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Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - Aliblahba - 04-16-2013

Quote: (04-16-2013 05:49 AM)Teedub Wrote:  

Quote: (04-16-2013 05:46 AM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

I could give a rat's ass about lives in the ME. My purpose there wasn't to help those godless sinners, but keep American service members alive. Allah is in charge of that world, Ali takes care of his own. But keep chicken hawking all you want. Go cry to all the dead. I'll call the Waaaambalance when you need it.

So you don't care even when innocent civilians die? Like kids and stuff? That's just cruel.

No Teedub. I've had to walk though the carnage from a VBIED, where a local blew up his own kind. You know what it's like to step over the fingers of an infant that was vaporized from an explosion? You break or become numb. Fuck those people over there. Here is a different story. Cry me a river over starving pigmies in Ghana. And Teedub, no human is innocent. You sound like a bleeding heart feminist.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - Teedub - 04-16-2013

Quote: (04-16-2013 05:57 AM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Quote: (04-16-2013 05:49 AM)Teedub Wrote:  

Quote: (04-16-2013 05:46 AM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

I could give a rat's ass about lives in the ME. My purpose there wasn't to help those godless sinners, but keep American service members alive. Allah is in charge of that world, Ali takes care of his own. But keep chicken hawking all you want. Go cry to all the dead. I'll call the Waaaambalance when you need it.

So you don't care even when innocent civilians die? Like kids and stuff? That's just cruel.

No Teedub. I've had to walk though the carnage from a VBIED, where a local blew up his own kind. You know what it's like to step over the fingers of an infant that was vaporized from an explosion? You break or become numb. Fuck those people over there. Here is a different story. Cry me a river over starving pigmies in Ghana. And Teedub, no human is innocent. You sound like a bleeding heart feminist.

That's what I mean though, you obviously cared about that kid, otherwise you wouldn't have mentioned it. Obviously, I've never been in a war situation or anything remotely similar, so I'm not claiming to know or understand what you've experienced.

Feeling emotion when seeing dead kids, whatever their nationality doesn't make anyone a "bleeding heart feminist"!

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - POHammer - 04-16-2013

Quote: (04-16-2013 05:46 AM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Quote: (04-16-2013 05:38 AM)POHammer Wrote:  

Quote: (04-16-2013 05:04 AM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 06:40 PM)Firestorm Wrote:  

Bombs go off every day across the middle east: No one gives a shit.
One bomb goes off in the US: The world stops turning in shock.

I feel bad for those who got killed, but not any more than anyone else out there.

I'm sorry lil fellow. Maybe the next one can go off in the U.K. so you can feel like a victim. I've read some pathetic shit on the internet, but your post just about takes the cake.

Quote: (04-16-2013 12:58 AM)lavidaloca Wrote:  

My stomach has been queazy all day after coming across some of the gore pictures on a few forums. I suggest anyone who isn't highly tolerant of graphic material avoid looking despite how curious you are.

Me too. I have partial hearing in one ear due to an IED strike. Those images never get any easier to see. The fact that it happened on US soil makes it worse.

I don't even know what to make of the Brits opinion that post on this thread. Now I know why their country is gone to shit. Sad.

I'm sorry, but do you mean to imply American lives are somehow more valuable than MiddleEasterner's lives?

Bombings are bad and we should work to end all of them. So far 2 people died in this attack, but much larger amounts die in other countries all the time.

The fact that it happened is bad. It doesn't matter what soil it happened on.

My sympathies go out to all the people injured and their family in Boston...but my sympathy for the dozen people killed in an Iraq bombing last week is equal. Innocent people shouldn't die, no matter the country.

I could give a rat's ass about lives in the ME. My purpose there wasn't to help those godless sinners, but keep American service members alive. Allah is in charge of that world, Ali takes care of his own. But keep chicken hawking all you want. Go cry to all the dead. I'll call the Waaaambalance when you need it.

If I had fought in a war, I very well might also hate Middle Easterners.

But I didn't. Most people are civilians and won't understand.

You go around saying stuff like that and most people in today's America will just write you off.

If you want to be heard you need to change the way you say things so people can understand your point.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - reino341 - 04-16-2013

I see no reason why I should start feeling miserable over some incident that happened to strangers on the other side of the world. I can't blame you if it makes you feel bad, it's pretty unfortunate, but I can't relate at all.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - Aliblahba - 04-16-2013

I take care of my own. Fuck the rest and I'm not trying to be heard. For example:

If Fisto PM'd me RIGHT NOW.

Fisto: Ali, I'm in trouble.
Me: Hold on. Divorco, keep an eye on my shit and take me to the airport.
Divorco: Aight. Here's some travel money. Bring Fisto back home.
Emech: You guys are fucking retarded.

I'd fly to Jakarta to bring him home. He's earned it. Not some starving kid in Africa. Not some bleeding heart liberal that went to Burma. Fuck those assholes. We take care of our own. Semper Fi!

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - POHammer - 04-16-2013

Quote: (04-16-2013 06:40 AM)reino341 Wrote:  

I see no reason why I should start feeling miserable over some incident that happened to strangers on the other side of the world. I can't blame you if it makes you feel bad, it's pretty unfortunate, but I can't relate at all.

Do you live in Boston? By your logic, Why should you care about what happens to people in Boston when they're hundreds of miles away.

Do You realize that you are on a travel oriented forum where most people dislike America so much that they left it to never return?

Roosh hasn't been living in the USA for years now...years.

I'm just sayin...

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - Vicious - 04-16-2013

Lay off Ali. He's having a completely understandable emotional reaction to a senseless act. While his talk might be bluster it's equally offensive to start armchair preaching about restraint and understanding when people are still struggling for their lives. Give it a week to let things settle a tad.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - ElBorrachoInfamoso - 04-16-2013

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:44 PM)sucio44 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:18 PM)ElBorrachoInfamoso Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:09 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:04 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

It is impressive than the bomber was able to pull this off in America today. It has to be someone with extensive training

Not really. The veneer of added security hasn't resulted in any real improvement in safety, just an apparatus for social control when it's convenient.


I fly almost every week, and I'm sure I could sneak something horrible past the TSA. On America's streets, where TSA agents with 2-digit IQs aren't x-raying your bags and taking pictures of your genitals, it's easy to plant a bomb.

As a former TSA screener, I'm a bit offended. I knew someone would bring up the TSA after this incident. Look, there are a few knucklehead screeners but most are pretty solid consisting of former military and police/corrections officers. I'm not saying the screening process couldn't be better but the people I worked with really took their job seriously.

You're offended that I called TSA agents dumb. How do you think innocent travelers feel when TSA agents take naked pictures of them or molest them when they opt out of the pornoscanners?

Let's make a deal, I stop calling you dumb and you stop touching my cock.

Just because TSA agents take their jobs seriously doesn't mean they're doing a good job and it certainly doesn't mean they aren't instruments of tyranny.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - kosko - 04-16-2013

Al Queda is dead. How can anybody expect them to say they did this the USA I actively supporting them in North Africa an Syria.

This is exactly why the gag of Al Qeuda was put on the media. Barley anybody heavy handedly mentioned it last night. The meme of it being terror... Yes. But try to think whom heavy handedly made an assertion it was Al Queda.

This person will emerge as a White cornbread apple pie looking American slightly heavy set with blue eyes.

The Arab meme is dead. Obama has lost credibility with Al Queda since Hillary when heading the SD actively kept alliances with them.

Al Queda never truly existed, It was always a mythical creation. These grade of bomb was hold made and not used with military grade stuff like typical "Al Queda" bombs. This was basement shit and will be an American whom emerges.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - dragnet - 04-16-2013

Quote: (04-16-2013 07:52 AM)kosko Wrote:  

This was basement shit and will be an American whom emerges.

You are balls-deep in the fever swamps dude...but I agree with this last line. This was my first instinct: that this is some far-right, domestic terrorist type of shit. When it was first reported that they had a Saudi in custody and I looked and it was only NYPost and FoxNews reporting that shit, I immediately became skeptical of the Arab/Muslim angle and now it turns out that guy was a completely innocent bystander.

Could be anyone, including Muslim extremists, but I still have a hunch it's a fellow American. Time will tell.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - Tex Pro - 04-16-2013

I was watching NBC news last night and they had a bomb expert say that the bombing looks like it was carried out with pipe bombs equiped with cellphone detonators. This shit is too simple to be Muslim terrorists. Add to this the fact that some of the additional devices failed to go off, and it looks like it is home-grown dissident shit. Probably a beta male mad at the government.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - Frontenac - 04-16-2013

I had always wondered why people stand around and take photos of these things, then post them online. It's sickening. Firstly, instead of asking someone if they need help, they just snap pictures of them. And worst of all, they put them on their Facebook with the ultimate goal being to have more attention from other people. I'm glad some others like Matt C and Bojangles see this too. In another time, people would either run or stay and help somehow. But today, even in the midst of tragedy these people are still thinking about how they can make the most of it for themselves.
For someone to take a picture of a person in clear distress and in their most vulnerable state for the single purpose of posting it so people can see in on their Twitter is sickening and wrong.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - Kingsley Davis - 04-16-2013

Quote: (04-16-2013 01:22 AM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

In other (lighter) news, they interviewed these two people at the scene in one of the online streams. The fatty--who couldn't stop crying--had just "run" the marathon. (The "running fatty" is a phenomenon you see a lot on online-dating sites.)

The crew-cutted dude on the right is actually a chick. [Image: icon_surprised.gif]

They hate us because we have the fattest marathoners in the world. You can count on a yoga panted cow wearing a "I completed the whatever marathon" in DC everyday.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - Sourcecode - 04-16-2013

When you have a camera and look through the lense of a camera. You are no longer in front of the person. You are behind a camera in a different world.
Many fotographers get fucked up because the keep their eye on the target and walk closer..forgetting there is a zoom button. That's why animal planet always has scenes of animals striking the camera.

It's not a blind spot in the human brain that doesn't tell us that we are actually there.
Technically...few people could even render aid to a person with his legs blown off. All you can do is document.
The guy that took the picture of the starving kids with a vulture sitting near it actually killed himself from depression. He knew he couldn't do anything about the situation. Attempting to help might have caused death to be more painful. He couldn't deal with the backlash of having been awarded for showing such a odd scene.

In military training terms. You are taught not to run and help.
If someone gets his by an ied. You don't run to help. You secure yourself first. Figure out what happen. Then you render aid...otherwise you might be walking into a trap.
Any smart terrorist knows people are gonna run to help..and that's when they set off the next bomb...

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - speakeasy - 04-16-2013

Quote: (04-16-2013 04:44 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

I wouldn't be surprised if some psychopath did it just for shits and giggles, without wanting to send any particular message. People are deranged nowadays - hateful, yes, but most of all BORED. We've recently had some idiot bombing various spots in Zagreb because he thought it was fun. It's like pyromaniacs, only someone gets hurt.

I wouldn't be surprised either if there was no agenda behind this. Maybe something like the DC beltway sniper.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - dragnet - 04-16-2013

Here is the latest, it seems:


"One thing is clear: The bomber or bombers were not highly skilled. The explosive devices were relatively crude compared with those produced overseas by Al Qaeda or other radical Islamist terrorist groups, RAND Corp. terror expert Brian Jenkins told Los Angeles television. They were much smaller than the powerful truck bomb that Timothy McVeigh used to devastate the federal building in Oklahoma City in April 1995.

In that sense they were analogous to the pipe bombs that killed two and injured 100 in 1996 at Atlanta’s Centennial Park during the Olympics.

The fact that the target was an event of great significance to Boston but not particularly significant to the wider world could indicate that the bomber was a local or at least a native of the United States. The explosions occurred on April 15, tax day, which could be a further indication of a domestic connection."

So this definitely wasn't a sophisticated device manufactured in a bombmaking lab a la Al Qaeda. This shit was done at the house which seems to point to a more domestic connection.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - greensteelhead - 04-16-2013

This is just more speculation by the relentless 24-hour news cycle by people who want to sound relevant.

They don't know shit yet. Obama is saying the same at the press conference happening right now.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - sucio44 - 04-16-2013

Quote: (04-16-2013 07:43 AM)ElBorrachoInfamoso Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:44 PM)sucio44 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:18 PM)ElBorrachoInfamoso Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:09 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:04 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

It is impressive than the bomber was able to pull this off in America today. It has to be someone with extensive training

Not really. The veneer of added security hasn't resulted in any real improvement in safety, just an apparatus for social control when it's convenient.


I fly almost every week, and I'm sure I could sneak something horrible past the TSA. On America's streets, where TSA agents with 2-digit IQs aren't x-raying your bags and taking pictures of your genitals, it's easy to plant a bomb.

As a former TSA screener, I'm a bit offended. I knew someone would bring up the TSA after this incident. Look, there are a few knucklehead screeners but most are pretty solid consisting of former military and police/corrections officers. I'm not saying the screening process couldn't be better but the people I worked with really took their job seriously.

You're offended that I called TSA agents dumb. How do you think innocent travelers feel when TSA agents take naked pictures of them or molest them when they opt out of the pornoscanners?

Let's make a deal, I stop calling you dumb and you stop touching my cock.

Just because TSA agents take their jobs seriously doesn't mean they're doing a good job and it certainly doesn't mean they aren't instruments of tyranny.

I was an Instrument of Tyranny!

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - cardguy - 04-16-2013

About Kevin Carter (as mentioned above).

The Manic Street Preachers (the most respected band in the UK along with Radiohead) did a song about him. He is the guy who took the following Pulitzer prize winning photograph. A year after the photograph was taken - he won the Pulitzer prize. And a few months later - he commited suicide. He was a complex guy who battled many demons. So - it is hard to say how much the criticism he got for the photograph played a part in his death.

[Image: kevin-carter-vulture.jpg]


He would later say he waited about 20 minutes, hoping the vulture would spread its wings. It did not, and after he took his photographs, he chased the bird away and watched as the little girl resumed her struggle.

Anyway - here is the song by the Manic Street Preachers. It is my favourite song by them:

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - BIGBOY - 04-16-2013

Quote: (04-16-2013 06:41 AM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

I take care of my own. Fuck the rest and I'm not trying to be heard. For example:

If Fisto PM'd me RIGHT NOW.

Fisto: Ali, I'm in trouble.
Me: Hold on. Divorco, keep an eye on my shit and take me to the airport.
Divorco: Aight. Here's some travel money. Bring Fisto back home.
Emech: You guys are fucking retarded.

I'd fly to Jakarta to bring him home. He's earned it. Not some starving kid in Africa. Not some bleeding heart liberal that went to Burma. Fuck those assholes. We take care of our own. Semper Fi!

How does an African being born into unfortunate circumstances by no fault of their own or someone from a Western country who wants to help them an "asshole"?

Someone that just happened to be born in 'Murica deserves to be alive more than someone in any other part of the world?

You calling people "bleeding hearts", "liberals", "feminists" , etc doesn't bolster your "fuck those arabs and africans, USA USA" argument at all.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - kosko - 04-16-2013

Quote: (04-16-2013 10:30 AM)dragnet Wrote:  

Here is the latest, it seems:


"One thing is clear: The bomber or bombers were not highly skilled. The explosive devices were relatively crude compared with those produced overseas by Al Qaeda or other radical Islamist terrorist groups, RAND Corp. terror expert Brian Jenkins told Los Angeles television. They were much smaller than the powerful truck bomb that Timothy McVeigh used to devastate the federal building in Oklahoma City in April 1995.

In that sense they were analogous to the pipe bombs that killed two and injured 100 in 1996 at Atlanta’s Centennial Park during the Olympics.

The fact that the target was an event of great significance to Boston but not particularly significant to the wider world could indicate that the bomber was a local or at least a native of the United States. The explosions occurred on April 15, tax day, which could be a further indication of a domestic connection."

So this definitely wasn't a sophisticated device manufactured in a bombmaking lab a la Al Qaeda. This shit was done at the house which seems to point to a more domestic connection.

You can tell by the smoke. Legit bombs have a blast of dark or black smokes from chemical or organic matter like fertilizer being blown up. We are so used to seeing military grade stuff that its so abnormal to see a shitty basement tomato can bomb go off. The dudes in the past the FBI would routinely set-up with bombs and then bust always had bombs with some type of military or high-end grade materials. America has been fed so much BS with terror that now when a real issue emerges its completely dumbfounded. Officials, the press, the people, all are dumbfounded on this because none of it fits the fake narrative they have been feeding to the masses, or have been consuming.

Here is the kicker... no amount of trillions or limiting of rights can ever truly make you safe. Society breeds safety by the values it establishes not imposes. If somebody in a basement builds a bomb and wants to blow it up he will/can do it.

Here in Canada the CBC talked about that. America bloated up Homeland Security and like any other Government Agency are inept to stop anything. The Govt and Press is scrambling to create a story here because it is looking like literally somebody out smarted them with the most low budget shit you could imagine.

So this should be a lesson. People may criticize me for my off the map views at times but understand that this is what REAL terror looks like - Its dirty and low budget. Its impossible to build a legit bomb in these days, go try and get fertilizer and your not a farmer and your name goes into a database. America is a safe place, but the occasional nut will have their way every now and then but consider in all of this. All of these hype about terror and boogie this was the first "terror" attack done since 1996. You will have arm-chair idiots whom we're career Gov't hacks talk about how there is some science behind why the marathon was picked but its all quite simple.

Its simple that somebody was pissed off with that Status-Quo. Nine times out of ten its over Money (Taxes/Government), Women (The Courts talking half his money in a divorce), or overarching political beef.. again political/establishment.

It took the FBI a year to find the 1996 guy after they wrongfully had some other dude. I expect more of the same, a drawn out investigation with many innocent people being swept up in the hype.

This is why I am saying its a lesson. Al-Queda was front military grade shit because it was/is always has been a Govt proxy. Look now in retrospect how Al-Queda has help advance the Status Quo, and then contrast this to events in which lone individuals try to challenge the Status Quo. Terror by default is using mayhem to challenge an existing order, this is what yesterday represented as somebody, somewhere felt compelled to use violent means to achieve this. I am not condoning what the person did I am simply just trying to frame it and put in perspective for the sake of discussion.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - bacon - 04-16-2013

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - Matt3B - 04-16-2013

The "but there's hundreds of people dying every week in the Middle
East" shouts are pointless in my opinion. A lot of people on this forum are from
America so it's on home soil which is going to make people feel more emotion towards it.

On the flipside, do you think people in the Middle East give a fuck about it happening in America or do their own countries take precedence in their minds?

It naturally comes down to more of a shock seeing it happen in a more advanced civilisation in a built up city in your own country than it does seeing it happen in a town in the desert with no real roads and a setting completely different to what westerners are used to seeing outside of a film. It also sounds bad but it's true that we become very desensitised to seeing these bombings in the Middle East that sadly and frankly westerners don't really care. It's a lot rarer in the west which is why it envokes more of a reaction and emotion.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - soup - 04-16-2013

Quote: (04-16-2013 12:42 PM)MattC Wrote:  

The "but there's hundreds of people dying every week in the Middle
East" shouts are pointless in my opinion. A lot of people on this forum are from
America so it's on home soil which is going to make people feel more emotion towards it.

On the flipside, do you think people in the Middle East give a fuck about it happening in America or do their own countries take precedence in their minds?

It naturally comes down to more of a shock seeing it happen in a more advanced civilisation in a built up city in your own country than it does seeing it happen in a town in the desert with no real roads and a setting completely different to what westerners are used to seeing outside of a film. It also sounds bad but it's true that we become very desensitised to seeing these bombings in the Middle East that sadly and frankly westerners don't really care. It's a lot rarer in the west which is why it envokes more of a reaction and emotion.

Our media is seen by the rest of the world, so yes, people in the Middle East are probably more up our current events then we are theirs.

But, you proving the point. It's about emotions and no logic. Just like a woman, selfish and emotional. America is a woman. It's women are a reflection of it's soul: fat, tattooed, obnoxious, selfish, etc.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St? - Aliblahba - 04-16-2013

Quote: (04-16-2013 10:59 AM)BIGBOY Wrote:  

Quote: (04-16-2013 06:41 AM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

I take care of my own. Fuck the rest and I'm not trying to be heard. For example:

If Fisto PM'd me RIGHT NOW.

Fisto: Ali, I'm in trouble.
Me: Hold on. Divorco, keep an eye on my shit and take me to the airport.
Divorco: Aight. Here's some travel money. Bring Fisto back home.
Emech: You guys are fucking retarded.

I'd fly to Jakarta to bring him home. He's earned it. Not some starving kid in Africa. Not some bleeding heart liberal that went to Burma. Fuck those assholes. We take care of our own. Semper Fi!

How does an African being born into unfortunate circumstances by no fault of their own or someone from a Western country who wants to help them an "asshole"?

Someone that just happened to be born in 'Murica deserves to be alive more than someone in any other part of the world?

You calling people "bleeding hearts", "liberals", "feminists" , etc doesn't bolster your "fuck those arabs and africans, USA USA" argument at all.

First of all, I'm not trying to bolster my argument at all. An argument would imply that I actually care what other people's opinions are in contrast to my own. I'm not to convert anyone to my way of thinking. If I have to persuade someone to think along the same lines as I do, I don't want to associate with them in the first place. I'm simply speaking my mind here. But anyway, how many starving Africans have you helped lately? Contrary to popular belief, all those "likes" you click on Facebook doesn't put food in their mouths. Did you give 15% of your last paycheck to the "Make a wish" fund?
Anyway, I guess what I said might of offended you, and that's ok. I'm not saying that to be a dick, all I'm saying is that just because something offends you, doesn't make you right. Taking offense is not something you can just wear like a suite of armor. I respect the way you feel, but I could give two shits about it.
Use some insight, and you'd realize what I was really trying to say.