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Some gays are redpill

Some gays are redpill

Whether you agree with same sex marriage or not, I think this gay person is probably the most honest about the movement that I've read to date

One commentor wrote:


I am also a homosexual male against same-sex “marriage.” My opposition to same-sex marriage stems mainly from my deep respect for traditional aesthetic values. Marriage, as an institution, was designed for heterosexual couples and as author Jack Donovan has pointed out “we have thousands of years of poetry and history and art and theater that conceptualize marriage as a romantic mating dance between a man and a woman.” Marriage has and always will be rooted in the male-female relationship and was never intended for homosexual couples. I am annoyed by the silly attempts of so many gay men and lesbians to imitate the nuclear family and in the process redefine a centuries old institution for their own selfish political ends.

A recent story illustrates my point: Queen Sofia of Spain, a country where same-sex marriage has been legal since 2006, recently made comments criticizing the country’s new same-sex marriage law, saying: “If those people [gays and lesbians] want to live together, dress up like bride and groom and marry, they could have a right to do so, or not, depending on the law of their country, but they should not call this matrimony, because it isn’t.” Of course after she made these remarks gay activists in Spain went crazy, demanding that she immediately apologize to the gay community because her comments were “offensive.” Again, I am a homosexual male, and I find nothing offensive about her comments. I can find only truth in what she had to say. Gay men and lesbians may claim they are married and states may choose to recognize these marriages as legal, but there will always be people, those who balk at the notion of same-sex “marriage,” who will never truly consider these unions to be real marriages.

In their efforts to redefine marriage, gay activist are doing more harm than good. The issue is slowing down prospects for real progress, such as civil unions legislation and the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” The Republican Party’s recent strategy of using the issue to elect conservative politicians who support the religious right also demonstrates this point. Demands for same-sex “marriage” are only slowing chances for real progress.

Bravo. It's good to see that gays are not monolithic on the topic. They aren't all radicalized and want to politicize their homosexuality. I have no problem with gays like this that are just cool being gay, aren't trying to force everyone to love and accept it and just want to be left alone to live how they want to live. That's cool with me. The people that annoy me the most are the uber-PC SWPLs that are ready to excoriate anyone that isn't pro-gay. Some of them can be even more radically pro-gay than gays themselves. They are worse than radical male feminists.

Some gays are redpill

I made an anti gay marriage status on facebook and all my gay friends liked it. Straight friends were the ones who were mad about it. White knights especially.

Some gays are redpill

Quote: (04-18-2013 04:22 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Whether you agree with same sex marriage or not, I think this gay person is probably the most honest about the movement that I've read to date

I get what he's saying. My personal position is that civil marriage should not exist at all---but that if it does gays should not be excluded from it.

What this guy seems to be missing is that no one is forcing gays to marry, just like no one forces straights to marry. Yes, gay marriage is coming but if these guys don't want to get married then, well, don't. I have a feeling it's going to be mostly lesbians getting hitched behind these laws and if you look at the stats in Massachusetts and other states that have legalized it, that seems to be the case.

No one's making anyone do anything here.

Some gays are redpill

I've also known gays who were pretty red pill with regards to women. They tend to make friends with women more easily and so woman say shit to and around them they would never say around straight men.

Some of most hardcore, anti-white knight and anti-beta shit I heard about women as a kid came from the older gay brother of a dude I knew in high school. He had a fair number of hot female friends and he would neg the shit out of the broads all the time. The guy also had agree/amplify and contrast game down to a science. I used to think he would piss them off, but they would just giggle, clearly enjoying it. These girls would talk about the simps they would play and the bad boys they were fucking so he knew what they were really about, and knew they craved alpha, while me and my boys still had a lot of the girls still up on the pedestal. He was completely outcome independent (for obvious reasons) and confident as fuck.

I didn't really start to internalize these lessons until college, but it was good to be exposed to it at that young age.

Some gays are redpill

I just want the issue to go away. I'm sick of hearing about it. And I absolutely cannot stand those that compare it the plight blacks had to face during the civil rights era and before.

Some gays are redpill

Gay marriage is bullshit, but I just don't care if they legalize it.

Some gays are redpill

Most gay guys I know hate fat, ugly, angry lesbians who have attitudes just as much as we do.

Gay guys and lesbians = apples and oranges

Some gays are redpill

My experience with fags has been mixed. Some have been cool, some have been more bitchy than any chick I've ever encountered. My opinion of fags has gone a bit down after my experience with some of them recently. Some of them really are unpleasant assholes.

Some gays are redpill

Quote: (04-18-2013 05:20 PM)esperar Wrote:  

My experience with fags has been mixed. Some have been cool, some have been more bitchy than any chick I've ever encountered. My opinion of fags has gone a bit down after my experience with some of them recently. Some of them really are unpleasant assholes.

In my experience, the bitchy ones are usually the flamers, the really feminine, flamboyant ones. They can drop dead. The cool ones are usually the ones who are just like regular guys who you can hang out and watch a game with or play sports...except they like dick for some reason.

Some gays are redpill

Quote: (04-18-2013 05:05 PM)Zebra_Cakes Wrote:  

I just want the issue to go away. I'm sick of hearing about it. And I absolutely cannot stand those that compare it the plight blacks had to face during the civil rights era and before.

I think people who use the comparison to the black civil rights movement ought to shut the fuck up. How many gay pride parades have you seen where the national guard shows up and fire hoses are turned on demonstrators?

I have no problem with gay guys, often they are among the most pleasant folks I meet. Personally I think the government should not go beyond the civil union for any couple, man and woman or man and man.

Some gays are redpill

Yes, I met one of them recently and he was cool. The fucking fags who were pricks to me unprovoked can go choke on a dick.

Some gays are redpill

Government should stay out of marriage. Let two consenting adults formulate their own marital contracts.

Some gays are redpill

Quote: (04-18-2013 05:37 PM)megatron Wrote:  

Government should stay out of marriage. Let two consenting adults formulate their own marital contracts.

Yes, why the hell is gov't even involved in marriage at all? I can't believe that this issue hasn't been raised more.

Some gays are redpill

Quote: (04-18-2013 05:02 PM)dragnet Wrote:  

I've also known gays who were pretty red pill with regards to women. They tend to make friends with women more easily and so woman say shit to and around them they would never say around straight men.

Some of most hardcore, anti-white knight and anti-beta shit I heard about women as a kid came from the older gay brother of a dude I knew in high school. He had a fair number of hot female friends and he would neg the shit out of the broads all the time. The guy also had agree/amplify and contrast game down to a science. I used to think he would piss them off, but they would just giggle, clearly enjoying it. These girls would talk about the simps they would play and the bad boys they were fucking so he knew what they were really about, and knew they craved alpha, while me and my boys still had a lot of the girls still up on the pedestal. He was completely outcome independent (for obvious reasons) and confident as fuck.

I didn't really start to internalize these lessons until college, but it was good to be exposed to it at that young age.

Interesting. In fact you just got me thinking. Maybe gay men can be of use to us in some way. Come to think of it a lot of gay men have an instant in with hot women, because hot women just looooove gay men as friends(they are in the harmless zone). Especially gay guys that work in things like fashion, theatre, Hollywood. They know tons of hotties. If you were friends with one of these gay guys you would be able to infiltrate that circle of women.

Some gays are redpill

I'm warning you guys about the fags, there's a price to pay. They're often really bitchy and some of them wouldn't stop trying to fuck me. Be careful.

Some gays are redpill

Also, they will constantly try to get you 'to try it out' and it doesn't matter how much you say no, they will persist.

Some gays are redpill

Quote: (04-18-2013 06:54 PM)esperar Wrote:  

Also, they will constantly try to get you 'to try it out' and it doesn't matter how much you say no, they will persist.

I've heard that a lot of gay guys have this fantasy of "converting" straight guys similar to how straight men would love to deflower an 18 year old chic.

Some gays are redpill

No qualms with gay dudes at all here. Really dislike Lesbians though, they are fucking cunts

Don't forget to check out my latest post on Return of Kings - 6 Things Indian Guys Need To Understand About Game

Desi Casanova
The 3 Bromigos

Some gays are redpill

Mad gays are red pill. They think women are gross. I actually believe that gay men will be the future backbone our society. They keep women in check.

Some gays are redpill

Quote: (04-19-2013 03:33 AM)bojangles Wrote:  

No qualms with gay dudes at all here. Really dislike Lesbians though, they are fucking cunts
Met a cool bisexual woman along with the fags. Wanted to bone her, but she wasn't interested I think, but we got along great. Bull dykes just make me ill.

Some gays are redpill

Gays are inherently self-destructive and more risk seeking so it is no surprise hey hold more radical and red-pill views. By the programming of nature being an anomaly they are hard wired to remove them selves from the gene pool since they do not give to the grand scheme to pro-creation.

The establishment can try to keep he stats quiet but in time they will come out but if you look at stats you see that Gay men die early by a large margin by fucked up metrics like obvious things like heart ailments, but also other weird shit like murder and car accidents.

This has benefits to them. For the most part man Gay men are very successful and wealthy because they have a more blood thirsty mentality hen Hetero males. The top ends of money and power are littered with psychopaths and Gay Men because both lack true empathy or long term goals that extend beyond them selves and their needs. A hero man has to have providing and spawning children in his mind (or at least attracting the fertile women whom spawn children) while a Gay man is not bothered with that stuff and can simple to just perform and attain wealth.

Don't be so quick to prop up Gay males because they have largely been in power and influence for all of modern days. Its just now they can be open about their lifestyles but they we're around 100 years ago and will be around 100 years ago from now large in the same blocks and scope of power. A the end of the day they don't give a fuck about anybody but themselves, they have no desire to prop up or aid us hetro Men.

Some gays are redpill

Homosexual men have existed for all of history. I don't even think they are "different".

Men like to fuck things. They fuck women. They fuck farm animals. They fuck other men. Then after running around and fucking whatever they can fuck, they all gang together, arm themselves, and go hunt bison.

I think gay marriage is bullshit, but I don't care. Let them get married. Within 6 months they will have lost interest and moved on to some other issue.

Some gays are redpill

I've had a lot of experience around gay dudes. I lived in SF (after all).

Heres my thoughts on the subject from fag-hag game thread....

"Haha, great thread. I used to do this in SF. I would do the exact opposite of Tuth's recs. Wear something simple. Dress shirt and jeans/ V-neck and jeans. Dont be flashy. Gay guys are flashy.

Do befriend the gay dudes who are w/the hot girls. Its really as simple as saying, "your girlfriend is hot. Can you introduce me? " Just smile, deflect at their come-ons.

Be ready for heavy attention. Straight guys are high-value targets for gay dudes. Guess gay dudes want to "turn straight dudes".
Be ready to be groped heavily by both sexes. Gays are very sexually promiscuous and that vibe rubs off on girls.

Edit- a lot of gay dudes want you to pick up their hot friends AS LONG as you are cool with them AND seem like a decent dude. Girls interfere w/the gay-macking vibe. When their "girls are taken care of", its prime hunting time."

WIA- For most of men, our time being masters of our own fate, kings in our own castles is short. Even those of us in the game will eventually succumb to ease of servitude rather than deal with the malaise of solitude

Some gays are redpill

@kosko- you nailed the gay power dynamic. Why live for tomorrow when you have no tomorrow. Plus you are a "high-risk" individual. In your old age, you could get AIDS...buttsex aint safe.

WIA- For most of men, our time being masters of our own fate, kings in our own castles is short. Even those of us in the game will eventually succumb to ease of servitude rather than deal with the malaise of solitude

Some gays are redpill

I was trying to find a thread to post this in.

There's a gay couple in our social circle. They adopted a baby girl. They were raising her as gender neutral because they didn't want the girl to be steer one way or the other by "social programming." This meant that they didn't let her play with dolls or trucks. I honestly have no idea what a gender neutral toy would be; maybe a can of glue? or a door handle?

Anyways, it turns out that she hung out with another little girl one time who had some dolls around. Our girl had no idea what to do. After looking at the doll for a little while, she picked one of them up put it on her shoulder and started patting it like a mother would.

On that day, the gay couple had a WTF moment and revisited their gender neutral parenting theory to start raising the little girl like a little girl.

True story.

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