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Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - TheSlayer - 05-19-2013

Can somebody help my with what's happening to Theon? The guy who is being repeatedly tortured by some other guy who we don't know? Last thing I remember from Season 2 was that Theon's own men knocked him out so they could travel back home and now we are close to finishing this season and I still don't know who is torturing him and how did Theon even end there when he was with his own men in season 2?

I like GOT but I sometimes the show doesn't explain little things that probably only the book readers know.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - AlbertoDelMuerto - 05-19-2013

Are you requesting for spoilers? If so then wiki is your friend.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - TheSlayer - 05-19-2013

Quote: (05-19-2013 08:03 PM)AlbertoDelMuerto Wrote:  

Are you requesting for spoilers? If so then wiki is your friend.

Not for spoilers per se, just not sure if I missed on any subtle hints or if something else was indicated last season or this season? So right now, we are not supposed to know at all who is torturing him and how he ended there since he was with his own soldiers last season?

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - GenJx - 05-19-2013

Quote: (05-19-2013 08:11 PM)TheSlayer Wrote:  

So right now, we are not supposed to know at all who is torturing him and how he ended there since he was with his own soldiers last season?

i think so theyre building up the suspense. itd be lame to keep the torture thing going for so long if we knew the reason it was happening

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - AlbertoDelMuerto - 05-19-2013

Yea they're building it up for the Season finale. I heard the original plan was to break book 3 into 2 seasons, I'm not sure if that's gonna happen though.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Vronsky - 05-19-2013

You know a show is great when even minor characters are arrest the viewer's attention. Jaquen Hagar and his mysterious background, including his way of referencing himself in the third person. The woman who caused Khal Drogo to die - as much as Khal Drogo was a favourite character, her rationale was understandable. Even the slaver from Astapor, who was Dracarys'ed into oblivion. His shocked reaction to Daenery's ability to speak Valyrian, in light of all the insults he was throwing her way, felt very realistic. Not only is the writing, or rather, the adaptation, super sharp but whoever the casting agents are, they better get paid as they are picking actors who manage to really inhabit their characters and do great justice to the material.

Having said that, my favouites are Twyin Lannister ( he would be most capable King of Westeros) and Tyrion. From the women, Maregery Tyrell and her grandmother are close seconds as both are very shrewd and manipulative, but without being cruel. It was interesting how both Grandma Tyrell and Twyin Lannister didn't play too much court games with another, and laid out their cards on the table one by one in their negotiations. Tyrion, on the other hand, came off worse for wear in HIS negotiations with Grandma Tyrell. Grandma Tyrell has crone power.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - AlbertoDelMuerto - 05-19-2013

That was a great episode! The Suns Captain is awesome, he says to Khaleesi "Show me your cunt, I wanna know if it's worth fighting for"

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - GenJx - 05-20-2013

a lot of guys trying to get into khaleesi's pants. you have to risk your life and behead a couple kingpins just to get in the running. makes dc/toronto look like a pussy paradise in comparison

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Vicious - 05-20-2013

Some of the more competent male players are side characters like Brynden "Blackfish" Tully, Jorah Mormont and Ser Davos. These guys clean up in the books but their importance are not as obvious on TV.

Jon Snow is also about to gain his balls.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Innuendo - 05-21-2013

biggest alpha of the series = Robert Baratheon

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Scott - 05-21-2013

Daario Naharis is pretty much the definition of a man who goes his own way.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Jaylow - 05-21-2013

You guys are insane to think season 3 is the worse of the 3. I think this is the best written season by far. The last episode (Tyrion getting married) had a bunch of little moments that had me bursting out laughing. If you want nonstop action and shit being blown up then watch 90% of those garbage American movies. GoT is about character development and having a gradual build up to very large events. HBO is amazing for this, its the only TV I watch.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - eradicator - 05-21-2013

Quote: (05-21-2013 07:17 PM)Jaylow Wrote:  

You guys are insane to think season 3 is the worse of the 3. I think this is the best written season by far. The last episode (Tyrion getting married) had a bunch of little moments that had me bursting out laughing. If you want nonstop action and shit being blown up then watch 90% of those garbage American movies. GoT is about character development and having a gradual build up to very large events. HBO is amazing for this, its the only TV I watch.

Even moreso, I would say it is about political cunning and telling a convoluted storyline with many characters in a way that is easy to follow and makes sense.

While characters like Cedric Clegain, Jonn snow, Jaimie Lannister, Big Brienne, and Stannis Baratheon are fun for their bad assery, the characters that put everything in motion (Littlefinger, Tywin Lannister, Queen of Thorns, Tyrion) are ultimately more compelling and fun to watch and read about(for me at least).

(spoilers from last night's episode)
Just curious, was I the only one really super pissed at Samwell for not picking up the dragonglass dagger after using it to kill the white walker in the last episode?

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - eradicator - 05-21-2013

Quote: (05-21-2013 06:42 PM)Scott Wrote:  

Daario Naharis is pretty much the definition of a man who goes his own way.

Jak'n H'ghar, Bronn, Khal Drogo all do the same.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - le prince perdu - 05-21-2013

Quote: (05-19-2013 08:13 PM)GenJx Wrote:  

Quote: (05-19-2013 08:11 PM)TheSlayer Wrote:  

So right now, we are not supposed to know at all who is torturing him and how he ended there since he was with his own soldiers last season?

i think so theyre building up the suspense. itd be lame to keep the torture thing going for so long if we knew the reason it was happening

That's probably going to be part of the last episode coming up, I'm really wondering who is torturing him.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - the chef - 05-21-2013

this season blows

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Jaylow - 05-21-2013

Quote: (05-21-2013 07:52 PM)master_thespian Wrote:  

(spoilers from last night's episode)
Just curious, was I the only one really super pissed at Samwell for not picking up the dragonglass dagger after using it to kill the white walker in the last episode?

Hah. Ya I was thinking "dude you dropped your uber loot".

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Gmac - 05-21-2013

Quote: (05-21-2013 09:47 PM)Jaylow Wrote:  

Quote: (05-21-2013 07:52 PM)master_thespian Wrote:  

(spoilers from last night's episode)
Just curious, was I the only one really super pissed at Samwell for not picking up the dragonglass dagger after using it to kill the white walker in the last episode?

Hah. Ya I was thinking "dude you dropped your uber loot".

Yes. That guy is is a retard on too many levels though, not surprised. Go raise the inbred daughter's son!

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - GenJx - 05-21-2013

who do you want to get offed the most? i vote for fat omega

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Jaylow - 05-21-2013

Quote: (05-21-2013 09:51 PM)Gmac Wrote:  

Yes. That guy is is a retard on too many levels though, not surprised. Go raise the inbred daughter's son!

Hes the biggest beta on the show by far. He falls in love with the first girl who gives him attention, can't build a fire, gives her gifts etc. He actually reminds me of Jar Jar Binks. Great writing except they have this retard somehow kill an almost impossible to kill monster for cuteness factor. I actually thought the ice dude he killed was the king of the white walkers but I never read the books and do not want to read any spoilers.

For people saying this season sucks, its not even over yet. There will surely be events that tie everything together. I thought season 2's ending was garbage. The wizard gets the Kaleesi in his tower and somehow forgets that her dragons can breath fire? Ok.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - AlbertoDelMuerto - 05-21-2013

Quote: (05-21-2013 09:55 PM)GenJx Wrote:  

who do you want to get offed the most? i vote for fat omega

Khaleesi! But Fatso's a close second.

Jaylow, remember episode 9 "Blackwater battle", I'm sure you think it's a classic as well. Thus far, this season had so little to offer, they wasted too much time on Sansa and Khaleesi.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - GenJx - 05-21-2013

khaleesi is a bitch but i dont mind her big titties bouncing around the screen every now and then. joffrey is a bitch also but he creates good drama. fatty is just annoying

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Jaylow - 05-21-2013

Quote: (05-21-2013 10:10 PM)AlbertoDelMuerto Wrote:  

Jaylow, remember episode 9 "Blackwater battle", I'm sure you think it's a classic as well. Thus far, this season had so little to offer, they wasted too much time on Sansa and Khaleesi.

I liked the Blackwater battle. That should have been the climatic ending to season 2.

You can't really waste time on Khaleesi since she controls those dragons and is the main character in the show. They are showing her (I am assuming, I never read the books) rise to power and how someone that started with nothing worked her way up to be the biggest threat in the world. I find it fascinating. Would it be that much better if they just skipped everything and had fully grown dragons burning the fuck out of everything?

It was clever how they slowly revealed how Sansa was the key to the North and the politics behind acquiring an innocent 14 year old girl. Again, GoT isn't just about dragons and blowing shit up. There was a lot of political maneuvering this season just for a harmless little girl. Again, I found this to be quite fascinating and well written.

To the people saying season 3 is bad, what exactly is your specific complaint about it?

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - eradicator - 05-22-2013

Quote: (05-21-2013 10:43 PM)Jaylow Wrote:  

Quote: (05-21-2013 10:10 PM)AlbertoDelMuerto Wrote:  

Jaylow, remember episode 9 "Blackwater battle", I'm sure you think it's a classic as well. Thus far, this season had so little to offer, they wasted too much time on Sansa and Khaleesi.

I liked the Blackwater battle. That should have been the climatic ending to season 2.

You can't really waste time on Khaleesi since she controls those dragons and is the main character in the show. They are showing her (I am assuming, I never read the books) rise to power and how someone that started with nothing worked her way up to be the biggest threat in the world. I find it fascinating. Would it be that much better if they just skipped everything and had fully grown dragons burning the fuck out of everything?

Well the book series isn't finished yet, but at the end of the first book(when they hatched the dragons), I pretty much realized how the series HAS to end: Khaleesi raises the dragons to spearhead an invincible army to fight the white walker's army. All of the northerners kept saying "winter is coming." Three full grown dragons could probably wipe out a chunk of the white walker army just on their own with their dragonfire. Almost seems too easy.

The other option, is that she somehow teams up with Stannis (his island is the only island that can make more dragonglass, one of the few weapons that can damage a white walker).

So Khaleesi could technically die without retaking the iron throne. It would be a twist, to be sure. But she is already appears to be written to be infallible and unbeatable and destined to rule the seven kingdoms- look at our other options:

Joffrey(completely inept both politically and militarily)

Stannis(while he has the strongest claim since Robert Baratheon's kids are all Jaimie Lannister's bastards, he would be next in line as Robert's elder brother. He is a bad ass in the military, he seems to be socially clueless. This is somewhat made up for by his hand, Davros, being one of the most astute and shrewd characters in the series. Stannis also worships the fire god that can bring back the dead and give birth to demons(like the one that killed Renly)

Khaleesi- is a self made monarch, constantly doing the right thing(fights slavers) and makes gutsy decisions(taking over the unsullied army) that are spot on when she is perpetually underestimated. She also possesses dragon blood and controls dragons that could be used to fight the growing threat in the north from white walkers. Her father was the mad king, but she doesn't seem to show any defects of the generations of inbreeding.

Renly Baratheon(dead) Would have been a good choice really, had he not been killed by the fire demon spawned from Stannis and melisandre. Charismatic, and a natural leader and politically competent. While he couldn't fight, he drew loyalty from great fighters like Brienne and Loras Tyrell. He had even made sure to marry Margery Tyrell and ally with her family.

I wouldn't mind seeing someone like Tyrion or even Littlefinger on the throne, but while they certainly know how to play the political game, they might not be strong enough as a figurehead.(they would be seen as weak and unworthy and the kingdom would be constantly at war while they were on the throne. Also, they don't really have any claim to the throne.)


It was clever how they slowly revealed how Sansa was the key to the North and the politics behind acquiring an innocent 14 year old girl. Again, GoT isn't just about dragons and blowing shit up. There was a lot of political maneuvering this season just for a harmless little girl. Again, I found this to be quite fascinating and well written.

To the people saying season 3 is bad, what exactly is your specific complaint about it?

Season 3 isn't even over yet, and they may yet make some changes from the books. I assume the complaint so far for season 3 is that there isn't enough action- all of this is building towards a huge ending for the season(I won't spoil anything, but all I can say is that you won't be disappointed and there will be no lack of bloodshed)

Anyone watch Game of Thrones? - Handsome Creepy Eel - 05-22-2013

They said that they wanted to split book 3 into two seasons (3 and 4), but the plot has been advancing fast. I think they gave up on that plan and decided to do entire book 3 in one season, after all*. This is good. The ending will be very interesting when it is condensed like this. I can't wait for the last two episodes!

* (speculation) = their timeline probably shifts depending on how fast George R. R. Martin feels that he can write the remaining books (6 and 7) in the series. They didn't want to overrun the books, so they split book 3 into seasons 3 and 4, but then midway through the filming, GRRM felt that his book 6 would be finished faster than anticipated and told them to not do the split after all.