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Bill Maher on Islam

Bill Maher on Islam

I strongly dislike Bill Maher ! But he keeps it real this time.


Bill Maher on Islam

Agreed. Although I don't agree with him politically, he does call it like he sees it.

Bill Maher on Islam

Same here brah.

I try to stay away from politics as much as possible since i get angry, bitter , decrease my quality of life and hurt my Game.

But it just boggles my mind that the " Director for the Center of Studies of Hate and Extremism " at CSU comes up with weak rationalizations like that.

Have you heard his argument? " My kid's dentist is Muslim and he would never do anything like that ! ".

I mean what the fuck man ! That is his logic ?

These are the people educating us man and it is SAD.

Bill Maher on Islam

Anders Breivik carried out his attacks in the name of purifying Christianity...

The problems with Islamic terrorism are due to US foreign policy in the middle east, not the religion itself. Thats why jihad terrorism only really started in the 60's, after Israel and all the dictators for oil were established by the US.

Bill Maher on Islam

Awhile ago people in the west were defending the right to publish cartoons mocking the Prophet Muhammed. In response - an Iranian newspaper launched an annual cartoon competition which searched for entries mocking the Holocaust.

It was an interesting response to the whole issue of freedom of speech.

Bill Maher on Islam

Quote: (04-22-2013 11:22 PM)cycliss Wrote:  

Anders Breivik carried out his attacks in the name of purifying Christianity...

The problems with Islamic terrorism are due to US foreign policy in the middle east, not the religion itself. Thats why jihad terrorism only really started in the 60's, after Israel and all the dictators for oil were established by the US.

Really, you believe this shit?

I am sick and tired of all this grievance crap from Palestinians, and the whole swath of Sunni and Shiite extremists -- and then having to hear it from apolgists like you.

The Palestinians have had their chances to have a real state...from Balfour to Oslo..but NOOOOOO -- they'd rather goosestep through their poverty stricken hell holes with green masks and Ak47s and annouce death to Israel.

The entire Middle East is a basket case of its own making.

Read this slowly -- IT IS NOT THE USA's FAULT.

Did your lips move when you read that? I bet they did.

Egypt is headed to disaster -- gee...guess why? Grievance ridden radicals are running the show now. . Lebanon used to be great until --guess who? -- made it a shit hole. In Iran, they hang homosexuals by construction cranes, even as their 'dear leader" claimed, at Columbia University, that there were none in Iran, to the uncontrollable snickers of the attending audience.

And remember the guys who used to run Afghanistan? What was their moniker....tubahan...tolliban...oh, that's right, the Taliban. I hear they are not very nice. They weren't very nice before we got there...they aren't very nice while we're there...and they won't be very nice when we leave.

Which would lead one to conclude that their lack of niceness is independent of the United States of America.

So, bottom line, take your unthinking apologia, fold it in five, and stick it where the sun don't shine, why don't ya.

Bill Maher on Islam

Usually hate Maher, but have to give props where props are due. I love how his entire audience was too pussy to voice their support. At two different points, I heard ONE person clapping - probably the same dude both times. This is one of the few instances where a mainstream voice has stated tersely and firmly, some truth about Muslims.

Bill Maher on Islam

Quote: (04-22-2013 11:37 PM)tenderman100 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-22-2013 11:22 PM)cycliss Wrote:  

Anders Breivik carried out his attacks in the name of purifying Christianity...

The problems with Islamic terrorism are due to US foreign policy in the middle east, not the religion itself. Thats why jihad terrorism only really started in the 60's, after Israel and all the dictators for oil were established by the US.

Really, you believe this shit?

I am sick and tired of all this grievance crap from Palestinians, and the whole swath of Sunni and Shiite extremists -- and then having to hear it from apolgists like you.

The Palestinians have had their chances to have a real state...from Balfour to Oslo..but NOOOOOO -- they'd rather goosestep through their poverty stricken hell holes with green masks and Ak47s and annouce death to Israel.

The entire Middle East is a basket case of its own making.

Read this slowly -- IT IS NOT THE USA's FAULT.

Did your lips move when you read that? I bet they did.

Egypt is headed to disaster -- gee...guess why? Grievance ridden radicals are running the show now. . Lebanon used to be great until --guess who? -- made it a shit hole. In Iran, they hang homosexuals by construction cranes, even as their 'dear leader" claimed, at Columbia University, that there were none in Iran, to the uncontrollable snickers of the attending audience.

And remember the guys who used to run Afghanistan? What was their moniker....tubahan...tolliban...oh, that's right, the Taliban. I hear they are not very nice. They weren't very nice before we got there...they aren't very nice while we're there...and they won't be very nice when we leave.

Which would lead one to conclude that their lack of niceness is independent of the United States of America.

So, bottom line, take your unthinking apologia, fold it in five, and stick it where the sun don't shine, why don't ya.

Man you really don't know history at all. Now the US cant be blamed for everything, but come on, how can you stand there and say it is not their fault at all ?

First the CIA overthrew a democratically elected president in Iran in 1953 and installed the Shah. After he served his purpose they then brought in the Khomeini, you know that guy that sat in France on the CIA payroll ?

The US also funded and armed Mubarak and kept him in power for 30 years. None of this secret so far what I am saying.

Finally who funded and trained the Taliban ? The good ole US of A.

Also Saudi Arabia was created by the british and they hand picked the " royal family " not to mention the British basically set up modern day Israel and Palestine. So the west is completely guilty of stirring this shit up.

I am sure if we weren't involved they would be killing themselves over something else, but to pretend the US is not at fault at all is clearly ignorant.


Canada, where the women wear pants and the men wear skinny jeans

Bill Maher on Islam

I was going to put together a post like the above. But - BIGINJAPAN said it much better than I would have.

I am no liberal - and even I acknowledge that the amount of shit the US and UK pulled in the first half of the 20th century is insane.

Bill Maher on Islam

Quote: (04-22-2013 11:22 PM)cycliss Wrote:  

Anders Breivik carried out his attacks in the name of purifying Christianity...

The problems with Islamic terrorism are due to US foreign policy in the middle east, not the religion itself. Thats why jihad terrorism only really started in the 60's, after Israel and all the dictators for oil were established by the US.

This is partly true.
The US have haven't helped themselves. The result triggering the darker side of the Islamic Teachings in the average Muslim's mind.

However, the underlining problem is the fact that the Quran has not been changed in any way for thousands of years, thus the darker verses remain in the exact same translation as in the old days. Many of the old verses clearly justify terrorist behavior. This is very dangerous to the uneducated mind who can not rationalize that the teachings were for an era that is gone. Instead, they practice these teaching in the form of Jihad, thus we have Terrorists.

So the problem lies below...
educate the readers in the right way or change the wordings of the book (Which Muslims will never allow as they believe God's word should not be altered)

Quran (2:191-193) - "And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution [of Muslims] is worse than slaughter [of non-believers]... but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah."

Quran (2:244) - "Then fight in the cause of Allah, and know that Allah Heareth and knoweth all things."

Quran (2:216) - "Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not."

Quran (3:56) - "As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help."

Quran (3:151) - "Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority".

Quran (4:74) - "Let those fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other. Whoso fighteth in the way of Allah, be he slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward."

Quran (4:76) - "Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah…"

Quran (4:89) - "They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks."

Quran (4:104) - "And be not weak hearted in pursuit of the enemy; if you suffer pain, then surely they (too) suffer pain as you suffer pain...

Those I posted are just a few of hundreds of other similar verses.

Now imagine, America go to these Muslim countries then make all these excuses as to why they are there, dropping drones, killing etcetc.

The result has just amplified the practice of the darker Quranic verses.

It's very unfortunate as I can't see it getting any better. The growth of Islamic population is rising rapidly and the heart of the problem is the misinterpretation of the Quran.
Christianity has been adjusted over 67 times from Old testament to New Testament. The Rehashing has allowed the faith to reign in this day and age without the darker verses being implanted in people's head daily.

Bill Maher on Islam

I am an atheist. So - I think all religions are dumb.

Yet - I don't think it is fair to say that Islam should have changed over the past 1400 years. To me it defeats the whole point of having a religion - if you are going to cherry pick what you want from it, and continually reinterpret it to fit modern tastes.

What is the point in believing God himself wrote a book - if you then continually muck about with it? Why even be a believer in the first place?

I am with the conservative muslims. Their position is more logical than the other ones.

Bill Maher on Islam

Quote: (04-22-2013 11:37 PM)tenderman100 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-22-2013 11:22 PM)cycliss Wrote:  

Anders Breivik carried out his attacks in the name of purifying Christianity...

The problems with Islamic terrorism are due to US foreign policy in the middle east, not the religion itself. Thats why jihad terrorism only really started in the 60's, after Israel and all the dictators for oil were established by the US.

Really, you believe this shit?

I am sick and tired of all this grievance crap from Palestinians, and the whole swath of Sunni and Shiite extremists -- and then having to hear it from apolgists like you.

The Palestinians have had their chances to have a real state...from Balfour to Oslo..but NOOOOOO -- they'd rather goosestep through their poverty stricken hell holes with green masks and Ak47s and annouce death to Israel.

The entire Middle East is a basket case of its own making.

Read this slowly -- IT IS NOT THE USA's FAULT.

Did your lips move when you read that? I bet they did.

Egypt is headed to disaster -- gee...guess why? Grievance ridden radicals are running the show now. . Lebanon used to be great until --guess who? -- made it a shit hole. In Iran, they hang homosexuals by construction cranes, even as their 'dear leader" claimed, at Columbia University, that there were none in Iran, to the uncontrollable snickers of the attending audience.

And remember the guys who used to run Afghanistan? What was their moniker....tubahan...tolliban...oh, that's right, the Taliban. I hear they are not very nice. They weren't very nice before we got there...they aren't very nice while we're there...and they won't be very nice when we leave.

Which would lead one to conclude that their lack of niceness is independent of the United States of America.

So, bottom line, take your unthinking apologia, fold it in five, and stick it where the sun don't shine, why don't ya.

Michael Scheuer - former head of the CIA's Bin Laden assasination unit - has written four books saying exactly this. You can choose to believe you know better than a 22 year career expert in Islamic terrorism but it won't bring you any closer to reality.

Read the history of Israel's founding, its extremely messy and left millions of brownskinned people raging to this day.

Most of the other countries like Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi, Iraq etc. are all fake countries set up after WW1. Its why they have so many problems.

Iran's elected leader got overthrown by the CIA b/c he wanted to nationalize the oil companies for his people. This leads to the Shah which leads to the crazy Mullahs we have today.

The Taliban are an invention of the Pakistani ISI with CIA support during the 80's to fight the USSR.

Learn some history man. Your level of ignorance is cringeworthy.

Bill Maher on Islam

Quote: (04-23-2013 12:06 AM)cycliss Wrote:  

Quote: (04-22-2013 11:37 PM)tenderman100 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-22-2013 11:22 PM)cycliss Wrote:  

Anders Breivik carried out his attacks in the name of purifying Christianity...

The problems with Islamic terrorism are due to US foreign policy in the middle east, not the religion itself. Thats why jihad terrorism only really started in the 60's, after Israel and all the dictators for oil were established by the US.

Really, you believe this shit?

I am sick and tired of all this grievance crap from Palestinians, and the whole swath of Sunni and Shiite extremists -- and then having to hear it from apolgists like you.

The Palestinians have had their chances to have a real state...from Balfour to Oslo..but NOOOOOO -- they'd rather goosestep through their poverty stricken hell holes with green masks and Ak47s and annouce death to Israel.

The entire Middle East is a basket case of its own making.

Read this slowly -- IT IS NOT THE USA's FAULT.

Did your lips move when you read that? I bet they did.

Egypt is headed to disaster -- gee...guess why? Grievance ridden radicals are running the show now. . Lebanon used to be great until --guess who? -- made it a shit hole. In Iran, they hang homosexuals by construction cranes, even as their 'dear leader" claimed, at Columbia University, that there were none in Iran, to the uncontrollable snickers of the attending audience.

And remember the guys who used to run Afghanistan? What was their moniker....tubahan...tolliban...oh, that's right, the Taliban. I hear they are not very nice. They weren't very nice before we got there...they aren't very nice while we're there...and they won't be very nice when we leave.

Which would lead one to conclude that their lack of niceness is independent of the United States of America.

So, bottom line, take your unthinking apologia, fold it in five, and stick it where the sun don't shine, why don't ya.

Michael Scheuer - former head of the CIA's Bin Laden assasination unit - has written four books saying exactly this. You can choose to believe you know better than a 22 year career expert in Islamic terrorism but it won't bring you any closer to reality.

Read the history of Israel's founding, its extremely messy and left millions of brownskinned people raging to this day.

Most of the other countries like Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi, Iraq etc. are all fake countries set up after WW1. Its why they have so many problems.

Iran's elected leader got overthrown by the CIA b/c he wanted to nationalize the oil companies for his people. This leads to the Shah which leads to the crazy Mullahs we have today.

The Taliban are an invention of the Pakistani ISI with CIA support during the 80's to fight the USSR.

Learn some history man. Your level of ignorance is cringeworthy.

So what do you pose as a solution? Obviously the US cannot cease to exist, and obviously ending Palestinian territory warfare won't end the jihadists, and obviously jihadists will continue their jihad.

None of these fuckers exist without the other, that is true. But what is the solution? There is none really I don't think except to go deeper down the hole, yes?

Bill Maher on Islam

Quote: (04-22-2013 11:22 PM)cycliss Wrote:  

So what do you pose as a solution? Obviously the US cannot cease to exist, and obviously ending Palestinian territory warfare won't end the jihadists, and obviously jihadists will continue their jihad.

None of these fuckers exist without the other, that is true. But what is the solution? There is none really I don't think except to go deeper down the hole, yes?

This is the problem bro. There is no solution if the US don't get out of those countries.

Peace needs to reign between the Muslims and the West.

The best way if I am going to be truly honest is for Muslim's to practice their religion in their respective countries and stay out of the Western Civilization. Because

if they are truly practicing what the Quran teaches, they shouldn't even be there in the first place as the western lifestyle contradicts almost everything in the

Quran. The same thing with the West, Keep themselves to themselves, Go green and stop being Gold Diggers.

The way things are going, the result will be a World War. It just takes one event like the Boston bombings to trigger it.

Assuming that had killed 200 people, what do you think America's reaction would have been?

Bill Maher on Islam


So what do you pose as a solution? Obviously the US cannot cease to exist, and obviously ending Palestinian territory warfare won't end the jihadists, and obviously jihadists will continue their jihad.

None of these fuckers exist without the other, that is true. But what is the solution? There is none really I don't think except to go deeper down the hole, yes?

1.) Achieve energy independence. Go nuclear, green tech, energy conservation.

2.) Drop support for Israel. Stop giving massive multi-billion dollar handouts to their economy and free advanced weapons. Treat them like a normal country like we do everyone else.

3.) Withdraw American military forces from Muslim lands.

4.) Drop support for middle eastern despots whose populations hate them.

Course none of this will ever happen. The truth is that the benefits we get from controlling the entire middle east far outweigh any possible terrorism that may come with it.

Bill Maher on Islam

I can always detect a knee jerk leftist from a mile away. It boils down to this- So called oppressed people are never responsible for their actions no matter how violent, irrational, or insane.

Bill Maher on Islam

We have to get out our military out of the middle east (and every country for that matter). This will never happen, but it would eliminate Muslim hatred and terrorist attacks on us.

Nonetheless, Islam is not a religion of peace. What other religion boasts a prophet who killed thousands of people? Not Judaism or Christianity. Jesus was a pacifist and forgiver. Muhummad was a warlord.

Bill Maher on Islam

The genie is out of the bottle.

Israel has nuclear weapons pointed at every major city in the US and Europe.

If Israel goes down, we all go down. The best way to ensure help from your friends against your enemies. Is to threaten to attack your friends, if your enemies attack you. It is the perfect application of Game Theory.


Bill Maher on Islam


Israel has nuclear weapons pointed at every major city in the US and Europe.

Clicking on the Samson Option link you provided shows no proof of this. The part about Nixon implies Israel nuking the Arabs, not the U.S, as they couldn't even reach the US at the time.

Shame to see people defending Muslims being Muslims by just kneejerk blaming Israel or the US. And god knows I've said enough bad things about Israel and the influence they wield...and the foreign aid they get.

Bill Maher on Islam

Quote: (04-23-2013 12:29 AM)megatron Wrote:  

We have to get out our military out of the middle east (and every country for that matter). This will never happen, but it would eliminate Muslim hatred and terrorist attacks on us.

Nonetheless, Islam is not a religion of peace. What other religion boasts a prophet who killed thousands of people? Not Judaism or Christianity. Jesus was a pacifist and forgiver. Muhummad was a warlord.

Read some Old Testament. And the history of the Crusades... Christianity isn't any better.

Bill Maher on Islam

Quote: (04-22-2013 11:37 PM)tenderman100 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-22-2013 11:22 PM)cycliss Wrote:  

Anders Breivik carried out his attacks in the name of purifying Christianity...

The problems with Islamic terrorism are due to US foreign policy in the middle east, not the religion itself. Thats why jihad terrorism only really started in the 60's, after Israel and all the dictators for oil were established by the US.

Really, you believe this shit?

I am sick and tired of all this grievance crap from Palestinians, and the whole swath of Sunni and Shiite extremists -- and then having to hear it from apolgists like you.

The Palestinians have had their chances to have a real state...from Balfour to Oslo..but NOOOOOO -- they'd rather goosestep through their poverty stricken hell holes with green masks and Ak47s and annouce death to Israel.

The entire Middle East is a basket case of its own making.

Read this slowly -- IT IS NOT THE USA's FAULT.

Did your lips move when you read that? I bet they did.

Egypt is headed to disaster -- gee...guess why? Grievance ridden radicals are running the show now. . Lebanon used to be great until --guess who? -- made it a shit hole. In Iran, they hang homosexuals by construction cranes, even as their 'dear leader" claimed, at Columbia University, that there were none in Iran, to the uncontrollable snickers of the attending audience.

And remember the guys who used to run Afghanistan? What was their moniker....tubahan...tolliban...oh, that's right, the Taliban. I hear they are not very nice. They weren't very nice before we got there...they aren't very nice while we're there...and they won't be very nice when we leave.

Which would lead one to conclude that their lack of niceness is independent of the United States of America.

So, bottom line, take your unthinking apologia, fold it in five, and stick it where the sun don't shine, why don't ya.

Come on. You sound like a cartoon character.

Of its own making?

You do know the history of the Middle East right? The western powers have been meddling in the region since the days of the Ottoman empire. Does that mean that everything is America's fault? No. There are plenty of problems that these countries could be addressing and aren't. That being said, the United States has overthrown democratically elected governments that we just didn't like. The Unites States has supported dictators like Saddam Hussein and Mubarak. The United States is killing civillians in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Yemen with drones. These are just facts.

Bill Maher on Islam

The claim was mentioned in the book 'How The End Begins' by Ron Rosenbaum.

Here is a mention of the claim that I found on YouTube.

It is a rational form of defense/blackmail. And I think Israel should pursue it in order to help safeguard their existence.

Bill Maher on Islam

This is Schuerer's main thesis on why terrorists are attacking Western Society:

"The fundamental flaw in our thinking about Bin Laden is that 'Muslims hate and attack us for what we are and think, rather than what we do.' Muslims are bothered by our modernity, democracy, and sexuality, but they are rarely spurred to action unless American forces encroach on their lands. It's American foreign policy that enrages Osama and al-Qaeda, not American culture and society."

And UBL admitted to this shit.

You want to know the only thing you can assume about a broken down old man? It's that he's a survivor.

Bill Maher on Islam

Quote: (04-22-2013 11:22 PM)cycliss Wrote:  

Anders Breivik carried out his attacks in the name of purifying Christianity...

The problems with Islamic terrorism are due to US foreign policy in the middle east, not the religion itself. Thats why jihad terrorism only really started in the 60's, after Israel and all the dictators for oil were established by the US.

I almost spit out my Protein Shake reading that brah !

Although US foreign policy definitely fueled resentment towards the west in the middle-east, we are talking about the religion as a whole.

Whenever Muslims come in close proximity with any other religion, there are problems.

How would you justify Nigerian Muslims ( Boko Haram) repeatedly bombing churches on a Sunday morning in Southern Nigeria ? Is it because of US foreign policy in the middle east ?

Why do Muslims clash with Buddhists .... (supposedly the most peaceful religion in the world) in central Myanmar ?

Muslims Vs Hindus in Northern India ? Christians have been living in India for hundreds of years. Ever heard of Hindu Vs Christian violence ?

How about Muslims in Southern Ethiopia recently sport chopping the heads and hands of the traditional animists if they did not convert to Islam ? Orthodox Christians lived in Ethiopia for thousands of years but never had problems with the Animists.

None of those instances have anything to do with US foreign Policy.


It is a religion which was born out of violence, propagated through violence, and promotes violence even today.

Theree are the two ways to judge the essence of a religion on some question.

1)You look at the established teachings of that religion from its holy book 2) You look at the manner by which those most faithful to that religion carry out their obedience to their belief system.

Though violence towards those of other faiths is certainly not unknown of, Islam goes further than the other religions of the world in that its holy texts command and commend religiously-motivated violence against non-muslims.

I have Muslim Bros i truly love.

I have nothing against them as individuals.

But as a group and global force ... I am against Muslims and Islam !

You're still on that PC-licious man !

Drop it and get on that Red-Pillicious !

Bill Maher on Islam

Quote: (04-23-2013 12:45 AM)cycliss Wrote:  

Quote: (04-23-2013 12:29 AM)megatron Wrote:  

We have to get out our military out of the middle east (and every country for that matter). This will never happen, but it would eliminate Muslim hatred and terrorist attacks on us.

Nonetheless, Islam is not a religion of peace. What other religion boasts a prophet who killed thousands of people? Not Judaism or Christianity. Jesus was a pacifist and forgiver. Muhummad was a warlord.

Read some Old Testament. And the history of the Crusades... Christianity isn't any better.

Tell me where I was factually wrong. The first Jew was Abraham, according to OT. He didn't kill anyone. Moses? he killed an Egyptian guard to escape from enslavement? Jesus? Killed no one. Was all about forgiveness.

The Crusades were perpetrated by the Catholic church. Many argue that they are an evil organization. Protestant sects and Orthodox Christians have done much less in comparison. Where in the Bible is the violence of the crusades justified? There isn't one verse about spreading Christianity with the sword. In fact, for the first 300 years after Christ's death, Christians were regularly being slaughtered for their faith.

Islam is a wild, violent religion. And the fact remains that Muhummad ordered the murder of thousands of people. He was a cruel, despotic military leader. Non-Muslims, according to the Quran, are to be treated with contempt and some instances, are allowed to be executed with impunity.

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