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Provincial Belarus: Data Sheet

Provincial Belarus: Data Sheet

I have made numerous solo trips ( about 10 ) to the provinces of Belarus,mainly concentrating on the Eastern part of the country. I have had successes and failures in equal measure over there,had one night stands and a LTR and will share some info and insights about the place and how to go about getting laid out there. I don't claim to know it all, or that my advice is the only way to go about things,it is merely what I have found has worked for me over the years. Maybe it will for you too.

Provincial Belarus is a place unlike anywhere else I have been in Europe. It's one of empty roads running in a straight line through endless forests and fence-less fields. The pace of life is slow. The region that I know well ( South East ) is a flat land scattered with small villages that are stuck in time. Many of the villages have no running water,babushkas still have to use the outside toilet in winter when it is minus 20 centigrade. Life revolves around the Kolkhoz which employs a lot of the residents of these villages. There are no gaming options here. The only girls you see are young teenagers staying with their babushka/dedushka during the school holidays. Everyone else left as soon as they could. Next up you have the towns,small in population and small on entertainment options. These towns like Hoiniki or Zhlobin are usually identical: they have some shops selling vitals,a market place selling produce from dachas,a Soviet hotel that is overpriced,the local factory that employs the town,a couple of bars,a couple of restaurants and a train station. There is a main street and then apartment blocks all around it. These places offer practically nothing for a tourist interested in seeing any kind of 'sights'. These towns do have some great looking women and are worth targeting if you have time to dedicate to the place,have an adventurous spirit and speak some Russian. However even with that you can find it hit or miss. I have had great successes and miserable failures in these towns. Finally you have the big towns: Gomel,Vitsebsk,Mogilov. University towns with a lot of girls in the right age group. There is a lot more to do then the second tier towns in terms of entertainment and gaming. You have clubs ( don't get too excited ),bars and a more open minded group of women who have escaped their smaller towns at the small town mentality. These should be your primary base and you can have a lot of fun here.

It's not a cliché,the women there are certainly more reserved on the whole then Russian women,but don't put them on a pedestal,they are still Slavic and are not a demure push over. They give as good as they get when the occasion demands. They are a good looking race of women but I would put Ukrainians above them because personally I like brunettes and there are more in the Ukraine and also because Ukrainian women dress better and do themselves up more. Belarusian women are an attractive race but a little conservative and this translates to their style as well as their values and thinking. With average wages in the low $100's they tend to buy their clothes on the weekend markets that pop up on the outskirts of these towns. Hence the styles are cheap and cheerful Ukrainian imports. They always make the best of themselves though with what they have but they just don't dress in that slutty way I love to see south of the border.

Another thing worth mentioning is that despite not having much in terms of money the people are not all clamouring to get out of there. Do not expect that as a foreigner in the backwaters you will in any way have women of quality throwing themselves at you. To bang out there you must bring some game to the table. I have been in towns in the south where the people have nothing,the only jobs are working bare foot in cow shit on the local Kolkhoz for $120 a month,the infrastructure has collapsed,it's been irradiated by Chernobyl and still the women I have met in shops or on the street have shown little interest in meeting me. Some people ( this forum is very clued up on the whole ) have this romantic image of walking into town in their Gucci loafers and snagging a 10 due to the poverty. It might happen but it probably won't. It is surprising how totally uninterested in a rare foreigner they are considering he may be seen as a way out. People seem far more interested in me in Russia then Belarus. I kind of like that attitude.

Let's look at how to bang in this part of the world. There is no need to discuss villages and smaller towns as there are hardly any opportunities to bother with. I don't actually know what the difference is between second and first tier cities so for the purpose of this post we will call Gomel,Vitsebsk,first tier and Rechitsa,Bobruisk etc. second tier.

Second Tier Bang:

If you want to bang in the provinces you have to approach things in a certain way. Outside of Minsk foreigners are rare. In my 4 summers there I only ever met one in the provinces a mid 50's Englishmen who had married a local woman. This means you stand out,big time! People will turn their heads when they hear your accent. They also have an innate ability to spot a foreigner from a hundred yards away without hearing you speak. I never worked out how people instinctively knew I was a foreigner even when I was just on my way to the gym in a t-shirt and trackie bottoms. Anyway this 'standing out' from the crowd can hinder you down there because in these smaller towns everyone knows everyone and due to the monotony of life people gossip,a lot. News of a foreigner in town spreads.

So out in the open if you stop to talk to a girl in the street she can be very reluctant to engage with you because of what passers by may think of her. For example I approached a girl once in Bobruisk,we got talking and as we did so on the main road a woman walked past and said under her breath 'prostitutka' to her. That ended that interaction! I heard my LTR's mother say the same thing once when driving through a small town. Two girls were dancing in a park to music on a radio. She looked at them and said "prostitutes!". WTF! I asked her why she said that and she said that girls who make a show of themselves in public are obviously prostitutes or sluts ( I actually think the word prostitute out here is used more to mean slut then it is an actual prostitute ) . That is what you are up against out here in the smaller towns. So girls know that if they are seen talking to a stranger in their town and laughing and flirting that they can very quickly have rumours spread about them by whoever sees her. Now if you were seen as someone who might be there long term then she may be willing to take the risk but to her you are just a tourist passing through and hence why bother risking the rumours and innuendo being spread? I never had this problem in Russia where the girls are more forthright and free but here in the backwoods of one of Europe's most conservative countries the mindset prevails .Now this would not be such an issue if there was a bar culture out there. In the confines of a bar where girls are with like minded people and not being watched or judged by their parent's colleagues,neighbours etc. they would no doubt be more open and less wary of you approaching. But the problem is that such a culture does not exist in the provinces. There are some bars ( usually with a table of Gopniki at it sharing a bottle between them ) but due to lack of money the way friends relax is by chipping in for a large bottle of 'Rechitsa' beer between them and going for a promenade with the rest of the town down by the river bank or through the local park. So you are kind of reduced to having to do cold approaches which as I explained are difficult in public view. ( I have to re-iterate that I am talking generally. Every rule can be broken and I have had success by breaking them, I am merely pointing out what I have found in the majority of my own personal experiences ).

So how do you get laid in the provinces? The sure fire way to get laid in the provinces is pretty much the same as any FSU provincial town, you spend time in one town,say a month. You rent an apartment get known,have Russian lessons and meet people. Unfortunately we don't all have the time or inclination to do that. We usually have just a few days in a town and so your tactic is that you must get 'in' with a local. Your best bet is Mamba. You'll find girls on there from most Belarusian towns ( be warned that English levels are low ). I think mamba is a great tool and can reap great results but I don't often use it. The reason why not is I love the uncertainty of arriving in a town and not knowing what will happen,that is what I keep going back for,to challenge myself. I love arriving in an nondescript town in the FSU backwaters where I do not know a soul,where the people look unwelcoming and then over the course of a few days using my guile and wit to get past that and end up in bed with a good looking girl. Sometimes it works and I get on the train out of there a few days later with a huge smile on my face and sometimes it does not and I learn from my mistakes. So how do I get 'in' with a local? I use my 'Oscar Schindler' tactic and it rarely let's me down.

Remember that scene in Schindler's List where we first meet him? He is in a restaurant splashing the cash,buying officers drinks,making toasts,being 'That Man'. I do exactly the same. I usually head to a bar ( I do this in parks too wherever locals hang out but only with guy groups, not girls ) and see a group of male targets and get talking ( guys have non of the social pressures in talking to a foreigner ). They are usually simple guys in sports gear without much money to rub between them. Younger guys are better and ones that are on the cusp of being gopniki are great because they have access to slutty women. I'll buy us all drinks,get them drunk,invite them to England,make toasts to random shit,let them play on my I-phone where I happen to show them my photos of me in my drop top Merc or in exotic locations around the world etc. What I do not do is ever mention Belarusian girls to these types unless they do,I never give them the impression that they should in any way hide their women from me or I am using them to gain access. At the end of the night they usually escort me back to my hotel,we hug it out and I go to bed. Whilst I'm asleep however I know these dudes are phoning their other friends and GF's telling them about this foreigner they met and that he's a great laugh,bought them beer all night. You are officially 'in'. Now you're new buddies who think you are the shit,will call you up to smoke weed or drink. They will also want to show you off to their female friends and GF's because now they have a foreign friend they have a higher value and they will have friends asking if they can be introduced. It always works like that. You don't need to say anything to impress the girls when you meet them because these guys will big you up to them themselves,they will give you the ultimate accomplishment intros without realising they have just set a cat amongst the pigeons. From here on in you can drop your new friends ( this is easier said then done as these guys can be persistent! I have had them call me repeatedly to the point where I have had to lie that I have left town and then had to avoid them for the rest of my stay which is stressful ) and just run your game on the girls and get your bangs in the way you usually would in the FSU. This technique is one that I rely on constantly in a town where I know nobody and it does not let me down often. Another technique is to FB friend people so that you know someone,anyone in the town. Then you say you plan to visit and they will offer show you around the town. No doubt you will be taken to the promenade in the evening and because you are now not the foreign stranger but 'Sergei's friend' for example you can talk to women without them worrying about it. In my personal experience the best people to FB close are older women,not because you want to bang them but because they are great match makers and if they know you are single and like you they will try to set you up with local single girls that they know or are daughters of their friends. I have one middle aged woman there right now who has invited me to stay with her in Kletsk for a week. I guarantee by the end of it she will be matchmaking for me. On two occasions in these towns I have had mothers ask me if I would like to take out their daughters. Both times I was with my LTR so I declined but things like that can happen if you look like son in law material : )

First Tier Bang:

Larger cities like Gomel and Vitsebsk ( the two I know best in the region ) are a different ball game. If you can get laid in the second tier you will have no problems here in the first tier. These are towns with a choice of bars,a couple of clubs,outdoor beer gardens and you will meet an open minded female population who are mostly at a local university and hence free of the constrictive conservatism of their own towns. These towns also have football teams that play in Europe and international events such as 'Slavansky Bazaar' so the outlook is more Westernised. Although I don't know Minsk and have never been out gaming there ( that will change soon! ) I would think the what works there would work here pretty much, The Oscar Schindler approach is not needed here but I still try to find a local wing on my first night. The social proof he offers will reap dividends and hopefully he will sort you out a place to stay ( he will also feel it his duty to introduce you to one of his single friends ). What you want to do here is go to the local hang out ( in Gomel it is by the fountain near the FC Gomel stadium. In Vitsebsk I found it to be the park in the middle of town where the outdoor shashlik and beer places are ) and with your wing approach girls like you would anywhere else. I have had some great success in these places and loved the banter with the girls. You don't need to complicate things with thinking about how to approach correctly just use the tried and tested and common way to meet women in this part of the world: sit at a table at an outside beer place like the one in front of the Hotel Tourist in Gomel and have a beer. When you see a table with alone pair of girls on it you go over and invite them to join you ( In Russian you can say "davstate nam kompanye" ). Hopefully they speak English but if not your wing should be earning his beer and gaming them for you both. If he is not then he needs to be replaced. From there you just run your normal game banter and invite them to a club. Not everyone can afford a club so it can be a persuasive proposition. You are however expected to pay for entry and drinks. If you have some dance floor skills you will do well as FSU men generally can't dance for shit. Escalate kino but don't go for the kiss yet wait til you get to the sex location which is often the stairwell of the girl's apartment block. Outside of Gomel there is a place by the river bank where people go to fuck after clubbing. If you have a car with you as I did get your wing to direct you all there. It's down a sandy track with lots of little private parking spots that affords privacy from bushes and trees. You park up,break open the beer,switch on the cd player and escalate to sex. It's that formulaic that you can do it with your eyes closed eventually. If you spent a month in Vitsebsk for example,you would get a lot of bangs with some great looking women if you just did these simple things and played it right and had some Russian skills.

Overall verdict of provincial Belarus bangs:

I have to be honest,it is a hard place to bang out there. This is not newbie territory by any stretch of the imagination. Unsmiling people,lack of English,conservative social mores,no other tourists to bump into and party with,lack of things to do when not gaming,expensive hotels of poor standard,three tier pricing system where foreigners get charged more.....It's only for the masochists among us. I liked it,but I get a kick out of testing myself against the elements and emerging triumphant ( sometimes ). The rewards are some great looking women who are a joy to open up and bring out of their shells,like opening a Matryoshka doll but it won't be for everyone. If you want to party in decent clubs,meet English speaking women and ease yourself into the FSU experience then stick to Kiev which is a great city to party in. But if you want a challenge then maybe come and see for yourself what the provinces are like.

Provincial Belarus: Data Sheet

Great info Vortuka. Will refer to this when I head there

Provincial Belarus: Data Sheet

[Image: gift4.jpg]

Solid datasheet. I'm really interested in Belarus. Did you ever run into anyone who didn't or wouldn't speak Russian? I'm not familiar with the differences between Belarusian and Russian at all.

I'm also curious what made you jump straight to the college towns..did you hear bad things about Minsk? What is the visa situation like in Belarus? I'm guessing UK and US requirements are similar.

I like your technique for the second-tier towns. My town is pretty small but I lucked out and found a really good wing who has been helpful in every way, so there was no need or want to ditch. I don't think it is really necessary in Russia, but a wing with good social connections can hook you up with girls that might appear disinterested otherwise.

Provincial Belarus: Data Sheet

I largely agree with the above although the OP clearly plays the local game(mixed groups you buy drinks and food for everyone) which personally I did not like.Some Belorussian girls even invited me to this place next to the river to buy beer for their parents.
As I also have written street pick up is extremely difficult in eastern Belarus while it is very possible in western Belarus.Also most girls are receptive in clubs in eastern Belarus if you buy them drinks.If they are interested in banging you they usually ask for a present(usually worth 50 euro).

Provincial Belarus: Data Sheet

Quote: (03-09-2012 12:38 PM)Blunt Wrote:  

[Image: gift4.jpg]

Solid datasheet. I'm really interested in Belarus. Did you ever run into anyone who didn't or wouldn't speak Russian? I'm not familiar with the differences between Belarusian and Russian at all.

I'm also curious what made you jump straight to the college towns..did you hear bad things about Minsk? What is the visa situation like in Belarus? I'm guessing UK and US requirements are similar.

I like your technique for the second-tier towns. My town is pretty small but I lucked out and found a really good wing who has been helpful in every way, so there was no need or want to ditch. I don't think it is really necessary in Russia, but a wing with good social connections can hook you up with girls that might appear disinterested otherwise.

No never met anyone who could not or would not. There is no anti-Russian sentiment here like there is in parts of the Baltic's say. Everybody speaks Russian and I would guess that 90% do so as their first language. Belarusian is taught in schools as a second language in the same way we were taught French. I have been in villages in the West and still the people there speak Russian too.

Minsk is cool by all accounts and I have been briefly. It was just the way things worked out,my LTR was from the East so I never ended up in Minsk. Was not deliberate to avoid it. I'll be going soon.

As for the visa my ex's parents always sort me out an invitation. It used to be that you could just put a name down on the application form and that was good enough but now you need to present the actual original visa invitation. Pain in the ass. Plenty of companies can do it for you though and it's not difficult. Here:

You're right,Russia is a different ball game and easier then Belarus. I love my trips there and always end up meeting some great people. A good local wing is worth his weight in gold. Where about are you anyway?

Quote: (03-10-2012 01:15 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

I largely agree with the above although the OP clearly plays the local game(mixed groups you buy drinks and food for everyone) which personally I did not like.Some Belorussian girls even invited me to this place next to the river to buy beer for their parents.
As I also have written street pick up is extremely difficult in eastern Belarus while it is very possible in western Belarus.Also most girls are receptive in clubs in eastern Belarus if you buy them drinks.If they are interested in banging you they usually ask for a present(usually worth 50 euro).

That is only partially correct. When I do my Oscar opener I ONLY approach male sets not mixed. I don't want to in any way give them the idea I'm after local women hence I don't even talk about women. I drop about $40 in a night on alcohol and it pays me back ten times over during the following days. I do not buy them dinner.

After that when I have invited a girl out then yes I will buy her drinks for the evening or food if we eat out. It's the way it works over there. You invite someone out you pay. I never spend an evening paying for a mixed sets night out. There is no need.

The only guy I will buy dinner for on my trip is my wing. We will usually go to a local stolovaya at the start of the evening have a meal and plan the evening ahead,sorting logistics out and for me personally,getting into a high energy state to overcome any approach anxiety I have when approaching incredibly attractive women in a language I barely speak who are often from 15-20 years younger then me.

I agree 100% with the difference between girls in the East and West of the country. I thought I was the only one who noticed that! What's it all about? All the trouble I had in places like Rechitsa dissipated in towns like Baranovichy. I have only passed through the West but people actually smile on the street there. I will definitely visit the area,maybe in April and do a data sheet so we can compare the differences between East and West Belarus.

Provincial Belarus: Data Sheet

Quote: (03-10-2012 01:15 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

I largely agree with the above although the OP clearly plays the local game(mixed groups you buy drinks and food for everyone) which personally I did not like.Some Belorussian girls even invited me to this place next to the river to buy beer for their parents.
As I also have written street pick up is extremely difficult in eastern Belarus while it is very possible in western Belarus.Also most girls are receptive in clubs in eastern Belarus if you buy them drinks.If they are interested in banging you they usually ask for a present(usually worth 50 euro).

If you don't get your bang, what's the chances of getting the gift back?!

Provincial Belarus: Data Sheet

Quote: (03-10-2012 03:51 AM)Deb Auchery Wrote:  

Quote: (03-10-2012 01:15 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

I largely agree with the above although the OP clearly plays the local game(mixed groups you buy drinks and food for everyone) which personally I did not like.Some Belorussian girls even invited me to this place next to the river to buy beer for their parents.
As I also have written street pick up is extremely difficult in eastern Belarus while it is very possible in western Belarus.Also most girls are receptive in clubs in eastern Belarus if you buy them drinks.If they are interested in banging you they usually ask for a present(usually worth 50 euro).

If you don't get your bang, what's the chances of getting the gift back?!

Belarussian girls keep their promises.There is no way you will lose your gift.

Provincial Belarus: Data Sheet

Quote: (03-10-2012 03:40 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

That is only partially correct. When I do my Oscar opener I ONLY approach male sets not mixed. I don't want to in any way give them the idea I'm after local women hence I don't even talk about women. I drop about $40 in a night on alcohol and it pays me back ten times over during the following days. I do not buy them dinner.

After that when I have invited a girl out then yes I will buy her drinks for the evening or food if we eat out. It's the way it works over there. You invite someone out you pay. I never spend an evening paying for a mixed sets night out. There is no need.

The only guy I will

Again I do not get your method.When the Belarussian guys introduce to you their female friends do you not pay for each one's drink and food?Because this is usually what happens.

Even if you pick up Belarussian girls in the club they will introduce you to their male friends so you have to make to them your contribution as well.(if you accept to play this game).

Provincial Belarus: Data Sheet

I think western Belarus is closer to Poland culturally and girls there are not afraid of foreigners approaching them in the street.In eastern Belarus girls need the relative safety of the club where the foreigner has at least passed face control and has paid to enter the club.Girls feel much more safe there and are much more open to approaches.They also hope for a secondary benefit eg drinks that is why they are reluctant to reject the guy approaching.

The problem with western Belarus is that the cities are rather small(in Brest everything happens in one small central road paved) and one becomes very fast known there you lose anonymity very quickly.

Provincial Belarus: Data Sheet

Quote: (03-10-2012 06:37 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

Again I do not get your method.When the Belarussian guys introduce to you their female friends do you not pay for each one's drink and food?Because this is usually what happens.

Even if you pick up Belarussian girls in the club they will introduce you to their male friends so you have to make to them your contribution as well.(if you accept to play this game).

No, why would it ever be necessary to pay for a guy's food? I don't get what you mean. When they introduce me to their friends it will be at an apartment,in the park,out on the streets etc. just like it would be in my own country. Otherwise it would be a total piss take: "come and meet my mate in a restaurant and buy us a meal" Fuck that shit. I think that happens when you are meeting people who are trying to take the piss and personally I have not so far had people try to do that to me. I have probably been lucky by the sound of it.

Regarding your second paragraph about club pick up: That is not a game I recognise to be honest. If I meet a girl in a club I tend not to by her a drink ( If I invited her there then yes I do,absolutely and without resenting it ). If I meet a girl in a club and she says come and meet my male friends I go over and say hi but I tend to find in that part of the world people want to buy me drinks and not vice versa.

As for the "give me 50 Euro" comment,never had that either to be honest.

Provincial Belarus: Data Sheet

Quote: (03-10-2012 06:46 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

I think western Belarus is closer to Poland culturally and girls there are not afraid of foreigners approaching them in the street.In eastern Belarus girls need the relative safety of the club where the foreigner has at least passed face control and has paid to enter the club.Girls feel much more safe there and are much more open to approaches.They also hope for a secondary benefit eg drinks that is why they are reluctant to reject the guy approaching.

The problem with western Belarus is that the cities are rather small(in Brest everything happens in one small central road paved) and one becomes very fast known there you lose anonymity very quickly.

Interesting thoughts.

What did you think of Brest? I had a few hours there once and thought it had a lot of potential. Was thinking of spending some time there. Worth it?

Provincial Belarus: Data Sheet

[Image: gift1.jpg]

Great info Vorkuta, probably not many forum members would choose to go down that road. I for one am tempted, but unfortunately have other duties in my life that I can't forsake.

Provincial Belarus: Data Sheet

Id love to just take a trip to a local town or 3rd tier city in FSU. But as a latin lover I´m sure i would not get that warm of a reception. They would probably think Im a turk or arab trying to defile their women, even if I pull an Oscar Schindler. So for us, non whities, we will have to stick to the bigger cities and ,of course, have some russian skills before we solo dolo. Makes me want to go there ASAP though. The women seem unique and unlike any other part of the world. As much as Im banging like a champ in Asia now, Im jealous of all you guys who are over there, in the FSU.

Provincial Belarus: Data Sheet

And as far as Roosh being in E Europe and FSU, he looks, IMO, way more Spanish or Italian than a Turk or Arab. And that is what, he has said, most people think he is over there. Only his beard might make one think otherwise.

Provincial Belarus: Data Sheet

I think our experiences differ a bit.My sense was that when you meet Belarussian girls they like to introduce you to their friends(male and female) or relatives they usually gather in open places(next to rivers,parks) drinking and eating but you have to buy meal and drinks for all at least one time.(it is not sth expensive for a group of 10 it can be about 25 euro).Then the girls tell you if they are interested or not.(in my case in Vitebsk they told me I could fuck everyone of them except one girl who was engaged-her pussy was shown by side because she wore a very loose bikini near the river by the way).

Internet girls are a problem sometimes due to logistics issues.Some do not like to come to hotel if you stay in a provincial city in order not to be stigmatized.They also do not have their own apartments but stay with parents so the situation can be tricky due to bad logistics.This is not the case in Minsk where girls can visit you in apartment because it is big and anonymous city.

My opinion about Brest is that it has a lot of potential also the cities next to Brest do.the problem as I wrote before in Brest is that it is very small imagine road with cafes and restaurants and that is all.Everything takes place in this road and in the bus stations next to it.Vitebsk has many more inhabitants relatively.Girls in Brest are extremely friendly I could pick them up just by walking next to them but you need to stay a bit to have results.Overall I think cities like Vitebsk,Mogilev,Gomel are better choices especially thanks to the very good nightlife.

Again my opinion is that Ukraine is better if you hit the right city.The top cities in Ukraine are better than the top cities in Belarus and Kiev is better than Minsk.However Belarus remains an interesting country especially since the collapse of Belarussian ruble.

Appearance of girls is much better in Minsk and eastern Belarus I am not sure why.In my opinion Belarussian appearance average for both guys and girls is superior to Ukrainian average but I attribute it mostly to the malnutrished state of many people in Ukraine.Also that many beautiful Ukrainian girls have abandoned the country(total number of immigrants since 1992 is 2 millions) while Luksashenko has forbiddent he emigration of Belarussian women calling them ''national treasure".

Provincial Belarus: Data Sheet


Do not expect that as a foreigner in the backwaters you will in any way have women of quality throwing themselves at you. To bang out there you must bring some game to the table. ( this forum is very clued up on the whole ) have this romantic image of walking into town in their Gucci loafers and snagging a 10 due to the poverty. It might happen but it probably won't. It is surprising how totally uninterested in a rare foreigner they are considering he may be seen as a way out.

Yuuuuup. I would estimate 33% of girls in my Industrial Shithole city wouldn't consider a foreigner regardless of his look or money. That's off the beat. And the girls that would consider it aren't necessary easy. It's really annoying when haters say a guy travels to get easy puss when it's actually significantly harder than American skanks.

Wearing suits in the club is a great way to get some looks, but girls, no matter how poor, will NOT flock to you. You'll get maybe 3 extra eye contacts. You still have to work.


I think mamba is a great tool and can reap great results but I don't often use it. The reason why not is I love the uncertainty of arriving in a town and not knowing what will happen,that is what I keep going back for,to challenge myself. I love arriving in an nondescript town in the FSU backwaters where I do not know a soul,where the people look unwelcoming and then over the course of a few days using my guile and wit to get past that and end up in bed with a good looking girl.

Great mindset.

This is one of the best data sheets I read because of it's insight. How it's like to bang provincial girls sounds like how banging was before internet, cell phones, and clubs... lots of social networking.

[Image: gift3.jpg]

Provincial Belarus: Data Sheet

Actually before the internet it was extremely easy.You will never understand these times it was the golden time.Unfortunately it all ended about 2003.

For example I remember how I discovered provincial Ukraine by luck.I had some contacts in Czech Republic and 10 days of vaccation.After spending one day in Benesov,one day in Chomutov and seeing how difficult things had started to become in CR I disregarded a proposition by two model looking girls to visit them in Plzen and headed to Bratislava instead.There I discovered night stands were not possible anymore.(I came on Saturday noon and hit the clubs in the night.So I headed to Kosice which is 5 hours of Bratislava to the east.After discovering there a frustrating situation I decided to enter Ukraine from the West.I had only 5 days left.

So I took the horrible bus to Uzghorod.In the bus station I kissed a Slovak girl under the surprised eyes of an English guy who also travelled to Ukraine.In Uzghorod I made a quick estimation having two hours to decide if the place was good to stay or notI decided to stay and this proved a mistake.The city was too small with very few targets.So next day I took the train to Lvov.

Then there was the Apocalypse.In 4 days I had got 4 girlfriends who I met in clubs and on he street and in the last day I had one girl naked drunk locked in my hotel room while I was dating two gorgeous cousins 1.83 cm each and later had date with another girl.

These were the times.You fell like a camikaze on a place and everything was possible.

The difference with most travellers is that I do not leave a minute lost I continuously search for targets everywhere from the time the plane takes off.I find it inconceivable to not approach at least 30 girls per day in a new city and all good looking girls in club in night.

This can be exhausting since you need to walk long hours.One needs to be disciplined and be a ruthless hunter of pussy.The surprises one gets in slavic countries exceed every possible imagination I remember entering the room with one girl in the morning and another girl leaving it next day in the morning.A lot of crazy situations happen you lose control.

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