MANY more non racist people then racist. Those are the people with power and without. Do you really think the topic of lunch conversations among whites are to throw around racial slurs? thats a really jadded thought process.

Funny how a persons character comes out on here, I have never one said anything negative about anyone in the thread yet people are attacking me and talking trash about ME, as opposed to ONLY addressing what I have written. Obviously nothing I say is going to impact how you see the world, since your minds are already completely closed.

What a horrible way to live life. I feel very sorry for you.

EDIT: Speaking of power? Congressional Black Caucus? Where are you NOT allowed to join if you are white? There have been numerous whites that applied only to be told they need to be black. ONLY blacks are allowed to have a skin color only group. Every other Government group is based around ethnicity. I think thats screwed up and continues to keep segregating people, making it an "us and them" world.

Somali girls - seriously?

Quote: (09-30-2010 11:09 PM)clr Wrote:  

EDIT: Speaking of power? Congressional Black Caucus? Where are you NOT allowed to join if you are white? There have been numerous whites that applied only to be told they need to be black. ONLY blacks are allowed to have a skin color only group. Every other Government group is based around ethnicity. I think thats screwed up and continues to keep segregating people, making it an "us and them" world.

Pete Stark , D- Ca. White member of the CBC. You are making shit up again.

Somali girls - seriously?

Then I guess wikipedia is wrong, of course I made up the internet and wikipedia as well. I'm so calculating.....

"Over the years, the question has arisen, "Does the Caucus allow only black members?" Pete Stark, D-Ca., who is white, tried and failed to join in 1975."

Clay issued an official statement from his office:
"Quite simply, Rep. Cohen will have to accept what the rest of the country will have to accept – there has been an unofficial Congressional White Caucus for over 200 years, and now it's our turn to say who can join 'the club.' He does not, and cannot, meet the membership criteria, unless he can change his skin color. Primarily, we are concerned with the needs and concerns of the black population, and we will not allow white America to infringe on those objectives."

Now replace the words white with black and black with white, would you be okay with a statement like that? I am sure not.

You are obviously not even worth my time. I'm done, Your "prejudice" is apparent.

Somali girls - seriously?

Quote: (10-01-2010 10:41 AM)clr Wrote:  

Then I guess wikipedia is wrong, of course I made up the internet and wikipedia as well. I'm so calculating.....

Clay issued an official statement from his office:
"Quite simply, Rep. Cohen will have to accept what the rest of the country will have to accept – there has been an unofficial Congressional White Caucus for over 200 years, and now it's our turn to say who can join 'the club.' He does not, and cannot, meet the membership criteria, unless he can change his skin color. Primarily, we are concerned with the needs and concerns of the black population, and we will not allow white America to infringe on those objectives."

Now replace the words white with black and black with white, would you be okay with a statement like that?

you are 100% right. this is wrong.

Somali girls - seriously?

ok so the CBC foundation website is wrong too....

oh yeah and the CBC website itself is wrong.....

EDIT: I shall redact the smart ass comments I just posted in the hopes that you are referring to the above comments as being wrong and not as the fact that I am wrong about Pete Stark being a member.

Somali girls - seriously?

Quote: (10-01-2010 11:07 AM)clr Wrote:  

ok so the CBC foundation website is wrong too....

oh yeah and the CBC website itself is wrong.....

I shall redact the smart ass comments I just posted in the hopes that yoku are referring to the above comments as being wrong and not as the fact that I am wrong about Pete Stark being a member.

Ok, I was wrong. Peter Starks is not a member of CBC. I stand corrected. This doesn't change the fact that I still believe you made up that story about the Afro-Brazilian, "redacted smart ass comments or not."

Somali girls - seriously?

I respect the fact that you can admit you were wrong. The other thing, those were her exact words, I can replay the situation in my head exactly, I even remember the look on her face, your belief does not change a thing. In the future address what I say, if you dont believe it, fine, your choice, but there is no need to attack me personally.

My point was only that I dont feel the world is as "prejudiced" as some wish to believe. Does it still occur, sure. On many sides, white, hispanic, black, asian. My other point is that I see much more prejudicial comments like the one posted by Rep. W. Clay above, then I see or hear from whites. Many more from hispanics as well, honestly. I agree with what Rep T Tancredo says below.

Representative Tom Tancredo, R-Co., "It is utterly hypocritical for Congress to extol the virtues of a color-blind society while officially sanctioning caucuses that are based solely on race. If we are serious about achieving the goal of a colorblind society, Congress should lead by example and end these divisive, race-based caucuses."

Somali girls - seriously?

You are getting really worked up. Relax.. the world is, what it is.

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