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To Have Or Not To Have Kids?

To Have Or Not To Have Kids?

I was reading the other thread on "Should Men Have Kids When Younger" when I
saw the following comment by Glaucon:


Glaucon Wrote:
Kids are the #1 cause of poverty.

First of all, I'm not picking on you Glaucon at all, quiet the opposite!

I found that comment very interesting and I thought I'd share my thoughts on that from a different perspective based on my extensive travels around the world and having been raised in a traditional family while living in so called progressive countries most of my life.

I can see how having kids can be linked to poverty at least to those in the lower income earning brackets in the Western world. However, in most of other cultures outside of the western world, kids are considered as assets and investments. Kids are viewed as a retirement vehicle since they are expected to take care of their elderly parents who are no longer able to work to support themselves in their golden age. I can speak of that from a first hand experience as I am from such a culture.

A very popular comparison to having kids in these cultures is that of planting a tree. You plant a tree in order to enjoy from it, whether it be to relax under its shade when it's hot or from the fruits it will bear for the rest of your life and when you need it the most, in your golden age. Exactly how having kids has been viewed in much of the world since the dawn of humanity. And still is largely outside of the western world.

Is that right or fair? I don't know nor do I care. However, what's the alternative to that approach? In the progressive western world, you would work all your life, save for your retirement, your self entitled and spoilt rotten kids would be out of the house as soon as they can and you'd be pretty much left to rot alone in some retirement home. That is provided you've beaten the very high odds against you of escaping being raped in court by a divorce or frivorce as the new term is and you've still got some money left and your kids haven't been turned against you by their disgruntled and greedy, lazy mother.

I don't know about you, but I'd much rather be taken care of by own loving family and kids in the good old fashion traditional way than being alone, broke and treated as dirt in a retirement home. Yes I'm very traditional but if there's anything we can learn from the myriads of examples of how good, honest men are being fucked over by the women in their lives and the system, is that being a "progressive" may not be as healthy and sane as they appear or they'd want you to believe to be. It's not a fluke that it's tradition that has made the world function since the beginning of Time.

I don't see anything wrong with having kids. I may well have my own with the right woman. But choose your location very carefully. In the western world, it can be a very expensive thing, both in terms of time and cost. A recent study revealed that the cost of raising a kid from the time he/she is born till he/she graduates from college can be anywhere from 500K to 750K. This figure is mainly for North America. Quite a staggering figure!

In other parts of the world, it can be drastically lower than that, not to mention, more fulfilling since your chances of finding a real feminine woman who not only knows but embraces with open arms what it means to be a woman are infinitely higher than in the feminist infested Western world and even more so in North America. Add to that the fact that laws are more favourable or at least more saner than in NA, that makes the whole experience of parenthood and fatherhood a much more appealing and fulfilling endeavour than in the Western Anglosphere world where you and I as a man, have less rights than animals. Literally.

The old adage holds true here: "Location, Location, Location". Select the right country with sane laws and healthy gender roles that follow the order of Mother Nature, not that of some brainwashed insane feminists and or progressive faggots and beta hipsters where the government and laws modus operandi in general is to fuck over the men in favour of the women as in the so called progressive western world.

In a few years, I personally am looking forward to having my own kids and to raise them the way I see fit, that is boys to be very manly even macho and girls to be girly and uber feminine with a traditional woman in a traditional environment. It sure as hell won't be with a western woman nor in the Anglosphere!

While I do enjoy Latinas and Latin America, and we all in here know that Russians and Eastern European women are not only some of THE most beautiful in the world but also very smart and brainy. However, my gut feeling is that Asia would be a much better overall destination for such a goal as it has all the required ingredients under one roof so to speak: traditional environment, sane laws, healthy relationships between the sexes, high quality of life and low cost of living, abundance and ease of attainability of high quality of beautiful, sweet, kind, caring, loving, feminine, slim and traditional women with high morals and good values not to mention warm weather year round.

All in all, having kids with the wrong woman and or in the wrong location can surely lead to not only poverty but also ruining you financially, emotionally and mentally. However, the opposite is also very true. Building a family with a caring, loving, sweet, feminine woman in a sane environment can be extremely fulfilling and enjoyable. So proceed with caution guys and be wary of your environment.

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